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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The sustainability perspective of corporate entrepreneurship: Sustainable venturing at the intersection of established corporations and corporate start-ups

Schönwälder, Jeremy 25 August 2022 (has links)
The topic of sustainability has found its way into the corporate entrepreneurship activities of large corporations. The Sustainable Corporate Entrepreneurship (SCE) strand is still in its infancy. Since most large corporations engage in corporate entrepreneurship and are exploring new business models inside and outside corporate boundaries, several questions arise from different viewpoints. First, from corporate perspective researchers and business leaders wonder which internal modes of SCE activities have emerged in business practice and how large corporations explore sustainable value propositions. Second, from entrepreneur and investor perspective, the question emerges which factors influence the likelihood of corporate ventures, such as spin-offs from corporations, raising venture capital to scale sustainable business models. Therefore, to further develop the field of SCE, this cumulative dissertation presents three research papers analysing sustainable corporate entrepreneurship at the intersection of corporations and start-ups.

Circular business models in the fashion industry: A consumer perspective on renting everyday clothes.

Sczyka, Jana January 2020 (has links)
This study identifies enabling factors for a circular business model that focuses on use-oriented services in the fashion industry. The objective is to provide an overview of the possibilities of use-oriented services for sustainability and to determine motives for renting everyday clothes from a consumer perspective.The clothing industry is one of the most polluting and unsustainable business industries (Leal Filho et al., 2019). It starts to move towards the wider movement of circular economy and use-oriented service businesses, which some scholars see PSS as a sustainable business option due to its reduced environmental impact of economic activity (Baines et al., 2007). With the concept being tested on less quality-focused fashion retailers, the concept's real strength can be slowly analyzed. This study focuses on incentives and obstacles for conscious consumers to participate in a fashion renting program as well as the possibilities for sustainability from a consumer perspective. A multidisciplinary literature review was conducted to get insights into the topics of sustainable business models, circular businesses in particular, and product service systems, especially in the fashion industry. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect empirical data that were analyzed and related to the concept of social practice theory. The results show that renting everyday garments appears as a new concept that has not been considered yet. There is a general interest in renting special occasion clothes. Identified obstacles are the own lack of interest in fashion styles, no need for new clothes, quality, as well as logistic and transportation concerns.Sustainability was an overall important aspect for all respondents and, therefore, the concept of renting was mainly discussed in the sense of providing a sustainable purpose. Participants agreed that the business model could contribute to sustainability when the lifetime of garments is significantly extended. However, they questioned if renting can really decouple economic success from material consumption.

Measuring the Success of New Business Models with an Environmental Perspective: from the Circular Economy to Servitisation

