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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza vzdělávacích potřeb pracovníků nízkoprahových zařízení pro děti a mládež / The analyse of educational needs of workers in lowthreshold clubs for children and adolescents

Moravcová, Běla January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis " The analyse of educational needs of workers in low-threshold clubs for children and adolescents" deals with actual thema of education of skilled workers in social services. Theoretical part of thesis deals with definifion of term low-threshold club for children and adolescents, legal base of this service in the law systém of social services, provided services and with target group. In next chapter is introduced scholastic system of education of social workers, defined profile of graduates at college or university study and legal demands on education of workers of social services. In the last chapter of theoretical part we introduce profile of worker in low-threshold club for children and adolescents, with demands of personal qualities and exigenties on his or her expertness. Practical part of thesis deals with analyse of educational needs of workers in low-threshold clubs in Prague and district of St ední echy. At the beginning we introduce each distrikt and audiodiagnostic method used for analyse. Results of analyse are dealt with proposal of educational courses, which are focused at workers of low-threshold clubs. On the basis of results comparison are designed areas of courses and their content.

Možnosti transformace systému péče o ohrožené děti v ČR / Opportunities for Transformation of the System of Care for Vulnerable Children in the Czech Republic

Klusáček, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis had two maim aims. First to analyse the work of municipal social workers in Pardubice county. It sought to answer following questions: what are the current practices of OSPOD workers in various areas of their work? What will the new law on social protection of children change? What else is needed to move closer the best possible practise? The second aim was to estimate what proportion of children currently placed in institutions for babies in Pardubice county would need foster in case the institutions were closed down and what proportion of children currently placed need not be removed from the family at all were their families provided with support. As for the first aim, the analysis has shown that many aspects of the work of OSPOD play an important in the system of care for vulnerable children, yet the current practise in most of them significantly lags behind what could be called best possible practise. The new law will change the situation only partly. On the positive side significant changes in the practise of OSPOD is achievable. As for the second aim, due to limitations of available data, only very rough estimates could be made. But the estimates suggest that not so huge human and financial resources would be required to replace institutions for babies

Profese sociálního pracovníka ve vybraných státech USA / The profession of social worker in selected states of the USA

Vaculíková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
VACULIKOVA, K. The profession of social worker in selected states of the USA. Prague: Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, 2012. 109 pp. Diploma thesis. The goal of this diploma thesis is to introduce the profession of social worker in selected U.S. states - State of California, State of Iowa, State of New York, and State of Texas. In order to achieve the goal, the thesis first discusses the development and professionalization of social work, the values and ethics within the profession, the forms of the profession regulation and the scope of social work practice in the overall context of the U.S. Subsequently, it describes the specifics of social work profession in the selected states, including geographic and demographic description that significantly influences the focus of social work in each state. In a separate chapter, several aspects of the social work profession in the U.S. and the Czech Republic are compared. The thesis also presents the results of previous research on the public perception of the social work profession in the U.S. The follow-up research part uses the comparative analysis method and determines whether the social workers in the U.S. have realistic notions on the public perception of the social work profession in the U.S. and whether the public perception of the...

An assessment of accessibility to social welfare services of the Department of Social Development : the case study of Shakung Village, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Maluleke, Enoch January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (MPAM.) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / The aim of the study was to assess the implementation of accessibility of social welfare services of the Department of Social Development in Shakung Village, Limpopo province. The objectives of the study were to examine the effectiveness of the implementation on the accessibility of social welfare services by the Department of Social Development, investigate challenges of the implementation on the accessibility of social welfare services by the Department of Social Development and assess the access level that beneficiaries have on social welfare services in the Shakung Village in Limpopo province, South Africa. The study was qualitative and the researcher used a case study research design. The data was collected through the semi-structured face-to-face interview from fourteen (14) beneficiaries of social welfare services and five (05) Social workers working for the Department of Social Development at Moroke Social work Office and analysed following Creswell (1998)’s steps of analysis. The study sample size was nineteen (19) respondents which were reached through purposive sampling with non-probability used as a sub-type. The study findings indicate that the implementation on the accessibility of social welfare services is beneficial and improves their social lives of beneficiaries of social welfare services; the level of satisfaction is good concerning the response to the experiences that beneficiaries of social welfare have on the implementation of accessibility of social welfare services, the role of the Department of Social Development when addressing challenges faced by beneficiaries concerning the implementation on the accessibility of social welfare services is not fully prominent, beneficiaries travel a long distance to Moroke office approximately 20 km to access social welfare services; beneficiaries of social welfare services have no support systems while facing the challenges and social workers have limited resources while facilitating the implementation on the accessibility of social welfare services.

