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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ネグレクト児童の学校ソーシャルワーク実践に関する研究 : 拠点巡回型スクールソーシャルワーカーの専門的役割を中心に / ネグレクト ジドウ ノ ガッコウ ソーシャル ワーク ジッセン ニカンスル ケンキュウ : キョテン ジュンカイガタ スクール ソーシャル ワーカー ノ センモンテキ ヤクワリ オ チュウシン ニ

奥村 賢一, Kenichi Okumura 20 March 2019 (has links)
博士(社会福祉学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Social Welfare / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

社会へ働きかける医療ソーシャルワーカーの可能性 : マネジメント化による内向き姿勢を克服するために / シャカイ エ ハタラキ カケル イリョウ ソーシャル ワーカー ノ カノウセイ : マネジメントカ ニヨル ウチムキ シセイ オ コクフク スル タメ ニ

小畑 美穂, Miho Obata 20 March 2022 (has links)
近年の医療ソーシャルワークのマネジメント重視=内向き姿勢への疑問を呈し、(1)業務のマネジメント化への背景を探り、(2)歴史的資料の検討や医療従事者への質的調査を通し,それを克服する方途を探った。知見として,共感的対話,対象認識の重要性を得,①【業務を超えたつながり】が組織化への一歩,②【ソーシャルワーク経験・体験、覚悟】ができる環境と仕掛けづくり、③患者と【外来での継続的関わり】の三方法を示した. / Starting from the question of the recent management-oriented (inward-looking) attitude of medical social work, we explored (1) the background to the shift to management of work and (2) ways to overcome it through a review of historical data and qualitative surveys of medical professionals. The findings showed the importance of empathetic dialogue and recognition of the subject, and the three methods of 1) [connections beyond work] as a step toward organization, 2)creation of an environment and mechanism for [social work experience, and preparedness], then 3) [continuous involvement with patients in the outpatient setting]. / 博士(社会福祉学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Social Welfare / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Perspectives des parents sur les normes et pratiques d’intervention des travailleurs sociaux auprès de leur famille : quelle légitimité?

Quesnel Bolduc, Annick 01 1900 (has links)
Au Québec, les familles ont accès à des services sociaux dispensés par différents milieux de pratique. Les travailleurs sociaux sont parmi les principaux intervenants à offrir leur soutien professionnel aux familles, en collaboration avec d’autres soignants et intervenants du domaine de la santé et des services sociaux. Suite à une expérience professionnelle de travailleuse sociale auprès des familles pendant plus de sept ans, ce contact avec celles-ci joint à nos réflexions, nous ont poussée à vouloir faire une place à la voix des parents utilisant ces services. Comment les parents se représentent-ils le travail social? Quel est leur point de vue, suite à leurs propres expériences d’intervention sociale? Cette étude se veut un espace afin de présenter le regard des parents vis-à-vis du travail social, pour mieux saisir la légitimité accordée aux pratiques d’intervention sociale. Le corpus de données repose sur les récits de douze parents recueillis lors d’entretiens semi-directifs. Ces parents ont en commun le fait d’avoir eu une ou des expériences avec le travail social. Cette étude met en lumière leur propre rapport au travail social, à partir d’un point de vue qui est le leur. La ligne directrice de cette recherche est inspirée d’une anthropologie de l’éthique, qui laisse place à l’analyse des morales en présence dans la rencontre. L’analyse se divise en deux grands thèmes principaux : soit la légitimité morale de l’intervention sociale et les dynamiques morales entre parents et travailleurs(es) sociaux(les). La première partie d’analyse montre les facteurs qui influencent l’appréciation qu’ont les parents de l’aide qui leur est offerte, ainsi que du parcours inhérent à cette rencontre particulière. Dans un deuxième temps, une éthique de la reconnaissance est utilisée pour discuter les résultats de l’étude. Les valeurs, les normes et les savoirs qui se négocient entre parents et intervenants(es) sont explorés. Ultimement, cette étude qui se veut un plaidoyer pour la voix des parents donne à voir comment les uns et les autres définissent un univers de sens moral à travers un rapport aidant/aidé précis, celui entre parents et travailleurs(ses) sociaux(les). / In the province of Quebec, families have access to social services from various resources. The social worker is a key participant among these resources, along with several other collaborating health professionals. Having been a professional social worker from 2007 to 2014, in the Montreal area, my experiences have led me to contemplate the lives of those families I’ve had the privilege of working with and helping to the best of my capabilities. These reflections led to questions and to this thesis, which aims to give a voice to parents who have experienced Quebec’s social services in the past and in the present. How do they reflect on these experiences? This master’s thesis will provide a rare insight into these experiences, from the parents/families’ point of view. The data collected is based on the personal stories of twelve parents. The interviews were conducted one on one, with open and close-ended questions, in order to provide as much space for the interviewee to best express themselves and their experiences with social services. This study will provide a unique and definitive perspective from the point of view of the parent. The guiding principle of this research takes inspiration from ethical anthropology, and it allows for an analysis of the morals present during the meeting. The analysis is divided into two main themes: the moral legitimacy of the social intervention, and the moral dynamics between parents and social workers. The first part of the analysis will show the factors that can influence the parents’ opinion about the help that is offered to them. Also, as well as the journey that is defined within the meeting will be explored. In the second part, we will use the ethics of recognition to discuss the results of the study. Here we will explore the values, norms and knowledge that are negotiated between parents and social workers. Ultimately, this study, which is meant as advocacy tool for the voices of the parents, wants to reveal how the ones and the others can define a universe of moral sense throughout a precise relationship, the one between social workers and parents.

