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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Papperslösa afghaners livssituation i Sverige och deras syn på återvändande till hemlandet : En kvalitativ studie om ensamkommande, unga afghaner / Unaccompanied young undocumented Afghans' living situation in Sweden and their view of returning to their homeland

Wali, Khalil R January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the life situation of unaccompanied young Afghans as undocumented after rejection of their asylum application by deportation decision. Another purpose was to investigate the factors behind their migration and view of returning to their homeland. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four unaccompanied undocumented Afghans. The results showed that all respondents who live irregularly in the country have no intention of returning to their homeland voluntarily. They have all experienced homelessness and problems with their livelihood. Three respondents have worked illegally with poor wage conditions. Recently, all respondents have received help with accommodation and food from voluntary organizations. The respondents hope that they will have the opportunity to submit new asylum applications after their fingerprints disappear from the Swedish Migration Board's computer system. Their attitude towards non-voluntary return is based on feelings of fear and threats and lack of future in their homeland. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka ensamkommande unga afghaners livssituation som papperslösa efter avslag på asylansökan med utvisningsbeslut. Ytterligare ett syfte var att undersöka vilka faktorer som låg bakom deras flykt/migration samt deras syn på återvändandet till hemlandet. Semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med fyra ensamkommande papperslösa afghaner. Resultatet visade att samtliga respondenter som lever irreguljärt i landet inte har någon avsikt att återvända till hemlandet frivilligt. De har alla upplevt hemlöshet och problem med sin försörjning. Tre respondenter har arbetat svart med dåliga lönevillkor för att försörja sig. På senare tid har samtliga respondenter fått hjälp med boendeplats och mat från frivilligorganisationer. Respondenterna hoppas på att de ska få möjlighet att lämna nya asylansökningar till Migrationsverket efter att deras fingeravtryck försvinner från Migrationsverkets datasystem. Respondenternas inställning till icke frivilligt återvändande har en grund i att de känner rädsla och hot samt att de inte ser någon framtid i hemlandet.

Victims by default: producing asylum narratives of adolescent girls

Moustaka, Dimitra January 2021 (has links)
This research focuses on unaccompanied or separated adolescent girls who have survived gender-based violence and have sought asylum in Greece. It seeks to explore the interpretations and identities that asylum and psychosocial professionals assign to the girls and to research whether and how the process of the asylum interview may shape the narrative of violence and victimhood of the girls and predefine their self-representation.  The research draws from different theoretical frameworks in exploring the power of the state as reflected in the official discourses on vulnerability and the legal processes of granting asylum; the stereotypical ideations of victimhood and the gendered character it often entails; the intersection of gender, age, migration, and the lived experience of violence.  Two methodological approaches are implemented; semi-structured interviews conducted with five professionals and autoethnography. The data from the interviews were thematically codified and analyzed, while the autoethnographic data fed the construction of two case studies. The recurring themes identified commonly shape a set of concluding remarks and make apparent the need for further research in the field.

Stödboende - Ny boendeform för ensamkommande ungdomar : En väg till integration? / Support housing - New form of housing for unaccompanied youth : A way to integrate?

Wilén, Marie-Louise January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka och förstå de faktorer som kan har betydelse för hur ensamkommandeunga vuxna som bor på stödboende integreras in i det svenska samhället och i vilken utsträckning boendefor-men har relevans i den processen. Ensamkommande barn/ungdomar som jag i uppsatsen hädanefter förkortarEKB och EKU, vilket är en allmän vedertagen benämning inom socialtjänsten. När ensamkommande barnfyller 16 år så anses de vara unga vuxna och därmed redo för att bo på stödboende.För att kunna svara på syftet har jag valt att använda mig av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer där sexensamkommande unga vuxna, som idag bor på stödboende, har fått dela med sig av sina personliga upplevel-ser av den processen. Det resultat som har framkommit under intervjuerna har sedan analyserats utifrån treolika teorier, social identitet, KASAM och empowerment men också tidigare forskning. Resultatet redovisasoch tolkas utifrån teorierna och till viss del tidigare forskning. / The purpose of the study is to investigate and understand the factors that may have implications for how un-accompanied young adults living in a support housing are integrated into Swedish society and the extent towhich the housing form is relevant to that process. Unaccompanied refugee children as I in this essay hereaf-ter abbreviate EKU, which is a generally accepted name in the social service. When EKU turn to 16 years,they are considered young adults and thus ready to live in supported housing.In order to be able to respond to the purpose, I have chosen to use qualitative semistructured interviews withsix unaccompanied young adults living in a support housing today, they have shared their personal experi-ences of that process. The result that has emerged from interviews has been analyzed from three differenttheories, social identity, KASAM and empowerment but also previous research. The result is presented andinterpreted based on the theories and to some extent previous research.


