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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Litet fokus på risker med covid-19 : Studenters upplevelse av lokal riskkommunikation / Minor Focus on Risks with Covid-19 : Students' Perception of Risk Communication

Kangöz, Sara-Gül, Hellman, Irma January 2020 (has links)
Studiens ämne handlar om förståelsen av risk under en hälsokris utifrån lokal riskkommunikation. Covid-19-pandemin utgör en stor hälsorisk för människor över hela världen. Tidigare forskning visar att riskkommunikation behöver nå och påverka människor så att de kan skydda sig själva mot de pågående riskerna. Därför är det viktigt att studera hur människor uppfattat riskerna med covid-19 från deras lokala kommunikatörer.  Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur studenter på eftergymnasial nivå i Jönköpings kommun förstod riskerna med covid-19 och avsåg att agera utifrån sin riskförståelse, utifrån Jönköpings kommuns riskkommunikation under våren 2020. Den specifika perioden som studeras är mellan 15 mars och 19 juni 2020. För att uppnå studiens syfte har fyra fokusgruppsintervjuer med studenter på eftergymnasial nivå i Jönköpings kommun genomförts och analyserats med en teoribaserad tematisk metod. Det teoretiska ramverket som använts för den tematiska analysen består av Uses and Gratifications Theory, Protection Motivation Theory och Theory of Planned Behavior.  Resultaten av studien visar att studenterna uppfattade riskerna med covid-19 som allvarliga, men att de inte haft avsikten att fullt ut ändra sina beteenden för att undvika riskerna. Deras riskförståelse berodde däremot inte på kommunikation från Jönköpings kommun, eftersom få av studenterna hade tagit del av deras kommunikation under våren 2020. Istället hade de använt källor som Folkhälsomyndigheten och nyhetssidor. Dessutom upplevde studenterna kommunikationen från kommunen som oseriös och bristfällig gällande viktig information. Resultaten visar att studenterna upplevde Jönköpings kommuns kommunikation om beteendeförändringar för att undvika risker som vag och svår att förstå, vilket inte bidrog till deras avsikt att ändra beteende / The subject matter of this study is risk perception during a health crisis based on local risk communication. The covid-19-pandemic is a mayor health crisis for citizens all over the world. Prior science has shown that risk communication needs to reach and affect citizens so they can protect themselves from the ongoing risks. Therefore, it is important to study how citizens have perceived the risks of covid-19 from their local communicators.    The purpose of this study is to examine how students on a post-gymnasium level in Jönköping municipality understood the risks of covid-19 and intended to act upon their perception of the risks based on the risk communication from Jönköping municipality, during the spring of 2020. The specific period examined is between the 15th of March and the 19th of June 2020. In order to achieve the aim, four focus group interviews with students on a post-gymnasium level in Jönköping have been conducted and analyzed through theoretically based thematic analysis. The theoretical framework used for the analysis of the focus group interviews consists of the Uses and Gratifications Theory, Protection Motivation Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior.  The results of the study show that the students perceived the risks of covid-19 as severe, but that they did not intend to fully change their behavior in order to avoid the risks. However, their risk perception was not based on the communication from Jönköping municipality since very few of them had seen their communication during the spring of 2020. Instead, they used sources like the national health authority and news channels. Additionally, the students found the communication from the municipality to be too lighthearted and lacking in vital information. The results show that the students found the municipality’s’ communication about behavioral change as vague and difficult to understand, which didn’t have an impact on their intention to behavioral change.

Perceptions of Sexual Violence in Later Life: A Three Paper Dissertation Study

Hand, Michelle Danäe January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

