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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

NATO continuity and change : the Atlantic Alliance as an institution, organization and force by reference to Articles 4, 5, and 6 of the Washington Treaty

Branikas, Spyros 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / This thesis examines the evolution of NATO as an institution in the International System by reference to Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the Washington Treaty of 1949. Initially, the thesis considers NATO from an international relations perspective. It then proceeds to examine the institutional evolutionary process of the Alliance since its inception and implementation in 1949. Furthermore, it explores the significance and the meaning of the aforementioned Articles. This thesis utilizes the case study method and refers to four distinct events that have shaped allied policies and strategies: the Suez Crisis of 1956, the establishment of the politico-military consultation process, the Yom Kippur War (1973), and the end of the Cold War (1989-1991). It also examines the allied policies after the events of September 11, 2001. Moreover, it identifies a general pattern of events pertinent to crisis creation inside NATO when the organization is facing a defense issue outside the Euro-Atlantic area. Finally, the thesis concludes that NATO is more than an ordinary military Alliance, as advocated by its longevity, agility and adaptability, which allows the Alliance to maintain a central position in the International System as a robust politico-military organization. / Lieutenant Commander, Hellenic Navy

An evaluation of the implementation of sector policing in Tembisa

Hlungwani, Freddy 27 October 2014 (has links)
The research problem that was investigated in this research study was to evaluate the implementation of sector policing in Tembisa policing precinct. Even though there are policies and directives on how to implement it, there is still some challenges because it is yet to yield the intended results. Data was collected from focus group interviews, literature studies and polices. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the form of focus group interviews. Moreover, a literature study including material such as official SAPS documents, library sources and National Legislation regarding community policing has been presented. Data was also collected from sector managers, sector teams, CPF members and pastors who participated in four focus group interviews in Tembisa police station. The sample was chosen on the basis of what the researcher considers to be typical units. Participants were interviewed in stages. The collected data was broken into themes, patterns, trends and relationships. Data analysis followed verbatim transcription of interviews, that’s why the researcher followed Tesch’s approach of descriptive analysis. The research conducted indicated that although progress has been made in the implementation of sector policing In Tembisa, there still more which needs to be done. Specific concerns which require the attention of SAPS management were raised. It is clear that internal communication and consultation are a necessity. It is also clear that members on the ground are not well trained because they lack the actual knowledge on how to implement it. Training and development of all role players need to be prioritised to enhance their knowledge. All the role players need to be motivated during the implementation of sector policing to ensure that they are ready for the job ahead. The recommendations drawn from the conclusions made in this study may provide a proper direction on how to implement sector policing in the Republic. / Police Practice / M.Tech. (Policing)


Coelho, Jose Flavio Guerra Machado, f.coelho@bigpond.com January 2006 (has links)
The title of the research is Sustainability Performance Evaluation Management Systems Model for Individual Organizations and Supply Chains. This research has achieved its aim to develop and demonstrate the practical implementation of a simple and objective sustainability performance evaluation management system model for individual organizations and supply chains. It has resulted in the recognition that a new concept – Network of Interested Partners – underpins the achievement of sustainability. The term acknowledges the interdependence and reflects the essential cooperation that must be achieved between business organisations, their commercially related entities and the local community if progress towards sustainability is to be achieved. It therefore encompasses and extends the concept of a supply chain as currently used. Sustainable Development is defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development as development, which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future societies to meet their own needs. Organizations, as part of human activities, also have to be sustainable. The sustainability of organizations is directly linked to the continual improvement of business performance. Many organizations have found a way to improve performance through the establishment of management systems. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards are recognized worldwide as reliable and efficient tools for the implementation of management systems. However, they do not always result in the desired improvement in outcomes. Therefore, if the required improvement of business performance is to be achieved, improved methodologies for development and implementation of performance evaluation (PE) processes are necessary. These methodologies must take into consideration sustainability principles. They also have to be applicable to individual entities and supply chains, with or without management systems in place. Supply chains are important because it is being increasingly recognized that overall supply chain performance is a means of adding value and competitive advantage to all businesses. In the first part of the research a performance evaluation model or PE (version 1 model) was developed. This was used as criteria to compare and evaluate existing performance evaluation processes and outcomes of individual organisations and their respective supply chain within the Gladstone region, Australia. Questionnaires have also been used to identify and evaluate the needs of the interested parties in relation to the organizations’ and supply chains’ business performance and processes of performance evaluation. All the information provided in the first part of the research was used by the researcher to develop the Sustainability Performance Evaluation Management Systems model or SPEMS (version 2 model). This incorporates the concepts of Network of Interested Parties/Partners. In particular, one of the outcomes is recognition that organizations need to establish partnerships if effective supply chain performance improvement is to be achieved. Therefore the establishment of partnerships has become a key requirement for the implementation of SPEMS. The establishment of partnership among participants of a supply chain of Gladstone and implementation of the eight first steps of the SPEMS (version 2 model) in this supply chain was commenced successfully through workshops. The supply chain was formed by commercial organizations, government entities and interested parties from the community. SPEMS requires that partners all have the same level of ownership and authority in the decisions of the supply chain. Some new terms and their definitions have been created within the research to support the new SPEMS model. They include: Network of Interested Partners, sustainability for organizations, sustainability KPI and sustainability friendly organizations. All of the above are encompassed within the final SPEMS (version 3 model).

