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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring novel autoantibodies within Alzheimer's disease

Jernbom Falk, August January 2018 (has links)
Alzheimers sjukdom (AD, eng. Alzheimer’s disease) upptäcktes för 111 år sedan av Alois Alz-heimer. Idag är det den ledande orsaken till demens hos äldre, och incidencen förväntas öka med befolkningens ökande livslängd. År 2050 förutspås antalet patienter med AD nå 10 miljoner personer [1]. Det har gjorts många försök att angripa AD via dess främsta kännetäcken, såsom plack av beta-amyloid (Aβ), Aβ-oligomerer, och ansamlingar av tau-protein, kallat tau-trassel. Trots att forskning om AD bedrivits i flera årtionden är dess orsak alltjämt okänd.På sistone har det funnits ett fokus på de inflammatoriska komponenterna inom AD. Det finns en utbredd aktivering av immunförsvaret i det centrala nervsystemet hos patienter med AD, men varken dess orsak eller dess roll inom AD är känd. Däremot finns det tydliga tecken på att inflammationen är av autoimmun art. Med detta i åtanke är det tydligt att det finns ett stort behov att utröna auto-immunitetens roll inom AD. I denna forskningsstudie användes proteomik-metoder för att bestämma autoantikroppsprofilerna inom plasma och cerebrospinalvätska (CSF, eng. cerebrospinal fluid) hos AD-patienter och en frisk kontrollgrupp.I denna studie användes par av plasma- och CSF-prover från 23 friska individer och 49 patien-ter. Dessutom inkluderades 2 plasmaprover och 18 CSF-prover från patienter. En 380-faldig och en 314-faldig riktad analys gjordes med hjälp utav suspension bead array-teknologi (SBA). Varje SBA bestod av färgkodade, magnetiska mikrosfärer i suspension, med antigen immobiliserade på kulornas yta. Denna analysmetod användes för att undersöka autoantikropssprofilerna i alla prover. Resul-taten visade en ökad respons från autoantikroppar mot antigenen SLC17A6 (Solute Carrier Family 17 Member 6), MAP1A (Microtubule Associated Protein 1A), och MAP2 (Microtubule Associated Protein 2) i patiener gentemot friska individer. Dock har dessa antigen uppvisat en bred reaktivitet i tidigare, opublicerade studier. Därför behövs ytterligare forskning för att fastställa deras roll inom AD.Dessutom användes paren av plasma- och CSF-prover för att undersöka autoantikroppsprofilernas överrensstämmelse inom varje patient. Det visade sig att korrelationen följde en normalfördelning, med starkare korrelation inom antigen med starkare reaktivitet mot den motsvarande autoantikroppen. Denna studie utgör en av de första storskaliga forskningsstudierna av överrensstämmelsen mellan autoantikroppsprofilerna inom plasma och CSF. / Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was discovered 111 years ago by Alois Alzheimer. Today, it is the leading cause of dementia in elderly, and incidence is expected to increase with life expectancy. By 2050, the number of a˙ected individuals is predicted to reach 10 million [1]. There have been numerous attempts to describe AD by its primary hallmarks, including amyloid plaques, amyloid beta (Aβ) oligomers, and tau tangles. However, despite several decades of intense research, the cause of AD remains unknown.Recently, there has been a focus on the inflammatory components of AD. There is an extensive activation of the immune system within the CNS of AD patients, but neither its cause nor its role in AD is known. However, there are strong indications that the inflammation has an autoimmune character. Considering this, there is an imperative need to examine autoimmunity within AD. In the present study, a proteomic approach was used to determine the autoantibody profiles within plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within AD patients and healthy controls.Paired plasma and CSF samples from 23 healthy controls and 49 patients were included in the present study. In addition, 2 plasma samples and 18 CSF samples from patients were included (not paired). One 380-plex and one 314-plex targeted suspension bead array (SBA), each consisting of color-coded magnetic microspheres with immobilized antigens, were used to analyze autoantibody profiles in all samples. The resulting data revealed an increased autoantibody response towards anti-gens SLC17A6 (Solute Carrier Family 17 Member 6), MAP1A (Microtubule Associated Protein 1A), and MAP2 (Microtubule Associated Protein 2) in patients compared to healthy controls. However, as these antigens have displayed wide reactivities in previous, unpublished studies, they require further investigation to determine their role in AD.Furthermore, the paired CSF and plasma samples were used to investigate the correlation of autoantibody profiles within patients. The correlation was found to follow a normal distribution, with correlation being higher in antigens displaying stronger autoantibody reactivity. This work represents one of the first large-scale studies on the correlation of autoantibody profiles in plasma and CSF.

