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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effect of Social Media on Public Awareness and Extra-Judicial Effects: The Gay Marriage Cases and Litigating for New Rights

Peterson, Sarahfina Aubrey 17 October 2014 (has links)
When the Supreme Court grants new rights, public awareness is a crucial part of enforcement. Gerald N. Rosenberg and Michael J. Klarman famously criticized minority rights organizations for attempting to gain new rights through the judiciary. The crux of their argument relied heavily on the American media's scanty coverage of Court issues and subsequent low public awareness of Court cases. Using the 2013 United States v. Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry rulings as a case study, I suggest that the media environment has changed so much since Rosenberg and Klarman were writing that their theories warrant reconsideration. Minority rights groups now have access to social media, a potentially powerful tool with which to educate the public about the Supreme Court and new rights granted by the Court.

Essays in Applied Microeconomics

Best, Michael Carlos January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays in applied microeconomics.The first chapter investigates the effect of coroner partisanship on COVID-19 death reporting. The politicization of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States has raised questions about the integrity and accuracy of death reporting, particularly in jurisdictions with elected, partisan coroners. Using mortality data from the CDC and manually collected data on county-level death certification systems and coroner party affiliation where applicable, I examine the parallel systems of appointed medical examiners and elected coroners and analyze the effect of partisanship on reported COVID-19 deaths. Cross-sectional comparisons do not seem to suggest counties with coroners report fewer deaths than those with medical examiners, and difference-in-differences specifications reveal limited evidence of a statistically significant but not economically meaningful effect of partisanship on reported COVID death counts. The second chapter examines the effect of new information on lead water pipes on housing prices. In 2016, the Water and Sewer Authority of Washington, DC released an online map that contains information on lead service lines (LSLs) for all properties in the district. Using the release as a natural experiment, I estimate the effect of the new information on prices of properties with and without LSLs. Recent literature has found that housing lead reduction policies such as remediation mandates have significant price effects. In DC, while the map’s release was followed by a marked increase in requests for water lead tests, neither a difference-in-differences model nor a repeat sales model captures a significant divergence between housing prices of the two types of properties after the release, implying the housing market response to the information was limited. The second chapter considers the effect of the marriage tax subsidy on the marriage decision of same-sex couples. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on United States v. Windsor in June 2013 compelled the federal government to recognize state-sanctioned same-sex marriages, including for tax purposes. The switch in the income tax filing status for same-sex couples meant that the marriage penalty or subsidy as a result of joint filing became a relevant factor that may enter couples’ marriage decisions. I construct a sample of married and cohabiting same-sex couples in 2012 and 2014 from public-use data of the American Community Survey. Using a difference-in-differences methodology, I do not find evidence that same-sex couples who would earn a higher marriage subsidy became more likely to marry after the Supreme Court ruling.

A comparative legal analysis of the effects of divorce on marital property

Makola, Thulelo Mmakola 01 1900 (has links)
The movement of people from county to country brought about an increase in international marriages. However, South African private international law rules with regard to the proprietary consequences of marriage are not on par with their foreign counterparts. The prejudicial rule which governs proprietary consequences of marriage has raised difficulties for our courts in past and recent cases. The advent of a new constitutional dispensation in South Africa forbids discrimination based on sex, gender and marital status. Furthermore, the question is asked whether parties to a marriage with a foreign matrimonial domicile may rely on section 7(3) of the Divorce Act 70 of 1979. The classification of redistribution orders in private international law matters has given rise to uncertainty. The objectives of the study are to suggest workable alternatives to the current connecting factor for proprietary consequences of marriage in South African private international law and to investigate the availability of redistribution orders to spouses applying for divorce in South Africa. / Private Law / LL. M.

Cidadania sexual e laicidade : um estudo sobre influência religiosa no Poder Judiciário

Lorea, Roberto Arriada January 2008 (has links)
A presente tese tem por tema a pioneira jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul, relativamente às demandas por reconhecimento de efeitos jurídicos às uniões entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, compreendidas essas demandas como uma luta pela implementação da cidadania sexual, cujo obstáculo político principal na América Latina tem sido a resistência de setores conservadores do campo religioso. Partindo dessa premissa, a qual está evidenciada na literatura, o objeto da pesquisa focou a questão da influência religiosa no enfrentamento jurídico de questões ligadas à cidadania sexual. No intuito de pensar as causas das diferentes interpretações judiciais que conduzem ao reconhecimento (ou não) das uniões gays, foram analisadas decisões do TJRS e entrevistas realizadas com os magistrados que atuam na área do Direito de Família. O estudo buscou identificar as concepções dos magistrados sobre conjugalidade gay, religião e família, tentando identificar as categorias de pensamento que são acionadas pelos magistrados no momento de decidir. Um dos principais achados da pesquisa foi identificar a vinculação entre a rejeição à conjugalidade gay e o emprego de categorias de classificação ligadas à moral sexual cristã manifesta na valoração negativa da homossexualidade. Tal valoração aparece como fundamento subjacente aos argumentos formalmente empregados para justificar um tratamento desigual a gays e lésbicas. / The pioneering jurisprudence of the Rio Grande do Sul Court is analyzed regarding the recognition of juridical consequences of same sex unions. The legal claim for same sex marriage is here understood as part of a pledge for sexual citizenship. The main obstacle for such sexual rights in Latin America has been the resistance of conservative religious sectors. This thesis focuses on examining the religious influence of legal and juridical decisions regarding sexual citizenship. In order to analyze the factors related to the diversity of judicial interpretations leading the recognition (or not) of same sex marriage, we collected and analyzed documents consisting of the Court decisions, as well as interviewed in depth judges who work in Family Courts. The judges’ ideas of gay conjugality, religion and family were studied as to understand the concepts and categories they use when they take decisions on legal matters. One of the main findings of our research is a negative relation between gay marriage and the use of Christian concepts and categories regarding sexual morality – the use of religious categories which place a negative value on homosexuality. The negative value of homosexuality underlies arguments formally used in legal decisions that justify treating differently gays and lesbians.