中國大陸協議控制下的可變利益實體架構的法律問題分析 / A Study of Legal Issues of Variable Interest Entity Structure under Agreement Control in Mainland China

蔡治 Unknown Date (has links)
由於中國大陸對企業境內上市的嚴苛要求與外商投資的產業限制,新興互聯網企業不得不訴諸境外上市融資。根據美國會計準則關於「可變利益實體」的規定,新浪網開創以搭建可變利益實體架構實現境外上市的模式成為21世紀初中國大陸互聯網及其他產業上市融資的不二選擇。可變利益實體架構中,境外上市主體與境內運營實體通過協議達成控制關係,將後者營運狀況併入前者財報,滿足其境外上市條件。近年中,支付寶違約、沃爾瑪併購1號店等事件引發法律界、財經界對VIE架構的關注。2015年來,《中華人民共和國外國投資法(草案徵求意見稿)》的公佈,《工業和信息化部關於放開線上資料處理與交易處理業務(經營類電子商務)外資股比限制的通告》(簡稱「工信部196號文」)的公佈,以「暴風科技」為代表的紅籌股回歸現象,都給VIE架構帶來變局。 本文從VIE架構的產生背景出發,梳理其發展狀況,釐清其概念,歸納其特點,分析其所涉法律問題與風險,探討其監管設計,意圖使讀者對中國大陸協議控制下的可變利益實體架構這一法律現象有全面的把握。

Les effets du débat public dans la nouvelle ville de Montréal : regard sur le plan d'urbanisme et sa mise en oeuvre

Van Neste, Sophie L. 02 1900 (has links)
Débat public, participation, délibération, autant de termes utilisés pour parler de normes et de dispositifs qui participeraient au nouvel « impératif délibératif » (Blondiaux et Sintomer 2002). Ce mémoire présente une analyse du débat public sur le plan d'urbanisme de Montréal avec un schéma d'analyse inspiré de celui de Simard et Fourniau (2007). Notre discussion du processus de débat porte non seulement sur la phase formelle des audiences publiques, mais aussi sur les étapes de concertation en amont et sur divers processus plus ou moins publicisés en aval. Ceci permet une réflexion d'ordre procédural plus riche qui considère la diversité des dispositifs dans une perspective de complémentarité. Pour chercher des effets du débat public sur le plan d'urbanisme, nous adoptons le parti de la congruence (Offner 1993), ce qui nous amène à une analyse de l'interaction entre des dynamiques contextuelles et des mobilisations des participants au débat. Certaines de ces congruences concordent avec des modifications au plan d'urbanisme. Notre étude propose aussi des implications du contexte particulier de la nouvelle ville de Montréal (avec la création des arrondissements) sur le contenu du débat public, sur certaines de ses manifestations procédurales ainsi que sur sa portée. Notre dernier chapitre montre que la dynamique du débat public en aval, dans la phase de mise en oeuvre du plan d'urbanisme, se déploie beaucoup plus dans les débats sur les grands projets que sur les mécanismes prévus à cette fin, qui comportent des embûches de par leur faible publicité et le caractère technique du processus réglementaire. Dans l'ensemble, notre étude met en lumière l'importance du contexte : autant le processus de débat que ses effets s'inscrivent dans des dynamiques contextuelles. / In this master thesis, the mechanisms of public debate used to discuss the urban master plan of Montreal are analysed with a framework inspired by Simard and Fourniau (2007), which contains a serie of deliberative criterion. Public debate is used as a terminology to include diverse possible mechanisms and norms of debate and of public participation. Our discussion covers not only the formal phase of the debate (in the public hearings) but also the informal forums. We conclude that this allows for a richer procedural analysis based on a perspective of complementarity between diverse mechanisms of public debate. In the search for effects of the public debate on the urban master plan, we found a number of cases where contextual dynamics interacted with the demands of participants. These « congruences » (Offner 1993) concurred with the evolution of the planning document. This master thesis also presents interesting findings related to constraints on public debate brought about by the particular political and institutional context of Montreal. The coordination between the scale of the central city and the newly constituted boroughs had implications on the content of the debate, on procedural components as well as on its impact in the plan and the implementation phase. This suggests that studies of public debate and of public participation events should consider as an important dimension the contextual dynamics.

