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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Community responses to environmental education initiatives

Simelane, Delisile Zinhle 31 December 2006 (has links)
This qualitative case study concerns the educational processes undertaken in an environmental programme of Timeleni Bomake group at Nsingweni, a rural community in Swaziland. At the time of the research most of the group members were elderly women with about four men among whom is the facilitator, a teacher at Nsingweni Primary School. The inquiry occurred through fieldwork involving interviews, observation and photography. Data analysis followed an inductive process that builds concepts. Formed in 1990, the group saw dramatic economic gain in the 1990's through a gardening project supported by Yonge Nawe environmental action group and the facilitator. At the beginning of the new millennium the participants' intrinsic abilities to sustain the group were put to test. Challenges emerged that reduced the enthusiasm of some group members such that the study found the group at the edge of collapse. This report concludes with recommendations on ways to sustain community programmes. / Educational Studies / Thesis (M. Ed. (Environmental Education))

Det ligger i deras händer : En sociologisk studie om segregationen mellan Bredäng och Mälarhöjden

Afram, Daniel, Celebi, Suleyman January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to bring out the social economic residential segregation that exists in Bredäng and in Mälarhöjden by experiences and perceptions from local residents with a qualitative research. The study will also show how these expectations forms from local residents in these districts. Both these districts take place in southern Stockholm. Bredäng, the public housing neighborhood and Mälarhöjden, the garden neighborhood are two districts that was built up during two different eras but has a social economic difference bigger than the geographic distance. The majority of the local residents in Bredäng are low incomes and have a lack of university or college education. The majority of the local residents in Mälarhöjden have a higher percentage of university graduates and the average income per year are twice the size of Bredängs resident’s. The main focus of this study will be to inquire into why the social economic elements lead to residential segregation in these districts, but also in how Mälaräng will effect on this. The main focus will be to examine why the social economic elements leads to how segregation forms from the expectations that exist. It generally occurs similar beliefs and perceptions from all respondents about these districts. The results shows that all respondents confirms that it exist social economic differences between Bredäng and Mälarhöjden with consequences that Bredäng becomes the segregated district towards to Mälarhöjden that is considered the “fancier” district with higher “status”. We have used the concept segregation that is central in this study and two theoretical points, Goffman’s identity and Elias and Scotson who writes about established and outsiders. We use the theoretical perspectives to connect the empirical part about how individuals form experiences and perceptions toward to the opposite district. We also find how identity creations forms from the categories that the individual gets. / Med hjälp av en kvalitativ undersökning är syftet med denna studie att belysa hur bostadssegregation och hur områdets invånare formar föreställningar om både sitt eget område och i jämförelse med det motsatta området. Bredäng och Mälarhöjden ligger i södra Stockholm och är de två områden som kommer att undersökas. Vidare kommer vi i studien även belysa hur dessa står i relation till varandra utifrån lokalinvånarnas upplevelser och uppfattningar. Bredäng, miljonprogramområdet och Mälarhöjden, trädgårdsstaden är två stadsdelar som byggdes under olika tidsperioder men där de socioekonomiska skillnaderna är betydligt större än det geografiska. Majoriteten av de lokala invånare i Bredäng är låginkomsttagare och saknar eftergymnasial utbildning till skillnad från Mälarhöjden där fler är högutbildade samt där årsinkomsten är det dubbla jämfört med Bredäng. Studiens främsta fokus kommer vara att undersöka varför de socioekonomiska faktorer leder till hur bostadssegregation formas utifrån de föreställningar och uppfattningar som råder. Det förekommer generellt liknande föreställningar och uppfattningar från samtliga informanter kring stadsdelarna. Resultatet visar oss att samtliga respondenter bekräftar att det råder socioekonomiska skillnader på Bredäng och Mälarhöjden där konsekvenserna blir ett segregerat område där Bredäng ses som det segregerade området gentemot Mälarhöjden som framställs som det mer ”finare” och området med högre ”status”. Till den teoretiska biten har vi använt oss av ett centralt begrepp, segregation och två teoretiska utgångspunkter varav en av Goffmans identitetsskapande och sedan även Elias och Scotson som redogör för etablerade och outsiders. Med hjälp av de teoretiska perspektiven finner vi en anknytning till det empiriska avsnittet på hur individer formar uppfattningar och föreställningar gentemot det motsatta området. Vidare finner vi även hur identitetsskapandet formas utifrån de kategorier med egenskaper man blir tilldelade.

