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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer som ett kunskapsmål : En kvalitativ undersökning av sex utbildningsprogram vid Karlstads universitet / Men’s violence against women and domestic violence as a knowledge requirement : A qualitative study of six educational programs at Karlstad University

Karlsson, Emmy, Brikha, Atta January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer är ett aktuellt samhällsproblem. Studenter som i sin framtida profession kan komma att möta människor som har blivit våldsutsatta ska visa på kunskap om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer för att kunna ta ut en examen. Kunskapskravet trädde i kraft 2018–2019 och omfattar åtta olika examen där jurist-, psykolog-, socionom-, tandhygienist- och sjuksköterskeprogrammet finns vid Karlstads universitet. Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur jurist-, psykolog-, socionom-, sjuksköterske-, tandhygienist- och lärarstudenter vid Karlstads universitet genom sin utbildning tillägnar sig kunskap om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer, samt hur undervisningen uppfattas av studenterna. Metod: Intervjuer med studierektorer, programledare och studenter vid nämnda program har utförts. Respondenterna har resonerat kring examination, undervisning och inlärning av kunskapsmålet vilket sedan har transkriberats och analyserats genom en tematisk analys. För att få en djupare inblick i hur examination och undervisning av kunskapsmålet skett så har en manifest innehållsanalys av utbildningsplaner, kursplaner och litteraturlistor genomförts för respektive program. För att kunna undersöka hur kunskapskravet implementerats hos de program som berörs av det så jämfördes resultatet med lärarprogrammen, vilka inte omfattas av kunskapskravet. Resultat: Kunskapsmålet inkluderats i utbildningsplaner, kursplaner ochlitteraturlistor. Respondenterna från utbildningar med kunskapskravet beskriver att det examineras främst genom seminarier och att kunskapskravet kräver reflektion. Slutsats: Kunskapskravet har implementerats i praktiken hos de utbildningar som omfattas av kravet. Studenter lär sig om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer genom reflektion. Konstruktiv länkning är en vanligt använd strategi inom området. / Background: Men's violence against women and domestic violence is a significant social issue. To better prepare students who may encounter victims of violence in their future professions they need to demonstrate knowledge of men's violence against women and domestic violence to graduate. The knowledge requirement was implemented in 2018-2019 and covers eight different programs at university level in which programs for degrees in law, psychology, social work, dental hygiene, and nursing are offered at Karlstad University. Objective: The aim of this study has been to investigate how students at programs for degrees in law, psychology, social work, dental hygiene, and nursing at Karlstad University learn about men's violence against women and domestic violence, as well as how the educations is perceived by the students. Method: Interviews with Directors of Studies, Program Directors and students from previously mentioned degree programs as well as the teaching programs at Karlstad University has been concluded. The respondents have discussed examination, teaching and learning of the knowledge objective, which has then been analysed using thematic analysis. To gain a deeper understanding of how the examination and teaching of the knowledge objective is implemented, curriculums, course syllabi and bibliographies has been analysed by content analysis. Comparisons were made between the programs covered by the knowledge requirement and teacher education programs not covered by the same requirements. Results: The knowledge requirement has been implemented in the curriculum, course syllabi and bibliographies. Interviews with respondents from the programs also suggests that the course requirement is being implemented. Respondents recommend examining men’s violence against women and domestic violence via seminars especially highlighting the importance of reflection for improving learning. Conclusions: The conclusions drawn are that the knowledge requirement has been implemented in practice in the programs with the requirement. Students learn about men’s violence against women and domestic violence through reflection. Constructive Alignment is a learning theory commonly used.