Computer-Aided Diagnoses (CAD) System: An Artificial Neural Network Approach to MRI Analysis and Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease (AD)

Padilla Cerezo, Berizohar 01 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic and progressive, irreversible syndrome that deteriorates the cognitive functions. Official death certificates of 2013 reported 84,767 deaths from Alzheimer’s disease, making it the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. The rate of AD is estimated to double by 2050. The neurodegeneration of AD occurs decades before symptoms of dementia are evident. Therefore, having an efficient methodology for the early and proper diagnosis can lead to more effective treatments. Neuroimaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can detect changes in the brain of living subjects. Moreover, medical imaging techniques are the best diagnostic tools to determine brain atrophies; however, a significant limitation is the level of training, methodology, and experience of the diagnostician. Thus, Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) systems are part of a promising tool to help improve the diagnostic outcomes. No publications addressing the use of Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and MRI image attributes for the classification of AD were found. Consequently, the focus of this study is to investigate if the use of MRI images, specifically texture and frequency attributes along with a feedforward ANN model, can lead to the classification of individuals with AD. Moreover, this study compared the use of a single view versus a multi-view of MRI images and their performance. The frequency, texture, and MRI views in combination with the feedforward artificial neural network were tested to determine if they were comparable to the clinician’s performance. The clinician’s performances used were 78 percent accuracy, 87 percent sensitivity, 71 percent specificity, and 78 percent precision from a study with 1,073 individuals. The study found that the use of the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Fourier Transform (FT) low frequency give comparable results to the clinicians; however, the FT outperformed the clinicians with an accuracy of 85 percent, precision of 87 percent, sensitivity of 90 percent and specificity of 75 percent. In the case of texture, a single texture feature, and the combination of two or more features gave results comparable to the clinicians. However, the Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCOM), which is the combination of texture features, was the highest performing texture method with 82 percent accuracy, 86 percent sensitivity, 76 percent specificity, and 86 percent precision. Combination CII (energy and entropy) outperformed all other combinations with 78 percent accuracy, 88 percent sensitivity, 72 percent specificity, and 78 percent precision. Additionally, a combination of views can increase performance for certain texture attributes; however, the axial view outperformed the sagittal and coronal views in the case of frequency attributes. In conclusion, this study found that both texture and frequency characteristics in combinations with a feedforward backpropagation neural network can perform at the level of the clinician and even higher depending on the attribute and the view or combination of views used.

Development and initial validation of a positive health model for the promotion of cognitive health in older adults

Legkaya Bodryzlova, Yuliya 10 1900 (has links)
Contexte. La démence est un problème de santé publique important. Toutefois, les stratégies actuelles en matière de santé publique ne tiennent pas compte des approches visant à renforcer les facteurs de protection pour en réduire le fardeau. Cela peut s’expliquer par le fait que le renforcement des facteurs de protection est un domaine de connaissance émergent. Son vocabulaire et ses notions de base sont encore en phase d’exploration et de définition. Parmi les termes et les notions à développer, citons la « santé positive » comme résultat du renforcement des facteurs de protection et les « atouts de santé », en tant que déterminant positif de la santé. Le développement de ces termes en promotion de la santé et leur adaptation pour les études sur la santé du cerveau contribueront à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes permettant aux aînés de préserver leur santé cognitive, et donc ouvriront les portes à de nouvelles stratégies pour réduire le fardeau associé aux démences. L’objectif. Cette thèse vise à proposer un modèle pour l’étude de la santé cognitive des personnes âgées et à le tester dans une large base de données populationnelle. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons i) dérivé la signification du terme de santé positive en examinant systématiquement la façon dont le concept est défini/utilisé par différents auteurs dans des publications sur la promotion de la santé ; ii) révisé les modèles existants de déterminants « positifs » de la santé (« modèles d’atouts de santé ») et proposer un nouveau modèle d’atouts de santé ; iii) discuté l’utilité du modèle pour la recherche sur la santé cognitive des personnes âgées, et iv) évalué l’apport indépendant des atouts de santé dans la probabilité d’une santé cognitive positive chez les personnes âgées, à l’aide du model développé. Méthodes. Un examen de la portée a été effectué pour atteindre les objectifs 1 et 2 ; une revue narrative a été réalisée pour atteindre les objectifs 3. L’analyse secondaire des données de l’étude de cohorte longitudinale « Survey on Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe », vagues 5 et 7, a été réalisée pour atteindre l’objectif 4. Dans cette étude, les déterminants positifs avaient un effet indépendant sur la santé cognitive si i) leurs variables étaient statistiquement significatives dans le modèle entièrement ajusté et ii) ces variables améliorent significativement l’ajustement de la qualité du modèle. Résultats. 