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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Landa Mendez, Naia January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to propose a set of adaptive strategies and design solutions to manage floods and storm water in cities from the perspective of an architect and urban planner, based on empirical evidence and the level of effectiveness of the suggested measures. The study takes as an example the city of Bilbao due to its high risk of suffering fluvial and pluvial flooding exacerbated by tidal variations and see level rise projections. Based on the application of adaptation strategies grounded on the use of green solutions and innovative design, scientific literature and ongoing initiatives an projects in cities have been reviewed to prepare a complete state-of-the-art of measures and experiences to minimize the risk of flooding and provide co-benefits to Climate Change such as fresh water storage, biodiversity, water treatment, quality public spaces, etc. The applicability of this inventory of solutions is analyzed in detail for the case study of Bilbao, taking into account the current situation with regard: a) plans, b) stakeholders involved, c) needs and d) opportunities, and in order to give a respond to the lack of concreteness of many of the existing proposals against adaptation to Climate Change and flooding. The result are four different projects in hotspot areas of the city that put into practice the previously gathered measures organized in drainage systems (from the source to the downstream control). Recommendations are suggested for plans (General Master Plan) and policies to accompany the physical solutions and to set a complete basis for its operative use by public institutions (Bilbao City Council) or even professional practitioners (architects, urban designers, landscape architects, engineers). In sum, the paper seeks to propose alternatives to the traditional defensive approach of flooding prevention by implementing measures that provide other benefits for cities against Climate Change.

Rummet under bron - Överblivna rums potential

Eriksson, Jonathan, Svennberg, Terese January 2018 (has links)
Arbetet syftar till att lyfta fram den potential som flera urbana rumbesitter, de överblivna rum som saknar en tydlig användning ellerfunktion. Där de lokala intressena, dess brukare och rummets närmstaomgivning blir en utgångspunkt för att förstå vilken användningrummet bör verka mot. Med det vill vi vidga perspektiven inom hurman tänker kring överblivna rum idag, samt hur man bättre kan utnyttjarummens potentiella användningar för ett rikare urbant liv. Arbetetbaseras på en fallstudie av rummet under Mälarbron i Södertäljeoch dess närområde, där tre förslag till utveckling studeras ochanalyseras med hjälp av vår teoretiska verktygslåda. Vi stödjer ossframför allt på Quentin Stevens bok The Ludic City - Exploring thePotentials of Public Spaces (2007) där hans lekfulla syn på stadenblir en röd tråd att applicera på bl.a. Kim Doveys allmänna teorierkring urban design i hans bok Urban Design Thinking (2016). Arbetetresulterar i en gestaltning som blir en undersökande process om hurrummet under Mälarbron får en mer meningsfull och mångsidig rollsom stärker det urbana sammanhang som den utgör en del av. Genomdetta arbete vill vi bidra med nya kunskaper till de professionersom arbetar med dessa rum och framför allt lyfta fram den potentialsom flera urbana rum besitter, där vi anser att urban design utgör enviktig roll. Gestaltandet av överblivna rum är ytterst aktuell inom deprofessioner som arbetar med frågor kring byggd miljö idag, därförtror vi att detta arbete inte enbart belyser vårt eget intresse utan ärrelevant för alla som arbetar med den byggda miljön. / The purpose of the work is to highlight the potential of several urbanspaces, the leftover spaces that lacking a clear use or function.Where the local interests, its users and the context becomesthe starting point for understanding what needs the space shouldbe used for. With this we want to broaden the perspectives on howto think about these spaces today, and how to better utilize the potentialuses of these spaces for a richer urban life. The work is basedon a case study of the space under the bridge, Mälarbron in Södertäljeand its context, where three proposals for development arestudied and analyzed using a concept box. We especially supportQuentin Steven’s book The Ludic City - Exploring the Potentials ofPublic Spaces (2007), where his playful view of the city becomes ared thread to apply to, among other things, Kim Dovey’s generaltheories of urban design in his book Urban Design Thinking (2016).The work results in a process that becomes an exploratory processof how the space under the Mälarbron gets a more meaningful andversatile role that strengthens the urban context in the area. Throughthis work, we want to contribute new skills to the professions workingwith these spaces, and above all highlight the potential of severalurban spaces, where we consider urban design to play an importantrole. The transformation of these spaces is extremely relevant in theprofessions dealing with built environment issues today, where webelieve that this not only illustrates our own interest but is relevant toeveryone who works with the built environment.

