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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atividade de cuidados em UTI neonanatal: uma análise das relações entre trabalho de enfermagem e saúde / Activity neonanatal ICU admission: an examination of the relationships between nursing work and health

Souza, Ana Maria Ramos Zambroni de January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010 / Esta pesquisa aborda o trabalho das profissionais de enfermagem em UTIN Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal buscando compreender quais os elementos que compõem e atravessam a atividade dessas trabalhadoras contribuem para sua saúde ou, inversamente, para o adoecimento. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em um Hospital Universitário Federal situado na região nordeste do Brasil. O objetivo principal dessa investigação foi verificar as relações entre a forma em que a atividade de cuidar, na UTIN, se desenvolve e a saúde das trabalhadoras. As abordagens teórico-metodológicas norteadoras deste estudo foram aquelas que privilegiam o ponto de vista da Atividade, em especial a Ergonomia da Atividade, sempre na perspectiva da Ergologia, aliadas ao conceito vitalista de saúde de Canguilhem. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, cujo grupo participante é composto por um total de 18 trabalhadoras (06 enfermeiras e 12 técnicas de enfermagem). A pesquisa de campo foi desenvolvida em quatro etapas: observações livres, a aplicação do questionário INSAT, cruzamento das informações do questionário junto das observações livres e, finalmente, o processo de validação junto das trabalhadoras. Constatou-se que o coletivo tem papel importante e estruturante para a saúde dessas trabalhadoras, sendo um elemento essencial para qualidade do serviço e para satisfação no trabalho. As situações e condições de trabalho vivenciadas por esse grupo de trabalhadoras nem sempre favorecem ou até colocam em risco a saúde, tais como: trabalho noturno, iluminação insuficiente, exposição aos raios x, ritmo acelerado de trabalho, dificuldades com materiais e equipamentos, espaço físico inadequado, dentre outros. Observou-se também que a atividade dessas profissionais de enfermagem é fortemente atravessada pelas relações de gênero, onde a naturalização das supostas aptidões e funções socialmente atribuídas ao sexo feminino conjugam-se com a hierarquização médico-hospitalar constituindo-se como elementos inscritos e enraizados nas trabalhadoras, na instituição e na própria sociedade.

Mondialisation, conditions de travail et santé / Globalization, working conditions and health

Coupaud, Marine 07 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’applique à explorer dans quelle mesure et par quels mécanismes lamondialisation, au travers de ses différentes composantes, impacte la santé des travailleurseuropéens. Dans une première partie, nous exposons les conséquences socio-économiques de cephénomène. Dans une deuxième partie, nous montrons que l’exposition concurrentielleinternationale constitue un facteur de risque pour la santé des travailleurs non qualifiés. Lesfacteurs individuels et organisationnels sont néanmoins les plus à même d’expliquer la prévalencede troubles physiques et mentaux chez l’ensemble des travailleurs. La mondialisation impliqueaussi de nouvelles pratiques organisationnelles liées à l’internationalisation des firmes, une autrefacette de la mondialisation. Nous soulignons que les travailleurs doivent ainsi trouver lesressources nécessaires pour rester attractifs dans ce monde en perpétuelle évolution. Dans unetroisième partie, nous exposons que la mondialisation favorise le développement des activités deservices dans les pays industrialisés. En parallèle, l'organisation de type "lean" est mise en placedans ces secteurs et la pression concurrentielle s’accroit. Ces changements impactent les conditionsde réalisation du travail. Dans ce contexte, la santé se trouve dégradée par des facteurs de risqueen évolution, parmi eux l’intensité du travail liées aux relations interpersonnelles. Enfin, nousmontrons que la Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise apparait comme une solution dont lesentreprises peuvent s’emparer pour améliorer la santé de leurs travailleurs et par conséquent, leurperformance sociale et financière. / This thesis aims at exploring to what extent globalization, through its diversecomponents, impacts the health of European workers. In a first part, we expose the socio-economicconsequences of this multi-faceted phenomenon. In a second part, we show that internationalcompetition, one of the essential components of globalization, is a risk factor for non-skilledworkers. Nevertheless, individual and organizational factors are the most likely to explain mentaland physical disorders prevalence in the population as a whole. Globalization also implies newpractices linked to firms’ internationalization strategy, another component of globalization. Weunderline that workers must acquire the skills to stay attractive in a constantly changing worldand they do not find much support in their companies. In a third part, we show that globalizationenhances the surge of the service sector in industrialized countries. In addition, the leanmanagement is implemented in those sectors and competitive pressure increases. These changesimpact the way the work is performed. Within this context, the health of workers deterioratesbecause they are exposed to changing risk factors, among them: intense of work related tointerpersonal relationships. Finally, we find that the Corporate Social Responsibility comes as ananswer to improve workers’ health and as a consequence, firms’ social and financial performance.

État-parti, conflits de travail et autonomie collective : pourquoi le droit du travail chinois est-il ineffectif ?