A System Perspective on Business Models

Jucun Liu (8702721) 17 April 2020 (has links)
The business model concept was first introduced in the early 1990s alongside the boom of the Internet. Although the Internet bubble has burst, the popularity of the business model concept continues to increase. It is being used more and more often by not just people in business management, but also the general population, as people, for example, talk about a successful start-up. Although it has become part of the vernacular today, the business model concept itself is lacking in theoretical roots. Thus, a gap exists regarding the business model concept. Its usefulness in practice has been proven in numerous business cases, yet academia remains divided on the definition and appropriate means to use the concept. A thorough literature review reveals that the concept of a business model has been framed in various ways, ranging from the strategic logic of a company to the activities a company performs. This misalignment creates barriers for the advancement of this body of knowledge in both research and practice. Researchers have thus called for a clearer and more operational definition of the concept.<br> With this goal in mind, this qualitative study sought to advance business model understanding by proposing a business model conceptualization that: <br> 1) Is robust in its theoretical roots and informs the critical characteristics of a business model, <br> 2) Highlights potential means to resolve the debate over the definition of a business model through examination of its broad range of conceptualizations and uses, and,<br> 3) Guides business model design through a robust exploration of design options for users interested in business model development. <br> To achieve this goal, a three-stream study was conducted.<br> The first stream focused on creating a business model construct that is rooted in advanced system theory and on proposing a related business model framework. This objective was achieved through a combination of scholarship of integration and thematic analysis. A resilient complex adaptive system (RCAS) perspective was taken to proactively construct a business model conceptualization. To fully understand an RCAS, a literature review was carried out on the notion of systems. Theories from general system theory (GST) to an RCAS were examined to form a full understanding of these foundational concepts. The resulting construct was employed as the underlying structure of a business model framework. To create a set of functions that a business model should include, an extensive literature review was conducted on 150 business model research articles. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze words and phrases used by authors to describe the critical components of a business model, and then aggregate these views into a set of mutually supportive functions that represent the essence of a business model. Eight functions, termed “elemental functions”, centered on value were defined. These elemental functions are able to capture all components identified in the studied literature and collectively display required RCAS characteristics. This RCAS business model framework lays the foundation for a unified landscape of business model conceptualization and acts as a potential universal language in this body of knowledge. The developed framework also serves as the basis for the subsequent lines of work detailed below, and grounds both further research and application.<br> The second stream is based on the RCAS framework and draws on its ability to facilitate abstraction. The work stream focuses on outlining a knowledge space for business models utilizing three variables that are closely tied to abstraction in the business model context, namely: elemental functions, purposes, and levels of abstraction. These variables were identified as critical factors influencing business model variation from both a literature perspective and observations. A thematic analysis was conducted on the same 150 articles as in the first stream to extract the potential states of these variables. Eleven purposes and five levels of abstraction were identified; and these two variables act as the axes of the knowledge space. Elemental functions were incorporated in the knowledge space to illustrate the frequency with which each elemental function is used for specific purposes and specific levels of abstraction. This knowledge space, herein termed the business model knowledge map, can be used to position existing work and identify future opportunities for research. The 150 articles were positioned in this space to outline a grander picture of the business model concept. It highlights that previous authors in the business model area have worked on abstractions of the same concept. This stream is another step towards a universal landscape of business model conceptualization that could help unify previously diverse views of business models.<br> The last work stream contributes to the design of business models – one of the key purposes for which business model constructs are employed as highlighted in the knowledge map described above. Specifically, this work stream puts forward a system-inspired business model design method. Building directly on the RCAS framework, this stream employs combinatorial design thinking from engineering and design to create a design method. One of the most critical aspects of this design method is its emphasis on creating a complete, to the extent possible, set of design options for each elemental function that composes a business model. To achieve this, an extensive review of over 200 company annual reports was conducted to generate design options for each elemental function. This design method focuses on raising awareness of one’s design options thereby enhancing the potential for business model innovation.<br> Collectively, this study advances the business model body of knowledge in both research and practice. The study is unique in its proactive employment of the RCAS construct to define a business model, its focus on abstraction to form a theoretically robust and potentially universal landscape for knowledge and research on business models, and its proposition of a structured approach to complete business model design. It is hoped that the developments outlined herein help pave a path to a more unified view of business model concepts that can foster connections between the work of researchers who employ business model constructs and further advance the state of knowledge in this arena.<br><br>

An assessment of the Media High Council as a media regulatory body in Rwanda, 2007-2010

Nkundakozera, Prince Bahati 02 1900 (has links)
The Media High Council (MHC) was put in place by the 2003 constitution of the Republic of Rwanda as amended to today. As article 34 clarifies, the MHC is an independent institution which aims to address issues of media and press freedom. In the same spirit, the law number 30 /2009 of 16/9/2009 determines its mission, organisation and functioning. According to article 2 of this law, the Media High Council is responsible for protection, control and promotion of media and media professionals. Based on normative theories, qualitative methods and thematic analysis, this study has explored the policy formation of the Media High Council and how it has been balancing the seeming contradictory responsibilities of protecting and controlling media from 2007 to 2010. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication)

Femmes et usage de la force en droit international : analyse thématique féministe des résolutions "Femmes Paix et Sécurité".