Sánchez Planelles, Joaquín 21 March 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La sostenibilidad es un concepto que se está haciendo extensible a cada vez más ámbitos de nuestra sociedad, estando muy presente en la esfera empresarial a través de la denominada sostenibilidad corporativa. Sin embargo, la capacidad de determinar qué prácticas sostenibles aplicar para poder generar el mayor rendimiento para las compañías todavía se antoja complicado. Esto es debido a que intervienen diferentes variables, como, por ejemplo, el tipo de sector en el que operen las organizaciones y el nivel de desarrollo de prácticas sostenibles aplicadas por los competidores. Es por ello, que, el propósito de esta tesis consiste en el desarrollo de las primeras fases de una teoría que permita a los responsables de las compañías conocer qué tipo de prácticas sostenibles aplicar en función de su organización interna y su posición competitiva. Para ello, inicialmente de desarrolló un análisis de la literatura para identificar las metodologías creadas para ayudar a las organizaciones a integrar la sostenibilidad en su modelo de negocio. Además, se valoró el nivel de aceptación y de uso de dichas metodologías por parte de consultores y directivos de compañías. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo un detallado estudio del estado del arte sobre la sostenibilidad corporativa que identificó cinco líneas de investigación que se están produciendo actualmente. Estas cinco líneas fueron clasificadas en cinco conceptos que han permitido conocer diferentes tipos de prácticas sostenibles aplicadas por las empresas y, además, contribuyó al desarrollo del protocolo de estudio de casos. El primer concepto es la 'sostenibilidad holística', el cual engloba toda la literatura relativa a cómo la sostenibilidad se debe gestionar desde un punto de vista global incorporándola en la estrategia de la organización. El segundo concepto se denomina 'metodologías sostenibles', concepto que trata de las diferentes metodologías o modelos desarrollados por académicos para ayudar a los responsables de las compañías a determinar qué prácticas ambientales aplicar. El tercer concepto trata de los 'modelos de negocio sostenibles', es decir, las características de aquellas compañías que deciden situar la sostenibilidad en el centro de su negocio y de su propuesta de valor. El cuarto concepto, denominado 'operaciones sostenibles' recoge todas las actividades que se circunscriben a un área concreta de la compañía para reducir el impacto ambiental (p.e. aplicación de tecnología que permita el consumo de energía renovable). Y, finalmente, el quinto concepto, titulado 'innovación orientada a la sostenibilidad', este último concepto abarca el campo de análisis sobre cómo la interacción entre diferentes prácticas en una misma empresa mejoran su rendimiento. El protocolo de estudio de casos se empleó para analizar a una serie de empresas conocidas por la aplicación de prácticas sostenibles, de manera que, usando dicho protocolo se pudo determinar qué tipo de prácticas sostenibles implantadas por estas empresas han sido capaces de generarles un incremento de su rendimiento. Los resultados obtenidos permiten clasificar a las compañías en cinco fases en función de nivel de integración de la sostenibilidad que han desarrollado. Estas fases pasan por el aprovechamiento del cumplimiento legal como una oportunidad, pasando por el desarrollo de una cadena de valor eco-innovadora hasta convertirse en modelos de negocio sostenibles. Para facilitar que la sostenibilidad se convierta en un factor transversal a toda la compañía se requiere de un sistema de gestión ambiental (SGA). De manera que, este tipo de sistemas protocoliza la sostenibilidad incorporándola en los diferentes procesos de toma de decisiones. Finalmente, esta tesis ofrece una serie de prácticas sostenibles que pueden ser desarrolladas por las compañías en función de la fase de integración de la sostenibilidad en la que se encuentren y en la estrategia que siga