Spelling suggestions: "subject:"unfair"" "subject:"manfair""
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La notion de clause abusive : au sens de l’article L. 132-1 du Code de la consommation / The notion of unfair terms : within the meaning of Article L. 132-1 of the French Consumer CodePeglion-Zika, Claire-Marie 13 December 2013 (has links)
La législation sur les clauses abusives, issue de l’article L. 132-1 du Code de la consommation, est d’application quotidienne. La notion de clause abusive n’en demeure pas moins confuse. Il est vrai que trente-cinq années d’applications erratiques ont contribué à la rendre peu accessible et peu prévisible, ce qui nuit à la sécurité juridique. Pour restaurer cette notion, une double démarche s’impose. Il faut, d’abord, la délimiter afin de réserver son application uniquement aux personnes qui méritent d’être protégées contre les clauses abusives et aux seules stipulations qui créent véritablement un déséquilibre significatif entre les droits et obligations des parties au contrat. La notion de clause abusive apparaît alors comme un mécanisme destiné à sanctionner les abus de la liberté contractuelle dans les contrats de consommation. Il faut, ensuite, procéder à l’identification de la notion de clause abusive en cherchant à définir et à caractériser le standard du déséquilibre significatif, notamment à l’aune des critères dégagés de la pratique. Chemin faisant, la notion de clause abusive s’impose comme une notion incontournable du droit de la consommation et, plus largement du droit des contrats, notamment en ce qu’elle participe au renouveau de la théorie générale du contrat. / The legislation on unfair terms set out by Article L. 132-1 of the French Consumer Code is applied on a daily basis. The notion of unfair terms nevertheless remains unclear. Thirty-five years of inconsistent and erratic application have indeed contributed to making this legislation inaccessible and difficult to predict, thereby damaging legal security. The reinforcement of this notion necessitates a two-pronged approach. First of all, the concept must be delimited in order to restrict application solely to those individuals requiring protection against unfair terms and only to those terms that genuinely do generate a material imbalance between the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract. The notion of unfair terms then becomes a mechanism aimed at sanctioning abuses of contractual freedom in consumer agreements. The concept must then be identified, by seeking to define and characterize the standard of material imbalance, in particular against the yardstick of criteria generated by practical application. In doing so, the notion of unfair terms becomes a central notion of consumer law and, more widely, of contract law, in particular with regard to its participation in the renewal of general contract theory.
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Alternativní způsoby řešení sporů o doménová jména / Alternative dispute resolution for domain namesGongol, Tomáš January 2005 (has links)
The thesis in its theoretical part deals with problem of a domain name and alternative dispute resolution definitions. The view on the domain name definition is described both in Czech legal order and the international context. Rules of registration and using domain names are defined not only by the state law but also and above all by private rules formed by generic and country code top level domain administrators. Analyses of these legal sources and theirs comparison is necessary presumption for legal discretion of further development. Missing legal definition causes many problems which are shown in the context of concrete court and administrative decisions in the Czech Republic. Especially important are relations between domain names and trade marks, trade names, right to protection of person and the law of unfair competition. For definition of an alternative dispute resolution a special method of Aristoteles' logical square was used and applied on conditions of disputes resolution. The object of interest in the second practical part of the thesis is a legal regulation of .eu domain names. After necessary definition of legal sources, especially on secondary law level of the European Community, follows in practical part analysis of decisions concerning .eu domain name disputes issued by alternative procedure provided by the Czech Arbitration Court attached to the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic, in the year of 2007. Essential part of this analysis is formation of domain name "case law".
