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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnen bakom murarna : Barnperspektivet på en anstalt i Sverige / The children behind the walls : The child perspective at a prison in Sweden

Tillgren Mülnikel, Lina, Åkerstedt, Annika January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie undersöker vi hur personalen på en anstalt i Sverige bemöter barn som besöker ett fängelse. Mötet kan på många sätt vara känsligt och barn med frihetsberövade föräldrar behöver tas emot av personal som förstår dess livssituation. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer vill vi förstå hur barnperspektivet på anstalten yttrar sig, vilken kompetens som finns hos personalen samt om det finns något samarbete mellan olika myndigheter för att stödja barnet.  I resultatdelen framförs och diskuteras nio intervjuades åsikter i förhållande till tidigare begrepp och forskning. Sammanfattningsvis menar vi att alla intervjuade har ett barnperspektiv men att lagar och föreskrifter ibland hindrar personalen att möta barnet ur barnets perspektiv. De anställda på anstalten ska jobba för att den intagne inte ska återfalla i brott samt att upprätthålla säkerhet. Att vara barn till någon som sitter i fängelse är speciellt. När barnet kommer till anstalten måste höga säkerhetskrav balanseras med vad barnet uttrycker och behöver. Vidare ser vi att ett större samarbete mellan socialtjänsten, kriminalvården och andra myndigheter skulle kunna stödja barnet och hans/hennes familj under förälderns fängelsevistelse. / The aim of this essay is to study how the staff at a Swedish prison approaches children that visit the prison. The meeting can in many ways be sensitive and children with imprisoned parents need to be welcomed by employees that have an understanding of their situation. The method used is qualitative interviews. Through these interviews we explore the child perspective at the prison, the employee’s competence and if there is any cooperation between different authorities to support the child.  In total we have interviewed nine persons and their views and reflections are compared with established research. We conclude that all the interviewees apply a child perspective in their work. However sometimes laws and regulations in effect hamper the staff’s ability to meet the child from the child’s perspective. The prime objectives for the employees at a prison are to maintain security and to help the inmates towards a life outside the criminal sphere. To be a child and have a parent in prison is difficult. When the child visits the prison his/her needs and feelings has to be balanced with the security demands at the prison. We also argue that it would be helpful for the support of the child and his/her family if social services, The Prison and Probation Service and other authorities would have a closer cooperation.


Edirisinghe Arachchige, Noemi January 2023 (has links)
Background: Cultural projects are increasingly being implemented to help inmates cope with their situations. Nevertheless, research has been scarce in relation to the experiences of the cultural workers implementing the projects within the Prison and Probation Service (PPS). Objective: The study intends to explore the experiences of Skådebanan’s cultural workers in the implementation of cultural projects in relation to the Swedish PPS and the inmates. More specifically, the study addresses two research questions: (1) How do cultural workers experience the interactions with the inmates while implementing cultural projects? (2) How do cultural workers experience the relations with the Prison and Probation Service while planning and implementing cultural projects?  Method: Data was gathered from six cultural workers, working in five regional associations, through four surveys and one interview. These were qualitatively analyzed using a thematic approach. The themes found were then interpreted using Goffman’s theories on “total institution” and the “dramaturgical self”.  Results: The results showed how, according to the cultural workers’ perspective, their interactions with inmates and their relations with PPS were mostly positive, with the exceptions of few challenges. Conclusion: This study can give insights into the interactions that cultural workers have during the implementation of cultural projects with the inmates and the PPS, which might be helpful in the understanding of challenges and facilitators of the implementation process. Nevertheless, further research is needed.

The Swedish Prison and Probation Service assistance of prison development : Focus on Somalia / The Swedish Prison and Probation Service assistance of prison development : Focus on Somalia

Petersson, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Despite the Swedish Prison and Probation Service (SPPS) are a pioneer on the global arena regarding the area of corrections, generally little is known of what they do in Sweden as well as internationally. This study will explore the SPPS implementation of prison development in Somalia, which will be done through interviews with seconded personnel and others within the Swedish government that have connections to the prison development in Somalia. The findings were able to answer the research questions for this thesis, namely what the SPPS are doing internationally, what they are doing in Somalia and lastly if they have seen any results in Somalia. In the analysis, the middle power theory was used through an abductive approach to see if the SPPS fulfilled the criterions for the theory namely moral power, multilateralism and conflict management. It is concluded that the SPPS work in Somalia have been effective. They have contributed considerably to the local development and the seconded personnel has also learnt lessons for life which they can use also in their further carriers. Through their contacts, which they have established, they might also contribute further bilaterally even in the event of a withdrawal from the United Nations.