Socialarbetarens utmaning i att välja rätt mellan flera rätta alternativ : En kvalitativ analys om det komplexa sociala barnavårdsarbetet och dess dilemman / The social worker's challenge in choosing the right one between several right alternatives : A qualitative analysis of the complex social childcare work and its dilemmas

Ingvarsson, Amanda, Moschos, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att genom intervjuer med yrkesverksamma socionomer undersöka socialarbetares erfarenheter och uppfattning kring det sociala arbetet med barn och föräldrar. Studien har särskilt ämnat att studera socialarbetares handlingsutrymme samt dilemman, svårigheter och utmaningar som socialarbetare tvingas hantera i det sociala barnavårdsarbetet. Studien har sin grund i en kvalitativ forskningsansats och har utgått från åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer där professionellas erfarenheter i det sociala barnavårdsarbetet har undersökts. Empirin har sedan bearbetats utifrån en tematisk analys som i sin tur har tolkats i relation till teorier om gräsrotsbyråkratens handlingsutrymme och dilemma. Resultatet påvisar att socialarbetare har ett stort handlingsutrymme vilket ger dem möjlighet att påverka olika beslut samt att handlingsutrymmet är konstant närvarande i socialarbetarens vardag. Studiens resultat belyser också svårigheten i att bedöma barnets bästa och att det råder en tveksamhet i hur socialarbetare arbetar efter barnets bästa. Frågan ställs om barnets bästa alltid är i centrum eller om föräldrars rättigheter tar för stor plats i dagens barnavårdsarbete. Ett annat ämne som framkommer i resultatet är socialarbetarens stora tolkningsutrymme. Resultatet lyfter svårigheterna i att ha ett stort tolkningsutrymme och att det kan innebära att olika socialarbetare tolkar lagar och föreskrifter på olika sätt beroende på vem socialarbetaren är som person. Resultatet belyser också det sociala arbetets komplexitet och vikten av att våga ta hjälp av kollegor när socialarbetare ställs inför olika dilemman. Slutligen berör resultatet bristen på resurser och den höga arbetsbelastningen som råder bland socialarbetare. Resultatet lyfter konsekvenser som kommer med hög arbetsbelastning och resursbrist samt vad som kan tänkas förbättras inom socialt arbetet med barn och familjer. / The aim of the study has been to investigate social workers' experiences and perceptions of social work with children and parents through interviews with professional social workers. In particular, the study aims to delve into the social worker's room for maneuver, conflicts, difficulties and challenges that social workers are forced to deal with in social child welfare work. The study is based on a qualitative research approach and is based on eight semi-structured interviews where professionals' experiences in the social childcare work were examined. Empiricism has been analyzed with a thematic analysis, and with theories of street-level bureaucracy. The result of the study shows that the social worker’s room for maneuver is constantly present in a social worker’s everyday life. The result shows that social workers have a large room for maneuver and a great opportunity to influence different decisions. The result of the study also indicates the difficulty in assessing the child’s best interests and that there is a doubt in how social workers work according to the best interest of the child. The question is asked whether the best interests of the child are always at the center or whether parents’ rights take up too much space in today’s child welfare work. Another topic that emerges in the result is the social worker’s large scope for interpretation. The result highlights the difficulties in having a large scope for interpretation and that it can mean that different social workers interpret laws and regulations in different ways depending on who the social worker is as a person. The result also highlights the complexity of social work and the importance of daring to enlist the help of colleagues when social workers face different dilemmas. Finally, the result concerns the lack of resources and the high workload of social workers. The result highlights the consequences that come with high workload and too few resources and what might be improved in social work with children and families.

