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Den sjätte utespelaren - kognition : En kvantitativ studie om exekutiva funktionerna hos ishockeyspelare / The sixth player - cognition : A quantitative study about executive functions among ice hockey playersSjöblom, Karl January 2023 (has links)
Historiskt sett har forskning fokuserat på de fysiska förmågorna inom idrott. På senare tid har forskare dock börjat att intressera sig mer för de kognitiva aspekterna inom idrott, framför allt inom lagsport. En idrott som spelas i ett högt tempo och möjligtvis ställer krav på kognitiva förmågor och uppmärksamhetsfunktion är ishockey. Frågan är därför om ishockeyspelare har kognitiva egenskaper som skiljer sig från personer i allmänhet? Denna studie undersökte de exekutiva funktionerna hos ishockeyspelare och jämförde resultaten mot ett urval ur normalpopulationen. De exekutiva funktioner som undersöktes i denna studie var impulskontroll, kognitiv flexibilitet, och uppdatering av arbetsminne. Deltagarna delades in i två grupper. Den ena gruppen bestod av 18 ishockeyspelare på olika nivåer, 12 kvinnor och 6 män, med en medelålder på 23,4 år (SD=4,46). Den andra gruppen vilken representerades normalpopulationen bestod av 22 individer, 9 kvinnor och 13 män, med en medelålder på 25,5 år (SD=3,99). [DS1] [KS2] Samtliga deltagare fick besvara en enkät med bakgrundsfrågor samt genomföra totalt fem kognitiva tester. Testerna som genomfördes var ett Flanker test, ett Local-Global test, ett 3-back test, samt två hockeymodifierade versioner av Flanker och 3-back. Först genomfördes deskriptiva analyser, sedan en Pearson korrelationsanalys och till sist envägs-ANOVAs. Resultaten visade inte på någon signifikant skillnad mellan ishockeyspelare och övriga deltagare i något av de kognitiva testen. Resultaten från denna studie tyder därför på att det inte finns någon skillnad mellan ishockeyspelare och normalpopulationen i impulskontroll, kognitiv flexibilitet och arbetsminne. Framtida studier bör undersöka om det finns andra kognitiva förmågor än de som undersöktes i denna studie som särskiljer hockeyspelare från personer i allmänhet, samt om sportslig nivå eller spelarens position kan spela en roll. / Historically, science has mainly focused on physical abilities in sports. However, in recent years researchers have started to focus also on cognitive abilities, especially within team sports. One sport which is played in a fast pace and which potentially can be demanding for cognitive and attentional abilities is ice hockey. It begs the question, does ice hockey players have cognitive abilities that differ from people in general? This study investigated executive functions among hockey players and compared them to the results of the normal population. The executive functions investigated were inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and updating of working memory. Participants were divided into two groups. One group consisted of 18 ice hockey players at different professional levels, 12 women and 6 men, with an average age of 23,4 years (SD=4,46). The other group that represented the normal population consisted of 22 individuals, 9 women and 13 men, with an average age of 25,5 years (SD=3,99).[DS1] [KS2] All participants answered a survey containing background questions and conducted five cognitive tests. The cognitive tests were Flanker, Local-Global, 3-back and lastly two hockey modified versions of the Flanker and 3-back test. First, descriptive analyses were conducted, secondly Pearson correlations, and lastly one-way ANOVAs. Result showed no significant difference between hockey players and the normal population on any of the cognitive tests. Therefore, results from this study suggests that there are no differences between ice hockey players and the normal population in inhibition, cognitive flexibility and working memory. Future studies should investigate if there are other cognitive abilities than those included in this study that differentiate hockey players from the normal population, and investigate if level of expertise and the players position may play a role.
