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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les services à domicile pour les personnes âgées et les personnes handicapées : solvabilisation de l’accès aux services et protection des bénéficiaires / Home services for the elderly and the disabled persons : solvency of access to services and users protection

Delor, Pierre 23 June 2016 (has links)
Depuis une cinquantaine d’années l’action sociale en faveur des personnes âgées et des personnes handicapées s’est construite par empilements successifs de dispositifs législatifs et réglementaires sans une volonté d’harmonisation et de cohérence.Les services à domicile, sanitaires ou médico-sociaux, créés ces vingt dernières années n’échappent pas à ce mouvement, qu’ils soient en direction des enfants ou des adultes handicapés, ou des personnes âgées.Cette thèse fait l’état de ce qui existe en recherchant comment les bénéficiaires utilisateurs ont accès aux services, par leurs propres moyens financiers, par un financement public ou par le biais de la solidarité nationale. Des propositions de simplification des dispositifs, de mise en cohérence entre eux sont faites pour permettre un plus large accès.La recherche de la protection des bénéficiaires y est présente notamment d’une part, par la qualité du service, dans l’étude des processus de professionnalisation des acteurs à travers leur formation ou l’organisation professionnelle du secteur. D’autre part, la protection des bénéficiaires est également étudiée sous l’angle des dispositifs juridiques existants, pour lesquels il semble nécessaire d’y apporter un renforcement. Enfin, pour développer le soutien aux aidants familiaux, pilier essentiel de la prise en compte de la dépendance des personnes âgées et des personnes handicapées, il faut modifier le droit actuel. / Since fifty years the social action for the elderly and disabled persons has been built by successive stacks of legislation and regulations without desire for harmonization and consistency.Home services created in the last twenty years are no exception to this trend, whether towards children and adults with disabilities and the elderly, health or medico-social.This thesis is the state that exists by searching how recipient users have access to services through their own financial resources, through public funding or through national solidarity. Proposals for simplification of the devices, to ensure consistency between them are made to allow wider access.The search for the protection of beneficiaries is present, especially in the study of processes of professionalization, through training or professional organization of the sector. Proposals are made there. The protection of beneficiaries is also studied in terms of existing legal frameworks, where it seems necessary to make it stronger. Finally to expand the support for family caregivers, an essential pillar of taking into account the dependence of the elderly and disabled persons, we have to change the current law.

“... ja, ingen mår egentligen bra i den här organisationen av att allt ska gå så fort.” : Biståndshandläggares röster om utskrivningsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen / "... well, no one really feels good in this organization that everything has to go so fast." : Care managers' voices about the discharge process in elderly care

Danielsson Wiklund, Jessica, Olausson, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka om biståndshandläggares arbete inom äldreomsorgen har förändrats i samband med utskrivningsprocessen från sjukhus mot bakgrund av den nya lag som tillkom januari 2018, lag (2017:612) om samverkan vid utskrivning från sluten hälso- och sjukvård. Vi har velat synliggöra vilka förändringar av arbetet som skett i och med att lagändringen trädde i kraft, vad dessa i praktiken inneburit för biståndshandläggarna i arbete med äldre samt undersöka vad de upplever sig behöva för hanteringen av detta. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och det empiriska materialet består av totalt åtta intervjuer med yrkesverksamma socionomer inom biståndshandläggning äldreomsorgen vid en stadsdelsförvaltning belägen i Stockholms kommun. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats genom användningen av en perspektivanalys och analysschema av Håkan Jönson. Vidare har vi analyserat våra resultat utifrån Michael Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater och även använt oss av teoretiska begrepp som handlingsutrymme och makt. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns flera bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar biståndshandläggarnas upplevelser av sin yrkesroll utifrån den nya lagändringen, en har medfört ett förändrat arbetssätt och bland annat ställt krav på en högre grad av effektivisering i deras arbete. Respondenterna uttrycker att arbetssättet blivit mer akutstyrt, kravfyllt och de har svårigheter att förfoga över sin egen arbetstid vilket leder till att utskrivningar prioriteras framför hembesök och uppföljningar som därmed skjuts upp. Vidare framgår att det har blivit en sämre kvalité i arbetet då biståndshandläggarna pressas till att arbeta bakvänt i handläggningen till följd av bristande och uteblivna ADL-bedömningar (aktiviteter i det dagliga livet) från vårdens sida och de förkortade handläggningsdagarna i samband med utskrivningsprocessen. Biståndshandläggarna påverkas av stress i arbetet då tempot avsevärt har ökat vilket kan leda till felaktigheter i handläggningen och i förlängningen en känsla av otrygghet och rättsosäkerhet för den äldre. / The purpose of this study has been to investigate how the work of care managers has changed in connection with the discharge process from hospital against the background of the new law that was added in January 2018, Law (2017:612) on collaboration during discharge from inpatient health care. We wanted to make visible the changes to the work that took place as a result of the change in law coming into force, what these meant in practice for the care managers, and to examine what they feel they need to handle this. The study has a qualitative approach and the empirical material consists of a total of eight interviews with professional care manager in the field of elderly care assistance at a district administration located in Stockholm municipality. The collected material has been analyzed through the use of a perspective analysis and analysis scheme by Håkan Jönson. Furthermore, we have analyzed our results based on Michael Lipsky's theory of the street-level bureaucrats and also used theoretical concepts such as discretion and power. The results of the study show that there are several underlying factors that affect the care managers experiences of their professional role based on the new law change, one has brought about a changed way of working and, among other things, set demands for a higher degree of efficiency in their work. The respondents express that the way of working has become more urgent, full of demands and they have difficulties managing their own working hours, which leads to discharges being prioritized over home visits and follow-ups, which are therefore postponed. Furthermore, it appears that there has been a lower quality in the work as the care managers are pressured to work backwards in the processing as a result of insufficient and absent ADL assessments (activities in daily life) from the care side and the shortened processing days in connection with the discharge process. The care managers are affected by stress at work as the pace has increased significantly, which can lead to errors in the processing and, by extension, a feeling of insecurity and legal uncertainty for the elderly.