Élaboration et validation empirique d'un modèle de consultation individuelle auprès des enseignants afin de favoriser l'inclusion scolaire des enfants ayant un TDAH

Nadeau, Marie-France 10 1900 (has links)
Les interventions proactives ou comportementales en classe sont reconnues empiriquement pour leur efficacité à améliorer le comportement ou le rendement scolaire des enfants ayant un TDAH (DuPaul & Eckert, 1997; Hoza, Kaiser, & Hurt, 2008; Pelham & Fabiano, 2008; Zentall, 2005). Or, l’écart entre les interventions probantes et celles retrouvées dans le milieu général de l’éducation souligne l’importance de répliquer les résultats d’études obtenus dans un environnement contrôlé dans un format de livraison réaliste. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’élaborer et d’évaluer un programme de consultation individuelle (PCI) fondé sur une démarche de résolution de problème et d’évaluation fonctionnelle, pour soutenir les enseignants du primaire dans la planification et la mise en œuvre cohérente des interventions privilégiées pour aider les enfants ayant un TDAH. D’abord, une recension des principales modalités d’intervention auprès des enfants ayant un TDAH est effectuée afin d’identifier les interventions à inclure lors du développement du programme. Par la suite, des solutions favorisant le transfert des interventions probantes à la classe ordinaire sont détaillées par la proposition du PCI ayant lieu entre un intervenant psychosocial et l’enseignant. Enfin, l’évaluation du PCI auprès de trente-sept paires enfant-enseignant est présentée. Tous les enfants ont un diagnostic de TDAH et prennent une médication (M). Les parents de certains enfants ont participé à un programme d’entraînement aux habiletés parentales (PEHP). L’échantillon final est: M (n = 4), M et PEHP (n = 11), M et PCI (n = 11), M, PEHP et PCI (n = 11). Les résultats confirment l’efficacité du PCI au-delà de M et M + PEHP pour éviter une aggravation des comportements inappropriés et améliorer le rendement scolaire des enfants ayant un TDAH. Par ailleurs, une augmentation de l’utilisation des stratégies efficaces par l’enseignant est observable lorsqu’il a à la fois participé au PCI et reçu une formation continue sur le TDAH en cours d’emploi. Les implications cliniques de l’intervention pour l’enfant ayant un TDAH et son enseignant de classe ordinaire sont discutées. / Classroom management interventions, such as behavior and academic strategies, are well-established interventions for improving social behavior and academic skills of children with ADHD (DuPaul & Eckert, 1997; Hoza, Kaiser, & Hurt, 2008; Pelham & Fabiano, 2008; Zentall, 2005). However, bridging the gap between research and practice raises the question of the practicality of interventions. Therefore, results from controlled studies need to be replicated in regular classrooms with a format that takes into account the practicality of the intervention. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of a consultation-based program for teachers (CPT), using a problem-solving approach and a functional assessment to support elementary school teachers in the knowledge of the principles, design and implementation of classroom management evidence-based practices for children with ADHD. First, a review of the literature identifying the main interventions for ADHD children is presented. Then, the consultation-based program for regular class teachers involving solutions in the implementation of these evidence-based strategies in the classroom is detailed. Finally, the evaluation of the CPT implemented with thirty-seven child-teacher pairs is presented. All children were diagnosed as ADHD and received a stimulant medication treatment (M). The parents of some of these children had previously participated in a parent-training program (PTP). The final group composition is: M (n = 4); M + PTP (n = 11), M + CPT (n = 11), M + PTP + CPT (n = 11). Findings confirm the effectiveness of the CPT above and beyond M, and M + PTP to prevent the intensification of inappropriate behaviors and to improve academic performance of ADHD children. Results also indicate that teachers who participated in the CPT and had previous continuing education on ADHD showed a significant improvement of their classroom management strategies. Overall findings offer valuable information for discussing clinical implications for the psychosocial treatment of ADHD children.