André, Yousra N. 08 1900 (has links)
L’usage de la force en droit international a connu d’importantes évolutions au XXème siècle. Après la seconde guerre mondiale le droit à la guerre devient un droit d’exception et l’usage de la force est prohibé hors du cadre strict mis en place par le système des Nations Unies. Cependant l’époque récente voit ressurgir d’anciens concepts comme celui de « guerre juste » ou « d’intervention d’humanité ». Si la guerre n’est désormais plus acceptée dans ses formes anciennes, l’intervention et l’usage de la force armée demeurent des options dans le paysage international contemporain. Au cœur de la question de l’usage de la force se trouve celle de sa justification. Les nouveaux concepts en la matière puisent pour beaucoup dans des justifications humanitaires. C’est dans cette lignée que la rhétorique de l’usage de la force pour contrer des situations enfreignant les droits des femmes s’inscrit. Nous nous intéressons donc ici à l’intersection de la question de l’usage de la force et des femmes, que les résolutions « Femmes Paix et Sécurité » représentent. Après avoir abordé l’évolution, les pratiques et concepts actuels de l’usage de la force, nous aborderons différentes positions féministes sur le sujet qui offrirons un cadre théorique à l’analyse qualitative thématique des résolutions « Femmes Paix et Sécurité ». / The use of force in international law has greatly evolved since World War II. The use of force is now an exception, reduced within the strict framework established by the United Nations, and specifically under the control of the Security Council. And yet, the latest decades have witnessed old concepts coming back to life. Such as the « just war » and the « humanitarian intervention ». War no longer beeing acceptable means it has to be justified. The quore of those justifications are of humanitarian basis. It is in this context that the rethoric of the use of force to save women has developped. The Council’s «Women, Peace and Security » resolutions are found to be an interesting intersection for this subject. After presenting its historical context, the present regime on the use of force and its recent tensions will be highlighted. Concepts from different feminist school of thoughts will then be presented to provide a theorical framework for the analysis of the resolutions that will close this paper.

“Jag var hungrig och ni gav mig att äta…” : Kyrkan som arena för socialt arbete / “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” : Churches as an arena for social work