Screening of ligand binding behavior using a high-throughput method and development of guidelines for a learning material / Kartläggning av liganders bindningsbeteende genom en screeningmetod och utvecklandet av riktlinjer för ett utbildningsmaterial

Kornher, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
This study is comprised of two distinct parts, a chromatographic study and a didactic study.Chromatographic studyThe need for higher selectivity in chromatography purification has increased in recent years. Multimodal resins, offering novel selectivity, are a possible solution to this demand. The purpose of this study is to develop new multimodal resins with novel selectivity, using an iterative workflow. Therefore, eleven novel multimodal ligands were screened according to binding behavior using a high-throughput (HT) method. The mapping of binding behaviors was comprised of six proteins and 32 different binding buffers, with various salt concentrations and pH-levels, to allow for a wide, but efficient mapping. The data generated from the screenings were presented using binding capacity and partition coefficient and were evaluated against each other using principal component analysis (PCA). The PCA created a ligand diversity map, which separated ligands in respect to binding behavior. The information supplied by the diversity map can be used for selecting ligands for further research. The results from presenting the data in the form of partition coefficient and binding capacity were comparable, which indicated that the effects of initial protein concentrations were low. However, this study found that there are advantages and disadvantages to using both quantities. It is possible that some of the ligands screened in this study will be used in further research and it is likely that the diversity map will facilitate the development of ligands with novel selectivityDidactic studyWith a rising demand for HT screening as a method to evaluate the binding behaviors of novel ligands, in combination with the UN’s goal for quality education for all, the incentives for developing quality educational materials for HT screenings have increased. A first step towards educational materials is to outline common difficulties, thereby creating guidelines for developing educational materials. In this study, guidelines for the development of learning materials for HT screenings have been produced. The guidelines were based on identification of critical steps for the experimental procedure and utilizing employer experience of learning materials in general. Two methods for data collection was used in the didactic study: observations and interviews. The observations were performed during the training of the screening method. For the interviews, three individual and one focus group interview were held. Thereafter, a thematic analysis was performed on the data to generate themes. The results from the observations and interviews indicated that the critical steps of the learning process were the practical parts. The result of the thematic analysis showed the identification of three themes: Cohesion, Facilitation and Interaction. These themes generated four aspirational guidelines: 1. Identify crucial steps of the practical procedure. 2. Adapt to people with different backgrounds. 3. Maintain coherence throughout the learning process. 4. Utilize strategies for interaction, both human interaction and material interaction.

Konceptualisering av etiska problem kring mobil hälsa med finansiella incitament : En kvalitativ kartläggning / Conceptualization of ethical problems regarding mobile health with financial incentives : A qualitative survey

Sjöberg, Sebastian, Seldevall, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
Fysisk inaktivitet har blivit ett hälsoproblem, vilket har lett till att olika aktörer intresserat sig av att nyttja modern teknik för att främja hälsosamma val. Mobil hälsa utgörs av aktivitetsspårare i form av exempelvis vristarmband och smarttelefoner som samlar in hälsodata (steg, puls, sömn, etcetera) från användaren. Studier visar på att mobil hälsa kombinerat med finansiella incitament kan öka motivationen hos användare. Hälsodata betraktas i regel vara av särskild känslig karaktär med risker för etisk problematik. Vilka aktörer som är inblandade och vilka finansiella incitament som används är faktorer som har påverkan på de etiska problemen. Den här studien belyser detta genom en konceptualisering av etiska problem med hänsyn till mobil hälsa kombinerat med finansiella incitament. Data från intervjuer har sammanställts med stöd av teori som PAPAS och därefter analyserats med annan forskning. Sammanställningen visar på sex typer av etiska problem som kan tas i åtanke vid utveckling av mobil hälsa med finansiella incitament. / Physical inactivity has become a health problem, which has led to various actors starting to use technology to promote healthy choices. Mobile health consists of activity trackers in the form of, for example, smartwatches and smartphones that collect health data (steps, heart rate, sleep, etc.) from the user. Studies show that mobile health combined with financial incentives can increase user motivation. Health data is generally considered to be a particularly sensitive type of data. The actors involved and the financial incentives used are factors that have an impact on how ethical problems take form. This study highlights this by conceptualizing ethical issues linked to mobile health with financial incentives. Questions for interviews were created primarily using the PAPAS framework and thereafter analyzed using thematic analysis in order to identify the ethical problems. The compilation resulted in six forms of ethical problems that need to be considered when developing mobile health with financial incentives.

