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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ovidio en la General Estoria de Alfonso X / Ovide dans la General Estoria d'Alphonse X / Ovid in Alfonso X's General Estoria

Salvo García, Irene 16 March 2012 (has links)
La thèse « Ovide dans la General estoria d’Alphonse X » a pour objectif l’étude de la réception du poète latin dans l’histoire universelle conçue au sein de l’atelier dirigé par Alphonse X pendant le dernier quart du XIIIe siècle (ca. 1270-1284). Ladite œuvre prétendait relater l’histoire de l’homme depuis la Genèse jusqu’au règne du roi Alphonse lui-même. La source fondamentale de la General estoria est la Bible. S’ajoutent à la matière biblique diverses notices païennes ou « gentilles » (étrangères au peuple hébreu). Dans les deux premières parties de la General estoria, les sources fondamentales pour les récits gentils sont les Métamorphoses et les Héroïdes d’Ovide. Cet usage est complété par un emploi fragmentaire des Fastes, des Remèdes à l’amour, de l'Art d’aimer et des Pontiques. Nous avons porté notre attention aussi bien sur la méthode de traduction de l’œuvre d’Ovide que sur les techniques de compilation de la General estoria. Ainsi, cette thèse est structurée de la façon suivante : 1) une introduction où nous décrivons les règles qui caractérisent la lecture d’Ovide au Moyen Âge (ch. 1) ; 2) une étude des éléments contextuels du texte latin en trois sections : une étude des accessus, des gloses et des commentaires qui accompagnaient le texte latin dans l’étape médiévale (ch. 2) ; une analyse des œuvres mythographiques qui s’insèrent dans la compilation (ch. 3) ; enfin, la description des caractéristiques qui définissent l’utilisation des œuvres d’Ovide moins employées: les Fastes, l'Art d’aimer, les Pontiques et les Remèdes à l’amour (ch. 4). Finalement, dans le deuxième bloc de la thèse (ch. 5), nous avons fait une analyse exhaustive et détaillée des fragments empruntés aux œuvres d’Ovide dans la General estoria. / The aim of the dissertation “Ovid in Alfonso X’s General estoria” is to study the translation of the Latin poet in the universal history conceived within the workshop directed by Alfonso X during the last quarter of the 13th century (ca. 1270-1284). The aforementioned work intended to recount the history of man from Genesis up to the reign of King Alfonso himself. The main source of the General estoria is the Bible. Various pagan or “Gentile” (non-Jewish) notes are added to the biblical material. In the first two parts of the General estoria, the basic sources for the Gentile stories are Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Heroides. This usage is complimented by fragments of the Fasti, the Remedia Amori, the Ars Amatoria and the Epistulae ex Ponto. The study is also centred on the translation method of Ovid’s work as well as on the compilation techniques of the General estoria. Thus, the present dissertation is structured as follows: 1) an Introduction where the rules that characterize the reading of Ovid in the Middle Ages are described (ch. 1); 2) a study of the contextual elements of the Latin text in three sections: a study of the accessus, the glosses and commentaries that accompanied the Latin text in the medieval stage (ch. 2); an analysis of the mythographic works inserted in the compilation (ch. 3); finally; the description of the characteristics which define the employing of Ovid’s less used works: the Fasti, the Remedia Amori, the Ars Amatoria and the Epistulae ex Ponto (ch. 4). In the end, the second part of the dissertation (ch. 5) develops an exhaustive and detailed analysis of the fragments taken from Ovid’s works in the General estoria.

Teoria política e poder régio em Castela (1252-1284)