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Aquisição por companhias abertas de ações de sua própria emissão / Purchase, by publicly held companies, of its own sharesCodorniz, Gabriela Bonini 23 May 2013 (has links)
A aquisição por companhias abertas de ações de sua própria emissão no Brasil constitui o núcleo de estudo desta dissertação. Também referida como recompra de ações, trata-se de operação comumente realizada por sociedades anônimas, principalmente por companhias abertas, tendo em vista os possíveis benefícios na organização da estrutura de capital da companhia, conciliados com a variedade de motivações para sua utilização. O trabalho aborda, inicialmente, o tratamento legal conferido às operações realizadas por companhias abertas e fechadas, em especial pela Lei no 6.404, de 15 de dezembro de 1976. Além da definição das operações e sua evolução legislativa, são analisadas as principais causas que levam uma sociedade anônima a adquirir ações de sua própria emissão, assim como os negócios jurídicos passíveis de realização para que uma aquisição se concretize, além do aproveitamento a ser conferido pela companhia para as ações recompradas quando estas não forem canceladas, poderão ser mantidas em tesouraria na qualidade de bens de titularidade da companhia. O estudo também dedica-se à análise específica da aquisição de ações de emissão própria por companhias abertas, sob o foco do regramento expedido pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários CVM. Além dos atos normativos emanados pela autarquia, a análise enfatiza os principais interesses a serem tutelados nas operações, assim como aborda precedentes da CVM sobre o tema. / The purchase, by publicly-held companies, of its own shares in Brazil constitutes the core area of study of this dissertation. Also referred to as stock repurchase, it consists in a transaction commonly performed by corporations, mainly the publicly traded, seeking out the benefits to the organization of the companys capital structure, combined with the variety of motivations for its use. This work initially discusses the legal treatment for stock repurchases performed by publicly-held and closely held companies, in particular by Law 6404, of December 15th, 1976. In addition to the definition of the transaction, and its legal developments, this study analyzes the main causes for a corporation to buy its own shares, as well as the legal act of the acquisition per se, and the use of the repurchased shares whenever they are not canceled, such shares will be held in treasury as assets owned by the company. The study also presents the repurchase made by publicly-held companies in view of the rules issued by the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários CVM (the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission). Apart from examining CVMs regulation, the study refers to a broad variety of cases decided by CVM on the subject, and investigates the main interests involved on the transactions.
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O conteúdo deontológico da liberdade sindical e a proteção contra os atos antissindicais e antirrepresentativos / The institutional content of the freedom of association and the protection against the unfair labor practices.Ebert, Paulo Roberto Lemgruber 25 April 2016 (has links)
O direito fundamental à liberdade sindical, consagrado no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não apenas na Constituição Federal, mas também nos mais importantes Pactos Internacionais de Direiros Humanos ratificados pelo Brasil, possui, a despeito de sua conceituação aberta e aparentemente imprecisa, um conteúdo histórico-institucional que pode ser objetivamente delineado e que, por tal razão, condiciona a atuação dos órgãos estatais e dos atores particulares nas situações concretas de aplicabilidade. Demonstrar-se-á, nesse sentido, que o conteúdo institucional da liberdade sindical foi talhado não só pelo contexto fático presente no momento histórico de seu surgimento, como também pelas vicissitudes ocorridas ao longo de seu desenvolvimento espaço-temporal, de modo a ensejar como consectário lógico, dentre os diversos aspectos individuais e coletivos a ele inerentes, a tutela dos trabalhadores e de suas entidades representativas contra as condutas antissindicais e antirrepresentativas praticadas pelos empregadores, pelo Estado e pelos próprios sindicatos. Para além disso, a tese buscará elencar, de modo objetivo, (i) os sujeitos titulares da proteção contra os atos antissindicais e antirrepresentativos subjacente ao conteúdo histórico-institucional do princípio da liberdade sindical, (ii) as circunstâncias sob