Les effets de la disponibilité de la main-d'œuvre sur les relations de travail en milieu syndiqué et la vie syndicale dans le secteur privé au Québec : avant et depuis la pandémie de la Covid-19

Blain, Florence 02 1900 (has links)
Avant le début de la pandémie de Covid-19, le marché du travail québécois était déjà touché par une pénurie de main-d’œuvre. Puis, les mesures de restrictions imposées par le gouvernement pour freiner la propagation du virus à partir de mars 2020 sont venues changer la donne. Par exemple, dans les services jugés prioritaires, la pénurie de main-d’œuvre s’est aggravée. Au contraire, dans d’autres secteurs comme l’hébergement et la restauration de même que les arts et la culture, des mises à pieds massives ont eu lieu et des surplus de main-d’œuvre temporaires ont été observés, avant de laisser place à des pénuries de main-d’œuvre à nouveau. C'est dans ce contexte que notre recherche vise à déterminer quels sont les effets de la disponibilité de la main-d’œuvre sur les relations de travail en milieu syndiqué et sur la vie syndicale. Afin de répondre à cette question, nous avons conduit 13 entrevues au cours desquelles nous aurons rencontré 15 représentants d’employeurs privés et de syndicats œuvrant à différents niveaux (sectoriel et entreprise) dans quatre (4) secteurs affectés de diverses manières par la pandémie: le secteur manufacturier, l’entretien ménager, les marchés d’alimentation et l’hébergement. L’analyse de nos résultats indique qu’au niveau des relations patronales-syndicales au quotidien, la pénurie de main-d’œuvre peut générer certains conflits et/ou enjeux comme par exemple une charge de travail trop importante, du temps supplémentaire à répétition, des jours de vacances refusés, de la frustration chez les plus anciens qui trouvent injuste que les nouveaux et nouvelles obtiennent des gains qu’eux-mêmes n’ont pu obtenir qu’après plusieurs années en poste, ainsi que des difficultés au niveau de la communication et de la santé-sécurité au travail avec les travailleurs étrangers. La pénurie de main-d’œuvre a aussi contribué à changer la dynamique de la négociation collective et à modifier les conditions de travail. En effet, la pénurie de main-d’œuvre a fait pencher le rapport de force en faveur du syndicat, ce qui a permis à plusieurs groupes d’employés de bénéficier d’augmentations de salaire d’une ampleur jamais vue auparavant. Dans plusieurs des secteurs étudiés, des demandes de réouverture de convention collective avant terme émanant des employeurs ont été observées afin qu’ils puissent offrir des conditions de travail plus avantageuses pour augmenter leur capacité d’attirer et de retenir la main-d’œuvre. Enfin, en raison de la capacité des salariés à changer relativement facilement d’emplois en raison de la pénurie, leurs attentes sont très élevées, ce qui a pu entraîner à l’occasion des difficultés à faire ratifier les ententes de principe, voire à des rejets d’entente. Finalement, au chapitre de la vie syndicale, la pénurie de main-d’œuvre soulève différents enjeux. Par exemple, les travailleurs étrangers ne sont pas toujours familiers avec le fonctionnement d’un syndicat, ne connaissent pas nécessairement leurs droits et sont particulièrement craintifs à s’impliquer au syndicat. Une même frilosité à participer aux activités syndicales est aussi observés chez les nouveaux travailleurs dont la proportion a augmenté en raison des départs à la retraite des dernières années et du taux de roulement élevé causé par la pénurie de main-d’œuvre. De plus, alimentés par ce qui est dit dans les médias à propos de la pénurie, sans compter leurs craintes par rapport à l’inflation, les attentes des membres en ce qui concerne les salaires sont croissantes. / Before the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Quebec labor market was already affected by a labor shortage. Then, the sanitary measures imposed by the government in March 2020 to limit the spread of the virus changed the situation. For example, in essential services, the labor shortage has become worst. On the other hand, in other sectors such as accommodation and restaurants as well as arts and culture, massive layoffs took place and temporary labor surpluses were observed, before giving way to labor shortages again. It is in this context that our research aims to determine what are the effects of labor availability on labor relations in a unionized environment and on union activities. In order to answer this question, we conducted 13 interviews during which we met 15 representatives of private employers and trade unions in four (4) sectors affected in various ways by the pandemic: manufacturing, housekeeping, grocery stores and accommodation. The analysis of our results indicates that at the level of day-to-day labor-management relations, the labor shortage can generate certain conflicts and/or issues such as, for example, an excessive workload, repeated overtime, denied vacation days, frustration among seniors who find it unfair that new employees are getting payoffs that they were only able to get after several years in the job, as well as difficulties in terms of communication and occupational health and safety with foreign workers. Labor shortages have also contributed to changing the dynamics of collective bargaining and modifying working conditions. Indeed, the labor shortage tilted the balance of power in favor of the union, which allowed several groups of employees to benefit from significant salary increases. In several of the sectors studied, requests from employers for the early reopening of collective agreements have been observed so that they can offer more advantageous working conditions to increase their ability to attract and retain workers. Finally, due to the ability of employees to change jobs relatively easily because of the shortage, their expectations are very high, which may have led on occasion to difficulties in having agreements ratified, or even to agreement rejections. Finally, in terms of union activities, the labor shortage raises various issues. For example, foreign workers are not always familiar with how a union works, do not necessarily know their rights and are particularly fearful of getting involved in an union. The same reluctance to participate in union activities is also observed among new workers, whose proportion has increased due to retirements in recent years and the high turnover rate caused by the labor shortage. Additionally, fueled by media reports about shortages, not to mention fears about inflation, members' expectations for wages are growing.

Vad anser sjuksköterskor vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur arbetsgivare inom vård och omsorg kan stärka sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke / What do nurses consider an attractive employer? : A qualitative interview study on how employers in healthcare can strengthen their employer brand

