Spelling suggestions: "subject:"universell"" "subject:"universelle""
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Tillgängligt lärande genom Universell Design för Lärande : Universell utformning inom svensk utbildningssektor / Accessible learning through Universal Design for Learning : Universal Design in the Swedish education systemJohansson, Åsa January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Universal Design for Learning, UDL, has on accessibility in the Swedish school system. 12 semistructured interviews with teachers, special education teachers and school principals were conducted . By the qualitative interview method and analysis I have come to the conclusion that UDL aligns with Swedish school laws and theories already being used in the Swedish school system. Experiences made by the teachers, special education teachers and school principals show that UDL gave them support with lesson planning and had a positive effect on pupils learning process, engagement and self-efficacy. This indicates that implementation of UDL could support the aim for accessibility and learning for all pupils in Sweden. Further reasearch on the effects of UDL in the Swedish school system and mulitple means of assessments is required.
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Implementering av universell utforming i en norsk kommune- Erfaring i bruk av et kartleggingsverktøy for universell utforming. : Eksempler fra kartlegging av skole – og barnehagebygg / Implementing of universal design in an Norwegian community- Experience in the use of a mapping tool for universal design. : Case studies from mapping school – and pre- school buildings.Dale, Solveig January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrunn: Bygninger med universell utforming vil kunne gi økt deltakelse og aktivitet for flere. Mål: Studiet har målsetting om å vise hvordan implementering av universell utforming kan foregå i en norsk kommune og vise til hvilke implementeringskriterier som er viktig med hensyn til å oppnå universell utforming. Metode: Case study er brukt som forskningsmetode. Studiet består av fire case; to skole- og to barnehagebygg. Visning av bilder ble brukt som metode for å illustrere universell utforming og gi økt kunnskap om temaet til berørte parter. Bygningene ble kartlagt med hensyn til hvorvidt bygningsmassen tilfredstiller ytelser nedfelt i veileding til tekniske forskrifter. Videre vil utfylte kartleggingsverktøy beskrive hva som bør gjøres av tiltak med hensyn til universell utforming.Ett år etter kartleggingsarbeidet intervjuet vi seks sentrale informanter; kommunalsjef, leder av eiendomsavdelingen, politiker, avdelingsleder for barnehagene samt leder for hver av de to barnehagene. Følgende spørsmål ble stilt: Hvilke politiske beslutninger er tatt? Hvilken forståelse og kunnskap har informanten om universell utforming? Hvordan har planprosessen forløpt i kommunen? Økonomiske betraktninger? Hva er viktig for implementering av universell utforming? Resultat: Funn fra kartleggingsarbeidet viser mangelfull universell utforming vedrørende fremkommelighet, orienterbarhet og inneklima. Ett år etter kartleggingsarbeid ble det gjennomført intervju av seks sentrale informanter. Studiet identifiserte implementerings-kriterier for å oppnå universell utforming. Det er nødvendig med politisk og administrativ forankring, felles forståelse og samhandling mellom helse – og teknisk sektor, samarbeid med brukerorganisasjoner, plassering av et pådriveransvar for universell utforming og økonomiske ressurser avsatt til arbeidet for å oppnå implementering av universell utforming. Konklusjon: kartleggingsarbeid og bruk av implementeringskriterier er viktig for å oppnå universell utforming. Det er viktig med innspill vedrørende universell utforming tidlig i planprosesser. Med fordel kan videre forskning vise sammenheng mellom universell utforming og opplevelse av helse. / Background: Buildings that implement universal design provide increased participation and activity levels for many people. Purpose: This study aimed to show how a Norwegian community could use universal design for a planned rehabilitation of school and pre-school buildings. We sought to describe the steps necessary to achieve universal design. Methods: Our case study formed the basis of our investigation regarding the potential of universal design in school buildings. To raise awareness in study participants, we showed them photographs illustrating universal design. We also mapped the buildings according to their fulfillment of the “Guidelines to technical regulations” provided by both the construction plan and building legislation. One year following the mapping exercise, we surveyed six central participants; executive officer, manager of the property department, local politicians, managers and department heads of 2 childcare