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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les nouvelles expériences au monde de l'individu géolocalisé / How to experience the world using location-based services

Bruna, Yann 20 June 2016 (has links)
Parce qu’ils font l’objet d’une utilisation intensive ces dernières années et que leur adoption suit une courbe similaire à celle du taux de pénétration du smartphone, les services de géolocalisation se sont rapidement et solidement ancrés dans le quotidien des individus hyperconnectés. Nous nous interrogeons dans cette recherche doctorale sur les nouvelles expériences au monde qui découlent de l’usage de ces dispositifs à travers une enquête qualitative menée auprès de 62 individus. Nos premiers résultats mettent en évidence que ces services, au même titre que d’autres technologies de l’information et de la communication, contribuent grandement à un réinvestissement des espaces et des lieux, à une relativisation des distances kilométriques et à de nouveaux rapports au temps marqués par une accélération continue et une recherche de l’immédiateté. Mais, les applications géolocalisées se voulant aujourd’hui de plus en plus socialisantes, nous avons également relevé et analysé de nouvelles stratégies de regroupement, d’évitement, de surveillance voire de contrôle entre des individus. Cela amène parfois à de nouveaux rapports de forces entre un géolocalisant et un géolocalisé, intimement liés aux problématiques de la visibilité, de la visualité et de l’anonymat dans un espace urbain hybridé où le partage de la position géographique est devenu quasiment permanent. / Because of their increasing and intensive use over the last few years, roughly similar to the smartphone penetration rate, Location-Based Services (LBS) have quickly and strongly become rooted in the everyday’s life of the hyperconnected user. We are questionning ourselves in this PhD research on the new experiences to the world brought by the use of such devices throughout a qualitative survey conducted among 62 LBS users. Our first results highlight that those LBS, like some other information and communication technologies, largely contribute in the reinvestment of space and places, while they are creating a relativization of metric distance over the temporal one and new ways to experience time defined by a continuous acceleration and a search for immediacy. But, as LBS are becoming more and more socializing, we also noticed and analyzed new grouping and dodging strategies, as well as new ways to watch over and possibly control people. This sometimes leads to new balances of power between the one who is tracking and the one who is being tracked, deeply linked to discussions over visibility, visuality and anonymity in a hybrid urban space where the share of location has become almost continuous.

Användning av smartphones inom högre utbildning : En kvantitativ studie om attitydskillnader mellan studenter och lärare / The use of smartphones in higher education : A quantitative study of attitude differences between students and teachers

Åberg, Sabina, Larsson Åkerman, Matilda January 2011 (has links)
Experter hävdar att smartphones blir allt vanligare i högre utbildning (högskole- och universitetsnivå) vilket gör undervisningen mer flexibel och tillgänglig för studenter. En smartphone fungerar som en handdator och du kan använda den för att läsa e-post, surfa på Internet, logga in på sociala nätverk som Facebook och Twitter, läsa nyheter, spela spel, lösa korsord, foto- grafera och spela in videor och mycket mer. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skillnader i attityder mellan studenter och lä- rare samt män och kvinnor om användningen av smartphones i högre utbildning. Detta gjor- des med ett kvantitativt angreppsätt där datainsamlingen gjordes med hjälp av en webbaserad enkätundersökning. När det gäller studenter och lärare, har vi utgått från Prensky’s (2001) teori om digitala infödingar och digitala immigranter. I denna mening, ville vi ta reda på om det fanns signifikanta skillnader mellan dem som är födda 1980 eller senare och de som är födda före 1980. Resultaten visar att studenterna har en mer positiv attityd till användningen av smartphones i högre utbildning jämfört med lärare. Den visar också att kvinnor har en mer positiv inställning till användningen av smartphones i högre utbildning jämfört med män. / Experts argue that smartphones will become increasingly common in higher education (University Level), thereby making teaching more flexible and accessible to students. A smartphone works like a PDA and you can use it to read email, surf the Internet, log on to social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, read news, play games, solve crossword puzzles, shoot and record videos, and more. The aim of this thesis was to examine the differences in attitudes between students and teachers as well as men and women on the use of smartphones in higher education. As for students and teachers, Prensky's (2001) theory of digital natives and digital immigrants was used. In this sense, we wanted to find out if there were significant differences between those who were born in 1980 or later and those who were born before 1980. The results reveal that students have a more positive attitude towards the use of smartphones in higher education compared to teachers. They also show that women have a more positive attitude towards the use of smartphones in higher education compared to men.

