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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Self-Complexity and Physiological Responses to Facial Self-Reflection: An Investigation into Women's Self-Image

Baldwin, Carol L. (Carol Louise) 12 1900 (has links)
In this study, effects of facial self-reflection and complexity of self on physiological responses were investigated. Skin conductance levels were measured during baseline and neutral conditions, then under a self-focusing condition provided by mirror reflection of the face. Subjects completed measures of self-complexity, depressive affect, self-esteem, anxiety and body image satisfaction. Eye tracking data was collected during the mirror condition. Results showed a significant effect of mirror self-reflection on physiological reactivity as measured by differences between mirror and baseline mean responses. Pre-test depressive affect was correlated with low self-esteem but not with self-complexity. Self-complexity was negatively correlated with orientation to physical appearance and positively correlated with greater differences between baseline and mirror mean reactivity. Self-complexity and depressive affect did not significantly predict physiological reactivity, although a trend was found for the influence of each variable. Post-hoc analyses showed significant group differences for both self-complexity and depressive affect on physiological reactivity, although the influence of self-complexity was in the unexpected direction. Results of this study are consistent with general findings that negative self-esteem, anxiety and depression are strongly correlated. In addition, a strong correlation was found between negative self-esteem and dissociative symptoms. Exploratory analyses of eye tracking data found no significant relations among personality variables and percent of time looking at facial image, although some trends were found. Trends for a relation of self-complexity with time looking at facial image, negative evaluation of appearance in the mirror, and less focus on physical appearance suggest a component in the domain of self-complexity related to physical appearance. Clearly, self-complexity has a number of interrelated dimensions and remains a challenging area of study. In addition, the combination of eye tracking and physiological measurement is a relatively new area of study that shows promise for continued investigation.

Projektivní techniky a práce se symboly jako nástroj osobnostního rozvoje / Projective techniques and work with symbols as a tool for personality development

Bobek, Milan January 2015 (has links)
The work focuses on qualitative research of possibilities and limits of the use of picture cards symbols (including Tarot) that would serve the clients in coaching and therapy as a projective technique leading to their deeper self-knowledge and personal development. Respondents told their life story based on picture cards. We show here under what conditions this projective technique brought them new information and inspiration for their self- development, in what forms the method can be applied and what methodical procedures are most effective. The simple clients' description of the selected images did not bring them much substantially new. It began to be more inspirational for them when a consultant added targeted questions, his reflections and hypothetical interpretations, or even explained standard meanings of symbols. Then this technique started to speak to clients more and brought them new impulses. Even more inspiring for them it became, once an element of chance was incorporated - when they pulled out some cards at random. The thesis finally formulates detailed recommended general methodology for projective technique application for personal growth and discusses possibilities and limits of the use of projective methods in coaching, therapy and personal development seminars.

Philosophy in prison : an exploration of personal development

Szifris, Kirstine January 2018 (has links)
Delivered through the medium of a Community of Philosophical Inquiry, this thesis outlines the experience of engaging prisoners in philosophical conversation, thereby articulat-ing the relevance of this type of education for those in long-term confinement. The research, which took place in two prisons, explores the role of prison education, community dialogue and active philosophising in encouraging personal development. With similar populations but contrasting characters, HMPs Grendon and Full Sutton provided the backdrop to grounded, ethnographically-led research. The research design reflects the exploratory nature of the approach. Derek Layder’s adaptive theory has provided a methodological framework, whilst the theoretical framework draws on desistance literature, prison sociology, and philosophical pedagogy to enhance and develop understanding of the emergent themes. However, as a criminological piece of research, it sits within the criminological, and more specifically, prison sociological paradigm. The thesis culminates in a discussion of personal development that articulates the role of education in developing growth identities among prisoner-participants. The research de-scribes the role of philosophical dialogue in developing trust and relationships between and among the participants; the relevance of this type of education to prisoners’ psychological wellbeing; and the significance of the subject-matter to participants’ perspectives. The thesis argues that prison promotes the formation of a hyper-masculine ‘survival’ identity. It goes on to argue that education, and more specifically philosophy education, can play a role in culti-vating growth identities that encourage personal exploration, self-reflection, and development of new interests and skills among prisoners.