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Arbetsprocessen vid konverteringsoptimering : En dokumentation av hur man omvandlar sina besökare till kunder / The workflow of Conversion Rate Optimization : A documentation for converting visitors to customersNyberg, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker fenomenet konverteringsoptimering på uppdrag av ett företag, för att ta reda på hur man kan arbeta för att öka sin konvertering, och därigenom även sin lönsamhet. Syftet med detta uppsatsarbete har varit att utföra en dokumentation av arbetsprocessen bakom konverteringsoptimering. Dels undersöks verktyg som Google Optimize och Hotjar, hur dessa samlar in testdata, samt hur denna data sedan kan analyseras för att komma fram till ett svar om hur man bör gå vidare efter de genomförda testerna. Dels studeras tre s.k. A/B-tester som genomfördes på ett företags webbplats där kvantitativa data samlades in, presenterades och analyserades av testprogrammet. Resultatet från arbetet visar hur arbetsprocessen konverteringsoptimering ser ut från start till mål: hur man inledningsvis analyserar en webbplats, hur man tar fram designförslag, hur man implementerar dessa i tester, samt hur man sedan samlar in data från testerna och analyserar denna. Bland annat tyder resultaten på att en noggrann analys av användarbeteende och resultat från tester är avgörande för att kunna optimera konverteringsgraden, att A/B-tester är ett kraftfullt verktyg för att testa och utvärdera olika konverteringsoptimeringsstrategier, samt att information om besökarnas scrollningsbeteende är en intressant faktor som spelar roll både i för- och efteranalys.
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Funktion vid kronisk fotledsinstabilitet : En tvärsnittsstudieSjöstedt, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Lateral fotledsstukning är en av de vanligaste traumatiska muskuloskeletala skadorna och av alla som ådrar sig denna skada utvecklar upp till 40 procent något som kallas kronisk ankelinstabilitet. Det är en skadeform som förekommer inom nästan alla idrotter. Typiskt är en kraftig stukning som följs av ytterligare stukningar och instabilitetskänsla. Konsekvenser är ofta nedsatt kraft, balans och prestationsförmåga. Syftet med denna studie var således att undersöka fotledsfunktion med avseende på styrka, balans och funktionella tester hos personer med kronisk ankelinstabilitet. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en tvärsnittsstudie med tester vid ett tillfälle. Deltagare söktes via idrottsföreningar och distriktsmottagning. Totalt inkluderades 17 personer (10 kvinnor och sju män), med kronisk fotledsinstabilitet, vilka utförde fem tester för att utvärdera balans, styrka och funktionell prestationsförmåga. Testerna utgjordes av enbentstående, isometrisk styrka i inversion och eversion i liggande, samt enbent längdhopp och sidohopp. Resultat: Skadad sida var signifikant svagare jämfört med frisk sida i både eversion (75N respektive 92N, p=0,001) och inversion (75N respektive 85N, p=0,002). Deltagarna visade också sämre prestation, på skadad sida jämfört med frisk sida, vid enbentshopp (101cm respektive 107cm, p=0,05) samt i sidohopptestet (antal 30 respektive 39, p<0,001). Balansen var också nedsatt i skadad jämfört med frisk sida (poäng 17 respektive 11, p<0,001). Det fanns en signifikant korrelation mellan styrka i eversion och inversion (r=0,731, p=0,001). Inversion hade, utöver eversion, signifikanta korrelationer med enbentshopp (r=0,517, p=0,033), och med sidohopp (r=0,644, p=0,005). Enbentshopp korrelerade även med sidohopp (r=0,650, p=0,005). Antal sidohopp hade en hög korrelation, (p <0.01), med samtliga övriga parametrar, undantagen balans. Det förelåg ingen korrelation mellan balansen och några av övriga parametrar (p ≥0,600). Konklusion: Den här studien visar att individer med kronisk ankelinstabilitet har sämre funktion i skadad jämfört med frisk fot. Funktionell prestationsförmåga, i form av sidohopp, och balans var de variabler som var mest påverkade. Det faktum att det fanns en 50-procentig skillnad i balans tyder på att utvärdering av balans är av betydelse i denna grupp av patienter och att rehabilitering bör syfta till att förbättra balansförmågan. / Background: Lateral ankle sprain is one of the most common traumatic musculoskeletal injuries, is present in almost all fields of sport, and up to 40 percent of everyone that is injured developes something called chronic ankle instability. A typical description is a severe strain followed by more straines and a sense of instability. Strenght, balance and performance deficits are often seen consequences of the disorder. Objective: The aim of this study was to survey the function concerning