同性戀者權利平等保障之憲法基礎 / On Equal Protection for Lesbian and Gay Men

張宏誠, Maurice Hong-cheng Zhang Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討於我國憲法架構下,同性戀者的權利保障議題。期以引介國外相關學說與法制,解決我國日漸浮現的相關爭議。 第一章,緒論。說明研究動機與研究範圍,並揭櫫科際整合的研究方法,兼採社會學等其他學門對於同性戀議題的既有研究成果,作為法學研究的背景。 第二章以憲法平等權保障為核心,從美國聯邦最高法院所建立的三重審查基準,討論其於「性傾向歧視」案件的適用。研究發現,對於同性戀者所為的差別待遇,基於「代表強化論」等政治程序參與保障、構成違憲「可疑分類」與根據從社會學等理論,同性戀者與異性戀者並無不同,應享有同等基本權利的憲法保障,除非政府所為分類具有一「優位」政府利益,且手段與目的緊密關連,否則應屬違憲。值得注意的是,美國聯邦最高法院於Romer v. Evans一案中揭示「本質原則」(per se rule),於立法者「惡意」對「孤立的弱勢族群」,根據偏見予以全面性不利的差別待遇,法院即得直接認定違憲。本文認為此項平等權審查途徑的突破,仍有其適用上的爭議與缺陷,其影響有待進一步觀察。 其後,針對「同性性行為」的除罪化,與「同性婚姻」的合法化等兩個當前最具爭議性,與同性戀者生活關係密切的問題,本文嘗試以第二章所建立的理論基礎,檢視其正當性。第三章討論同性性行為的除罪化。首先以社會生物學反駁同性性行為的「不自然論據」。其次,基於「自由主義」的「傷害原則」,除非對第三人造成傷害,否則對性行為均不應加以管制。再者,針對管制同性性行為的「雞姦法」,論者雖謂該法並非僅就同性戀者加以處罰,然,實際上處罰者確均為同性戀者,況立法本意往往隱涵對同性戀者的偏見等,此即與憲法平等權保障相悖,應屬違憲。惟,美國聯邦最高法院於Bowers v. Hardwick一案中則肯定該法的合憲性,本文亦就該項判決予以批判。最後則就台灣同性性行為管制或相關立法與行政措施之現狀,提出修法建議。 第四章討論最具爭議的「同性婚姻」合法化問題。研究發現,同性婚姻於本文第二章所提出自由主義傷害原則,以及平等權理論之下應予合法。首先,駁斥反對者所提出的「滑坡理論」等諸項疑懼。其次,剖析美國司法實務就同性婚姻所提出的若干論據,發現,其於同性戀者的刻板印象,深受「同性戀恐懼症」所影響,均屬情緒性反應與理所當然的偏見,是項見解,亦於夏威夷州最高法院所為指標性判決得到回應。此外,比較全球各國對同性婚姻保障的制度,「準婚姻」及「登記伴侶」等制度雖然給予同性戀者若干保障,本文認為,此項制度仍凸顯同性戀者有異於異性戀者,婚姻的形式意義與實質保障均應爭取之。基於平等權理論,國家應該提供人民相同的法律保障,既然並無禁止異性戀者合法結婚,亦不應該禁止同性戀者結婚。 第五章則總結研究發現:一、從美國聯邦最高法院、歐洲人權法院、加拿大最高法院,乃至於聯合國人權委員會對於同性戀者權利保障議題的關注,而於「亞洲人權憲章」草案中,亦明白規定對於同性戀者的平等保障,對同性戀者的人權保障,已為全球逐漸形成的共識。以比較法的觀點而言,不同法律制度所形成的理論,亦在同性戀人權保障議題上,獲得相互引證與批判,有助於理論的成熟發展。二、本文提出同性戀者權利保障的理論基礎,雖然從不同學門理論、自由主義、政治哲學等出發,然而最終關注的焦點仍在於憲法平等權保障的理念。而相關理論於晚進各國司法實務上已見採納與實踐。三、雖然台灣社會目前對同性戀者權利保障議題,其問題意識形成與公眾討論仍未熱烈,關注議題與焦點亦較未全面性深入。本文認為,法律於社會改革具有其功能,從法律與平權運動的互動,呼籲有識者重視司法途徑以解決法律限制,並提出修法建議與審查基準,作為立法機關制訂法律與法院(包括大法官)審查相關議題的參考。 關鍵詞:同性戀、隱私權、平等權、審查基準、同性婚姻、自由主義、社會建構論、法律經濟學、同性性行為、防衛婚姻法。 目次 中文摘要 英文摘要 表次 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………………1 第二章 同性戀者權利保障的理論基礎…………………………………………27 第三章 同性性行為的除罪化……………………………………………………115 第四章 同性婚姻的合法化………………………………………………………164 第五章 結論:同性戀與憲法-兼論台灣同性戀者權利保障的未來…………240 參考書目……………………………………………………………………………247 附錄……………………………………………………………………………………I 詳目 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機………………………………………………………………………………………1 1.2 問題意識:同性戀議題的法學發問基礎……………………………………………………9 1.2.1 同性戀者在憲法基本權利主體的定位…………………………………………………14 1.2.2 同性戀者權利保障的議題取向與理論基礎……………………………………………15 1.2.3 憲法平等權審查基準的建立……………………………………………………………16 1.2.4 同性戀者權利保障的終極關懷:後續法律關係的確定與爭端解決…………………17 1.3 研究方法………………………………………………………………………………………18 1.3.1 科際整合的研究途徑……………………………………………………………………19 1.3.2 比較法的研究方法………………………………………………………………………21 1.4 本文架構:從理論到實用,從私領域到公領域……………………………………………24 第二章 同性戀者權利保障的理論基礎 2.1 理論前提:社會建構論的觀察………………………………………………………………27 2.1.1 同性戀:一個歷史的偶然?……………………………………………………………28 古代西方文化中的同性戀………………………………………………………28 古代西方文化以外的同性戀……………………………………………………30 近代文化中的同性戀……………………………………………………………32 中國傳統文化中的同性戀………………………………………………………33 同性戀醫學定義的歷史演變……………………………………………………36 2.1.2 同性戀的釋疑:同性戀(者)的刻板印象及現代科學的解釋………………………37 對同性戀(者)的刻板印象……………………………………………………38 同性戀危害社會………………………………………………………38 同性戀者無法生殖,對人類繁衍構成威脅…………………………39 同性戀者對兒童與青少年構成威脅…………………………………40 同性戀者的生活方式並不幸福………………………………………41 同性戀者性關係複雜…………………………………………………42 同性戀等同愛滋病……………………………………………………43 同性戀破壞宗教道德,影響社會安定………………………………44 同性戀者要求特殊權利………………………………………………44 同性戀對家庭構成威脅………………………………………………45 小結…………………………………………………………………46 現代科學的正面回應……………………………………………………………46 同性戀並非病態………………………………………………………46 同性戀作為一種精神疾病﹕從歷史的角度來看……………………48 同性戀從精神疾病除名………………………………………………50 同性戀的成因…………………………………………………………53 x染色體上的發現………………………………………55 生物醫學的研究:荷爾蒙與腦部構造變異……………56 後天環境論………………………………………………56 2.1.3 社會建構論對於同性戀的意義…………………………………………………………57 異性戀主義:同性戀刻板印象的形成與同性戀恐懼症………………………57 Foucault的社會建構理論………………………………………………………58 現代概念下的同性戀:一個性文化的興起…………………………58 Foucault的性理論……………………………………………………59 坦白是性之根本…………………………………………59 性科學……………………………………………………60 權力關係…………………………………………………61 建構主義…………………………………………………62 Foucault對性概念的重建……………………………………………62 性是否已成為一個不夠用的概念﹖……………………62 快感與慾望………………………………………………63 Foucault的性與同性戀政治觀………………………………………63 Foucault對同性戀關係的詮釋:友誼…………………………………64 2.2 自由主義的哲學基礎與隱私權保障…………………………………………………………65 2.2.1 同性戀者自由的界限:「俄芬登報告」的論爭………………………………………66 2.2.2 白紙上的墨漬:傷害與容忍的法的詮釋………………………………………………68 憲法上保障基本權利的性質及其界限…………………………………………69 傷害原則的具體化:憲法第二十三條的適用…………………………………69 基本權利的「容忍」義務?