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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A iniciativa privada e o mercado formal de habitação para o trabalhador na cidade de São Paulo, 1942-1964 / The private enterprise and the formal market of housing to the workers in São Paulo, 1942 1964

Luciana Massami Inoue 12 August 2010 (has links)
O objetivo principal foi verificar a existência de grandes e pequenos empreendedores capitalistas privados na produção da habitação para o trabalhador no período na cidade de São Paulo, entre 1942 e 1964. O problema habitacional é antigo, e em muito se deve ao fato de que o trabalhador não tenha sido integrado plenamente à sociedade. Os mercados formal e informal do trabalho caminharam em paralelo, o mesmo ocorrendo com o mercado formal e informal da habitação. Os principais aspectos conjunturais detectados no período são: a Segunda Guerra Mundial; o debate nacional sobre o tema do desenvolvimento; a dívida externa; a inflação (que afetou fortemente o padrão de consumo do trabalhador, sua capacidade de poupança e, ao mesmo tempo, todo o complexo da indústria da construção); a industrialização e as migrações internas. Na cidade de São Paulo, verificaram-se os fenômenos de verticalização do centro e horizontalização de suas periferias, juntamente com a metropolização. Como metodologia empregada, recorreu-se à bibliografia especializada, e como fontes primárias, optou-se por percorrer as coleções de revistas econômicas e anúncios de jornais. Após 1942, a iniciativa privada, retraiu-se temporariamente do mercado de locação, contudo, não abandonou as opções de investimento habitacionais anteriores, como os cortiços e as vilas operárias. Atuou principalmente em quatro frentes de investimento voltadas para o trabalhador: venda de casas térreas e sobrados; kitchnettes; edifícios em condomínios; e loteamentos periféricos. / The aim of this research was to verify the existence of big and small private capitalist entrepreneurs in the housing production for workers in São Paulo, between 1942 and 1964. The housing problem is old and it is due very much to the fact that the worker never was fully integrated to Brazilian society. The formal and informal labor market developed simultaneously as the same way it occured with the formal and informal housing market. The major historic features in the period were: the Second World War, the debates about the topic of development, external debt, inflation (that affected strongly the consumption pattern of the workers, their capacity to save money, and at the same time the whole building industry complex), the industrialization, and the internal migration. In the city of São Paulo, there was the phenomena of verticalization downtown and horizontalization at the peripheries, along the metropolization process. Specialized bibliography was studied, and as primary sources, we have consulted the collections of economy periodicals and the real state advertisement in the newspapers. After 1942, the private enterprise stopped to invest in the rental market for a short time, however, it did not abandon the prior housing options of investments before, as shantytowns or cortiços and workers´ villages. The private enterprise has acted mainly in four fields of investment with the focus on the workers housing: sale of one or two storey houses; kitchnettes; condominium buildings, and periphery lots.

Firminy-Vert : histoire politique et sociale d’un quartier d’habitation (1946-1971) / Firminy-Vert : innovative housing complex social and political perspective (1946-1971)

