Spelling suggestions: "subject:"para ahmed"" "subject:"vara ahmed""
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Power Relations in the Voluntary Work with Immigrants. A Qualitative Study of a Migrant Self-Organisation in Bologna, ItalyGreve, Tinka Maria January 2018 (has links)
This qualitative study of a migrant self-organisation in Bologna, Italy analyses the power relations between immigrants and supporters within the field of voluntary work in the migration sector. Based on eight semi-structured interviews it explores the perception of power relations of the members of the intercultural association Spazio per tutti. The material was analysed with the help of thematic analysis and a postcolonial and intersectional perspective. In the first part of the discussion, it is demonstrated, along the theory of “strange encounters” of Sara Ahmed (2000), how dominant norms, such as the invisible norm of whiteness, are still present in the association and immigrants are confronted with the paradigm of integration. The second part of the analysis shows instead, with the help of Homi Bhabha’s theory of the third space (1994), how the association creates a space where fixed identities and roles can be challenged and negotiated. By taking the intersectional approach into account, it gets further clear that the internal power relations are more complex for being grasped along binary categories (e.g. immigrants and non-immigrants), as they for example do not reflect the special subject position of Black women. In a nutshell, the present case study demonstrates the need to draw the attention to the political dimension of social work with immigrants and to create more awareness for intersectional justice, also within organisations that already follow an empowerment approach.
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Futile EndeavorsNordström, Malin January 2022 (has links)
I have come to a point where I feel a need to understand more about my own work methods and my motivations. Departing from a process diary written during my master studies, I take a closer look at my own artistic process — the questions which inform my work, the questions that arise in it, and how my work is an attempt to understand those questions. Wherein lies the urgency for me to work with art in the way that I do? This is an essay about a search, about trying to make sense of something, about not knowing. It is also an exploration of how my work in the non-verbal domain transforms my not knowing, how working with art is a tool for thinking and understanding.
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Am I a Bad Feminist? Moments of Reflection and Negotiation in Contemporary Feminist IdentityBrownlow, Elizabeth Ryan 06 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Buddhist Teacher Responses to Sexual Violence: Race, Gender, and Epistemological Violence in American BuddhismBuckner, Ray Moishe January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Makt, apofatisk materia och entanglement : En maktkritisk läsning av den nymaterialistiska teologins epistemologi / A Critical Reading of the Epistemology of New Materialist TheologySchyborger, Josef January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to examin how the production of knowledge is intrinsic to the production of power in the New Materialist Process theology of Catherine Keller. The object of critical examination is the theology of Keller and her essay; ”Tingles of Matter, Tangles of Theology: Bodies of the New(ish) Materialism,” from her book Intercarnations: Exercises in Theological Posibility (2017). Keller’s essay will be analyzed through Linda Alcoffs, Alison Baileys and Sara Ahmeds epistemological critical theory of how power produces knowledge and vice versa. Keller’s theology will be examined based on the study points of analysis on texts of Alcoff, Bailey and Ahmed: subjectivity, making of knowledge, epistemology, making of ignorance, power and authenticity/purity. The study shows that Keller’s notion of apophatic matter has the effect of producing knowledge practices about the object. When the object is obscured from the subject in Keller’s theology, a theological analysis of power and the subject’s position in producing knowledge through theology, is prohibited. By analyzing Keller's notion of entanglement through Ahmed’s thinking, it is shown that the subject is presupposed as free, white and independent. Entanglement among human beings exists as bodily physicality for Keller. Social and economic factors are, thus, made irrelevant for the existence of knowledge and relations between humans. Life situations that are, for example, violent or in position of dependence are incompatible with the reality constituted in entanglement. The subject’s knowledge as socially situated and possibly part of structural power, is also made irrelevant in entanglement-thinking. Thus, the study shows that through the reading of Alcoff, Bailey and Ahmed, theology has the ability to constitute knowledge making practices, that forms the subject’s production of knowledge and ignorance.
