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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The renegotiation of Swedengate : A temporal and discursive examination of a viral phenomenon

Lundstedt, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the discursive development of the viral online phenomenon known by the hashtag #swedengate. Having originally revolved around Swedish dinner customs, the discussion and the meaning of ‘Swedengate’ soon came to encompass more serious themes, including various forms of criticism directed at Sweden. Due to the political significance such a development could imply, this study aims to map the renegotiation of meaning of the phenomenon over time and analyze it using a discourse theoretical framework. Moreover, to reflect upon the political aspect of such renegotiation, by contrasting Swedengate to literature on hashtag politics, virality and nation branding. Empirically, the study draws on Twitter hashtag data that represents concurrent hashtag usage related to the hashtag #swedengate within a time span of 39 weeks. Using social network analysis, this data is visualized and presented as a network graph offering a discursive and temporal representation of the interaction that is constitutive of Swedengate. With reference to several of Laclau and Mouffe's key concepts, the analysis shows that the graph can be understood as an articulation process, within which the hashtag #sweden functions as a floating signifier whose meaning is negotiated upon by various antagonistically positioned discourses. As a result of the floating signifier being articulated differently and through the formation of equivalence chains, the meaning of Swedengate came to include everything from vaccine skepticism to criticism of the Swedish government. Consequently, the study discusses the possibility of phenomenon such as Swedengate being exploited by actors with a specific political ambition.

Reduced herbicide antagonism through novel spray application techniques

Merritt, Luke H 13 December 2019 (has links)
Field studies were conducted to test three application methods for applying antagonistic herbicide combinations: 1) tank mix (TMX), 2) mix-in-line (MIL), and 3) separate boom (SPB). Sethoxydim applied with bentazon, glyphosate applied with dicamba or 2,4-D, and clethodim applied with dicamba or 2,4-D had higher efficacy when applied using the SPB method. Antagonism of all the herbicide combinations above was observed when applied using the TMX and MIL methods. In some cases, antagonism was avoided when using the SPB method. Three application methods tested in greenhouse studies were 1) TMX, 2) synthetic auxin applied first (AAF), and 3) synthetic auxin applied second (AAS). The AAS application method resulted in higher weed control than the TMX and AAF methods. Analysis done through liquid chromatography mass spectrometry supported the greenhouse results with higher rates of glyphosate detected with the AAS method.

En diskursteoretisk analys av påskupploppen 2022

Isberg, Ruben January 2022 (has links)
Upploppen under påsken 2022 visar på många sätt de politiska konfliktdimensioner som uppkommit i och med högerpopulismens intåg i politiken, och regeringens respons visar på en oförståelse inför den sociala antagonism som detta intåg grundar sig på. Studien undersöker hur regeringens, polisens och Ebba Buschs bemötande av upploppen liknar och skiljer sig från varandra och varför de tar den form de gör. Detta åstadkoms genom diskursanalyser av flera olika uttalanden från dessa aktörer, och analyseras genom ett diskursteoretiskt ramverk. För att förstå orsakerna bakom dessa olika förståelser av upploppen och relatera dessa till det politiska systemet används Chantal Mouffes teori om det politiska och liberal demokrati. Studien finner att både regeringen och polisen deltar i en diskurs som avpolitiserar upploppen som händelser och förstår dess deltagare som saknandes politisk agens, vilket sker genom artikulationen av upploppen som resultatet av sociala problem i regeringens fall och en reduktion till opolitisk kriminalitet i polisens. Därmed representerar de det Mouffe förstår som den liberaldemokratiska ståndpunkten där social antagonism inte kan erkännas utan politiken måste finna konsensus. Busch ger istället uttryck för en förståelse av upploppen som djupt politiska och dessutom ett hot mot hennes eget politiska projekt, de artikuleras här snarare som ett rivaliserande politiskt projekt centrerat kring islamism och kriminalitet.

Masculinity in crisis : an anlysis of how Swedish news media positions men

Grunander, Alvin, Lilja, Hugo January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study is to unravel the power dynamics in news media's positioning of men in relation to the concept ‘masculinity in crisis’. To accomplish this, 52 Swedish news articles are subjects to analysis, using a critical discursive approach with a theoretical framework emphasising power structures and gender dynamics, alongside considerations of subject positions and the notion of antagonism. In order to guide the thesis further, two research questions are created: how are men positioned in relation to previously attributed male ideals and characteristics and how are men contrasted to women? The main findings were that the positioning of men is ambiguous, and the ideal man is not a distinct traditional man nor a “soft boy”. The positioning of men is inferior in contrast to women, and when describing the inferior man, traditional feminine attributes are used. The same is true for describing women superiority with traditional manly attributes and virtues. These findings suggest that Swedish news media in their positioning of men contribute to on one side, a strive to change gender roles according to changes towards a more equal society, and on the other side to question the progress made by women as gone too far leaving men behind as victims.