la compañía. / [CA] La sostenibilitat és un concepte que s'està estenent cada vegada a més àmbits de la nostra societat, estant molt present en l'esfera empresarial mitjançant de la denominada sostenibilitat corporativa. No obstant, la capacitat de determinar quines pràctiques sostenibles s'han d'aplicar per poder generar el major rendiment per a les companyies encara és una qüestió complicada. Això es degut a que intervenen diferents variables, com, per exemple, el tipus de sector en el que operen les organitzacions i el nivell de desenvolupament de pràctiques sostenibles aplicades pels competidors. Per tant, el propòsit d'esta tesi consisteix en el desenvolupament de les primeres fases d'una teoria que puga permetre als responsables de les companyies conèixer quin tipus de pràctiques sostenibles aplicar en funció de la seua organització interna i la seua posició competitiva. Per aconseguir-ho, inicialment es va desenvolupar un anàlisi de la literatura per identificar les metodologies creades per ajudar a les organitzacions a integrar la sostenibilitat en el seu model de negoci. A més, es va valorar el nivell d'acceptació i d'ús d'estes metodologies per part de consultors i directius de companyies. Posteriorment, es va portar a terme un detallat estudi de l'art sobre la sostenibilitat corporativa que va identificar zinc línies de recerca que s'estan produint en l'actualitat. Estes zinc línies van ser classificades en zinc conceptes que han permès conèixer diferents tipus de pràctiques sostenibles aplicades per les empreses i, a més, van contribuir al desenvolupament del protocol d'estudi de casos. El primer concepte és la 'sostenibilitat holística', el qual engloba tota la literatura relativa a com la sostenibilitat s'ha de gestionar des d'un punt de vista global incorporant-la en la estratègia de la organització. El segon concepte es denomina 'metodologies sostenibles', concepte que tracta de les diferents metodologies o models desenvolupats per acadèmics per ajudar als responsables de les companyies a determinar quines pràctiques ambientals aplicar. El tercer concepte tracta dels 'models de negoci sostenibles', és a dir, les característiques d'aquelles companyies que decideixen situar la sostenibilitat en el centre del seu negoci i de la seua proposta de valor. El quart concepte, denominat, 'operacions sostenibles' recull totes les activitats que es circumscriuen a un àrea concreta de la companyia per reduir l'impacte ambiental (p.e. l'aplicació de tecnologia que permet el consum d'energia renovable). I, finalment, el quint concepte, titulat 'innovació orientada a la sostenibilitat', este últim concepte abasta el camp d'anàlisi sobre com la interacció entre diferents pràctiques en una mateixa empresa milloren el seu rendiment. El protocol d'estudi de casos es va emprar per analitzar una sèrie d'empreses conegudes per l'aplicació de pràctiques sostenibles, de manera que, usant el protocol es va determinar quin tipus de pràctiques sostenibles implantades per estes empreses han sigut capaces de fer que generen un increment del seu rendiment. El resultats obtinguts permeten classificar a les companyies en zinc fases en funció del nivell d'integració de la sostenibilitat que han desenvolupat. Estes fases passen per l'aprofitament del compliment legal com una oportunitat, passant pel desenvolupament d'una cadena de valor eco-innovadora fins convertir-se en models de negoci sostenibles. Per facilitar que la sostenibilitat es converteixi en un factor transversal a tota la companyia, es requereix d'un sistema de gestió ambiental (SGA). De manera que, este tipus de sistemes protocol·litzen la sostenibilitat incorporant-la en els diferents processos de presa de decisions. Finalment, esta tesi ofereix una sèries de pràctiques sostenibles que poden ser desenvolupades per les companyies en funció de la fase d'integració de la sostenibilitat en la que es troben i en la estratègia que segueix la companyia. / [EN] Sustainability is a concept that is being extended to more and more areas