KILL THE INVENTOR : En konsekvensanalys av manschettbrottslighet / KILL THE INVENTOR : An impact assessment of white collar crime

Palmgren, Lise-Lotte January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att synliggöra olika bedrägliga beteenden som riktar sig mot innovatörer. I studien diskuteras möjligheterna till att etablera en funktion som skyddar innovatörer mot en typ av övergrepp som blir allt vanligare. Hur skall subtil manschettbrottslighet begränsas när den är både riskfri och lönsam? En vägledande fråga i diskussionen har varit: Skall innovatörer ha samma skydd för sin upphovsrätt som andra fria yrkesutövare, eller ska de fortsätta få vara villebråd utan skydd av rättsväsendet? Resultatet bygger på dokumentanalyser och en kvalitativ studie om upphovsmän till patent, samt intervjuer med personer inom branschen innovationer och entreprenörskap. Resultat baseras bl a på den kvalitativa studien och beskrivs genom fakta om innovatörerna Dr. Håkan Lans och M.D. Johan Ullman, vilka båda fått sina fall uppmärksammade i massmedia. Resultatet av analysen visar att* Uppfinnare är en minoritet som saknar rättsskydd i Sverige* Likhet inför lagen gäller inte för innovatörer och upphovsmän* Det är nästintill undantagslöst den ekonomiskt starkaste som vinner patentstrider Ett par av slutsatserna är att risken för upptäckt styr omfattningen av subtil ekobrottslighet. När det är riskfritt att bedriva sådan verksamhet ökar antalet brott. Det finns metoder att begränsa organiserad ekonomisk brottslighet, bedrägerier och kränkningar. Slutdiskussionen ger förslag till hur man kan skydda den svagare parten och skapa förutsättningar för uppfinnare att verka, för en större industriell tillväxt och därmed fler nya arbetstillfällen i Europa.

霸凌旁觀者行為傾向影響因素探討-以高雄市都會區國中學生為例 / Bullying bystander behavior affect factors among Kaohsiung junior high students

張育慈 Unknown Date (has links)
霸凌事件頻繁出現在各大報章雜誌,霸凌受害者在霸凌事件中經常處於權力不均等的地位,無法主動求援。借鏡西方之成功反霸凌計畫,發現霸凌事件中旁觀者的反應對於揭露、制止霸凌有相當之重要性。本研究將霸凌旁觀者區分為保護者以及局外者,過往研究發現兩者雖同為霸凌事件之旁觀者,然其行為結果卻有截然不同的影響。保護者行為的出現,可使學生對校園安全感受提高並有助於降低霸凌發生率,局外者行為則否。本研究參考Latané 與 Darley(1970)提出之旁觀者決策歷程模式等助人行為理論,推論學生對霸凌的態度、個人責任感,以及同儕團體規範會影響旁觀者的行為傾向,期望透過本研究了解國中學生旁觀霸凌事件的反應傾向,以及影響旁觀者行為之個人及同儕因素。 本研究採取實證典範之調查研究方法,研究樣本包和高雄市都會區國民中學421位學生,並且採用描述性統計、T檢定、單因子變異數分析以及多元迴歸等研究方法,依據受試者在「旁觀者行為」量表、霸凌「態度」量表、「個人責任感」量表以及「同儕團體規範」量表之得分進行統計分析。研究發現如下: 一、高雄市都會區國中學生,具有中度之保護者行為以及局外者行為傾向。 二、女性相較於男性較傾向出現保護者行為,對霸凌持較高的反對態度,且對「朋友」具有較高之個人責任感。 三、學生對「同學」之「個人責任感」受到「年級」所影響,「七年級」學生對於同學之個人責任感高於「八、九年級」學生。 四、學生對於「同學」之「個人責任感」以及「同儕團體規範」可以預測「保護者行為傾向」以及「局外者行為傾向」。 最後,依據本研究的結果提出實務建議與未來研究方向。 / Bullying is frequently reported in major newspapers and magazines. Bullying victims are usually in a disadvantaged position making them unable to call for help on their own. Successful anti-bullying programs in the west have found that bystanders hold an important role in the disclosure or cessation of bullying incidents. This study classified bystanders into defenders and outsiders. Although both are bystanders, defenders could increase a sense of security on campus and reduce the incidence of bullying. Outsiders, on the other hand, could not achieve such effect. Using Latané & Darley, s decision-tree model of bystander intervention, this study hypothesized that personal attitude and responsibility and peer group norm toward bullying would affect bystander behavior in the incidence of bullying. This study aimed to understand the way Taiwanese junior high students responded to bullying and factors that might affect bystander behavior. Using survey research method, data were collected from 421 junior high school students in Kaohsiung Metropolitan Area as samples using questionnaires, including bystander behavior scale, bullying attitude scale, personal responsibility scale, and peer group norms scale. Statistical methods, such as descriptive statistics、t-tests、one way ANOVAs, and multiple regressions, were used, and the results are reported in the following: 1.Junior high school students in Kaohsiung Metropolitan Area had above average scores in their behavioral tendency as defenders or outsiders in incidence of bullying. 2.Female tended to have more defender behavior than male did. Also, female tended to oppose bullying more strongly and showed more sense of personal responsibility if “a friend” was bullied. 3.“Seventh graders” showed stronger sense of personal responsibility than 8th and 9th graders. 4.The sense of personal responsibility if “a classmate” was bullied and peer group norm (peers tended to aid the victims) both predicted behavioral tendency as defenders and outsider. Implications and future directions were discussed.

