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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Opus 25

Bolden, Benjamin 05 1900 (has links)
Opus 25 is a collection of compositions which I created between September 1995 and April 1997. Instrumentation varies; there are works for choirs, chamber ensembles, solo voice, solo harp, solo piano, and orchestra. All the works included in this collection have been performed at some point during this same period, and recordings of these performances can be found on the accompanying cassette.

Opus 25

Bolden, Benjamin 05 1900 (has links)
Opus 25 is a collection of compositions which I created between September 1995 and April 1997. Instrumentation varies; there are works for choirs, chamber ensembles, solo voice, solo harp, solo piano, and orchestra. All the works included in this collection have been performed at some point during this same period, and recordings of these performances can be found on the accompanying cassette. / Arts, Faculty of / Music, School of / Includes 1 sound cassette / Graduate

The five anonymous sacred concertos in Levoča Ms. Mus. 13993: an analysis and critical edition

Unknown Date (has links)
by Jerry M. Cain / Typescript / Includes complete vocal and instrumental scores of 2 liturgical motets and 3 sacred concertos of the early 17th century transcribed into modern notation / For mixed voices and/or instruments / M.M. Florida State University 1994 / Compositions LE45-48, 143 in Levoča Ms. Mus. 13993; ms. of German composers, copied in organ tablature by Johannes Schimbraczky / Includes bibliographical references / Score texts in German and Latin; 2 scores are without text

Resilience in refugee children: a gestalt play therapy approach

Hoosain, Shanaaz 30 November 2007 (has links)
The aim of the research study was to explore resilience in refugee children, using a Gestalt approach to play therapy. The hypothesis, was that a Gestalt approach to play therapy could promote resilience in Refugee children. A literature review was conducted. This revealed that unaccompanied refugee children were unique because they need to deal with trauma, loss and change while having to adjust to living in a new country and many have to learn to speak a new language. The research method was a multiple case study and an intervention research model was used to implement the research. Schoeman's Working Model was used as the Gestalt play therapy approach. Attributes of resilient children were used to measure the results. The researcher concluded that play therapy with a Gestalt approach may promote resilience in refugee children because it increases the numbers of protective factors in a child's life. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Den hälsodiskursiva praktiken : En etnografisk studie av hälsofrämjande aktiviteter på ett HVB-hem

Moberg, Anna, Nilsson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
På grund av oroligheter i världen skedde under år 2015 en kraftig ökning av asylsökande, där ibland även ensamkommande barn. Ökning av ensamkommande barn medförde en boendeproblematik för Sveriges kommuner, vilket lett till behov av flertalet nyuppstartade HVB-hem. Det fanns ett intresse av att studerades hälsofrämjande aktiviteter i kontexten, detta för att förstå dem som en del av en hälsodiskursiv praktik. Detta gjordes utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande, diskurs analys samt ett helhetsperspektiv på hälsa. Därav har studien genomförts som kvalitativ studie med inspiration ifrån etnografisk forskning. Deltagande observationer utfördes vid tre tillfällen. Observationerna utfördes på två olika avdelningar på ett HVB- hem för ensamkommande pojkar. Genom ett hälsopedagogiskt perspektiv var avsikten med studien att synliggöra hälsodiskurser och dess betydelse för ungdomarnas lärande och skapande av hälsa. Kategorierna för studiens analyserade resultat återspeglar de hälsofrämjande aktiviteter som observerades. Teman för diskussionsdelen framanalyserats med utgångspunkt i studiens valda teorier och utföll i följande sex kategorier: Tidspassning, Vi och dem, Laganda och att ha trevligt ihop, Minskad förtäring av sötsaker, Regelföljning och självständighet samt Dubbla budskap. Av resultatet framkom det att den rådande hälsodiskursen tycks bygga på ett omedvetet helhetsperspektiv på hälsa. Det framkommer genom personalens utsagor att en strävans finns mot att skapa förutsättningar för att ungdomarna att utvecklas till självständiga individer, dock strider detta mot vad som kan ses i den hälsodiskursiva praktiken. Därav kan det tänkas att hälsa är ett ämne som kan behöva lyftas i praktiken. Då det var svårt att hitta relevant forskning i ämnet tycks även behov finnas av att bedriva forskning kring hur insatser på HVB-hem bör utformas för att uppnå ökad självständighet hos ungdomarna. / 2015 saw a sharp rise in unaccompanied children seeking asylum. This is due to turmoil in many parts of the world. The rise has brought housing problems for Sweden’s municipalities, with more housing and treatment facilities started as a result. A study was conducted, motivated by ethnography research. Participants were observed on three occasions, in two separate wards in a HVB resident for unaccompanied boys. Health promoting activities were observed, to gain an understanding of them for use from a pedagogic perspective. This was done using a sociocultural perspective in teaching, study analysis, as well as health in general. Through a health discourse perspective, the purpose of the study was to analyze health awareness in the children. The categories for the analysed results reflected the health promoting activities that were encouraged during the study. The study was analysed using the following six categories Punctuality, Us and them, Team spirit and getting along, Reduced sugar consumption, Following rules and independence, as well as Double standards. The results showed that the current health discourse is founded on a subconsciously overall perspective on health. Housing and HVB resident staff have the aim to create possibilities for the children to develop into independent individuals. It can be seen as a field that needs to be improved in practice, through staff education. Relevant data is lacking, further research is needed into what action is required to help the children reach independence.