MONICA DE SOUSA BRAGA 26 May 2023 (has links)
[pt] Desde o início do século XX, os países da União Europeia tem sido o destino de milhares de crianças e adolescentes que chegam desacompanhados, isto é, sem a proteção de um adulto responsável por elas. Eles vêm prioritariamente da África e do Oriente Médio, através de três rotas principais, que levam à Espanha, através do Estreito de Gibraltar (Mediterrânea Ocidental), à Itália (Mediterrânea Oriental), e à Grécia e Bálcãs (Fronteira Ocidental). O principal objetivo do presente estudo é analisar as políticas públicas de acolhimento e proteção de menores migrantes que chegam desacompanhados à Espanha e à França e sua conformidade com os principais instrumentos internacionais e europeus de proteção às crianças e aos imigrantes. Também é analisado o papel da sociedade civil tanto no suporte ao acolhimento e integração de menores imigrantes desacompanhados, como na defesa seus direitos através de campanhas de advocacy. / [en] Since the beginning of the 20th century, European Union countries have been the destination of thousands of children and adolescents who arrive unaccompanied without the protection of an adult. They come primarily from Africa and the Middle East through three main routes, which lead to Spain, across the Straits of Gibraltar (Western Mediterranean), Italy (Eastern Mediterranean), and Greece and the Balkans (Western Border). This study aims to analyse public policies for the reception and protection of migrant minors who arrive unaccompanied in Spain and France and their compliance with international and European principles for protecting children and immigrants. The role of civil society in supporting unaccompanied minors reception and integration and defending their rights through advocacy campaigns is also explored.

Arbete och emotioner - en studie av HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Najafi, Madeleine, Sonesson, Josefin January 2017 (has links)
I media skrivs det om osäkerhet, hot och våld bland både boende och personal påsvenska HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Att arbeta med personer som harerfarit traumatiska händelser har visat sig ha en stor känslomässig påverkan på enindivid. Vi upplever att detta borde ha ökat forskningsintresset för HVB-personalensmående och inte enbart de boendes. Syftet med studien är därför att analysera denemotionella utmaning som möter personal i arbetet på HVB-hem. I studien behandlar vifrågor om hur de anställda arbetar och påverkas i arbetet med ensamkommandeflyktingbarn, samt på vilket sätt de hanterar känslor som uppstår i arbetet. Studien harutgått från en kvalitativ metodansats med sex ostrukturerade intervjuer med personersom arbetar eller har arbetat på HVB-hem i Skåne. Teorin i studien är baserad påGoffmans dramaturgiska teori, Hochschilds emotionssociologi och empowermentbegreppet.Studiens resultat visar att personalen utsätts för en omfattande känslomässigpåverkan i arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Personalen på HVB-hemmenpåverkas i såväl positiv som negativ bemärkelse, till följd av ett emotionelltengagemang som uppstår i arbete med de boende. Personalen beskriver ävensvårigheterna med att lyckas släppa arbetet när de kommer hem och hur de hade önskatmer emotionellt stöd. För att kunna hantera emotionerna i och utanför arbetet ärmodifiering av känslor inte ovanligt. / The media writes about insecurity, threats and violence amongst residents andemployees within residential care homes (HVB) for unaccompanied refugee children inSweden. Working with people who have endured traumatic experiences has shown tohave a profound emotional impact on an individual. This, in our opinion, should haveraised the interest in researching the well-being of the employees. The aim of this studyis therefore to analyse the emotional challenge facing the care home employees in theirwork. We examine how care home employees work, are affected by work, and in whatway the employees manage their emotions arising from work. A qualitative method waschosen, containing six unstructured interviews with people who work or have worked atcare homes for unaccompanied refugee children in Skåne. The theoretical concepts usedin this study are based on Goffman’s dramaturgy, Hochschild’s emotion sociology andthe empowerment concept. The study shows that due to an emotional commitment, thecare home employees are highly emotionally affected by working with unaccompaniedrefugee children, in a both positive and a negative sense. The study also shows that theemployees have difficulties leaving their professional life at work, and that they wishfor more emotional support. Modification of emotions is not an unusual method inmanaging emotions inside and outside of the workplace.

How do Pre-migration, Migration, and Post-migration Factors Influence the Mental Health and Well-being of Syrian and Somali Unaccompanied Minors in Sweden During the Asylum-seeking Process? : A Qualitative Exploration

Abdirahman, Hibo January 2023 (has links)
The on-going conflicts and hardships in various parts of the world, especially in theMiddle East and regions like Syria and Somalia, have triggered a significant wave ofmigration towards Europe. A considerable fraction of these migrants comprisesunaccompanied minors. This research study aims to explore how pre-migration,migration, and post-migration factors influence the mental health and well-being ofSyrian and Somali unaccompanied minors in Sweden during the asylum-seekingprocess. The study is qualitative in nature, employing six in-depth semi-structuredinterviews as its primary data collection method. Using the frameworks of the Senseof Coherence theory and coping theory, the research delves into the challengesunaccompanied minors encounter during the asylum process and the subsequentimpacts on their mental health. The findings suggest that the asylum-seeking processsignificantly impacts the mental health of unaccompanied minors, eliciting mentalhealth issues such as depression, anxiety, and feelings of uncertainty and insecurity.These influences are not confined to mental well-being alone but also permeate otheraspects of their lives. This study therefore highlights the necessity of acknowledgingand addressing the complex link between the asylum-seeking process and mentalhealth among unaccompanied minors.