Promoting critical thinking in language learning through computer-mediated collaborative learning: a preliminary investigation

Thadphoothon, Janpha, n/a January 2005 (has links)
This thesis proposed a framework for conceptualizing critical thinking in language learning. A learning environment where collaborative learning and network technology were combined − computer-mediated collaborative learning (CMCL) − was set up. The main aim was to study the potential of the learning environment in promoting critical thinking (CT) in language learning. The proposed framework of CT in language learning had three aspects: (1) communication, (2) reasoning, and (3) self-reflection. The study was a qualitative one that took place between June 2003 and January 2004. Three case studies were undertaken that involved up to 90 participants, comprising students, teachers, volunteers, and the researcher. All were members of an online learning community, the Bamboo Enterprise. Students worked in groups that investigated environmental problems. The student projects were grouped into three case studies: (1) Using Collaborative Environmental Projects to Promote Communicative Language Learning and Computer Skills, (2) Using Environmental Themes in Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning to Prepare ESL Students for Academic Study in the Australian University Environment, (3) Promoting Communicative Language Learning Through Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning. Findings were based on analyses of five sources of data: (1) interviews with the student participants; (2) teachers’ comments and opinions; (3) questionnaires; (4) students’ overall group work; and (5) online discussions. The investigation found that, overall, the CMCL environment with its particular framework had the potential to promote CT in language learning. However, it had both strengths and weaknesses. The strengths were that it promoted the communicative use of English, encouraged critical thinking in action, and extended the students’ potential to learn a second language. It also encouraged the appropriate use of technology. More importantly, this CMCL environment showed itself to be a viable method of learning and one in which both students and teachers can be empowered. However, along with these advantages, some avenues for improvement were evident. The study found that the students’ grammatical accuracy was low, despite their rich vocabulary and ability to use complex language structures. Some students found working in groups challenging and some never acquired the necessary web skills. Access to the Internet was not always adequate for this type of project. In sum, the students needed more support, especially at the task level, when using this method of language learning.

Proactive Retrospective Installation in Second Life: Using Currere to Explore Educational Perception, Reflection, Understanding and Development of Graduate Students Engaged in Virtual Exhibitions

Chien, Chih-Feng 2012 May 1900 (has links)
This is an unprecedented study integrating of Second Life (SL) and the currere approach to develop a virtual curriculum demonstration. The overarching purposes of this study were to understand the perceptions, self-reflection, self-understanding, educational growth of graduate students in education toward teaching and learning in a virtual interdisciplinary curriculum. The three-dimensional virtual world of Second Life is a distance learning platform and multimedia combination of animations, dynamic images, embedded videos, websites, simulative worlds, slide shows and media players. The theoretical framework is based on the currere approach?a curriculum technique used to reconstruct social, intellectual, and physical systems. Data was collected in two education graduate courses in 2011 at a public university located in central Texas. After participating with SL skill trainings, the participants engaged in two virtual SL exhibitions?war and ecology?which were designed in the framework of the four currere steps?regression, progression, analysis, and synthesis. Data was collected via observations, SL reflective writings, individual currere writings, and voluntary interviews. The results revealed how SL exhibitions, based on the four-step currere approach, benefit the participants. In the regressive step, the virtual installations stimulated participants' emotions and vivid memories toward the presented topics. In the progressive step, the SL exhibitions awakened participants' awareness to educate the public on the global issues and integrate them into school subjects. In the analytic step, the exhibitions allowed participants to ruminate and re-exam the past, present and future, as well as to reflect on their own consciousness. In the synthetical stage, participants reflected and inflected their own perspectives toward the learning materials. Using the exhibitions' target knowledge, individuals were able to develop a self-understanding, which propelled them toward self-mobilization and educational reconstruction. Regarding SL curriculum development, the participants indicated SL innovative installation assisted them in extrapolating ideas for subject integration and interdisciplinary curriculum. In terms of technological utilization, SL changed the participants' perception about how integrating virtual technology into a classroom makes teaching and learning accommodating for distant students. In addition, this further motivates students to understand content more concretely and effectively. With regard to autobiographic emotional involvement, SL delivered the powerful images and videos to participants, which allowed them to understand why they possessed certain kinds of emotions toward specific events.

