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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolsköterskans upplevelser av psykisk ohälsa hos pojkar i tonåren. / School nurse´s experiences of mental illness among boys in adolescence

Jälén, Angelica, Lindqvist, Charlotta January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mellan åren 2010 till 2013 tog i genomsnitt tjugoåtta ungdomar varje år sitt liv i Sverige, två tredjedelar av dessa var pojkar. I Sverige är psykisk ohälsa ett av de största folkhälsoproblemen bland barn och ungdomar.  Skolsköterskan är en viktig person för eleverna i deras skolmiljö och kan upptäcka barn och ungdomar med psykisk ohälsa. Syfte: Att beskriva hur skolsköterskan upptäcker och arbetar med psykisk ohälsa hos pojkar på gymnasiet. Metod: Studien genomfördes med semi-strukturerade intervjuer och den insamlade datan analyserades enligt innebördsanalys. Resultat: Fyra innebördsteman framträdde: Att arbeta förebyggande och hälsofrämjande på flera olika sätt, Att skapa en förtroendefull relation till eleven underlättar samverkansarbetet, Att uppmärksamma det sammanhang som eleven befinner sig i och Att ha kunskap om skillnader mellan pojkar och flickors sätt att uttrycka psykisk ohälsa. Slutsats: Skolsköterskorna upplever att de främst upptäcker pojkar som lider av psykisk ohälsa vid det planerade hälsosamtalet. Att det är viktigt att se pojken och ge samtalet tid.  Skolsköterskorna upplever också att det finns skillnader i hur pojkar och flickor uttrycker sin oro, ångest och psykiska ohälsa. / Background: Between 2010 and 2013, on average, twenty-eight young people a year committed suicide in Sweden, two -thirds of whom were boys. In Sweden, mental illness is one of the biggest public health problems among adolescents. The school nurse is an important person who can identify adolescents with mental illness. Aim: To describe how the school nurse discovers and works with mental illness among boys in high school. Method: The study was conducted with semi-structured interviews and the collected data was analyzed according to meaning analysis. Result: Four key themes emerged: Working preventive and health promotion in several different ways, Creating a trusting relationship with the pupil facilitates the collaboration work, To pay attention to the context in which the student is and to have knowledge about differences between boys and girls' way of expressing mental illness. Conclusion: School nurses find that they usually discover the boys who suffer from mental illness at the planned health conversation. That it is important to see the boy and give them time. The school nurses also find that there are differences in how boys and girls express their concerns, anxiety and mental illness.

Pojkars och flickors matematiska mindset : En kvalitativ studie med elever i årskurserna 2 och 3

Anundi, Ingrid, Petersson, Camilla January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att beskriva och jämföra pojkars respektive flickors matematiska mindset i årskurserna 2 och 3. Detta görs genom att beskriva vad pojkarna respektive flickorna anser utmärka personer som är matematiskt duktiga, vad gemene man behöver göra för att bli matematiskt duktig, samt deras syn på sin egen förmåga i matematikämnet. För att studera detta har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med tolv elever, sex pojkar och sex flickor. Resultatet visar att eleverna har en samstämmig syn på hur de matematiska kunskaperna kan förbättras och menade att det sker genom övning och träning. Flickorna ansåg att de var duktiga i matematik, men pojkarna hade inte samma tilltro till sin matematiska förmåga. Övriga slutsatser som dras är att det kvarligger stereotyp syn hos pojkarna, vilka ansåg att män är mer matematiska än kvinnor. Detta synsätt återfanns inte hos flickorna. / The aim of the study is to describe and compare the mathematical mindset of boys and girls in grades 2 and 3. This is done by describing what the boys and girls think distinguish people who are mathematically proficient, what they think one needs to do to become mathematically proficient, and their beliefs about their own mathematical ability. To receive answers on these research questions semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve students, six boys and six girls. The result indicates that the students have a consistent view of how mathematical knowledge can be improved and meant that this is done through practice. The girls thought they were good at mathematics, but the boys did not have the same confidence in their own mathematical ability. Other conclusions drawn are that the boys seem to have a more stereotypical approach than the girls as they considered that men are more mathematical than women. This view was not found for the girls.