The process of retrenchment in a public institution with reference to the independent electoral commission

Tshifura, Khaukanani Obadiah 30 June 2004 (has links)
The dissertation examines the process of retrenchment in a public institution with reference to the execution of such a process by the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). The aim is to establish whether or not the retrenchment was substantively and procedurally fair as required by legislation. Notwithstanding the fact that the staff may have been disadvantaged by the short retrenchment notice (the staff did not have representation prior to the announcement, and the swiftness of the process did not, under the circumstances, provide the staff with enough time to comprehensively apply their mind to the underlying issues), the dissertation finds that the retrenchments had been substantively fair given the fact that the IEC could not retain all staff because of budgetary constraints. The dissertation also finds that the process had been procedurally fair in accordance with section 189 of the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995. / Public Adminstration and Development Studies / M.A. (Public Administration)

Investigating the participation of school management teams in managing the instructional programme : a case study

Du Plooy, Kevin James 06 1900 (has links)
Public concern about the quality of teaching and learning is at an all time high in respect of certain schools in South Africa. This study focuses on the participation of the SMT members in managing the instructional programme with a view on improving the academic performance of learners. The lack of the involvement of all the members of the SMT thus prompted this investigation. Apart from the literature review, an empirical investigation, based on a qualitative paradigm involving interviews, was undertaken to collect data at selected primary schools in Circuit 1 in the Metropole North Education District of the Western Cape Education Department. Other methods used included observations as well as the analyses of documents relevant to the investigation. As a case study this research examined the involvement of all the members of the SMT by utilizing the principles of participative management. It is hoped that this study will contribute to the improvement of the academic performance of schools by virtue of what has been highlighted as a reason for the poor performance of schools namely the lack of involvement of all the members of the SMT in the management of the instructional programme. The literature findings revealed that School Management Teams (SMTs) have to be properly structured. The SMT should be involved in decision-making in matters that concern them. This, together with a more effective and efficiently managed instructional programme, should improve the academic performance of learners. Empirical findings indicated that the members of the SMT consider themselves professionally trained individuals with the expertise needed to deliver what is expected from them. The study further revealed that the success of a school depends on effective instruction as a result of the effective management and leading of the instructional programme by all members of the SMT. / Education management / M.Ed. (Education Management)

The roots of civic apathy in local government

Mokgwatsana, Edwin Ntwampe 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the roots of civic apathy in local government, and the main emphasis is to establish the root cause/s of civic apathy. The hypothesis: 'civic apathy is a phenomenon intensified by ignorance and a feeling of powerlessness and frustration on the electorate' is tested in this study. To examine further specific aspects of civic apathy, including establishing the cause/s and effects of apathy, the author conducted a quantitative research in the Northern Metropolitan Area m Johannesburg, using questionnaires and literature study as the research method. The hypothesis advanced in the dissertation has been validated insofar as it has been argued and demonstrated that indeed people can feel powerless and frustrated if they are deliberately being excluded from, or denied the opportunity to participate actively in their local government activities. The main finding is that civic apathy is intensified by ignorance. However, the most important finding is that there ts a causal relationship between powerlessness, frustration and apathy. / Public Administration and Management / M. Admin. (Public Administration)

Gestruktureerde onderhoud as voorspeller van opleidingsukses vir bestuursdienstepraktisyns / The structured interview as predictor of training success for management services practitioners

Crous, Charl Jacobus 11 1900 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is om die gestruktureerde onderhoud, in die vorm van die Targeted Selection Interview tegniek, as geldige keuringsinstrument ter voorspelling van opleidingsukses van bestuursdienstepraktisyns in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens te ondersoek. Daar is gebruik gemaak van 'n opnamemetode en die opleidingsprestasie van kandidaatbestuursdienstepraktisyns is vergelyk met die resultate wat kandiddate behaal het in hulle evaluering tydens die gestruktureerde onderhoud. Korrelasies is bereken tussen die tellings behaal vir elke dimensie wat die onderhoud evalueer en die tellings onderskeidelik behaal vir elke opleidingsmodule voltooi tydens die 1 0-weke-bestuurs-dienstesertifikaatkursus wat aangebied word deur die Technikon Pretoria. Die resultate behaal in die ondersoek dui op lae, nie-beduidende korrelasies tussen die gestruktureerde onderhoud as keuringsinstrument en die kandidaatbestuursdienstepraktisyns se prestasie tydens opleiding. Die resultate dui dus daarop dat die Targeted Selection Interview wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens toepas, nie opleidingsprestasie voldoende voorspel nie. / The aim of this study is to investigate the validity of the structured interview, in the form of the Targeted Selection Interview technique to predict training success of management services practitioners in the South African Police Service. A survey method has been used to obtain the data regarding the training success of candidates and the evaluation results of the structured interview. The correlation was calculated between scores obtained for every dimension measured by the interview and the scores for every training module compl~ted on the 1 0-week management services certificate course, presented by the Technikon Pretoria. The results obtained indicates low, insignificant correlations between the structured interview as selection instrument and the training results of candidate Management Services practitioners. The results thus indicate that the Targeted Selection Interview as applied by the South African Police Service, does not sufficiently predict training success. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Bedryfsielkunde)

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