Souza Júnior, Almir Marques de 07 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Dulce (mdulce@ndc.uff.br) on 2014-11-07T19:38:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza Junior, Almir-Tese-Historia-2014.pdf: 1593509 bytes, checksum: 8389dad0fce8a1b5413610ea4ed64da3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-07T19:38:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza Junior, Almir-Tese-Historia-2014.pdf: 1593509 bytes, checksum: 8389dad0fce8a1b5413610ea4ed64da3 (MD5) / O presente trabalho analisa a teoria política desenvolvida durante a Idade Média, mais especificamente no reino de Castela e Leão durante o século XIII. O período abrangido pela análise, dos anos de 1252 a 1284, diz respeito ao reinado do monarca Afonso X, que recebeu o cognome “o Sábio”. Durante o seu governo, ocorre a produção de uma farta bibliografia nas matérias do direito e da história, na qual podemos identificar os principais pressupostos de um discurso político que busca ressaltar a superioridade da autoridade régia em relação aos demais poderes senhoriais existentes naquele contexto. Paralelamente à produção destas obras, temos um franco processo de arrefecimento das relações entre monarquia e aristocracia nobiliárquica no reino. O tensionamento na relação entre essas frações de grupo no poder chegou ao ponto em que os nobres se insurgiram por duas vezes contra o poder do rei. Lutando contra as interpretações reducionistas que afirmam que a elite senhorial dilapidava o poder das monarquias, buscaremos, ao longo da tese, enfatizar que tanto a nobreza como a monarquia eram grupos pertencentes a uma mesma classe social, compartilhando os mesmos valores e referencias de afirmação de classe. Por mais que tenham ocorrido disputas no interior da classe aristocrática, tanto a monarquia quanto a aristocracia não concebiam uma sociedade em que uma não dependesse da outra para subsistir. / The present work analyzes the political theory developed during the Middle Ages, specifically in the kingdom of Castile and Leon during the thirteenth century. The period covered by the analysis, from the years 1252 to 1284, covers the reign of King Alfonso X, who received the epithet “the Wise”. During his government, we have an abundant production of literature in the fields of law and history, in which we can identify the main assumptions of a political discourse that seeks to highlight the superiority of the royal authority in relation to other existing aristocratic powers in that context. Alongside the production of the work, we have an open process of cooling of relations between monarchy and aristocracy nobility in the kingdom. The tension in the relationship between these fractions of the group in power has reached the point where the nobles rebelled twice against the king’s power. Fighting reductionist interpretations that claim that the noble elite dilapidava the power of monarchies, seek, throughout the thesis, emphasize that both the nobility and the monarchy were groups belonging to the same social class, sharing the same values and references to assertation class.For more disputes that have occurred within the aristocratric class, both the monarchy as the aristocracy did not conceive of a society in which one did not depend on another to survive.

EL Haiku en la poesía del Javier Sologuren y Alfonso Cisneros Cox

Belaúnde Degregori, Alonso 20 February 2018 (has links)
El presente trabajo analiza la aproximación al haiku de Javier Sologuren y Alfonso Cisneros Cox en el marco del creciente interés por este género a nivel latinoamericano. El análisis se centra en la comparación de los haikus con el modelo clásico japonés, tal como lo practicó Matsuo Bashō, siguiendo las teorías de los estudiosos Keene, Rodríguez Izquierdo, Rubio, Blyth y Haya Segovia. El haiku es valorado y ponderado como una expresión poética orientada a evocar un instante de experiencia en la naturaleza, logrando despertar el asombro ante la maravilla de la existencia. Los resultados del trabajo revelan la íntima afinidad de ambos poetas con el género, las modalidades de apropiación que practicaron, la priorización de ciertos aspectos estilísticos y espirituales en su comprensión del haiku, la innovación en los recursos para lograrlo y la singularidad de sus creaciones, basada en la mezcla auténtica del género con sus propias poéticas. La principal conclusión que puede desprenderse de este trabajo es que los autores asimilaron este género poético para dar forma y expresión a su particular sensibilidad e integrarlo a la tradición poética peruana.

Musulmanes y cristianos en el Mediterráneo. La costa del sureste peninsular durante la Edad Media (ss. VIII-XVI)