"Because God Said So": A Thematic Analysis of Why People Denounce Black Greek-Letter Organizations

Ashley, Mea 09 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Koden först : Utformning av ett induktivt introduktionsmoment iprogrammering på Tekniskt basår med bakgrund iidentifierade svårigheter / Coding First

Fall, Emmeli, Kirsch, David January 2019 (has links)
Programmering tog 2018 ett stort kliv in matematikundervisningen och det är upp till varjeenskild lärare att besluta hur programmering ska integreras i matematikundervisningen. Detvar med denna bakgrund som Tekniskt basår på KTH Campus önskade utvecklaprogrammeringslaborationer till studenter på Tekniskt basår 2018/2019. Uppdragetformulerades sedan om till att vi, istället, skulle leda ett fristående introduktionsmoment iprogrammering för nuvarande Tekniskt basårsstudenter (VT2019).Syftet med detta examensarbete var att kartlägga svårigheter som tidigare Teknisktbasårsstudenter haft då de läste sin första programmeringskurs på ett ingenjörsprogram. Defunna svårigheterna skulle sedan ligga till grund för ett introduktionsmoment för nuvarandestudenter på Tekniskt basår. En enkätundersökning på tidigare studenter utfördes för attsamla in data för att identifiera svårigheterna som sedan kategoriserades genom en tematiskanalys. Introduktionsmomentet skapades med mindre uppgifter utifrån idéer frånproblembaserat och induktivt lärande.Resultatet pekar på sju teman av svårigheter, nämligen abstrakt, komplext, teori,arbetssättet, kursen, nytt och övriga svårigheter. Resultaten av svårigheterna liknar det somtidigare kartläggningar av programmeringssvårigheter har funnit. Ett förslag på ett induktivtintroduktionsmoment influerat av problembaserat lärande presenteras och analyseras utifrånde funna svårigheterna.Vidare forskning skulle kunna följa upp om studenterna upplevde att svårigheterna blevavdramatiserade genom introduktionsmomentet samt utvärdera hur introduktionsmomentetkan tas vidare på Tekniskt basår. / In 2018, programming became an integral part of mathematics education in Sweden. However, the choice of how to integrate it with the curriculum remains a decision of the teacher. Consequently, teachers at KTH’s Technical Preparatory Year announced a master’s degree project aiming to design programming labs in mathematics for students attending the program during 2018/2019. The degree project was reformulated to focus on introducing programming without the mathematical context. The aim of this master thesis was to pinpoint earlier students’ difficulties during theintroductory course in programming of their engineering program at KTH. These difficulties would later be the basis of the programming introduction for the current Technical Preparatory Year students. A review of the research literature on the learning of programming identified a number of common areas of concern. In order to collect data to identify our prior students’ difficulties a survey was designed. The data collected in the survey was then categorized through a thematic analysis.The results indicated seven themes of difficulties: abstract, complex, theory, work procedure, programming courses, new and miscellaneous. The results are similar to those found in prior categorizations of programming difficulties. Taking these themes into consideration, a suggestion of the content for the introduction was presented based on ideas from inductive learning and problem based learning. Future research should focus on determining whether the introduction dealt with the difficulties and what the effects were. Furthermore, future research could develop the material for the introduction, in particular how students are assessed.

Rekryterares upplevelse av stereotypisering inom kompetensbaserad rekrytering

Knapp Löfgren, Tilde Maria January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur rekryterare upplever positiv och negativ stereotypisering gentemot kandidater inom kompetensbaserad rekrytering. Studienbaserades på kvalitativa intervjuer med rekryterare som arbetar, eller har arbetat, inom kompetensbaserad rekrytering. Data analyserades genom induktiv tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att rekryterare upplevde att chefer och kollegor haft betydelse när det kom till stereotypisering, men att även rekryterarens egna tankar spelat in. Det framkom även ett antal olika faktorer kring stereotypisering gentemot kandidater, som rekryterare upplevde. Dessa faktorer var främst konfirmeringsbias, extraversion, ålder, kön och etnicitet. För att undvika stereotypisering ansåg respondenterna i denna studie att ett tydliggjort rekryteringsramverk samt kunskap om kompetensbaserad rekrytering var viktigt. Respondenterna ansåg också att digitala hjälpmedel samt personlighets- och problemlösningstester var bra metoder för att minska risken för stereotypisering.Praktiska aspekter och förslag till fortsatt forskning diskuteras även i denna studie. / The aim of this study was to investigate how recruiters experience positive and negative stereotyping towards candidates within competency-based recruitment. The study was based on qualitative interviews with recruiters who work, or have worked, withincompetency-based recruitment. Data was analysed by an inductive thematic analysis. The result indicated that recruiters experienced that leaders and colleagues wereimportant when it came to stereotyping, but that the recruiter's own thoughts also wereimportant. A number of different factors regarding stereotyping towards candidates, that recruiters experienced, also emerged. These factors were mainly confirmation bias, extraversion, age, gender and ethnicity. In order to avoid stereotyping, the participants in this study believed that a clarified recruitment framework as well as knowledge, education and experience in competency-based recruitment was important. The participants also considered that digital aids and personality and problem-solving tests were good methods to reduce the risk of stereotyping. Practical aspects and suggestions for further research are also discussed in this study.

