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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Défis éthiques entourant la prise de décision en contexte de dépendance aux drogues : une analyse qualitative du discours de parties prenantes

Rochette, Marianne 08 1900 (has links)
La consommation de drogues est répandue au Canada, et on estime qu’environ un Canadien sur cinq développera une dépendance au cours de sa vie. Les personnes vivant ou ayant vécu avec une dépendance aux drogues (PVVDD) font souvent l’expérience d’interactions stigmatisantes dans le système de santé, qui peuvent être exacerbées par des facteurs socioculturels. Cela peut affecter leur sentiment d’efficacité face aux décisions de santé et les empêcher d’exercer leur agentivité au quotidien. Ce projet de recherche explore les compréhensions de divers groupes de parties prenantes par rapport à la légalisation du cannabis, la consommation de drogues, la dépendance aux drogues et la prise de décision volontaire. Trois groupes ont été interrogés par des entrevues semi-dirigées : les PVVDD, les cliniciens travaillant auprès de PVVDD et les membres du public. Les données, analysées par des méthodes qualitatives cohérentes avec l’éthique pragmatiste inspirée de Dewey, ont démontré que les parties prenantes canadiennes avaient une opinion positive de la légalisation du cannabis au Canada, mais que leurs jugements moraux variaient en fonction du groupe. Les résultats ont aussi démontré que les participants avaient une compréhension complexe de la dépendance aux drogues et de la prise de décision volontaire que ne reflètent pas les modèles prédominants. L’identification des dimensions morales en jeu peut informer la pratique de l’éthique clinique dans les problèmes éthiques incluant des PVVDD. De plus amples recherches sur l'interaction de ces aspects dans des problèmes et dilemmes concrets qui émergent dans les relations de soins sont nécessaires. / Drug use is common in Canada, and it is estimated that one in five Canadians will develop a drug use problem in their lifetime. People with a lived experience of drug dependence (PWLE) often experience stigmatizing interactions in the healthcare system, which can be exacerbated by other layers of stigma based on socio-cultural factors. This can impact their sense of self-efficacy related to health decisions and prevent them from exercising agency in everyday life. This research project explores the understandings of various stakeholder groups in relation to cannabis legalization, drug use, drug dependence and volitional decision-making. Three groups were interviewed using semi-structured interviews: PWLE, clinicians working with PWLE and members of the public. The results, analyzed through qualitative methods consistent with Dewey’s pragmatist ethics, showed that Canadian stakeholders had a positive opinion of cannabis legalization in Canada, but that their moral judgments varied according to group. The results also showed that participants had a complex understanding of drug dependence and volitional decision-making that did not mirror the predominant models. Identifying the moral dimensions at play can inform clinical ethics practice in ethical problems including PWLE. Further research into the interplay of these aspects in concrete problems and dilemmas that emerge in care relationships is needed.

"Nu finns det utrymme för mina känslor" : En kvalitativ studie om plötsliga förbättringar (sudden gains) i internetbaserad psykodynamisk terapi / “There’s room for my feelings now” : A qualitative study on sudden gains in internet based psychodynamic therapy

Treutiger, Arvid, Swedenmark, Erling January 2024 (has links)
Patienter med plötsliga minskningar i symtom, sudden gains (SG), har i flerastudier visat sig få goda behandlingsresultat, även jämfört med patienter som fårmer gradvisa förbättringar. Det råder en brist på kunskap om vad som leder tillSG, och resultaten från forskning som undersökt orsaker till SG har sällan gåttatt replikera. Majoriteten av tidigare studier har undersökt vuxna patientgruppersom går i sedvanlig kognitiv beteendeterapi, och man har nästan uteslutandeanvänt kvantitativa metoder. I denna studie undersöktes induktivt vad som kanbidra till SG i internetbaserad psykodynamisk terapi (IPDT) för ungdomar meddepression. Reflexiv tematisk analys användes för att analysera totalt 66 chattarfrån 22 patienter. I analysen undersöktes vad som framkom i chattarna tvåsessioner innan, sessionen före, och sessionen efter SG, som kunde bidra tillförståelsen av denna plötsliga förbättring. Genom analysen identifierades att SGi IPDT i majoriteten av fallen föregås av en process som kan beskrivas i fyrateman: 1. “Engagerat arbete utifrån materialet, med stöd från terapeuten”, 2.“Konceptuell förståelse av materialet i relation till patientens egen problematik”,3. “Utvecklad självobservation gör det möjligt att prova nya förhållningssätt tillångest, försvar och känslor”, samt 4. “Självkritik och andra försvar minskar,kontakt med känslor fördjupas”. Studiens resultat kan bidra till en förståelse avprocessen bakom SG i IPDT, och visar även på att kvalitativ analys avutvecklingen under flera sessioner kan vara ett sätt att nå ny kunskap om varförvissa patienter plötsligt förbättras under sin terapi. / ERiCA-projektet