iNeed : En kvalitativ studie om motiv till att konsumera en iPhone / iNeed : A qualitative study of motives to consume an iPhone

Makrill, Emelie, Kolström, Katrine January 2012 (has links)
Den här studiens ambition är att bredda kunskapen kring användarens motiv till att konsumera en iPhone. Särskild uppmärksamhet har riktats kring behov som motiverar till användning samt iPhones roll i användarens konstruktion av jaget och den sociala identiteten. Syftet med studien är att undersöka en grupp användares motiv till att använda en specifik typ av smartphone, en med ett starkt varumärke, för att förstå bakomliggande motiv till användningen. Smartphones, i synnerhet iPhone, har under de senaste åren blivit ett populärt kommunikationsmedel bland många. Därför är det är det av vikt att bedriva forskning kring ämnet för att skapa förståelse för varför vi använder viss teknologi och i synnerhet hur användaren uppfattar denna teknologi. Genom kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med fokusgruppsintervju som metod svarar denna studie på frågor som: vilka motiv finns det till att använda en iPhone, vilken betydelse har iPhone för människan vid konstruktionen av jaget och den sociala identiteten samt vilka behov ligger bakom användarens motiv till att använda en iPhone? De motiv som var mest framträdande i studien kan sammanfattas i följande teman: konstruktionen av jaget, tillgång till information, social interaktion, underhållningsvärdet och det så kallade iPhone-behovet. Vid konstruktionen av jaget fungerar iPhone både som en symbolisk ägodel och som ett hjälpmedel. Den fungerar som en materiell förlängning av ens jag och ens sociala identitet. En användare av iPhone kan tillhöra tre olika typer av klaner: Apple-entusiaster, mediaeliten och ekonomisk välfärd. Den lättillgängliga och snabba tillgång till information som iPhone erbjuder samt möjligheten till social interaktion är starka motiv till användning. När det gäller underhållningsvärdet i att konsumera en iPhone så framgår det i studien att människan konsumerar en iPhone för att få leka av sig och bli underhållen. Avslutningsvis framträder fenomenet iPhone-behovet i studien. Det uppfattas av användaren som ett helt nytt behov som personen ifråga upplever att de anammar i och med konsumtionen av en iPhone. Användarna upplever att iPhone skapar ett nytt behov och beroende. Dock handlar det inte om ett nytt behov, utan snarare en förstärkning eller förlängning av några mänskliga grundläggande behov. / This studies ambition is to broaden the knowledge of the users motive to consume an iPhone. Particular attention has been focused around the need to justify the use and the iPhones role in the user's construction of the self and the social identity. The purpose of this study is to investigate a group of users motives for using a specific type of smartphone, one with a strong brand, to understand the underlying reasons for the use. Smartphones, especially the iPhone, has in recent years become a very popular means of communication. Therefore, it is important to conduct research on the topic to get a deeper understanding of why we use certain technology and in particular how the user perceive this technology. Through a qualitative strategy of research with focusgroup-interview as a method, this study answers questions like: what motives are there to use an iPhone, what impact have iPhone on humans in their construction of the self and the social identity, and what needs are behind the users motive to use an iPhone? The subjects which were most prominent can be summarized in following themes: the construction of self, access to information, social interaction, entertainment value and the so-called iPhone-need. In the design of the ego, iPhone functions both as a symbolic possession and as an aid. It is a tangible extension of one's self and one's social identity. A user of the iPhone can belong to three different kinds of clans: Apple-enthusiasts, media elite and the economical prosperous. The easy and quick access to information that the iPhone offers, and the opportunities for social interaction are strong incentives to the use of the phone. When it comes to the entertainment value in the consumption of an iPhone it appears in the study that humans consume an iPhone to simple play and to be entertained. The consumer uses the iPhone to explore their playfulness. Finally, an emerging phenomenon in the study is the iPhone-need. It is perceived as an entirely new needs by the users when they consume the iPhone. Users feel that the iPhone creates a new need and dependence. However, it is not a new need, but rather a reinforcement or extension of some of the basic needs of humans.