units. The following questions were posed: Which political decisions have been taken? What does the participant know about universal design? Describe planning processes in the local authority? What economical considerations have been taken? Describe the important factors necessary to implement universal design? Results: Mapping revealed insufficient design regarding mobility, adaptation ability, and indoor climate. Our study identified criteria that are essential to achieving universal design, including increased knowledge and understanding of universal design; political and administrative funding of the work; common understanding and interaction between the health sector, user organizations, and the technical sector; accountability; and economic recourses. Interviews indicated that study reports aided the municipality in laying groundwork for further rehabilitation of the buildings. Conclusions: While reports and implementation criteria contribute importantly to achieving universal design, it is important to use such information and guidelines early in the planning process. Further research is required to determine a possible connection between universal design and perception of health. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-65-8</p>
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Från anpassning till norm? : Om tillgänglighet i svensk bygglagstiftning / Adaptation or the norm? : Accessibility in Swedish building legislationSlotte, Joakim January 2013 (has links)
I detta examensarbete undersöker jag två övergripande frågeställningar gällande fysisk tillgänglighet. Den första frågan rör varför enkelt avhjälpta hinder, det vill säga retroaktiva krav på ökad tillgänglighet, har tillfogats Sveriges bygglagstiftning. Den andra frågan rör hur arbetet med åtgärdandet av de retroaktiva föreskrifterna har utförts i svenska kommuner. Motiven bakom uppkomsten av krav undersöks genom en genomgång av äldre byggregler och handikapputredningar. I undersökningen konstateras att tillgänglighetskrav har funnits i svenska byggregler sedan länge, men att omfattning och formuleringar har varierat. I studien visas att nuvarande lagkrav är förhållandevis lika äldre byggregler och två huvudsakliga förklaringar till behovet av en retroaktivt verkande lag konstateras. Den första förklaringen är att en stor del av den byggda miljön har tillkommit innan tillgänglighetskrav ställdes i lagstiftningen. Den andra anledningen är att aktörer inom plan- och byggprocessen har saknat tillräcklig kunskap för att kunna verkligställa de övergripande målkrav som ställts sedan början av 1980-talet. Studien visar också att arbetet med enkelt avhjälpta hinder utgör ett medel för att tillgodose denna kunskap bland berörda aktörer. Arbetets andra frågeställning är om några specifika strategier har varit särskilt effektiva i arbetet med enkelt avhjälpta hinder. Genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer i en kommun plockas sju faktorer fram och testas mot resultatet i en av SKL genomförd undersökning av tillgängligheten i svenska kommuner. Det går inte att dra några generella slutsatser från testet, men genom litteraturstudien och intervjuerna bedöms två faktorer vara kopplade till hur framgångsrikt arbetet med enkelt avhjälpta hinder har varit: hur väl arbetet har planerats och hur samarbetet med funktionshinderrörelsen har utformats. / In this thesis, I examine two main questions regarding accessibility. The first question concerns why retroactive requirements for increased accessibility, enkelt avhjälpta hinder (easily eliminated barriers), have been added to the Swedish building legislation. The question is examined by a review of older building codes and reports published by disability commissions. The review found that accessibility requirements have existed in building regulations since the 1960s. The extent of the requirements has varied, but many requirements set in the new policy are relatively similar to those in older building codes. The study gives two explanations for why the new policy is needed. First, a majority of the built environment in Sweden was constructed before any accessibility requirements were legislated. Second, the actors in the planning and building process have previously lacked sufficient knowledge on disability. The study shows that the new policy is a means to raise the knowledge on disability and accessibility. The second question concerns how the new policy has been implemented in Swedish municipalities, and whether some specific implementation strategies have been particularly effective. Through literature reviews and interviews in a municipality, two main factors are identified as crucial for the success of accessibility adaptations: how well the work has been planned in advance and how the collaboration with the disability movement has been arranged.