“Jag är här varje gång. Jag försvinner inte.” : En kvalitativ studie om relationsskapandet mellan socialarbetare och våldsutsatta kvinnor / "I am here everytime. I will not dissapear." : A qualitative study on the relationship between social workers and abused women.

Carling, Tilde, Fanny, Lindström January 2023 (has links)
This essay portrays the relationship building between social workers and abused women. Intimate partner violence is a social problem worldwide. It appears that the relationship building between social workers and abused women is crucial for how the women receive support. This highlights the need for further research on the relationship between social workers and abused women. The study is qualitative, consisting of eight interviews conducted using a semi-structured method with social workers who work with abused women. The purpose of this essay is to examine the perspective of social workers on building relationships with abused women. The central components that emerged from the results regarding the social workers' relationship-building abilities were empathy, sensitivity, validation of feelings, and knowledge of men's violence against women. An additional conclusion drawn from the results is that establishing relationships based on empowerment can contribute to the women gaining increased self-esteem, which in turn can motivate them to leave abusive situations and become self-sufficient. Through this study, we hope to contribute to further research on the relationship building between abused women and social workers, as well as identify potential challenges in establishing effective relationships.

En kvantitativ studie om balans mellan arbete och privatliv i relation till självmedkänsla, utbrändhet, arbetstillfredsställelse och uppsägningsintention / A quantitative study of work-life balance in relation to self-compassion, burnout, job satisfaction, and turnover intention