of our society, being very present in the business sphere through the so-called corporate sustainability. However, the ability to determine which sustainable practices to apply in order to generate the best returns for companies is still challenging. This is due to the fact that different variables intervene, such as, for example, the type of sector in which organizations operate and the level of development of sustainable practices applied by competitors. That is why, the purpose of this thesis consists in the development of the first phases of a theory that allows company managers to know what type of sustainable practices to apply based on their internal organization and their competitive position. To do this, an analysis of the literature was initially developed to identify the methodologies that have been created to help organizations to integrate sustainability into their business model. In addition, the level of acceptance and use of said methodologies by consultants and company executives was analysed. Subsequently, a detailed study of the state of the art on corporate sustainability was carried out, which identified five lines of research that are currently being deployed. These five lines were classified into five concepts that have allowed us to know different types of sustainable practices applied by companies. In addition, these concepts has contributed to the development of the case study protocol. The first concept is 'holistic sustainability', which encompasses all the literature on how sustainability should be managed from a global point of view, incorporating it into the organization's strategy. The second concept is called 'sustainable methodologies', a concept that deals with the different methodologies or models developed by academics to help company managers determine which environmental practices to apply. The third concept deals with 'sustainable business models', that is, the characteristics of those companies that decide to place sustainability at the center of their business and their value proposition. The fourth concept, called 'sustainable operations', includes all the activities that are limited to a specific area of the company to reduce the environmental impact (e.g. application of technology that allows the consumption of renewable energy). And, finally, the fifth concept, entitled 'innovation oriented to sustainability', covers the field of analysis on how the interaction between different practices in the same company improves its performance. The case study protocol was used to analyze a series of companies known for the application of sustainable practices. Using this protocol, it was possible to determine what type of sustainable practices implemented by these companies have been able to generate an increase in their performance. The results obtained allow companies to be classified into five phases according to the level of integration of sustainability they have developed. These phases go through the use of legal compliance as an opportunity, through the development of an eco-innovative value chain to become sustainable business models. In order to make sustainability a cross-cutting factor throughout the company, an environmental management system (EMS) is required. Thus, this type of system protocolizes sustainability by incorporating it into the different decision-making processes, from the hiring of suppliers to the recruitment processes. Finally, this thesis offers a series of sustainable practices that can be developed by companies depending on the phase of integration of sustainability in which they are, and on the strategy followed by the company. / The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Innovation for its financial support through the research Project (PID2019-105497GB-100) / Sánchez Planelles, J. (2022). Measuring the Success of New Business Models with an Environmental Perspective: from the Circular Economy to Servitisation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181474 / TESIS / Compendio

