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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“...vi måste också ha en ganska så stor arbetsprestation” : Ledarskap inom socialtjänsten och dess påverkan på socialsekreterares arbetsprestation / “…we must also have quite a high work performance” : Leadership in social services and its impact on social workers' work performance

Berntsson, Isak, Simmeborn, Wilma January 2024 (has links)
Socialsekreterare inom barn och unga är en yrkesgrupp där det förekommer hög arbetsbelastning och stressrelaterade sjukskrivningar. Det framkommer i socialtjänstlagen att myndighetsutövningen inom socialtjänsten ska ske skyndsamt, vilket ställer krav på att socialsekreterare har en hög arbetsprestation. Syftet med studien var att undersöka ledarskap i socialtjänsten och dess påverkan på arbetsprestationen hos socialsekreterare utifrån en tematisk analys. Det resultat som framkom kring ledarskapet är att socialsekreterare och chefer inom barn och unga beskriver de positiva egenskaper hos chefen kopplade till det tillitsbaserade ledarskapet och tillitsbaserad styrning. Tillit, tydlighet och lyhördhet framkommer som de mest betydande egenskaper för ett bra ledarskap. Arbetsprestation har definierats utifrån uppgiftprestation, kontextuell prestation och kontraproduktiva beteenden. Positiv stress anses var den främsta faktorn som bidrar till en hög arbetsprestation enligt socialsekreterarna. Vidare visar resultatet att det kollegiala stödet och trivsel i arbetsgruppen påverkar socialsekreterarnas arbetsprestation och att chefen påverkar de aspekter indirekt i sitt ledarskap. Chefens direkta påverkan synliggörs i socialsekretarens arbetsbelastning, hur chefen kommunicerar, ger feedback och att chefen är närvarande och möjliggör tid för sina medarbetare. / Social workers for children and young people are a professional group where there is a high workload and stress-related sick leave. It is stated in the Social Services Act that the exercise of authority in social services should be done promptly, which requires that social workers have a high work performance. The purpose of the study was to examine leadership in social services and its impact on the work performance of social workers based on a thematic analysis. The result that emerged about leadership is that social workers and managers in children and young people describe the positive characteristics of the manager linked to trust-based leadership and trust-based management. Trust, clarity, and responsiveness emerge as the most significant characteristics for good leadership. Work performance has been defined in terms of task performance, contextual performance, and counterproductive behaviors. Positive stress is the main factor contributing to high job performance according to the social workers. Furthermore, the results show that the collegial support and well-being in the work group influence the social workers' job performance and that the manager influences these aspects indirectly in his leadership. The manager's direct influence is visible in the social worker's workload, how the manager communicates, gives feedback and that the manager is present and makes time for his or her employees.

”Shame of missing out”, det nya FOMO : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur känslor hos unga kvinnor upplevs när influencers uppmanar till konsumtion på Instagram. / “Shame of missing out”, the new FOMO : A qualitative interview study on how young women experience emotions when influencers encourage consumption on Instagram.