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Kvinnors upplevelse av könsstympning : en litteraturöversikt / Women's experiences of genital mutilation : a literature reviewMarcon, Malin, Warberg, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Ungefär 200 miljoner kvinnor i 30 olika länder har blivit utsatta för könsstympning världen över. Prevalensen för ingreppet är vanligt förekommande i länder inom Afrika och Asien. På grund av den rådande globaliseringen kommer tillståndet vara något som hälso- och sjukvården i höginkomstländer kommer komma i kontakt med i allt större utsträckning. Könsstympningen delas in i fyra olika kategorier och kan ge både fysiska, psykiska och sociala efterföljder. Det är genom hälso- och sjukvården som nya fall av kvinnor som genomgått ingreppet upptäcks och det är därför viktigt att vårdpersonal har kunskap om ingreppet och dess konsekvenser. Syfte Syftet var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av könsstympning. Metod Föreliggande studie är en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt. De sammanslagna sökningarna resulterade i 618 träffar som gav artiklar av kvalitativ och kvantitativ studiedesign. Artiklarna söktes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL med relevanta sökord och avgränsningar utifrån exklusions- och inklusionskriterier. Sökorden som användes var “circumcision, female”, “circumcision, female/psychology”, “female genital mutilation”, “perception”, “culture”, “universal healthcare”, “psychological trauma”, “experiences” och “beliefs”. Artiklarna analyserades i sin tur genom en integrerad analys. Resultat Resultatet visade på att kvinnorna upplever fysiska, psykologiska och sociala konsekvenser av ingreppet. De fysiska konsekvenserna var enbart negativa. De psykologiska konsekvenserna var till största delen negativa, med positiva inslag. De sociala konsekvenserna kunde vara positiva förutsatt att kvinnan var bosatt i ett land där ingreppet praktiseras. Vidare framkom att vårdpersonal uppfattas som antingen okunniga, okänsliga, eller osäkra vid vårdmötet. Slutsats De fysiska, psykologiska och sociala konsekvenser som kvinnlig könsstympning leder till är mångfaldiga och komplexa. Då kvinnans upplevelser av könsstympningen i hög grad visades variera ställs det höga krav på vårdens förmåga att anpassa bemötandet därefter. God kompetens hos sjukvårdspersonal inom behandling, kommunikation och kulturella skillnader samt kunskap om ingreppets konsekvenser är av stor vikt för att kunna bidra till ökad hälsa hos dessa kvinnor. / Background Approximately 200 million women in 30 different countries has been subjected to female genital mutilation worldwide. The prevalence of the procedure is common in countries in Africa and Asia. Due to the current globalization, it will also be something that healthcare professionals in high-income countries will encounter to an increasing extent. The procedure is categorized into four different types which all may cause physical, psychological and social consequences. It is through health care that new cases of women who have undergone the procedure are discovered, which is why it is of high importance that healthcare staff have knowledge of the procedure and its consequences. Aim The aim was to illustrate women´s experiences of genital mutilation. Method The present study is a non-systematic literature review. The combined searches resulted in 618 hits that presented articles of qualitative and quantitative study design. The articles were searched in the databases PubMed and CINAHL with relevant keywords and delimitations based on exclusion and inclusion criteria. The keywords used were “circumcision, female”, “circumcision, female/psychology”, “female genital mutilation”, “perception”, “culture”, “universal healthcare”, “psychological trauma”, “experiences” and “beliefs”. The articles were analyzed through an integrated analysis. Result The results showed that women experienced physical, psychological and social consequences of the genital mutilation. The physical consequences were only negative. The psychological consequences were mostly negative, with positive elements. The social consequences could be positive given that the women were living in a country whereas the procedure is commonly practiced. Furthermore, it emerged that care staff are perceived as either ignorant, insensitive, or insecure at the care meeting. Conclusion The physical, psychological and social consequences which the procedure leads to are nuanced and complex. With the knowledge that women's experiences can vary greatly there is a demand on the healthcare´s ability to adapt its treatments accordingly. The treatment, communication and cultural competence of the care staff, as well as knowledge about all the consequences of the procedure, are therefore of great importance in order to be able to contribute to increased health in these women.