Träningsappar som verktyg i hälsofrämjande syfte : - Användares erfarenheter och upplevelser

Thorngren, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality. To prevent and change this the society need to develop good approaches and interventions to promote physical activity. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate which experience existing users have of smartphone training applications. Also to study if this can be a possible resource for health promotion. Six active users applied to participation after they had seen an ad in social media. The participants were interviewed with semi-structured interview. The result of the study showed that it is common that the use of the application is mainly for fun, and that the application´s visual documentation contributes to increased motivation to be physically active. The users also enjoy recording the physical activity and to collect all the activities at the same place makes it easy to go back and evaluate and compare the training results. The conclusion was that the use of these training applications can be seen as a free and accessible tool and can be a future tool in health promotion to provide greater motivation to be physical active. In order to ensure that the use of training applications contributes to increased physical activity, further studies are needed such as a randomized control study with larger sample groups and a longer period of study. / Fysisk inaktivitet är den fjärde största riskfaktorn för förtida död i världen idag. Cirka en av tre vuxna är inte tillräckligt fysiskt aktiv. För att skapa en förändring av denna utveckling finns flera hälsofrämjande insatser med avsikt att främja den fysiska aktiviteten. Den tekniska utvecklingen gör det möjligt att nå ut till en stor population via internet som finns tillgängligt i de flesta smartphones. Dess anslutningsmöjligheter och räckvidd i kombination med att mobiltelefoner ofta finns nära till hands, lyfter fram värdet av smartphones som ett verktyg för att mäta och influera till fysisk aktivitet. Syftet till denna studie var att undersöka vilka erfarenheter och upplevelser befintliga användare har av träningsappar, samt studera om dessa är ett möjligt verktyg i hälsofrämjande insatser. För att insamla data till studien har sex befintliga användare, 2 män och 4 kvinnor, intervjuas med semi-strukturerad intervju. Användarna anmälde sig frivilligt efter de sett upplagd annons på sociala medier. Intervjuerna har sedan transkriberats och analyserats med innehållsanalys. I resultatet framkommer att de olika användarna värderar olika funktioner i appen. Det gemensamma är dock att användandet av appen främst är för nöjets skull och att appens visuella dokumentation bidrar till ökad motivation att vara fysiskt aktiv. Även att dokumentera och ha all fysisk aktivitet samlad på ett ställe så att det sedan är lätt att gå tillbaka för att utvärdera och jämföra aktiviteten med tidigare resultat är upplevda fördelar med appen. Slutsatsen är att användandet av dessa träningsappar kan ses som ett gratis och lättillgängligt verktyg och ett möjligt hjälpmedel i hälsofrämjande arbete för att ge ökad motivation till att vara fysisk aktiv. För att säkerställa om användandet av träningsapparna bidrar till en ökad fysisk aktivitet krävs vidare studier med större urvalsgrupp och längre studieperiod.

Kfz-Schadensmeldung über Smartphone-/Tablet-Apps: Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz durch Versicherungskunden - Ergebnisse einer empirischen Erhebung (247 Probanden/-innen) / Motor Vehicle Damage Report by Smartphone-/Tablet-App: Insurance Customer Awareness and Acceptance - Results of an Empirical Study (247 Respondents)/ Nr. 11 der "Wiener Beiträge zur Betriebswirtschaftlichen Versicherungswissenschaft" (WrBtrgBwVersWiss)

Eszler, Erwin, Schneeberger, Daniel January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Smartphones i det gränslösa arbetet