Munuera Navarro, David 26 February 2010 (has links)
En 1245, las tropas castellanas conquistaban Cartagena. Tras el intento alfonsí de conseguir una fuerte proyección mediterránea de Castilla, la costa murciana se convierte en un inmenso despoblado. Castilla, especialmente durante el siglo XIV, manifestó un claro desentendimiento de los asuntos mediterráneos. Sólo Cartagena, reducida a su mínima expresión urbana, sobrevive como único núcleo habitado hasta el nacimiento de Mazarrón en la segunda mitad del siglo XV.Los intereses políticos de los Reyes Católicos y la proyección de la Monarquía Hispánica en el Norte de África y el Mediterráneo occidental, recuperarán el importante papel de Cartagena y la costa murciana en el contexto geopolítico de la época. Se convirtió, en el siglo XVI, en la línea de retaguardia del gran frente abierto frente al Islam. Entonces, la costa murciana dejó de tener definitivamente un papel marginal en las maniobras políticas de la corona. / In 1245, the Castilian troops conquered Cartagena. After the attempt to achieve a strong Mediterranean projection of Castile during the reign of Alfonso X "the Wise", the coast of kingdom of Murcia becomes a vast desert. Castile, especially during the fourteenth century, has a clear misunderstanding of Mediterranean affairs. Only Cartagena, reduced to a minimum core urban, survives until the birth of Mazarrón in the second half of the fifteenth century. The political interests of the Catholic Monarchs and the projection of the Hispanic Monarchy in North Africa and the western Mediterranean, recovered the important role of Cartagena and the coast of Murcian district in the geopolitical context of the time. He became, in the sixteenth century, in rear line of the large open front face of Islam. Then, the coast of kingdom of Murcia finally stopped having a marginal role in the political maneuvers of the crown.

L’amour selon Alfonso de Madrigal, dit « El Tostado » : commentaire et édition de la première partie du Breuiloquium de amore et amicitia / Love according to Alfonso of Madrigal, "El Tostado" : Commentary on and edition of the first part of the Breuiloquium de amore et amicitia

Juste, Mélanie 21 September 2018 (has links)
Important traité philosophique portant sur l’amour et l’amitié, le Breuiloquium de amore et amicitia d’Alfonso de Madrigal, dit « El Tostado » (1401/1410-1454) comprend une synthèse des conceptions classiques et chrétiennes sur l’amour dans toutes ses formes (spirituel, familial, charnel, concupiscent) et sur l’amitié (vertueuse, politique) qui résulte de la juxtaposition d’exercices académiques et d’enseignements donnés par le Tostado à la Faculté des Arts de Salamanque. Notre travail doctoral consiste à proposer une édition critique de la première partie consacrée à l’amour, à partir des deux témoins manuscrits conservés d’un traité resté jusqu’à présent inédit. Le commentaire qui accompagne l’édition vise non seulement à éclairer la place privilégiée qu’occupe la théorie amoureuse du Tostado au sein du traité comme de l’ensemble de l’œuvre tostadienne, mais également à replacer l’élaboration de cette théorie dans le contexte de l’enseignement salmantin puis de la diffusion d’une culture universitaire au sein des milieux auliques, au moment même où se forge un premier humanisme castillan. Nous proposons enfin d’examiner si la version castillane du Breuiloquium (Breuiloquio de amor et amiçiçia) est une traduction ou une auto-traduction (comme le prétend le prologue) et de resituer cette entreprise dans l’histoire de la traduction, à une époque où ce phénomène acquiert une importance considérable. C’est sur la confrontation entre le discours théorique sur la traduction – formalisé dans un texte postérieur du Tostado – et sa mise en pratique dans l’élaboration de la version castillane que repose l’analyse traductologique réalisée. / An important philosophical treaty written by Alfonso de Madrigal, also known as “El Tostado” (1401/1410-1454), the Breuiloquium de amore et amicitia sums up both the classical and the Christian conceptions of love of every kind (spiritual, physical, familial, carnal, lustful) and friendship (virtuous, political), brought together within a text that is a juxtaposition of academic exercises and of lectures given by El Tostado at the Faculty of Arts of Salamanca. This Ph. D. thesis is a critical edition of the first part of this treaty (the one dealing with love), founded on two remaining manuscripts of a text that to this day has never been published. The commentary that comes along with the edition aims at understanding the central role played by El Tostado’s love theory in the underlying logic of his treaty but also within his entire work. This commentary also seeks to grasp the construction of this love theory in the double context of the Salmantine teaching and of the diffusion of a university culture into John II’s court, at a moment when some first form of Castilian humanism was rising. Finally, this thesis tries to figure out if the Breuiloquium is a translation or an auto-translation (as stated in the prologue), and thus to understand the treaty from the point of view of the history of translations, precisely when translating reached a whole new degree of importance. The confrontation between a theoretical discourse about translation –that El Tostado formalised in a later text– and its practical dimensions in the translation from Latin to Castilian is the base upon which our traductological analysis is founded.