as quais estes últimos encontram-se amparados, (iii) os parâmetros objetivos a serem observados pelo legislador ordinário, bem como pelo Poder Judiciário e pelo Poder Executivo quando da concretização, da aplicação e da regulamentação dos dispositivos do ordenamento jurídicos a consagrarem o direito fundamental à liberdade sindical e (iv) os mecanismos de tutela de que dispõem dos trabalhadores e de suas entidades em face daquelas práticas.Ao cabo de tal análise, ter-se-á o delineamento objetivo da tutela emanada do princípio da liberdade sindical consagrado no ordenamento jurídico pátrio em relação aos atos antissindicais e antirrepresentativos passíveis de serem praticados contra os trabalhadores e suas entidades e das diretrizes a vincularem os agentes públicos na implementação prática de tal tutela. / The freedom of trade unions association, as an human right recognized by the Brazilian law not only in the text of the Federal Constitution, but also in the most important International Human Rights Conventions signed by Brazil, own, despite its open and apparently imprecise definition, an historic content that can be defined in objective lines and which terms links the public authorities and the private actors to its lines in the concrete situations. The study intend to demonstrate, on that sense, that the institutional content owned by the freedom of trade unions association was defined not only in the historical moment when these right has arrived, but also in the situations occurred during its development as an institutional right. The evolution faced by the freedom of trade unions association lead us to understand the protection of the workers and its collective bodies from the acts against the labor organization (as known as unfair labor practices) promoted by the employers, by the public authorities or by the trade unions itself as a matter inherent to these institutional right. Moreover, the study will try to describe objectively (i) the subjects of the protection against those unfair labor practices, (ii) the circumstances under which these subjects are protected, (iii) the objective terms to be followed by the authorities of the Legislative, Judiciary and Executive in the task of giving practical sense to the freedom of trade unions association as an instrument of protection against the unfair labor practices and (iv) the protection mechanisms which the law offers to the workers and its bodies in order to protect them from those unfair practices.After all, it will be possible to describe the objective terms of the protection that the freedom of trade nunions association recognized by the Brazilian law as an autonomous institution give to workers and its organizations against those unfair labor practices.
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A proteção jurídica do nome de empresa no Brasil / The tradename protection BrazilSouza, Daniel Adensohn de 12 May 2009 (has links)
O nome de empresa é um dos mais antigos sinais distintivos do empresário, remontando sua origem ao início do tráfico de mercadorias. Todavia, a proteção ao nome de empresa é problema crônico no Brasil, sendo, desde o século XIX, objeto de intensos e insolúveis debates, especialmente quanto à sua natureza, função, extensão e âmbito territorial de proteção. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é a estudar o nome de empresa à luz da hodierna legislação, doutrina e jurisprudência, analisando a problemática existente em relação à sua proteção. O trabalho é iniciado com noções propedêuticas sobre o nome, traçando a distinção entre o nome no plano pessoal e empresarial, para, então, tratar especificamente do nome de empresa, conceituando-o e definindo suas modalidades, função, natureza jurídica, regras de formação e disciplina jurídica no Brasil, desde o nascimento da proteção até o conflito com outros sinais distintivos do empresário. / The tradename is one of the most ancient distinctive sign of the entrepreneur, ascending to the beginning of commerce. Notwithstanding, the tradenames protection in Brazil is a chronic problem. Since the 19th century, the tradename was a center of insolvable discussion about its nature, function and protections extension. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the most significant features of the tradename in Brazil, taking into consideration the current doctrine, legislation and jurisprudence. This study intends to point out the conception of the name, delineating the differences between civil and tradename, as well as the notion of tradename, its species, its two functions, legal nature, standards of formation and, at last, its substantial protection in Brazil.