Motivation i en arbetsmiljö präglad av säkerhet : En kvalitativ studie om varför kriminalvårdare väljer att arbeta innanför murarna

Almrin, Josefine, Hampshire, Heather January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga motivationsfaktorer bland anställda inom Kriminalvårdens anstaltsverksamhet. För att undersöka detta utformades en huvudfrågeställning som besvarades med hjälp av tre delfrågor om vad som motiverar individer att ta anställning hos Kriminalvården, om denna motivation förändras över tid samt hur kriminalvårdarna reflekterar kring arbetsmiljön utifrån ett motivationsperspektiv. För att samla in det empiriska materialet genomfördes sex stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kriminalvårdare på anstalter med säkerhetsklass ett. Det resultatet genererade var att motivationen förändras över tid. Vid början av anställningen är det faktorer som inkomst och framtida karriärmöjligheter samt viljan att testa något nytt som motiverade. Efter en tid inom yrket hade motivationen skiftat till att klienterna och sina arbetslaget som utgör den främsta motivationsfaktorn, arbetsmiljön väger in på så vis att kriminalvårdarna behöver utföra sitt arbete på ett säkert sätt då detta skapar en god sammanhållning. I slutsatsen framkommer även att en motivation till att ta anställning som kriminalvårdare är att det kan vara en språngbräda för framtida yrken. Arbetsmotivation grundar sig i en avvägning och kombination av flera olika faktorer. / The purpose of this study is to identify the motivational factors among Prison Officers working in a high security prison. To investigate this purpose, a key issue was formulated and answered with the help of three sub-questions regarding why Prison Officers choose to take employment in the prison service, if their motivation changes over time and which views they have towards the working environment from a motivation perspective. In order to collect data, six semi-structured interviews were carried out with Prison Officers in a high security prison. The results of these interview showed that motivation among Prison Officers changes over time. Initially it was the need to have an income, the possibility of future career opportunities as well as wanting to test new career paths that drove their motivation. Later, motivation shifted to it being their colleagues and the clients who contribute to their work motivation. The work environment also has an impact on Prison Officers’ motivation as safety at work it is an important factor in creating good cohesion. The study also shows that one reason for becoming a Prison Officer can be that it provides a springboard for future work opportunities. Also, work motivation is based on a balance and a combination of several factors.

ASI-Intervjun : en explorativ studie av samband och grupperingar / The ASI Interview

Röjdén Thyberg, Sandra, Gabrielsson, Mélica January 2010 (has links)
Med en explorativ ansats syftar denna studie till att kartlägga samband och jämföra grupperingar bland klienter som fått genomföra en ASI-intervju hos Kriminalvården. Studien bygger på 2 317 intervjuer med fokus på missbruksproblematik, gjorda under perioden 2008-2010. Vi illustrerar grafiskt intressanta samband och tittar även på hur klienternas hjälpbehov varierar inom olika livsområden. Ytterligare en aspekt av studien är att utvärdera datamaterialets kvalitet samt att studera eventuellt bortfall för de olika variablerna. Materialet är av relativt god kvalitet och förekomst av respondenters vägran är inte tillräckligt omfattande för att påverka analyser och slutsatser. De felaktigheter som kunde konstateras härhör nästan uteslutande från tillvägagångssätt vid inmatning av data i systemet. Eftersom flertalet av variablerna är kvalitativa visade sig lämpliga analysmetoder vara chi-två-test, korrespondensanalys samt associationsanalys. Den stora majoriteten av våra resultat bekräftar den bild flera tidigare studier ger av gruppen missbrukare och få oväntade samband kunde konstateras. En majoritet av klienterna är män (85%) och den genomsnittliga åldern är 34 år. Intervjuarskattningar av klienternas hjälpbehov visar att narkotika och kriminalitet utgör de absolut största problemen. Dominerande drog är amfetamin (18%), följd av alkohol (15%) och cannabis (10%). Vi kan konstatera att ett flertal signifikanta skillnader föreligger mellan män och kvinnor samt mellan olika åldersgrupper. Unga klienter uppvisar överlag större problem med kriminalitet, narkotika, arbete/försörjning och psykisk hälsa. Med ökande ålder följer istället svårigheter med fysisk hälsa och alkohol. Män uppger vanligen att de har större problem med kriminalitet och narkotika, medan kvinnor ofta redovisar ett större hjälpbehov inom områdena familj/umgänge, fysisk hälsa och psykisk hälsa. / With an explorative approach, this master thesis attempts to map associations and compare groupings of clients who have undergone an ASI Interview by The Swedish Prison and Probation Service, Kriminalvården. The study is based on 2 317 interviews carried out during the period 2008-2010, focusing on abuse of alcohol and narcotic substances. We will graphically illustrate interesting associations and study how the need for help varies throughout different areas of the respondents’ lives. Another aspect of this study is to evaluate the quality of the data material and to investigate non-response in the different variables. The quality of the material is fairly high and non-response is not extensive enough to affect analysis and inference. The errors found are almost exclusively due to how data is fed into the system. Since the majority of variables are qualitative, appropriate methods of analysis proved to be chi-square tests, correspondence analysis and association analysis. Most results confirm the existing image of an abusive personality, which has been presented in several studies before this one. A majority of the clients are men (85%) and the average age is 34 years. Interviewer estimates of the respondents’ need for help show that narcotic substances and criminal behavior are by far the greatest problem areas. The predominant drug is amphetamine (18%), followed by alcohol (15%) and cannabis (10%). We have established several significant differences between men and women, and between clients of different age groups. Young respondents show greater problems concerning criminal behavior, narcotic substances, work/providing and psychological health. With increased age we see enhanced difficulties regarding physical health and alcohol. Men more often exhibit problems concerning criminal behavior and narcotic substances, while women need increased help in areas of family/social life, physical health and psychological health.