1) Aucun consensus sur la définition de la santé positive n’a été trouvé dans la littérature. Parmi les définitions proposées, il y a « bien-être », « extrêmement bonne santé », « résilience » et « capacités ». Nous avons proposé de définir la santé positive comme une réserve en capacités, permettant une plus grande résistance face aux agents pathologiques/adversités et un plus grand bien-être en leur absence. 2) Dans la littérature, des déterminants de la santé positive sont regroupés autour de traits individuels ou de caractéristiques environnementales. Nous avons proposé un nouveau cadre pour les atouts de santé. Dans ce cadre, les caractéristiques individuelles, les actions (orientées vers l’autodéveloppement ou le développement communautaire), les environnements (physique and social) et le soutien social (informel et institutionnalisé) sont interconnectés. Chaque composante précédente contribue à la suivante et à une santé positive. 3) L’état actuel des connaissances sur la santé cognitive permet l’opérationnalisation de la définition de la santé positive cognitive ainsi que du modèle des atouts de la santé. 4) Les variables de trois des quatre groupes d’atouts de santé (caractéristiques individuelles, actions et environnements) démontrent une contribution indépendante à la probabilité d’une santé cognitive positive chez les personnes âgées. L’inclusion des atouts de santé améliore significativement la qualité de l’ajustement du modèle : le pseudo-R-carré a augmenté de 0,31 à 0,33 ; l’aire sous la courbe ROC a augmenté de 77,8 % à 79,5 %, p<0,0001. Cela signifie que les atouts de santé expliquent davantage la probabilité de santé cognitive positive. Conclusion. L’étude sur les facteurs renforçant la santé cognitive pourrait aux nouvelles opportunités pour la diminution du fardeau de démence. Une validation plus poussée du modèle est nécessaire. Premièrement, des indicateurs plus spécifiques d’atouts de santé doivent être trouvés. Deuxièmement, les relations entre les groupes d’atouts de santé devraient être clarifiées. / Background. Dementia is a significant public health challenge; however, current strategies on public health hardly consider the potential of reinforcing protective factors to diminish its burden. A possible reason for this is that reinforcing protective factors represent an emerging field of knowledge. Its vocabulary and basic notions are still under development. Among the terms and notions needing further discussion are “positive health” as the outcome of these reinforcing protective factors and “health assets” as positive health determinants. Advances in the development of these terms in health promotion and their further adaptation to the realm of studies on cognitive health will contribute to a better understanding of how older adults maintain it, which, in turn, could open the doors to new strategies aimed at reducing the burden of dementia. Objective. This dissertation proposes a model for studying cognitive health in older adults and testing it in a large populational database. To achieve this objective, i) we derived the meaning of the term positive health by systematically reviewing how the concept is defined/used by different authors of publications in health promotion; ii) we revised existing models of “positive” determinants of health (“health assets models”) and proposed a new model of health assets; iii) discussed the utility of the model for research on cognitive health of older adults, and iv) we assessed the independent input of health assets into the probability of positive cognitive health among older adults, using developed model. Methods. A scoping review was conducted to achieve objectives 1 and 2, and a narrative review was conducted to achieve objective 3. Secondary analyses of the longitudinal cohort data “Survey on Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe” data, waves 5 and 7, were performed to achieve objective 4. In this study, determinants were considered as having an independent effect on cognitive health if i) their variables were statistically significant in the fully adjusted model and ii) these variables significantly improved the model’s fit quality. Results. 1) No consensus on the definition of positive health was found in the literature. Among proposed definitions, there were “well-being,” “extremely good health,” “resilience,” and “capacities.” We proposed to define positive health as a reserve in capacities, enabling higher resistance in the face of pathologic agents/adversities and increased well-being in their absence. 2) In the literature, the determinants of positive health are grouped around individual traits or environmental characteristics. We proposed a new health assets framework. In it, individual characteristics, actions (directed to self-development or community development), environments (physical and social), and social support (informal and institutionalized) are interconnected. Each component contributes to the others and positive health. 3) The current state of knowledge on cognitive health allows operationalizing the definition of cognitive positive health and the elements of the health assets model. 4) Variables of three out of four groups of health assets (individual characteristics, actions, and environments) had independent relationships with the probability of cognitive health in older adults. Including health assets significantly improves the model’s fit statistics: pseudo-R-square increased from 0.31 to 0.33; area under ROC rose from 77.8% to 79.5%, p <0.0001. It means that positive health assets bring additional information on the probability of positive cognitive health in older adults. Conclusion. Studying health assets could open the doors to strategies to reduce the burden of dementia. Further validation of the model is required. Firstly, more specific indicators of health assets need to be found. Secondly, the relationships between health asset groups should be clarified.