strenght, balance and functional ability within this group. Methods: This study was conducted as a cross-sectional study with participants recruited through various sport clubs and at a clinical practice. A total of 17 persons with chronic ankle instability were included (10 women and seven men). The test battery consisted of five tests for assessment of balance, strength and functional performance; Single leg balance, isometric strength in inversion and eversion, single leg hop and side hop test Result: The affected side was signifikantly weaker compared to the non-affected side in both eversion (75N vs. 92N, p=0,001) and inversion (57N vs 85N, p=0,002). The same pattern was seen, with a lesser performance on the affected side in, single leg hop (101cm vs. 107cm p=0,05) and number of sidehops (30 vs. 39, p <0,001). The balance was also lesser in the affected versus non-affected side (17 vs. 11, p <0,001). There were a signifikant correlation between strenght in eversion and inversion (r=0,731, p=0,001). Inversion strenght had also signifikant correlationes with the performance in the single leg hop (r=0,517, p=0,033), and the side hop tests (r=0,644, p=0,005). Single leg hop also correlated with the side hop performance (r=0,650, p=0,005). The performance in the side hop test had high correlation, (p <0.010), with every other parameter except balance which did not correlate with any of the other tests (p ≥0,600). Conklusion: In this study, strength, balance and functional performance were all impaired at the injured side, compared to the non-injured side. The fact that there was a 50% difference between sides in balance performance suggests that evaluation of balance is of importance in this group of patients and rehabilitation should aim to improve balance.
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Autonomous Orbit Control with on-board collision risk management / Autonom banreglering med inbyggd kollisionsriskhanteringLabbe, Clément January 2021 (has links)
Many satellites have an orbit of reference defined according to their mission. The satellites need therefore to navigate as close as possible to their reference orbit. However, due to external forces, the trajectory of a satellite is disturbed and actions need to be taken. For now, the trajectories of the satellites are monitored by the operations of satellites department which gives appropriate instructions of navigation to the satellites. These steps require a certain amount of time and involvement which could be used for other purposes. A solution could be to make the satellites autonomous. The satellites would take their own decisions depending on their trajectory. The navigation control would be therefore much more efficient, precise and quicker. Besides, the autonomous orbit control could be coupled with an avoidance collision risk management. The satellites would decide themselves if an avoidance maneuver needs to be considered. The alerts of collisions would be given by the ground segment. In order to advance in this progress, this internship enables to analyse the feasibility of the implementation of the two concepts by testing them on an experiments satellite. To do so, tests plans were defined, tests procedures were executed and post-treatment tools were developed for analysing the results of the tests. Critical computational cases were considered as well. The tests were executed in real operations conditions. / Många satelliter har en referensbana definierad enligt deras uppdrag. Satelliterna behöver därför navigera så nära deras referensbana som möjligt. På grund av externa krafter störs dock satellitbanan och åtgärder måste vidtas. För närvarande övervakas satellitbanorna av satellitavdelningar på marken vilka ger lämpliga instruktioner för navigering till satelliterna. Dessa steg kräver en tid och engagemang som skulle kunna användas för andra ändamål. En lösning är att göra satelliterna autonoma. Satelliterna skulle då kunna ta sina egna beslut beroende på deras bana. Navigeringskontrollen skulle därför vara mycket mer effektiv, exakt och snabbare. Dessutom kan den autonoma banregleringen kopplas till riskhantering för undvikande av kollision med rymdskrot och andra satelliter. Satelliterna skulle själva avgöra om en undvikande manöver måste övervägas. Varningar om kollisioner skulle ges av marksegmentet. För att gå vidare i denna utveckling analyserar detta arbete genomförbarheten av implementeringen av olika koncept för undanmanövrar genom att testa dem på en experimentsatellit. För att göra detta definierades testplaner, testprocedurer utfördes och efterbehandlingsverktyg utvecklades för analys av testresultaten. Kritiska beräkningsfall togs fram. Testerna utfördes under verkliga driftsförhållanden.