L'influence de l'anxiété et la menace du stéréotype sur la performance scolaire en mathématiques chez les collégiens / The influence of anxiety and the threat of stereotype on school mathematics performance among college students

Mostafa, Ramia 16 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude vise à examiner les effets respectifs de l’anxiété et de la menace du stéréotype sur les performances des collégiens en mathématiques à travers deux expériences menées en milieu scolaire, dans les collèges d’Aix-en-Provence. L’hypothèse principale de cette thèse est que les stéréotypes sociaux liés au genre déclenchent l’anxiété qui elle-même influence les performances en mathématiques. L’intérêt de ce travail est de montrer que l’effet du mécanisme générateur de l’inhibition des performances en mathématiques repose sur l’interaction entre l’anxiété et la menace du stéréotype. L’influence de l’anxiété représente la variable médiatrice. La mise en perspective des deux expériences (intervention / non –intervention) a mis en évidence que les stéréotypes provoquent de l’anxiété chez les élèves et que cette anxiété affecte à son tour la performance. Cette recherche, dont les résultats mettent clairement en évidence l’intérêt d’une sensibilisation et d’une prise en compte des stéréotypes véhiculés en milieu scolaire, démontre qu’il existe des moyens de limiter l’impact des stéréotypes sociaux et de l’anxiété sur les performances scolaires. / This study aims at examining the respective effects of anxiety and stereotypes which threaten the performance of middle school students in mathematics, through two experiments in secondary schools of Aix-en-Provence. The principle hypothesis of this work is that social gender stereotypes trigger anxiety, which itself influences the performance in mathematics. The interest of this work is to show that the effect of generating mechanism of inhibition in mathematics performance is based on the interaction between the anxiety and the stereotype threat. Putting these two experiments in perspective (intervention/non-intervention) showed that stereotypes cause anxiety among students and that this anxiety, then, affects performance. This research, of which the results clearly demonstrate the interest of raising awareness and considering stereotypes conveyed in schools, indicate that there are ways to minimize the impact of social stereotypes and anxiety on school performance.

Hur görs kön av elever på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ studie om pojkars och flickors görande av kön i sin fria lek på fritidshemmet

Fernando, Nihari January 2019 (has links)
This study examines how girls and boys in grade three perform gender in their free play in a leisure center. The result of the study shows that both girls and boys choose to relate to gendernorms in their free play in various ways. While some students chose to adopt to gendernorms in thier free play some others chose to take part in the free play by braking the norms. This gender doing was done by students with the help of  the sex-encoded toys offered by the recreation center, the social interaktion, peer relations, language used by students were possible reasons för students gender doing. Thus, the gender and the language as two diffrent sociaal power axes contributed in some case to excluding certain pupils and including others, ehich means the power dominans of gender prevented some students to participate in the free play. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the power dominance of gender is not only an obstacle for students participation in play, but also limits thier possibilitis för action.

Mind the trap : construção de masculinidades juvenis e suas implicações com o desempenho escolar