Om manualbaserade behandlingsprogram i Kriminalvården : En kvalitativ studie om programledares förhållningssätt och syn på behandlingsprogrammen / About manualbased treatment programs in the Swedish Probation Service : A qualitative study on professionals approach and view on the treatment programs

Eriksson, Felicia, Fredriksson, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of professionals view on manualbased treatment programs in pratice. In addition, we also want to highlight their approaches to the manualbased treatment programs in their work. The study is based on eight qualitative interviews with professionals working in the Swedish Probation Service. In this study we used three theoretical frameworks in order to analyze the result. The theories we used were profession, organization professionalism and occupational professionalism, and tacit knowledge as we supplemented with the concept naiva theory. The result showed that the manualbased treatment programs were designed in different ways. It became clear that the different manualbased treatment programs influenced the professioneals view on the advantages and disadvantages that they could identify in working with these programs. Furthermore, it also became clear that their use of different strategies also was influenced by the design of the programs.

Morals, ethics, and trust: correctional officers' view of AI implementation : A study of the effects of ethical and moral values on trust and artificial implementation within the Swedish Prison and Probation service

Andersson, Emil January 2022 (has links)
The use of AI  within the judicial field has  seen an increase in recent years,  and  the implementation of AI brings with it a new set of ethical and moral dilemmas that affect the field as well as the individuals working there. This study explores the moral and ethical values of correctional officers  within  the  Swedish  Prison  and  Probation service and  how their values, together  with trust  in  AI,  affect  their  perception  of a future  AI implementation.  This study conceptualizes AI as an emerging technology that has the potential to alter what it means to be a correctional officer and to transform the structure of a prison as a workplace. To answer these questions,  a mixed approach case study was performed at the  Swedish  Prison and  Probation service.    The study found that the correctional  officers’ imaginings of AI varied, ranging from simple translation systems to complex androids.  The correctional officers saw  AI  as an emerging technology with the potential to reduce the hierarchical structures of the workplace and disrupt the meaning of the correctional officer, reducing the role of the correctional officer to a prison guard. Lastly, the study concluded that the values of the correctional officers could  either act as enabling or preventive against  specific AI implementations depending on the need for allowing intrinsic human values to manifest in the work activities, both in general trust and trust in specific AI applications.    The author further discusses  the lens of judicial AI for exploring  the  Swedish  Prison and Probation service and examines the utilization of trust for  understanding  AI implementation. Further research in both AI and trust as a theoretical framework is called for.

Kvinnor som vårdar : En kvalitativ studie om normer och maktstruktrurer inom kriminalvården / Women in care : A qualitative study about how norms and power structures affect the Swedish Prison and Probation Service

Corneliusson, Lovisa, Törner, Maja January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between the professional role of women in Prison and Probation Service and a qualitative equality perspective, as well as how they are treated by male colleagues and clients. In the annual report from Swedish Prison and Probation Service, it has been stated that the gender distribution is equal, which indicates quantitative equality. This study is based on a qualitative method, where interviews have been conducted with nine women between 25 and 65, who are working in custody or prison. The women have been given a chance to talk about their feelings and thoughts about their professional role in general and how they are being treated or affected by their male colleagues and clients.  The result has shown that women are far more affected by the power structures and norms. Several women mention that male colleagues see them as weaker and make judgements about their physical capabilities. They also talk about how they are more caring of their clients, whereas the men are more focused on showing their strength and superiority. Finally, the main conclusion of this study is that there is no qualitative equality because of how the male role sets the overall norm. This, in turn, significantly affects women in their professional role of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service.