Unpackaging Online Retail: Impact of Message Framing and Reference PoInts on Consumers' Choice of (Reduced) Packaging and Brand Attitude

Kolacz, Michelle S. Park 24 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Ett intressentperspektiv på slow fashion-affärsmodellen : En multipel fallstudie om långsam konsumtion i modebranschen / A Stakeholder Perspective on the Slow Fashion Business Model : A Multiple Case Study About Slow Consumption in the Fashion Industry

Andersson, Agnes, Forsgren, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Som en reaktion mot fast fashion-rörelsen och de oansvariga konsumtionsmönster som den medför har slow fashion uppstått som ett mer hållbart alternativ i modebranschen. Slow fashion beskrivs ofta som mode av hög kvalitet med en tidlös design vars syfte är att sakta ner flödena och minska konsumtionen. Tidigare studier beskriver slow fashion som koncept och några incitament och barriärer för att arbeta med slow fashion. Dock saknas en konkret definition av slow fashion-affärsmodellen och dess ingående komponenter. Det finns också ett gap mellan teorin och den praktiska tillämpningen av slow fashion-affärsmodellen, vilket gör detta till ett intressant perspektiv att undersöka. Därför är syftet med denna studie att bidra med ökad förståelse kring möjligheterna med slow fashion-affärsmodellen för modeföretag. Slow fashion-affärsmodellen definieras baserat på tidigare litteratur om affärsmodeller och slow fashion-konceptet. Detta presenteras som en modell med fyra komponenter: värdeerbjudande, värdeskapande, värdeleverans och värdelogik. Jämförelsen mellan denna definition och affärsmodellerna för sju modeföretag visar att det finns många möjligheter kopplade till slow fashion-värdeerbjudandet. I vilken utsträckning de andra komponenterna i slow fashion tillämpas i praktiken beror på företagets målgrupp, ägarstruktur och hur hållbarhet är förankrat i organisationen. När det gäller intressentperspektivet på slow fashion-affärsmodellen visar studien att myndigheter och beslutsfattare har störst möjligheter att möjliggöra slow fashion-affärsmodellen, genom att påverka både modeindustrin och konsumenterna. På grund av aktieägarnas inflytande över modeföretagens långsiktiga strategi kan de vara en drivkraft om hållbarhet prioriteras av dem. Andra intressenter kan agera som möjliggörare för tillämpningen av slow fashion-komponenter på grund av sitt potentiella intresse för hållbarhet och minskad konsumtion.Studiens syfte besvaras med följande propositioner: Proposition 1: Det finns en marknad för slow fashion-värdeerbjudandet men det saknas incitament för att tillämpa affärsmodellen fullt ut. Proposition 2: Konkurrenskraften i slow fashion-affärsmodellen ligger i värdeerbjudandet, inte i priset. Proposition 3: En styrka i slow fashion-affärsmodellen är dess lönsamhetspotential, vilket kan gynna ägare och investerare. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att det finns potential när det gäller efterfrågan, konkurrenskraft och lönsamhet i slow fashion-affärsmodellen. Det finns dock begränsade incitament för modeföretag att tillämpa alla komponenter i affärsmodellen i sin verksamhet. Det finns också indikationer på att efterfrågan på mer långvariga kläder kan öka i framtiden. För tillfället verkar dock behovet av variation fortsätta vara starkt. / As a reaction to the fast fashion movement and the irresponsible consumption patterns derived from it, slow fashion has emerged as a more sustainable option in the fashion industry. Slow fashion is often described as fashion of high quality with a timeless design that aims to slow down the product flows and reduce consumption. Although previous studies describe slow fashion as a concept and some of its general incentives and barriers, a concrete definition of the slow fashion business model and its components is missing. There is also a gap between the theoretical and practical application of the slow fashion business model. The practical application is greatly influenced by different stakeholders in the fashion industry, which makes it an interesting perspective to study. Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of the possibilities with the slow fashion business model for fashion companies. The slow fashion business model is defined based on previous literature on business models and the slow fashion concept. This is presented in a model of four components: value proposition, value creation, value delivery, and value logic. The comparison between this definition and the business models of seven fashion companies, shows that there are many possibilities connected to the slow fashion value proposition. The extent to which the other slow fashion components are applied in practice depends on the company’s target customers, owner structure and how sustainability is embedded in the organization. Regarding the stakeholder perspective on the slow fashion business model, the study shows that public authorities and regulators have the largest possibilities to enable the slow fashion business model by influencing both the fashion industry and consumers. Due to the shareholders’ say in the long-term strategy of fashion companies, they could be a driving force if sustainability is prioritized among them. Other stakeholders could act as enablers to the application of slow fashion components, because of their potential interest in sustainability and reduced consumption. The aim of this study is answered with the following propositions: Proposition 1: There is a market for the slow fashion value proposition but incentives for full application of the business model are missing. Proposition 2: The competitiveness of the slow fashion business model lies in the value proposition, not the price. Proposition 3: A strength in the slow fashion business model is its potential for profitability, which can benefit shareholders and investors. In conclusion, the study shows that there is potential regarding demand, competitiveness and profitability in the slow fashion business model. However, there are limited incentives for fashion companies to apply all of the components in their operations. Also, there are indications that the demand for more long-lasting clothing might increase in the future. At the time, however, it seems the need for variation will continue to be strong.