Avpolitiserad fysisk planering? : Om makt att definiera social hållbarhet och den fysiska planeringens gränser

Ramnemo, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur stadsplaneringens politiska uppdrag eventuellt påverkas av privata konsulters deltagande i planeringsprocesser. På så sätt problematiseras tolkningsutrymmet samt det potentiella inflytandet över de vägval som den offentliga verksamheten gör. I grunden handlar det om att belysa ett eventuellt demokratiskt problem i en kontext som lovordar samverkan mellan offentlig och privat sektor. Målet är att identifiera om ansvarsutkrävandet kan säkerställas när aktörerna i dessa nätverk tar beslut i den offentliga verksamhetens sfär. Undersökningen belyser huvudsakligen en svensk planeringskontext på regional samt kommunal planeringsnivå. Därutöver ingår även exempel från Köpenhamn, Danmark. Fokus riktas mot frågan om social hållbarhet samt den offentliga aktörens hantering av allmänintresset i relation till social hållbarhet som fenomen. Undersökningen belyser hur social hållbarhet tar sig i uttryck i specifika planeringsprojekt samt hur relationen mellan konsult och kommun ser ut i dessa exempel. Det empiriska materialet består av intervjuer med representanter från konsultfirmor samt tjänstemän från kommuner eller regionkontor. Dessutom analyseras planeringsdokument samt slutrapporter i relation till de olika projekten. Det empiriska resultat antyder att social hållbarhet hanteras som en avpolitiserad fråga inom den fysiska planeringen. Potentiella motsättningar ser ut att ignoreras i ett sammanhang som strävar efter att lösa problem utan konflikt. Förekommande problemlösningar relateras framförallt till fysiska ingrepp i stadsmiljön där kommunikativa aspekter såsom medborgardeltagande och ökad samverkan är centrala. Alternativa förståelser och kunskapsfält ser ut att reduceras bort till förmån för vissa dominerande ideal. Resultatet indikerar vidare att konsulten får ett relativt stort handlingsutrymme i stadsutvecklingsprojekt med inriktning på social hållbarhet. Denna slutsats baseras framförallt på den offentliga aktörens förtroende för konsulten samt den ömsesidiga tolkningen att konsulten utför den offentliga aktörens uppdrag - som ett slags företrädare för den offentliga verksamheten. Allmänintresset försvaras i den mån att det politiska uppdraget utförs utan större konflikt. Konsulten levererar också utifrån den offentliga aktörens förväntningar. Däremot framkommer en odemokratisk aspekt där social hållbarhet inte ser ut att definieras utifrån en politisk grund. De aktuella stadsutvecklingsprojekten som sådana är förvisso politiskt förankrade, men tolkningsutrymmet för konsulten ser ut att vara relativt stort där den offentliga aktören söker stöd, expertis eller kunskap. Det demokratiska problemet i förekommande exempel handlar inte om konsultens förmåga eller oförmåga att tolka den politiska viljan. Problemet ligger snarare i att den offentliga aktören inte definierar social hållbarhet i relation till fysisk planering på en önskvärd politisk nivå. Det finns således ett behov av att den offentliga aktören stärker sitt självförtroende i hanteringen av ett ämne som förtjänar att tillskrivas en politisk betydelse. Så länge den offentliga aktören inte definierar vad social hållbarhet är enligt den politiska viljan kan allmänintresset bli svårt att försvara.

Impact des traitements pré-récolte (chimique et biologiques) sur les écosystèmes fongiques et la contamination par l'ochratoxine A de raisins / Impact of Pre-harvest treatments (Chemical, Biocontrol, Plant Defense Stimulator) on fungal ecosystems and the Ochratoxin A contamination of grapes

