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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza poptávky po sociálních službách ve vybraném městě / Analysis of Demand for a City Social Service

Kohoutová, Adéla January 2010 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the structure of needs, barriers and effective demand for social services in the town Strmilov. Using multiple methods (interviews, public inquiry, observation, experiment) this thesis presents the initial conditions for the planning of social services in the town, including proposals for the development of social services.

Sociální služby a jejich dostupnost v Plzeňském kraji / Social services ant their availability in Pilsner region

Strnadová, Simona January 2009 (has links)
The goal of my thesis "Social services and their availability in Pilsner region" is to monitor and analyze social services in the region, with particular focus on Klatovy region as a frontier area. It is also examined if people who are living in the border area also have an opportunity to get to needed services. The first part deals with the problem of a definition of social policy, the social services are described according to the legal determination. Also there are mentioned the problems of financing of social services and on the other hand positive aspects of community planning. The second part of the thesis is focused on Pilsner region, where the priorities of municipalities with extended powers in the field of social services are presented. In the third part of thesis is described a specific range of social services in Klatovy. People in the border region have the opportunity to get especially to services of social care and consulting services. A wider range of services (for the elderly, the disabled, children and youth and other disadvantaged and vulnerable groups) is available in Klatovy.

”Men utbrändhet och stress, är det så allvarligt egentligen?” : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare hanterar arbetsrelaterad stress på arbetsplatsen / “But burnout and stress, is it really that serious?” : A qualitative study on how social workers handle work related stress at the workplace

Andersson, Julia, Lindgren, Sara January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to identify how social workers experience and handle work related stress in order to understand how stress can be handled on an individual level. The study was based on a qualitative study and used semi-structured interviews. Interviews with professionals showed that stress mainly occur in absence of control. Social workers use social support and structure their work to reduce demands, to handle stress. The professionals also believe that limits and distance in work is key. Social workers use these different strategies to handle stress, yet some of the issues is adjusted within the organisation. Various organizational factors may contribute or prevent a burnout. In conclusion although the professionals can form their work situation by using these techniques to reduce stress, some problems will remain because it is controlled within the organisation. Keywords: Social worker, work related stress, burnout, social services, work situation.

Orosanmälningar i förskolan : En intervjustudie om förskolepersonals perspektiv på orosanmälningar

Sjöström, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Titel: Orosanmälningar i förskolan - En intervjustudie om förskolepersonals perspektiv på orosanmälningar Författare: Anna Sjöström   Tidigare forskning visar att det råder en stor brist på orosanmälningar till socialtjänsten, speciellt från de professionella som arbetar med barn. I den här studien har kvalitativa intervjuer utförts med personal inom förskolan, detta för att ta del av deras subjektiva bild av utsatta barn och anmälningsplikten. Studien gjordes på fyra förskollärare inom förskolan och materialet analyserades sedan med hjälp av systemteori, stämplingsteori och utvecklingspsykopatologins begrepp risk- och skyddsfaktorer. Resultatet visade att anmälningsplikten sågs som både logisk och viktig för förskollärare även om det var svårt att veta vart gränsen gick för när de skulle anmäla. Det var även svårt att se vissa tecken på utsatthet och mer utbildning önskades inom området. Studien visar att det fanns vissa brister i samverkan med socialtjänsten, vilket skulle kunna förbättras genom mer information om socialtjänstens arbete samt ett tätare samarbete. / Title: Notifications of concern in preschool- An interview study on preschool teachers’ perspective of notifications of concern Author: Anna Sjöström   Previous Research shows a shortage of notifications of concern to social services, especially from professionals who work directly with children. In this study, qualitative interviews were made on four preschool teachers to see their subjective view of vulnerable children, and their duty to report. The material obtained was then analyzed based on systems theory, labeling theory and the concepts of developmental psychopathology; risk- and protection-factors. The results show that the informants felt that the duty of notification was logical and important, but they sometimes thought that it was difficult to know the line between reporting or not, they found it difficult to see some of the signs of exposure and they wanted more education in the area. There were also some lack of collaboration with the social services, which they stated could be improved through more information about the work of the social services and a closer cooperation.