Höök, Ulrika, Hedlund, Charlotte January 2018 (has links)
Smartphones är för flertalet ett arbetsverktyg som möjliggör arbete utanför den fysiska arbetsplatsen och reglerad arbetstid. Gränsen mellan arbete- och privatliv tenderar suddas ut och brist på återhämtning kan innebära ohälsa. Syftet med studien var att undersöka samband mellan användning på smartphonen utanför arbetstid och upplevelse av stress. En webbenkät sändes till fyra industriföretag, två konsultföretag och en kommun, samtliga i norra Sverige. Svarfrekvensen var 46%. Sammanlagt deltog 94 medarbetare och chefer, 22 var kvinnor och 72 män, medelåldern var 45 år. De validerade enkätinstrumentet Perceived Stress Scale (PSS- 10) och Overcommitmentdelen ur Effort-Reward Imbalance Questionnaire användes tillsammans med egenkonstruerade frågor kring tillgänglighet, krav, förväntningar och policys. Studien visar att användningen utanför arbetstid är högfrekvent, även under semestern och det är främst mail som används. Inga signifikanta samband mellan stress och grad av tillgänglighet hittades. Resultat visar på signifikanta samband mellan overcommitment och inre krav, samt overcommitment och ålder, vilket är en aspekt för vidare forskning. Inre krav tycks vara faktorn som driver smartphoneanvändningen och resulterar i längre arbetsveckor och gratisarbete. Användningen kan tyckas harmlös i stunden, men avbruten återhämtning kan på sikt leda till ohälsa. Ett dolt arbetsmiljöproblem som behöver diskuteras vidare för att synliggöra arbetsgivaransvaret och medvetandegöra hälsoeffekterna för individen. / Smartphones often constitute a work tool which makes it possible to perform work outside the workplace and working hours. The boundary between work and privacy tends to blur and lack of recovery can lead to illness. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships between accessibility on smartphones outside working hours and stress levels. A web-based poll was sent to one municipality, four industrial and two consulting companies, all in the northern parts of Sweden. The response rate was 46%. 94 employees and managers were included in the study, 22 women and 72 men, the average age was 45 years. The validated Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) and Overcommitment part of the Effort-Reward Imbalance Questionnaire was used together with self-designed questions regarding accessibility, demands, expectations and policies. The study shows that the use of smartphone is high frequent, even during holidays. Mail is primarily used. Stress and degrees of availability was not significant. Results shows significant associations between overcommitment-internal demands, and overcommitment-age, which needs further researches. Internal demands seem to be the factor that drives smartphone usage which results into longer working weeks and unpaid work. The use may seem harmless at the moment but interrupted recovery may lead to illness. It ́s a hidden workplace problem that needs to be discussed further to make the organizations responsibility visible and individuals aware of health effects.


RAPHAEL SACCHI ZAREMBA 07 February 2017 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo teve o intuito de investigar os impactos que uma nova tecnologia vem tendo sobre a vida daqueles que dela fazem uso: o smartphone. Como se pode perceber, o advento das novas tecnologias foi co-responsável por algumas das mais marcantes revoluções vividas pela humanidade. Importantes trasformações no cotidiano das pessoas, que, por sua vez, geraram novas formas de sentir, se relacionar e, em última instância, de viver, foram as principais consequências da entrada em cena destas. Não haveria de ser diferente com os telefones móveis inteligentes. Como aponta a literatura, a rápida adoção dos smartphones vem trazendo mudanças para algumas áreas extremamente importantes da vida de seus usuários, como a forma com que se relacionam com os outros e com o trabalho, e a maneira como ocupam o seu tempo, por exemplo. Tal proposta foi confirmada através da realização de uma pesquisa de campo que contou com a participação de homens na faixa de 30 a 40 anos de idade. Como forma de coletar material para posterior análise, foi realizado um total de dezessete entrevistas via bate-papo do Facebook. Para se qualificar como participantes da pesquisa, os entrevistados deveriam ser brasileiros, estar atualmente inseridos no mercado de trabalho e fazer uso de telefones móveis inteligentes. A metodologia empregada para a realização da presente pesquisa foi a do Método de Explicitação do Discurso Subjacente – MEDS. Como foi possível verificar, os participantes já estão sofrendo as consequências da nova lógica instaurada pelos telefones celulares e pelos smartphones. / [en] The present study aimed to investigate the impact that a new technology has had on the lives of those who use it: the smartphone. As you can see, the advent of new technologies has been co-responsible for some of the most remarkable revolutions experienced by mankind. Important changes in daily life, which, in turn, generated new ways of feeling, relating with each other and with the world and, ultimately, new ways of living, were the main consequences of their arrival. It couldn t be any different with smart mobile phones. As indicated by the literature, the rapid adoption of smartphones has brought changes to some extremely important areas of their users lives, such as how they relate with each other and with work, and how they occupy and manage their time, for example. This was confirmed by a field research that included the participation of men aged 30 to 40 years old. In order to collect material for later analysis, a total of seventeen interviews were conducted via Facebook chat. To qualify as participants in the research, respondents should be Brazilians, be currently in the job market and make use of smart mobile phones. The methodology for conducting this research was the Method of the Underlying Discourse Explanation – MEDS. As we observed, the participants are already suffering the consequences of the new logic introduced by mobile phones and smartphones.