Baltovic Tuominen, Susanna, Lygren, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner samt Statistikmyndigheten (SCB) prognostiserar att det kommer råda brist på sjuksköterskor i framtiden. Behovet av att förbättra kompetensförsörjningsarbetet finns och ett sätt är att sträva mot att bli en attraktivare arbetsgivare med ett starkare arbetsgivarvarumärke. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på vilka faktorer som är viktiga för sjuksköterskor för att de ska anse att en arbetsgivare är attraktiv och vilja arbeta där. Sju yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskor med varierande erfarenhet i yrket intervjuades och svarade på öppna frågor gällande bland annat relationer på arbetsplatsen, utvecklingsmöjligheter, upplevelsen av vad som är viktigt på arbetsplatsen, synen på arbetsgivaren och rekrytering. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att arbetsgivare behöver värdesätta sin personal. Därtill krävs ett bra ledarskap som bland annat innebär en chef som ser alla anställda, är rättvis, gör medarbetarna delaktiga genom att tillvarata deras kompetens och idéer. Utöver det krävs fungerande arbetsgrupper som bidrar till trivsel på arbetsplatsen. För att behålla sjuksköterskor behöver de få arbeta med patienter, göra nytta, ha adekvat lön, att arbete med utveckling möjliggörs, samt att tid och resurser finns till att bedriva en god vård. Arbetsgivare behöver förstå den stolthet som finns i sjuksköterskeyrket och att sjuksköterskor inte bara är händer i vården utan att deras största motivator i yrket är patienterna. Sjuksköterskor vill bli sedda som kompetenta medarbetare som kan bidra med kunskap och erfarenhet och arbetsgivaren behöver se, värdesätta och framförallt ta tillvara på det. Detta är faktorer en arbetsgivare behöver känna till för att kunna utveckla ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumärke inom vård och omsorg. / Sweden's Municipalities and Regions and the Statistics Authority (SCB) predict that there will be a shortage of nurses in the future. The need to improve skills supply work exists and one way is to strive towards becoming a more attractive employer with a stronger employer brand. The purpose of the essay is to find out which factors are important for nurses in order for them to consider an employer attractive and want to work there. Seven professional nurses with varying experience in the profession were interviewed and answered open questions regarding, among other things, relationships in the workplace, development opportunities, the experience of what is important in the workplace, the view of the employer and recruitment. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a content analysis. The result shows that employers need to value their staff. In addition, good leadership is required, which means, among other things, a manager who sees all employees, is fair, makes the employees involved by making use of their skills and ideas. In addition to that, functioning work groups are required that contribute to well-being in the workplace. In order to retain nurses, they need to be able to work with patients, to benefit, to have an adequate salary, to be able to work with development, and to have time and resources to provide good care. Employers need to understand the pride that exists in the nursing profession and that nurses are not only hands in care, but that their biggest motivator in the profession is the patients. Nurses want to be seen as competent employees who can contribute with knowledge and experience, and the employer needs to see, value and above all take advantage of that. These are factors an employer needs to know in order to be able to develop a strong employer brand within healthcare.

A juridical foundation for accountability to enhance the security of the Higher Education lecturer in South Africa / Franciska Bothma

Bothma, Franciska January 2015 (has links)
The widening of access to Higher Education (HE) with a concomitant call for more accountability in the HE sector locally and globally, has altered the former elitist status of the university and impacted the professional standing, autonomy, and working conditions of lecturers negatively. Lecturers are increasingly held to account for providing quality teaching and delivering employable graduates. Yet their work environment has been characterised by poor support, dwindling resources, lack of recognition and reward for teaching efforts and excellence, and absence of legal protection when failing to fulfil the undefined yet high accountability expectations in their teaching-related work. This