Medarbetarundersökningens viktigaste del; att hantera resultatet : - Ett förbättringsarbete på SmartOptics / The most important part of the employee survey;to manage the result : - An improvement initiative at SmartOptics

Öhrnell, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Employee satisfaction is a crucial aspect of organizational success, influencing productivity,retention rates, and overall workplace experience. This thesis presents an in depth investigationof handling the results from an employee satisfaction survey at the Swedish/ Norwegiancompany, SmartOptics. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of employee satisfaction, the studyutilizes data from the company’s employee survey to investigate factors affecting employees'perceptions of their workplace. With the help of data from a previous employee satisfactionsurvey, three areas were identified as interesting and chosen for further investigation, which was done through an interview questionnaire. Subsequently, a thematic analysis was used to identifythemes and subthemes within the answers. The results reveal key areas for improvement related to the three predetermined areas: challenge, motivation and collaboration. The analysis highlights the root causes of these issues accordingto the employees using the theoretical background, as well as the effectiveness of variousinitiatives aimed at improving employee satisfaction. In the thesis's discussion chapter, the adequacy of what is considered motivating implementationsfor the employees, is discussed in light of the underlying dissatisfaction. It also examines howgreater challenges can lead to more satisfied employees, the role of social interactions in theworkplace and how they can support better collaboration, and the complications of individualdesires and needs compared to those of the group and the company. The methods used in thethesis are discussed and suggestions for improvements in implementations are presented, basedon the survey responses and the theoretical background. / Medarbetarnöjdhet är en avgörande aspekt för organisationens framgång och påverkarproduktivitet, personalomsättning och den övergripande upplevelsen av arbetsplatsen. Dettakandidatarbete presenterar en djupgående undersökning av hanteringen av resultaten från enmedarbetarundersökning på det svensk/norska företaget SmartOptics. Med insikt om denmångfacetterade komplexiteten av medarbetarnöjdhet tillämpar studien data från företagetsmedarbetarundersökning för att undersöka faktorer som påverkar de anställdas upplevelse avderas arbetsplats. Med hjälp av data från den tidigare medarbetarundersökningen identifieradestre intressanta områden och valdes för ytterligare undersökning, vilket genomfördes genom eninkätstudie. Därefter användes en tematisk analys för att identifiera teman och subteman inomsvaren. Resultaten avslöjar nyckelområden för förbättring kopplat till de tre förutbestämda områdena,utmaning motivation och samarbete, och analysen belyser grundorsaker till dessa enligt demanställda, samt effektiviteten av olika initiativ som syftar till att förbättra medarbetarnöjdheten. I arbetets diskussionskapitel diskuteras om vad som anses som motiverande implementeringarför de anställda är dugliga med tanke på det missnöje som ligger bakom, hur större utmaningarkan leda till nöjdare medarbetare, den sociala tillvarons roll på arbetsplatsen och hur den kanstödja ett bättre samarbete samt komplikationer med individens önskemål och behov jämfört medgruppens och företagets behov. De metoder som används i avhandlingen diskuteras ochförbättringsförslag för implementeringar presenteras, baserat på svaren från inkätundersökningenoch den teoretiska bakgrunden.