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Tillgänglighet - ett krav inget alternativBahu, Noor, Boguslawski, Pawel January 2020 (has links)
Detta kandidatarbete behandlar tillgänglighetsanpassningarför ökad inkludering på torg i två svenska kommuneri södra Sverige. Jämförelser mellan torgen visar påmöjligheter att förbättra tillgänglighetsanpassningarna påtorgytorna för att utöka tillgänglighet och inkludering istadsmiljön. De utvalda torgen som studien kretsar kringär Lilla Torg i Malmö stad samt Mårtenstorget i Lundskommun. De potentiella tillgänglighetslösningarna harframtagits genom studier av ett prisbelönat bidrag i EU:stillgänglighetstävling Access City Award från åren 2018 och2019. Det utvalda bidraget är staden Viborg i Danmark.Forskningsfrågorna har varit (1) Vilka omgivningsfaktorerhämmar målgruppers inkludering på torgytor i den byggdastadsmiljön? Och, (2) Vilka aspekter och kvaliteter kananses skapa en tillgänglig torgyta för alla målgrupper?Torgytor kan skapa hinder på grund av bristandetillgänglighetsanpassning och undanröjande av enkeltavhjälpta hinder med hänvisning till kulturhistoriskavärden. Tillgänglighet är inte enbart ett fysiskt krav förden byggda stadsmiljön enligt Plan- och bygglagen utanäven en medborgerlig rättighet enligt UN CRPD. Arbetetredovisar även malmö- och lundabornas uppfattningarpå de tillgänglighetsanpassningar som finns eller börfinnas på torgytorna. För att ta reda på bakomliggandeorsaker till genomförande av tillgänglighetsutformningav stadsrummet och vilka regelverk kommunerna måstefölja, intervjuades tjänstemän från Malmö Stad och Lundskommun. För att få en jämförande bild intervjuades ävenrepresentanter från två funktionshindersorganisationer.Resultatet av detta kandidatarbete är potentiellatillgänglighetslösningar som kan appliceras på de utvaldatorgen. De framtagna lösningarna fungerar som exempelpå hur torgytorna kan inkludera alla besökare. Vår slutsatsär att goda tillgänglighetsanpassningar för tillgänglighetoch inkludering på medeltida torgrum behöver utgåfrån en drastisk förändring av kommunikationen mellanstadsplanerande delar av kommunen och invånarna istäderna. Kommunerna bör även skapa ett aktivt samarbetemed funktionshindersorganisationer och rörelser somarbetat med tillgänglighetsfrågor för att vidareutvecklakunskapen inom tillgänglighetsanpassningar som kan taplats i staden. / This bachelor thesis deals with inclusion and accessibility adaptations of two medieval town squares in two municipalities in southern Sweden. The selected squares that the research study revolves around are ‘Lilla Torg’ in the city of Malmö and ‘Mårtenstorget’ in Lund municipality. The thesis is a comparative study that has resulted in potential renewal solutions that can be applied to the squares to increase equal access to the urban environment. The solutions have been inspired by one of the prize-winning cities in the European Access City Award competition from the year 2018 and winner of year 2019. The laureated city was the city of Viborg, which is a medieval city situated in Denmark. The Access City Award is an annual award ceremony in which the European Union awards European cities that actively work with accessibility adaptations and the removal of easily eliminated obstacles to increase inclusion for people with physical and cognitive disabilities. The research questions were: Firstly: What factors inhibit inclusion for people with disabilities on medieval town squares? And, secondly: What aspects and qualities can be considered to create accessible town squares of medieval origin for all potential user groups? The thesis provides a clear overview of aspects and different factors that constitute an inclusive and welcoming urban environment for every citizen. Our cities usually consist of older buildings that not always are adapted progressively to avoid access problems and obstacles that an older urban environments can create for various user groups. Town square, which are specifically addressed in this thesis, can often create obstacles due to the lack of accessibility adaptations and the removal of easily eliminated obstacles. This is often attributed to their cultural-historical values. However, cultural-historical values are aspects of the city that can questioned, since, when it comes to medieval squares, they have often undergone substantial changes over time. The visual expression is one of the reasons for why municipalities often tend to avoid physically reshaping such districts and squares so that they do not lose the city character of the city. To find out more about underlying motives for the accessibility adaptations that the two Swedish town squares in this study have undergone officials from both the City of Malmö