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L’incidence des procédés électroniques sur la formation du contrat / The impact of electronic processes on contract formationMallet, Pierre 06 March 2017 (has links)
Face à la progression accélérée du commerce électronique et surtout dans des sociétés qui ont la tendance à tout réglementer, le législateur européen et son homologue français n’ont pas tardé à intervenir pour mettre en place un cadre juridique pour le commerce électronique. L’intervention du législateur français était indispensable pour créer la confiance dans le support électronique. Ces interventions se sont poursuivies et se présentent par l’admission de la valeur probatoire du support électronique, la reconnaissance de l’écrit électronique ad validitatem ce qui permet au cyberconsommateur de conclure un contrat solennel par voie électronique. Notamment, l’acte authentique électronique. L’intervention du législateur se présente également par la reconnaissance de la signature électronique, la réglementation détaillée et précise de la période de la conclusion du contrat (l’obligation d’information, l’offre et l’acceptation), l’attribution aux cyberconsommateurs d’un droit de rétractation récemment renforcé par la loi Hamon et l’application des méthodes de la lutte contre les clauses abusives sur le contrat conclu par voie électronique. En revanche, ces interventions n’ont pas pu dissiper la méfiance dans le support électronique pour plusieurs raisons :D’abord, les sources des dispositions qui réglementent le contrat conclu par voie électronique se multiplient sans qu’il existe une vraie volonté d’articulation les unes avec les autres. Ces dispositions sont éparpillées dans le Code civil, le Code de la consommation et parfois elles ne sont pas codifiées ce qui crée un vrai désordre dans certains aspects juridique comme c’est le cas pour l’obligation d’information. Cette multiplication des sources n’aide pas le législateur à réaliser son objectif. À savoir, créer la confiance dans le support électronique.Ensuite, les dispositions concernant le contrat conclu par voie électronique sont de source communautaire. Et le droit européen ne réussit pas souvent à créer la cohérence, la simplicité et la prévisibilité dans les droits internes en raison de son caractère artificiel et la multiplication des acteurs qui participent à l’élaboration de ces droits. Le droit européen devient parfois un facteur d’inquiétude et d’incertitude.Puis, le cyberconsommateur est surprotégé dans le commerce électronique. Cette surprotection se cristallise par la multiplication de l’obligation du professionnel d’information, les mentions spéciales qui doivent être respectées dans l’offre, l’acceptation en ligne qui s’effectue sous forme assez précise, détaillée et par étapes et enfin le droit de rétractation qui a été largement étendu par la loi Hamon.Enfin, le législateur n’a pas apporté de solutions pour certaines questions dans le contrat conclu par voie électronique comme c’est le cas pour l’identité du contractant et sa capacité et le recours au droit commun du contrat n’est pas efficace parce que les solutions qu’il présent ne sont pas adéquate avec le support électroniqueDe plus, le cybercommerçant peut devenir un élément de déstabilisation du lien contractuel en ligne et donc de méfiance dans le support électronique par les clauses abusives qui peut mettre dans ses conditions générales de vente. / In the face of the rapid growth of e-commerce the European legislator and his French counterpart were proactive to intervene to put an e-commerce legal framework.The intervention of the French legislature was necessary to create confidence in the electronic support.The legislative process in France began by accepting the electronic document as evidence and recognition after that as a condition to be convened.Legislative intervention is also demonstrated by the recognition of electronic signature and the organization of the contractual process on the Internet and recognition to internet consumers their reference right and applying methods of removing unfair conditions in electronic contracts.However, these interventions did not dispel the lack of trust in electronic document for several reasons:First, sources of provisions that regulate the electronic contracts are diverse and scattered in several legislative texts where they exist in civil law, consumer law, and others where sometimes they are not codified and this creates a real mess in some of the legal aspects, as is the case for commitment to informing this diversity of sources does not help the legislature achieve its goal of creating confidence in the electronic media.Secondly, the European law is the source of contract-mail provisions, where it often fails in creating harmony and simplicity due to the diversity of actors involved in the development of these laws so that European law sometimes becomes a factor of anxiety and lack of confidence factors. E-commerce sometimes grants extra protection which crystallized through the creation of commitment to news and be overstated as it must take into account additional information in the offer and acceptance, and also through the recognition of the right of withdrawal, which has spread widely.Finally, the legislator did not provide solutions to certain issues in the electronic contract as is the case for the identity of the contractor and the eligibility to use public law rules and contracts are not effective because the solutions offered that are not often consistent with this kind of contracts
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Clauses et pratiques restrictives de concurrence / Clauses and practices restricting competitionFortunato, Aurelien 29 June 2016 (has links)
Traditionnellement, le droit prend soin de distinguer entre les clauses, parties d’un acte juridique, et les pratiques qui sont des faits juridiques. Pourtant, le droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence semble réaliser une assimilation de ces deux notions, en qualifiant de pratiques restrictives de concurrence certaines clauses. L’étude analyse cette qualification d’une clause en pratique en proposant un critère et en s’interrogeant sur ses effets : la possible contestation de clauses sur le fondement du droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence. En invitant à une réflexion sur cet aspect du droit des pratiques restrictives de concurrence, il s’agit également de s’interroger sur les finalités de cette matière, autant que sur la possibilité d’une meilleure intégration de la contestation de clauses dans un droit des pratiques commerciales déloyales entre professionnels en construction. / Generally, the law is careful to distinguish between the clauses, part of a legal act, and practices, that are legal facts. Yet, the law about restrictive competition practices seems to realise an assimilation of these two concepts, and provide the classification of a clause in restrictive competitive practice. The study analyses the classification of a clause into practice by proposing a criterion and pondering its effects: possible challenge clauses on the bases of the right of restrictive practices. By inviting a reflection on this aspect of the law of restrictive practices, it is also to question the aims of this particular law, as well as on the possibility of a better integration of the challenge clauses in a law about unfair trade practices between professionals in construction.