Två skolklasser i månaden : En kvalitativ studie om myndigheters syn på arbetet med ensamkommande flyktingbarn som försvinner i Sverige.

Mourad, Camilla January 2017 (has links)
Since 2007, about 300 unaccompanied children have annually disappeared in Sweden. This study investigates whether authorities are aware of the problem and how they look at risks, responsibilities and causes of disappearance of unaccompanied children. This is done through a combination of text analyzes of relevant reports as well as qualitative interviews of selected social service professionals and the National Method support against prostitution and human trafficking. The empirical findings have been analyzed with the help of Michael Lipsky’s (2010) Street-Level Bureaucracy theory and Carol Bacchi’s (2009) what’s the problem represented to be – approach. There seem to be a mixed awareness amongst those who are dealing with the problem that unaccompanied refugees disappear. There seems to be, however, a national goal as well as a local interest, to improve the preventive work against the problem that unaccompanied refugee children disappear. Yet the results show that other aspects and participants are to be considered for an extensive understanding of the problem.

Le parcours de vie des enfant isolés étrangers en France : contextes et situations / The life course of unaccompanied children in France : contexts and situations

Kobanda Ngbenza, Dieudonné 13 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis la fin des années 1990, on assiste de plus en plus à l’arrivée en nombre important des enfants étrangers sur le territoire français et européen. Ils viennent de tous les continents et personne ne détient sur eux l’autorité parentale. Un phénomène sans précédent dans l’histoire de l’immigration européenne qui attise des tensions entre les pouvoirs publics et les associations de défense de droits de l’enfant. Le statut de ces mineurs isolés sur le territoire national demeure flou et leur intégration ressemble plus à ce que les associations qualifient de« parcours de combattant ». Relativement protégés par leur minorité, ils ne peuvent sereinement envisager de poursuivre ni un projet scolaire adapté, ni une insertion professionnelle fiable si leur situation administrative n’a pas été régularisée avant d’atteindre l’âge de 18 ans.En suivant le parcours institutionnel d’une dizaine des jeunes pendant près de 5 ans, cette thèse analyse le profil des jeunes migrants, les atouts et écueils de leur prise en charge dans une société d’accueil en pleine mutation législative, institutionnelle et sociétale. L’étude reconstitue, questionne et analyse les enjeux de parcours et de construction de vie pour les mineurs d’une part, les défis d’accompagnement de ce public pour les acteurs sociaux et institutionnels de l’autre. Enfin, cette thèse interroge et analyse également les pratiques belges relatives à l’accueil et à la prise en charge de ces enfants, permettant ainsi une comparaison des réponses apportées par les deux pays à la situation de ce public / Since the end of the 1990’s, we more and more attend to the arrival in huge numbers of foreign children on the French and European territory. They come from all continents and no one detains on them parental authority. An unprecedent phenomenon in the European immigration history which whips up tensions between authorities and defence associations of children’s rights.The status of these isolated minors on the national territory remains fuzzy and their integration is like more of what is qualified as an « obstacle course » by the associations. Relatively protected by their minority, they can’t ensure positively to carry on with neither an appropriate school project, nor a reliable professional insertion if their administrative situation hasn’t been regularised before they turn age 18. By following the institutional path of about ten youths for nearly 5 years, this thesis analyses the profile of young migrants, assets and pitfalls taken care in a society in legislative, institutional and societal transition.The study reconstructs, questions and analyses path’s stakes and life construction for minors on one hand, support challenges of this population for social actors and institutionals on the other hand. In short, this thesis interrogates and analyses too Belgian practices relating to receiving and caring for these children, thus enabling a comparison with answers brought by both countries to the situation of this public.