Silva, Luciano Ferreira da January 2018 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo mostrar como a construção das masculinidades juvenis produzem armadilhas na intersecção da trajetória escolar dos meninos do ensino médio da escola pública e seus projetos de vida futuros. Para tanto, realizei pesquisa empírica em uma escola de um município da Grande Porto Alegre, a qual visitei durante um ano inteiro. Ali realizei observações, entrevistei alunos, conversei com professores e funcionários e formei grupos aos quais chamei de grupos de discussão para que pudéssemos conversar acerca de questões de gênero na escola. O foco de todo o trabalho se deu em torno do comportamento dos meninos, a construção de suas masculinidades e as implicações desta construção com o desempenho escolar e possíveis consequências na vida futura. Durante as visitas, registrei cenas e falas em um caderno, ao qual chamei de caderno de campo. Além disso, gravei, com o consentimento prévio de cada informante, suas contribuições. Tudo foi transcrito e registrado em um diário de campo, configurando-se, assim, no que chamei de bricolagem como método de pesquisa. A tese, portanto, discute e problematiza questões relacionadas à construção de masculinidades, mais especificamente, à construção de um tipo de masculinidade, considerada hegemônica e os privilégios que este tipo de masculinidade traz aos meninos que a exercem. Problematizou-se ainda, e principalmente, o fato de que tais privilégios podem trazer consigo armadilhas que, por sua vez, interferem no desempenho escolar dos meninos. Dados como o maior número de meninas pleiteando uma vaga nas universidades mostram que algo está acontecendo com os meninos, daí a armadilha que acompanha os prováveis privilégios das masculinidades. Já no mestrado, concluído em 2012, analisei um gap de gênero na educação brasileira, também à luz de pesquisa realizada em uma escola pública do mesmo município. Do gap ao trap, ou seja, do distanciamento à armadilha, aprofundei no doutorado as discussões trazidas no mestrado. O foco, desta vez, ficou nas armadilhas que se encontram na trajetória da construção do menino enquanto aluno e dono de uma masculinidade considerada hegemônica. Evidenciei tais armadilhas relacionando-as com tecnologias de gênero que formam um e outro gênero na escola, dando relevância a uma série de acontecimentos e atitudes cotidianas e que, na maioria das vezes, são consideradas sem importância, à luz do que nos diz Foucault quando nos fala que gestos aparentemente sem importância importam nas relações de poder às quais estamos todos submetidos. Esta tese nos convida a perceber a relevância de tais tecnologias, vistas muitas vezes como gestos aparentemente sem importância, e o que eles têm a nos dizer acerca da construção das masculinidades na escola e as implicações de tais construções no desempenho escolar dos meninos e no reflexo em suas vidas futuras. Esta tese convida, ainda, para além de problematizarmos tais questões, a estranhá-las, e assim, no desconforto da desacomodação, percebê-las como fundamentais na construção do menino enquanto aluno, com evidentes impactos em sua vida futura. / This doctoral thesis aims to show how the construction of juvenile masculinities produces traps in the intersection of boys’ trajectory during high school in the Brazilian public school and their future life projects. To this end, I made an empirical research in a public school in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, which I visited during an entire year. There, I made observations, interviewed students, talked with teachers and employees and also formed groups which I called discussion groups, in order to talk about gender issues at school. The focus of the entire work was about the boys’ behavior, the construction of their masculinities and the implications of such construction with their performance at school and probable consequences in their future lives. During the visits, I registered scenes and talks on a notebook, which I called field notebook. Besides, I recorded, with the previous consent of every informant, their contributions. All was written out and registered on a field diary, setting up as what I called a bricolage as a research method. This thesis, therefore, discusses and questions issues related to the construction of masculinities, more specifically, the construction of a kind of masculinity, considered hegemonic and the privileges that such masculinity brings to the boys who pursue it. It is also questioned, and mainly, the fact that, such privileges bring traps, which, in turn, interfere in the boys’ school performance. Data like a major number of girls trying a vacancy in the universities show that something is happening to the boys, given the trap which comes with these probable privileges of masculinities. During my master degree, concluded in 2012, I analyzed a gender gap in the Brazilian education, also in the light of a research made in a public school in the same town. From gap to trap, I deepened, during this doctor degree process, the discussions brought by the master degree. The focus, however, is the traps which can be found on the trajectory of the boy’s construction as a student and the owner of a kind of masculinity considered hegemonic. I put such traps in evidence relating them to gender technologies which form both genders at school, giving relevance to a series of facts and everyday attitudes which, most of times, are considered without importance, just like Foucault says when he tells us that apparently unimportant gestures matter in the power relations to which we all are subjected. This thesis invites us to perceive the relevance of such technologies, many times seen as apparently unimportant gestures, and what they can tell us about the construction of masculinities at school and its implications with the boys’ school performance as well as the reflex on their future lives. This thesis also invites us, beyond such issues, to make them strange, in order to, in the discomfort of the displacing, perceive them as fundamental in the construction of the boy as a student, with evident impacts on his future life.

Reflexões sobre o potencial terapêutico dos encontros com crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua no centro da cidade de São Paulo / Considerations about the therapeutic potential of meetings with street children and street adolescents in downtown São Paulo