Personal Informatics and Context: Using Context to Reveal Factors that Affect Behavior

Li, Ian Anthony Rosas 01 August 2011 (has links)
Personal informatics systems help people collect and reflect on behavioral information to better understand their own behavior. Because most systems only show one type of behavioral information, finding factors that affect one’s behavior is difficult. Supporting exploration of multiple types of contextual and behavioral information in a single interface may help. To explore this, I developed prototypes of IMPACT, which supports reflection on physical activity and multiple types of contextual information. I conducted field studies of the prototypes, which showed that such a system could increase people’s awareness of opportunities for physical activity. However, several limitations affected the usage and value of these prototypes. To improve support for such systems, I conducted a series of interviews and field studies. First, I interviewed people about their experiences using personal informatics systems resulting in the Stage-Based Model of Personal Informatics Systems, which describes the different stages that systems need to support, and a list of problems that people experience in each of the stages. Second, I identified the kinds of questions people ask about their personal data and found that the importance of these questions differed between two phases: Discovery and Maintenance. Third, I evaluated different visualization features to improve support for reflection on multiple kinds of data. Finally, based on this evaluation, I developed a system called Innertube to help people reflect on multiple kinds of data in a single interface using a visualization integration approach that makes it easier to build such tools compared to the more common data integration approach.

Digitala speglar : föreställningar om lärarrollen och kön i lärarstudenters bilder / Digital Mirrors : Conceptions of the Teacher Role and Gender in Teacher Students Pictures