Verksamhetsstyrning för en hållbar utveckling : -En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur stora svenska företag integrerar hållbarhet i sin verksamhetsstyrning. / Business management for a sustainable development : -A qualitative interview study on how large Swedish companies integrate sustainability into their business management.

Olofsson, Kajsa, Colldin, Viola January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Globala utmaningar och förändrade förutsättningar har bidragit till att hållbarhetsbegreppet har fått en större betydelse och genomslag i samhällsdebatten, vilket har medfört att fler verksamheter inkluderar hållbarhet i arbete. En följd av förändringarna som orsakats av uttömning av naturresurser, klimatförändringar och en ojämlikhet i världen, är att företag tvingats till att utforma och betrakta nya styrmetoder för att fortsätta vara konkurrenskraftiga. Således har hållbarhetsbegreppet integrerats i företagens verksamhetsstyrning allt mer, både med syftet att skapa värde för intressenter, men även för samhället i stort. Begreppet hållbarhet är komplext, vilket medför utmaningar när hållbarhet ska integreras i verksamheter. En utmaning som belyses är balansen mellan hållbarhetsdimensionerna samt hur dessa ska integreras i verksamhetsstyrningen genom att använda hållbarhetsmål. Tidigare forskning har inte belyst hur hållbarhet integreras i verksamhetsstyrningen genom användandet av hållbarhetsmål, därav ämnar denna studie att undersöka detta. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för hur hållbarhet integreras i verksamhetsstyrning genom att analysera hur stora svenska företag praktiskt upprättar och följer upp mål för att styra mot hållbarhet. Metod: Denna studie är av kvalitativ karaktär och tillämpar en abduktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen har skett genom en intervjustudie där nio svenska företag harintervjuats utifrån en semistrukturerad intervjuform. Data har även samlats in genom att information inhämtats från de medverkande företagens årsredovisningar, hållbarhetsredovisningar samt hemsidor. Studiens urval har baserats på Sustainable brand index officiella rapport. Slutsats: Denna studie studie visar hur processen kring integrering av hållbarhet i verksamhetsstyrningen med hjälp av hållbarhetsmål och mått kan gå till. Inom processen identifierades sex steg, vilka är förankrade inom processen för hållbarhetsmål, vilka var identifiera hållbarhetsområden, skapa ägandeskap, fastställa ambitionsnivå, fastställa hållbarhetsmål och utarbeta plan, följa upp, förbättra och utveckla arbetet. Vidare har denna studie bidragit med nya implikationer gällande utmaningar i integreringen av hållbarhet i verksamhetsstyrningen, vilka avser datatillgång, tid och en ny insikt kring den praktiska utmaningen med att finna en balans mellan hållbarhetsdimensionerna, då den ekonomiska aspekten hanteras separat. / Background and problem: Global challenges and changing conditions have contributed to the concept of sustainability gaining greater significance and impact in the public debate, which has meant that more activities include sustainability at work. As a result of the changes caused by the depletion of natural resources, climate change and inequality in the world, companies have been forced to design and consider new business management tools in order to remain competitive. Thus, the concept of sustainability has been increasingly integrated into companies' operational management, both with the aim of creating value for stakeholders, but also for society as a whole. The concept of sustainability is complex, which poses challenges when sustainability is to be integrated into businesses. A challenge that is highlighted is the balance between the sustainability dimensions and how these are to be integrated into business management by using sustainability goals. Previous research has not previously shed light on howsustainability is integrated into business management through the use of sustainability goals, hence this study intends to investigate this. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how sustainability is integrated into business management by analyzing how large Swedish companies practically establish and follow up goals to steer towards sustainability. Method: This study is based on qualitative research and applies an abductive approach. The data collection took place through an interview study where nine Swedish companies were interviewed based on a semi-structured form of interview. Data has also been collected by gathering information from the participating companies' annual reports, sustainability reports and websites. The study selection was based on the Sustainable brand index official report. Conclusions: This study shows how the process of integrating sustainability into business management with the help of sustainability goals and measures can take place. Within this process, six steps were identified, which are anchored in the process for sustainability goals, which were to identify areas of sustainability, create ownership, determine the level of ambition, set sustainability goals and prepare plans, follow up, improve and develop the work. Furthermore, this study has contributed with new implications regarding challenges in the integration of sustainability in business management, which relate to data availability, time and a new insight into the practical challenge of finding a balance between the sustainability dimensions, when the economic aspect is handled separately.