Tosterud Lundin, Sara, Widmark, Cornelia January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: En kvantitativ studie om balans mellan arbete och privatliv i relation till självmedkänsla, utbrändhet, arbetstillfredsställelse och uppsägningsintention Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Sara Tosterud Lundin och Cornelia Widmark Handledare: Dr Jonas Kågström Datum: 2023 - juni Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur balansen mellan arbete och privatliv ser ut för anställda inom finanssektorn i kontrast till mer traditionella vårdyrken, samt vilken betydelse balansen har på organisatorisk nivå. Därtill ämnar studien undersöka hur faktorerna självmedkänsla, utbrändhet, arbetstillfredsställelse och uppsägningsintention förhåller sig tillbalans mellan arbete och privatliv. Metod: Kvantitativ metod av deduktiv art där det empiriska materialet samlats in med hjälpav två digitala enkäter som skickades ut till 7 104 bankanställda respektive publicerades somett inlägg i en Facebook-grupp för 22 600 socionomer. Totalt resulterade enkäterna i 531 svar som kunde användas. Den empiriskt insamlade datan har analyserats i statistikprogrammet JASP genom deskriptiva-, korrelations- och nätverksanalyser samt ett t-test. Resultat & slutsats: Studien visar att bankanställdas balans mellan arbete och privatliv är god, dock bör organisationerna ha en medvetenhet om att frågan om balans är komplex då det finns många faktorer som kan påverka nivån av balans. Samtliga av studiens hypoteser bekräftades, vilket var i enlighet med tidigare forskning. Bland annat visade studiens resultat att balans mellan arbete och privatliv har ett positivt samband med självmedkänsla och arbetstillfredsställelse, samt ett negativt samband med utbrändhet och uppsägningsintention. Utöver studiens hypoteser framkom två nya korrelationer. Dessa korrelationer visar att en högre självmedkänsla härleder en högre arbetstillfredsställelse och en lägre uppsägningsintention. Examensarbetets bidrag: Bidraget är ökad kunskap kring hur dessa fem ämnesområden påverkar varandra i en svensk kontext avseende finansbranschen. Detta då tidigare studier inom dessa ämnesområden framförallt är riktade till populationer inom sjuk- och hälsovården. Studien har även påvisat ytterligare två direkta samband mellan två ämnesområden: självmedkänsla och arbetstillfredsställelse samt självmedkänsla och uppsägningsintention. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: 1. Genomföra en liknande generaliserbar studie avseende finansbranschen; 2. Undersöka hur det ser ut för dem som varit utbrända men sedan kommer tillbaka till jobbet; 3. Undersöka om svaren skiljer sig mellan olika roller inom yrket; 4. Kombinera enkätundersökningen med intervjuer för att undersöka ämnet mer på djupet genom direkta interaktioner. Nyckelord: Balans mellan arbete och privatliv, självmedkänsla, utbrändhet, arbetstillfredsställelse, uppsägningsintention, finanssektorn, vårdyrken, bankanställda, socionomer / Abstract Title: A quantitative study of work-life balance in relation to self-compassion, burnout, jobsatisfaction, and turnover intention Level: Bachelor’s thesis in business administration Authors: Sara Tosterud Lundin and Cornelia Widmark Supervisor: Dr Jonas KågströmDate: 2023 - juni Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the work-life balance of employees in the finance sector compared to more traditional healthcare professions, and the balance impact at organizational level. Additionally, the study aims to investigate the relationships between self-compassion, burnout, job satisfaction and turnover intention with work-life balance. Method: A deductive quantitative approach was employed, and the empirical data was collected through two digital surveys distributed to 7 104 bank employees and posted in a Facebook group comprising 22 600 social workers. A total of 531 usable responses were obtained. The empirically collected data was analyzed in the statistics program JASP, employing descriptive, correlational, network, and t-test analyses. Results & conclusions: The study demonstrates that the work-life balance of bank employees is satisfactory; however, organizations should be aware that the issue of balance is complex, as there are numerous factors that can influence the level of balance. All of the study'shypotheses were confirmed, which aligns with previous research. Among other factors, the study's findings indicate that work-life balance is positively related to self-compassion and job satisfaction, while being negatively associated with burnout and turnover intention. In addition to the study's hypotheses, two new correlations emerged. These correlations reveal that higher levels of self-compassion are linked to increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover intention. Contribution of the thesis: This thesis contributes to increased understanding of how these five research areas interrelate within the Swedish context, specifically in the finance industry. Previous studies have primarily focused on populations within the healthcare sector. Furthermore, the study identified two direct relationships between two research areas: self-compassion and job satisfaction as well as self-compassion and turnover intention. Suggestions for future research: 1. Conduct a similar generalizable study regarding the financial industry; 2. Examine the experiences of individuals who have experienced burnout but returned to work; 3. Explore potential differences in responses among different job roles within the profession; 4. Combine the survey method with interviews to delve deeper into thetopic through direct interactions. Key words: Work-life balance, self-compassion, burnout, job satisfaction, turnover intention, finance sector, healthcare professions, bank employees, social workers.

Att bygga broar mellan enheter för att möta klientbehov : En kvalitativ studie om intern samverkan inom socialtjänstens individ- och familjeomsorg / Bulding bridges between units to meet client needs : A qualitative study about internal collaboration between social workers that works within child and welfare social services

Guta Pantazakos, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe and analyze how social workers experiences internal collaboration within child and welfare social services and how social workers describe the forms of internal collaboration in their practical work. The study is based on seven semi-structured interviews in seven municipalities with social workers, from three units within child and welfare social services. The collected empirical material were analyzed with theoretical concept discretion, cooperation theory and former research. The results of the study shows that social workers primarily have a positive attitude towards internal collaboration, due to the fact that clients with complex problems are in need of support from various social workers from different units. Furthermore the study found that social workers ordinarily use two different methods when collaborating: informal collaboration and formalized collaboration. Moreover social workers express a variety of obstacles in collabortation with other untis, such as lack of knowledge about each other´s duties, confidentiality and lack of time. It also shows that geographical nearness, good relationships and knowledge are important components for serviceable collaboration. Finally, the study results shows that internal cooperation in child and welfare social services is a necessary working method in order for social workers to be able to meet the needs of clients with complex problems.