Community responses to environmental education initiatives

Simelane, Delisile Zinhle 31 December 2006 (has links)
This qualitative case study concerns the educational processes undertaken in an environmental programme of Timeleni Bomake group at Nsingweni, a rural community in Swaziland. At the time of the research most of the group members were elderly women with about four men among whom is the facilitator, a teacher at Nsingweni Primary School. The inquiry occurred through fieldwork involving interviews, observation and photography. Data analysis followed an inductive process that builds concepts. Formed in 1990, the group saw dramatic economic gain in the 1990's through a gardening project supported by Yonge Nawe environmental action group and the facilitator. At the beginning of the new millennium the participants' intrinsic abilities to sustain the group were put to test. Challenges emerged that reduced the enthusiasm of some group members such that the study found the group at the edge of collapse. This report concludes with recommendations on ways to sustain community programmes. / Educational Studies / Thesis (M. Ed. (Environmental Education))

The Bee & the Crown : The Road to Ascension in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath / Biet och kronan : Vägen till upphöjning i Emily Dickinsons och Sylvia Plaths poesi

Eva, Stenskär January 2021 (has links)
Though born a century apart, American poets Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath share several similarities: Both were born in New England, both fought for their rights by writing, and both broke new poetic ground.          In this thesis, I look at their poetry through a movement in space, which begins with the poets’ precarious position as societal outliers and ends with ascension. I examine what crossing the threshold meant to them, physically and metaphorically, and how it is mirrored in their poems, I look at how the physical space in which they wrote color their poetry, I examine windows as a space of transit, and finally I take a closer look at the shape ascension takes in selected poems. I propose this road, this movement in space, is mirrored in both Dickinson’s and Plath’s poetry.      I use as my method deconstruction, to uncover hints and possibilities. I scan letters and journals, biographies and memoirs. As my theoretical framework, I use Walter Benjamin’s ideas about the threshold as a place of transit, as well as his thoughts about the flaneur as the observer of the crowd, both of which are presented in The Arcades Project. To further examine the threshold as a space for pause, reconsideration, retreat, or advance, I rely on Subha Mukheriji and her book Thinking on Thresholds: The Poetics of Transitive Spaces. I further use Gaston Bachelard’s seminal The Poetics of Spaceto investigate the poets’ response to the physical space in which they wrote. I look at ascension through the prism offered by the ideas of Mircea Eliade as presented in Myths, Dreams, and Mysteries: The Encounter Between Contemporary Faiths and Archaic Realities.

The Development of Employment Protection Legislation in the United Kingdom (1963-2018) and Sweden (1971-2020)

Ferdosi, Mohammad January 2022 (has links)
Several interesting findings emerged from this study. First, strong labour movements still failed to successfully bargain for employment protections due to resistance from employers to encroachments on their institutionalized managerial prerogatives. Second, governments favoured a policy of abstentionism and acquiescence to the collective-laissez-faire tradition until the critical juncture of the 1960s and 1970s. Third, the increasing power resources of trade unions and a deteriorating socio-economic climate created a window of opportunity for bold government action to improve industrial relations, albeit without the consent of employers, and at first, unions. Fourth, contrary to the liberalizing pressures one would expect to find in an archetypical free market economy, the UK has implemented far more statutory protections than deregulatory reforms. Fifth, in contrast to its traditional non-intervention in industrial relations and reputation for worker-protective regulations, Swedish governments have enacted numerous statutes, both restricting and freeing managerial prerogatives in the hiring and firing process. Sixth, statutory employment protections became an independent set of institutional power resources for unions in the long run, serving their organizational and representational interests in important ways. Seventh, unions and left parties consistently defended and advanced the policy preferences of their core constituencies in secure employment by privileging the job security of regular contracts. Eighth, employers and parties on the right of the political spectrum consistently opposed restrictions on the managerial capacity to hire and fire at will, especially for small businesses. Nineth, to increase flexibility without threatening the stability of regular contracts, reforms over the years had to foster atypical forms of work, creating a regulatory gap between permanent and temporary employment, particularly in Sweden. Tenth, differences exist between job security in the statute books and job security in action, particularly in the UK where this gap pervades all aspects of the unfair dismissal system. These findings suggest employment protection legislation has developed in ways far more complex, dynamic and contradictory than is commonly assumed by prominent theories of comparative political economy. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This thesis examines how and why employment protection legislation developed in the United Kingdom and Sweden in the ways that it did from its early beginnings to the present period. It hopes to offer answers to questions about the initial impetus for statutory regulation, the number, content and impact of significant legislative changes and the preferences of key stakeholders with material interests in the policymaking process. It does this by drawing on a variety of both primary and secondary source materials, including employment protection databases, parliamentary records and research publications. At the same time, it assesses the explanatory merit of dominant theories in the political economy literature by testing them against voluminous empirical evidence and provides a multi-factorial account to fill the gaps in the existing body of knowledge.