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Multilateralism in Anglo-American opinion and policy, 1941-1949Gardner, Richard N. January 1954 (has links)
No description available.
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Les pratiques commerciales déloyales à l'aune des droits anglo-américains : approche comparative / The European unfair commercial practices in the light of the Anglo-American laws : comparative studyFerreira, Christophe 04 December 2015 (has links)
Économiquement et politiquement, la société occidentale est menée par deux ensembles que sont l’Union européenne et les États-Unis d’Amérique. D’un point de vue juridique, cette distinction répond à une autre qu’est celle entre les États de tradition romano-germanique et ceux de common law. Aujourd’hui, cette distinction s’estompe tant ces deux systèmes juridiques se confondent. Sur la forme d’abord, les droits de common law recourent de manière croissante aux droits statutaires, et inversement les droits continentaux laissent une place grandissante à la jurisprudence et notamment à celle de la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne. Sur le fond ensuite, ces deux systèmes juridiques et leurs pendants économiques s’unifient autour d’une économie de marché qu’ils souhaitent protéger des comportements nuisibles aux consommateurs, aux concurrents, et donc in fine au marché lui-même. Or, cette protection nécessite, notamment, d’imposer une loyauté lors de l’emploi de pratiques commerciales par des professionnels vis-à-vis de consommateurs.C’est pourquoi, le 11 mai 2005, a été promulguée une directive relative aux pratiques commerciales déloyales des entreprises vis-à-vis des consommateurs qui harmonise de façon maximale la qualification de ces pratiques sans traiter de leur régime juridique. Dès lors, il semble nécessaire de comparer les systèmes européen et anglo-américain, notamment par la considération de la théorie des economic torts, afin d’étudier si ces derniers pourraient s’enrichir l’un de l’autre. Il sera ainsi démontré que si la qualification poursuit les mêmes raisonnements, la réaction face à de tels comportements est quant à elle plus nuancée. / Economically and politically, the Western society is led by two main sets which are the European Union and the United States of America. Juridically, this distinction matches with a more general one wich can be observed between traditional romano-germanic states and those submitted to the common law. Nowadays, this distinction tend towards disappearance because of the intermingling of these two legal systems. Indeed, regarding the form first, common law states resort more and more to statutory laws, and conversely, traditional romano-germanic laws leave a growing room for the case law, and especially, for the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice. In substance then, because those two legal systems correspond to two economic systems unified around a market economy. They want to protect it against damaging behaviours for consumers, competitors, and in fine for the market itself But this protection require in particular to order fairness during the use of business-to-consumer commercial practices. That is why, the European Parliament and the Council, announced a directive concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market, which contains maximum harmonisation provisions about unfair commercial practices, but without provisions about their juridical regime. Then, it seems necessary to compare the European system with the American one, especialy with the consideration of the theory of the economic torts, in order to study if these two can enrich each other. So, it will be demonstrated that if the classification follows the same arguments on either side of the Atlantic, the responses to those behaviours is more contrasted.
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Der Gewinnabschöpfungsanspruch von Verbänden in der Neufassung des 10 des Gesetzes gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (UWG) /Schmauß, Maximilian. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Tübingen, 2007. / Literaturverz. S. 159 -166.
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