"Outside I´m smiling, but inside I´m crying." : En kunskapsöversikt av faktorer som påverkar de asylsökande barnen

Larsson, Ulrika, Eriksson, Margaretha January 2012 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att klargöra och redovisa för de främjande och försämrande faktorer som är betydelsefulla för asylsökande barns psykosociala välmående. Enligt vår förförståelse som vi erhållit genom arbetslivserfarenhet och utbildning lever de asylsökande barnen under svåra omständigheter och vi ansåg det viktigt att undersöka de påverkande faktorerna. Den metod som användes var en kunskapsöversikt som tolkades hermeneutiskt. Kunskapsöversikten baserades på 10 primärstudier och resultaten visade på följande främjande faktorer; skola, föräldrar/familj, adekvat information gällande beslutsprocessen, en väl fungerande barnpsykiatrisk vård, sociala nätverk och fritidsaktiviteter. De försämrande faktorerna var; bristfällig information och lång väntan under asylprocessen, föräldrars ohälsa, okunskap hos professionella om barnens lagstadgade rättigheter samt osäkra boendevillkor. Studiens resultat analyserades utifrån teorin Känsla av sammanhang. Resultatet ligger i linje med tidigare forskning. / "Outside I´m smiling, but inside I´m crying" - A litterary review of factors affecting the asylum seeking children´s psychosocial health. The study´s purpose was to examine the promoting and detoriating factors that are of importance for the psychosocial well-being of children seeking asylum. According to our prior understanding which we have acquired through working experience and education the asylum seeking children lives under difficult circumstances. We therefor considered it important to investigate the factors that are influencing the children. The method used was a review of the litterature which was interpreted hermeneutically. The review was based on 10 primary studies and results showed promoting factors as; school, parents/family, adequate information regarding the decision-making, a well-functioning child mental health service, social networks and leisure activities. The deteriorative factors were; lack of information and delays during the asylum process, parents´illness, ignorance among professionals about children´s legal rights and unsafe housing conditions. Our results were analysed based on the theory Sense of coherence. The results are in line with previous research.


DE MICHELI, MICHELA LUNELLA 16 March 2010 (has links)
Nella presente ricerca, che unisce metodologie di tipo sia qualitativo che quantitativo, vengono approfonditi alcuni fattori di rischio potenziale per i “minori stranieri non accompagnati”, in riferimento alle variabili di accentuato svantaggio che caratterizzano il percorso migratorio e i processi di integrazione di questi adolescenti. / In Italy the number of foreign adolescents who experienced the event of unaccompanied migration is constantly and continuously increasing.The research goal was to assess how the early unaccompanied experience of migration, characterized by difficult conditions such as the absence of parents and/or family mandate, influenced the Self representations in autobiographical narrations, depression levels, coping strategies and ethnic identity. And the broad normative-institutional context in which several social-justice workers play a role in the process of protection and custody as well.

Volume I. The construction of motion graphics scores Volume II. Seven motion graphics scores /

Behnen, Severin Hilar. Behnen, Severin Hilar. Behnen, Severin Hilar. Behnen, Severin Hilar. Behnen, Severin Hilar. Behnen, Severin Hilar. Behnen, Severin Hilar. Behnen, Severin Hilar. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, Los Angeles, 2008. / CD-ROM entitled "The motion graphics scores of Severin Behnen" includes the animated scores. Includes bibliographical references (v. 1, leaves 138-142).

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