Sustainable Business Model Innovation in Vertical Farming Startups : Case Studies of Southeast Asian Vertical Farming Startups / Hållbar affärsmodellsinnovation i vertikala jordbruks-startups : Fallstudier av vertikala jordbruks-startups i Sydostasien

Kelana, Fajar-Sidik-Abdullah January 2022 (has links)
Rapid growing population, urbanization, climate change, decreasing agricultural production, and soil degradation causes massive challenges for food production and supply chain in Southeast Asia, especially in urban areas. A sustainable food production and supply chain system is needed to produce and supply food for Southeast Asia urban areas. One potential solution to those challenges is introducing vertical farming. Vertical farming can produce high-quality crops locally and sustainably by reducing water and land use, decreasing pesticide use, reducing carbon footprint, and growing plants in any climate. This research aims to identify the current status of vertical farming startups in Southeast Asia, investigate the existing challenges and available opportunities in the Southeast Asia vertical farming industry, and analyze the sustainability practices and sustainable business model innovation implemented by Southeast Asia vertical farming startups. A literature review of vertical farming business typology, business model innovation, and sustainable business model innovation is used to create theoretical frameworks in this research. This research is an exploratory multiple case studies research with a qualitative method. The data in this research is collected through interviews with founders and managers from 10 vertical farming startups in Southeast Asia. The interview data is analyzed using vertical farming business typology, business model framework, and sustainable business model innovation archetypes. The research outcomes indicate that the vertical farming industry in Southeast Asia is an early growing industry, and Southeast Asia vertical farming startups are considered as early growing startups with small capital and small teams. Despite existing financial, operational, and market challenges, Southeast Asia vertical farming startups have considerable opportunities to grow with their effort to develop their vertical farming business into a more sustainable business by conducting various sustainability practices and adopting sustainable business model innovation. / Snabbt växande befolkning, urbanisering, klimatförändringar, minskad jordbruksproduktion och markförstöring orsakar enorma utmaningar för livsmedelsproduktionen och försörjningskedjan i Sydostasien, särskilt i stadsområden. En hållbar livsmedelsproduktion och försörjningskedja behövs för att producera och leverera mat till Sydostasiens stadsområden. En potentiell lösning på dessa utmaningar är att införa vertikalt jordbruk. Vertikalt jordbruk kan producera högkvalitativa grödor lokalt och hållbart genom att minska vatten- och markanvändningen, minska användningen av bekämpningsmedel, minska koldioxidavtrycket och odla växter i alla klimat. Denna forskning syftar till att identifiera den nuvarande statusen för vertikala jordbruks-startups i Sydostasien, undersöka de befintliga utmaningarna och tillgängliga möjligheter i den vertikala jordbruksindustrin och analysera hållbarhetspraxis och hållbar affärsmodellsinnovation som implementerats av vertikala jordbruks-startups. En litteraturgenomgång av vertikal jordbruksverksamhetstypologi och hållbar affärsmodellsinnovation används för att skapa teoretiskt ramverk i denna studie. I detta examensarbete tillämpas en kvalitativ forskning med flera fallstudier. Data samlas in genom intervjuer med grundare och chefer från 10 vertikala jordbruks-startups i Sydostasien. Intervjudata analyseras med hjälp av typologi för vertikal jordbruksföretag, ramverk för affärsmodeller och arketyper för hållbar affärsmodellsinnovation. Resultaten indikerar att den vertikala jordbruksindustrin i Sydostasien är en tidig växande industri, med tidigt växande startups med litet kapital och små team. Trots befintliga ekonomiska, operativa och marknadsmässiga utmaningar har vertikala jordbruks-startups i Sydostasien stora möjligheter att växa med sina ansträngningar att utveckla sin vertikala jordbruksverksamhet till en mer hållbar verksamhet genom att bedriva olika hållbarhetsmetoder och införa hållbar affärsmodellsinnovation.

From net-zero to nature-positive: Perspectives on definitions and uses of an emerging concept

Hallgren, Olof Gustaf January 2023 (has links)
‘Nature-positive’ (NP) is emerging as an increasingly used term, intended to encompass goals aimed at reversing the global decline in biodiversity and the incessant destruction of ecosystems. The 1.5-degree goal of the Paris agreement has become a unifying target in the climate discourse, accompanied by the guiding concept of ‘net-zero’ emissions. Anequivalent, widely accepted target for biodiversity has been called for, with NP being named a contender to take this position. However, the concept NP, and net-zero alike, have been subject to criticism. Building on an extensive literature search, this study seeks to identify and analyse the most frequently employed definitions of NP, and who promotes them. It also aims to draw conclusions from a comparative analysis where definitions of NP are mapped onto the IPBES- promoted Nature Futures Framework (NFF). For this purpose, an assessment tool (‘the NFF Mixing Triangle’) is presented. The study finds that NP is frequently used without specifying its meaning, in scientific and non-scientific literature alike. While existing dominant definitions are largely aligned on the conceptual level, there is a lack of consensus on a common definition among stakeholders. The Global Goal for Nature (GG4N) stands out as the most referenced source for defining NP, and is found to have the strongest alignment with NFF. While problematising and discussing criticism, the study suggests a number of focus areas that could serve the future potential of NP. This includes converging NP definitions, balancing definitions across the NFF value dimensions, and considering applicability across multiple scales. An aspiration to consolidate guiding frameworks, use of the Mitigation Hierarchy to strengthen the robustness of NP, and focus on stewardship inside corporations as well as across sectors and value chains, is proposed. Meanwhile, the study suggests that the external drivers of legislation and regulation, and the current growth paradigm and consumption patterns, need to be addressed in concert if NP is to have a real contribution to sustainability transformation.