Engdahl, Hanna, Axelsson, Therése January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker kyrkan som välfärdsaktör och belyser, utifrån intervjuer med professionella diakoniarbetare, hur protestantiskt kristna kyrkor i Sverige gör socialt arbete. Empiriska data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med 15 diakoniarbetare fördelade över hela landet och analyserats med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Genom tematisering och kodning har tre huvudteman med underteman framträtt: Kyrkans roll i samhället, Självständighet och beroende samt Inkludering och exkludering. Av resultatet framkommer att kyrkan ser ett behov av välfärdstjänster utöver de som erbjuds av offentlig sektor. Många gånger anser sig kyrkan vara kapabel att utföra stöd och hjälp på ett sätt som offentliga myndigheter inte kan och därmed utgör ett komplement till offentliga aktörer. Exempelvis anser sig kyrkan inte enbart kunna möta människors fysiska nöd utan också sociala behov och existentiella frågor. Kyrkans omfattande krisberedskap och volontära krafter framhålls som en styrka och som viktiga resurser. Diakonin skiljer sig från socialt arbete på så sätt att den bygger på den kristna tron som också utgör en central del och en grund för kyrkans sociala förändringsarbete. Vidare belyser studien styrkor och svagheter hos civila välfärdsaktörer och problematiserar maktstrukturer i hjälpalliansen. Slutligen belyser studien vikten av professionell kompetens och ett kritiskt förhållningssätt i en organisation som drivs av välvilja och volontärt engagemang. Studien visar att en kritiskt reflekterande kyrka genom sina volontära resurser har potential att vara en viktig samarbetspartner för offentliga aktörer, en välfärdsaktör som är värd att tas på allvar. / This study examines churches as welfare actors and demonstrates how protestant churches in Sweden accomplish social work.  The empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with 15 professional diaconal workers from all over Sweden and analysed through a thematic analysis. Through thematisation and coding three main themes were identified: The role of churches in society, Independence and dependence and Inclusion and exclusion. The findings show that churches are seeing a need to offer welfare services as a complement to services offered by the public sector. The churches are often capable to offer support and help in a way that authorities are not able to offer and therefore they act as a compliment to public actors. For example, the churches can not only satisfy physical needs, but also the social needs and a support to deal with existential issues of people. The extensive crisis preparedness and voluntary resources of the churches are presented as a strength. In Sweden the diaconal work differs from social work, offered by the public sector, by building on Christian faith that is also an important component in the churches work for social change among vulnerable people. The study also exhibits strengths and weaknesses in civil society actors and problematises power structures in the help alliance. Finally, this study illustrates the importance of having professional competence and a critical approach in an organisation that is operated with kindness and voluntary engagement. The study shows that churches, through their voluntary resources and while maintaining a critical reflection, have the potential to be important collaboration partners for public actors, and are therefore welfare actors to be taken seriously.

The Filtering Out Of Hate Crime In The Criminal Justice System : A Qualitative Study Of Police Investigation In Denmark

Andersen, Rikke Hoelgaard January 2022 (has links)
Hate crime has emerged as a new ‘crime problem’ in Denmark, which has led to legislative adjustments and requirements of the police to improve identification, registration and handling of hate crime. International research shows that the investigation of hate crime is a complex issue not least because hate crime is legally not a crime category but an aggravating circumstance in principle to any crime. There exist no studies of hate crime policing in Denmark, and this study aims to fill a knowledge gap by a qualitative exploration of the processing of hate crime in the criminal justice system in a Danish context and from the perspective of the police, which is a relatively overlooked perspective. Specifically, the study explores why many hate crimes are filtered out through the criminal justice system, and through a thematic analysis the study identifies a number of challenges on a legal, organizational and practise level, that all contributes to a filtering out of hate crime throughout the Danish criminal justice system. Goldstein’s theory of problem-oriented policing is used as framework to discuss the implications of law in hate crime policing. The Danish police is expected to deal more effectively with the hate crime problem, and more knowledge on what works in hate crime policing is needed.   Keywords: Hate crime, investigation, criminal justice processing, problem-oriented policing, thematic analysis.


Rostö, Mårten, Sydner, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Begreppet psykologisk trygghet har visat sig vara en faktor som påverkar om personal trivs och stannar på arbetsplatsen. Begreppet innebär hur tryggt det upplevs att visa sig sårbar i en grupp och vad det får för konsekvenser. Forskning om poliskultur har visat att den karaktäriseras av tradition och rigida normer, vilket påverkar beteenden i gruppen. Den aktuella studien syftade till att undersöka hur nyblivna poliser upplever psykologisk trygghet i sin arbetsgrupp, samt hur de beskriver normer i förhållande till detta. Åtta deltagare intervjuades med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide baserad på Edmondsons teori om psykologisk trygghet samt forskning på poliskultur. Datat analyserades med reflexiv tematisk analys. Majoriteten av deltagarna upplevde att humor var ett framträdande sätt att hantera svåra upplevelser, men det fanns även behov av annat typ av stöd. De flesta deltagare upplevde att det var viktigt att visa sårbar för att lära sig yrket, samt att det påverkade relationerna i arbetsgruppen positivt, men flera upplevde det även som skrämmande och skamfyllt. Deltagarnas beskrivningar av arbetsgruppens normer, och deras förhållande till dem, verkade påverka upplevelsen av psykologisk trygghet. Normbrytande beteende sanktionerades, vilket avskräckte från framtida normbrytande. Resultaten stärker teorierna om att psykologisk trygghet är förenat med lärandebeteende och att poliskulturen är traditionsbunden. Psykologisk trygghet kan vara en bidragande faktor till att få poliser att trivas och stanna inom yrket. / Psychological safety has been shown to affect employees’ job satisfaction and turnover intention. The term “psychological safety” means how safe one feels in showing vulnerability in a group and the consequences it might bring. Research has shown that police culture is characterized by traditionality and rigid norms, which affects group behaviour. The present study aimed to examine how new police officers’ experience psychological safety within their work group. Eight police officers were interviewed with a semistructured interview guide based on Edmondson’s theory of psychological safety and literature on police culture. The data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Most participants found humour to be a pronounced coping strategy for negative experiences, but there was a need for alternative ways of coping. Most participants found showing vulnerability to be essential for learning the police role, and that these behaviours had a positive effect on relationships within the work group, even though several found showing vulnerability frightening and shameful. The participants’ descriptions of the norms within the work group, and how well you fit into them, affected their experience of psychological safety. Breaking norms in the group was often followed by sanctions, which disencouraged similar future behaviour. The findings in this study support existing research on the link between psychological safety and learning behaviour and on police culture being governed by traditions. Psychological safety could be a contributing factor to keeping police officers satisfied so that they might stay within their line of work.