and Lund Municipality were interviewed. In addition, representatives of Swedish disability organisations were interviewed about necessary changes to realizes in such areas. As a backdrop to the study, legal frameworks that monitor Swedish urban design were mapped. Legal frameworks of specific interest for this research study is both international conventions and national laws, regulations and guidelines that apply to building matters and the implementation of accessibility and usability requirements. Our study has primarily focused on the UN Convention 26 on equal rights for people with disabilities as well as the Swedish Planning and Building law and ordonnance with their adherent regulations on accessibility adaptations and the removal of easily eliminated obstacles. However, the national local government act allows for different physical realisations of these requirements. This circumstance may contribute to the fact that different types of urban environment are differently adapted. In consequence, visitors to town squares can experience urban spaces as inclusive, less inclusive or purely excluding. Our stance is that accessibility, not only within the built urban environment, is a requirement and not an option, therefore, there is a need for communication between urban planning organizations of the municipality and the actual users of the city. The result of this thesis is twofold. Firstly, the work will also present views of citizens in Malmö and Lund concerning their perception of accessibility adaptations of two medieval town squares. These views strengthen our arguments that the studied sites are not sufficiently adapted to suit all types of visitors. Secondly, this thesis proposes a set of potential solutions that can be applied to medieval town squares to address accessibility, inclusion, and usability problems. These solutions are based on exemplary models of how the squares can be adapted for all visitors and interviews with stakeholders. Our solutions open with a drastic change in the ordinary communication between urban planning organizations and the inhabitants of the cities. A functioning dialogue between the municipality and the users of the built urban environment is the key to a gradually more adapted city where everyone feels and physically can be included in the urban environment. By holding regular meetings a number of times during the year, a municipality can gather opinions about issues that the inhabitants think should be changed or improved to solve accessibility, inclusion, or usability problems or easily removal obstacles that may compromise daily activities that take place on medieval two squares. Municipalities should also initiate active collaborations with local organizations or movements that work with accessibility issues to further develop knowledge that entail accessibility, usability, and inclusion in the city. The element that both Malmö and Lund should mainly consider is the ground covering at the squares. Smoothing the ground can be a drastic physical change, but it would solve a few problems that visitors experience. Although the ground covering at Mårtenstorget in Lund has already been redesigned, citizens and visitors believe that this is still a problem for certain target groups. The same concerns apply to Lilla Torg in Malmö as the ground cover has not been adapted to be more accessibility. Although the cites want to retain the cultural-historical values and the visual expression of the old city centers, there are no factors that can prevent the municipalities to implement such a drastic transformation. Materials such as granite, small and large stone can still be used to maintain the visual expression. Working with contrast markings on the ground surface and with adaptations for people with visual impairments is another point both cities should adapt. Both Lilla Torg and Mårtenstorget lack guidance routes and distinguishable edges, that makes it difficult for people with visual impairments to navigate the squares. Seating should also be updated in the squares, the benches found at Lilla torg lack back and arm supports, by simply replacing the existing furniture creates a more welcoming atmosphere for persons with functional variations. According to our observations, more seating should be installed on Mårtenstorget, although the square surface is also used as a car parking space, the parking area should be clearly defined to provide clarity in that urban space and to create a more organized atmosphere. This change will also allow for more seating to be mounted on the square. By using creative solutions and universal design in terms of accessibility, cities with the help of citizens can create more welcoming and inclusive city spaces.