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A comprehensive stress testing model to evaluate systemic contagion and market illiquidity in banks / Dirk VisserVisser, Dirk January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation presents a liquidity stress-testing model for evaluating liquidity and systemic
risk in banks from developed and emerging economies respectively. The model further
relies on simulations to generate liquidity buffer losses for both a non-crisis and crisis
period as well. The emerging economy is represented by South Africa (SA) and the developed
economy by the United Kingdom (henceforth UK). The Liquidity Stress Tester model
(LST) has been successfully applied to both the Dutch and UK markets in previous research.
The model's flexibility and adaptability allows it to assess different banking systems and different
reactions (buffer restoration and leverage targeting) of participants within these milieus.
The LST considers feedback effects arising from bank reactions and allows for the assessment
of severely stressed haircuts and systemic risk increases caused by reputation
degradation and increased contagion from other banks. Losses stemming from the second
round effects of a liquidity event are explored through the reactions conducted by banks in
the banking system.
The study conducts a review of liquidity risk models utilised in previous research. Characteristics
of these models and the data they used are highlighted, shedding light on the advantages
and shortcomings of these models. Possible restrictions in liquidity risk management
are also explored. The study discusses the relevance of the South African/UK economies'
comparison, as well as the selected periods chosen for investigation. To assist further
research with the LST, the study illustrates and discusses how it is modelled and developed
in Microsoft Office Excel.
The results obtained illustrate the potential severity of second round feedback effects of a
liquidity event on liquidity positions in banks. The effects of mitigating actions conducted by
banking institutions reacting to initial liquidity stress shocks are explored, as well as the way
these actions could potentially affect second round effects on banks. The analysis and discussion
of simulated results attempts to isolate and identify characteristics of economies
and periods used that may have contributed to specific liquidity events. The study concludes
with a summary of the research and suggestions for possible future work and development
using the LST. / MCom (Risk Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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A comprehensive stress testing model to evaluate systemic contagion and market illiquidity in banks / Dirk VisserVisser, Dirk January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation presents a liquidity stress-testing model for evaluating liquidity and systemic
risk in banks from developed and emerging economies respectively. The model further
relies on simulations to generate liquidity buffer losses for both a non-crisis and crisis
period as well. The emerging economy is represented by South Africa (SA) and the developed
economy by the United Kingdom (henceforth UK). The Liquidity Stress Tester model
(LST) has been successfully applied to both the Dutch and UK markets in previous research.
The model's flexibility and adaptability allows it to assess different banking systems and different
reactions (buffer restoration and leverage targeting) of participants within these milieus.
The LST considers feedback effects arising from bank reactions and allows for the assessment
of severely stressed haircuts and systemic risk increases caused by reputation
degradation and increased contagion from other banks. Losses stemming from the second
round effects of a liquidity event are explored through the reactions conducted by banks in
the banking system.
The study conducts a review of liquidity risk models utilised in previous research. Characteristics
of these models and the data they used are highlighted, shedding light on the advantages
and shortcomings of these models. Possible restrictions in liquidity risk management
are also explored. The study discusses the relevance of the South African/UK economies'
comparison, as well as the selected periods chosen for investigation. To assist further
research with the LST, the study illustrates and discusses how it is modelled and developed
in Microsoft Office Excel.