Sustainable Business Model Implementation : Case Study of Female Fish Entrepreneurship and Diffusion of Innovation in Linga Linga, Mozambique

Wehbi, Marcus, Ivarsson, David January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to evaluate the diffusion process of a solar-powered refrigerator system, by implementing a sustainable business model as an approach of assessing key features to facilitate the process. The aspiration of this study is to develop a business perspective that can be utilized by companies when aiming to diffuse sustainable enhancing innovations in developing countries with the aim of improving entrepreneurship.  The conclusion of this study is based on the alignment of a theoretical framework centered on a sustainable business model and the theory for diffusion of innovation, alongside empirical findings obtained during a case study in Linga Linga, Mozambique. Primary data was acquired through active observations and semi-structured interviews of both female fish entrepreneurs and two organizations with ties to Sweden, operating in Linga Linga.  Empirical findings reveled limited availability of new products in Linga Linga, obstructing the diffusion of innovations. Businesses struggles to diffuse innovations in developing countries because of insufficient knowledge of culture differences and the basic needs of the end user. Sustainable development is highlighted as crucial when operating in the Western word but stated as challenging to implement to the same extent in the developing world. The fulfillment of basic needs, rather than operating sustainable and the unfamiliarity with sustainable development as a concept, is found as the reason for the challenge of implementing sustainable development for individuals afflicted by poverty.  The alignment of the theoretical framework and the empirical findings in the discussion chapter underscores the benefits of implementing a sustainable business model. Furthermore, the discussion emphasizes the importance of extending the model with knowledge as an additional key feature to comprehensively understand the end users and their basic need in the developing world.   This study concludes that utilizing a sustainable business model to assess key features is crucial for facilitating diffusion of innovations, with a particular focus on understanding end user´s basic needs. The study emphasizes the significance of circular economy as a key feature in ensuring durable and reliable products and highlights the importance of comprehensive value chain assessments. Empirical finding concluded that providing solar-powered refrigerator system for the female fish entrepreneurs in Linga Linga could potentially expand their business opportunities, ensuring an increased disposable income, and reduce workload.

Strategic targets and KPIs for improved value chain circularity and sustainability performance : A case study of a large manufacturing enterprise within the energy sector

Jansson, Jonas, Holmberg, Herman January 2022 (has links)
Global consumption levels currently extend far beyond what planet Earth in terms of natural resources can regenerate in a sustainable manor and will by 2050 reach levels corresponding to what it would require three Earths to sustain. This overexploitation and unsustainable management of the Earth’s resources in combination with the necessity of mitigating climate change and reaching net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 require action across all sectors, not least the manufacturing industry. This thesis covers how large manufacturing enterprises can implement and utilize strategic targets and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to align with the principles of a Circular Economy (CE), and as a result, improve sustainability and business performance. Based on a case study conducted at Siemens Energy (SE) involving a literature study, interview study, and focus groups, a carefully selected set of strategic circularity targets and KPIs are presented to measure, evaluate, and drive circularity performance within large manufacturing enterprises. Since the thesis’ ambition was to provide valuable insights beyond SE, strategic circularity targets and KPIs specifically directed at SE were further generalized to be universally relevant for academia and other large manufacturing enterprises. Enterprises within the given sector share several key characteristics such as extensive material resource flows and complex value chains, hence strategic targets and KPIs emphasize material efficiency through decreasing virgin material dependency, increasing recirculation rates, and transitioning towards circular business models. While suggested targets and KPIs are universally directed at large manufacturing enterprises, individual organizations are recommended to conduct internal investigations and analyzes to further tailor and adapt strategic targets and KPIs towards the specific enterprise. In addition to strategic targets and KPIs, the thesis also presents an overview of opportunities, benefits, risks, and potential impacts for large manufacturing enterprises aspiring to increase circular initiatives, highlighting key principles to manage risk and capitalize on opportunities. The findings conclude that the main opportunity enabled by CE is to leverage synergies which align environmental, economic, and strategic corporate incentives, with key benefits including aspects such as decarbonization and reduced environmental impact, increased revenues and cost savings, risk management, and new business opportunities. Risks associated with CE include rebound effects, organizational insufficiencies, lack of material quality and safety, as well as a low product performance, which further can lead to potential impacts mitigating the positive effects of CE, or at worst setbacks causing a net negative output from implemented circular measures. In summary, the opportunities and benefits associated with CE are many, but implemented circular measures require risk awareness and continuous management to ensure efficiency.

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