Urban design i Postkonsumtionens stad : Utifrån ett sociospatialt och utopiskt perspektiv

Holmström Nobel, Louise, Sandström, Niki January 2020 (has links)
Det här masterarbetet är ett kombinerat vetenskapligt och konstnärligt arbete som ämnar att utforska en möjlig framtid där handeln inte längre har en dominant roll i stadskärnan. Detta framtidsscenario kallas för Postkonsumtionens stad och det är inte bara en fysisk plats, utan också ett sätt att lyfta frågan om framtidens stad till diskussion. I den samtida staden har stadsliv kommit att kopplas samman med konsumtion, vilket är problematiskt ur många aspekter. Detta arbete påvisar att den överkonsumtion som sker inom sällanköpshandeln idag varken är hållbar ur en social eller miljömässig aspekt. Sällanköpshandeln innebär varor som köps mer sällan, så som kläder, byggvaror och hemelektronik, till skillnad från dagligvaruhandel som innebär inköp av mat och hygienartiklar (Boverket, 2017). Att konsumtionen innehar en dominant roll i staden gör även att staden blir en plats för dem som har råd, vilket kan ifrågasättas ur en demokratisk aspekt. Handeln utgör också en sårbarhet för stadskärnan eftersom den påverkas av både ekonomiska och trendmässiga svängningar. Ett exempel på detta är den så kallade stadskärnedöden som kommit att belysas under de senaste åren när allt fler stadskärnor får det svårare att överleva i konkurrensen med e-handel och externhandel. Södra Förstadsgatan i Malmö är ett exempel på en stadskärna som kämpat mot allt fler nedstängda butiker, och i detta arbete fungerar Södra Förstadsgatan som ett utopiskt exemplifierande av Postkonsumtionens stad. I Postkonsumtionens stad finns viss konsumtion kvar, såsom konsumtion av mat och upplevelser och till viss del även handel såsom secondhand. Huvudpoängen handlar om att stadskärnan fått en ny roll och att likhetstecknet mellan konsumtion och stadsliv brutits. I uppsatsen ifrågasätts handelns roll i staden och genom Postkonsumtionens stad föreslås ett alternativ till en möjlig utveckling. I en historisk tillbakablick påvisas att handeln alltid genomgått stora skiften och att den då finner nya koncept för att överleva. I uppsatsen argumenteras för att handel denna gång inte ska ersättas med ny handel, och frågan blir då vad ska den ersättas med? Det argumenteras även för att stadskärnan är viktig att rädda i framtiden utifrån aspekter som demokrati, att det utgör en viktig social mötesplats, att det är en plats för stadsliv och en viktig hörnsten i stadens identitet. Uppsatsen representerar ett förslag på hur frågor om framtidens stad kan adresseras och angripas genom designbaserad forskningsmetodik. Designforskning tillämpas som den övergripande forskningsmetodiken och den tillåter arbetet att ske på ett icke-linjärt sätt vilket skiljer sig från mer traditionell forskning. Genom att tillämpa flera metoder under arbetets gång och låta designen vara ett utforskande moment som löper genom framtidsscenariot, möjliggörs en diskussion. De två teoretiska utgångspunkterna; det sociospatiala perspektivet och det utopiska perspektivet tillämpas också. Arbetet riktar sig till nuvarande och framtida planerare och poängterar att detta är en viktig fråga såväl idag som i framtiden. Arbetet har resulterat i ett antal slutsatser. Tillämpandet av ett utopiskt perspektiv och ett sociospatialt perspektiv är ett verktyg för att belysa och gestalta en möjlig framtid. Postkonsumtionens stad är uttryck för ett nytt sätt att tänka och lyfta diskussion snarare än ett exakt sätt att göra. Kritik mot den samtida stadens fokus på konsumtion och handel lyfts och arbetet påvisar en möjlig förändring genom att adressera Postkonsumtionens stad som ett alternativ till den samtida staden. Arbetet tillkännager att det finns många möjliga svar på de frågor som lyfts, men uppsatsen ämnar att föreslå en modell av utveckling som påvisar en relevans av en ny användning av det offentliga rummet, och som även är relevant sett till pågående förändringar i ekonomi och samhället i stort.