The results obtained illustrate the potential severity of second round feedback effects of a
liquidity event on liquidity positions in banks. The effects of mitigating actions conducted by
banking institutions reacting to initial liquidity stress shocks are explored, as well as the way
these actions could potentially affect second round effects on banks. The analysis and discussion
of simulated results attempts to isolate and identify characteristics of economies
and periods used that may have contributed to specific liquidity events. The study concludes
with a summary of the research and suggestions for possible future work and development
using the LST. / MCom (Risk Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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L'émergence des limites à la liberté de tester en droit québécois : étude socio-juridique de la production du droitMorin, Christine 07 1900 (has links)
"Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de docteur en droit (LL.D.)". Cette thèse a été acceptée à l'unanimité et classée parmi les 10% des thèses de la discipline. / La liberté de tester au Québec a longtemps été qualifiée de « illimitée ». Dans les faits, une telle
liberté signifiait que le de cujus pouvait ne rien laisser à son ou sa conjointe ni à ses enfants. Or,
depuis l'introduction des dispositions législatives sur la prestation compensatoire et, plus
particulièrement, de celles sur le patrimoine familial et sur la survie de l'obligation alimentaire,
l'étendue de cette liberté n'est plus la même. Bien que les Québécois soient toujours libres de
déterminer par testament à qui ils souhaitent léguer leurs biens, leur liberté est désormais limitée
par ces dispositions législatives impératives qui permettent au conjoint survivant et à la famille
immédiate du défunt de réclamer certaines sommes à la succession, et ce, quelles que soient les
dernières volontés du de cujus. Ainsi, le patrimoine sur lequel s'exerce la liberté du testateur
n'est plus forcément celui sur lequel le défunt pouvait exercer sa volonté pendant sa vie et son
mariage. Il n'est donc plus possible de parler de liberté « illimitée» de tester des Québécois.
Ce constat quant à l'émergence de restrictions à la liberté testamentaire dans le Code civil nous
conduit à nous interroger sur les raisons et les fondements de cette transformation de la liberté de
tester et, incidemment, sur la question plus générale de la production et de l'évolution du droit de
la famille dans la société.
Pour répondre à ce questionnement, cette thèse repose sur une approche socio-juridique selon
laquelle il faut rechercher les fondements de l'évolution du droit à l'intérieur des représentations
sociales valorisées dans une société et une époque données. Partant du postulat que ce sont les
changements dans les représentations sociales qui contribuent à expliquer le passage d'une
rationalité sociale à une rationalité juridique, cette thèse dégage par quels acteurs, suivant quelles
logiques et dans quels buts ces restrictions à la liberté de tester ont été introduites dans le droit
québécois. Une telle façon d'aborder l'évolution du droit à partir de l'évolution des
représentations sociales contribue ainsi à « éclairer» l'idée communément véhiculée selon
laquelle le droit reflète l'évolution des moeurs.
Grâce à une étude des représentations sociales inscrites et retracées dans le discours des acteurs
sociaux - mémoires déposés à l'Assemblée nationale, Journal des débats, commissions
parlementaires, jurisprudence, doctrine, textes de loi - cette thèse montre que les changements
qui ont conduit à restreindre la liberté de tester au Québec ne dépendent pas que des perceptions
relatives à la famille et au patrimoine, tel qu'on le rapporte généralement. L'introduction de
restrictions à la liberté de tester dans le Code civil semble plutôt résulter d'un compromis entre
l'évolution des représentations sociales sur les rapports familiaux et l'évolution des
représentations sociales sur le droit, plus précisément quant aux fonctions du droit dans la
société et aux conditions de sa cohérence.
L'analyse de cette évolution permet enfin d'observer que si le droit des successions a longtemps
été une « composante » du droit des biens, il constitue désormais, surtout, une « composante»
du droit de la famille. / Formerly the freedom of wiIling in Quebec was considered to be "unlimited", which meant that
its scope was such that the deceased could refrain from bequeathing any property at aIl to his or
her spouse or children. Following the introduction of legal measures on compensatory allowance
and, more particularly, provisions concerning the family patrimony and the survival of the
obligation of support, the scope of this freedom is no longer as alI-inclusive as it once was.