Att mötas över myndighetsgränser : En kvalitativ studie av samverkan mot brott i nära relation / To act across the borders of authorities : A qualitative study of intraorganizational collaboration against intimate partner crime

Ericsson, Jesper, Stengård, Isabelle January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur tjänstemän hos socialtjänsten och polisen uppfattar samverkan mellan de olika organisationerna, mer specifikt samverkan som metod i arbetet mot brott i nära relationer. Studien ämnade även undersöka hur de uppfattar myndigheternas roller i ett sådant samarbete. För att undersöka detta genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstemän från båda myndigheterna, i både förstadiet och efter genomförandet av ett samverkansprojekt mot brott i nära relationer. Studiens resultat visade att idén om att samverka mot brott i nära relationer har ett starkt stöd bland tjänstemännen hos båda myndigheterna. De faktorer som uppfattades som viktigast för en effektiv samverkan är en tydlig ansvarsfördelning mellan aktörerna, att förankra metoden i hela organisationen, en administrativ samordning och att samverkan får tillräckliga resurser. Resultatet visade också att tjänstemännen hos de båda myndigheterna hade en tydlig bild av den egna yrkesrollen, men att en osäkerhet hos aktören kan dyka upp när hen förväntas agera på ett vis som inte är i linje med den egna uppfattningen om rollen. / The aim of the study was to investigate how officials of the social services and the police perceived inter-organizational collaboration. More specifically inter-organizational collaboration as a method in the work against intimate partner violence. The study also aimed to examine how they perceive the authorities' roles in such cooperation. In order to investigate this, semi-structured interviews have been carried out with officials from both authorities. The interviews were conducted both in the preliminary stage and after a collaborative project against intimate partner violence. The study's result showed that the idea of cooperating against this type of problems has a strong support among the officials of both authorities. Factors that are perceived as the most important for effective collaboration are a clear division of responsibilities between the actors; to have the collaboration on an institutional level, instead of interpersonal, administrative coordination and ensuring that the collaboration has sufficient resources. The result also showed that the officials of the two authorities had a clear conception what constitutes as their professional role. That clear conception can create an uncertainty within the actor when he or she is expected to act in a manner that is not in line with his or her perception of the role.

Är digitalisering lösningen? : En kvalitativ studie om digitalisering av insatsen boendestöd / Is digitization the solution? : A qualitative studie about digitization of the intervention residential support

Nodelijk, Adam, Shastavari, Arjan January 2019 (has links)
Digitalisering är i dagsläget ett aktuellt ämne i samhället och inom socialt arbete. Boendestöd är en insats som erbjuds av socialtjänsten till bland annat människor med funktionsnedsättning. Boendestödet innefattar ett praktiskt och socialt stöd, där målet är att klienten ska kunna leva ett självständigt liv. Med hänsyn till digitalisering var det av relevans att undersöka hur det kan påverka boendestödet och organisationen, professionen samt relationen till klienten. Därför var syftet med studien att undersöka digitalisering av boendestödsverksamheter i Halmstad kommun för att skapa djupgående förståelse av digitaliseringens möjligheter och svårigheter för verksamheterna och målgruppen. Vidare var syftet att undersöka vilka synsätt de som arbetar med boendestöd eller digitalisering, har till digitalisering av boendestödsinsatser. Studien hade sin utgångspunkt i en kvalitativ forskningsansats, där nio semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Urvalet bestod av två digitaliserings-experter, fyra enhetschefer och tre boendestödjare. Resultatet visade en mängd möjligheter och svårigheter och vilka synsätt som finns till digitalisering av boendestödet. En svårighet var kunskapen som boendestödjaren behöver besitta om välfärdsteknik. En möjlighet var att använda digitala verktyg för att effektivisera resursfördelningen i verksamheten. En slutsats som framkom i studien var att teknikens användande och komplettering av arbetssätt påverkas av klientens intresse, kunskap, funktionsnedsättning och ålder. Andra slutsatser var att det behövs mer utbildning för boendestödjare kring tekniken, en mer enhetlig samsyn kring digitalisering och skapas flera samt nya tillvägagångssätt i boendestödet. / Digitization is today a current topic in society and social work. Residential support is an  intervention  offered  by  social  services  to  people  with  disabilities,  among  other groups. Residential support includes practical and social support with the goal being that the client can live an independent life. With regards to digitization it were relevant to investigate how it can affect the residential support and the organization, profession and relation to the client. Thus the purpose of this study was to investigate digitization  of  residential  support  organizations  in  the  municipality  of  Halmstad  to produce a thorough understanding of possibilities and difficulties in digitization for the  organization  and  target  group.  The  purpose  was  also  to  investigate  what  stances those  who  work  with  residential  support  or  digitization  have  towards  digitization  of residential support.This  study  had  a  qualitative  approach,  where  nine  semi-structured  interviews  took place. The sample of the study included two digitization experts, four managers and three  residential  support  employees.  The  studies  result  showed  a  variation  of possibilities and difficulties as well as what stances that exists towards digitization of residential  support.  Knowledge  for  the  residential  supporter  of welfare  technology was a difficulty. The use of digital technology to streamline the use of resources in the organization was a possibility. The study concluded that the use of digital technology and its supplement of work methods can be influenced by factors such as the client’s interest,  knowledge,  disability  and  age.  Additional  conclusions  were  the  need  for more  education  about  digital  technology  for  the  residential  supporter,  the  need  of consensus  in  regards  of  digitization  and  the  creation  of  several  and  new  approaches in residential support.