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Connectivity, Security and Integrationfor Cloud ManufacturingWang, Chen January 2017 (has links)
Det här mastersprojektet syftar till att ansluta industriroboten till moln plattformen och utvärdera anslutning och säkerhet. För att uppnå bättre anslutning, säkerhet och integration, föreslås en modifierad Moln Tillverkningssystem- (CRS) arkitektur, som kännetecknas av hög modularitet, standardisering och komposibilitet. Arkitekturens specifika applikationer iprivata, offentliga och hybridmoln diskuteras också. Sedan är en systemarkitektur med detaljerad mjukvarukomposition designad för Molnrobotik. Enligt den föreslagna systemarkitekturen presenteras möjliga säkerhetshotskällor och motsvarande lösningar.Under projektet används Universell Robot 5 (UR5) som en praktisk robotinstans för att utveckla en kommunikationsrutin mellan KTH Moln och robotar. Ett applikationsprogramgränssnitt (API) skrivet i Python for Universell Robot och servern är etablerad. API: n består av två modulära delar, Gateway Agenten och Applikationsmjukvaran.Gateway Agenten realiserar kopplingen mellan Universell Robot 5 (UR5) och molnet, medan applikationsmjukvaran kan anpassas till specifika tillämpningar och krav. I detta projekt utvecklas tre huvudfunktioner i applikationsmjukvaran, inklusive datainsamling, datavisualisering och fjärrkontroll. Förutom att utvärdera anslutning och stabilitet simulerasdet privata robotik molnsystemet och det offentliga robotik molnsystemet med KTH Moln.Hybrid robotik moln systemet diskuteras också. Genom resultaten av fallstudier verifieras anslutningen och integrationen av Moln Tillverkningssystem. / This master thesis project aims to connect the industrial robot to the Cloud platform, and evaluate the connectivity and security. To realize better connectivity, security and integration, a modified Cloud Manufacturing System (CRS) architecture is proposed, which is characterized by high modularity, standardization and composability. The architecture’s specific applications in private, public and hybrid cloud are discussed as well. Then, one system architecture with detailed software composition is designed for Cloud Robotics.According to the proposed system architecture, possible security threat sources and corresponding solutions are presented.During the project, Universal Robot 5 (UR5) is utilized as a practical robot instance to develop a communication routine between KTH Cloud and robots. An Application Program Interface (API) written by Python for Universal Robots and the server is established. The API consists of two modularized part, Gateway Agent and Application Package. The Gateway Agent realizes the connection between the Universal Robot 5 (UR5) and the cloud, while theApplication Package can be customized according to specific application and requirements. In this project, three main functions are developed in the Application Package, including data acquisition, data visualization and remote control. Besides, to evaluate connectivity and stability, private robotics cloud system and public robotics cloud system are simulated with KTH Cloud. The hybrid robotics cloud system is discussed as well. Through the results of case studies, the connectivity and integration of Cloud Manufacturing System are verified.
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Med ergonomi i fokus : En studie om ergonomi i designprocessen vid framtagning av nya produkter på IKEA of Sweden / Focus on ergonomics : A study of ergonomics in the design process when developing new products at IKEA of SwedenStenberg Gleisner, AnnaKlara January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the presence of ergonomics in the design process at IKEA of Sweden. It also attempts to describe how IKEA of Sweden can implement more ergonomics in their development process of new products. The study is based on interviews with employees at IKEA of Sweden and with an employee at the design bureau Veryday. The thesis also includes a design process that has been conducted using a given brief by IKEA of Sweden with a predetermined way of production. The purpose of the design process should have an overall ergonomic perspective. The interviews were analysed using the theory presented which includes the perception and fallacies of ergonomics, anthropometrics and universal design. The result shows that ergonomic aspects are not included in a structured way common for all areas when developing products at IKEA of Sweden. The study also points to a need of information about ergonomics, like a guideline. Access to an expert as an occupational therapist or a physiotherapist would also improve the design process. The analysis of the design process and the products Höghult shows the importance of preparation in the design process using functional analysis, specifications and analysis of the way of production. To proceed with the implementation of the overall ergonomic perspective in the design process, it is important to test and evaluate the prototype using an expert and a test panel representing the potential customers. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker förekomsten av ergonomi i designprocessen på IKEA of Sweden. Den försöker även beskriva hur IKEA of Sweden kan föra in mer ergonomi i deras arbete med att ta fram nya produkter. Studien är baserad på intervjuer av medarbetare på IKEA of Sweden samt av företrädare för designbyrån Veryday. Parallellt med intervjustudien genomfördes en designprocess efter given brief av IKEA of Sweden med angivet produktionssätt där processen ska ha ett övergripande ergonomiskt perspektiv. Intervjuerna analyserades utifrån den teori som presenterats om bland annat föreställningar om ergonomi, antropometri och universell design. Resultatet visar att det inte finns ett strukturerat arbetssätt för ergonomiska frågeställningar gällande produktutveckling på IKEA of Sweden. Studien visar också på att det finns behov av information om ergonomi som t ex en guideline. Att ha tillgång till en expert, såsom t ex en arbetsterapeut eller fysioterapeut, skulle också berika designprocessen. Analysen av designprocessen och produkterna Höghult visar betydelsen av att noga förbereda designprocessen med hjälp av funktionsanalys, kravspecifikation samt analys av produktionssättet. För att komma vidare med implementeringen av det övergripande ergonomiska perspektivet i designprocessen är det viktigt att testa och utvärdera prototypen med hjälp av exempelvis en expert samt en testgrupp som representerar kundgruppen.