Sustainable Chemistry : An Analysis of Sustainability in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Courses on the Bachelor Level at KTH

Enlund, Pontus January 2023 (has links)
A programme analysis of the compulsory courses at the bachelor level of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology study programme Engineering Chemistry was conducted in order to evaluate how sustainable development is integrated and progressed as well as the attitudes toward sustainable development from the faculty. The analysis built on governing documents as well as interviews with examiners and students. To evaluate the results of this data corpus, thematic analysis was applied, which resulted in themes of environmental focus, poor progression, vague learning objectives and student-teacher disconnect. However, the sustainable development content within the courses appeared to be majorly integrated. In order to use these results for an evaluation of sustainable development the CDIO standard framework was applied, in combination with an unpublished framework by Anders Rosén.  This resulted in the programme being evaluated to be at level 2 in the sustainable development standard, with high proximity level 3. This evaluation culminated in a development project, where suggestions mainly focused on increasing content pertaining to skills for sustainable development, covering more than environmental sustainability as well as increasing integration and progression throughout the programme. / En programanalys av de obligatoriska kandidatkurserna på civilingenjörsprogrammet Teknisk kemi på KTH genomfördes för att utvärdera hur hållbar utveckling integreras och huruvida det finns en etablerad progression samt lärarkårens attituder gentemot ämnet. Analysen tog empiri från styrdokument samt intervjuer med examinatorer och studenter. För att utvärdera resultaten av denna data tillämpades innehålls respektive tematisk analys, vilket resulterade i teman: fokus på miljö, svag progression, vaga lärandemål och skilda uppfattningar mellan lärare och studenter. Integrationen framstod som väl utförd genom programmet enligt lärarkåren. För att kunna bruka dessa resultat i utvärderingen av hållbar utveckling tillämpades CDIO:s standarder i kombination med fyr-aspekt ramverket. Detta gav programmet en nivå av 2 i standarden för hållbar utveckling, med en hög närhet till nivå 3. Utvärderingen resulterade i ett utvecklingsprojekt, resulterande i förslag med huvudsakligt fokus på att öka innehållet av färdigheter för hållbar utveckling, bredda från enbart miljömässig hållbarhet samt öka integration och progression genom hela kandidaten.

When Knowing is not enough: A Narrative Exploration of How K-12 Teachers Make Decisions about the Transfer of Critical Competencies from Professional Learning to Daily Practice

Ballard-Jones, Nell E. 16 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Eutopiagraphies: Narratives of Preferred Future Selves with Implications for Developmental Coaching

Diehl, Florence Anne 30 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

An Examination of the Connection Between Genuine Dialogue and Improv

O'Neal, Kathleen 01 January 2014 (has links)
The value of improv training extends beyond the stage. Improv has been successfully utilized and applied in a variety of ways in the workplace, school, and community. This study examines the connection between genuine dialogue and improv to determine if improv exhibits dialogic qualities. Three focus groups were conducted with a total of nineteen improv students. Additionally, an interview was conducted with the director of a hospital's Innovation Lab where improv is used in an organizational setting. The conditions for dialogue set by Gordon (2006) served as a guideline for analyzing data. Thematic analysis generated categories used to analyze data. The most prominent of Gordon's conditions for dialogue within improv were Imagination & Innovation, Vulnerability and Immediacy of Presence. The importance of this study, implications and future studies for the connection between improv and dialogue are examined.

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