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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ohio Physical Therapists' Perceived Level of Engagement in the Workplace and Profession

Patterson, Kevin Michael 25 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Skolkuratorers upplevelser av sitt professionella handlingsutrymme / School counsellors' experiencesof their professional scope ofaction

Cesnaite, Ruta, Vestman, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Studien handlar om hur skolkuratorer upplever sitt professionella handlingsutrymme samt hur det kan påverkas av organisationen. Studien utfördes med hjälp av semi-struktureradeintervjuer, där 5 erfarna skolkuratorer delade sina upplevelser, definitioner och reflektioner kring fenomenet. Studiens resultat tyder på att skolkuratorer upplever sitt professionella handlingsutrymme som brett, men att det finns vissa organisatoriska faktorer som kan påverkasamt begränsa det. Faktorer som organisatoriska riktlinjer, intern och extern samverkan,organisations ledning samt otydlighet och ensamhet gällande yrkesroll och arbetsposition.

Att vara eller inte vara lärare : - när yrkesroll och privatroll kolliderar / To be or not to be a teacher : - when the professional role collides with the private

Nilsson, Emma, Wrede, Emma January 2011 (has links)
Beroende på situation intar människan olika roller. På rollerna finns det också förväntningar som kan styra rollinnehavarens beteende och agerande. Ett dilemma som kan uppkomma för lärare är att yrkesrollen och privatrollen går in i varandra. Den här studien vill synliggöra problematiken kring hanteringen av lärarnas olika roller. För att undersöka problematiken och hanteringen av lärarnas olika roller används en kvalitativ metod där det empiriska materialet är sex intervjuer. För att kunna analysera och förstå det informanterna visar på används teori som berör problematiken. Teorin tar upp olika aspekter som påverkar hanteringen av relationen mellan yrkesrollen och privatrollen för lärare, exempelvis roller, förväntningar, gränser mellan yrkesliv och privat samt innebörden av lärarrollen. Studiens resultat visar på att det finns olika strategier för att kunna hantera relationen mellan yrkesrollen och privatrollen. Men en slutsats som kan dras är att privatrollenofta sätts i skymundan av yrkesrollen.

Constructions de l'intervention par des travailleuses sociales et infirmières en C.L.S.C. et possibles interdisciplinaires

Couturier, Yves 02 1900 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l’Université de Montréal / La présente thèse rend compte des différentes constructions de l'intervention par des travailleuses sociales et des infirmières travaillant en C.L.S.C. La reconstruction et l'analyse des sens de l'intervention a permis la formulation de grands axes d'une grammaire de l'intervention en partie commune aux groupes professionnels impliqués. Cette grammaire constitue un indice de l'émergence d'une langue commune aux métiers relationnels, comme condition de l'interdisciplinarité pratique.

"Jag ser dig och jag bryr mig om dig" : En fenomenologisk studie av förskollärares omsorgskunskaper vid lämningar

Almlöf, Sophie, Thongsong, Mari January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att söka kunskap om omsorg genom att prata med förskollärare om lämningssituationer. Vi kartlägger, utforskar och fördjupar deras omsorgskunskap, var den kommer ifrån och var de placerar den i förskollärarprofessionen. Genom att ha fenomenologi som teoretisk utgångspunkt, söker vi essensen av deras kunskap genom att ta del av hela deras livsvärld. Vi använder oss också av Aristoteles kunskapsbegrepp fronesis, för att analysera vårt material. Syftet med det är att vidga normer för kunskap och professionalitet. Vårt resultat visar att essensen i förskollärares kunskaper vid lämningssituationer består av inkännande och lyhördhet eftersom varje situation och barn kräver olika bemötanden utifrån de behov som uppstår. Vi har upptäckt att dethär är en kunskapsform som har en inneboende logik som baseras på ett omsorgsetiskt förhållningssätt. Detta ser vi som vårt viktigaste resultat. Vår slutsats blir därför att omsorg är en kunskapsform som tillhör förskollärarprofessionen som bör inkluderas i förskolans kunskapsbank. Förskolans pedagogik består av omsorg, lärande och fostran och ska samtidigt vila på vetenskaplig grund och därför blir det viktigt att alla dessa delar undersöks och formuleras på ett vetenskapligt vis. / The purpose of this study is to seek knowledge about care by interviewing preschool teachers regarding daily drop-offs. We have explored what this knowledge consists of, where it comes from and how they apply it in their profession at large. By using phenomenology as our theoretical approach, we seek the essence of their knowledge by including their whole lived experience. We also use Aristotle’s concept fronesis, to analyze our material. By doing this we aim to broaden standards of knowledge and professionality. Our results show that the essence of the preschool teachers´ knowledge in the situation of daily drop-offs, comes down to the their empathetic and responsive ability, since every child and situation requires a different approach, depending on the childs different needs. We discovered that this is a form of knowledge owning its’ own logic, based on ethics of care, which we see as our most important result. Our conclusion is therefore, that caring is a form of knowledge that is a part of the preschool teacher profession and should also be included as one. Pedagogy in Swedish preschools integrates an educational and caregiving practice and should also be based on scientific methods and evidence-based practices. It is important that the educational aswell as the caregiving element become subjects of scientific research.

