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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Matter of Relations : A reception study of global audiences’ interpretations of, and interest in, the Norwegian terrorist attacks in 2011

Franzén, Stina January 2014 (has links)
This Master’s thesis investigates the matter of relations as a contributing factor to foreign audiences’ interest in, and interpretation of, news events. An explorative designed quantitative study is conducted based on the example of the terrorist attacks in Norway, 2011. First, a questionnaire was created and shared online with audiences from 53 different countries, with the target group of members of the international exchange student organization Youth For Understanding. 318 responses were collected and analysed in SPSS and the thesis then analyses behavioural-, knowledge- and attitude responses through a quantitative content analysis. The findings are discussed in relation to earlier research on news value, psychology, global compassion and cultural studies.   In the results, it is found that foreign audiences’ relationships to the affected foreign country matter to a large extent, both seen to personal relationships such as having friends or family in or around Norway; but also features such as the respondents’ ability to identify with, and relate to, the news. The survey results show that a relation to Norway contributes to more in-depth knowledge and a higher interest rate in the news about the terrorist attacks, and also how relations to Norway affected the respondents’ cognitive and emotive memories of the event. The author recommends further studies with news examples tested on other, larger populations in order to reach a more reliable, valid and generalizable result.

Hovmålaren och konstnärsfursten : Representationer av konstnärsrollen i självporträtt av David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl och Anders Zorn / The Court Painter and the Prince of Art : Representations of the role of the artist in self-portraits by David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl and Anders Zorn

Clasén, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen utgör en undersökning av konstnärsrollen som den representeras i ett urval av självporträtt av konstnärerna David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl och Ander Zorn. Utifrån Michael Baxandalls teorier om the Period Eye så belyses ett antal kulturella omständigheter och sociala förhållanden som kan ha påverkat de två konstnärernas självporträtt och hur det kan anses relatera till samtida föreställningar om konstnärsrollen. Ur Erving Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv ses självporträtten som en del i ett framträdande där konstnärsrollen iscensätts. Detta innebär ett försök att närma sig ett synsätt som är samtida med konstnärerna och en nyanserad tolkning av konstverken. / : This essay consists of an investigation into the role of the artist as represented in a selection of self-portraits by the artists David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl and Anders Zorn. In accordance with Michael Baxandalls theories regarding the Period Eye, a number of cultural and social circumstances relating to the role of the artist influencing the self-portraits are investigated. From Erving Goffmans dramaturgical perspective the selfportraits are viewed as part of a performance where the role of the artist is acted out. This amounts to an attempt of a nuanced interpretation and a view contemporary to the artists time.

How does othering in Abu Bakr Naji’s The Management of Savagery and Anders Breivik’s 2083 reveal what the two authors perceive as the main external threats to their own groups?

Whitehead, James Graeme Miles January 2020 (has links)
Othering is central in the rhetoric of both Abu Bakr Naji and Anders Breivik throughout their works. Both authors use it as a device to drive a psychological wedge between the groups of ‘us’ and ‘them’. In the case of Naji, the in group is made up of violence oriented takfiris such as Al Qaeda, but Breivik hoped to appeal to other violence oriented far right groups and individuals, disillusioned with what he perceived to be a slow erosion of ‘traditional’ European life by the far left, feminism and other forces. My research question will revolve around how a use of othering by the authors can reveal what they regard as the major threat to their groups. Superficially, there seem to be many similarities in how each author uses othering to alienate and dehumanise different groups. However, closer inspection reveals entirely different priorities and different methods of othering in play. By examining how othering is used throughout the works, it is possible to see which outside groups are perceived to present the biggest threat to the inside groups and the results are perhaps surprising. Given that The Management of Savagery has been seen as the ISIS strategic manual and the key message throughout the work is try and bring the USA and her allies into a catastrophic war of attrition from which the violence oriented takfiris would rise, I had assumed that the USA, or the ‘Far’ enemy would take the brunt of Naji’s othering drive. Instead, the Shia and all Muslims who are unaligned with Al Qaeda, plus those Muslims closely aligned with the West or Western ideals are the key target for Naji. Likewise, I had expected most of the vitriol from Breivik’s right wing ‘manifesto’ to be directed at Muslim immigrants to Europe. However, his key concern, as evidenced by the othering used throughout his work, is in fact with what he terms ‘cultural Marxists’ – left leaning groups and political parties, which he sees as weakening Europe and allowing outsiders to take over.