Ramos, Fernanda Quirino 25 May 2011 (has links)
A partir das experiências de educadores do Projeto Quixote, este estudo busca investigar se há ou não um potencial terapêutico nos encontros com crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua no centro da cidade de São Paulo. Para responder a tal questão utilizamos o método fenomenológico-clínico. Com o método fenomenológico buscou-se compreender a esfera intersubjetiva dos encontros entre os educadores e as crianças e, em seguida, realizou-se reflexões clínico-teóricas a partir do conceito de criatividade de Donald Winnicott e da perspectiva clínico-ontológica de Gilberto Safra. Os procedimentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram: análise de diário de campo e análise de relatórios institucionais que contemplaram as experiências intersubjetivas. As reflexões sobre os encontros com estes meninos e meninas retratam e testemunham como eles vivem o dia-a-dia nas ruas do centro da cidade. Nota-se que estas crianças e adolescentes tentam interromper ciclos de abandono e violência vivenciados em seus contextos de origem e a chegada às ruas parece indicar a esperança de encontrarem relações significativas a partir das quais possam estabelecer uma relação pessoal e significativa com a vida. Discutiu-se a confiabilidade, a corporeidade, o brincar e o acompanhamento terapêutico das inserções das crianças na rede de proteção. As reflexões apontam que os educadores contribuem, essencialmente, oferecendo outras formas de se relacionar, a partir da oferta de uma presença disponível, que no contexto da saúde é terapêutica. O educador, sendo capaz de reconhecer cada acompanhado em sua singularidade e necessidades éticas fundamentais, favorece que estas crianças possam vir a se constituir e sentirem-se reais, podendo estabelecer uma relação pessoal com o mundo. Conclui-se que há possibilidades de estabelecer uma potencialidade terapêutica no encontro com estas crianças e adolescentes que circulam pelas ruas da cidade, no entanto para obter resultados satisfatórios dependerá não só das possibilidades das crianças se aproximarem e interagirem, mas também do acolhimento e hospitalidade dos profissionais que delas se aproximam. Assim, uma aliança poderá desenhar-se e estabelecer um potencial terapêutico; potencial como possibilidade de reconhecer o valor da intensidade vivida na aproximação, por meio da terapêutica de intervenção e do cuidado dos educadores / Based on the experiences of the educators from Projeto Quixote, this work intends to investigate whether there is a therapeutic potential in the meeting with street children and teenagers in downtown São Paulo. In order to answer such a question the phenomenological-clinical method was used. The phenomenological method was used in the understanding of the inter-subjective area present in the meetings between educators and children, followed by clinical-theoretical considerations on the basis of Donald Winnicotts concept of creativity together with the clinical-ontological perspective of Gilberto Safra. The procedures used to collecting the data were: the analysis of a field work diary and the analysis of the institutional reports dealing with inter-subjective experiences. The considerations about the meetings with these boys and girls are at the same time a portrait and a testimony on their daily way of living in downtown streets. We noticed that these children and teenagers try to interrupt the cycles of abandonment and violence experienced in their original environment and the arrival in the streets seems to indicate their hope in finding significant relations from which they may establish a personal and significant relation with life itself. We discussed reliability, corporeity, playing and the therapeutic accompaniment of the childrens insertion into the institutions of protection. The discussions reveal that the educators contribute essentially in offering other ways of relating by means of their presence and availability, which in the health context is therapeutic. The educator, being someone capable of considering each person accompanied in his/her singularity, and his/her fundamental ethical necessities, helps these childrens constitution as being and feeling real, enabling them to establish a personal relationship with the world. We conclude that there are possibilities to establish a therapeutic potential in the meetings with these children and teenagers that wander about the streets of the city. However the positive results depend not only on the childrens possibility of approaching and interacting, but also on the professionals hospitality. In this way, an alliance may happen and establish a therapeutic potential; potential as the possibility to recognize the value of the meeting intensity given by the therapeutics of the educatorsintervention and care

Making Room: Creating Space for Black Boys to Tell Their Own Stories

DuBose, Brennan January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation examines the lives of four adolescent Black American boys as they relate to education, media, race, and the law. As a case study using elements of narrative research analysis and portraiture, this research offers an in-depth understanding of the individual journeys of these young men as a way to provide an understanding of their adolescent male urban experience. Thus, in this dissertation, I explore the intersections between media-constructed narratives and my participants’ educational experiences, as I pursue a better understanding of how the participants view themselves within the construction of their own identities. Through conversations, this dissertation offers a platform to empower my participants’ voices and allow them to tell their stories by answering open-ended questions. For this study, I met with each participant on a biweekly basis to have conversations that lasted between 10 and 30 minutes in a New York City coffee shop in Harlem over a winter period of 3 months. This research showed that through intentional and thoughtful conversations, Black American adolescent boys who live in urban settings conveyed exactly what they need not only to survive, but also to thrive in a country that systemically puts them at a disadvantage. Finally, this study was framed by W. E. B. Du Bois’s research on how Black Americans perceive themselves in the United States; this study utilized his double consciousness theory as its theoretical framework.

"Rotten Culture": from Japan to China

Li, Nishang 01 May 2019 (has links)
A new sub-culture, “Rotten Culture (腐文化) ”, evolved from Japanese Boys’ Love (BL) manga, has rapidly spread in China and dramatically influenced many areas of Chinese artistic creation. “Rotten Culture” is an extension of Boys’ Love, which indicates that Boys’ Love elements not only existed in manga, but emerged in anime, movies, TV series, and so on. As a start of an analysis of this phenomenon, this thesis will focus on the core of “Rotten Culture”, Boys’ Love, which exists in Chinese manga and web fiction. The central issues addressed by this thesis are: exploring the circulation of Boys’ Love from Japan to China; examining the aesthetics and themes of some of these works; and analyzing the motivations that explain why such a huge amount of people, both professional and non-professional, have joined in creating Boys’ Love art works. / Graduate