En eftersatt vård för en utsatt grupp : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av professionellas upplevelser i arbetet med äldre som visar tecken på kognitiv svikt och alkoholmissbruk

Cavka, Ivan, Fillman, Jennie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur professionella som är verksamma inom socialtjänst, äldrevård och HVB-hem arbetar med individer som visar tecken på kognitiv svikt, demens och alkoholmissbruk. Datainsamlingsmetoden utgjordes av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sex (6) intervjuer genomfördes totalt och transkriberades sedan ordagrant. Det insamlade materialet analyserades sedan genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Det analyserade materialet tolkades sedan genom den socialekologiska systemteorin. Vissa delar av resultatet från intervjuerna visar att kunskapsbristen inom området skapar olika förutsättningar för arbetsgruppen. Andra delar visade även positiva och negativa exempel på samverkan mellan olika verksamheter. Dessutom visade resultatet även hur politiska beslut och avsaknaden av evidens kan orsaka förändrade förutsättningar för de professionellas arbete. Sammanfattningsvis visade resultaten vikten av samverkan i en kontext där klientens behov kan erbjudas av flera olika verksamheter. Dessutom visade även resultatet hur verksamheterna påverkas av både kunskapsbrister och svårigheter med att samla in evidens. Det kan även föreligga ett behov att reflektera över tidigare socialt arbete för att förstå hur framtidens sociala arbete eventuellt kan förbättras. / The purpose of this study is to examine how professional employees working at social work offices and care homes experience possible opportunities and obstacles while working with individuals showing signs of both cognitive impairment, dementia and the misuse of alcohol. The method of which the material was collected was through semi-structured interviews. In total, six (6) interviews were conducted and later transcribed verbatim. The material was compiled through qualitative content analysis. The compiled material was then later analysed through the social ecological systematic theory. Some of the contents provided through the interviews showed a lack of knowledge regarding the work surrounding the group mentioned above. Other parts of the interview showed both positive and negative examples within cooperation between multiple organisations. The contents also gave examples of how the work is affected by political decisions and also obstructed by the lack of evidence surrounding the group. In conclusion, the results showed how crucial cooperation can be in a context where the afflicted is in need of several instances of help from several different organisations. Moreover, the results also showed a lack in both knowledge and the acquiring of evidence. There may also be a need to reflect on earlier social work to see how future social work can be improved.