state of affairs has had an inevitable influence on lecturers’ perceived security in their labour environment. The overarching purpose of this study was therefore to generate guidelines to improve the existing juridical foundation for accountability of South African (SA) HE lecturers with a view to enhance their security in their employment context. In order to assist in the fulfilment of this central purpose, the study aimed to develop understanding of how lecturers perceive their accountability and security in light of diverse teaching-related responsibilities and vagueness in terms of expected conduct; and the protection (or lack of protection) of their rights and professional status. An international perspective on these issues was imperative to shed some light on how regulation elsewhere could improve practices in the SA context. While SA lecturers are equally entitled to all the rights stipulated in the Bill of Rights, they are also subject to and accountable for upholding the provisions of the SA Constitution and derived labour legislation relevant within the HE environment. The founding values of the Constitution, namely equality, human dignity and the protection of human rights and related freedoms, form not only the basic standard for measuring lecturer conduct, but also the legal basis for challenging policy, system or conduct that might threaten constitutional or labour rights. Yet, despite the existing juridical foundation for the regulation of accountability and rights protection of SA lecturers, comprising the SA Constitution, general labour and HE legislation, there is an absence of HE-specific teaching-related accountability regulation, resulting in lecturer insecurity regarding expected conduct, professional recognition and support, and accountability expectations in their teaching-related work. In comparison, a number of Australian legal imperatives, including the Commonwealth of Australia Learning and Teaching Council’s standard for quality teaching with corresponding quality indicators, provide for more clearly defined teaching-related accountability regulation. In addition, the Mission Based Compacts, the Threshold Standards, and the national Modern Award for the Higher Education Industry, afford Australian lecturers the protection of HE-specific rights relevant to enhance security in their unique work environment. These legal imperatives proved to be significant for informing the improved juridical foundation for lecturer teaching-related accountability in the SA context to enhance the security of the SA lecturer. With a focus on the development of in-depth understanding of the phenomena of lecturer accountability and security via the perspectives and interpretations of lecturers themselves, the empirical study was grounded in an inductive qualitative methodology from an interpretive-phenomenological perspective. To ensure richness of descriptive data, lecturers actively involved in undergraduate teaching at three different local, and one Australian university, were purposively selected to participate in semi-structured individual and focus group interviews. The analysis and interpretation of the interview data included a comparative component to explore perceptions of lecturer accountability regulation and security protection in an Australian context with a view to identify inadequate legal provisioning for these phenomena in the SA HE environment. From the data analysis and interpretation, seven meaningful themes were identified, associated with either lecturer accountability or lecturer security. The findings offered not only a clear delineation of internal and external lecturer teaching-related accountability, but also a comprehensive definition of lecturer professional security that was found wanting in all legal sources and other literature studied for this thesis. Moreover, in realisation of the primary aim of this study, twelve significant guidelines are presented to establish an improved juridical foundation for lecturer accountability that will enhance lecturer security in the SA Higher Education context. Amongst these are: the development of a clear delineation of teaching-related roles and responsibilities articulated for different academic post levels; the establishment of a professional HE teaching-oriented career path affording professional recognition via a professional body for lecturers, and requiring continuous professional teaching development; and the development of minimum conditions of employment unique to the work of the HE lecturer. / PhD (Education Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