Einfluss der neutralen Endopeptidase auf Alzheimersche Erkrankung, Alkoholkonsum und Adipositas

Becker, Matthias 20 September 2006 (has links)
Als Metallopeptidase mit einem großen Substratspektrum hat die Neutrale Endopeptidase (Neprilysin, EC, NEP) Einfluss auf so verschiedene Krankheiten oder pathophysiologischen Vorgänge wie Hypertonie, die Alzheimersche Erkrankung oder krankhafte Prostataveränderungen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Beziehungen der NEP zur Alzheimerschen Erkrankung sowie zu zwei weiteren pathophysiologischen Veränderungen – einem erhöhten Alkoholkonsum unter Stress sowie zu Adipositas/Übergewicht – eingehend untersucht. In Bezug auf die Alzheimersche Erkrankung wurde der Frage nachgegangen, warum Mäuse und Ratten keine vollständige Alzheimer-Symptomatik ausbilden. Dabei wurde ein verlangsamter Abbau des murinen beta-Amyloid-Peptids im Gegensatz zur humanen Form gefunden und biochemisch charakterisiert. Diese Befunde wurden durch den Nachweis, dass das murine im Gegensatz zum humanen Abeta-Peptid keine Amyloidfibrillen ausbildet, komplettiert. Am Modell der NEP-Knockout-Maus wurde in freiwilligen Trinkversuchen ein Alkoholverbrauch beobachtet, der dem von C57BL6-Wildtyp-Mäusen vergleichbar war. Nach einem kurzzeitigen sozialen Stress nahm jedoch der Alkoholkonsum der NEP-Knockout-Mäuse für ca. 3 Wochen deutlich und nach einem weiteren Stress sogar für mehrere Monate zu. An NEP-Knockout-Mäusen wurde überdies erstmals ein übergewichtiger Phänotyp beschrieben, der der menschlichen polygenetischen Adipositas sehr ähnlich ist. Dieser Phänotyp wurde eingehend physiologisch und biochemisch sowie in Abhängigkeit von verschiedenen Futtersorten (fettreiche bzw. Kohlenhydrat-modifizierte Nahrung) charakterisiert. In diesem Rahmen wurde erstmals die Hydrolyse des orexigenen Peptids Galanin durch die NEP beschrieben. Erste Erklärungsansätze für die Ausprägung des übergewichtigen Phänotyps bei NEP-Knockout-Mäusen sowie die Eignung dieses Tiermodells als Modell der komplexen humanen Adipositas werden diskutiert. / As a metallopeptidase with a large substrate spectrum neutral endopeptidase (Neprilysin, EC, NEP) influences diseases or pathophysiological states as different as hypertonia, Alzheimer’s disease or pathologic changes of the prostate. In this work the relations of NEP to Alzheimer’s disease and to two other pathophysiologic changes – an increased alcohol consumption under stress conditions as well as to adiposity/obesity – were examined in detail. Regarding Alzheimer’s disease the question was addressed why mice and rats do not show a complete Alzheimer’s pathology. The hydrolytic rate of the murine beta-Amyloid peptide was found to be decreased in contrast to the human form. The hydrolysis was further characterized by biochemistry. These findings were completed by the confirmation that murine abeta peptide does not form amyloid fibrils in contrast to the human peptide. By using the NEP knockout-mouse model in a free-choice drinking paradigm these mice showed an alcohol consumption comparable to that of C57BL6 wildtype mice. However, after a temporary social stress the alcohol consumption of the NEP knockout-mice increased for approx. 3 weeks and after a further stress it remained on a higher level for several months. Moreover, an obese phenotype of NEP knockout-mice was described here for the first time. This phenotype was found to be very similar to the human polygenetic adiposity. It was physiologically and biochemicaly characterized in detail as well as its dependence on different food types (high-fat and carbohydrate-modified diet). Within this work the hydrolysis of the orexigenic peptide galanin by NEP was described for the first time. A first explanatory approach to the development of the obese phenotype in NEP knockout-mice as well as the suitability of this animal model as a model of the complex human obesity is discussed.

Fragile identities, patched-up worlds : Dementia and meaning-making in social interaction / Fragila identiteter och en hoplappad värld : Demens och meningsskapande i socialt samspel

Örulv, Linda January 2008 (has links)
Denna avhandling fokuserar på det meningsskapande och begripliggörande som fortgår vid tilltagande demenssjukdom, i det sociala samspelet, och de utmaningar för demens-omsorgen som detta innebär. Studien är aktörsorienterad och adresserar frågan om hur personer med åldersrelaterade progressiva demenssjukdomar i den vardagliga kommuni-kationen söker förstå sina situationer, omgivningen och sina liv – alltsammans inom ra-men för det dagliga samspelet på ett demensboende. Av särskilt intresse är hur dessa per-soner hanterar problem som har att göra med att handla tillsammans med andra i en gemensamt delad värld och hitta sin roll i det pågående samspelet, och hur de etablerar och upprätthåller en identitet i detta samspel. Detta trots svåra minnesproblem, desorien-tering i tid och rum, olika sätt att förstå den pågående situationen samt svårigheter att be-rätta om sina liv på ett sätt som både stämmer överens med biografiska data och har en tillfredsställande temporal organisering. Avhandlingen adresserar också frågan om hur omsorgspersonalen kan hantera det komplexa samspelet mellan de boende i den dagliga omsorgen, med avseende på att upprätthålla och respektera dessa personers värdighet. Studien ansluter till en växande tradition av att studera interaktion vid demens som meningsbaserad och situerad i en kontext snarare än enbart som beteende som orsakas av kognitiva svårigheter. Metodologiskt är studien etnografisk och bygger på observationer fördelade över en tidsperiod av sex månader. Materialet, som består av ca 150 h videoma-terial och kompletterande fältanteckningar, möjliggör att samspelet studeras både i detalj och i relation till det större sammanhang som det ingår i. Studien visar på kvarvarande kompetenser och bidrar med ny kunskap om strategier som personerna med demens använder sig av i ett aktivt, kreativt och på många sätt ratio-nellt meningsskapande i det sociala samspelet med andra människor. Detta diskuteras i termer av resurser för demensomsorgen i relation till den stora utmaning som det innebär att lappa ihop och upprätthålla en begriplig och socialt delad värld, samt upprätthålla kon-tinuitet med personernas livshistorier på ett sätt som möjliggör en önskad identitet. / This thesis focuses on the identity work and the meaning- or sense-making that continue in the face of evolving dementia diseases, in social interaction, and the challenges for care this involves. The study adopts an actor-oriented approach and addresses the question of how persons with age-related progressive dementia diseases in everyday communication make sense of their situations, their surroundings, and their lives – all within the context of daily life in residential care. Of particular interest is how these persons handle issues of joint action in a shared world and how they establish and maintain an identity in the inte-raction. This is in spite of severe memory problems, disorientation in time and space, dif-fering understandings of the current situation, and difficulties in telling “accurate” and temporally ordered stories about their lives. The thesis also addresses the question of how caregivers may handle the complex interplay between residents in daily care, in maintain-ing and respecting these persons’ dignity. The study follows a growing tradition of studying interaction in dementia as mean-ing-based and situated in a context rather than merely as behavior caused by cognitive impairment. Methodologically, this is an ethnographic study based on observations made within a period of six months. The data consist of around 150 hours of video recordings and complementary field notes. This extensive material has made it possible to study the social interaction both in detail and situated in a larger context. The findings point to remaining competences and strategies that persons with demen-tia use actively and creatively in the ongoing interaction – and, given the premises, often in a rational way. This is discussed in terms of resources for dementia care, in relation to the great challenge of patching up and putting together a comprehensive socially shared world as well as maintaining continuity with the persons’ previous life histories in a way that preserves a positive self-identity.