Professionsmaktens framställning av fenomenet ADHD - en diskursanalys

Hedtjärn, Anita, Therése, Persson January 2016 (has links)
In the body of knowledge surrounding ADHD there is a power struggle regarding which interpretations and perspectives should prevail. Representatives from various scientific disciplines and professions write and publish articles about the diagnosis based on their respective points of view. These articles are the focus of this thesis. Among other things it can be seen in these examined articles that, the prevalence of ADHD is higher amongst established bodies of social care, and that there is a lack of knowledge regarding the diagnosis in social systems such as schools and social services. Our aim with this study is to highlight how professionals within the Swedish contemporary field of knowledge surrounding ADHD create significance and meaning of the phenomenon. Based on Jonathan Potters discourse analysis, we focus on how ADHD is described by professionals in contemporary Swedish articles about ADHD and also on how these descriptions become valid and credible in these texts. The approach used in our case has been article analysis, based on Potter's rhetorical toolbox that includes both theory and method in one. ADHD is widely presented in the articles with descriptions ranging from a cultural disease constructed by prevailing social climate to being a genetic abnormality. Using various rhetorical strategies it is possible to establish totally different groups of interpretative repertoires as all true. In this thesis, we also discuss the possible consequences of these various explanations and constructions within social work and society at large.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på yrkesidentitet : en kvalitativ studie om redovisningsekonomer / The impact of digitalization on professional identity : a qualitative study of accountants

Bergqvist, Tova, Gabrielii, Filippa January 2019 (has links)
Digitaliseringen ses som en av samhällets starkaste pågående förändringar och dess följder påverkar branscher och yrken i stor utsträckning. Redovisningsbranschen har stått och står fortfarande inför stora förändringar som en följd av teknikens utveckling och som redovisningsekonom gäller det att anpassa sig för att kunna överleva på marknaden. Redovisningsekonomers arbete har tidigare bestått av mycket administrativa och monotona arbetsuppgifter, vilket är sådana uppgifter som tekniken kan och har tagit över. Därför har redovisningsekonomerna fått börja utföra andra uppgifter, såsom exempelvis rådgivning och analys av siffror. Dessa nya arbetsuppgifter kräver nya kompetenser för alla redovisningsekonomer. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur och i vilken utsträckning redovisningsekonomers yrkesidentitet påverkas av digitaliseringen. Vi har valt en kvalitativ metod av studien och har genomfört nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med redovisningsekonomer från olika företag. Studiens slutsats är att digitaliseringen påverkar redovisningsekonomernas yrkesidentitet i stor utsträckning och att den kan komma att förändras helt i framtiden. Det har gjorts många studier på hur digitaliseringen påverkar arbetssätt och arbetsuppgifter. Dock finns det få studier som beskriver vad detta faktiskt innebär för yrkesroller och identitet. / Digitalization is seen as one of society’s strongest ongoing changes and its consequences affect industries and professions to a large extent. The accounting industry has been and is still facing major changes as a result of technological development and as an accountant it is important to adapt to be able to survive on the market. The accountants work has previously consisted of much administrative and monotonous tasks, which are such tasks that technology can and has taken over. Therefore the accountants have begun to perform other tasks, for example advisory and analytics. These new tasks requires new competences for all accountants. The purpose of this study is to investigate how and to what extent accountants professional identity is affected by digitalization. We have chosen a qualitative method for the study and conducted nine semi-structured interviews with accountants from different companies. The study’s conclusion is that digitalization affects the accountants professional identity to a large extent and that it may change completely in the future. There have been many studies on how digitalization affects working method and tasks. However, there are few studies that describe what this actually means for professions and professional identity. This paper is written in Swedish.