Lauras, Clarisse 09 December 2009 (has links)
Comme nombre de cités industrielles Firminy (Loire) est au sortir de la seconde guerre mondiale une ville où insalubrité et surpeuplement règnent. Les amitiés tissées dans les réseaux de résistance, la recherche d’un terrain propice aux expériences amènent un ancien ministre de la Reconstruction, Eugène Claudius-Petit, déjà député, à briguer le poste de maire. Elu en 1953, il lance très rapidement une vaste opération de rénovation et de restructuration de la cité. Alors que les grands ensembles fleurissent dans les banlieues des grandes villes, il impulse un programme de ce type dans une cité de 25 000 habitants. Il fait appel à une équipe resserrée d’amis architectes, Roux, Sive, Delfante pour concevoir un nouveau quartier suivant les idées de la Charte d’Athènes, Firminy-Vert. Opération de secteur industrialisé, le chantier est aussi un modèle d’industrialisation et de préfabrication. La construction de plus de 1000 logements est lancée et a pour ambition d’offrir aux locataires une nouvelle manière d’habiter génératrice d’une nouvelle société. Architecture, urbanisme, sont mis au service d’une renaissance de la cité. Bâtissant un quartier ils incluent dans le projet des équipements collectifs : écoles, commerces, stade et même une maison de la Culture. Le Corbusier est invité et conçoit pour cette cité une Maison de la Culture, un stade, une unité d’habitation et une église dont le chantier, étalé sur plus de 30 ans, vient de connaître son achèvement offrant à la cité une reconnaissance patrimoniale internationale. La communauté rêvée et attendue dans cet habitat moderne laisse place à la communauté réelle qui s’approprie et transforme ce quartier trop souvent oublié. / Firminy a small mining community in the outskirts of Saint-Etienne (France) at the end of WW2 is no different from most industrial cities, the stigma of poverty, human misery, overcrowded and unplanned developments are everywhere. Eugene Claudius Petit, in charge of the post war country rebuilding effort will leverage its connections with the best town planners and Architects to launched some new architectural and planning developments in Firminy, a City were he has been elected mayor in 1953. The renewal and redevelopment endeavor is mimicking in a city of just 25 thousand inhabitants, the projects that at a much broader scale flourish throughout the continent. But the project is also sticking by Eugene Claudius Petit to recruit the best architects and town planner of the time. Roux, Selfante and Sive will help red-define the entire city based on the 95-point program of the Athens chart. Firminy-Vert will also prove to be the perfect model and case study for new building methods experiments and the use of prefabricated element in particular. One thousand accomodations are completed, offering as much useful amenities as possible is a key element in order to create a new way of living, even a new sense of community and society. Architects, town planners are working together to rebuild, regenerate, hoping for a complete Renaissance. Public amenities such as a sport center, a cultural and communities center, a church (which as just been completed 30 years after the ground breaking and give the opportunity for this now coherent development to be world heritage. The idealistic community comes to live translated into a very real community that generates life in a neighborhood too often undervalued and almost forgotten.

Conditions d’articulation urbanisme-transports : le cas de l’agglomération d’Alger

Meguittif, Salim 08 1900 (has links)
L’articulation de l’urbanisme et des transports s’est imposée comme une question centrale dans la sphère des planifications à incidences spatiales. Le développement durable comme concept cadre a mis en relief cette problématique dont les enjeux décident de la qualité de vie urbaine au quotidien. Les objectifs de cette articulation coïncident avec la maitrise de l’étalement urbain et le report modale de la voiture vers le transport collectif. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, la cohérence des planifications respectives et de leur mise en œuvre doit être assurée. Ce qui appelle à remplir des conditions technico-politiques et organisationnelles. L’agglomération d’Alger présente dans ce cadre, un cas d’étude idéal pour l’évaluation du degré d’articulation urbanisme-transports de par les caractéristiques de son développement urbanistique et infrastructurel de transport collectif. / The articulation of urban planning and transport has become a central issue in the sphere of planning a space implications. Sustainable development as a concept framework has highlighted this problem whose stakes decide the quality of urban life on a daily basis. The objectives of this articulation coincide with the master of urban sprawl and the postponement of the modal car to public transport. To achieve these objectives, the coherence of planning responsibilities and their implementation must be ensured. What appeals to satisfy conditions techno-political and organizational. The city of Algiers in this framework, is an ideal case study for evaluating the degree of articulation-urban transport by the characteristics of its urban development and infrastructural public transportation.

Bruit et urbanisme : Une approche juridique / Noise and Town Planning : A Legal Approach