Ahmed, Hoda Mohamed Hussein 20 December 2013 (has links)
L'industrie viti-vinicole est affectée par la présence d’Ochratoxine A (OTA) dans ses produits en raison de la contamination des raisins par des souches fongiques d'Aspergillus section Nigri, notamment A. carbonarius. Le vin et le jus de raisin sont considérés comme les deuxièmes contributeurs en Europe à l'ingestion par les consommateurs de cette mycotoxine ayant des effets néphrotoxiques, neurotoxiques et tératogènes. L'objectif principal de ce travail est de proposer des méthodes alternatives aux traitements phytosanitaires chimiques pour prévenir la contamination en OTA dans les raisins et le vin, dans le respect de l'environnement et de la santé des producteurs et consommateurs. Différents traitements ont été comparés en station expérimentale après contamination artificielle du cépage Mourvèdre par une souche d’A. carbonarius fortement productrice d’OTA (CP-OTA) isolée de raisin : un fongicide chimique (Scala®) servant de témoin conventionnel et 3 traitements alternatifs, un extrait de plante agissant comme éliciteur (Stifénia®), et Saccharomyces cerevisiae et Trichoderma atroviride utilisés comme agents biologiques antagonistes. Deux parcelles non traitées ont servi de témoins non traités, l'une a été artificiellement contaminée. Une réduction significative de la teneur en OTA dans les jus (de 38 à 42 %) a été observée pour les traitements avec le fongicide chimique, la levure en tant qu’agent biologique et l’éliciteur Stifenia permettant une amélioration notable de la qualité sanitaire des jus et une réduction en dessus de la norme à 2 g/Kg. Les dénombrements microbiologiques et la Q-PCR utilisant des amorces spécifiques d’A. carbonarius ont montré les plus fortes réductions de son occurrence dans les jus de raisin et les rafles après traitement avec l’éliciteur. L’analyse des résultats de PCR-DGGE a permis de bien de discriminer les différents traitements par rapport à des modifications d’écosystèmes. Des espèces des genres Penicillium et Fusarium non productrices d’OTA ont été isolée des baies traitées par le Stifénia® alors qu’elles n’ont pas été mises en évidence sur les autres parcelles. Les deux traitements biologiques et le traitement par éliciteur ont considérablement augmenté l'épaisseur des peaux de baies (quantités de cire et de cuticule et épaisseur de la peau de la baie). Ceci pourrait être due à des mécanismes de résistance des baies de raisin à certains agents pathogènes et pourraient expliquer simultanément la réduction d’OTA ainsi que l'amélioration de la qualité globale du jus de raisin, qui présentent notamment des teneurs en polyphénols augmentées. Le trans-6-nonenal et trans-2-octenal, rencontrés à plus haute concentration dans les feuilles traitées au Stifénia® lors de l’analyse des profils des composés organiques volatils (COV) des feuilles ont montré une activité antifongique sur la croissance et toxinogenèse du CP-OTA alors qu’aucune activité antifongique de la poudre Stifénia® n’a pu être mesurée. Cela pourrait expliquer en partie le mode d'action de défense de la plante suite au traitement éliciteur par production au niveau des feuilles des COV induisant des modifications métaboliques sur le CP-OTA et engendrant les teneurs d’OTA réduites dans les raisins. Suite aux modifications d’écosystème obtenus, l’autre possibilité envisagée de défense induite par le Stifénia serait la promotion de souches microbiennes antagonistes des souches fongiques mycotoxinogènes. Lors de test d’antagonisme, certaines souches des genres Penicillium et Fusarium, isolées sur parcelles traitées au Stifenia, ont eu un effet positif de réduction de la croissance et toxinogenèse du CP-OTA. C'est notamment le cas pour Penicillium adametzioides qui présente la meilleure réduction de toxinogenèse du CP-OTA. Le traitement par éliciteur présente donc de très bonnes alternatives aux traitements phytosanitaires chimiques pour lutter contre les champignons toxinogènes ainsi que des potentialités de nouveaux agents biologiques. / The grape and wine industry is affected by the presence of Ochratoxin A (OTA) in its products because of contamination of grapes by strains of Aspergillus section Nigri. Grapes and wine are considered as the second contributors in Europe to the ingestion of this mycotoxin with nephrotoxic, neurotoxic and teratogenic effects. The main objective of this work is to provide non-chemical alternative methods to control OTA contamination in grapes and wine, in respect with environment and health of producers and consumers. Different treatments were compared in experimental vineyard PECH-ROUGE of INRA and IFV, Narbonne, France on near parcels after artificial contamination of the Mourvèdre grape cultivar by A. carbonarius: (OTA producing fungus; OTA-PF) a chemical fungicide (Scala®); Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Trichoderma atroviride as antagonists; and a plant extract as elicitor (Stifénia®). Two untreated parcels served as controls, one was artificially contaminated. A significant reduction (38 - 42%) was observed in the OTA juice content by the chemical, yeast bioagent and elicitor treatments with juice safety improvement under the standard at 2 g/Kg. The microbiological enumeration and Q-PCR using universal and specific primers for A. carbonarius had shown the highest reduction of its occurrence on grapes and stems from elictor treatment. The DGGE gave an overview on their effect on the fungal ecosystem, that showed higher similarity between the non-contaminated and elicitor treatment (76%) followed by yeast one and the lowest treatment was the contaminated one. The results obtained from traditional methods of isolation showed that the elicitor treatment had a higher proportion of fungal species from Penicillium and Fusarium genera not isolated in the other treatments. The two biological treatments and one elicitor treatment significantly increased the thickness of the berry skins in general (wax, cuticle layers and skin thickness), which could be related to the enhancement of the disease resistance of the grape berries to certain pathogens and could also simultaneously explain the OTA reduction and the grape juice quality improvement whith particular increasment of polyphenol contents. Further study was conducted in order to understand the Stifénia® mode of action because the reduction effect of the black aspergilli incidence and the OTA contamination while the isolated strains still have the high ability of producing OTA. Trans-6-nonenal and trans-2-octenal, which recognized in Stifénia® treatment leaves with the highest significant concentration regarding to their concentration with the chemical treatment during volatile organic compound (VOC) analyses, have antifungal activity against the OTA-PF growth and OTA production with low concentrations. No antifungal activity of the Stifénia® powder against the OTA-PF mycelial growth or toxigenesis were measured. That may partially explain the mode of action of plant defence by producing leaf VOCs that induce positive changes on the OTA-PF and its OTA contents in grapes. Due to ecosystem changes observed, an other potential effect of the induced defense with Stifénia treatment could be to promote fungal strains with antagonistic effect on A. carbonarius. In vitro antagonistic test was performed with Stifénia® non-Aspergillus isolates from Penicillium and Fusarium genera. Certain strains had a positive effect on mycelial growth reduction on OTA-PF and have also an effect on OTA production of OTA-PF. Penicillium adametzioides showed the highest reduction of toxigenesis of OPT-PF. This could be accomplished by applying as the elicitor one of the tested fungi with an antagonistic effect on OTA production, such as P. adametzioides. The Elicitor treatment therefore offers very good alternatives to chemical treatments to fight against toxigenic fungi directly or by giving new potential biological agents.