A qualitative study on professionals’ perception of unaccompanied minors’ uniqueness and its impact on drug prevention

Hoffren, Amelie January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores how professionals working with unaccompanied minors (UM) perceive the uniqueness of this group in relation to substance use and prevention. Findings from the study suggest that professionals’ perceptions of UM’s uniqueness could be divided into five themes: financial situation; age; contact persons and authorities; prolonged waits at the migration agency; and access to health care. Drug use among UM was either perceived to be a result of the difficult experiences they have lived through or something that only certain (deviant) youth engage in. How professionals perceived the vulnerability and oppression of UM correlated with the attempts and efforts they made in providing preventative work against drugs. In terms of treatment, it was perceived as UM either got into treatment more easily compared to others, or that they faced various barriers. It is suggested that the additional barriers may be increasingly more evident after the UM’s 18th birthday.

The Madrigal Compositions of Bohuslav Martinů

Simon, Robert C. 05 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

International refugee law in Europe and the temporary relocation scheme : on durable solutions for the refugee child during the refugee crisis

Difford, Crystal 07 May 2018 (has links)
This study explores the international obligations of the European Union to the unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee child. In doing so, it involves an investigation into the concept and content of durable solutions for the refugee child. As such, it analyses the effect of the temporary European relocation scheme in the search for durable solutions. To that end, it engages a comprehensive explanation of the relevant refugee law, the law of the rights of the child and the European legislative framework governing the reception and protection of refugees. Cumulatively, an assessment is made as to the effectiveness of the durable solutions that currently exist. This study seeks to establish whether, in an attempt to relieve the pressure from the frontline member states by creating a system for effective integration, Europe encourages the development of a children’s rights perspective and ultimately, provides a path for the unaccompanied child’s development and self-fulfilment. / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. M.

En Byråkrati i kris : En kvalitativ undersökning av en socialförvaltnings arbete med ökningen av ensamkommande barn och unga hösten 2015 / A bureaucracy during a crisis : A qualitative study of the social service work with the increase of unaccompanied children autumn 2015

Augustsson, Anton, Svensson, Filiph January 2016 (has links)
Due to on going wars and conflicts in the world, the number of people seeking asylum in other countries has increased. Including a large group of unaccompanied minors which is described as ”children who left their country without their parents or a significant other”. In 2015, nearly 35,000 unaccompanied children arrived in Sweden seeking asylum, whereupon the majority arrived in the last months of the year. The large number resulted in an extreme pressure upon the Swedish municipalities, to successfully receive all unaccompanied children. And fulfill their organizational mission according to the Swedish legislation. Therefore the purpose of the study is to establish a deeper understanding of how a social service, organizationally handled an increase in the number of unaccompanied children. A qualitative method was used, consisting semi-structured interviews with nine respondents from or related to the social services. The data of the study were analyzed using a thematic analysis, meaning a search for patterns to create themes and subthemes. The results of the study show that the increase number of unaccompanied minors were experienced and had to be handled as a crisis. The bureaucratic structure of the social service became problematic and constituted an obstacle in the efforts to receive the unaccompanied children. Including a difficulty to follow existing laws and regulations. To resolve the situation the social service had to be flexible and creative in their approach to receive the children. One conclusion is that a bureaucratic structure is not suitable in a dynamic environment that demands quick decisions and flexibility. Another conclusion is that the effort of the staff has been crucial, resolving the crisis. / Antalet människor som flyr undan krig och konflikter i världen har under den senaste tiden ökat. Av dessa människor är en stor grupp ensamkommande barn, det vill säga barn som lämnat sitt hemland utan sina föräldrar eller signifikant annan. Under 2015 anlände ca 35 000 ensamkommande barn till Sverige för att söka asyl. Majoriteten av dessa anlände under de sista månaderna på året. Det medförde ett extremt högt tryck på landets kommuner för att lyckas motta samtliga ensamkommande barn och fullfölja sitt organisatoriska uppdrag enligt den svenska lagstiftningen. Förevarande studies syfte är därmed att få en fördjupad kunskap kring hur en socialförvaltning organisatoriskt har hanterat en ökning av antalet ensamkommande barn. En kvalitativ metod har använts, bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio respondenter från eller med anknytning till socialförvaltningen. Studiens data analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys, där mönster eftersöktes och teman och subteman skapades. Resultatet av studien visar att den stora ökningen av ensamkommande barn upplevdes och fick hanteras som en krissituation. Förvaltningens byråkratiska struktur blev problematisk och utgjorde ett hinder i arbetet med att motta de ensamkommande barnen. Bland annat kunde inte befintliga lagar och regler följas. För att lösa situationen fick förvaltningen vara flexibel och kreativ i sitt arbetssätt. En slutsats är att en byråkratisk organisation inte lämpar sig för en dynamisk omvärld, som ställer krav på snabba beslut och flexibilitet. Därtill framgår att personalens insats inom socialförvaltningen var avgörande för att lösa krissituationen.

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