Cochet, Caroline 07 March 2014 (has links)
De plus en plus, le bruit est considéré comme une véritable pollution. dans le passé, les carrioles, les sabots des chevaux sur les pavés causaient déjà des nuisances aux habitants des villes. dès le xixe siècle, l'évolution de l'industrialisation entraîna une augmentation de la machinerie, qui ne fit qu'augmenter les nuisances sonores. aujourd'hui, le bruit est la cause de nombreuses plaintes. en conséquence, réduire la pollution sonore est devenu une question majeure du fait de ses effets sur la santé humaine. le bruit peut affecter le sommeil, le système cardiovasculaire, le système cérébral, particulièrement le développement cérébral des enfants. il peut causer des déficiences mentales, des problèmes de concentration et des pertes de mémoire. c'est un problème de santé publique. mais le bruit peut aussi entraîner la commission de crimes ou de suicides ! c'est aussi une question d'ordre public.en france, il existe certains dispositifs juridiques de contrôle des émissions sonores et de lutte contre les nuisances, particulièrement depuis la loi « bruit » de 1992. diverses dispositions ont été codifiées dans le code de l'environnement, les classant en fonction des différentes sources de bruit, mais aussi dans d'autres codes, notamment le code de l'urbanisme. il existe une police environnementale du bruit dont le maire et le préfet sont les deux autorités compétentes. tous ces moyens permettent de pallier les problèmes dûs au bruit à court ou à moyen terme.cependant, aujourd'hui, au regard de la préoccupation de développement durable, il convient de penser aux générations futures et de mettre en place des nouveaux moyens de régulation de la pollution sonore, à long terme. le droit de l'urbanisme apparaît comme le moyen privilégié d'atteindre ce but. le bruit pourrait être régulé par une utilisation plus rationnelle des sols… le but de ma recherche est d'analyser quel type de relation existe entre droit du bruit et droit de l'urbanisme et de mettre en évidence vers quelle forme d'urbanisme la société évolue sous l'influence combinée de l'écologie et de la question sonore, notamment à travers les objectifs posés par le grenelle de l'environnement et les lois adoptées en conséquence. / Noise is considered as a real pollution for the quality of life. Law has been requested to respond the multi-form cases of noise pollution. The matter is firstly the concern of environmental law. It is especially treated in a sectorial way. Town planning law also seizes the question, in a diffuse way, as environmental issue, or in a specific way when noise pollutions are directly caused by the use of grounds.However, under the influence of more and more pervasive environmental law, and further to the new legislation resulting from the Grenelle of the environment, town planning law underwent a deep transformation. It has been rewritten on the basis of new environmental objectives and of sustainable development. Town planning law also absorbs many other juridical sectors. Therefore it appears as a global space law and living environment law, allowing to improve the sound context.The perception of noise has changed, as well as its consideration into town planning law. Town planning law can be considered as a favorable measure to develop a more global and unified approach of the very composite legal system against noise pollution.The study of the relationship between noise and town planning highlights new manners to consider noise into space and living environment, differently from the classic approach imposed by environmental law.

La légitimité des parties prenantes dans l'aménagement des villes : éthique de la conduite des projets urbains

Viel, Laurent 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.

La protection juridique de l’environnement urbain au Niger : le cas de Niamey / The legal protection of the urban environment in Niger : the case of Niamey

Abba Souleymane, Aïssata 21 January 2015 (has links)
Pour certains, liés au sous-développement, pour d’autres, rattachés béatement à la longue marche vers l’industrialisation, les problèmes d’environnement et d’urbanisation s’imposent, de par leur acuité, à toutes les « consciences ». La dégradation de l’environnement urbain est indéniable. Toutefois, quand ils ne sont pas inexistants, la juridicisation des préoccupations de l’environnement urbain et le discours politique se montrent impotents. Le Niger, à l’instar de toute l’Afrique, invite à vouer sa lucidité à une réflexion : comment régir l’urbanisation et assurer un environnement sain et de qualité ? Ainsi, la protection juridique de l’environnement urbain au Niger renvoie à l’analyse des problèmes d’urbanisation et des préoccupations d’environnement, eu égard à la mise en œuvre du droit. Dans la ville de Niamey, les atteintes à l’environnement, bien connues, offrent un « spectacle » de désolation, affectant insidieusement la nature et la vie. Elles menacent la santé des populations, tout en contribuant à engendrer la perte de la qualité de vie. A la croisée des enjeux socio-économiques, les prescriptions juridiques en matière de protection et d’amélioration du cadre de vie sont difficilement applicables. Les divergences politico-institutionnelles, les conflits de lois, la permanence des droits traditionnels et la pesanteur découlant de certaines pratiques culturelles sont à l’origine d’une complexité, que révèlent les limites du système juridique de protection du milieu urbain. Notre présente production ambitionne d’analyser le droit et les principes qui régissent le développement urbain et les préoccupations de l’environnement à travers l’évolution de la protection de l’environnement urbain dans la ville de Niamey, tout en situant la place accordée à la protection de l’environnement dans les politiques publiques. / For some, related to the underdevelopment, for others, attached blissfully to long walk towards the industrialisation, the problems of environment and urbanisation are essential, from their acuity, with all the “consciences”. The degradation of the urban environment is undeniable. , when they are not non-existent, the juridicisation of the concerns of the urban environment and the political discourse show cripples. Niger, following the example of all Africa, invites to dedicate its clearness with a reflection: how to govern the urbanisation and to ensure a healthy environment and of quality ? Thus, the legal protection of the urban environment in Niger returns to the analysis of the problems of urbanisation and the concerns of environment, in view of the implementation of the right. In the town of Niamey, the attacks with the environment, well-known, offer a “show” of desolation, insidiously affecting nature and the life. They threaten pubic health, while contributing to generate the loss of quality of life. With the crossing of the socio-economic challenges, the legal regulations protection improvement of living environment are not easily applicable. The politico-institutional divergences, the conflicts of laws, the permanence of the traditional rights and gravity rising from some practical cultural are at the origin of a complexity, which reveals the limits of the legal system of protection of urban environment. Our present production aims to analyze the right and the principles which govern the developement urban and the concerns of the environment through the evolution of environmental protection urban in the town of Niamey, while locating the place of environmental protection in the public policies.