……………………………………………………70 同性戀的傷害性?………………………………………………………………70 破壞社會?回應社會解構論…………………………………………70 破壞家庭生活幸福……………………………………………………71 同性性行為容易傳染疾病……………………………………………72 小結……………………………………………………………………73 2.2.3 當代自由主義者的理論對於同性戀議題的實用………………………………………73 John Rawls的「政治自由主義」:權利的道德基礎與優先性…………………73 Ronald Dworkin的「倫理的自由平等」…………………………………………75 Joseph Raz的「至善論者自由主義」……………………………………………76 法律道德主義的「圍城」:德國戰後「新自然法」浪潮……………………77 自由主義法典範下對於同性戀者權利保障的危機……………………………79 2.2.4 理性與自治:自由主義下隱私權的保障目的…………………………………………80 理性的人:一個古老的哲學問題………………………………………………80 同性戀者是否為理性的人?……………………………………………………82 2.2.5. Richard Posner的「法律經濟分析」……………………………………………………84 功效主義與同性戀………………………………………………………………84 Posner的法律經濟分析與同性戀者權利保障…………………………………87 Posner的性理論與同性戀……………………………………………87 Posner理論的適用……………………………………………………89 2.2.6 小結………………………………………………………………………………………90 2.3 平等權保障……………………………………………………………………………………90 2.3.1 一個新歷史的開始:Romer v. Evans……………………………………………………91 背景事實與纏訟經過……………………………………………………………91 多數意見…………………………………………………………………………94 不同意見…………………………………………………………………………95 Romer案的評析及其影響………………………………………………………97 本質原則對於平等權審查基準的定位………………………………98 同性戀者在憲法上的定位不明………………………………………98 Hardwick案於Romer案的關係懸而未決……………………………99 民主價值與憲法基本權利保障……………………………………100 2.3.2 同性戀者平等權審查基準的選擇……………………………………………………101 平等權審查基準的概說………………………………………………………101 從「性別歧視」主張同性戀者平等權:中度審查基準的適用………………102 性別歧視審查基準的早期見解……………………………………102 性別歧視的新視點…………………………………………………103 中度審查基準的形成………………………………………………104 「性傾向歧視」是「性別歧視」?性別角色的迷思………………106 同性戀作為「可疑分類」︰適用「嚴格審查基準」的坦途?………………108 缺乏政治力量………………………………………………………110 「隔離但平等」與「不同但平等」…………………………………111 與生俱來、不可改變的特徵…………………………………………112 小結…………………………………………………………………113 第三章 同性性行為的除罪化 3.1 從社會生物學看同性戀與同性性行為……………………………………………………115 3.1.1 社會生物學概說………………………………………………………………………115 3.1.2 社會生物學與同性戀…………………………………………………………………117 3.1.3 同性性行為是「不自然」?……………………………………………………………121 描述性的自然法則……………………………………………………………121 「人為的」就是不自然…………………………………………………………122 凡是不常見或不正常的東西不自然…………………………………………123 與一個器官或工具的主要目的或功能相反的使用方式不自然……………124 凡是不自然的就是不好的……………………………………………………125 3.2 各國管制現況與除罪化趨勢………………………………………………………………126 3.2.1 美國雞姦法在憲法上的爭議…………………………………………………………126 性行為管制的憲法爭議:隱私權的保障範圍…………………………………127 隱私權保障的負面教材:Bowers v. Hardwick…………………………………129 一個不存在的事實:事實與判決經過………………………………129 多數意見……………………………………………………………131 協同意見……………………………………………………………133 不同意見……………………………………………………………134 Hardwick案的評析及其對同性戀者平權運動的影響………………………138 本案應不應該受理?………………………………………………138 隱私權保障的目的…………………………………………………140 性行為受隱私權保障的範圍:滑坡論證的疑慮……………………141 創設基本權利類型的理由:歷史傳統?……………………………142 法律與道德的界限…………………………………………………142 Hardwick案對同性戀者權利保障的影響…………………………142 行為與地位的混淆……………………………………142 公領域與私領域的切割………………………………143 3.2.2 美國經驗的對照:歐洲國家與全球同性性行為除罪化的努力………………………143 歐洲同性性行為的管制歷史…………………………………………………144 歐洲人權法院的判決分析……………………………………………………144 保障範圍……………………………………………………………145 侵害類型與干涉程度………………………………………………146 比例原則……………………………………………………………149 「歐洲共識」…………………………………………………………151 同性性行為作為一種普遍人權………………………………………………152 3.3 我國關於同性性行為與刑法管制的可能議題……………………………………………154 3.3.1 刑法「性別意識」與「姦淫」、「猥褻」的定義……………………………………154 同性戀及其性行為的刑法評價………………………………………………154 刑法的性別意識………………………………………………………………155 3.3.2 合法性行為同意年齡…………………………………………………………………160 3.3.3 後天免疫症候群防治條例與性行為告知義務………………………………………162 第四章 同性婚姻的合法化 4.1 同性婚姻的歷史與正反意見的陳述………………………………………………………166 4.1.1 婚姻的意義及其對同性戀者的重要性………………………………………………166 不只是「婚姻」…………………………………………………………………166 同性戀社群內部對婚姻的爭論………………………………………………168 4.1.2 同性婚姻的歷史………………………………………………………………………170 