La mobilité connectée au quotidien : les usages du smartphone dans les transports en commun franciliens / Connected mobility in everyday life : smartphone uses in public transportation in Île-de-France (Paris metropolitan region)

Adoue, François 30 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’hybridation des dimensions virtuelle et corporelle de la mobilité. Elle interroge les effets de la mise en connexion de la mobilité quotidienne, et en particulier de la mobilité pendulaire, sous la double impulsion de la diffusion du smartphone et de l’amélioration de la qualité de la connexion aux réseaux de télécommunication dans les transports en commun. La mobilité, que nous décrivons comme connectée, permet à la fois le déploiement d’activités numériques au cours du déplacement, et l’accès facilité à une information personnalisée sur les conditions d’un déplacement projeté ou en cours via les applications d’aide à la mobilité sur smartphone. La problématique générale de ce travail de recherche peut être comprise à travers l’interrogation suivante : comment les usagers des transports en commun se saisissent-ils de la mise en connexion de la mobilité pour agir sur les contraintes spatio-temporelles du quotidien ? Trois hypothèses structurent cette recherche. La première hypothèse est celle d’un effet positif de la mise en connexion de la mobilité sur la valorisation du temps de déplacement. La deuxième hypothèse est celle de la recomposition, à l’heure de la mobilité connectée, de la spécificité de l’espace-temps du déplacement au regard des activités qui y sont déployées. La troisième hypothèse est celle d’une meilleure maîtrise de la mobilité résultant de l’ancrage dans les habitudes du recours à l’information personnalisée au moyen d’applications d’aide à la mobilité. À partir d’une enquête par entretiens semi-directifs réalisée entre 2013 et 2014 et d’une enquête par la passation de questionnaires en ligne en 2015, nous avançons, en réponse à ces trois hypothèses, l’idée que la mise en connexion de la mobilité soutient une banalisation du déplacement. À défaut de produire une valorisation du temps de déplacement, le smartphone atténue, pour l’individu, les effets négatifs des variations des conditions de trajets sur le niveau de confort du déplacement. De plus, du point la mise en connexion de la mobilité rend plus perméable cet espace-temps au déploiement d’activités structurant par ailleurs le quotidien. Enfin, les applications d’aide à la mobilité offrent, outre des voies d’optimisation temporelle des déplacements quotidiens, une forme de sécurisation de la mobilité / This thesis focuses on hybridity between virtual and corporeal mobility. We study the effects of growing connectivity on daily mobility, and especially on commuting. ‘Connected’ mobility is characterised by the large-scale diffusion of smartphones and the improvement of broadband connection in public transportation. ‘Connected’ mobility allows travellers to use a wider range of on-trip activities and to receive personalised information about their current or future trips. The main issue is to determine how public transportation users use ‘connected’ mobility to their advantage to soften daily time-space constraints. Three hypotheses led this research. The first is the hypothesis of the valorisation of travel time through the use of ICT devices such as smartphones. The second is about the reshaping of mobility time-space through connectivity, regarding the activities practised by travellers in their daily lives. The third concerns the better control of daily mobility allowed by the use of mobile apps that provide personalised information. The study is based on two surveys. The first occurred during the years 2013 and 2014. It is composed of in-depth semi-directive interviews. The second is a large-scale survey led by on-line questionnaires in 2015. The main results support the idea that the growing connectivity of mobility underlines a banalisation of mobility. The use of smartphones does not clearly imply a greater valorisation of travel time, but softens the negative effects on travel comfort due to the variations of travel conditions. Moreover, the growing connectivity of mobility time-space allows the travellers to import in this specific time-space their daily activities. Finally, the mobile apps providing personalised information about mobility authorise travel optimisation but also secure the daily trips, improving the feeling of control on mobility