Klientrelaterat hot och våld i socialt arbete : Socialsekreterares copingstrategier och upplevelser av stöd från sin arbetsgivare / Client initiated violence in social work : Social workers’ coping strategies andexperiences of support from management

Nermo, Samuel, Svensson, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
This qualitative study's aim is to understand how social workers in child care protective services handle client initiated violence. The aim is also to explore the social workers' experiences of their managment's support regarding client initiated violence. Data from seven social workers have been analyzed using the theory about coping by Lazarus and Folkman (1984). This studys' result show that social workers can experience negative feelings when exposed to client initiated violence. Some social workers cope with these feelings by using emotion-focused coping strategies such a distancing, avoidant behavior, understanding, empathic approach or trying to see the situation through the eyes of the client. The results also show that social workers also use problerm-focused coping strategies in theratening or violent situations. This can entail self-reflection, erasing personal data from the internet, clear communication, support from colleauges or managers, participating in supervision and learning to set limits. Sometimes the social workers used both emotions-focused and problem-focused coping strategies at the same time. Furthermore the social workers' experiences of their managments' support and preventive work was mainly positive but some claim that the preventive work could improve to increase work saftey and well being among the social workers.

Socialpedagogiskt arbetsätt i skolan för elever med ADHD : Socialpedagoger / Social Pedagogical Approach in School for Students with ADHD : Social Pedagogue

Kciku, Endrita, Gashi, Majlinda January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: I skolor har det socialpedagogiska perspektivet börjat ta en större plats i det pedagogiska arbetet med elever. Grunden i socialpedagogik är den samhälleliga fostran som genom socialpedagogiskt arbetsätt leder till ett förändringsarbete. Det socialpedagogiska bemötandet är en viktig del i arbetet med elever som har ADHD. Socialpedagogiska utgångspunkten ger dessa elever individuella förutsättningar för att klara av vardagen. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilket socialpedagogiskt stöd elever med ADHD får i skolan. Det som ytterligare ska beaktas är socialpedagogernas arbetssätt och metoder i skolan för stödet elever erbjuds, dessutom ska socialpedagogens roll i skolan utforskas. Metod: Det är en kvalitativ studie där anställda socialpedagogoer blivit intervjuade och där det gjorts en tematisering på empirin. Resultat: Slutsatsen visar att elevers välbefinnade, närvaro och sociala svårigheter har främjats i de skolor socialpedagoger varit anställda. Dessutom är samverkansprocessen en central del i det socialpedagogiska arbetet med elever. Därför att socialpedagogen behöver samarbeta med olika professioner för elevens individuella behov. Resultatet visar att varje elev med ADHD har ett individuella socialpedagogiskt behov. / Background: In schools, the social pedagogical perspective has begun to occupy a more prominent role in the educational work with students. The foundation of social pedagogy is societal upbringing, which, through social pedagpgical methods, leads to a process of change. The social pedagogical approach is a crucial component in working with students who have ADHD. The social pedagogical framework provides these students with individual conditions to cope with their everyday lives. Purpose: The aim of the study is to investigate the social pedagogical support received by students with ADHD in school. Additionally, the working methods and approaches of social pedagogues in the school for the support offered to students with ADHD will be investigated. Furthermore, the role of the social pedagogue in the school will be explored. Method: A qualitative thematic analysis of the interviewed social pedagogues in schools. Conclusion: The conclusion of the study results in student´s well-being, attendance in school and social difficulties that social pedagogues have promoted. In addition, the collaborative process is important in the social-pedagogical work with students in school. Because the social pedagogue needs to collaborate with other professions for the student´s individual needs. The results show that each student with ADHD needs an individual social-pedagogical plan.