“Vem tillät dig att bli arg? Du!”  Kvalitativ studie av psykoterapiprocesser i Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy / “Who allowed you to be angry? You!”  Qualitative Study of Psychotherapy Processes in Emotional Awareness and Expressive Therapy

Csikos, Ebba, Zackéusson, Elvira January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Studiens syfte var att undersöka psykoterapiprocesser innan och under känslomässig upplevelse (EE) i en en-sessionsbehandling av Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET), samt att beskriva hur vi kan förstå dessa. Ämnet valdes att studeras då det är eftersträvansvärt att undersöka hur processvariabler förhåller sig i interaktionella sekvenser. Dessutom har psykoterapiprocesser inte tidigare studerats i en EAET-behandling. Att förstå psykoterapiprocesser som föregår EE i en EAET-behandling kan generera hypoteser samt öka intresset för utforskandet av möjliga processer och mekanismer involverade i EE inom psykoterapi. Metod: Denna kvalitativa studies data samlades in från tio inspelade intervjuer som härstammade från KOSMOS-projektet, vilket var en vetenskaplig studie som studerade känslofokuserade digitala interventioner för patienter med medicinskt oförklarade kroppsliga symtom (MOS) med hög primärvårdskonsumtion. Samtliga deltagare genomförde Life-stress intervjun, vilket är en en-sessionsbehandling som fokuserar på att patienten berättar om, utforskar och uttrycker emotioner. För att urskilja EE i data användes kodningsinstrumentet Narrative-Emotion Process Coding System 2.0 (NEPCS 2.0), vilket spårar sekvenser där patienter upplever känslor, integrerar nya känslomässiga upplevelser och fångar reflekterande processer. Urskilda sekvenser transkriberades och analyserades med kvalitativ tematisk analys. Resultat: Resultatdel ett presenterade tio teman med tillhörande subteman i ett kodningsschema. Teman var Känslor, Frågor och reflektion, Tolkning, Förklaring, Upprepning, Bekräftelse, Visualisering, Motstridighet, Sammanfattning och Testa nytt beteende. Teman var olika återkommande och var olika gynnsamma utifrån studiens frågeställning. Resultatdel två presenterade samband mellan teman. Vi identifierade bland annat att subteman ofta följde efter varandra samt att teman stundtals var svåra att särskilja. Diskussion: I diskussionen förde vi ett resonemang gällande de urskilda psykoterapiprocesserna och dess eventuella koppling till EE, samt kring identifierade mönster inom och mellan de olika teman. Vissa teman identifierades vara eller likna vedertagna terapeutiska interventioner. Trots att inga kausala samband kunde dras från resultatet genererades hypoteser för framtida processforskning kring det potentiella sambandet mellan funna psykoterapiprocesser och EE. Med hänvisning till det nuvarande forskningsläget antas det viktigt att fortsatt undersöka detta. / Background: This study aimed to investigate psychotherapy processes before and during emotional experiencing (EE) in a single-session treatment with Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET), and to describe how we can understand these processes. The topic was chosen because it is desirable to examine how process variables relate in interactional sequences. Additionally, no previous studies have investigated psychotherapy processes in an EAET treatment. Understanding psychotherapy processes preceding EE in an EAET treatment can generate hypotheses and increase interest for future research exploring possible processes and mechanisms involved in EE within psychotherapy. Method: This qualitative study included data from ten recorded interviews which originated from the KOSMOS project, which studied emotion-focused digital interventions for patients with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) with high primary care consumption. All participants underwent the Life-stress interview, which is a single-session treatment focusing on the patient narrating, exploring, and expressing emotions. To identify EE in the data, the Narrative-Emotion Process Coding System 2.0 (NEPCS 2.0) was used. It tracks sequences where participants experience emotions, integrate new emotional experiences, and capture reflective processes. The identified sequences were transcribed and analyzed using qualitative thematic analysis. Results: The first part of the results presents ten themes with corresponding subthemes in a coding scheme. The themes were Emotions, Questions and reflection, Interpretation, Explanation, Repetition, Confirmation, Visualization, Contradiction, Summary, and Testing new behavior. The themes varied in occurrence and were considered differently favorable based on the study's research questions. The second part of the results presents connections between themes. Among other findings, we identified that subthemes often followed each other and that themes were sometimes difficult to distinguish from one another. Discussion: In the discussion, we reasoned about the distinguished psychotherapy processes and its possible connection to EE. We also discussed identified patterns within and between the different themes. Some themes were identified as being or resembling established therapeutic interventions. Although no causal relationships could be drawn from the results, we generated hypotheses for future process research about the potential relation between psychotherapy processes and EE. With reference to the current state of research, it is assumed important to continue investigating this.