Med den ena foten i verkstaden ochden andra i klassrummet : Elever på det industritekniska programmets egen syn på språkanvändande / With one foot in the workshop and the other in the classroom : Students at theIndustrial-technical programme’s view of language use

Sebastian, Room January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur elever på det industritekniska programmet ser på sitt egetanvändande av språket i undervisningen. I undersökningen riktas fokus på hur elevernauppfattar sitt eget användande av språket i både program- och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen.Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer som sedan har analyseratsmed hjälp av en tematisk analys. De tre teman som arbetats fram är Det informella och detformella språket, Det samarbetande och jämlika språket och Självinsikter och språket.Samtliga presenterar olika perspektiv på hur eleverna inom programmet upplever ochuppfattar språket och användningen av det. Tematiken visar hur olika normer och regler styranvändandet av språket beroende på vilken undervisningssituation man som elev befinner sigi. Utifrån den data som inhämtas visar den att eleverna har en stor medvetenhet om att språketanvänds olika och att det finns olika strategier för att använda det. Det språk som helstanvänds och som eleverna känner sig mest bekväma med är det muntliga språket. / This thesis examines how students at the industrial-technical program views their use oflanguage within teaching. The survey focuses on how students percieve their own use oflanguage in both program specific and general subjects. The survey was conducted usingquialitative interviews which were then analyzed with the help of a thematic analysis. Threethemes has been found and those are The informal and the formal language, The collaborativeand equal language and Self insights and language. All of these present different perspectiveson how students within the program experience and percieve the language and its use. Thethemes also shows how different norms and rules govern the use of language depending onwhich teaching situation the student is situated in. Based on the data collected, it shows thatstudents have a keen awareness that the language is used differently and that there aredifferent strategies when using it. The language that is most used and that students feel mostcomfortable with is the oral language.

Přístup české zdravotní politiky ke strategii Zdraví 2020 / Approach of the Czech Health Politics to Strategy Health 2020

Machová, Kamila January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the assessment of developments in the approach towards the "European" strategy Health 2020 by Czech political players while using methods of critical discourse analysis and the assessment of the development of the Health 2020 agenda during the period 2010-2012 in the context of previous activities of the World Health Organization. The approach of the Czech health care political players to the strategy had been assessed on the basis of governmental programmatic statements since 1998, the National Reform Program of Czech Republic 2011 and interviews with participants in the Czech health policy and Czech health care. The approach of Czech health policy towards the Health 2020 strategy had been evaluated as extremely problematic. The course of creation and discussion of Health 2020 in 2012 had become a critical barrier for the Czech Ministry of Health. As a result, no wider awareness of this strategy exists in Czech health policy, neither does exist a Czech translation of this strategy. Lastly, the goals of Czech health policy do not reflect in a single point of the goals of the Health 2020 strategy.

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