The idea of friendship in the literary, historical and legal works of Alfonso X of Castile (1252-1284)

Liuzzo Scorpo, Antonella January 2009 (has links)
This research project explores an area which had been touched only tangentially, being a comparative analysis of the idea and interpretations of friendship which emerge from the three vernacular collections attributed to the supervision of King Alfonso X of Castile (1252-1284): namely the Marian songs Cantigas de Santa María, the law code known as the Siete Partidas and the chronicle Estoria de España. These sources have been examined by adopting a thematic approach which has highlighted the existence of categories such as spiritual, religious and political friendships, as well as other forms of amicable relationships, including those between representatives of different religious, ethnic and social groups. Additionally, this study demonstrates that there was a conscious adoption of a specific lexicon of amicitia which contributed to reinforce either the opposition or the coincidence between friendship, companionship and counsellorship. Despite the undeniable inheritance of both classical eastern and western traditions, the works of the ‘Learned’ King present a peculiar idea of friendship which was deeply affected by contemporary historical contingencies and by the political and cultural projects of a sovereign who wanted to be regarded as a friend of his people, without denying, however, the unbridgeable gap which existed between different social groups. Interestingly, even if the Alfonsine works display a complicated range of relationships which envisage clear differences, they still outline a perfectly-balanced system within which the general and untouchable rules of friendship predominated, although in some cases certain variants were allowed in order to adapt such general requirements to contemporary social and political situations.

Čarodějnictví a inkvizice v literárním a historickém kontextu "El Crotalon" / Witchcraft and Inquisition in "El Crotalón" from a historical-literary perspective

Kožárová, Radka January 2013 (has links)
The master's thesis Witchcraft and Inquisition in literal and historical context of "El Crótalon" offers a look at displays od the Witchcraft in the literature of first half of the 16th century with special attention on classical Greek and Roman literal models. Furthermore, the thesis analyzes the influence of Erasmus'work and impact of the Reformation movement on intelectual panorama as well as on the popular opinion; it concentrates on the evolution of Witchcraft and its growing influence over the social life. It also studies how the changing caracter of the Witchcraft reflected in the literal activity of its times. Second part of the thesis is dedicated to religious aspects of the Witchcraft, its connection with heretical movements and persecutions by the Inquisition.

Relaciones entre España y la Santa Sede durante la etapa final de la Restauración borbónica (1902-1923). La cuestión matrimonial

Cobacho López, Ángel 02 June 2008 (has links)
La tesis se ocupa de las relaciones diplomáticas entre España y la Santa Sede durante la fase final de la Restauración borbónica, desde 1902 hasta 1923, con especial mención a la cuestión matrimonial. De los tres capítulos que la componen, el primero contextualiza el reinado de Alfonso XIII. Se alude a cuestiones históricas y a medidas normativas relevantes en el ámbito eclesiástico y en el civil. El segundo capítulo comienza con la entrada en vigor de la Ley de 18 de junio de 1870, de matrimonio civil obligatorio, y abarca hasta 1902. El tercero versa sobre la cuestión matrimonial durante el reinado de Alfonso XIII. El sistema matrimonial vigente, salvo el caso aislado de la Real Orden de 27 de agosto de 1906, derogada un año más tarde, fue el de matrimonio civil subsidiario. La interpretación del término "profesión de fe" sería el motivo de mayores controversias. / The thesis deals with the diplomatic relationships between Spain and the Holy See during the final period of the Bourbon Restoration, focusing especially on matrimonial matters. The first chapter of the thesis contextualises the kingdom of Alfonso XIII of Spain; historical issues and regulatory measures relevant within both the ecclesiastical and the civil context are mentioned in this chapter. The second chapter covers the years between the coming into force of the Ley de 18 de junio de 1870 − which introduced compulsory civil marriage in Spain - and the year 1902. The third chapter deals with matrimonial matters during the reign of King Alfonso XIII. The subsidiary civil marriage constituted the current matrimonial system at the time, with the only exception being the Real Orden de 27 de agosto de 1906, which was abrogated the following year. The interpretation of the term "profession of faith" was to cause major controversy.