Socialsekreterares dilemma inom social barnavård : En kvalitativ studie om balansgången mellan frivillighet och tvång avseende insatser till barn och unga / Social workers' dilemma in child welfare services : A qualitative study about the balance between voluntary and compulsory interventions for children and adolescents

Nilsson, Hanna, Danielsson, Line January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the study was to create a greater understanding concerning social workers'experience and their discretion to balance between voluntary and compulsoryinterventions in child welfare. Furthermore, we wanted to investigate social workers'attitudes regarding the implementation of an intermediate compulsory care accordingto the law regarding compulsory care of children and adolescents. Previous researchhas identified a problem where the child is between voluntary and compulsorylegislation which can lead to the child continuing living in harmful conditions. Theempirical data is based on nine interviews with social workers in child welfareinvestigations units in Sweden. Lipsky's (2010) theory of street-level bureaucrats andthe term discretion were used to analyze the data and interpret the results obtainedfrom the study. The results showed that social workers' experience limited discretion.Strategies that were most successful were the relationship-building between socialworker and caregivers, communicative skills, and the application of the law. Thestudy also revealed that social workers had different points of view regarding animplementation of an intermediate care. Some find the implementation hard toenforce in practice, even though it could result in increased child protection. Theconclusion of the study was that the social workers would rather add moreinterventions than an implementation of an additional compulsory law. / Syftet med studien var att skapa en förståelse för socialsekreterares erfarenheter och deras förmåga att balansera mellan frivilliga och tvingande insatser inom den sociala barnavården. Dessutom ville vi undersöka socialsekreterares inställning till implementeringen av ett mellanvårdstvång enligt 2 § i lagen om särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga. Tidigare forskning har identifierat ett problem där barnet befinner sig mellan frivilliga- och tvångsinsatser, vilket kan leda till att barnet fortsätter att leva under skadliga förhållanden. Empirin baseras på nio intervjuer med socialsekreterare inom den sociala barnavården i Sverige. Lipskys (2010) teori om street-level bureaucrats och begreppet handlingsutrymme användes för att analysera data och tolka de resultat som erhållits från studien. Resultaten visade att socialsekreterarna upplevde ett begränsat handlingsutrymme. Strategier som var mest framgångsrika var relationsskapande mellan socialsekreterare och vårdnadshavare, kommunikativa färdigheter och tillämpning av lagen. Studien visade också att socialsekreterare hade olika inställningar om implementeringen av ett mellanvårdstvång. Vissa tycker att det är svårt att genomföra i praktiken, även om det skulle kunna leda till ökat skydd för barnet. Slutsatsen av studien var att socialsekreterare hellre vill ha tillgång till fler insatser än en implementering av ytterligare en tvångslagstiftning.

Kriminalitet och socialt arbete: Görs det tillräckligt? / Crime and social work: Is enough being done?

Yalda, Maha January 2023 (has links)
Crime and gang violence are often subjects of media attention in today's society. This has led to an increased debate and a widespread perception that it is a societal issue. There is a division among politicians about which strategy is considered most effective in reducing crime. Some belive that harsher penalties will lead to reduced crime, while others argue that preventive work and investments in social work are needed. The purpose of the study is to examine whether the social work being conducted is sufficient to prevent a greater degree of recidivism or whether authorities need to work differently. To conduct the study, five social workers participated in interviews where they were asked about their views on the reintegration model that exists in Sweden, as well as whether they believe other strategies are needed. Since these social workers have different professional roles, their answers provide a broader perspective on how different professions work with criminals. The results of the study show that more preventive work is needed from an early age to prevent individuals from committing criminal acts. When authorities become involved, it is usually to late, and the individual is already trapped in a cycle of crime that is difficult to break. To prevent this, signicicant investments are needed in various social activities that are there to support early on. Additionally, the study shows that society must give the criminals a fair opportunity to reintegrate into society by, for examle, employing individuals who have served their sentence to reduce social exclusion.

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