4.1.3 反對同性婚姻的主要理由及其反駁…………………………………………………171 4.2 同性婚姻在各國的憲法爭議與法律實踐…………………………………………………173 4.2.1 美國同性婚姻的憲法爭議……………………………………………………………173 同性婚姻的爭訟………………………………………………………………173 Baker v. Nelson………………………………………………………173 Jones v. Hallahan……………………………………………………175 Singer v. Hara………………………………………………………176 Adams v. Howerton…………………………………………………179 Dean v.District of Columbia(Barry)…………………………………181 小結:結婚權的憲法意義……………………………………………182 隱私權與結婚權………………………………………182 結婚權與婚姻的社會意義……………………………183 Baehr v. Lewin(Baehr I)…………………………………………………………185 事實及爭訟經過……………………………………………………185 多數意見……………………………………………………………185 協同意見……………………………………………………………187 不同意見……………………………………………………………187 Baehr v. Miike(Baehr II)………………………………………………………190 事實及爭訟經過……………………………………………………190 法院意見……………………………………………………………191 Baehr二案的評析及其影響……………………………………………………193 「防衛婚姻法」的合憲性………………………………………………………194 「防衛婚姻法」的制定與其內容……………………………………195 「防衛婚姻法」的合憲性:Romer一案的適用……………………196 平等的極致:「滑坡論證」的失序挑戰………………………………………199 禁止童婚與同性婚姻………………………………………………200 禁止一夫多妻與同性婚姻…………………………………………201 禁止亂倫與同性婚姻………………………………………………202 小結…………………………………………………………………204 4.2.2 歐洲人權公約對於同性婚姻的保障…………………………………………………204 家庭關係的隱私權保障………………………………………………………205 婚姻權的保障…………………………………………………………………206 「禁止歧視」條款與同性婚姻…………………………………………………208 適用範圍及其限制…………………………………………………208 合理審查基準………………………………………………………209 「比例原則」審查基準………………………………………………211 4.2.3 「婚姻」定義的突破:加拿大最高法院M v. H判決…………………………………212 背景事實………………………………………………………………………212 多數意見………………………………………………………………………213 不同意見………………………………………………………………………214 本案評析及其影響……………………………………………………………214 4.2.4 同性婚姻在全球各國的制度實現……………………………………………………215 實質法律保障:伴侶登記或認可法……………………………………………216 從契約到身分………………………………………………………216 從身分到契約………………………………………………………218 現行制度的適用與評估………………………………………………………219 北歐國家對於同性婚姻態度開放的原因…………………………219 異性戀婚姻適用於同性戀者的評估………………………………220 4.3 我國同性婚姻合法性的憲法挑戰…………………………………………………………220 4.3.1 中國傳統下對婚姻的看法……………………………………………………………221 4.3.2 現行民法下同性婚姻的合法性及其衍生議題………………………………………221 4.3.3 同性婚姻合法化在我國的可能性:大法官解釋的評估………………………………224 性別歧視下的平等:我國大法官對於「男女平等」的解釋…………………224 釋字第三六五號解釋/男女「合理」差別待遇︰多合理?…………224 釋字第二四二號解釋/「婚姻」作為「制度性保障」………………229 小結…………………………………………………………………235 我國憲法第七條「男女平等」與同性戀平等權保障…………………………235 憲法文本的詮釋……………………………………………………235 性解放下的男女平等………………………………………………237 小結……………………………………………………………………………239 第五章 結論:同性戀與憲法-兼論台灣同性戀者權利保障的未來 5.1 平權運動策略建言…………………………………………………………………………240 5.1.1 建立共識,尋求認同…………………………………………………………………240 5.1.2 具體可行的目標………………………………………………………………………241 組織化…………………………………………………………………………241 持續化…………………………………………………………………………242 議題化…………………………………………………………………………242 司法化…………………………………………………………………………243 5.2 法律修正方向與司法審查基準……………………………………………………………243 5.2.1 國際人權公約與內國法律……………………………………………………………243 5.2.2 制定反歧視法?………………………………………………………………………244 5.2.3 司法審查基準…………………………………………………………………………245 表次 表1-1:同性戀者權利保障議題一覽表 ………………………………………………………………11 表2-1:Romer v. Evans案判決意見一覽表……………………………………………………………96 表2-2:美國最高法院三重審查基準一覽表…………………………………………………………106 表3-1:Bowers v. Hardwick案判決意見一覽表………………………………………………………136 表4-1:Baehr v. Lewin案判決意見一覽表……………………………………………………………189 表4-2:Baehr v. Miike案判決意見一覽表……………………………………………………………193 表4-3:種族、性別與性傾向歧視之類推過程一覽表………………………………………………194 表4-4:司法院大法官有關性別平等解釋案要旨……………………………………………………232 / "Lesbian and gay rights are human rights!" Is this just a political slogan to be chanted outsides legislatures? Is this just a fairytale, or are there legal arguments to support the claim that the right to be free from sexual orientation discrimination is a human right? In particular, can national constitutions and international human right treaties be interpreted as prohibiting discrimination against same-sex sexual activity ("sodomy"), gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual individuals, and same-sex couples? In this thesis, the author attempts to answer these questions by