Analysing Evil : A Comparison of Christian and Islamist Terrorist Acts

Franzino, Felix January 2021 (has links)
Although terrorism is an area that has been the subject of much research, systematic searches in databases reveal that a focus on actors and movements that find their motivation in Christian beliefs, is, by and large, lacking. Ever since the 9/11 terrorist attack, Islamist terrorism has been the major focus. The purpose of this thesis is to describe and compare Christian and Islamist acts of terrorism. This will be done by using the terrorist attack of the self-proclaimed Christian crusader Anders Behring Breivik in Norway 2011 and compare it to the terrorist attack in Paris November 2015 claimed by the terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS). A content analysis is used to explore the material. The analysis is conducted with an analytical framework created from previous research on religious terrorism to explore the similarities and differences of religiously motivated terrorist acts. The study reveals that there are a lot of similarities between Breivik and the Paris attackers. Both Breivik and IS strived to change society with violence justified by their religion. In a type of “God´s executioner” fashion. A final conclusion in this thesis is that Breivik and IS share Ideological core ideas in the form of exclusivity, however, the exclusivity is expressed differently. Breivik´s exclusiveness is linked to ethnicity and skin colour, while IS´s exclusivity is solely linked to faith.

“Vi bjuder in massvis av tjejer, låser ytterdörren och sen hånglar vi” : – En litteraturanalys av Berts dagbok ur ett genusperspektiv

Tydén, Elin, Wahlgren, Olivia January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen är en komparativ studie där vi analyserar Berts dagbok (Sören Olsson & Anders Jacobsson 1993) och Berts dagbok (Olsson & Jacobsson 2015) ur ett genusperspektiv. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka normer som framkommer och om det skett någon förskjutning kring dessa mellan böckerna. Ett vidare syfte är att diskutera lärares normkritiska arbete i skolan. Metoden som används är textanalys med komparativt och genusteoretiskt anslag. Resultatet av analysen visar på att det inte skett någon större förändring i underliggande normkonformativa teman mellan böckerna. Vidare upptäcktes många exempel på problematiska scener i både Berts dagbok (1993) och Berts dagbok (2015). Till exempel upptäcktes sexistiska attityder i båda böckerna. Dock fanns exempel på rena sexuella trakasserier i den äldre som inte återfinns i den nyare boken. På grund av de normkonformativa teman som upptäcktes blir böckerna intressanta att använda i skolan som grund för normkritisk diskussion.

Opera i Stockholm, Galärvarvet

Törngren, Anders January 2011 (has links)
En ny Opera på Galärvarvet i Stockholm. Klippformad volym som landar i vattnet och sveper ner över land. Absolut närhet till Stockholms hjärta, vattnet, samt influenser från kobbar och skär från stockholm yttre skärgård.

Examensarbete fiol, Kristina Leesik examenskonsert & Ekors Anders polskespel

Leesik, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Hiroshima som världstillstånd : Atombombens filosofiska implikationer enligt Günther Anders, Hannah Arendt och Karl Jaspers / Hiroshima as World Condition : Günther Anders, Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers on the Philosophical Implications of the Atomic Bomb

Arborén, Otto January 2023 (has links)
This paper aims to analyze the philosophical implications of the atomic bomb in the thinking of three German post-war philosophers: Günther Anders, Hannah Arendt, and Karl Jaspers. Although they differ greatly in interest and philosophical perspective, the atomic bomb can be discerned as a problem of humanity's technological, ethical, and political conditions in the intersection of their authorships. In the examination of their ideas, they are situated within a diachronic tradition of philosophy of technology. Their common entanglement with phenomenological-hermeneutic philosophy is also considered, most notably in the form of the influence of Martin Heidegger. For Anders, the atomic bomb is the defining feature of the ethical and political conditions of post-war humanity, yet humans are unable to grasp its reality. In the thinking of Jaspers, the bomb necessitates a supra-political principle grounded in the faculty of reason. For him, politics in the nuclear age must rest upon the responsibility of the many individuals, in an ethical re-birth of humanity. Arendt primarily understands the bomb as a product of the increasing power of the thoughtless instrumentality of science. The destructive potential of atomic weapons solidifies to her a crisis in the meaning of politics, in which brute force has undermined political power. All three thinkers share the view that the atomic bomb must be understood in conjunction with a certain thought- and meaninglessness in the science and politics of their contemporary. The bomb also signifies to them a technological obscuring of human agency, the implications of which are exacerbated by the fact that it has also immensely improved the ability of one individual to commit heinous acts. In impairing the conditions for ethical action and meaningful politics for lasting peace, the bomb necessitates these very same principles. By threatening to make humanity as mortal as only individuals had been before, the bomb has made radical change in human thinking and activity urgent. However, to what extent sufficient adaptations are probable, or even possible, is a question in which the philosophers discussed in this paper diverge.