A juridical foundation for accountability to enhance the security of the Higher Education lecturer in South Africa / Franciska Bothma

Bothma, Franciska January 2015 (has links)
The widening of access to Higher Education (HE) with a concomitant call for more accountability in the HE sector locally and globally, has altered the former elitist status of the university and impacted the professional standing, autonomy, and working conditions of lecturers negatively. Lecturers are increasingly held to account for providing quality teaching and delivering employable graduates. Yet their work environment has been characterised by poor support, dwindling resources, lack of recognition and reward for teaching efforts and excellence, and absence of legal protection when failing to fulfil the undefined yet high accountability expectations in their teaching-related work. This state of affairs has had an inevitable influence on lecturers’ perceived security in their labour environment. The overarching purpose of this study was therefore to generate guidelines to improve the existing juridical foundation for accountability of South African (SA) HE lecturers with a view to enhance their security in their employment context. In order to assist in the fulfilment of this central purpose, the study aimed to develop understanding of how lecturers perceive their accountability and security in light of diverse teaching-related responsibilities and vagueness in terms of expected conduct; and the protection (or lack of protection) of their rights and professional status. An international perspective on these issues was imperative to shed some light on how regulation elsewhere could improve practices in the SA context. While SA lecturers are equally entitled to all the rights stipulated in the Bill of Rights, they are also subject to and accountable for upholding the provisions of the SA Constitution and derived labour legislation relevant within the HE environment. The founding values of the Constitution, namely equality, human dignity and the protection of human rights and related freedoms, form not only the basic standard for measuring lecturer conduct, but also the legal basis for challenging policy, system or conduct that might threaten constitutional or labour rights. Yet, despite the existing juridical foundation for the regulation of accountability and rights protection of SA lecturers, comprising the SA Constitution, general labour and HE legislation, there is an absence of HE-specific teaching-related accountability regulation, resulting in lecturer insecurity regarding expected conduct, professional recognition and support, and accountability expectations in their teaching-related work. In comparison, a number of Australian legal imperatives, including the Commonwealth of Australia Learning and Teaching Council’s standard for quality teaching with corresponding quality indicators, provide for more clearly defined teaching-related accountability regulation. In addition, the Mission Based Compacts, the Threshold Standards, and the national Modern Award for the Higher Education Industry, afford Australian lecturers the protection of HE-specific rights relevant to enhance security in their unique work environment. These legal imperatives proved to be significant for informing the improved juridical foundation for lecturer teaching-related accountability in the SA context to enhance the security of the SA lecturer. With a focus on the development of in-depth understanding of the phenomena of lecturer accountability and security via the perspectives and interpretations of lecturers themselves, the empirical study was grounded in an inductive qualitative methodology from an interpretive-phenomenological perspective. To ensure richness of descriptive data, lecturers actively involved in undergraduate teaching at three different local, and one Australian university, were purposively selected to participate in semi-structured individual and focus group interviews. The analysis and interpretation of the interview data included a comparative component to explore perceptions of lecturer accountability regulation and security protection in an Australian context with a view to identify inadequate legal provisioning for these phenomena in the SA HE environment. From the data analysis and interpretation, seven meaningful themes were identified, associated with either lecturer accountability or lecturer security. The findings offered not only a clear delineation of internal and external lecturer teaching-related accountability, but also a comprehensive definition of lecturer professional security that was found wanting in all legal sources and other literature studied for this thesis. Moreover, in realisation of the primary aim of this study, twelve significant guidelines are presented to establish an improved juridical foundation for lecturer accountability that will enhance lecturer security in the SA Higher Education context. Amongst these are: the development of a clear delineation of teaching-related roles and responsibilities articulated for different academic post levels; the establishment of a professional HE teaching-oriented career path affording professional recognition via a professional body for lecturers, and requiring continuous professional teaching development; and the development of minimum conditions of employment unique to the work of the HE lecturer. / PhD (Education Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Ondersoek na die volhoubaarheid van jeugwerk as professie in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Swartz, Liezl 30 November 2003 (has links)
An applied study was undertaken to describe the current position of youth work as profession in the Dutch Reformed Church and to identify factors influencing the sustainability. A review of relevant literature, as well as an empirical survey were conducted to investigate pertinent factors such as the working conditions, the person and the training of the youth worker. In the empirical research respondents completing questionnaires consisted of former students of the Huguenot College currently employed as church youth workers, and those who left the ministry. Interviews were conducted with congregations currently employing or having employed youth workers. It is evident from this study that the youth work profession is not yet satisfactorily established and thus contributes to youth workers leaving the ministry. In the interest of youth ministry, it is essential for the Dutch Reformed Church to acknowledge these factors influencing the sustainability of youth work as profession, in order to get this occupation properly established. / Practical Theology / M.Diac. (Jeugwerk-rigting)

