Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial change"" "subject:"bsocial change""
1141 |
Human Trafficking and Slavery: Towards a New Framework for Prevention and ResponsibilityHathaway, Dana S. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Human trafficking and slavery are horrific crimes that require strict penalties for perpetrators and effective protections for survivors, but these crimes are in part facilitated by a system of laws and norms that effectively marginalize certain populations--the "unskilled" migrant. In this thesis I aim to reexamine and reinterpret the problem of human trafficking and slavery in a way that highlights the background conditions to the problem. I argue that the framework used as a conceptual foundation for addressing the problem limits the scope of responsibility. Specifically, the framework fails to acknowledge structural contributing factors I show to be relevant: law, policy, and norms impacting immigration and migrant labor. I assert that the limited scope of responsibility, which focuses heavily on direct perpetrators of the crime, leaves largely unexamined the role of social-structural processes in contributing to the problem. I use the United States as a case study in order to provide a targeted analysis of social-structural processes that contribute to the problem. In this examination of the United States, I focus on agricultural and domestic slavery. In conclusion, I attempt to build a new conceptual framework that calls attention to social-structural processes and includes this understanding in assigning responsibility for the problem. I assert that anti-trafficking efforts must account for the role of social-structural processes and that these contributing factors must be adequately addressed and incorporated into the framework for prevention.
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Here, We Are Walking on a Clothesline: Statelessness and Human (In)Security Among Burmese Women Political Exiles Living in ThailandHooker, Elizabeth 01 January 2013 (has links)
An estimated twelve million people worldwide are stateless, or living without the legal bond of citizenship or nationality with any state, and consequently face barriers to employment, property ownership, education, health care, customary legal rights, and national and international protection. More than one-quarter of the world's stateless people live in Thailand. This feminist ethnography explores the impact of statelessness on the everyday lives of Burmese women political exiles living in Thailand through the paradigm of human security and its six indicators: food, economic, personal, political, health, and community security. The research reveals that exclusion from national and international legal protections creates pervasive and profound political and personal insecurity due to violence and harassment from state and non-state actors. Strong networks, however, between exiled activists and their organizations provide community security, through which stateless women may access various levels of food, economic, and health security. Using the human security paradigm as a metric, this research identifies acute barriers to Burmese stateless women exiles' experiences and expectations of well-being, therefore illustrating the potential of human security as a measurement by which conflict resolution scholars and practitioners may describe and evaluate their work in the context of positive peace.
1143 |
Hypertension Awareness and Health Care Access/Use in Black Women with HypertensionTrusiak, Marlène 01 January 2018 (has links)
Black women in the United States have a high prevalence of hypertension and suffer the most complications of cardiovascular disease. Black women, though aware of the dangers associated with hypertension, have limited opportunity to access health care and or change their lifestyles. The purpose of this quantitative cross-sectional study was to test if there was a significant difference in hypertension awareness, health care access/use, and lifestyle modifications in Black women prior to and post implementation of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as compared to women of other races. The behavior modification theory guided this study. Secondary data from the National Health Interview Survey for the years 2009 to 2013 for women ages 20 - 65 were analyzed using logistic regression analysis. According to the study results, there was no association (p values > 0.05) among variables age, education, income, length of employment, and hypertension awareness, health care access/use, and life style modification among Black women in the United States, as compared to women of other races. The findings from this study may allow researchers and policy makers to develop more culturally significant health services for Black women. These findings could create positive social change by targeting programs that promote hypertension awareness leading to effective lifestyle changes in Black women.