Apport de l'étude des systèmes mnésiques mesiotemporaux au diagnostic précoce de la Maladie d'Alzheimer débutante / Contributions from studies on mesiotemporal memory systems to the diagnosis of early Alzeimer's disease

Didic-Hamel Cooke, Mira 11 January 2011 (has links)
Un nombre croissant de travaux chez l’animal et chez l’homme suggèrent que les différentes structures composant le lobe temporal interne (LTI) contribuent de manière différentielle à la mémoire déclarative. Chez l’homme, deux réseaux neuraux impliquant le LTI sont décrits : un réseau mésiotemporal antérieur, constitué de structures pour lesquelles les études chez les patients cérébro-lésés indiquent qu’elles contribueraient à la mémoire décontextualisée (mémoire des objets et mémoire sémantique ou mémoire du « quoi ») ; un réseau mésiotemporal postérieur, constitué d’autres structures pour lesquelles ces études suggèrent plutôt une implication dans la mémoire contextualisée (mémoire spatiale, épisodique ou mémoire du «où » et du « quand»). Dans la Maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), les dégénérescences neurofibrillaires, dont la distribution topographique est corrélée à la nature des déficits cognitifs, se développent initialement dans les cortex sous-hippocampiques - transentorhinal et entorhinal - qui sont des composants du réseau mésiotemporal antérieur, avant de s’étendre à l’hippocampe. Les éventuels déficits cognitifs en relation avec l’atteinte de cette région ne sont pas clairement identifiés dans la MA. Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire sont centrés sur l’étude des cortex sous-hippocampiques avec les méthodes de la neuropsychologie et la neuroimagerie. Ils suggèrent que la MA aux stades les plus précoces pourrait représenter un « modèle » d’étude privilégié des systèmes mnésiques auxquels contribue le LTI. Ces résultats sont en faveur de l’utilité de l’évaluation de la mémoire décontextualisée dans le diagnostic de la MA débutante. / There is increasing evidence from experiments in rodents and non-human primates, as well as from human studies, to suggest that the different structures within the medial temporal lobe (MTL) differentially contribute to declarative memory. In the human brain, two neural networks implicating MTL structures have been described: an anterior MTL network that includes brain areas that contribute to context-free memory (object memory and semantic memory or memory for « what ») and a posterior MTL network that contributes to context-rich memory (spatial memory, episodic memory or memory for “where” and “when”). In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), associated with cognitive signs, initially appear in the sub-hippocampal (transentorhinal and entorhinal) cortex, which are part of the anterior MTL network, before reaching the hippocampus. Potential cognitive deficits related to the dysfunction of this brain area in AD are not clearly identified. In the presented studies, the emphasis is placed on the investigation of sub-hippocampal corteces using a neuropsychological approach and neuroimaging techniques. Our findings suggest that the very earliest stages of AD could represent a “model” leading to a better understanding of memory systems that involve the MTL. They also provide evidence that evaluating context-free memory may be useful in the diagnosis of early AD.

Age-Related Differences in In-vitro Sensitivity to Inhibition of Human Red Blood Cell Acetylcholinesterase and Plasma Butyrylcholinesterase by the Cholinesterase Inhibitors Physostigmine (PHYS), Pyridostigmine (PYR), Donepezil (DON) and Galantamine (GAL)