"En sann önskan om att vilja förändra livet, hitta en meningsfullhet, ett sammanhang och mer alltså tillhörighet" En kvalitativ studie om vad som har varit betydelsefullt i processen att lämna sin kriminella livsstil

Holmgren, Matilda, Engstrand, Emilia January 2013 (has links)
Brottsligheten i Sverige har ökat. Två av fem individer återfaller i brott efter frigivning. De individer som lever i utanförskap och kriminalitet är i en utsatt position. Flertalet av kriminalvårdens klienter har behov av insatser från olika verksamheter för att klara sig från återfall i kriminalitet. Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse om vad före detta kriminella anser har varit betydelsefullt i deras process att lämna sin kriminella livsstil. Syftet är även att belysa vilken inverkan kriminalvården och socialtjänstens insatser har utgjort i denna process. De frågeställningar som studien ämnar besvara är: Vad har varit betydelsefullt för att kunna lämna den kriminella livsstilen? Vilken betydelse har insatser från kriminalvården utgjort i processen att lämna den kriminella livsstilen? Vilken betydelse har insatser från socialtjänsten utgjort i processen att lämna den kriminella livsstilen? För att besvara dessa frågor har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ ansats. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med medlemmar från KRIS och X-cons. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån teorin om sociala band samt tidigare forskning inom den valda studiens område. Det informanterna har uppgett som mest betydelsefullt är att känna ett sammanhang och meningsfullhet till sådant som sysselsättning, fritid och sociala relationer. Det som också har haft betydelse är de vändpunkter som informanterna har kommit i kontakt med. Dessa har varit sådant som fängelsestraff, försämrad hälsa, kontakt med föreningar och insatser från kriminalvården och socialtjänsten som sedan lett dem till insikt och möjlighet till förändring av deras livssituation. / Crime in Sweden has increased. Two out of five individuals reoffend after release from prison. Those individuals who are living in alienation and crime are in a vulnerable position. Most of the prison service and probation clients are in need of support from various authorities in order to desist from crime. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of what ex-criminals think has been important in their process to leave their criminal lifestyle. It also aims to view the impact of prison service and probation and social services support in this process. The questions which the study intends to answer are: What has been important to be able to leave the criminal lifestyle? How important has the efforts of the prison and probation service been in the process of leaving the criminal lifestyle? How important has the efforts of social services been in the process of leaving the criminal lifestyle? To answer these questions, we used a qualitative approach. Eight semi-structurerd interviews were conducted with members of KRIS and X-cons. The results have been analyzed according to the theory of social bonds and previous research of the selected study field. The informants have indicated that the most important factor is to feel a connection and meaningfulness such as employment, leisure and social relationships. What also played an important role were the turning points that the informants have come in contact with. These have been such as a prison sentance, impaired health, contact with organizations and efforts of prison and probation service and social services which then led them to the knowledge and ability to change their lives.

"Man blir bemött som en person fast man har berättat om de mest fruktansvärda handlingar man kan tänka sig" : Kvalitativ intervjustudie av upplevelser hos behandlare som arbetar med sexualbrottsprogrammet Seif på anstalt inom svensk Kriminalvård. / ”You’re treated like a person even though you have told the most heinous actions imaginable” : Qualitative interview study of experiences of treaters who work with the sex offence programme Seif in correctional facilities in the Swedish Prison and Probation Service.

Herting, Rickard, Hourani, Gabriel January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka behandlares upplevelser av sexualbrottsprogrammet Sexualbrottsbehandling med individuellt fokus [Seif] på anstalt inom svensk Kriminalvård. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades med tematisk analys. Tre huvudteman identifierades: Behandlares tillvaro, Behandlingsprocessen samt Klienternas särskilda omständigheter. Studiens resultat visar att deltagarna upplevde att arbetet kunde vara förhållandevis påfrestande men överlag meningsfullt och roligt. Stöd och handledning var centralt för att handskas med påfrestande element. Deltagarna beskrev de sätt de arbetade på med metoden och lyfte fram individuella anpassningar och den terapeutiska relationen som framträdande faktorer för behandlingsresultatet. Deltagarna beskrev även att klienternas liv på anstalt fick en särskild påverkan på behandlingen och att den skam som är associerad med sexualbrott kunde skapa hinder för klienter att gå i behandlingen. / The purpose of this study was to examine treaters experiences of the sex offence treatment programme Sex offence treatment with individualized focus [Seif] in correctional facilities in the Swedish Prison and Probation Service. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed using thematic analysis. Three main themes were identified: Treaters’ conditions, The treatment process and The clients’ special conditions. The result of the study showed that the participants experienced their work as relatively demanding but overall meaningful and enjoyable. Support and supervision were deemed central to coping with demanding elements. The participants described the way they worked with the method and conveyed the individualized adjustments and the therapeutic relationship as prominent factors for treatment results. The participants further described that the clients’ life in a correctional facility had a special effect on the treatment and that the shame associated with sex offences could hinder clients to participate in the treatment.

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