Although Quebeckers remain free to determine via their last wiIls and testaments to whom they
wish to bequeath their property, henceforth their margin of freedom is limited by the preceding
legislative changes which entitle the surviving spouse and immediate family of the deceased to
claim to certain amounts from the succession, whatever the last will of the deceased may have
been. As such, the patrimony upon which the testator now exercises freedom has ceased
necessarily to be that which the deceased had control over during his or her life and marriage. It
is thus no longer possible to refer to Quebeckers' "unlimited freedom" of wiIling.
The emergence of limitations in testamentary freedom in the Civil Code invites us to question
the reasons and foundations for this shift in the freedom of willing and, incidentaIly, the more
general issue of the reform and evolution offamily law in society.
To address these issues, this thesis is founded upon a socio-Iegal approach according to which it
is essential to seek out the basis of the evolution of law from within the social representations
valued in a society at a given time in its history. Beginning from the postulate that it is the
changes in social representations that help to explain the transition from a social rationality to a
legal rationality, this thesis illustrates by what actors, foIlowing which lines of logic and to what
end these limitations in the freedom of wiIling were introduced into Quebec law. Such an
approach to the evolution of the law on the basis of social representations thereby helps "to
enlighten" the commonly expressed idea whereby law is a mirror image of mores.
Based upon an analysis of social representations recorded and retrieved in the discourse of
different social actors, including briefs tabled before the National Assembly and proceedings in
the Journal of Debates, parliamentary committees, as weIl as decided cases, doctrine and
statutory texts, this thesis seeks to demonstrate how the changes which led to the restriction in
testamentary freedom in Quebec extend far beyond perceptions evoking family and patrimony as
is generaIly claimed. The introduction of limitations in the freedom of willing in the Civil Code
seems rather to result from a compromise between the evolution in social representations
regarding family relationships and the evolution in social representations regarding law, more
specifically with regard to the functions of law in society and the conditions underlying the law's
systemic coherence.
Lastly the analysis of this evolution makes it possible to observe that while the law governing
successions was for a long time a "component" of property law, henceforth it has specifically
gravitated to being a "component" of family law.
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Gemensamma provs påverkan på matematikundervisningen : En fallstudie av mellanstadielärares arbete i en svensk kommun / The influence on Mathematics education through standardized testing : A case study of a middle school teachers work in a Swedish municipalityLindström, Christer, Guldberg, Frans January 2019 (has links)
En svensk skolkommuns ambitioner har varit att klättra på skolrankingen. Ett sätt att göra detta är att utforma ett kommunalt matematikprov för årskurs 5 i syfte att upptäcka kunskapsluckor i god tid innan det nationella provet i årskurs 6. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur detta prov påverkar matematiklärarnas arbete. Detta har undersökts genom kvalitativa intervjuer av de berörda matematiklärarna. Svaren har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska utgångspunkten sociomatematiska normer. Vi har också analyserat det matematiska innehållet i ett arbetsmaterial som kommunen har uppmanat lärarna till att använda som förberedande material. Resultatet pekar på att matematiklärares arbete påverkas i hög grad av att huvudmannen anordnar ett centralstyrt matematikprov. Detta gäller det matematiska innehållet i deras undervisning och därmed de sociomatematiska normer som råder i klassrummen. Vår slutsats är att kommunens intention att påverka lärarnas arbete infrias, men hur det på längre sikt påverkar elevers kunskapsutveckling återstår att undersöka. / A Swedish school municipality's ambitions has been to climb the school rankings. One way of doing this is to design a test for fifth grade pupils in order to discover gaps in students mathematical understandning well ahead of the national tests in the sixth grade. The purpose of this study is to investigate how this test affects the work of mathematics teachers. This has been investigated through qualitative interviews of the involved mathematics teachers. The data have been analyzed based on the theoretical starting point of socio-mathematical norms. We have also analyzed the mathematical content that the municipality has recommended the teachers to use as preparatory material. The result indicates that the work of mathematics teachers is very much influenced by the fact that the municipality organizes a central-controlled mathematics test. This applies to the mathematical content of their teaching and the socio-mathematical norms prevailing in the classrooms. Our conclusion is that the municipality can influence and alter the teachers' work both inside and outside the math class.