Tecnologia e formação: o smartphone na experiência de jovens universitários / Technology and formation: the smartphone in the experience of young university students

Ramos, Viviane de Assis 24 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Onia Arantes Albuquerque (onia.ufg@gmail.com) on 2018-11-06T13:26:08Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Viviane de Assis Ramos - 2018.pdf: 2744024 bytes, checksum: 1708f196e76270b945fc6cdbee91b4ca (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-11-07T09:43:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Viviane de Assis Ramos - 2018.pdf: 2744024 bytes, checksum: 1708f196e76270b945fc6cdbee91b4ca (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-07T09:43:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Viviane de Assis Ramos - 2018.pdf: 2744024 bytes, checksum: 1708f196e76270b945fc6cdbee91b4ca (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-24 / This master's research, developed in the postgraduate course of Program in Education, in the line of research Fundamentals of educational processes, aimed to analyze how smartphone technology mediates the daily experience of university students, in the family, at school, at work and among social groups in general. The smartphone is one of the most advanced information and communication technologies that is available and accessible for everyone and, as such, mediates social relations. In this work, technological rationality is analyzed as constitutive of human relations, changing the space-time dimensions as the indivuduals access information that circulates around the world and produce new forms of experience. The concept of experience, as proposed by Walter Benjamin, is used to support the thesis that the impoverishment of human possibility of experiencing formative processes is under way, from which the meanings of universality, humanity and autonomy derive. This impoverishment is related to the technical, technological and scientific advance, that has boosted the development of capitalist society, especially after the First World War when forms of sociability were constituted and produced important changes in the understanding and apprehension of time, space, memory and tradition. In order to understand this problem we sought the contributions of authors such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse and Theodor Adorno, underpinning a critical analysis of the society of capital and about the instrumental and domain rationality. The research was developed as an exploratory study of qualitative characteristics, which used as a data collection instrument, a questionnaire, applied to university students, over 18 years old, from the Federal University of Goiás, from four different courses: Medicine, Law, Pedagogy and Physical Education. The results of this investigation shows how determinant the mediation of technology can be, in the form and content of social relations, especially in the experience of young people with one another, with the time, with the body and with the memory. / Esta pesquisa de mestrado, desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, na linha de pesquisa Fundamentos dos processos educativos, objetivou analisar como a tecnologia do smartphone medeia a experiência cotidiana de jovens universitários na família, na escola, no trabalho e nos grupos sociais em geral. O smartphone é uma das mais avançadas tecnologias de informação e comunicação que está disponível e acessível a todos e, enquanto tal, medeia as relações sociais. Neste trabalho a racionalidade tecnológica é analisada enquanto constitutiva das relações humanas, modificando as dimensões de espaço e tempo na medida em que os sujeitos acessam informações que circulam pelo mundo todo e produzem novas formas de experiência. O conceito de experiência, tal qual proposto por Walter Benjamin é tomado para sustentar a tese de que está em curso o empobrecimento da possibilidade humana de experienciar processos formativos dos quais derivem os sentidos de universalidade, humanidade e autonomia. Esse empobrecimento esta relacionado com o avanço técnico, tecnológico e científico, que impulsionou o desenvolvimento da sociedade capitalista, especialmente após a Primeira Guerra Mundial quando formas de sociabilidade se constituíram e produziram alterações importantes na compreensão e apreensão do tempo, do espaço, da memória e da tradição. Para a compreensão dessa problemática buscou-se a base das contribuições de autores como Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse e Theodor Adorno, embasando uma análise crítica da sociedade do capital e à racionalidade instrumental e de domínio. A pesquisa se desenvolveu como um estudo exploratório, de característica qualitativa, que utilizou, como instrumento de coleta de dados, um questionário, aplicado entre estudantes universitários, maiores de 18 anos, da Universidade Federal de Goiás, de quatro cursos diferentes: Medicina, Direito, Pedagogia e Educação Física. Os resultados dessa investigação apontam o quão determinante pode ser a mediação da tecnologia na forma e conteúdo das relações sociais especialmente na experiência de jovens com o outro, com o tempo, com o corpo e com a memória.