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”Desire followed by its instant antidote — fear.” : En fenomenologisk studie av begär och skam i Call Me by Your Name av André Aciman och Swimming in the dark av Tomasz JedrowskiRandeblad, Joel January 2023 (has links)
This essay analyses Call Me by Your Name by André Aciman and Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski through a phenomenological lens. Through the theoretical framework, mainly consisting of Sara Ahmed’s The Cultural Politics of Emotion and Queer Phenomenology, I discuss how feelings such as desire and shame work through the subject and influence its relationship with their surroundings. The analysis concludes that the emotion of shame is an isolating feeling, causing the subject to shield themselves from their surroundings. At the same time shame is forgotten in its own temporality, whereas the emotion itself is mistaken as permanent by the subject in the feeling state. On the other hand, the forbidden desire feels temporary and like something that could be expelled from the body. Furthermore, I discuss how desire affects the relationship between subject and object, especially through the ways that desire complicates the hierarchal division between the two. I further posit how desire affects boundaries between bodies and how the forbidden desire creates the will to penetrate boundaries while at the same time maintaining them. Through the combination of shame and desire the subject is limited in their worldview, where the desire can feel impossible to navigate through the “life-lines” that Ahmed theorizes because of the shame that follows. The essay concludes that the relationship between shame and desire affects the relationship between subject and object mainly through the internalization of societal norms.
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Orientation DeviceShokhov, Nikita 13 September 2022 (has links)
Orientation Device is a tool for understanding the other towards recognizing alternative possibilities, for care and compassion, for expanding our culturally and politically bounded mindset, a tool of vital nausea and questioning compulsory heterosexuality.
The work is a series of augmented reality (AR) experiences for mobile device that allow the audience to participate in documentary queer performances in any private or public setting. These immersive experiences challenge our perception of space. The LGBTQIA+ community is often disoriented within heteronormative spaces, and this work reverses that dichotomy by disorienting the audience.
As a cisgender creator, I invite queer performers, artists, poets, and thinkers who express their identity in their creative practices. As the AR medium is widely distributable, I want to give the participants the potential opportunity to present themselves to a wide international audience through the poetics of augmented reality and documentary video holograms. / Master of Fine Arts / ORIENTATION DEVICE: poiesis of documentary volumetric video for augmented reality; location-aware interactive mise-en-scène; applied queer phenomenology; the potential of procedural worldmaking in the future
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(The) Student Body/ies: Cultural Paranoia and Embodiment in the American High School.Young, Jennifer 02 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Hur blir du en framgångsrik tiggare i Sverige? : en undersökning av tiggandets och givandets bilder 2011 till 2016 / How do you become a successful beggar in Sweden? : an inquiry into the images of begging and giving 2011 to 2016Parsberg, Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
Mitt första möte med en tiggande föranledde mig att under fem år undersöka den nya situationen för tiggeriet och giveriet i Sverige. Förutsättningen är att vardagliga handlingar och reaktioner gentemot en annan människa kan synliggöras estetiskt med en etisk klangbotten. Min undersökning utspelar sig i första hand i gaturummet och i medierna. Det är hela tiden bilderna som är utgångspunkten för resonemangen och de gestaltande verken. Bilder som både separerar och länkar samman kroppar. Vilka bilder är i spel i tiggeriets och giveriets sociala koreografi? Hur kan bilder i detta sammanhang aktiveras på nya sätt? Hur kan nya genereras? Tiggandet är en uppmaning till social interaktion, och vare sig givaren socialt interagerar eller inte med den tiggande människan på gatan så involveras givaren i det europeiska samfundets asymmetriska värdesystem. I min första gestaltning anlitas en professionell marknadsundersökare för att ta reda på hur en tiggare i Sverige skulle kunna göra för att bli framgångsrik. Det blir en film som jag sedan visar mittemot en film där tiggande pratar om hur givare ger. Ur detta verk följer så en rad gestaltningar och en interdisciplinär teoretisk diskussion med bland andra Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed och Hannah Arendt, samt med en rad konstnärers arbeten, kring hur bilder – och kroppsliga handlingar – är kopplade till samhällsbilden och samhällskroppen? Körernas uppställning i gestaltningen Tiggandets kör och Givandets kör anger ett utrymme för social interaktion och demonstrerar därmed en annan ordning som kräver andra insatser, i språk, rörelse och attityd gentemot varandra. Det är en social koreografi: när körerna tränade och sjöng tillsammans uppstod en politisk form. Min förhoppning är att estetiskt synliggöra ett politiskt handlingsutrymme mellan tiggandet och givandet som kan utnyttjas för fortsatta etiska förhandlingar, och nya gestaltningar. / My first encounter with a begging person led me to spend five years investigating the new situation regarding begging and giving in Sweden. The premise is that every-day