Les managers territoriaux face à l'attractivité durable de leur territoire : comment favoriser l'ancrage territorial des filiales étrangères ? : une perspective ago-antagoniste / Local public action and territorial anchoring of foreign subsidiaries : an ago-antagonistic perspective

Serval, Sarah 07 December 2015 (has links)
Face au phénomène de désindustrialisation de certains territoires français, accompagné par des mouvements de délocalisation, et dans un contexte de concurrence mondiale exacerbée, la question de l'attractivité des territoires infranationaux se pose avec acuité. Cette thèse porte sur l'attractivité territoriale entendue comme la capacité à retenir des activités économiques étrangères de sorte à favoriser le développement territorial. Ainsi, ces travaux de recherche posent la question du lien théorique et empirique entre action publique locale et ancrage territorial des filiales étrangères / The question of attractiveness of subnational territories is particularly raised due to the fact that some French territories are facing the phenomenon of deindustrialization accompanied with movements of relocation in a context of worldwide competition. This thesis will focus on the territorial attractiveness intended as the capacity to retain foreign economic activities so that favoring local development. Thus, the research works raise the question of the theoretical and empirical link between local public action and the territorial anchoring of foreign subsidiaries. The idea is to understand what this anchoring consists of in terms of local public action, and the way it affects it

Efeitos comportamentais do canabidiol em um modelo de psicose induzida por S(+)-ketamina em ratos Wistar / Behavioral effects of cannabidiol in a model of S (+) - ketamine induced psychosis in Wistar rats