Pěší pohyb ve struktuře města / Pedestrian movement in the city structure

Dokoupilová Pazderková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The city was from the past the place where people were meeting together, living and creating together. Therefore the role of individuals – city inhabitants should growth in today´s anonymus times. The role of pedestrian as individual enabling direct contact face to face, individual communicating with surroundings, is becoming essential part of „vivid“ city. In order the city to be functional, it is necessary to concentrate human beings and events, only then the city is becoming city of people, city of place, city of moment. The difinition of city sustainability and viability should be measured by city capability to provide quality life conditions to its inhabitants. It includes mainly high quality of natural and artificial environments, good life and working conditions, people rights for housing, working, social service and infrastructure. It should also protect cultural identity of the city and allow the possibility to participace in the city decision-making. Line traffic influences in a large scale accruing Urban Sprawl, forms large transport distances and increases the transport necessity mostly by private cars. It is important to make efficient planning with the politics of innovating traffic systems, which will be able to reduce the transport needs. For the city sustainability we can claim that the pedestrian transport has the contribution in restricting the suburbanization, in recuding the portion of motor vehicles and in restricting the risks of spatial segregation. It is necessary to create cities where people can get around and meet, where different forms and functions are mixed together in that way, that there will be no abandon city centres and no monofunctional zones. It is importnat to rely on principle that the streets are a social space. No only a traffic space, but also a social space. To design quality system of connected, function and safe pedestrian roads between residential buildings and local destinations, so the buildings can offer views to the streets which increases not only the safety, but especially connects course of events of these two worlds. To forms vivid, vibrant city, where the pedestrian movement is the interlinking element in between constantly developing town and preserving the life inside the town, is an immense challenge to all of us.

Bučovice - obytná lokalita Za zámkem / Bučovice - residential area Za zámkem

Jetelina, Martin January 2019 (has links)
UP Zavody Bucovice was a an important furniture company in Czechoslovakia. At the end of the 20th century, production in Bucovice was terminated and the abandoned site became the largest brownfield area in the city. In early 2018, the city bought the land and began demolition of the existing production facilities and buildings. The new city district will be created after demolition. The new area will offer significant urban development potential of the city of Bucovice.

Em defesa do planejamento urbano: ressonâncias britânicas e a trajetória de Harry James Cole / In defense of the urban planning: britain ressonances and the trajectory of Harry James Cole