actions and reactions to another person can be made visible through aesthetics with ethical underpinnings. My investigation takes place mainly in the urban landscape and in the media. The images always constitute the point of departure for the reasoning and for the staged works. Images that separate as well as connect bodies. Which images are at play in the social choreography of begging and giving? In this context, how can images be activated in new ways? How can new images be generated? Begging is a call to social interaction, and regardless of whether the giver interacts socially with the begging person on the street, the giver is implicated in the asymmetrical value systems of the European Union. In my first staged work I hire a professional market researcher to find out how a beggar in Sweden should behave to be successful. This becomes a film that I then show opposite another film in which begging people talk about how givers give. This is followed by a number of staged works and an interdisciplinary theoretical discussion involving, among others, Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed, and Hannah Arendt, as well as a number of artistic works concerning how images – and bodily actions – are linked to the social image and the body politics. The arrangement of the choirs in the staged work The Chorus of Begging and The Chorus of Giving, indicates a space for social interaction and thus demonstrates a different order that demands different actions in terms of language, movement, and attitude toward each other. It’s a social choreography: when the choirs rehearsed and sung together a political form emerged. My hope is to make visible a space for action between the begging and the giving that can be used for continued ethical negotiations and new staged works. / <p>Föreliggande doktorsarbete har genomförts och handletts i forskarutbildningen i Fri konst vid Konsthögskolan, Umeå universitet. Doktorsarbetet läggs fram vid Lunds universitet inom ramen för samverkansavtalet mellan Konstnärliga fakulteten vid Lunds universitet och Konsthögskolan Umeå angående utbildning på forskarnivå i ämnet Fri konst inom ramen för Konstnärliga forskarskolan.</p><p>This dissertation has been carried out and supervised within the graduate programme in Fine Arts at Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå University. The dissertation is presented at Lund University in the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University, and Umeå Academy of Fine Arts regarding doctoral education in the subject Fine Arts in the context of Konstnärliga forskarskolan.</p><p>Avhandlingen är även utgiven i serien: Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University: Doctoral Studies and Research in Fine and Performing Arts, 14. ISSN: 1653-8617</p>
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A little story about big issues : an introspective account of FEMENMyshko, Yelena January 2018 (has links)
This research contributes a detailed personal account of a FEMEN activist. It presents an autophenomenographic analysis of cultural artefacts, including a Retrospective Diary, resulting from the activity of Yelena Myshko in FEMEN between 2012 and 2014. Previously FEMEN has been used as raw material for external analysis by press and academics to fit their individual agendas. To counteract this, Myshko’s research proposes an insider perspective on FEMEN activism. She writes herself in response to academics and FEMEN leader Inna Shevchenko who ignore the contribution of FEMEN Netherlands. Myshko merges author/researcher/researched and uses evocative storytelling to provide an introspective account of sextremism, connecting it to relevant embodiment concepts that illustrate its technology of empowerment and unintended side effects. Through an autophenomenographic analysis of her personal experience, Myshko suggests how FEMEN employs sextremism to create soldiers of feminism. Her research proposes that sextremism is an attitude, a way of life and technology of resistance. For Myshko, sextremism embodies feminist polemic that turns against patriarchy through topless protest. Through personal accounts she illustrates how she internalized this aggressive femininity during physical and mental training. Myshko argues that in protest FEMEN activists communicate to the public and mobilize new activists through feminist snap. In addition, Myshko observes that sextremism produces visual activism that internalizes feminist polemic and transforms it into figurative storytelling. Myshko explains how she reproduced sextremism through body image that made her assertive and empowered her in action. In turn Myshko demonstrates how personal accounts of sextremist embodiment and problems encountered as a woman in the world reproduce FEMEN’s fight in the media. Myshko analysis interviews with the press where she pinpoints topical feminist issues, making FEMEN real and relevant in Western society. Myshko observes that the media appropriated the spectacle created by FEMEN Netherlands but often distorted it and bend the news to fit its own agenda. In addition, the media criticized FEMEN Netherlands for cross-passing national values and power symbols. For Myshko, sextremism is empowering but also destructive. It promotes an unapologetic self-critical attitude that accumulates collateral damage in battle. The sporadic and restrained relationships between activists does not allow intimacy. Because of the eye of the media, tenderness is perceived as weakness and is not aloud. The combination of criticism, media scrutiny and police persecution hurt Myshko’s feelings. These unresolved feelings of hurt led to resentment and disengagement from FEMEN.
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