Klevfors, Alice, Isabell, Nilsson January 2024 (has links)
With the increasing trust and power of influencers on social media, more research and information are needed on how influencers affect the emotions of their followers. The climate that exists on social media today contributes to calls for unsustainable consumption, which is something that influencers in particular contribute to. This phenomenon is something that requires knowledge, especially in the perspective where people's emotions are analyzed. This study will therefore study how FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is experienced on Instagram, from a consumption perspective among young women. The study also aims to investigate how impulsive consumption is triggered by FOMO created by influencers on Instagram. This is relevant as the concept of impulsive consumption creates an unsustainable consumer society. Since, according to previous research, influencers have a great impact on young social media users, this study also seeks to understand which specific characteristics have the greatest impact on purchase decisions. The empirical material has been collected through eight qualitative interviews that have been analyzed using the analysis strategy of thematization. The analysis has answered the three research questions set for the study: • How do young female social media users relate to the potential relationship between FOMO and impulsive buying decisions? • What emotions are created in young female social media users during impulsive consumption on Instagram? • What specific characteristics of influencers do young female social media users perceive as triggers for impulsive buying? The results of this paper shown that FOMO is a problem linked to consumption on social media. However, there is no established sense of fear but rather a sense of shame. Thus, the concept of SOMO (Shame Of Missing Out) is proposed in the study's discussion as the concept could be relevant for further studies. The study has also concluded that influencers affect the behavior of friendship circles, which means that people who do not follow influencers are also affected by their behavior in consumption. There are differing opinions about which character traits of influencers are seen as triggers for impulsive consumption. It appears from the collected empirical data that down-to-earth character traits are effective, but also character traits that show a luxurious lifestyle. This study has shown that there is an established problem regarding FOMO, consumption and influencers that needs attention. However, more research is needed to be able to draw more reliable conclusions on the subject / I takt med influencers ökade förtroende och makt på sociala medier krävs det mer forskning och information hur influencers påverkar deras följares känslor. Klimatet som finns på sociala medier idag bidrar till uppmaningar om ohållbar konsumtion, detta är något som främst influencers bidrar till. Detta fenomen är något som kräver kunskap framför allt i perspektivet där människors känslor analyseras. Denna studie kommer därmed att studera hur FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) upplevs på Instagram, ur ett konsumtionsperspektiv hos unga kvinnor. Studien ämnar även att undersöka hur impulsiv konsumtion triggas av FOMO som skapas av influencers på Instagram. Detta är relevant då impulsiv konsumtion skapar ett ohållbart konsumtionssamhälle. Eftersom influencers enligt tidigare forskning har stor påverkan på unga sociala medieanvändare söker denna studie även att förstå vilka specifika karaktärsdrag som har störst påverkan på köpbeslut. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom åtta kvalitativa intervjuer som har analyserats utifrån analysstrategin tematisering. Analysen har besvarat de tre ställda forskningsfrågorna för studien: • Hur förhåller sig unga kvinnliga sociala medieanvändare till den potentiella relationen mellan FOMO och impulsiva köpbeslut? • Vilka känslor skapas hos unga kvinnliga sociala medieanvändare vid impulsiv konsumtion på Instagram? • Vilka specifika karaktärsdrag hos influencers upplever unga kvinnliga sociala medieanvändare är triggande för att handla impulsivt? Resultatet i denna uppsats visar att FOMO är ett problem kopplat till konsumtion på sociala medier. Däremot framkommer det inte en konstaterad känsla av rädsla utan snarare en känsla av skam. Därmed föreslås begreppet SOMO (Shame Of Missing Out) i studiens diskussion då begreppet skulle kunna vara relevant för fortsatta studier. Studien har även kommit fram till att influencers påverkar vänskapskretsars beteenden, vilket gör att personer som inte följer influencers likväl påverkas av deras beteenden inom konsumtion. Det finns spridda åsikter kring vilka karaktärsdrag hos influencers som ses som triggande för impulsiv konsumtion. Det framkommer från den insamlade empirin att jordnära karaktärsdrag är effektiva, men även karaktärsdrag som visar på en lyxig livsstil. Denna studie har visat att det finns ett konstaterat problem angående FOMO, konsumtion och influencers som behöver uppmärksammas. Det krävs däremot mer forskning för att kunna dra säkrare slutsatser kring ämnet.

Communicating Support: Where and how Army Spouses Seek Community

Talkington, Brigit K. 11 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Towards a Grounded Theory Explanation of Mental Health Provider Perspectives on Consumer Involved Services

Mendenhall, Matthew Dean 04 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Professional Hurt: The Untold Stories

Brown, Ruby Macksine 02 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Childhood Sexual Behavior: An Integrated Developmental Ecological Assessment Approach

Jones, Kelley Simmons January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Positive Organizational Leadership and Pro-Environmental Behavior: The Phenomenon of Institutional Fossil Fuel Divestment

Abrash Walton, Abigail, Ph.D. 19 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Fysisk aktivitet i psykologens praktik - okomplicerat och samtidigt svårt

Lundgren, Gustav, Wemmert, David January 2021 (has links)
Fysisk aktivitet som behandling mot depression har ett växande forskningsstöd. Denna uppsats utforskar vilka möjligheter och svårigheter som framkommer i psykologers beskrivning av att använda fysisk aktivitet som behandling. Vi gjorde semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta psykologer och använde en reflexiv tematisk analytisk metod. Vi fann att fysisk aktivitet framstår både som en lösning och samtidigt ganska problematiskt vilket fångas i det övergripande temat: Fysisk aktivitet har löst problem, eller inte som vi utforskar i fyra teman. Analysen visar hur fysisk aktivitet förstås genom idéer om objektivitet, medicinska teorier och psykologiska teorier eller modeller såsom beteendeaktivering. Vi undersöker också de problem som uppstår i psykologens vardag med fysisk aktivitet som intervention. Analysen innefattar även hur psykologens roll i vården ser ut och hur psykologer navigerar den i relation till fysisk aktivitet som är något olika yrkeskategorier i vården kan använda. Detta för att kunna bidra till diskussionen om hur rekommendationer utformas genom att ställa frågan: Fysisk aktivitet för vem? / Physical activity is a widely acknowledged and used intervention for treating depression. This study explores possibilities and difficulties in psychologists’ accounts of using physical activity in everyday practice. We investigated how eight psychologists described physical activity in everyday practice using a semi-structured approach. We used reflexive thematic analysis methodology to interpret data and identify how physical activity appears to provide both a solution and new problems to the psychologists. We capture an idea where physical activity isa solution of problems, or not and explore this idea in four themes. We explore how physical activity is made sense of through ideas of objectivity, medical theories and psychological theories or models as behavioral activation, but also potential problems that arise in the everyday practice of psychologists. Our analysis could be viewed as exploring how psychologists navigate their role in the everyday health care promoting physical activity. The result could also be part of discussions in policy making, raising the question: physical activityon whose terms?