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Betydelsen av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner och rehabilitering för mental hälsa och livskvalitet hos patienter med stroke : En allmän litterturstudie / The meaning of occupational therapy interventions on mental health and quality of life in people with strokeWestin, Mikaela, Jönsson, Emmie January 2019 (has links)
Stroke är en sjukdom som påverkar den mentala hälsan och livskvaliteten hos den drabbade. Författarna vill belysa vikten av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner och rehabilitering för patienter med stroke. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa betydelsen av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner och rehabilitering för mental hälsa och livskvalitet hos patienter med stroke. Materialet till den kvantitativa litteraturstudien samlades in från databaserna CINAHL, PubMed, Psycinfo samt OT seeker. Alla artiklar kvalitetsgranskades med ett protokoll och analyserades utifrån likheter och skillnader. Studierna visade på att patientens livskvalitet påverkades negativt av depressiva symtom. De skadliga konsekvenserna av stroke reduceras om rehabilitering skedde i tidigt stadie efter insjuknandet, till exempel Post stroke depression (PSD) som var starkt associerad till låg livskvalitet. Konventionell arbetsterapeutisk behandling gav lika eller bättre effekt än teknologiska behandlingar. Arbetsterapi visade sig ha en positiv inverkan på patienternas mentala hälsa och livskvalitet. Författarna ser dock ett behov av ytterligare forskning i hur professionen kan förbättra bemötandet av den mentala hälsan hos patienter med stroke.
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A Study of Moisture Induced Material Loss of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)Arepalli, Uma Maheswar 04 December 2017 (has links)
"Susceptibility of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixes to moisture induced damage is one of the main reasons for premature failures of asphalt pavements. Hence, the evaluation of mixes for the moisture susceptibility is an essential part of the mix design. The existing methods are found to be in-sufficient to characterize mixes in terms of their moisture damage potential, and many studies have been conducted to establish an improved methodology that can better address the issue. Most of these methods involve the determination of changes in mix properties due to moisture conditioning in the laboratory or to verify the mix performance in the field or the laboratory. In the field moisture susceptible mixes are also found to lose material to extents that are dependent upon the properties of the mix and materials. So far, there has been no comprehensive study to investigate the loss of materials due to moisture induced damage. The objective of this study was to identify and evaluate a conditioning and a test method that can be used on a regular basis to detect moisture susceptible mixes and to understand the combined problem of moisture induced material loss and change in strength/stiffness of the mix. The Moisture Induced Stress Tester (MIST), Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV), Dynamic Modulus in Indirect tensile mode, and Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) tests were utilized in the study. The effluent from the MIST was checked for the gradation of dislodged aggregates and the Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) content. A system dynamics (SD) approach was also adopted to investigate the problem and establish a model to reproduce field observations. The results showed that the use of MIST in combination with UPV or ITS is able to identify moisture susceptible mixes, in particular for mixes with the potential of aggregate breakdown. The mixes with a higher loss of asphalt binder during conditioning exhibit higher tensile strengths, and those with a loss of finer materials, which is indicative of aggregate breakdown, show a lower tensile strength. For the mixes used in this study, the rate of change in indirect tensile strength during moisture conditioning was found to be strongly correlated to the pre-conditioning modulus of the mix. A step-by-step framework to characterize the moisture susceptible mixes was presented."
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