examining of these most commonly used arguments in favour of such an interpretation: sexual orientation is an "immutable status", sexual orientation is a "fundamental choice" or part of "privacy", sexual orientation discrimination is sex discrimination and "sexual orientation discrimination". However, the core argument is always "Equal Protection". Chapter I explains the motives of research, the goals to be achieved, the methods to be used, and the structure of this thesis. Chapter II investigates what and how to build the basic theories to justify the claim that lesbians and gay men, as well as heterosexuals, shall be equally protected under the constitution. Because this issue is largely invisible or marginalised in academic debate, the author first provides an invaluable exploration of sociology, sociobiology, and sexual science, in order to break up the stereotypes of lesbians and gay men. According to the theory of Equal Protection, the author concluded that "sexual orientation discrimination" deserved the strict or heightened scrutiny, i.e., either the discrimination achieves the compelling or overriding governmental interest, necessarily and narrowly tailored, or it should be hold unconstitutional. Applying the basic theories, then the author devoted two chapters to specific issues, particularly, and focused on sodomy law and same-sex marriage. Chapter III examines the constitutionality of sodomy law. According to the "Harm Principle", the author doesn't think that sexual activities between consenting adults should be criminalized. Although sodomy law is plainly neutral, i.e., applicable for men and women, homosexual and heterosexual individuals, the author found that, in practice, sodomy law always criminalize lesbian and gay men. The author also discussed relevant articles of Taiwan's Penal Code, especially the newly revised articles of sex crime-crime of "disturbing sexual autonomy". Chapter IV scrutinizes the constitutionality of same-sex marriage. The author first analyzed why people are always reluctant to recognize the same-sex marriage, and reiterate the so-called "slippery slope" arguments. The judiciary around the world never decided clearly that lesbians and gay men could legally wed, until the Hawaii Supreme Court held the Hawaii Revised Statutes §572-1 unconstitutional. Inspiringly by a recent development that the Canada Supreme Court declared positively the word "spouse" does not exclusively mean the combination of a man and a woman. This is , in indeed, a milestone in rhetoric. According to the "per se rule", the author also strongly criticized the "Defense of Marriage Act"(DOMA), and claimed that DOMA should be held unconstitutional. After comparing the institutions substantially protected same-sex couples, i.e., "registered partnership" or "domestic partnership", the author concluded such institutions as phase work. However, the final task is to make lesbians and gay men legally wed, just like "human being in love". Chapter V summarized the findings and suggested measures for further improvement. The author hopes to remind domestic gay organizations of the importance to use judicial approach solving the issue of equal protection for lesbian and gay men. After bloody wars and tragic disasters, why people can not learn to treat "others" as "selves"? Some day, lesbians and gay men can walk hand in hand with one's love in bright sunshine. Wish is not a dream. Keywords: Gay; Lesbian; Homosexuality; Queer; Equal Protection; Review Standards; Same-Sex Marriage; Sodomy; Privacy; Liberalism; Economic Analysis of Law; Social Constructionalism; Defense of Marriage Act.