Da 'queixa' ao fracasso escolar: um estudo sobre a predominância do encaminhamento de meninos aos serviços de psicologia / From the complaint to the school failure: a study on the prevalence of boys foward psychology

Nascimento, Ana Paula Rodrigues do 30 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-09-25T16:54:09Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Ana Paula Rodrigues do Nascimento - 2013 - Dissertação.pdf: 830715 bytes, checksum: 0df08cae363b7bdffb9d1db7044a6dde (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-09-26T11:28:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Ana Paula Rodrigues do Nascimento - 2013 - Dissertação.pdf: 830715 bytes, checksum: 0df08cae363b7bdffb9d1db7044a6dde (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-26T11:28:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Ana Paula Rodrigues do Nascimento - 2013 - Dissertação.pdf: 830715 bytes, checksum: 0df08cae363b7bdffb9d1db7044a6dde (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-30 / Based on a critical perspective in psychology and education, the aim of this study is to understand the aspects involved on the prevalence of sending boys with learning complaints for psychological care in school clinics of psychology and public health units. Knowing that school failure is a phenomenon socially developed, this discussion seeks to reflect on the mechanisms that produce learning complaints in boys and how these complaints, built in school, become on intrinsic issues, making the psychological support one of the ways of resolving for school problems. In order to investigate the aim study, bibliographical research was used as methodology, considering it essential to uncover the problem raised by this research. A seek in the thesis and dissertations from Capes, in the SciELO electronic library, virtual library in health (BVS) and electronic journals in psychology (PEPSIC) was adopted, using the following descriptors: “characterization of child clients in school clinics of psychology”, “characterization of child clients in public health services”, boys scholastic complaints”, “school failure of boys”, “relationship between gender and education”, “gender and school failure of boys”, “gender and school performance”, “prevalence of male children taken to school clinics of psychology or public health services”. Two groups of bibliographic sources were used: the first group is constituted by studies and researches in psychology which investigated the infant demand for psychological support in school clinics of psychology and public health services; the second group consists of studies and researches in the area of education that investigated the school failure of boys. From the description and analysis of the literature corpus, it was possible to seize some aspects that contribute to the prevalence of boys with school complaints, which allowed questioning conceptions that naturalize their development processes and situate the theme proposed in historical and cultural context of gender relations. / Com uma perspectiva crítica em psicologia e em educação, o objetivo deste estudo é conhecer os aspectos envolvidos na predominância do encaminhamento de meninos com queixas escolares para atendimento psicológico em clínicas-escola de psicologia e unidades de saúde pública. Baseando-se na compreensão de que o fracasso escolar é um fenômeno socialmente produzido, buscou-se refletir sobre os mecanismos que produzem as queixas escolares em meninos, e como essas queixas, construídas no espaço escolar, se convertem em questões intrínsecas, tornando o acompanhamento psicológico uma das vias de resolução para problemas escolares. Para a investigação do objeto de estudo, adotou-se como metodologia a pesquisa bibliográfica, por considerá-la essencial para desvelar o problema levantado. Procedeu-se, então, a uma busca no banco de teses e dissertações Capes, na biblioteca eletrônica SciELO, na biblioteca virtual em saúde (BVS) e nos periódicos eletrônicos em psicologia (PePSIC), utilizando os seguintes descritores: “caracterização de clientela infantil em clínicas-escola de psicologia”, “caracterização de clientela infantil em serviços de saúde pública”, “queixa escolar de meninos”, “fracasso escolar de meninos”, “relação entre gênero e educação”, “gênero e fracasso escolar de meninos”, “gênero e desempenho escolar”, “predomínio de crianças do sexo masculino encaminhadas para clínicas-escola de psicologia ou serviços de saúde pública”. Para o levantamento das informações, foram trabalhados dois grupos de fontes bibliográficas: o primeiro grupo é constituído por estudos e pesquisas na área da psicologia que investigaram a demanda infantil para acompanhamento psicológico em clínicas-escola de psicologia e serviços de saúde pública; o segundo grupo constitui-sede estudos e pesquisas da área da educação que investigaram o fracasso escolar de meninos. Com a descrição e análise do corpus documental foi possível apreender alguns aspectos que colaboram para a predominância de meninos com queixas escolares, o que permitiu o questionamento de concepções que naturalizam os processos de desenvolvimento desses meninos, bem como situar a temática proposta no contexto histórico-cultural das relações de gênero.

David Davis and the Warrior River Boys: Radically Traditional Bluegrass

Olson, Ted 01 January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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