Vad yrkesverksamma socionomer upplever som betydelsefullt stöd till barn som bevittnat våld i nära relation / What professional social workers perceive as significant support forchildren who have witnessed domestic violence

Bansal, Samson, Jonsson, Anton, Wennberg, Benjamin January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Children who live with or witness domestic violence are a vulnerable group that is difficult for society to identify and help. The children who live in these conditions can develop psychological consequences which they can carry with them for large parts of their lives. The purpose of this research was to study what professional social workers perceive as significant support for children who have witnessed domestic violence. In our research report, parental role, the first meeting with the children and the development are aspects that are highlighted for the children to receive the right support they need. Society's role to intervene, support and care for children has also been highlighted as crucial points in order for the children to receive the right support. Although this is a more difficult approach since witnessing domestic violence often is a hidden social problem, it is also accentuated that cooperation and care from everyone is important to maintain and protect children's rights. The questions that the research is based upon concern how professional social workers work with children, what obstacles and difficulties exist in the line of work, what is considered good support in working with children who and what professional social workers feel needs to be developed when it comes to support measures for children who have witnessed domestic violence. Four semi structured interviews were conducted with four different social workers with vast experience within the field. The answers we got from the interviews were analyzed via a thematical analysis. The result accentuated how different children are and how they react differently to witnessing domestic violence. The result also showed how important knowledge is in this line of work. The result also showed that social workers thought the support that is given is good but there is room for improvement and development to make the support for kids even better.

“När barnen inte behöver mig längre, tyder det på att det skett en utveckling och målet är uppnått” : - En kvalitativ studie om arbetet på skyddade boenden med fokus på de medföljande barnens behov av kontinuitet i vardagen / “When the children no longer need me, it indicates that there is a development and the goal has been achieved” : - A qualitative study about social work in domestic violence shelters with focus on the accompanying children's need for continuity in everyday life.

Alhede, Evelina, Mohanathas, Thushana January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utifrån kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka hur socialarbetare på skyddadeboenden med barnperspektiv, via rutiner och arbetssätt, tar hänsyn till medföljande barnssociala uppbrott från skola, familj och vänner. Syftet är även att undersöka om rutinerna ocharbetssätten upplevs vara tillräckliga för att bidra till upprätthållning av kontinuitet i demedföljande barnens vardag. Studien baserades på en kvalitativ metod där sju semistruktureradeintervjuer genomfördes med socialarbetare på skyddade boenden. Empirin haranalyserats utifrån teorier och teoretiska begrepp som Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater, Giddens teori om modernitet, självidentitet och ontologisk trygghet samt barndomssociologi.Resultatet visar att socialarbetare försöker upprätthålla de medföljande barnens vardagsrutinergenom att skapa rutiner som inkluderar skola, aktiviteter och samtalsstöd. Det föreliggerdäremot svårigheter att upprätthålla barnens vardagliga rutiner på grund av de skyddadeboendenas säkerhetsaspekter. Socialarbetare har en medvetenhet om att deras arbetssätt medbarn bör utföras med ett barnperspektiv medan deras mål är att familjerna ska flytta till ett nyttsjälvständigt hem för att skapa en ny tillhörighet och vardag. / The aim of this study is to investigate, based on qualitative interviews, how social workers inshelters for victims of domestic violence with a child's perspective via routines and ways ofworking take into account children’s break-up from school, family and friends. The aim of thisstudy is also to investigate whether or not social workers routines and ways of working areperceived to be sufficient to contribute to maintaining continuity in everyday routines of theaccompanying children. The study was based on a qualitative method where sevensemistructured interviews were conducted with social workers in shelters for victims ofdomestic violence. The empirical data has been analyzed based on theories and theoreticalconstructs such as Lipskys theory about street level bureaucrats, Giddens theory aboutmodernity, self-identity and ontological security and also childhood studies. The resultsindicate that social workers try to maintain the children’s everyday routines by creating routinesthat include school, activities and counseling. However there are difficulties to maintain thechildren’s everyday routines because of the safety strategies in the shelters. Social workershave an awareness that their ways of working with children are supposed to be performed byhaving a child’s perspective whereas their achievement is for the families to transfer to a newindependent home to create a new belonging and everyday life.