Att arbeta inom socialtjänsten : En studie om medias framställning av socialarbetares arbetsmiljö / Working within the social services : a study on media's presentation of social workers' work environment

Green, Magdalena, Östergren, Zandra January 2019 (has links)
Att massmedia är med och skapar allmänhetens uppfattning om verkligheten är kanske inget man tänker på dagligen. Massmedia har utifrån sina gestaltningar en stor makt att påverka hur allmänheten tolkar olika samhällsfenomen. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på vilken gestaltning media skapar av socialarbetarnas arbetsmiljö och dess effekter. Likväl vilken bild som media förmedlar till allmänheten. Frågeställningarna hade för avsikt att undersöka hur socialarbetarnas arbetsmiljö framställdes, vilka förhållanden kopplade till arbetsmiljön som framträdde och vilka aktörer som fick komma till tals i artiklarna. För att nå vårt resultat genomfördes en framinganalys, det vill säga, genom att rama in hur journalisterna strategiskt, medvetet eller omedvetet framställer det dem vill förmedla. Till vår hjälp i analysarbetet användes gestaltningsteorin för att kunna ta reda på hur media gestaltar och framställer socialarbetarnas arbetsmiljö och dess effekter. De 15 analyserade tidningsartiklarna som användes för studien publicerades mellan åren 2014–2019. Det framkom inte speciellt stora skillnader i hur journalisterna beskrev socialarbetarnas arbetsförhållanden mellan det undersökta tidsspannet. Det framkom bland annat att socialtjänsten framställs vara en ohälsosam arbetsplats och att socialarbetare flyr på grund av tunga arbetskrav och en arbetsmiljö präglad av hot och våld. De gestaltningsramar som framkom tydligt i studien var generella gestaltningar. Vilka formas av en medielogik som journalisterna själva skapat, det vill säga, utifrån nyhetsredaktionernas värderingar, praktiker och rutiner. Betydelsen för hur de olika gestaltningarna påverkar diskuteras i studien såväl som vilka effekter och vilket inflytande dem olika aktörerna som får komma till tals kan ha på allmänheten. / The fact that the media is involved and creates the public's perception of reality is perhaps nothing you think of daily. Based on their design, the mass media has a great power to influence how the public interprets different social phenomena. The aim of this study was to find which framing the media creates by the social workers' work environment and its effects. As well as which image media conveys to the public. The study's questions intended to examine how the social workers' work environment was presented, what conditions that emerged were linked to the work environment and which participants were to be heard in articles. To achieve our results, a framing analysis was carried out, by framing how the journalists strategically, consciously or unknowingly, produced what they want to convey. To our help in the analysis work, the framing theory was used to be able to find out how the media portray and produce the social workers' work environment and its effects. The 15 analyzed newspaper articles used for the study were published between 2014–2019. There were no particularly large differences in how the journalists described the social workers' working conditions between the time span examined. It emerged, among other things, that the social service as a workplace is presented as an unhealthy workplace and that social workers flee due to heavy work demands and because of a work environment characterized by threats and violence. The frames that emerged clearly in the study were general frames. Which are formed by a media logic that the journalists themselves created, that is, based on news editorial values, practices and routines. The significance of how the different frames influence is discussed in the study as well as what effects the various participants that may come to speak has influence on the public.

Paradigmas do acolhimento de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil: a Casa Crescer e Brilhar de São Vicente - SP / Paradigms of the institutionalization of children and adolescents in Brazil: the House Grow and Shine of São Vicente - SP

Costa, Bertholdo Mauricio da 25 October 2018 (has links)
Este texto pretende investigar quais paradigmas pautaram as políticas de acolhimento de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil, no século XX e início do XXI, através do conceito de paradigma de dois autores; Roberto da Silva e Sylvia Constant Vergara, analisando um serviço de acolhimento específico: a Casa Crescer e Brilhar de São Vicente - SP e se o serviço de acolhimento analisado, está conseguindo implementar as mudanças introduzidas pela doutrina de proteção integral e pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente - ECA. Para isso, buscamos a história da Casa Crescer e Brilhar, uma instituição fundada em 1974 para abrigar crianças e adolescentes em situação irregular, conforme a legislação vigente na época. Utilizamos atas das reuniões de diretoria da instituição, através da metodologia da análise de conteúdo. Encontramos situações que apontam graduais conquistas no atendimento da entidade, cumprindo com o que determina a legislação, principalmente no contato e reaproximação com as famílias, no exercício do direito ao lazer e preparação para o mundo do trabalho. A instabilidade dos convênios com o município e os editais de fomento que propiciam recursos financeiros, desgastam a equipe técnica e a diretoria, mas foram responsáveis por boa parte das conquistas. A falta de políticas públicas no município para a saúde, educação e habitação, alimentam ciclos de acolhimento institucional de crianças e adolescentes de famílias pobres / This text intends to investigate which paradigms guided the policies for the reception of children and adolescents in Brazil, in the twentieth century and the beginning of the XXI, through the paradigm concept of two authors; Roberto da Silva and Sylvia Constant Vergara, analyzing a specific reception service: Casa Crescer e Shine of São Vicente - SP and if the host service analyzed, is managing to implement the changes introduced by the doctrine of integral protection and by the Statute of the Child and of Adolescents - ECA. For this, we look for the history of Casa Crescer e Shine, an institution founded in 1974 to house children and adolescents in an irregular situation, according to the legislation in force at the time. We use minutes of the board meetings of the institution, through the methodology of content analysis. We find situations that indicate gradual achievements in the care of the entity, complying with what determines the legislation, mainly in the contact and rapprochement with the families, in the exercise of the right to leisure and preparation for the world of work. The instability of the agreements with the municipality and the funding announcements that provide financial resources, wear out the technical team and the board, but were responsible for most of the achievements. The lack of public policies in the municipality for health, education and housing, feed institutional cycles of children and adolescents from poor families