Det sitter i väggarna : Vad styr vid rekrytering av ställföreträdare på överförmyndarverksamheter? / It is in the wall : What guides the recruitment of legal guardians?

Blad, Anna, Pernilla, Karlsson Palmgren January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how social workers on a Chief Guardian unit work from their conditions when recruiting guardians. More specifically, we wanted to see how the law, the practise and the professionals’ tacit knowledge affect their judgement of guardians and how the organisation and the government of the Chief Guardian unit affect their work. The Chief Guardian unit is a municipal supervisor that control and supervise the work of the guardian. Media has criticized the Chief Guardian unit, by highlighting examples of unfit guardians. The Swedish National Audit Office (Riksrevisionen) has expressed a number of shortcomings of the supervision by the County administrative boards of Sweden (Länsstyrelsen). Because the Chief Guardian units lack a common governmental monitoring, internal solutions are created by every individual unit. In this qualitative study we have tried to understand how the social workers practise their profession. Through semi-structured interviews with eight social workers in three different Chief Guardian units, we have interpreted the views of their work. The theoretical framework was primarily founded on Polanyi´s theory of tacit knowledge and the ideas of occupational and organizational professionalism. The results of our study showed that the reality for the social workers is a mix of occupational and organizational professionalism. All the informants describe their work as heavily controlled by laws and regulations, but with a certain freedom of how to conduct their work. They find the tacit knowledge and the collegial support very important when it comes to assessing guardians. All the informants state that an organizational change is crucial to guarantee the legal security of guardians and caretakers.

La profession enseignante au Cameroun de la période post coloniale à nos jours dans le contexte social, politique et syndical : le processus de professionnalisation des enseignants camerounais / The teaching profession in Cameroon of period comment colonial in our days in the social, political and labor-union context : the process of professionalization of the Cameroonian teachers