Desenvolvimento de aplicativo para dispositivos móveis para coleta de dados georreferenciados através de reconhecimento de voz / Application development for mobile devices for georeferenced data collection using voice recognition

Leonam João Leal de Paula 03 May 2013 (has links)
A agricultura de precisão (AP) é um das grandes responsáveis pela inserção de tecnologias cada vez mais avançadas dentro dos sistemas de produção agrícola. Um equipamento que já faz parte da AP é o computador de mão (Personal Digital Assistant, PDA). Porém com a evolução crescente dos dispositivos móveis tais como smartphones e tablets, os PDAs têm se tornado uma alternativa mais obsoleta do ponto de vista tecnológico. São várias as características que tornam smartphones e tablets dispositivos móveis mais atraentes tecnologicamente. A comunicação direta destes com sistemas de posicionamento via satélite foi o primeiro passo para torna-los válidos para o uso em AP. Além disso, dentre as tecnologias de computação, a computação móvel é a que tem mais aceitação pelos usuários do meio agrícola devido à gradativa inserção mercadológica que os telefones celulares exerceram durante os anos passados em todo o mundo. Com a ideia de criar uma nova ferramenta para a AP baseando-se no reconhecimento de voz para substituir e/ou minimizar o uso das telas sensíveis ao toque e planilhas no campo foi escolhido o sistema operacional Android para o desenvolvimento desse aplicativo. O projeto se baseou inicialmente em revisão bibliográfica de estudos de aplicativos móveis desenvolvidos para a AP e por acompanhamento em campo de procedimentos de coleta de dados. O aplicativo resultante desse desenvolvimento se baseou em três partes: configurações, coleta de dados por voz e mapas. Na parte de configurações é permitido ao usuário configurar opções como: variáveis de coleta, uso do GPS (Global Positioning System), uso do reconhecimento de voz, pasta de armazenamento e informações cadastrais. Na coleta de dados por voz o usuário tem um formulário com as variáveis configuradas, que é preenchido por reconhecimento de voz, automaticamente. Os mapas utilizados para auxiliar o usuário a se orientar pelo campo são criados a partir do sistema Google Maps®. É possível também habilitar um assistente de voz que fala ao usuário, por sintetização de voz, o nome da variável que está coletando e confirma para ele o valor que foi reconhecido a partir de sua voz. Um arquivo \'txt\' é criado a partir das informações do formulário contendo também as coordenadas geográficas de cada ponto de coleta, obtidas pelo sistema integrado de GPS do dispositivo, e esse arquivo pode ser utilizado para a entrada de dados em sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG) para a criação de mapas posteriormente. / Precision agriculture (PA) is one of the major responsible for the insertion of increasingly advanced technologies within agricultural production systems. Equipment that is already part of precision agriculture is the handheld computer (PDA). But with the growing trend of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, PDAs have become a more obsolete option in the technological context. There are several characteristics that make these devices technologically more attractive. Direct communication of such devices with satellite positioning systems was the first step to make them applicable for use in PA. Moreover, among the computing technologies, mobile computing has more acceptance by users of agricultural marketing due to the gradual insertion that mobile phones have had over the past years worldwide. With the idea of creating a new tool for PA based on the speech recognition to replace and/or minimize the use of touchscreen and worksheets in the field, Android was chosen as the operating system for the development of this application. The design was based initially on studies of mobile applications developed for PA through published articles or through monitoring procedures in field data collection. The application resulting from this development is based on three parts: settings, speech data collection and maps. Part of settings allows the user to set some options for operation of the application as: variables to collect, use of GPS, use of speech recognition, file storage folder to \'txt\' file and registration information, etc. In the data collection the user configures the variables he wants to collect and the application creates a form that is filled through speech recognition automatically. The map is used to help the user navigate the route through the use of Google Maps® base. It is possible to enable a voice assistant that tells him, by voice synthesizer, the name of the variable he is collecting and confirms to him the value that has been recognized by his voice. A \'txt\' file is created containing data along with geographic coordinates obtained from the onboard GPS of the device and it can be used for creating maps in geographic information systems (GIS).

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