O regime jurìdico dos contratos de colaboração entre o estado brasileiro e o terceiro setor / The legal framework of the collaboration contracts concluded between the Brazilian state and the third sector.

Pinto, Bruno Luis Amorim 07 April 2015 (has links)
Trata-se de dissertação de mestrado sobre o regime jurídico dos assim chamados contratos de colaboração, instrumentos negociais de caráter continuado celebrados entre o Estado Brasileiro e o terceiro setor, organizações da sociedade civil sem fins lucrativos de objetivos sociais. Situa-se no contexto do crescente processo de emparceiramento dos setores público e privado brasileiros vivenciado nas últimas duas décadas, resultado da redemocratização do país comandada pela Constituição Federal de 1988, com a revitalização da cidadania ativa e reintrodução do homem no centro do jogo político, econômico e social. Tem como pano de fundo a mudança paradigmática da Administração Pública Brasileira operada pela Reforma da década de 1990, que substituiu o perfil essencialmente burocrático dos órgãos e entidades administrativas pelo modelo gerencial de gestão pública, caracterizado pela flexibilização de procedimentos, recurso à consensualidade, estímulo à participação cidadã, foco na eficiência das prestações administrativas e incorporação do controle de resultados. Examinando a natureza jurídica desses vínculos formais de parceria nos serviços sociais, das partes envolvidas e do seu objeto, este trabalho constrói um estatuto jurídico mínimo/comum de toda e qualquer relação colaborativa social entabulada entre o Estado Brasileiro e a iniciativa privada sem fins lucrativos, rompendo com a dicotomia estanque dos regimes de Direito Público e Direito Privado. É nessa perspectiva que se analisam 04 (quatro) sub-regimes: de seleção de entidades privadas de colaboração; de prestação colaborada de serviços sociais; de contratação de terceiros pelas entidades privadas de colaboração; e de controle dos contratos de colaboração. / This is a Masters Thesis on the legal framework of the so-called collaboration contracts, continuous trading instruments concluded between the Brazilian State and the third sector, non-profit organizations with social objectives. It is located in the context of the growing partnership process betwixt the Brazilian public and private sectors experienced in the last two decades, a consequence of the re-democratization of the country coordinated by the Federal Constitution of 1988, with the revitalization of active citizenship and reintroduction of the man at the center of political, economic and social game. Its background is the paradigm shift of the Brazilian Public Administration operated by the Reform of the 1990s, which replaced the essentially bureaucratic profile of organs and administrative bodies by the managerial model of public management, characterized by the easing of procedures, use of consensuality, encouraging of citizen participation, focus on the efficiency of administrative services and incorporation of the control over results. Examining the legal nature of these partnerships in social services, of the parties involved and of their object, this study develops a minimum/common legal framework of any social collaborative relationship engaged by the Brazilian State with the non-profit private initiative, breaking with the tight dichotomy of Public Law and Private Law regimes. In this perspective, it is analyzed four sub-schemes: selection of collaborative private entities; collaboratively provision of social services; contracting of third parties by collaborative entities; and control of collaboration contracts.

Konflikt odpovědností u sociálních pracovníků z organizace Fokus České Budějovice / Conflict of Responsibility at Social Workers from Fokus.

KUBATOVÁ, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the conflict of social worker´s responsibilities in the FOCUS organization. The theoretical part is focused on the characteristics of the organization and the issues of its target group, which is mental illness - schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It describes the work of social workers with this target group. It also introduces issues conflict, ethical problem, ethical dilemmas and responsibility. The other part of the thesis is empiric, research fosuced on identifying, analyzing and trying to evulaute the conflict of responsibilities of selected social workers of Focus ČB. For data-analysis I used a method of creating groups. According to them, I grouped the information with similar features.

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