CLAUDIA RODRIGUES VIEIRA DE ALENCAR 23 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] A análise das ideias de Günther Anders e a relação destas com teses de pensadores contemporâneos preocupados com a questão das mudanças climáticas é o objeto deste trabalho, baseado sobretudo em seu livro mais significativo, Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen (A Obsolescência do Homem). Ainda pouco divulgado nos meios acadêmicos e praticamente inédito no Brasil, Anders cria conceitos filosóficos densos e carregados de consequências morais e políticas, ao descrever e buscar entender a perplexidade e o horror diante da possibilidade de aniquilamento da humanidade pela própria humanidade, que tornou-se evidente após os campos de extermínio nazistas e o lançamento das bombas atômicas sobre Hiroshima e Nagasaki, em 1945. Conceitos como tempo do fim , defasagem prometeica , cegueira apocalíptica e prorrogação (délai) se mantêm atuais e pertinentes (ainda que com algumas diferenças inevitáveis), para se pensar um problema igualmente inescapável e onipresente: a crise ambiental global devida ao aquecimento do Sistema Terra, decorrente da queima de combustíveis fósseis pela ação humana, a qual se acelerou exponencialmente desde a Revolução Industrial. / [en] The present dissertation aims to analyse some of Gunther Anders ideas, extracted mainly from his most important book Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen (The Outdateness of Human Beings), referring them to those of other contemporary philosophers. Still very much unknown in the Brazilian academic world and mostly unpublished in Brasil, Anders, in his effort to understand the perplexity and horror of those facing the possibility of the anihilation of humanity by humanity itself, which became evident after the nazist s extermination camps and the launching of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in 1945, creates many philosophical concepts with important moral and political consequences. Concepts such as Endtime , Promethean discrepancy , apocalyptic blindness and delay are still up to date and relevant (although with some inescapable differences) when thinking of such an astounding and omnipresent problem as the global environmental crisis due to the heating of the Earth System caused by the human action of burning fossil fuels, which has exponentially increased since the Industrial Revolution.


WALLACE SOARES DE SOUSA 22 January 2024 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar historicamente as modificações nas estruturas temporais no século XX, sobretudo a partir de 1945, com o fenômeno nuclear. Para isso, nos valemos aqui principalmente dos escritos do intelectual alemão Günther Anders (1902-1992), a partir de seu olhar crítico sobre a relação tênue entre o desenvolvimento científico e o aumento de poder destrutivo da máquina de guerra. Esta análise parte de uma afirmação, recorrente nos textos do autor: a de que teria ocorrido uma mudança irreversível nas perspectivas de futuro da humanidade após o surgimento e o uso das armas atômicas no século passado. Para Anders, o 6 de agosto de 1945, em Hiroshima, marca o início de uma Nova Era. Uma Era Atômica onde a possibilidade de auto-extinção da humanidade por meio das armas nucleares se comprova empiricamente. Pretende-se, portanto, investigar como o autor configura essa categoria de Era Atômica e como ela se relaciona com outras categorias de tempo presentes na historiografia sobre o período, buscando compreender com maior profundidade as novas configurações temporais que se apresentam após o fenômeno nuclear. / [en] This dissertation aims to historically analyze changes in temporal structures in the 20th century, especially from 1945 onwards, with the nuclear phenomenon. For this, we use here mainly the writings of the German intellectual Günther Anders (1902-1992), based on his critical look at the tenuous relationship between scientific development and the increase in the destructive power of the war machine. This analysis is based on a recurrent statement in the author s texts: that an irreversible change in humanity s future perspectives occurred after the emergence and use of atomic weapons in the last century. For Anders, August 6, 1945, in Hiroshima, marks the beginning of a New Era. An Atomic Age where the possibility of humanity s self-extinction through nuclear weapons is empirically proven. It is intended, therefore, to investigate how the author configures this category of Atomic Age and how it relates to other categories of time present in the historiography of the period, seeking to understand in greater depth the new temporal configurations that appear after the phenomenon nuclear.

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