Lee, David 31 July 2009 (has links)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disorder, characterized clinically by a progressive loss of memory, cognitive function, ability to care for oneself and psychiatric symptoms. First-line agents for the treatment of AD are ChE inhibitors (DON, GAL), whose modest clinical efficacy and the high incidence of dose-limiting toxicities limit their clinical utility. In addition to AD, ChE inhibitors (PYR) are used for other medical conditions, such as myasthenia gravis (MG). Furthermore, ChE inhibitors (PYR) are used by military personnel prophylactically if impending exposure to chemical warfare agents, e.g., soman, is suspected. The purpose of this research project was to understand the effect of age on the in-vitro sensitivity of ChE inhibitors in human RBCs and plasma. Understanding possible covariates, such as age and gender, may assist in optimizing dosing regimens of ChE inhibitors and/or developing newer ChE inhibitors with better adverse effect profiles. Plasma PHYS concentrations were measured by a validated HPLC-FD method. RBC AChE activity and plasma BuChE activity were measured by a modified Ellman’s colorimetric method using the model substrates, acetylthiocholine and butyrylthiocholine, respectively. The kinetics of RBC and plasma ChE activity followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Acetylthiocholine was found to be a nonselective substrate (RBC AChE Km = 73 μM; plasma BuChE Km = 117 μM); while butyrylthiocholine was a selective substrate for plasma BuChE (RBC AChE Km = 130,000 μM; plasma BuChE Km = 72 μM). For the following studies, RBC AChE activity was measured using acetylthiocholine as the substrate and plasma BuChE activity was measured using butyrylthiocholine as the substrate. This research project was performed in two parts: First, mechanistic studies of PHYS, PYR, DON and GAL, explored and determined the mechanism of in-vitro inhibition of RBC AChE and plasma BuChE inhibition, as well as the in-vitro degradation of PHYS in human whole blood, plasma and RBC. PHYS was rapidly degraded in human whole blood, RBC and plasma and followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics but its degradation clearance - scaled to whole blood clearance - was only predicted to account for 4-6% (i.e., 195-261 ml/min) of the reported total body clearance for PHYS (4500 ml/min). RBCs were responsible for 60% of the whole blood clearance while plasma accounted for 40% of the whole blood clearance. Inhibition results indicated that both PHYS and PYR were nonselective and rapid suicide ChE inactivators. PYR inactivated RBC AChE more rapidly at low concentrations and inactivated plasma BuChE more rapidly at high concentrations, but inactivated both more rapidly than PHYS. PHYS was a more potent inactivator than PYR with a Ki for RBC AChE of 0.011 μM and 0.063 μM, respectively, and 0.023 μM and 0.036 μM, respectively for plasma BuChE. DON was found to be a noncompetitive inhibitor for RBC AChE (Ki,noncomp = 114 μM), but a competitive inhibitor for plasma BuChE (Ki,comp = 213 μM). GAL was found to be a competitive inhibitor for both RBC AChE (Ki,comp = 66 μM) and plasma BuChE (Ki,comp = 358 μM). The second part involved a clinical study with ten young and nine elderly healthy subjects, balanced for gender, who donated blood for an in-vitro study in order to assess any age- and gender-related differences in in-vitro sensitivity to RBC AChE and plasma BuChE inhibition to all four ChE inhibitors. Elderly adults were found to be 2-3-fold less sensitive compared to the young adults for PHYS (BuChE Ki,pss; 0.010 and 0.015 μM, young and elderly, respectively) and PYR (AChE Ki,pss; 0.12 and 0.25 μM, young and elderly, respectively) only, while neither DON nor GAL showed any age-related differences in sensitivity. The observed differences for PHYS and PYR may be due to kinetic differences in ChE inactivation between young and aged adults, rather then a difference in binding affinities/potencies. These carbamate ChE inhibitors, presumably, have a slower decarbamoylation rate in younger adults than elderly adults, which leads to the observed difference in in-vitro sensitivity. The above in-vitro results were consistent with results of a meta-analysis: In a study by Knapp et al. (1991), young males (n=6), receiving 18 mg, 24 mg and 30 mg PHYS tablets, showed similar ex-vivo plasma BuChE sensitivity to (28 %/(ng/ml)) as the in-vitro sensitivity for young males in the current study (33 %/(ng/ml)). On the other hand, in the study by Men (2004), elderly males (n=8) and females (n=8), receiving 6.7 μg/kg PHYS as 30-minute infusion, showed similar ex-vivo RBC AChE sensitivity (12 %/(ng/ml)) as the in-vitro sensitivity for elderly subjects in the current study (9.7 %/(ng/ml)). This suggests that in-vitro measurement of ChE sensitivity is predictive of ex-vivo sensitivity in clinical studies. The study results suggest that elderly adults may require a 2-3-fold higher blood concentration than young adults to achieve the same ChE inhibition. This may explain why for epistigmine, an investigational carbamate ChE inhibitor for the treatment of AD, the maximum tolerated dose observed in young adults (40 mg single dose) was lower than for older adults (90 mg/day). Higher sensitivity in young adults prevented further dose escalation, while all elderly subjects tolerated higher doses. This research may have implications for other diseases and conditions, most notably MG and as a prophylaxis of nerve gases poisoning. As patients with MG age, they may become less sensitive to PYR, the most common symptomatic treatment for MG, and an increase in dose may be required. Further, older military personnel assigned to receive PYR, may require increased doses to achieve the targeted 10% RBC AChE inhibition, necessary to protect against nerve gas poisoning.

Dilemmes familiaux de la prise en charge de la maladie d’Alzheimer : principes, relations et émotions / Family dilemma about taking care of Alzheimer's disease : principles, relationships and emotions

Miceli, Pamela 08 April 2013 (has links)
À partir d'un modèle d’analyse alliant les apports théoriques des sociologies de l'aide familiale et des émotions, nous analysons l'expérience de la prise en charge familiale de la maladie d’Alzheimer à travers trois dilemmes : l’exercice de la toilette du malade, le recours aux structures d'accueil et d’hébergement et l’intervention dans sa vie privée. Ces dilemmes sont appréhendés au prisme de trois registres d'interprétation, d'action et de justification : un registre principiel, un registre relationnel et un registre émotionnel. Nos analyses éclairent ainsi la singularité plurielle des expériences et des implications des proches familiaux des malades. / From an analytical model, combining the theoretical contributions of the sociology of family support and the sociology of emotions, we analyze the experience of family care of Alzheimer’s disease through three dilemmas: the exercise of the patient’s toilet, the use of reception and housing structures by families and intervention in the patient’s private life. Theses dilemmas are understood through the prism of three registers of interpretation, action and justification: a register of principles, a relational register and an emotional register. Our analysis light up the plural singularity of experiences and implications of relatives of Alzheimer’s patients. / A partir de un modelo analítico que combina las contribuciones teóricas de las sociologías del apoyo familiar y de las emociones, se analiza la experiencia de la atención familiar de la enfermedad de Alzheimer a través de tres dilemas: el ejercicio del baño del enfermo, el uso de centros de día y residencias, y la intervención en su vida privada. Estos dilemas se entienden bajo el prisma de tres registros de interpretación, acción y justificación: un registro de principios, un registro relacional y un registro emocional. Nuestros análisis aclaran la singularidad plural de las experiencias e implicaciones de los familiares de los enfermos.