Wiccan Marriage and American Marriage Law: Interactions

Carda, Jeanelle Marie 19 November 2008 (has links)
This project considers the ways in which Wiccan marriage and American marriage law interact with each other. The thesis examines certain aspects of the history of 20th-century American marriage law, the concurrent development of contemporary marriage ritual in Wicca, developing problems in this area, and possible solutions. In particular, the project focuses on the recognition of religious groups and their officials as they are authorized by state and federal law to perform marriages and how this process has affected Wiccan ritual.

Samkönade relationer : Hur rättssäkra är civilståndshandlingar vid EU-medborgares gränsöverskridningar inom EU? / Same-sex relationships : Is there a legal certainty for civil status records when EU-citizens cross the borders within the EU?

Nunez Olsson, Thalia January 2012 (has links)
I dag är det vanligt att EU-medborgare företar en gränsöverskridning med sin familj inom EU. Samkönade par har möjlighet att ingå äktenskap i fem medlemsstater, men eftersom äktenskapet inte erkänns i övriga 22 medlemsstater riskerar det samkönade paret att mottagarstaten ser äktenskapet som ogiltigt i rättslig mening vid en gränsöverskridning inom EU. Samkönade par som redan är gifta kan dock erhålla visst skydd för de fall en medlemsstat föreskriver samkönat registrerat partnerskap. EU-rätten föreskriver inga minimikrav för hur registrerat partnerskap bör utformas i medlemsstaters nationella rättssystem. Det har i sin tur vilket lett till att rättskyddet för samkönat registrerat partnerskap ser olika ut bland medlemsstaterna. Samkönade civilstånd är därför rättsosäkert vid gränsöverskridningar sett ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Familjerätten är ett rättsområde där medlemsstaterna har suveränitet. Medlemsstaterna har därför själva rätten att besluta hur familjerätten utformas i det nationella rättssystemet, men det finns vissa restriktioner. Medlemsstaternas utövande av sin suveränitet måste ske i konformitet med etablerade EU-principer och annan relevant EU-rätt. Kommissionen har kommit med ett förslag om ett automatiskt erkännande av civilståndshandlingar och uppsatsens syfte är därför att utreda om ett automatiskt erkännande är kompatibelt med gällande EU-rätt. För att besvara syftet i uppsatsen utreds gällande EU-rätt med direkt eller indirekt inverkan på samkönade relationer. Vidare utreds förslaget om ett automatiskt erkännande av civilståndshandlingar i kommissionens grönbok om minskad byråkrati för medborgarna tillsammans med de yttranden som grönboken mottagit från olika organisationer. Genom att ställa ett automatiskt erkännande av civilståndshandlingar mot gällande EU-rätt leder slutsatsen fram till vilka hinder och möjligheter som föreligger vid genomförandet av förslaget. De hinder och möjligheter som föreligger talar för att ett automatiskt erkännande av civilståndshandlingar är genomförbart. EU-rätten ställer vissa krav på medlemsstaterna även om medlemsstaterna har suveränitet inom familjerätten. Följden blir att EU måste samarbeta med medlemsstaterna för att säkerställa rättssäkerheten av civilståndshandlingar när EU-medborgare vidtar gränsöverskridningar inom EU. / Today it’s common for EU-citizens to move across borders with their families within the EU. Same-sex couples have access to marriage in five Member States, but because their marriage is not recognized in the other 22 Member States the same-sex marriage might be void in a legal sense in another Member State. Same-sex couples who are already married may benefit from some protection in the event that a Member State provides same-sex registered partnership. EU law does not provide a minimum requirement when Member States develop legal protection for same-sex couples through registered partnership in their legal system. This in turn has led to the differences among the Member States when it comes to same-sex registered partnership. Therefore, a same-sex civil status doesn’t provide a legal certainty in cross-border situations when looked upon from a broader perspective. Family law is an area of law where Member States have sovereignty. Therefore, the Member States have the right to shape the family law themselves