Surviving childhood : trauma and maturation in J.D. Salinger's "The catcher in the Rye", S.E. Hinton's "The outsiders", and Stephen Chbosky's "The perks of being a wallflower"

Roy, Aurélie 12 June 2024 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise propose une étude détaillée des répercussions sociales et psychologiques des évènements traumatiques sur le développement de l’enfant en utilisant trois Bildungsromane importants, The Catcher in the Rye de J.D. Salinger, The Outsiders de S.E. Hinton et The Perks of Being a Wallflower de Stephen Chbosky. En me basant sur les études de Cathy Caruth, Shoshana Felman, Ronald Granofsky, Dominick LaCapra, Dori Laub et Judith Lewis Herman, je démontre que les expériences traumatiques ont des effets contradictoires, mais indissociables sur l’évolution psychologique de l’enfant, à savoir de ralentir et d’accélérer le passage de l’enfance au monde adulte. J’explique que Holden Caulfield, Ponyboy Curtis et Charlie font preuve de comportements qui dévoilent la paralysie que peuvent entraîner les traumatismes psychologiques et qui peut forcer l’enfant à demeurer immature et innocent. Ensuite, j’illustre que ces mêmes expériences traumatiques, et l’acceptation de celles-ci peuvent finir par pousser l’enfant à brusquement atteindre la maturité. Ce mémoire souligne également l’importance du témoignage dans la guérison et dans l’éventuel passage de l’enfance à l’âge adulte. Considérant son omniprésence dans les romans pour jeunes adultes, le témoignage et ses ramifications seront analysés dans chaque chapitre. Au fil des trois chapitres, j’analyse chaque roman de façon indépendante, j’évalue la réaction de chaque personnage face aux expériences traumatiques et j’établis la nomenclature et les liens qui permettent une conversation entre les trois romans. Bien que les trois œuvres étudiées proposent différents modèles de réponses psychologiques aux traumatismes, chaque roman entre en dialogue avec l’autre. L’objectif de ce mémoire est donc d’offrir de nouvelles perspectives sur les trois histoires, tout en démontrant les corrélations qui les unissent et qui contribuent à la compréhension de chaque œuvre. Ainsi, ce mémoire se veut un outil pour établir une conception globale du rôle des expériences traumatiques dans la littérature pour jeunes lecteurs. / This thesis examines the psychological and social repercussions of trauma on a child’s maturation process using three landmark novels of the Bildungsroman genre, J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders, and Stephen Chbosky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Grounding my analysis on the findings of trauma theorists Cathy Caruth, Shoshana Felman, Ronald Granofsky, and Dominick LaCapra, and psychiatrists Dori Laub and Judith Lewis Herman, I demonstrate that trauma can occupy two contradictory but inextricably linked functions in the maturation process, that of both hindering and catalyzing a child’s coming-of-age. I demonstrate that Holden Caulfield, Ponyboy Curtis, and Charlie all display behaviours that suggest the paralyzing nature of trauma and its initial ability to prevent the child from growing up. I then argue that trauma, or the acceptance of one’s traumatic past, has the potential to accelerate the maturation process. My study also highlights the importance of the testimonial process in the recovery from trauma and the character's ensuing maturity. Because of the omnipresence of testimony in young people’s literature, its ramifications and implications are explored in each chapter of this thesis. Through the use of close reading, I study each work independently, evaluate each character’s individual response to trauma, and establish the thematic vocabulary and the interlinks that allow a conversation between the three novels. Although the studied works propose different types of traumatic negotiation and response, each novel is dialogically linked with the other. This thesis offers new readings of each novel, while establishing insightful comparisons between the three works. The intent of this thesis is therefore to contribute to the assessment of each narrative and to a general understanding of the role of trauma in young people’s literature.

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