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Innhold og mulighet for påvirkning i norske offentlige dokumenter : en analyse av nasjonal transportplan 2014 –2023 / Content and possible influence on public documents : an analysis of Norway’s Nation Transport Plan 2014 -2023Ruste Strand, Charlotte January 2014 (has links)
Hensikt: Hensikten meddenne studien var å beskrive hvem som får uttale seg, hvordan uttalelser blir implementert og hvordan folkehelseperspektivet og universell utforming ivaretas i norske offentlige dokumenter, samt å se om demokratiske rettigheter ivaretas. Metode: Det ble anvendt kvalitativ dokumentanalyse med supplerende intervjuer, og nasjonal transportplan 2014 –2023 (NTP) ble benyttet som eksempel.178 dokumenter ble gjennomgått: 175 høringsuttalelser, et dokument med privatpersoners meninger, samt utkast til og vedtatt NTP 2014 –2023. Resultat:175 høringsuttalelser ble mottatt i arbeidet med NTP2014 –2023, men uttalelser fra 18 fylkeskommuner og storbykommunene Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim og Stavanger ble vektlagt mest. Endel uttalelser omhandlet folkehelse, særlig knyttet til økt bruk av gange og sykling. Universell utforming ble ogsånevnt blant innkommende høringsuttalelser, mens folkehelseaspektet generelt ble lite prioritert av mange aktører. Mange høringsuttalelser omhandlet i stedet ønsker om økte økonomiske rammer til anleggsarbeider. Konklusjon: Analysen viste at hensynet til universell utforming ivaretas, men at folkehelseperspektivetog helsefremmende arbeidbør løftes i større grad.Det kan virke som om en del fokuser knyttet til økonomiske hensyn, uten at blikket løftes og det ses fremover på fremtidige innsparinger. Det bør fortsatt arbeides for at så mange som muligfår anledning til å uttale seg i utarbeidelsen av offentlige norske dokumenter slik at demokratiske rettigheter ivaretas. / Aim:This study aimed to describe who is given the opportunity to commenton Norwegian public documents; how comments are implemented; and how theperspective on public health and universal design is maintained. It also aimed to determine whether democraticrights were ensured. Method: Thestudy used qualitative document analysis with supplemental interviews, and Norway’s National Transport Plan 2014 –2023 (NTP) was used as an example. 178 documents were examined: 175 consultative statements, one document containing individualopinions, and the draft and adopted version of NTP 2014 –2023. Results: Among 175 consultative statements received during the preparation of NTP 2014 –2023, consultat ivestatements from 18 County Councils and the municipalities Oslo, Bergen Trondheim and Stavanger received the most emphasis. Some statements addressed public health, especially increased use of walking or bicycling, and many mentioned universal design.The public health aspect in general,was not a priorityamong many actors. Instead, many statements indicated a desirefor increased funding for construction work. Conclusion: The analysis revealed that considerations regarding universal design are maintained, whereas public health and health promotion should receive increased attention. Many comments focused on economic considerations, but none appeared to look ahead and identify potential savings. It is still necessary to ensure that as many as possible are given the opportunity to speak their mind, in order for democratic rights to be maintained / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-73-7</p>
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Universell Design - en användbarhetsutvärdering av MyTobii C-series ControlPettersson, Anders January 2008 (has links)
<p>Universal Design is a well established methodology with the fundamental purpose of designing products to be usable for as wide audience as possible, without the need of special adjustment to suit the individual. In this essay, Universal Design has had a clear influence in both the process and the result. The choice to use Universal Design as methodology in this usability evaluation, has essentiallv to do with the target audience.</p><p>As a part of the design process of MyTobii C8 has Tobii Technology ask for a usability evaluation. MyTobii C8 is an 8" touch screen computer with a windows based operating system which will initiate the software MyTobii C-Series Control. MyTobii C-Series Control is the control panel for MyTobii C8, whose interfaces constitute the platform for various modificarion of the unit. The interface of MyTobii C-Series Control is also the interface being evaluated. Because of the target audience being persons with different motoric and cognitive disabilities and theirs assistances, it is of great important that the interface is suitable for as many people as possible. With user tests, designed and analyzed with the help of Universal Design, different usability problems has been identified and solved. Among the usability problems encountered the most vital has been the size and placement of the interactive parts and the physical interaction with the unit.