Lucchese, Maria Cecilia 15 June 2009 (has links)
Apresentamos nesse trabalho a trajetória profissional do arquiteto carioca Harry James Cole, que se formou na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Brasil, no Rio de Janeiro, em 1954 e trabalhou como arquiteto e urbanista até 1980. Cole fez um curso de especialização em planejamento urbano na Inglaterra e nesse período também trabalhou no Departamento de Arquitetura do London County Council. Essa experiência marcou profundamente seus trabalhos profissionais, que apresentam fortes ressonâncias do urbanismo inglês. Atuando profissionalmente no Brasil Cole foi partícipe de importantes acontecimentos no campo do planejamento urbano no Brasil entre 1957 e 1973, como a construção de Brasília, a implementação dos planos de desenvolvimento integrado e a concepção do Programa Cura, além de ter elaborado inúmeros trabalhos urbanísticos em seu escritório, o HJ Cole Arquitetos + Associados S/C Ltda até o final dos anos 70. / In this thesis we show Harry James Cole\'s professional life, a carioca architect who graduated at Faculdade de Arquitetura of Universidade do Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro, in 1954 and who worked as an architect and urban planner until 1980. Cole did a course of specialization in town planning in England and in that period he also worked in the London County Council Architecture Department. This experience deeply affected in his professional life and his works show a strong inspiration in the town planning lessons. Working professionally in Brazil Cole took part in the most important brazilian urban planning events between 1957 and 1973, as the construction of Brasília, the implementation of the comprehensive local urban planning and the conception of the Cura Programme, besides having done several urban planning jobs in his office, the HJ Cole Arquitetos + Associados S/C Ltda until the end of 1970.

Die Vertriebenenstädte – zwischen Altlasten und Neubeginn

Würnstl, Barbara 17 July 2019 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht fünf nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs auf dem Gelände ehemaliger NS-Rüstungswerke gegründete Siedlungen von Flüchtlingen und Vertriebenen in Bayern. Die Werke waren zwar nach Kriegsende durch Reparationsentnahmen und partielle Sprengungen nicht vollumfänglich erhalten, im zerstörten Nachkriegsdeutschland jedoch willkommenes Siedlungsland. Zudem waren sie erst einige Jahre zuvor nach den Kriterien moderner Infrastrukturplanung gebaut worden. Entgegen der Verordnung der US-Militärregierung einer gestreuten Unterbringung der Flüchtlinge und Vertriebenen und der später üblichen Praxis der Niederlassung in bestehenden Städten, entstanden hier in der Folge aus unterschiedlichen Gründen neue, eigenständige Gemeinden (und später Städte): Geretsried, Neutraubling, Traunreut und Waldkraiburg. Einzig Neugablonz erhielt den Status eines Stadtteils von Kaufbeuren. Allerdings hatte hier die Idee der Neuansiedlung einer ganzen Stadt – des nordböhmischen Gablonz – den Ausschlag gegeben und zu einer in diesem Sinne geschlossenen Siedlungseinheit geführt. Da die genannten Ansiedlungen als Neugründungen aus der Praxis des bundesdeutschen Wiederaufbaus herausfielen und städtebaulich wie integrationsgeschichtlich eine Laborsituation darstellten, wurden sie in der vorliegenden Arbeit auf der Ebene der Raum- und Stadtplanung, der Architektur und des öffentlichen Raums in Bezug zum Wiederaufbau und zur Flüchtlings- und Vertriebenenintegration untersucht. Im Ergebnis ließen sich zentrale Facetten dieser beiden Kernthemen der frühen Bundesrepublik in den Vertriebenenstädten wie in einem Brennglas gebündelt identifizieren, bei denen gerade die Aspekte Kontinuität und Neuorientierung eine zentrale Rolle spielen. / This work examines five settlements of German refugees and displaced persons which were founded after the end of the Second World War on the site of former Nazi armament factories in Bavaria. Although the factories were not fully preserved due to reparations reclamation and partial demolition for demilitarization purposes, they were still a welcome opportunity for settlement in a shattered post-war Germany. They had, furthermore, only been built a few years earlier and adhered to the most up-to-date standards of infrastructure planning. Contrary to the US military government's decree that refugees and displaced persons should be distributed throughout the country and the later common practice of settlement in existing cities, for various reasons new, independent communities emerged: Geretsried, Neutraubling, Traunreut and Waldkraiburg. Neugablonz alone was incorporated as a district into the existing town of Kaufbeuren, nevertheless it had been the idea of resettling an entire town - Gablonz in North Bohemia– which had provided the impetus for this new community and which therefore had led to the creation of a self-contained settlement in this sense. As these settlements, being newly founded municipalities, were exceptions to typical reconstruction practice in West Germany and therefore represented, as it were, ‘laboratory conditions' for the study of city planning and integration, they were examined in terms of spatial and urban planning as well as architecture and public space in relation to the reconstruction and integration of refugees and displaced persons. As a result, this study brings some key themes of the former Federal Republic into sharp focus, of which the aspects of continuity and reorientation play a central role.

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