BUDI: Building Urban Designs Interactively - a spatial-based visualization and collaboration platform for urban design

Sun, Xi 03 September 2020 (has links)
BUDI (Building Urban Designs Interactively) is an integrated 3D visualization and remote collaboration platform for complex urban design tasks. Users with different backgrounds can remotely engage in the entire design cycle, improving the quality of the end result. In this paper, I consider the trade-offs encountered when trying to make spatial-based collaboration seamless. Specifically, I detail the multi-dimensional data visualization and interaction the platform provides, and outline how users can interact with and analyze various aspects of urban design. In $BUDI$, the display and interactive environment was designed to seamlessly expand beyond a traditional two-dimensional surface into a fully immersive three-dimensional space. Clients on various devices connect with servers for different functionalities tailored for different user groups. A demonstration with a local urban planning use-case shows the costs and benefits of $BUDI$ as a spatial-based collaborative platform. A performance evaluation with remote collaboration shows how the platform can meet the requirements for real-time and seamless collaboration. / Graduate

Urban Aquaponics : Sustainable Integration of Aquaponics within the City of Malmö

Alawad, Gharam, Alawad, Maram January 2022 (has links)
With increasing urban expansion and rising global demand for food production, integrating aquaponics within the urban contexts can be considered an alternative sustainable solution to enrich the local production and self-sufficiency. In this research, we aim to study the aquaponics system and provide a design guide for implementing the urban version of the system in the city of Malmo. The design guide will be also practically tested in a form of an architectural proposal at the end of the research. To reach the results, various case studies and academic research were investigated. In addition to other qualitative and quantitative methodologies, such as interviews, questionnaire, and ethnographic studies that contributed to making progress during the research’s different phases. The analysis of data was to generate sustainable bases for urban aquaponics that go in line with the city’s conditions and citizens’ aspirations. Accordingly, several methods and techniques were deducted to be used for the sustainable integration of the aquaponics system within the urban context of Malmo. Nevertheless, the integration process can contribute to including other operations with the aim of increasing aquaponics sustainability and solving urban issues within the context. However, the design guide produced in this paper is mainly for the city of Malmo, but it can be adjusted to other social and geographical contexts.

Malmö universitets röda tråd : Ett arbete om hur man kan knyta samman det uppdelade universitetet i Malmö / The red thread of Malmö university : A thesis about how to connect the divided university of Malmö