</p> / <p>Universell Design är en genomarbetad metodologi, framtagen i syfte att göra produkter användbara och anpassade för så bred publik som möjligt, utan att produkten måste anpassas för individens egna förmågor. I detta arbete har Universell Design haft en tydlig och grundläggande roll i genomförandet och resultatet. Valet att använda sig av Universell Design i denna användbarhetsutvärdering har framför allt med fallstudiens målgrupp att göra.</p><p>Som en del av utvecklingsprocessen av MyTobii C8 har Tobii Technology efterfrågas en användbarhetsutvärdering. MyTobii C8 är en åtta tums touch screen dator med Windows-baserat operativsystem som vid start kommer att initiera mjukvaran MyTobii C-Series Control. MyTobii C-Series Control är kontrollpanelen för MyTobii C8 vars gränssnitt utgör plattformen för diverse inställningar av enheten det är också detta gränssnitt användbarhetsutvärdetingen har gjorts på. Då målgruppen för MyTobii C-Series Control är personer med motoriska och kognitiva handikapp samt deras assistenter och närstående personer, är det av stor vikt att gränssnittet är anpassat för så bred publik som möjligt. Genom användartester utformade och analyserade med hjälp av Universell Design har användbarhetsproblem samt förslag på lösningar presenterats. Bland de användbarhetsproblemen som påträffats har det framför allt varit storleken, placeringen av de interaktiava delarna samt själv interaktionen med touch screen skärmen som har vant väsentliga.</p>
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Personas med dyslexi : Vilken information om visuell dyslexi behöver finnas med i en persona tänkt att representera användare med visuell dyslexi? / Personas with dyslexia : What information about visual dyslexia is needed in a persona ment to represent users with visual dyslexia?Hrimfei, Irene January 2016 (has links)
The study concerns personas, especially personas created to represent users with the disability visual dyslexia. The digitalization of the community and the Riga declaration which states that government systems and services are to be accessible to everyone makes demands on how information is presented and conveyed.One way to accommodate a user group’s demand is by using representative personas. A representative persona ought to contain correct information about the user group, which is why the study seeks to find what information is needed in a persona which is meant to represent users with visual dyslexia. Interviews and respondent validation by respondents from the user group have been utilized in order to make sure the information is accurate and representative.The result of the study is three shorter descriptions of visual dyslexia which may be used as building blocks when personas meant to represent users with visual dyslexia are created. The result cannot be said to be generalizable, but it gives an idea as to why respondent validation needs to happen in order to produce results which are representable. / Studien rör personas och då speciellt personas avsedda att representera användare med funktionsnedsättningen visuell dyslexi. I och med digitaliseringen av samhället och EU beslutet om att digitala tjänster och material ska vara tillgängligt för alla medborgare oavsett eventuella funktionsnedsättningar ställs det krav på hur informationen ser ut och framförs.Ett sätt att anpassa efter vilka behov målgrupper kan ha är genom att använda sig av representativa personas. Av den anledningen är det vilken information som behöver finnas med i personas tänkta att representera användare med visuell dyslexi som har undersökts. Intervjuer och respondentvalidering av respondenter som tillhör målgruppen har använts för att se till att informationen blivit korrekt och representativ.Resultatet av studien är tre kortare beskrivningar av visuell dyslexi som kan användas som byggstenar när personas tänkta att representera användare med visuell dyslexi ska skapas. Resultatet kan inte sägas vara generaliserbart, men ger en fingervisning om att respondentvalidering behöver genomföras för att få till ett representativt resultat.
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