Zhang, Ping 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Perceptions of adult education teachers about their working condition in the Adult Basic Education and Training programme in the Gauteng East Education District

Mabuza, Raymond Vusi 02 July 2020 (has links)
This research presents a qualitative inquiry of the perceptions of the adult education teachers about their working conditions in the Adult Basic Education and Training programme. A qualitative investigation method was conducted, and a semi-structured interview was employed to collect data. The data from open-ended questions was analysed using a thematic approach. Findings suggest that the condition of services for adult education teachers was not acceptable and the levels of job satisfaction among teachers in adult education was low. Some recommendations that arise from the study are that the dilapidated buildings belonging to adult education be revamped and teaching and learning resources be provided. It is also recommended that the employment conditions of adult education teachers be in line with those of mainstream education teachers. / Adult Basic Education (ABET) / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

Komparace české a slovenské právní úpravy dovolené / Comparison of Czech and Slovak legal regulation of leave

Blatný, Richard January 2021 (has links)
1 Abstract and keywords in the English language Comparison of Czech and Slovak legal regulation of leave Abstract The dissertation contains an overview of labor law legislation, especially the regulation of holidays, in the territory of historical Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia on the one hand and in the territory of today's Slovakia on the other hand. For a better understanding of the issue, an overview of the development of working conditions and labor protection in a given time context in both cultural areas is also provided. I believe that the presented comparison of legal regulations in both territories is an interesting excursion not only in terms of labor law itself, but also in the field of legal history. I believe that in the presented summary of the work it provides important and interesting expanding knowledge in the field of labor law and social security law. In my opinion, similar work was lacking in our market, and therefore it can be assumed that in this direction it will contribute to its enrichment if it is possible to realize its book edition, which is under negotiation. An overview of the material described above is given in twelve chapters since the beginning of the 14th century, when labor relations developed in the Czech lands, about which written reports already exist. In the case of...

Le métier d’instituteur au Gabon / The profession of teacher in Gabon

Mouyivou Bongo, Pélagie 11 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif principal d’interroger les mécanismes régissant la dynamique corporatiste et les logiques d’action du collectif des instituteurs au Gabon. Cette réflexion a été orientée au départ par deux constats : l’action collective enseignante et les changements statutaires marquant l’évolution de ce groupe professionnel. La démarche méthodologique s’appuie sur l’apport de plusieurs disciplines des sciences sociales et de diverses approches théoriques. L’hypothèse théorique repose sur l’idée de la constitution d’un corps de métier. Cette thèse tente d’appréhender le métier d’instituteur à partir d’un triptyque articulant trois pôles d’analyse : les relations sociales, l’organisation et le contexte social.L’enquête de terrain réalisée auprès des différents acteurs éducatifs, principalement les instituteurs, est centrée sur les conditions de vie et de travail de ces derniers. L’analyse porte à la fois sur les aspects statutaires, les relations entre les instituteurs et les autres acteurs de l’action pédagogique - principalement les élèves, les familles, les pouvoirs publics - et sur la pratique quotidienne de la classe. Elle met en lumière, la pluralité des identités socioprofessionnelles et la variabilité des pratiques professionnelles suivant les configurations relationnelles, les règles organisationnelles et le contexte socioculturel de travail. A titre d’exemple, l’instituteur notable dans un village devient le fonctionnaire mal payé en ville. De même, quand la gestion de la discipline en classe, la multiplicité des activités variées, la recherche des outils didactiques, l’entretien de la classe, rythment une matinée de travail de l’instituteur de l’école publique et de ses élèves, l’exploitation maximale des nombreuses ressources pédagogiques disponibles caractérise une matinée de travail de l’instituteur de l’école conventionnée.L’analyse permet aussi de cerner les mécanismes qui sous-tendent les accords et les désaccords au sein du système scolaire dans sa globalité. Des dispositifs de formation non adaptés aux conditions réelles de travail, la marginalisation de l’instituteur étranger à la province, les attentes des familles vis-à-vis de l’instituteur exerçant dans son village d’origine, la fuite des classes d’examen ou des classes pléthoriques par certains instituteurs, la constitution et la gestion des budgets dans les établissements, la radicalisation ou non de l’action syndicale… sont autant de facteurs sources des oppositions caractérisant les relations des instituteurs entre eux, des instituteurs avec les parents d’élèves ou avec les pouvoirs publics. / This thesis has for objective to examine the mechanisms governing the corporatist dynamics and logics of action of the collective of teachers in Gabon. This reflection has been directed at the outset by two observations: the teacher collective action and statutory changes marking the evolution of this occupational group. The methodological approach relies on the contribution of several disciplines of social sciences and various theoretical approaches. The theoretical assumption rests on the idea of the creation of a corps of business. This thesis attempts to apprehend the profession of schoolmaster from a triptych linking three areas of analysis: social relations, organization and social context.The field survey conducted among different educational actors, mainly teachers, is centered on the life and work of these conditions. The analysis focuses both on the statutory aspects, relations between teachers and other actors of the educational action - mainly students, families, public authorities - and the daily practice of the class. It highlights, the plurality of professional identities and professional practice variability following relational configurations, organizational rules, and, the social and cultural context of work. For example, the significant teacher in a village becomes an employee being poorly paid in the city. Similarly, when the management of discipline in the classroom, the multiplicity of varied activities, looking for teaching tools, maintenance of the class, punctuate a morning's work of public school teacher and of his students, the maximum exploitation of the many educational resources available characterized a morning's work of the partner school teacher.The analysis can also identify the mechanisms underlying the agreements and disagreements within the school system in its entirety. Training devices not adapted to the actual conditions of work, the marginalization of the teacher in the province, the expectations of the families against the teacher in his home village, leakage of exam classes or oversized classes by some teachers, the constitution and the management of budgets in institutions, radicalization or non of Union action... are all factors sources of opposition characterizing the relationships of teachers between them teachers with parents of students or the public authorities.

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