Ondersoek na die volhoubaarheid van jeugwerk as professie in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Swartz, Liezl 30 November 2003 (has links)
An applied study was undertaken to describe the current position of youth work as profession in the Dutch Reformed Church and to identify factors influencing the sustainability. A review of relevant literature, as well as an empirical survey were conducted to investigate pertinent factors such as the working conditions, the person and the training of the youth worker. In the empirical research respondents completing questionnaires consisted of former students of the Huguenot College currently employed as church youth workers, and those who left the ministry. Interviews were conducted with congregations currently employing or having employed youth workers. It is evident from this study that the youth work profession is not yet satisfactorily established and thus contributes to youth workers leaving the ministry. In the interest of youth ministry, it is essential for the Dutch Reformed Church to acknowledge these factors influencing the sustainability of youth work as profession, in order to get this occupation properly established. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Diac. (Jeugwerk-rigting)

Immigrants, work and health: a qualitative study

Ahonen, Emily 17 April 2009 (has links)
Este estudio cualitativo, exploratorio y descriptivo en cinco ciudades examina las condiciones de trabajo, los riesgos, los factores influyentes y los efectos en salud experimentados por trabajadores inmigrantes en España. Se diseñó una muestra por criterio.El tamaño de la muestra final de 158 hombres y mujeres documentados e indocumentados se determinó por saturación del discurso. Los datos fueron recogidos entre septiembre del 2006 y mayo de 2007 mediante entrevistas individuales y grupos focales, ambos semiestructurados y con un guión de temas. Se empleó un análisis narrativo del contenido, siguiendo un esquema de generación mixta. Los datos muestran una exposición frecuente a una variedad de riesgos laborales, horas largas de trabajo y pocos días de descanso, además de prácticas discriminatorias en cuanto a la asignación de tareas. Los informantes carecían de formación en seguridad laboral y de experiencia en sus puestos de trabajo. La mayoría tenía poco control sobre su ambiente de trabajo. Finalmente, relataron abusos en términos de sus condiciones de empleo. Los efectos en salud relatados cubrían un rango, desde la experiencia o el miedo de sufrir lesiones agudas, lesiones de estrés crónico, problemas respiratorios y dermatológicos, la acumulación de fatiga, afectaciones del sueño, síntomas somáticos y síntomas de salud psicológica pobre tales como ansiedad y depresión. Se examinan las diferencias halladas por estatus administrativo y género. Estos resultados no dejan lugar a duda en cuanto a la necesidad de mejorar el apoyo a los inmigrantes trabajadores. También son necesarios mejores datos y vigilancia a la salud de esta población como elementos centrales de tal apoyo. Se discuten áreas específcas que requieren más atención desde la investigación y la polítca. / This qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study in five cities examines the working conditions, hazards, influencing factors and effects on health experienced by immigrant workers in Spain. A criterion sample was designed. The final sample of 158 documented and undocumented immigrant men and women was determined by saturation of the discourse. Data were collected between September 2006 and May 2007 through semistructured individual interviews and focus groups, using a topic guide. We employed narrative content analysis to examine data according to a mixed-generation scheme. The data demonstrated widespread exposure to a variety of occupational hazards, long work hours, and few days off, as well as discriminatory assignation of tasks. Informants lacked worker safety training, appropriate personal protective equipment, and experience in current jobs.Most had very little control over elements of their work environment. Finally, informants reported abuses in terms of employment conditions. Health effects reported ranged from the experience or fear of acute injuries, to chronic strain injuries, respiratory and dermatologic responses, to the accumulation of fatigue, sleep affectations, somatic symptoms, and mental health concerns such as anxiety and depressive mood. Differences by documentation status and gender are discussed. These results leave little doubt about the need for better outreach and support for immigrant workers in Spain. Better data collection and surveillance of this worker population is a centrally necessary element of stronger immigrant worker support. Specific areas in need of more study and policy consideration are discussed.