Germsjö, Sarah, Pai, Kevin January 2022 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker hur det uppdelade universitetet i Malmö kan knytas samman. I dagsläget finns det bristande forskning om campusområden, men det finns framförallt en kunskapslucka vid forskning kring att knyta samman ett uppdelat universitet. Malmö universitet har två universitetsområden med över två kilometer emellan och en tydlig koppling mellan dem saknas. Det här är en undersökning om vad som skulle kunna binda samman de två universitetsområdena, samt hur fysisk förändring skulle kunna skapa fler platser och bättre sammanhållning för alla studenter vid Malmö universitet.Genom metoder som intervjuer, fallstudier, litteraturforskning och observationer har vi fått en bred bild, både av Malmö som studentstad men också kring hur andra städer planterat sina universitet. Via intervjuerna har vi fått en praktisk kunskap kring vad studenter vid Malmö universitet tycker om situationen. Att universitetet känns splittrat och att man gärna hade sett fler platser i staden för studenter att vara på. Intervjuer med kunniga inom ämnet har resulterat i en fördjupad förståelse för hur man på bästa sätt kan utveckla universitetets identitet i staden. Fallstudier av städerna Örebro, Växjö samt Kristianstad har kompletterat studien med strategier från andra fall. Via dessa har vi kunnat göra jämförande studier och kommit fram till vad som är attraktivt i universitetsmiljön. Studien har visat att det saknas en koppling mellan de två områdena och att rörelsen mellan dem är näst intill obefintlig. Genom strategiska lösningar som utveckling av wayfinding och stråk samt nya samlingsplatser kan områdena kännas mer attraktiva och enhetliga. Utveckling av ett stråk genom city blir den röda tråden mellan områdena. Fysiska platser i form av studierum både utomhus och inomhus, studentcafeer, studentpubar och bostäder är viktiga knutpunkter för att skapa samlingsplatser för alla universitetets studenter. Via tillfälliga event och mötesplatser kommer det skapas fler möjligheter för studenter att träffas. Arbetet har resulterat i ett stråk som blir den röda tråden mellan områdena, en tråd som kompletteras med mötesplatser och studierum i stadskärnan där studenterna känner att de får ta plats. Det blir en sammanknytning mellan områdena som även påminner stadens medborgare att Malmö är en studentstad. / his study examines how the divided university city of Malmö can be linked together. At present, there is a lack of research on campus areas, but there is above all a gap of knowledge in research on linking a divided university. Malmö university has two campus areas that are divided by two kilometers and a clear connection between them is missing. This is a study of what could connect the two campus areas, and how physical change could create more places and better cohesion for all students at Malmö university. Through the methods of interviews, case studies, literature research and observations, we have created a broad picture, both of Malmö as a student city but also of how other cities have planned their universities. Through the interviews, we have gathered practical knowledge about what students at Malmö university think about the situation. A common theme was that the university feels divided and that they lack areas aimed for university students in the city. Interviews with experts in the subject have resulted in an in-depth understanding of how to best develop the university’s identity in the city. Case studies of the cities of Örebro, Växjö and Kristianstad have supplemented the study with strategies from other university cities. We have then been able to do comparative studies and arrive at what is attractive in the university environment. The study has shown that there is no connection between the two campus areas in Malmö and that the movement between them is almost non-existent. Through strategic solutions such as the development of wayfinding and “stråk” as well as new meeting places, the areas can feel more attractive and uniform. Development of a route through the city becomes the common thread between the areas. Physical places in the form of study rooms both outdoors and indoors, student cafes, student pubs and student housing are important hubs for creating places to gather all of the university’s students. Through temporary use, such as events and meeting places, more opportunities will be created for students to meet. The work has resulted in a “stråk” that becomes the common thread between the areas, a thread that is supplemented with meeting places and study rooms in the city center, where students feel that they are allowed to take place.There will be a connection between the areas that also reminds the city’s citizens that Malmö is a city with students.

Against Singularity : Modernist housing estates: What went wrong and how can we fix it? Case Study of Norsborg, Botkyrka, Sweden

Londakova, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
In my thesis I look into the case of modernist mass housing estates. They appear as a typological, functional and visual anomaly relative to the traditional urban fabric of European urban centers, as a world of its own or a city inside of a city. How to cope with their current state of decay and social issues associated with often low-income populations is an issue on the rise, thus I examine the current prevailing approaches to interventions, as well as their causes and consequences. I apply the outcomes of my research through design for the case of Norsborg in Botkyrka, a modernist housing estate on the outskirts of Stockholm built during the Milljonprogrammet era. Through my design, I seek to find the underestimated values of the place that enable us to build on them, to raise the bar of quality of the environment from minimal to optimal.

A Public Space Analysis and Design Proposal for Täby Torg : Understanding Public Life and Designing for It / Platsanalys och designförslag av Täby Torg : Att förstå det offentliga rummet

Nilsson, Jon January 2019 (has links)
Four years after the opening of Täby Torg, the municipality is already investigating what has led to the square often being empty. The design were meant to inspire social activity and turn Täby Torg into a place where the inhabitants of Täby would gather. This never happened, and this thesis project will, in collaboration with the municipality, aim to deepen the knowledge of why this public space is not working as intended. What can be done to transform this square into the vital core of urban public life that the people can feel proud of?

Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) as a climate adaptation strategy / Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) som klimatanpassningsstrategi

Fumero, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
“Global floods and extreme rainfall events have surged by more than 50% in the past decade and recent studies show that they are occurring four times higher than in 1980” (Neslen, 2018). At the same time, the urban population is rising. Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas and it is estimated to increase to 70% by 2050 (United Nations, 2018). This expansion of urbanized areas is correlated with the increase of impermeable surfaces that, in case of extreme weather events, are not able to drain the water efficiently. The rainfall-runoff is channelled from roads, parking lots, buildings, and other impervious surfaces to storm drains and sewers that cannot handle the volume. The high ratio of impermeable surfaces and the increased extreme rainfall events cause severe environmental, social, economical problems in urban areas. Merely technical and engineering solutions are no sufficient, therefore a new approach that can maintain and adapt the natural water cycle inside the urban areas is needed. Ecosystem services and resilience thinking have become key principles in adaptation strategies at different levels, from international policies (e.g. Sustainable Development Goals) to local actions (e.g. Copenhagen adaptation plan 2015) and design (e.g. climate resilient San Kjeld in Copenhagen). In this scenario, the design approach of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) aims to promote resilience at the local level by managing stormwater, encouraging the defence of the aesthetic value of green and blue areas. WSUD is a multidisciplinary approach that involves water management, urban planning, architecture, and landscape design. The main idea of WSUD is that sustainable stormwater systems should be beautiful, meaningful, and educational (Echols, 2007). This master thesis explores the concept of Water Sensitive Urban Design and its application in the cities of Copenhagen, Malmö and Rotterdam. The case study of PHVision in Heidelberg, Germany, is analysed from the concept of WSUD. Design improvements are suggested stemming from the analysed European examples and the theoretical background.

Incorporating GIS in urban planning : Quantifying accessibility to sociotopic user values for use in urban planning and citizen dialogue – a case study of Årstafältet, Stockholm. / GIS inom stadsplaneringen : Kvantifiering av sociotopiska användarvärden för användning i stadsplanering och medborgardialog - en fallstudie över Årstafältet, Stockholm.

Nordlöv, Anna January 2018 (has links)
There exists a debate regarding where to build new housing in increasingly denser cities today. Often it is the green spaces that must be sacrificed which lead to conflicts among decision makers and citizens. Although, some sources claim (Byrne et al., 2010; Van Herzele & Wiedemann, 2003) that it is not only the fact that there is a green area close to you that matters; but rather which values that piece of green land offers you as a citizen. Values of parks can be described as the features or attributes the park area possess that inspire people to go to and stay there. In Stockholm, Sweden these values are connected to sociotopes, a delimited area containing a set of user values with social meaning (Ståhle, 2006). User values thus describes an activity or an experience that is present at a location.  There exists a lack of and a desire for more detailed mapping of user values of green areas as well as a potential need for finding an efficient method for aiding in citizen dialogue when green areas are planned for urban development. The purpose of this thesis is thus to try to incorporate geographical information science (GIS) in urban planning by investigating if it is possible to measure the physical accessibility of user values of a green area before and after its urban development in lines with the recommendations on accessibility from the municipality. Then, try to create a visual tool to be used in the designing phase of urban planning and in citizen dialogue when developing a new urban area. To do this, a case study was done of Årstafältet, a green area in Stockholm that is planned for urban development and improvement of existing and creation of new user values. By using GIS, the user values were defined spatially, and geographical data based on the study area currently as well as after the development where found or created based on descriptions of the new area in planning documents. Accessibility was defined as the physical distance a resident must walk from their home to the closest access point of a user value. Based on previous research, 1000m was deemed the largest distance a resident can walk to be considered a potential user of a user value. An access analysis was made for all residents within the study area to the closest access point of every user value.  The results of the analysis were visualized in two ways, one regarding urban design and another regarding citizen dialogue in the form of bivariate maps and a GIS web application. Apart from the visual maps, some numerical results regarding distance, distance change and number of accessed user values were calculated.   The maps point out the areas that are mostly affected both in the negative and positive sense.  More research needs to be done to decide the best way of deriving and using the numerical measures. Because of the many assumptions and generalizations made in the study it is difficult to make any overall conclusions about the accessibility of user values at Årstafältet. What is more interesting is the reception by people in the field of GIS and urban planning; which was in general positive. They noted upon the important aspect of concretize the design phase of the urban planning process, which often is based on feeling, and create a solid ground to base more informed decisions upon. The visualization methods presented were well received as tools for enabling more people access into the planning process as well as an easy way of exploring geographical data. Also, the possibility to extend this type of access analysis beyond sociotopic user values was deemed as very useful. Lastly, they expressed that this type of analysis is desired by the workers in the field and highly relevant in today’s urban planning process.

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