Verktyg för förändring : En tematisk analys av behandling av våldsutövare i nära relationer / Tools for change : A thematic analysis of treatment for perpetrators of intimate partner violence

Blåman, Fredrik, Carlsson, Simon January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka metoder som används i behandlingsarbetet med män som utövar våld i nära relationer, hur våldsutövare beskrivs i forskningen samt vilka faktorer som lyfts som viktiga i behandlingen.  Studiens metod är en allmän litteraturöversikt och empirin består av 11 vetenskapliga artiklar. Empirin analyseras genom en tematisk analys. Teoriska utgångspunkter för studien är hegemonisk maskulinitet, normaliseringsprocessen samt social inlärningsteori. I den tematiska analysen identifieras två huvudteman med totalt fem tillhörande underteman. Studiens första huvudtema är Behandlarens betydelse med underteman Alliansbyggande samt Behandlingsmetoder. Studiens andra huvudtema är Våldsutövaren med underteman Motivation till behandling, Emotionell kompetens samt Psykisk hälsa. Studien redogör för vad forskningen säger om såväl behandlarens som våldsutövarens roller och förutsättningar och betydelse i behandling. Studiens resultat diskuteras i förhållande till forskningsfrågorna och de teoretiska utgångspunkterna. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the methods used in the treatment of men who have perpetrated intimate partner violence (IPV), how perpetrators are described in research, and which factors are identified as important in treatment. The study uses a general literature review method, and the empirical data consists of 11 scientific articles. The data is analyzed using thematic analysis. The theoretical frameworks for the study are hegemonic masculinity, the normalization process, and social learning theory. The thematic analysis identified two main themes with a total of five subthemes. The first main theme is "The Importance of the Therapist" with the subthemes "Alliance Building" and "Treatment Methods". The second main theme is "The Perpetrator" with the subthemes "Motivation for Treatment", "Emotional Competence" and "Mental Health". The study describes what research says about the roles and conditions of both the therapist and the perpetrator, and their importance in treatment. The results of the study are discussed in relation to the research questions and the theoretical frameworks.

Iranian Disinformation Directed Towards Sweden : The Quran Crisis in Iranian State Media 2021-2023

Rudhede, Moa January 2024 (has links)
The pervasive threat of disinformation poses a challenge to societal stability and security. By investigating articles produced by three Iranian state-owned media outlets through the method of reflexive thematic analysis, this thesis presents four themes which are perceived to produce harmful narratives against Sweden in the context of the Quran crisis: (i) Swedish police as a supporter of Quran burning, (ii) Swedish government as allowing and supporting Quran burnings, (iii) Sweden as controlled by the US/Israel, (iiii) Swedish democracy as flawed. By applying the lens of social identity theory to these identified themes, the thesis investigates the production and dissemination of narratives produced by Iranian state media, elucidating the detrimental impact on Swedish security. By focusing on the creation of narratives, this thesis contributes to existing research on disinformation and the connection between narratives and disinformation. It also contributes to the growing need for literature regarding Iranian disinformation which has not yet been studied in-depth. The findings show, among other things, that the Swedish Government and police (outgroup) are perceived as enemies who constitute a threat to the survival of the Muslim community (ingroup). Swedish authorities are framed as hostile toward Iran, and the implication from Iranian leaders to act through a collective response regarding the desecration of the Quran. Further, the thesis suggests that there is a need to study the actors producing harmful narratives regarding Sweden and to study the Swedish identity within the disinformation phenomenon to gain better resilience against disinformation.

The different voices of chronic illness

Viviers, Linde Juana 30 November 2005 (has links)
This study aimed at exploring chronic illness from both the perspectives of the patient, living with the illness and the professional, treating the illness. The epistemological framework is social constructionism. Qualitative research was selected as the research approach. Three in-depth interviews with three patients, suffering with a chronic illness were conducted, as well as three interviews with professionals, who had experience with patients diagnosed with chronic illnesses. Thematic analysis was the method used for the analysis of data. The stories of the participants were reconstructed in terms of themes. A comparative analysis for both participants groups was done, and linked to the relevant literature This study created an understanding of the complexity of chronic illness. The themes identified, highlighted the importance of the patient-professional relationship, specifically in the context of chronic illness. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