Lekoa, Aime 11 December 2015 (has links)
Les Etats généraux de l’éducation tenus à Yaoundé en 1995, conséquences des mouvements enseignants à la suite des baisses de salaires de 1993, sur pression syndicale, ont permis de faire le diagnostic du système éducatif camerounais en général et de la profession enseignante en particulier. Si les conclusions des assises pointent de nombreux dysfonctionnements, elles en indiquent également des recommandations. De ces nombreux dysfonctionnements, on peut parler de la gestion globale d’un système éducatif calquée sur un modèle hyper centralisé. Dysfonctionnements et limites qu’on constate également en termes de ressources tant humaines, que matérielles et infrastructurelles. Qualitativement et quantitativement, les faiblesses et les limites d’un corps enseignant hétérogène ne sont plus à démontrer. Par leurs différents statuts – fonctionnaires ou agents contractuels, le mode de recrutement, exerçant dans l’enseignement privé ou public, il apparaît d’emblée improbable de parler du métier d’enseignant au Cameroun comme une profession au sens que l’entend la sociologie des professions. S’agissant donc de la quantité et de la qualité des enseignants, il a été constaté que malgré les efforts de recrutement pour palier au déficit abyssal, il restait beaucoup à faire en vue de se rapprocher des normes internationales. Malgré l’agrandissement de la carte scolaire par la création et l’ouverture parfois de façon incohérente de nombreux établissements publics, leur dotation en personnels enseignants qualifiés reste profondément insuffisante, toutes choses qui sont une entrave au bon fonctionnement et l’efficacité du système éducatif. Cette recherche nous a permis d’évaluer le niveau de professionnalisation d’un métier qui occupe une position charnière dans la formation des futurs citoyens d’un pays. C’est pourquoi la question de la formation et du recrutement des enseignants est au cœur de ce travail. Pour ce faire, il est indéniable que les objectifs du système éducatif camerounais ne peuvent être atteints que si l’Etat réévalue son niveau d’exigence dans le recrutement de son personnel. Elever son niveau de formation pour avoir des enseignants compétents, motivés et qui se sentent socialement considérés. Il paraît paradoxal qu’au moment où différents acteurs- enseignants, syndicats, parents d’élèves et institutions- cohabitent pour une meilleure gestion du système éducatif, la crise de confiance persiste. Une crise de confiance accentuée par le fait que les enseignants ne se sentiraient pas suffisamment socialement considérés. Un fait qui a pour conséquence la baisse de la qualité de l’enseignement et par ricochet celle du niveau des élèves. En effet, les enseignants reprochent aux pouvoirs publics le manque de considération à leur égard, le manque de moyens et le mauvais traitement salarial qui leur est réservé par rapport à d’autres catégories socioprofessionnelles relevant de l’Etat ou de la fonction publique.... / The general States of the education held in Yaoundé in 1995, consequences of the teaching movements following the wage cuts of 1993, on labor-union pressure, allowed to make the diagnosis of the Cameroonian education system generally and the teaching profession in particular. If the conclusions of the assizes clock of numerous dysfunctions, they also indicate it recommendations. Of these numerous dysfunctions, we can speak about the global management of an education system traced on a centralized hyper model. Dysfunctions and limit which we also notice in terms of resources so human, that material and infrastructural. Qualitatively and quantitatively, the weaknesses and the limits of a heterogeneous teaching profession are not to be any more demonstrated. By their various statutes - state employees or contract employees, the mode of recruitment, practicing in the private or public education, it seems straightaway improbable to speak about teacher's job as a profession in the sense that understands it the sociology of the occupations. Thus involving the quantity and the quality of the teachers, it was noticed that in spite of the efforts of recruitment for landing in the abyssal deficit, it stayed a lot to be done to move closer to international standards. In spite of the enlargement of the map of school catchment areas by the creation and the opening sometimes in a inconsistent way of more public institutions, their subsidy in qualified teachers remains profoundly insufficient, any things which are an obstacle in the smooth running and the efficiency of the education system. This research allowed us to estimate the level of professionalization of a job which occupies a pivotal position in the training of the future citizens of a country. That is why the question of the training and the recruitment of the teachers is at the heart of this work. To do it, it is undeniable that the objectives of the Cameroonian education system can be reached only if the State revalues its level of requirement in the recruitment of his staff. Raise his level of training to have competent, motivated teachers and who feel socially considered. We seem paradoxical that as various teaching actors, labor unions, parents and institutions live for a better management of the education system, the crisis of confidence persists. A crisis of confidence stressed by the fact that the teachers would not feel enough socially considered. A fact which has for consequence the reduction in the quality of the teaching and on the rebound that of the level of the pupils. Indeed, the teachers blame public authorities for the lack of consideration, ways and their wage treatment with regard to other socio-professional groups of the public service. If a particular status of the staff of the Education was create since 2000, his application which stays an assault course makes difficult but progressive the process of professionalization of the Cameroonian teachers. The teaching professional body gradually established in twenty years. On one hand, many labor unions were born and stood out as main interlocutors of public authorities. By their actions labor unions want to weigh in the choices of the programs, the training and the recruitments. Thus remain to spread these requirements in the private education where the sector still escapes the control with an absence of collective agreement. On the other hand, by reforming teacher's training colleges, public authorities granted to revise the access mode in the profession. But the training to her alone will not be enough for professionalizing the job of teacher in Cameroon if the political will did not already agree to apply all which is registered in the above-mentioned decree....

Profesní morálka pedagoga v mateřské škole / Professional morale of teachers of kindergartens

Perglerová, Radka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to professional ethics teachers in kindergarten. It focuses on ethics and associated teaching profession. The theoretical part includes clarification of the theoretical concepts, such as ethics and morality. Describes the changes in history in the education of childcare, in the approach to the theory of education and the educator requirements. The practical part includes the research investigation, which focuses on the views of teachers and the general public on the professional morality associated with the creation of a code of ethics for teachers. Part of the research part is a description of the methods that were used to meet objectives. Also includes the interpretation of the data, and finally, evaluate the position of the public and of teachers to professional ethics educator with views on the content of the proposal for a code of ethics. The conclusion of the thesis assesses the evidence and circumstances, which have been identified in the course of the investigation.

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