Réorganisation des systèmes anatomo-fonctionnels et de la topologie cérébrale entre les formes à début précoce et tardif de maladie d'Alzheimer. : Approche comportementale et en IRMf de repos / Reorganization of anatomo-functional systems and brain topological properties between early and late-onset Alzheimer’s - : Behavioral and resting-state fMRI approaches

Gour, Natalina 09 December 2013 (has links)
Les fonctions cognitives reposent sur la communication dynamique de régions cérébrales interconnectées. Dans la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), les travaux antérieurs suggèrent que le processus neuropathologique cible de façon précoce un ou plusieurs systèmes anatomo-fonctionnels spécifiques. La dysfonction du réseau par défaut a été objectivée de façon consistante. Cependant, ses relations avec les symptômes cliniques et avec l’atteinte des régions du lobe temporal interne qui lui sont fonctionnellement connectées restent à clarifier. L’IRM fonctionnelle de repos est une technique pertinente pour caractériser in vivo chez l’Homme la connectivité cérébrale.Par une approche des systèmes neuraux, ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de caractériser la réorganisation fonctionnelle neuronale dans la MA, ses corrélats cliniques, ainsi que l’influence de l’âge de début des symptômes. Par le recueil et l’analyse des données neuropsychologiques, en IRMf de repos et en IRM structurale, acquises chez des sujets avec des troubles de la mémoire et avec une forme mnésique légère de MA, notre travail apporte des éclairages : i) sur l’implication du réseau temporal antérieur dans la mémoire déclarative décontextualisée et ses modifications dans le cours de la MA ; ii) sur les similitudes et spécificités des systèmes anatomo-fonctionnels ciblés dans les deux formes cliniques distinctes - à début précoce et tardif - de la MA ; iii) sur la réorganisation de l’organisation topologique cérébrale dans son ensemble de ces deux formes de la maladie. / Cognitive functions rely on the dynamic interplay of connected brain regions. Previous studies suggest that in Alzheimer disease (AD), early pathological changes target one or several specific anatomo-functional networks. Dysfunction of the default mode network is a consistent finding. However, its relationship with clinical symptoms and interconnected medial temporal regions remains to be clarified. Resting state functional MRI (fMRI) is an emerging method aimed at characterizing in vivo brain connectivity in the Human.Using a neural system approach, the aim of this thesis was to characterize neuronal functional reorganization in AD, its clinical correlates, and to determine the influence of age at onset. Neuropsychological data, structural and fMRI were obtained in subjects with early memory impairment and mild “amnestic” AD. This work provides new insights into : i) the functional role of the anterior temporal network in context-free declarative memory and its changes throughout the course of AD; ii) the common and specific features in targeted anatomo-functional networks between early and late onset AD ; iii) the reorganization of whole brain topological properties in the two forms of the disease.

Intégrité de la barrière hémato-encéphalique et transport du peptide bêta-amyloïde dans la maladie d'Alzheimer / Integrity of the blood-brain barrier and transport of amyloid-beta peptide in Alzheimer's disease