Skåreus, Eva January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka visualiserade föreställningar om bildläraryrket vid Lärarutbildningen genom att analysera hur bildlärarstudenter i digital bild gestaltar sig som lärare, samt betydelser av kön i dessa bilder. Bilderna har analyserats diskursivt för att söka svar på frågorna: Vad är det i lärarrollen som kommer till uttryck i dessa bilder? Vilka betydelser av kön visualiseras? Vilka visuella grepp har bildmakarna använt? Hur kan man förstå de val studenterna gjort? Det empiriska materialet består av femtionio bilder, gjorda av fyrtiofem kvinnor och fjorton män. Bilderna producerades av bildlärarstudenter vid Institutionen för estetiska ämnen, Lärarutbildningen, Umeå universitet under en kurs i digital bildbehandling under åren 2000–2002. Samtliga har gett sitt godkännande att delta i studien. Avhandlingen består av två metodologiska linjer som båda bygger på bilder, dels bildskapande som pedagogisk metod, dels bildanalys som vetenskaplig metod. Bildskapande som pedagogisk metod baserar sig till stor del på den engelska fotografen Jo Spence arbeten. Bilderna antas då utgöra en arena för reflektioner kring och problematisering av yrkesrollen samt att de gestaltar föreställningar, förgivettaganden och förväntade erfarenheter inför läraryrket. I bildanalyserna har de individuella gestaltningarna betraktats som en repertoar av möjliga positioner vid lärarutbildningen som studenterna kan representera sig i. Bilderna har därför analyserats som utsagor inom den kontexten. I tolkningar har sedan en kombination av genusteorier, semiotiska och sociokulturella teorier använts. Collaget och montaget har övervägande utgjort bildernas tekniska grund och i de skapade bildrummen förekommer flertalet gestaltande grepp som intertextuella referenser till genrer inom konstvärlden och populärkulturen, allt från kanoniserade konstverk till filmer, fantasy och reklam, multipla jag, värdeperspektiv, primär- och sekundärbilder och att man satt samman olika bildkvaliteter och därmed skapat olika fiktionsgrader i bildrummen. Bilderna har delats upp i två kategorier. ”Professionen i centrum för uppdraget” gestaltar en lärare tillsammans med andra människor i en social situation vilken refererar till en yrkestradition. ”Personligheten i centrum för uppdraget” lyfter fram den gestaltades personlighet eller att andra aspekter kan rymmas i lärarrollen. Här visualiseras ideala figurer, motstånd och en intimisering av skolans praktik. För samtliga bilder finns ett genomgående tema, att skriva in lärargestalten i ämnet bild eller konst- och populärkulturen. Ämnestillhörigheten framstår som en central föreställning om legitimitet och auktoritet. När personligheten är i centrum för läraruppdraget, brukas i högre grad stereotypa gestaltningar. När läraruppdraget är i centrum gestaltas det som en social gruppaktivitet för männen medan kvinnorna gestaltar uppdraget som en individuell uppgift vilket framstår som olika föreställningar om hur femininitet respektive maskulinitet konstrueras i lärarpraktiker. Även reflexivitet eller ett prövande förhållningssätt till praktiken förekommer i högre grad i kvinnornas bilder vilket även tolkas som en förväntad feminin hållning. Kvinnors kroppar representeras inte i lika hög grad som mäns kroppar när uppdraget är i centrum. Här kan en samhällelig diskurs kring sexualiserade bilder vara verksam, men även representationer av makt- eller legitimitet. / The aim of the thesis is to examine visualized conceptions about the profession of art teachers in the Art Teacher Education Programme. This is accomplished through analysing how art teacher students represent themselves as teachers in digital images and recognize the impact of gender. The pictures are analysed discursively in order to search for the answers to the following questions: What in the teacher’s role is expressed in these pictures? What kinds of figures or representations are chosen? How can these choices be understood? What visual devices are used? The empirical material of the thesis is based on a selection of pictures made by art teacher students during a course in Computer graphics/Digital Image Processing at the Department of Creative Studies in Teacher Education, Umeå University, between the years 2000-2002. There are fifty-nine pictures made by forty-five women and fourteen men. Each student has accepted the conditions of participation in the study. The images may be assumed to give shape to ideas, things taken for granted and expected experiences; and subsequently constitute an arena for problemizing of and reflection on the professional role. The thesis contains two methodological lines that include images, art making as a pedagogical method and analysis as a scientific method. Art making as a pedagogical method is based to a large extent on the work of Jo Spence, an English photographer. Rhetoric, the referentiality of the pictures and their intertextuality in combination with gender theoretical tools formed the basis of image analysis as a scientific method. A combination of gender theories and semiotic and sociocultural theories was then used in the interpretations. Collage and montage largely made up the technical basis of the images, and in the created pictorial spaces most rhetorical devices occurred as intertextual references to genres in the world of art and popular culture, from canonized works of art to films, fantasy and commercial advertising, multiple egos, value perspectives, primary and secondary images, and combinations of different image qualities resulting in the creation of different degrees of fiction in the pictorial spaces. The pictures were divided into two categories. “The profession at the centre of the assignment” depicts a teacher together with other people in a social situation, which refers to a professional tradition. “The personality at the centre of the assignment” emphasizes the depicted individual’s personality or that other cultures can be included in the teacher’s role. What are visualized here are ideal figures, resistance and intimization of the practice of schools. In all the images there is an all-pervading theme, namely to engrave the teacher’s persona in the subject of art or the art and popular culture. The attachment to the subject appears as a central conception of legitimacy and authority. When the personality is at the centre of the teaching assignment, stereotypical representations are used to a higher degree. When the teaching assignment is at the centre, it is depicted as a social group activity for the men, while the women depict the assignment as an individual task, which appears as if different conceptions of femininity and masculinity are constructed in teaching practices. Reflexivity or a searching attitude to the practice also occurs to a higher degree in the women’s images, which in turn is also interpreted as an expected feminine attitude. Women’s bodies are not represented to the same high extent as men’s bodies when the assignment is at the centre. A general discourse on sexualized images may be at work here, but also representations of power or legitimacy.