1144 |
Classes moyennes éthiopiennes : étude empirique d'une assignation catégorielle incertaine. / Ethiopian Middle Classes : an Empirical Study of an Uncertain and Projected CategoryNallet, Clélie 26 March 2015 (has links)
Au cours des années 2010, les « classes moyennes africaines » sont progressivement devenues une référence catégorielle des sphères économiques et politiques internationales. La catégorie, associée systématiquement à des corrélations positives non validées de développement économique et politique, fait l'objet de divers travaux d'identification et de typification de la part d'acteurs extérieurs (organisations internationales de développement, cabinets de conseil en investissement, etc.). Si ces derniers n'hésitent pas à affirmer l'émergence de « classes moyennes africaines », nous ne pouvons que souligner le caractère incantatoire de telles affirmations, qui relèvent plus d'un « jeu de fabricants » visant à dessiner un monde en « émergence » que de validations empiriques probantes.Ce travail de thèse se base sur un pari : user d’une affectation catégorielle particulièrement incertaine « classes moyennes africaines » afin d’élaborer une méthodologie permettant d’identifier des mutations sociales structurelles sous-jacentes en Éthiopie. Par une étude empirique de l'espace social intermédiaire d'Addis-Abeba, il s'agit de soumettre ces mutations à analyse pour en comprendre les fondements, les formes et processus de constitution et les impacts potentiels sur la société et le politique du pays / Since the year 2010, the term “African Middle Classes” has increasingly become a categorical reference in the international economic and political arena. This category, which has systematically been associated with a positive but unverified correlation of economic and political development, represents the object of diverse identification and typification projects by external actors (such as international development organizations, investment consultancy firms etc.). While the latter do not hesitate to affirm the emergence of the phenomenon of “African Middle Classes”, we cannot but underline the incantatory character of these affirmations. The emergence is more linked to a “producers’ game”, inclined to sketch out an « emerging world », than to empirical evidence.This doctoral research is based on the challenging task of using the particularly elusive and projected category of the « African Middle Classes » to develop a methodology that helps to identify the structural social changes that are shaping Ethiopia nowadays. Grounded in an empirical case study of the intermediate social space in Addis Ababa, this work aims to analyse the foundations, forms and construction processes, as well as the potential impact that these changes have on the Ethiopian society and the political system
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A substantive examination of rural community resilience and transition - A social justice perspective of a civil societyCostello, Diane Ingrid January 2007 (has links)
It is well established that rural regional Australians have borne the brunt of globalization in terms of the adverse impacts caused by social and economic restructuring resulting from global, national and local forces. In response governments and communities have embraced sustainability and civil society for promoting local community action and responsibility for social, economic and environmental issues. This research focuses on community narratives about the social change processes as they engage the forces of neo-liberal policies. Applying a qualitative, grounded theoretical approach to data collection and analysis this study also adopts a multi-perspective, multi-disciplinary framework to gain more holistic, contextual understandings of community functioning and change. In echoing the principles of community psychology, the foundational, multidisciplinary concepts of sense of community, social capital, civil society, empowerment and conscientization have informed understandings of this communitys process and outcome towards transformational change. This study offers a critical reflection of transformational change in an effort to promote more peaceful, collaborate relationships between dominant and oppressed groups in expanding our understandings and solutions for community change. Identified by Newbrough (1992, 1995) as the Third Force Position, the ideals of political community are visibly expressed as they attempt to pursue transformational change towards a just and sustainable future for the community. However, while civil society has made a positive contribution, also apparent are the processes and outcomes which affect those most vulnerable. Those most powerless continue to suffer from exclusion, marginalization and as a result are denied access to vital resources to meet their needs.
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台灣地區行政革新經驗之深層解釋 / A Depper Explanation of Taiwan's Administrative reform Experience呂振興, Leu, Jenn Shing Unknown Date (has links)
過去四十餘年來,政治力一直主導國家發展的方向行政體系尤然。在我國民主政治逐漸成熟,社會日益開放下,威權體制所潛藏的諸多弊端一浮現,行政革新一詞,逐漸成為各界所重視的議題。行政革新(Administration Reform),就是針對公共行政的運作與政府的能力,有計劃的加以改革、創新而達成發展的目的。同時行政革新亦是社會變遷(Social Change)的一部分,應與社會的脈動相契合。從中央政府遷台以來,我國政治體制歷經剛性威權、柔性威權與民主轉型時期的蛻變,期間亦都有行政革新的推動,而政治力一直主導行政革新的方向。本文旨在探討我國各體制階段行政革新經驗的意涵,解釋行政革新的原因與所蘊含的意義。從理性面、政治力、制度面與社會力的理論探討,配合我國政治發展的實況,建構出本文的研究架構,做為分析、解釋本文的基礎。因為「行政體系不僅被期望完美,亦被期望具有社會性」,所以本文最後除了提出對我國現階段行政革新的具體建議外,更進一步建構出未來行政革新的架構—是理性面、制度面、政治力與社會力四者平衡互動,來共同從事行政革新的努力。
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高等教育中的性別隔離與女性就業 / Gender segregation in higher education and maternal employment陳曉穎, Chen, Hsiao-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討臺灣地區經濟發展'職業結構及家庭結構變遷過程中,女性高等教育參與之變化. 利用政府之調查統計資料分析:1.經濟發展'職業結構變遷'家庭結構變遷與高等教育參與之關係.2.高等教育中性別隔離狀況及其變動趨勢.3.女性就業之行職業集中狀況.並藉由文獻及性別隔離狀況變動之分析探討影響臺灣地區高等教育性別隔離之原因.
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廣告與社會變遷之研究–中華汽車個案分析 / Advertising with social change the presentation of social class ---A study of CMC commercials in Taiwan吳風行 Unknown Date (has links)
自由化時期前,中華三菱因僅有商用車,平面廣告皆採用產品特色的理性溝通,如同Otto Kleppner的廣告螺旋理論,當商品在拓荒期時要訴求功能,在競爭期面臨眾多品牌時要強調商品的獨特性,在鞏固期中華三菱廣告則採故事性較多的感性訴求建立品牌形象。
「FCB 廣告模式」中發現中華三菱的廣告從高涉理性商品移轉到高涉感性商品,會發生這樣的現象跟經濟與消費文化有高度正相關,而汽車有關商品理性層面,消費者已有更多能力與訊息可做判斷,至於如何打動則要靠更多的感性訴求。
1970到2010年代的社會,從一個大家彼此認識的恬靜社區逐漸到誰也不認識誰的異化社會(alienated Gesellschaft),不同階級使用不同的物品彰顯所在的社會結構中位置,中華三菱的廣告則不斷提供並呈現社會中產階級想要模傲的價值觀。 / When McQuail discussed the relationship between mass communications and social changes, he believed that society and culture form into a relationship of interdependence if they influence each other. This research analyzed CMC Motor's advertisements and found them influenced by Taiwanese social changes much more than the degree they have influenced society.