in their national legal system, although there are some restrictions. When Member States exercise their sovereignty they must still exercise it in conformity with established EU principals and other relevant EU law. The Commission has now proposed an automatic recognition of civil status records and the purpose for this thesis is therefore to analyze whether an automatic recognition of civil status record are compatible with existing EU law. In order to answer the purpose in the thesis, EU law with direct or indirect impact on same-sex relationships is analyzed. Furthermore, the proposal of an automatic recognition of civil status records in the Commissions Green Paper on less bureaucracy for citizens is analyzed together with the opinions the Green Paper received from different organizations. When looking at the compatibility of an automatic recognition of civil status records and existing EU law, the conclusion highlights the obstacles and opportunities that exist with the implementation of the proposal. The obstacles and opportunities that exist suggest that an automatic recognition of civil status records is achievable. EU law imposes certain requirements on Member States, although Member States have sovereignty over their national family law. The previous suggests that the EU must work together with the Member States in order to ensure the legal certainty of civil status records when EU-citizens cross the borders within the EU.

Le couple en droit international privé : contribution à l’adaptation méthodologique du droit international privé du couple / The couple in international private law : contribution to the methodological evolution of private international law of the couple

Escudey, Gaëtan 01 December 2016 (has links)
L’influence libérale en droit de la famille et l’essor de l’idéologie individualiste ont provoqué un pluralisme des formes de conjugalité et ont considérablement accru la diversité des règles et des méthodes applicables aux couples en droit international privé contemporain.L’analyse des couples en droit international privé nous a alors conduit à repenser le droit international privé du couple. La déconstruction de la matière met en lumière l’inadaptation actuelle de la méthode conflictuelle classique et l’insuffisance de la méthode de la reconnaissance. En effet, l’actuel droit international privé du couple ne permet pas de garantir la continuité internationale du lien conjugal, pas plus qu’elle ne permet d’assurer un traitement juridique cohérent des problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les couples internationaux. Une réflexion quant à une possible évolution méthodologique de la matière était donc nécessaire. Cette étude vise à démontrer qu’une adaptation de la méthode conflictuelle classique à l’aune des objectifs de la méthode de la reconnaissance et fondée sur un raisonnement en termes de conflit d’autorités est possible. Elle apporterait aux règles de droit international privé du couple une meilleure cohérence tout en assurant aux rapports conjugaux internationaux une réelle stabilité. / The liberal influence in Family Law and the rise of individualist ideology have led to a multiplication of conjugal life forms and considerably increased the diversity of laws and methods applicable to couples in International Private Law. To analyse couples under International Private Law leads us to rethink the International Private Law of the Couple. Deconstructing this subject brings to light the current non-adaptation of the classic conflict of laws method and the insufficiency of the recognition approach. In fact, current International Private Law as it pertains to couples neither guarantees the international recognition of theconjugal bond nor ensures a coherent legal treatment of legal problems faced by international couples. It is therefore necessary to examine a possible methodological evolution of thesubject. This study aims to demonstrate that it is possible to adapt the classic conflict of lawsmethod by taking into account the objectives of the recognition approach whilst founding iton the lex auctoritas rule. This would not only bring better coherence to International Private Law of the Couple but it would also assure a real legal stability for international conjugal relationships.