Under ytan : Värdet av självreflektion i det professionella samtalet

Widlund, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how professional career counselors look at the concepts self-reflection, self-awareness and the shadow side; “what happens underneath the surface of a conversation”. Furthermore, if they believed that this was something that was highlighted as important during their education and if they have the necessary tools for self-reflection. I also wanted to find out if they spent time self-reflecting in their daily work, and if so, in what way. The study has resulted in the following questions: How do career counselors argue about the concept of self-reflection, self-awareness and the shadow side of a conversation? How do career counselors view the importance of reflecting? What role does self-reflection play for the career counselors in their daily work?  In order to answer these questions, I have used a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews. These in-depth interviews have been performed with professional career counselors in the municipality of Gothenburg. The collected data has then been analyzed, with previous research as a theoretical starting point. The result of the study illustrates the views of these three professional career counselors on the concepts; self-reflection, self-awareness and the shadow side; “what happens underneath the surface of a conversation”. The study found that self-reflection is a central part of the work for all three career counselors. The three counselors believe self-reflection is a prerequisite for self-awareness. They also believe that in order to be a good career counselor, it is important to be aware of yourself and your behavior. Taking time to reflect and to get to know yourself also helped develop their professional roles. The professional development of self-reflection was beneficial for both themselves and their students. The result also shows that an encouraging and positive attitude is required for self-reflection to be part of the work. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur verksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare ser på begreppen självreflektion, självkännedom och skuggsidan, det som händer under ytan i ett samtal. Vidare om de upplever att detta var något som lyftes fram som viktigt under deras utbildning och om de upplever sig ha redskap för att själva kunna reflektera. Jag vill också ta reda på om de ägnar tid åt självreflektion och på vilket sätt i sitt arbete. Studiens syfte har utmynnat i följande frågeställningar: Hur resonerar studie- och yrkesvägledare kring begreppet självreflektion, självkännedom och skuggsidan av ett samtal? Hur ser studie- och yrkesvägledare på vikten av att reflektera? Vilken roll spelar självreflektion i studie- och yrkesvägledarnas yrkesutövande? För att besvara mitt syfte och frågeställningar har jag använt mig en kvalitativ metod med djupintervjuer. Dessa djupintervjuer har gjorts med verksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare i Göteborgs kommun. Empirin har sedan analyserats med tidigare forskning som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Resultatet av studien belyser dessa tre verksamma studie- och yrkesvägledares syn på begreppen; självreflektion, självkännedom och skuggsidan; ”det som händer under ytan i ett samtal”. I studien har det framkommit att självreflektion är en central del av arbetet för de tre studie- och yrkesvägledare som intervjuats. Dessa vägledare menar att självreflektion är en förutsättning för självkännedom. Att ha god självkännedom anser de är avgörande för att vara en bra vägledare. Att ägna tid åt att reflektera och lära känna sig själv leder också till att de utvecklas i sin yrkesroll. Den professionella utvecklingen som självreflektion leder till gynnar både dem själva och deras elever. Resultatet visar också att för att självreflektion ska vara en del av arbetet, så krävs en uppmuntrande och positivt inställd organisation.