Do, Tuan Minh 25 September 2012 (has links)
Récemment, des études menées chez des patients atteints de la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA) suggèrent un rôle important de la clairance cérébrale des peptides bêta-amyloïde (Abeta) dans la physiopathologie de la MA. Les échanges de peptide Abeta entre le cerveau et le sang peuvent se faire à travers la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE). De nombreux transporteurs sont exprimés au niveau de la BHE, telles les protéines ABC (ATP-Binding Casette) et SLC (Solute Carriers). Il a été montré que l’influx du peptide Abeta à travers la BHE était partiellement médié par le récepteur RAGE (Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products) et son efflux par le récepteur LRP-1 (Low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1). De plus, l’implication de transporteurs ABC/SLC dans le passage cérébral du peptide Abeta a été suggérée. Il paraît donc important de caractériser les transporteurs ABC et/ou SLC impliqués dans le transport du peptide Abeta à travers la BHE. D’autre part, l’on peut se demander si, dans le cadre de la MA, la BHE subit des modifications, en termes d’étanchéité, d’expression de transporteurs, de mécanismes de transport, et si, dans ce cas, il y a une modification du transport du peptide Abeta à travers la BHE altérée. Nous avons d’abord montré que des transporteurs ABC et SLC étaient respectivement impliqués dans l’efflux et l’influx des peptides Abeta à travers la BHE. Concernant l’efflux, outre l’Abcb1, nous avons montré qu’Abcg2 et Abcg4 étaient impliquées dans la clairance cérébrale des peptides Abeta. Concernant l’influx, nous avons montré qu’Oatp1a4 pourrait jouer un rôle important dans la pénétration cérébrale des peptides Abeta. De plus, Abca1, principal transporteur ABC impliqué dans le transport du cholestérol, régule indirectement les taux cérébraux d’Abeta. En particulier, nous avons identifié la L-thyroxine et la rosuvastatine comme de puissants inhibiteurs respectifs de l’efflux et de l’influx cérébral d’Abeta. L’ensemble de ces transporteurs d’influx et d’efflux fixe ainsi la clairance cérébrale des peptides Abeta à travers la BHE. Or ces transporteurs sont régulés chez les souris 3xTg-AD (modèle de souris triple transgénique pour la MA exprimant à la fois les pathologies amyloïde et tau), dans des phases précoces et/ou tardives de la MA. Précocement, l’expression de Rage et d’Abca1 sont fortement augmentées au niveau de la BHE chez les souris 3xTg-AD. L’augmentation de Rage dès l’âge de 3 mois laisse supposer une augmentation très précoce de l’influx du peptide Abeta à travers la BHE. Mais cet influx semble être contre-balancé par l’augmentation concomitante d’Abcg4. Quant à Abca1, ne transportant pas directement le peptide Abeta, le rôle de son augmentation graduelle au cours du développement de la MA reste à déterminer. L’ensemble de ces régulations n’étant pas suffisantes pour empêcher l’accumulation cérébrale d’Abeta, des régulations plus tardives semblent se mettre en place, avec notamment l’augmentation de l’expression d’Abcb1 et d’Abcg2, et la diminution d’Oatp1a4. Ces mécanismes semblent donc correspondre à des phénomènes compensatoires ayant pour objectif d’augmenter la clairance cérébrale d’Abeta. Enfin, nous avons montré que l’intégrité physique de la BHE n’était pas altérée chez ces souris 3xTg-AD âgées de 3 à 18 mois. De plus, nos résultats ont montré que le volume vasculaire était diminué de manière précoce, notamment au niveau de l’hippocampe, chez les souris 3xTg-AD par rapport à leurs contrôles. Ce phénomène n’a pas été retrouvé chez les souris APP/PS1 n’exprimant que la pathologie amyloïde. Ces résultats suggèrent un rôle causal et précoce de la protéine tau hyperphosphorylée dans la pathologie de la MA. En conclusion, nos résultats soulignent l’importance de la BHE dans la physiopathologie de la MA. Ce travail de thèse ouvre des perspectives thérapeutiques, mais aussi des pistes pour la compréhension des mécanismes conduisant à une régulation de ces systèmes de transport dans la MA. / Recent studies in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients have suggested an important role of cerebral clearance of Abeta peptide in the pathogenesis of AD. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) represents a major pathway for exchanges of Abeta between the brain and the peripheral circulation. Many transporters are expressed at the BBB, such as the ABC (ATP-Binding Casette) and SLC (Solute Carriers) proteins. It has been shown that the influx of Abeta peptide across the BBB was partially mediated by the receptor RAGE (Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products) and its efflux by the LRP-1 receptor (low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1). On the other hand, the involvement of ABC/SLC transporters in the brain efflux/influx of Abeta peptide has been suggested. It was therefore important to characterize the ABC/SLC transporters involved in the transport of Abeta peptide across the BBB. In addition, the disorders of the BBB have always been suggested in neurodegenerative diseases. The question is whether, in the context of AD, the BBB undergoes changes in terms of integrity, expression of transporters, transport mechanisms, and if, in this case, there is a change in the transport of Abeta peptide across the impaired BBB. We first showed that the BBB regulated the exchange of blood-brain Abeta peptides. Thus, the involvement of efflux (ABCG2 and ABCG4) and influx (Oatp1a4) transporters allows this equilibrium of Abeta peptides between the blood and the brain parenchyma. In addition, ABCA1, the main ABC transporter involved in cholesterol transport, regulates indirectly the brain levels of Abeta. We also identified the L-thyroxine and rosuvastatin as potent inhibitors of the efflux and influx transport of brain Abeta, respectively. All these influx and efflux transporters could control the transport of Abeta peptide across the BBB. However, these transporters are regulated in 3xTg-AD mice (triple transgenic mouse model for AD expressing both amyloid and tau pathologies) in the early and/or late stages of AD. Early, the expression of Abca1 and Rage are strongly increased at the BBB in 3xTg-AD mice. The high expression levels of Rage at the age of 3 months suggest an early increase in the influx transport of Abeta peptide across the BBB. But this increase seems to be compensated by the concomitant increase of Abcg4. As Abca1 does not directly mediate the transport of Abeta peptide, the role of its gradual increase in the development of AD remains to be determined. As all these regulations are not sufficient to prevent the accumulation of cerebral Abeta, the late regulations seem to develop, including increased expression of Abcb1 and Abcg2, and decreased expression of Oatp1a4. These mechanisms seem to correspond to compensatory phenomena with the objective to increase the cerebral clearance of Abeta. Finally, we have shown that the physical integrity of the BBB was not altered in 3xTg-AD mice aging from 3 to18 months. In addition, our results showed that the cerebral vascular volume was reduced early, especially in the hippocampus of 3xTg-AD mice compared to their age-matched controls. This phenomenon was not found in APP/PS1 mice expressing only the amyloid pathology. These results suggest a causal and early role of hyperphosphorylated tau in AD pathology.In conclusion, our results show the importance of the BBB and particularly of Abcg2, Abcg4 and Oatp1a4 transporters in the pathophysiology of AD. Knowledge of these transporters not only opens up therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, but also leads to the further understanding of the regulation mechanisms of these transport systems in AD.

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