The resilience of caregivers at a Gauteng-based hospice with patients living with HIV/AIDS

Mokoena, Rakgadi 09 1900 (has links)
In English / This study investigates the resilience of caregivers at a Gauteng-based hospice with patients living with HIV/AIDS. The primary focus of this study was to describe the impact on caregivers working with terminally ill patients predominantly with HIV/AIDS. Six participants were selected for this study utilising purposive sampling. Their ages ranged between 30 and 70 years. For the purpose of data collection, face-to-face semi-structured interviews were undertaken. In analysing data, the themes and sub-themes were extracted and presented by employing thematic analysis. The findings of this study revealed that in times of adversity and setbacks most caregivers utilise various skills to bounce back, and they still showed contentment in serving community members. However, caregivers have also voiced the concern that the support offered at work was not sufficient in meeting their needs. Recommendations for further research, on the resilience of caregivers when working with terminally ill patients is highlighted. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Developing and evaluating a coaching program to improve safety leadership

Esterhuizen, Wika 11 1900 (has links)
Legislators are placing increased pressure on mining companies to improve their safety performance. The importance of safety leadership is highlighted by its role in safety culture and improving safety performance. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the impact of a coaching program on safety leadership. The main constructs namely safety culture, safety leadership and coaching was conceptualised along the humanistic paradigm, with theoretical definitions and models. In this study, safety culture is employees’ shared attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and values about safety that affect their behaviour in the workplace. Safety leadership is the interpersonal influence that a leader exercises to achieve the organisation’s safety performance goals. Coaching is an interpersonal interaction that aims to improve individual performance through increased selfawareness and action plans. A theoretical model was developed to explain the elements that constitute effective safety leadership. A coaching program was developed based on executive coaching and leadership development principles. The empirical investigation was conducted in an organisation in the South African mining industry. A nested mixed methods design was followed. In the quantitative study, a 360 degree survey was employed to assess the ratings of a purposive sample (n=54) along eight dimensions before and after the coaching. Data was analysed with descriptive and inferential analysis. Results showed statistically significant improvements on accountability, collaboration, and feedback and recognition after the coaching. The results reflected differences in 360 degree ratings according to gender, race, job level, age and geographical location. The most significant improvements were for females, Africans, management, age 51-60 years, and site 2. In the qualitative study, a semi-structured interview was employed to study four cases to investigate managers’ personal experiences and changes in attitude toward safety. Data was analysed utilising thematic analysis. The findings revealed that coaching was a positive experience and contributed to changing managers’ attitudes toward safety. The research added to the field of organisational behaviour by presenting a theoretical model that enhances the understanding of safety leadership, the development of a coaching program and providing empirical evidence that the principles of coaching and leadership development can be applied to improve safety leadership. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / D. Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

A Study of the effects of social variables on technological conceptualisation in light of the desktop metaphor

Cross, Saskia 06 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation, I investigate whether the conceptualisation of computerised technological phenomena is influenced by social variables, in particular exposure to the computer. The conceptualisation and behaviour of a group of students majoring in technology-related fields were studied. Through the application of Conceptual Blending Theory, the multi-modal desktop metaphorical blend (DMMB) (as an electronic representation of an actual office desktop) was focused on. The participants were provided with tasks with the aim of determining whether they conceptualise the electronic desktop as a literal ‘thing-in-itself’ or as an e-version of their actual desks. The intent was to examine to what extent social variables, especially exposure, motivate the nature of the conceptualisation. Therefore, it is hypothesised that exposure, regarded as the primary variable in this study, influences conceptualisation of the DMMB to the extent where the it either loses its metaphoric quality in participants, who maintain regular and prolonged exposure to the computer, or retains the metaphoric quality of the DMMB in participants, who are not exposed to the computer on a regular and prolonged basis. Two groups were distinguished based on the extent of the individual participants’ exposure to computer technology, namely a high-exposure group and a low-exposure group. A mixed method approach was used to test and analyse data collected from individual participants, as well as from the high- and low-exposure groups. Methods used to test these hypotheses included questionnaires, word association (a conceptual task), controlled observation (a behavioural task), and interviews. The resulting data were analysed by means of a thematic interview analysis and non-parametric statistical tests. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Linguistics)

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