Novinářky pracující v českých zpravodajských médiích z pohledu politické ekonomie komunikace / Woman journalists working in Czech news media from the perspective of political economy of communication

Vochocová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation thesis Structures and hierarchies in professional discourse of journalists in the Czech Republic with a focus on the factor of gender deals with professional self-reflection of Czech daily news journalists from the perspective of feminist political economy. This attitude connects the field of gender media studies and the political economy of communication, stresses the intersection of gender and other factors (demographic, socio- cultural, economic, organizational) when examining the influences in the profession and poses questions about the extent of individual autonomy in both professional and extraprofessional hierarchies. The theoretical introduction defines the field of gender media studies in terms of topics and conflicting ideas, summarizes the conclusions of gender research on media institutions and focuses on the perspective of studying gender among many influences in the news such as economic, sociocultural and organizational factors. The analysis of in-depth interviews with Czech daily news journalists reveals how the importance of gender as an influence in news media is constructed in professional discourse in the context of other structural and organizational influences. Based on the collected data and its analysis, it suggests focusing in detail on the possible...

Formação Docente e Autorreflexão: práticas pedagógicas coletivas de si na escola

Zamperetti, Maristani Polidori 11 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:47:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maristani Polidori Zamperetti_Tese.pdf: 1202476 bytes, checksum: 92c85f73406b90f036750cc64540354f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-11 / Continuous and dynamic process, which lasts throughout life, teacher education highlights the legitimacy of professional knowledge produced by teachers and staff in their everyday work contexts. Concern about the subjectivity of the teacher and the circumstances involved in its formation as a subject are part of the motivation that led to this investigation. "Teacher Education and Self-reflection, self-pedagogic collective practices of the school" emerges from the processes experienced by the teacher-researcher who has investigated the possibility of the existence or construction of spaces reflexive in EMEF Almirante Raphael Brusque in Pelotas, RS. To do so, in search of theoretical Barbier (2007) and Larrosa (2000), subsidies that identify the action research conducted in the school as a self-pedagogic practice, with a focus on collaborative research and studies on teacher education, offered by Porto (2001, 2003) and Nóvoa (1997, 2009). This research were offered experiences with artistic practices in processes of teacher education, promoting oxygenation and the creation of spaces of experience, organization of collective work, reflection and self-education in school. Combined records in the field notebook, photographs, audio recordings, transcripts of meetings and written reports by teachers, artistic productions were gathered as evidence and research data. The research showed the possibility of creating spaces for themselves and experience the production of reflexive relations, which allow the redefinition of practice and teacher education within the school. I conclude from these findings that the relationship between knowledge of self and collective experiences allow teachers to reflect on the teaching status. / Processo contínuo e dinâmico, que dura toda a vida, a formação docente coloca em evidência a legitimação do saber profissional e pessoal produzido pelos professores em seus contextos cotidianos de trabalho. A preocupação com a subjetividade do docente e as circunstâncias envolvidas na sua formação como sujeito fazem parte da motivação que deu origem à presente investigação. Formação Docente e Autorreflexão: práticas pedagógicas coletivas de si na escola emerge dos processos vivenciados pela professora-pesquisadora que investigou a possibilidade de existência ou construção de espaços reflexivos na EMEF Almirante Raphael Brusque, em Pelotas, RS. Para tanto, busca nos referenciais teóricos de Barbier (2007) e Larrosa (2000), subsídios que identificam a pesquisa-ação realizada na escola como uma prática pedagógica de si, com enfoque na pesquisa colaborativa e nos estudos sobre a formação docente, propostos por Porto (2001, 2003) e Nóvoa (1997, 2009). Nesta pesquisa foram propiciadas experiências com práticas artísticas em processos de formação docente, promovendo a oxigenação e criação de espaços de experiência, de organização de trabalho coletivo, reflexão e autoformação na escola. Conjugadas a registros no caderno de campo, fotografias, gravações de áudio, transcrições dos encontros e relatos escritos pelos professores, as produções artísticas foram reunidas como elementos e dados de pesquisa. A pesquisa evidenciou a possibilidade da criação de espaços de experiência de si e produção de relações reflexivas, que propiciam a re-significação da prática e da formação docente dentro da escola. Concluo, a partir destas constatações, que as relações entre o saber de si e as vivências coletivas docentes possibilitam a reflexão sobre o ser docente.

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