Infortuni sul Lavoro e Rischi nel Mercato del Lavoro: Evidenze Empiriche / Workplace injuries and risk in the labour market: empirical evidence

MAZZOLINI, GABRIELE 01 February 2011 (has links)
La presente tesi si focalizza sullo studio delle determinanti e delle conseguenze del rischio sul lavoro e degli incidenti occupazionali nel mercato del lavoro. Il primo contributo (Capitolo 1) fornisce una rassegna critica all'interno di un quadro di analisi armonizzato allo scopo di evidenziare le debolezze della letteratura teorica ed empirica, che si occupa di rischio sul lavoro e dei incidenti occupazionali. Nell’ indagare le determinanti degli incidenti sul lavoro (Capitolo 2), si analizza il ruolo delle condizioni di lavoro e della sicurezza sul posto di lavoro nel ridurre la probabilità di un infortunio e la durata della relativa assenza, tema inesplorato nella limitata letteratura empirica. I nostri risultati forniscono evidenze cross-country che una maggiore sicurezza contribuisce a ridurre la probabilità che un incidente si verifichi e le corrispondenti conseguenze, in termini di giorni di assenza per infortunio. Particolare attenzione viene posta nel considerare il ruolo delle regolamentazioni sulla sicurezza e delle pratiche di organizzazione del lavoro. Il Capitolo 3 studia le conseguenze degli infortuni. Ci si concentra a determinare come un incidente possa influenzare i costi sostenuti dal lavoratori, vale a dire una riduzione delle probabilità di occupazione e perdite salariali, sia nel breve sia lungo periodo. Utilizzando i dati BHPS, si trova che, nel breve periodo, uno stato di infortunio, in seguito ad un incidente occupazionale, porta ad una maggiore probabilità di perdere il lavoro; nel lungo periodo, i lavoratori infortunati possono subire consistenti perdite salariali che possono essere evitate se il lavoratore è occupato nel settore pubblico o in imprese sindacalizzate. / This dissertation focuses on investigating the determinants and the consequences of risk at work and occupational accidents in the labour market. The first contribution (Chapter 1) provides a critical survey within an harmonized framework of analysis to highlight the weaknesses of the theoretical and empirical literature. In investigating the determinants of accidents at work (Chapter 2), we analyze the role of working conditions and safety at work in reducing the probability of accidents at work and the corresponding duration of absence, which is an unexplored issue in the limited empirically literature on risk at work and occupational accidents. Our findings provide cross-country evidence that more safety at work contributes to reduce the probability that an accident occurs and its consequences, in terms of days off from work. Particular attention is used in considering the role of safety at work regulations and of work organization practices. Chapter 3 studies the consequences of occupational injuries. We focus in determining how an accident may affect workers’ costs, namely a decline of employment probabilities and earning losses, either in the short or in the long term. Using the BHPS data, we find that, in the short term, a state of injury, following an occupational accident, leads to a higher probability of losing job; in the long term, injured workers may support significant earning losses that may vanish if they are employed in the public sector or in unionized firms.

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