Socialtjänstens arbete utifrån dennya lagändringen om barnfridsbrott : - En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelser av attarbeta med barn som upplevt våld mellan närstående / Social services’ work based on the new law regarding violation of children's integrity

Ringqvist, Felicia, Vilén, Oona January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med följande studie är att undersöka vilken verkan lagändringen i Brottsbalken (SFS1962:700, 4 kap. 3 §), avseende barnfridsbrott, har fått för socialtjänstens arbete. Vidare ämnarstudien belysa socialarbetares upplevelser av att arbeta med barn som upplevt våld mellannärstående. Studien antar en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt och använder sig av organisationsteorin,professionsteorin och begreppet handlingsutrymme för att tolka och förstå resultatet. Femsemistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med socialarbetare som dagligen kommer i kontaktmed barn i sitt arbete. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades därefter genom kodning ochen tematisk analys, vilket resulterade i att två huvudteman och sju delteman identifierades. Avstudiens resultat framgår att lagändringen inte haft någon större påverkan på det praktiskaarbetet, då socialtjänsten redan arbetade utifrån barnets bästa i stor utsträckning. Däremotupplever respondenterna att arbetet för rättsväsendet och andra samverkanspartner har förändratstill följd av lagändringen. Likaså har samverkan ökat, både internt inom socialtjänstens olikaenheter, och externt mellan olika myndigheter och andra samverkanspartner. Studien påvisar attbarns rättigheter delvis har stärkts då barn i allt större utsträckning ses som egen part. Samtidigtfinns brister i samverkan och begränsningar i svensk lagstiftning och praxis, som gör det svårtför socialarbetare att tillförsäkra barns rättigheter. / The aim of this study is to examine what effect the new law regarding violation of children’sintegrity has had on social services’ work. The study adopts a hermeneutic approach and usesorganizational theory, professional theory and social worker's use of discretion to interpret andunderstand the results. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five social workers. Theinterviews were transcribed and subsequently analyzed through coding and a thematic analysis,which resulted in the identification of two main themes and seven sub-themes. The studyconcluded that the change in the law did not have a particularly large impact, since the socialservices were already working in the best interest of the child to a large extent. However, socialworkers feel that the work of the judiciary and other cooperation partners has changednoticeably. Likewise, collaboration has increased, both internally within the social services, andexternally between different authorities and other collaboration partners. Furthermore, the studyshows that children's rights have been partially strengthened, as they are increasingly seen astheir own party. Despite this, there are shortcomings in cooperation and other limitations inSwedish legislation and practice that make it difficult for social workers to ensure that children'srights are met.

"Men när jag vill ha en medhandläggare då är det knäpptyst." : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser och erfarenheter av rasism och utanförskap inom socialtjänsten / "But when I want a co-case worker then it is quiet." : A qualitative study on social workers experiences of racism and exclusion within social services

Mudaeva, Amina, Naeem, Abida January 2023 (has links)
Abstract The aim of our study is to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of racismand exclusion that social workers with a foreign background may experience withinsocial services in Swedish municipalities. The focus will also be on the preventiveactions and solutions which social workers wish to be implemented in order totackle racism and exclusion. Our purpose is to contribute with deeper understandinginto how and which changes are desired for a safer and more welcoming workplace.Our questions for this study are the following: What experiences of racism andexclusion do social workers with a foreign background have in the social services?andWhat measures and solutions do social workers with a foreign background want toprevent the occurrence of racism and exclusion in their workplaces?To fulfill the purpose of our study, we used Goffman's theory of stigma, shame andthe concept of exclusion. We also used previous scientific research, both nationaland international. We interviewed eight social workers with foreign backgroundswithin the social services in Swedish municipalities. The eight interviews werequalitative semi-structured interviews which were later analyzed using qualitativecontent analysis.The results of this qualitative study were surprising as racism and exclusion seemsto be common problems in most of the workplaces. Racism and exclusion have hadnegative health effects for the social workers interviewed. There was a desire formore active and continuous work against racism and exclusion among theparticipants.

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