New Voices in the Woods : A Study of Children’s Experience of the Forest as an Outdoor Educational Space.

Cont, Silvia January 2018 (has links)
There is a growing body of literature that recognizes the importance of outdoor learning spaces in educational practice with children. However, previous studies of the outdoor learning spaces have omitted to address the young children’s perspectives on the outdoor environments that they experience as a part of the Forest School’s educational approach. Research on the subject has been mostly restricted to an adult perspective. Furthermore, the previously published studies are limited to Scandinavian countries and available in Scandinavian languages and, therefore, not easily accessible to an international audience. The aim of the present dissertation project is to explore young children’s (aged 3-6 years) voices on their experience, sense-making, and understanding of the educational space of a forest. A qualitative research paradigm was employed to explore the components that characterize children’s perception of the outdoor educational space. Ethnographic research methods (participants observation, informal conversation and material collection) were used to investigate children’s outdoor activities performed in two Italian preschools: a kindergarten outdoor oriented school and a Forest School. The collected materials (fieldnotes, interviews, and children’s drawings) were processed using a six-steps Thematic Analysis with the aim to gain a complex account of the data. The results indicate that the way children use, interact and, confer a meaning to their experience in the woods are represented by the following themes: Type of Place Attended, Nature Engagement, Relationship with the Woods, Responsibility and Risk, Imagination, Emotional Responses, Affordances, Relationships with Others, Discovery and Experimentation, Nature Education, Concerns for Nature, and Learnings Connected to the Curriculum.These results have provided a deeper insight on the children’s experience of the outdoor learning space of a forest. Moreover, the empirical findings in this study contributed to provide a new understanding of how children bond with the natural world and how they behave and experience it. Taking into account the exploratory nature of the present thesis, future research should further address the children’s perspectives on the outdoor education space, the forest. Furthermore, it would be interesting to investigate if the cognitive, emotional, and social resources and environmental attitudes developed by children in the forest as outdoor educational space are strictly intertwined with this particular environment or if they can be realized in more a conventional school setting.

”. . . vi har uppfunnit en lösning själva . . .” : En kvalitativ studie om sjukhuskuratorers förhållningssätt till och arbete med vuxna i papperslöshet / ”. . . we have invented a solution ourselves . . .” : A qualitative study on hospital social workers approach to and work with adults living undocumented

Persson, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker sjukhuskuratorers förhållningssätt till och arbete med vuxna i papperslöshet, samt hur detta kan påverka målgruppen, socialt arbete, sjukvården och samhället i stort. Uppsatsen är kvalitativ, baserad på intervjuer med 12 sjukhuskuratorer i Sverige. Tematisk analys har genomförts på intervjuerna och Judith Butlers teorier om sårbarhet och sörjbarhet har använts för att teoretisera resultatet. Sjukhuskuratorers vård till vuxna i papperslöshet varierar mellan vård som inte kan anstå och vård efter behov. Inte alla sjukhuskuratorer vet vilken vård som kan ges. Sjukhuskuratorers erfarenhet av mötet med samt ideellt engagemang för målgruppen, ger mer behovsinriktad vård. Att vårdmängd beror på vilken sjukhuskurator vuxna i papperslöshet möter, synliggör sjukhuskuratorsrollens handlingsutrymme. Sjukhuskuratorer slussar patienter till externa stöd- och vårdsammanhang. För vuxna i papperslöshet är dessa sammanhang oftast frivilligorganisationer och religiösa samfund. Olika förståelseramar tycks verksamma. Svenska offentliga myndigheter verkar inom ett normativt ramverk, där rättighetstillgång sammanlänkas med personnummer. Ett alternativt ramverk finns inom frivilligorganisationer, religiösa samfund och däri engagerade personer. Här gäller mänskliga rättigheter. Sjukhuskuratorers arbete befäster eller utmanar dagens normativa ramar. / This thesis examines hospital social workers (HSW) approach to and work with adults in undocumentedness, and how this may affect the target group, social work, healthcare and society at large. The thesis is qualitative, based on interviews with 12 HSW in Sweden. Thematic analysis was made on the interviews and Judith Butlers’ theories on precariousness and grievability was used to theorize the result. HSW care for adults in undocumentedness varies between treatment that cannot be deferred and care as needed. Not all HSW know what care to give. HSW experience of meeting with and non-profit involvement for the target group, provides more need-oriented care. That amount of care depends on which HSW adults in undocumentedness meet, makes the work discretion in the HSW role visible. HSW refer patients for external support and care. For adults in undocumentedness available contexts for this are mainly voluntary organizations and religious communities. Different frames of understanding seems to be working. Swedish public authorities operate within a normative framework, where access to rights are linked to social security number. An alternative framework exists within voluntary organizations, religious communities and people therein involved. Here human rights are applied. HSW work consolidate or challenge today's normative framework.

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