A incorporação de modelos femininos cristãos na legislação ibérica medieval : uma análise da Leges Visigothorum e da legislação afonsina

Bueno, Irma Antonieta Gramkow January 2012 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a incorporação dos modelos femininos cristãos católicos de Eva e Maria nas legislações ibéricas, visigoda e afonsina, através da análise da Leges Visigothorum, do Fuero Real e das Siete Partidas. Para isso, a pesquisa está dividida em quatro capítulos. O primeiro deles versa sobre os visigodos, no qual é apresentado o processo de formação do conjunto normativo de moldes romanos que os regia, assim como a importância do aspecto religioso para a sociedade visigótica e a relação entre religião e legislação presente nesta. O foco do segundo capítulo, por sua vez, é Afonso X, rei de Leão e Castela na segunda metade do século XIII, e a legislação elaborada em seu reinado. O terceiro capítulo tem como objeto de estudo os modelos bíblicos femininos de Eva e Maria, os quais eram incentivados e difundidos pela Igreja Católica como parâmetro para classificar o comportamento da mulher. No quarto capítulo é realizada a análise quantitativa e qualitativa das fontes trabalhadas a fim de verificar de que modo os referidos modelos de comportamento feminino são encontrados nestas. / The objective of this study was to investigate the Christian Catholic female role models of Eve and Mary’s incorporation in the Iberic legislation, Visigothic and Alfonsine’s, through the analyses of the Leges Visigothorum, the Fuero Real, and the Siete Partidas. In order to accomplish this task, the research has been divided into four chapters. The first chapter focuses on the Visigothic historical process of creating a Code of Law following the framework developed by the Romans, as well as the importance of Religion for the Visigothic society and the strong existing relationship between religion and legislation. The second chapter focuses on Alfonso X, king of Castilla and Leon during the second half of the 13th century, and the legislation that was draw up during his reign. The third chapter focuses on the study of the biblical female role models of Eve and Mary, which were encouraged and disseminated by the Catholic Church as a parameter to classify woman’s behavior. Finally, the fourth chapter gives a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the sources used in order to verify the previously mentioned female role models.

A incorporação de modelos femininos cristãos na legislação ibérica medieval : uma análise da Leges Visigothorum e da legislação afonsina

Bueno, Irma Antonieta Gramkow January 2012 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a incorporação dos modelos femininos cristãos católicos de Eva e Maria nas legislações ibéricas, visigoda e afonsina, através da análise da Leges Visigothorum, do Fuero Real e das Siete Partidas. Para isso, a pesquisa está dividida em quatro capítulos. O primeiro deles versa sobre os visigodos, no qual é apresentado o processo de formação do conjunto normativo de moldes romanos que os regia, assim como a importância do aspecto religioso para a sociedade visigótica e a relação entre religião e legislação presente nesta. O foco do segundo capítulo, por sua vez, é Afonso X, rei de Leão e Castela na segunda metade do século XIII, e a legislação elaborada em seu reinado. O terceiro capítulo tem como objeto de estudo os modelos bíblicos femininos de Eva e Maria, os quais eram incentivados e difundidos pela Igreja Católica como parâmetro para classificar o comportamento da mulher. No quarto capítulo é realizada a análise quantitativa e qualitativa das fontes trabalhadas a fim de verificar de que modo os referidos modelos de comportamento feminino são encontrados nestas. / The objective of this study was to investigate the Christian Catholic female role models of Eve and Mary’s incorporation in the Iberic legislation, Visigothic and Alfonsine’s, through the analyses of the Leges Visigothorum, the Fuero Real, and the Siete Partidas. In order to accomplish this task, the research has been divided into four chapters. The first chapter focuses on the Visigothic historical process of creating a Code of Law following the framework developed by the Romans, as well as the importance of Religion for the Visigothic society and the strong existing relationship between religion and legislation. The second chapter focuses on Alfonso X, king of Castilla and Leon during the second half of the 13th century, and the legislation that was draw up during his reign. The third chapter focuses on the study of the biblical female role models of Eve and Mary, which were encouraged and disseminated by the Catholic Church as a parameter to classify woman’s behavior. Finally, the fourth chapter gives a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the sources used in order to verify the previously mentioned female role models.

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