Cidadania sexual e laicidade : um estudo sobre influência religiosa no Poder Judiciário

Lorea, Roberto Arriada January 2008 (has links)
A presente tese tem por tema a pioneira jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul, relativamente às demandas por reconhecimento de efeitos jurídicos às uniões entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, compreendidas essas demandas como uma luta pela implementação da cidadania sexual, cujo obstáculo político principal na América Latina tem sido a resistência de setores conservadores do campo religioso. Partindo dessa premissa, a qual está evidenciada na literatura, o objeto da pesquisa focou a questão da influência religiosa no enfrentamento jurídico de questões ligadas à cidadania sexual. No intuito de pensar as causas das diferentes interpretações judiciais que conduzem ao reconhecimento (ou não) das uniões gays, foram analisadas decisões do TJRS e entrevistas realizadas com os magistrados que atuam na área do Direito de Família. O estudo buscou identificar as concepções dos magistrados sobre conjugalidade gay, religião e família, tentando identificar as categorias de pensamento que são acionadas pelos magistrados no momento de decidir. Um dos principais achados da pesquisa foi identificar a vinculação entre a rejeição à conjugalidade gay e o emprego de categorias de classificação ligadas à moral sexual cristã manifesta na valoração negativa da homossexualidade. Tal valoração aparece como fundamento subjacente aos argumentos formalmente empregados para justificar um tratamento desigual a gays e lésbicas. / The pioneering jurisprudence of the Rio Grande do Sul Court is analyzed regarding the recognition of juridical consequences of same sex unions. The legal claim for same sex marriage is here understood as part of a pledge for sexual citizenship. The main obstacle for such sexual rights in Latin America has been the resistance of conservative religious sectors. This thesis focuses on examining the religious influence of legal and juridical decisions regarding sexual citizenship. In order to analyze the factors related to the diversity of judicial interpretations leading the recognition (or not) of same sex marriage, we collected and analyzed documents consisting of the Court decisions, as well as interviewed in depth judges who work in Family Courts. The judges’ ideas of gay conjugality, religion and family were studied as to understand the concepts and categories they use when they take decisions on legal matters. One of the main findings of our research is a negative relation between gay marriage and the use of Christian concepts and categories regarding sexual morality – the use of religious categories which place a negative value on homosexuality. The negative value of homosexuality underlies arguments formally used in legal decisions that justify treating differently gays and lesbians.

Cidadania sexual e laicidade : um estudo sobre influência religiosa no Poder Judiciário

Lorea, Roberto Arriada January 2008 (has links)
A presente tese tem por tema a pioneira jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul, relativamente às demandas por reconhecimento de efeitos jurídicos às uniões entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, compreendidas essas demandas como uma luta pela implementação da cidadania sexual, cujo obstáculo político principal na América Latina tem sido a resistência de setores conservadores do campo religioso. Partindo dessa premissa, a qual está evidenciada na literatura, o objeto da pesquisa focou a questão da influência religiosa no enfrentamento jurídico de questões ligadas à cidadania sexual. No intuito de pensar as causas das diferentes interpretações judiciais que conduzem ao reconhecimento (ou não) das uniões gays, foram analisadas decisões do TJRS e entrevistas realizadas com os magistrados que atuam na área do Direito de Família. O estudo buscou identificar as concepções dos magistrados sobre conjugalidade gay, religião e família, tentando identificar as categorias de pensamento que são acionadas pelos magistrados no momento de decidir. Um dos principais achados da pesquisa foi identificar a vinculação entre a rejeição à conjugalidade gay e o emprego de categorias de classificação ligadas à moral sexual cristã manifesta na valoração negativa da homossexualidade. Tal valoração aparece como fundamento subjacente aos argumentos formalmente empregados para justificar um tratamento desigual a gays e lésbicas. / The pioneering jurisprudence of the Rio Grande do Sul Court is analyzed regarding the recognition of juridical consequences of same sex unions. The legal claim for same sex marriage is here understood as part of a pledge for sexual citizenship. The main obstacle for such sexual rights in Latin America has been the resistance of conservative religious sectors. This thesis focuses on examining the religious influence of legal and juridical decisions regarding sexual citizenship. In order to analyze the factors related to the diversity of judicial interpretations leading the recognition (or not) of same sex marriage, we collected and analyzed documents consisting of the Court decisions, as well as interviewed in depth judges who work in Family Courts. The judges’ ideas of gay conjugality, religion and family were studied as to understand the concepts and categories they use when they take decisions on legal matters. One of the main findings of our research is a negative relation between gay marriage and the use of Christian concepts and categories regarding sexual morality – the use of religious categories which place a negative value on homosexuality. The negative value of homosexuality underlies arguments formally used in legal decisions that justify treating differently gays and lesbians.

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