A. From a single medium to IMC media
Newspapers had been the major information source for the audience in Taiwan. When CMC Motor joined the market in 1993, automobile industry began to apply plenty of TV commercials along with advertisements in the papers. Since 2000, agencies have run advertising on targeted audience making messages effectively delivered.
B. A brand from product facts-explanation to story-telling
In early days, CMC Motor took rational manners in print advertisements, as Otto Kleppner puts that a product should appeal with its functionality at the pioneering stage; story-enriched emotional appeals have been applied when the company reached the stage of consolidation.
C. Emergence and popularization of conspicuous consumption
Cefiro hit the market in 1996, advertised as a luxuriously equipped sedan--that was the time when consumers moved into “conspicuous consumption” society. All CMC Motor advertisements have appealed to status identification and recognition of targeted consumers.
D. Highly involvement of advertising appeals: from rational to emotional
CMC Motor's advertisements transferred into highly involvement/affective from highly involvement/rational,which is quite related to economy and consumption culture. Consumers are able and informed to make decisions nowadays, while emotional appeals are more needed for touching their hearts.
From 1970 to 2010, Taiwanese society transformed from a place where people knew each other into an alienated Gesellschaft. Society members from different status use different things to recognize each own position, meanwhile CMC Motor's advertisements keep presenting values the middle-class desire to intimate and to be proud of.
automobile advertisement, consumption society, advertising appeal, social change, conspicuous consumption
1149 |
台灣僧尼的親屬支持系統 : 以南部某寺院為中心 / Kin support system of Taiwanese Buddhist monks and nuns: A study at a monastery in southern Taiwan吳佳純, Wu ,Chia Chun Unknown Date (has links)
N/A / Unlike what most people believe, Buddhist monasteries rely not only on laymen’s financial support but also on the supports of families and relatives of monks and nuns. In addition, Buddhist renunciation does not always cut off the relationship of a monk or nun with their families. On the contrary, most of monks and nuns in my research remain close contacts with their families and relatives. It is believed that once a person joins the Order, he or she can rely fully on the monasteries’ financial, emotional and medical supports. However, this is not true in all Buddhist monasteries in Taiwan. Mutual dependency between monks or nuns and their families and relatives is the main focus of this research. With lack of supports of different aspects from the monasteries, monks and nuns will have to turn to their families and relatives for helps when needed. Therefore, keeping close and positive relationship with families and relatives is important to some monks and nuns.
This research aims at: 1. finding out the kin relationships of monks and nuns; 2. looking at the mutual dependency between monks and nuns and their families or relatives; 3. comparing the ideology and reality of monastic life and Buddhist institution (monasteries). In order to achieve the above goals, I will look at possible causes that might affect the relationship between monks and nuns with their families and relatives. Moreover, although not intended, the reasons of renunciation will be discussed in this paper. Different from Buddhist monasteries in other countries and traditions, Taiwanese monasteries can be privately owned by monks, nuns, or laymen. Because of this fact, and because it determines whether monks and nuns will get necessary supports from the monasteries or not, so types of Buddhist monasteries in Taiwan will be discussed, too.
1150 |
戰後台灣社會變遷對民眾飲食習慣之影響:廣告觀點 / Advertising point of view to explore how social changes in the fifty years after the war activities affected the diet habits of Taiwanese.孫琳鳳, Sun, Lin Feng Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,社會變遷使得台灣民眾飲食習慣從重視「吃的功能」走向「吃的價值」;經濟發展帶動飲食習慣由重「量」轉而重「質」的發展;戰後五十年受到外來文化的影響使得台灣飲食習慣走向西方化、速食化;女性角色轉變因而帶動更直效的飲食習慣;飲食產業也隨著飲食趨勢提供不同需求的商品及服務。 / In this paper is from an advertising point of view to explore how social changes in the fifty years after the war activities affected the diet habits of Taiwanese.
This study uses Historical Research to collect all published in the China times from 1950 to 2000 the diet activity-related advertising. And use the Content Analysis to analysis of Taiwan social changes of the political, economic, cultural and other relevant official statistical data, and the journal articles.
The research results showed the social change makes the diet habits of the Taiwanese from the emphasis on “food’s functional” to “food’s value”. Economic development led diet habits by attention “quantity “towards "quality". Outside culture influences to make Taiwan diet habits Western oriented and fast-food oriented. The changing role of women and thus bring more direct eating habits. The diet industries provide goods and services with different needs dietary trends.
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