Ross, Jana Batista de 23 May 2012 (has links)
A esquizofrenia é uma desordem neuropsiquiátrica de importância significativa para as pesquisas na área da saúde, porém, apesar de ser alvo de inúmeros estudos clínicos e básicos ainda são levantadas muitas dúvidas a respeito de sua etiologia, fisiopatologia e tratamento. Nos últimos anos, hipóteses que relacionam a esquizofrenia a alterações em sistemas neurotransmissores têm sido bem relevantes. Atualmente a hipótese glutamatérgica complementa a dopaminérgica, já que o bloqueio de receptores glutamatérgicos do tipo NMDA induz sintomas do tipo psicóticos em indivíduos saudáveis e exacerba ou precipita sintomas da esquizofrenia em indivíduos portadores da doença, sugerindo que um estado hipofuncional desses receptores possa causar alterações secundárias em outros sistemas neurotransmissores e provocar tanto os sintomas positivos e negativos quanto os déficits cognitivos da doença. O canabidiol (CBD) é um composto derivado da Cannabis sativa que não apresenta os efeitos psicotomiméticos e os sintomas colaterais geralmente provocados pela utilização da planta e que são, em sua maioria, atribuídos ao delta-9-tetrahidrocanabinol (THC). Recentemente os estudos a respeito da participação do sistema endocanabinóide em diversos estados fisiológicos e, também em transtornos psiquiátricos, apontam o uso terapêutico de canabinóides como uma estratégia promissora para o controle e prevenção de alguns sintomas ligados a transtornos psicóticos. O perfil antipsicótico do CBD já foi comprovado em modelos experimentais e até em análises clínicas, indicando que esse composto é capaz de prevenir estados psicóticos transitórios, provocados tanto pelo THC quanto pela ketamina, em modelos de psicose induzida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi incrementar as informações já existentes sobre o perfil antipsicótico proposto para o CBD, porém, em três tipos de tarefas comportamentais em roedores, que representam três classes de sintomas do tipo psicóticos que se assemelham aos sintomas da esquizofrenia: atividade locomotora, inibição pré-pulso do reflexo de sobressalto (PPI) e teste de interação social. No modelo utilizado, a S(+)-ketamina (KET) é eficaz na indução de comportamentos que representem sintomas do tipo psicóticos - provocou hiperlocomoção, déficit no filtro sensório-motor e prejuízo no comportamento social. Esses são foram reduzidos quando realizado pré-tratamento com clozapina, com exceção do teste de interação social. Os efeitos do CBD são de acordo com o que é descrito na literatura, apresentando uma curva em U farmacológica característica e diferentes efeitos 6 de acordo com a dose empregada. A análise no monitor de atividades indica que o pré- tratamento com CBD na dose de 30 mg/kg previne a hiperlocomoção induzida por KET, contrastando com o pré-tratamento com CBD na dose de 60 mg/kg, que provoca o aumento do comportamento exploratório após a administração de KET. No PPI, o CBD na dose de 30 mg/kg previne o déficit provocado pela administração de KET, demonstrando-se eficaz para o tratamento de prejuízos cognitivos que acompanham as psicoses; e aumenta o reflexo de sobressalto quando associado a KET. Porém, no teste de interação social, não foram detectadas diferenças significativas. Portanto, com esses resultados, demonstrou-se que o CBD pode ser realmente efetivo para o tratamento de determinados sintomas dos transtornos psicóticos, assim como indicado em alguns trabalhos já desenvolvidos. / Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder of significant importance for research in health care, however, despite being the target of numerous clinical and basic studies, there are still many doubts raised about its etiology, pathophysiology and treatment. In recent years, schizophrenia hypotheses that relate to changes in neurotransmitter systems have been very relevant. Currently, the glutamatergic hypothesis complements the dopaminergic, since blockade of NMDA glutamate receptors induces psychotic symptoms in healthy individuals and exacerbate them in patients with schizophrenia, suggesting that a hipofuncional state of these receptors may cause secondary changes in other neurotransmitter systems, leading to positive and negative symptoms and also to cognitive deficits of the disease. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound derived from Cannabis sativa that does not show neither the psychotomimetic effects nor side effect symptoms typically caused by the plant use, which are mostly attributed to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Recently studies about the involvement of the endocannabinoid system in various physiological states and also in psychiatric disorders, suggest the therapeutic use of cannabinoids as a promising strategy for the prevention and control of some symptoms linked, for example, to anxiety, epilepsy and psychotic disorders. The antipsychotic profile of CBD has been confirmed in experimental 7 models and even in clinical trials, indicating that this compound is capable of preventing transient psychotic states caused both by THC and S (+)-ketamine (KET) in psychosis-induced models. The objective of this study was to enhance the existing information on the antipsychotic profile proposed for the CBD, however, three types of behavioral tasks were made for the analysis of three classes of psychotic-like symptoms in rodents, which are manifested through hyperlocomotion (positive symptoms), impairment in social interaction (negative symptoms) and a deficit in sensorimotor gating (cognitive deficits). The effects achieved with CBD are in accordance with the described in literature, a characteristic Ushaped curve and different pharmacological effects according to dose used. The analysis in the open field reveals that animals pretreated with CBD at a dose of 30 mg/kg shows a reduction in KET-induced hyperlocomotion, contrasting with the effects of CBD at a dose of 60 mg/kg, that enhances exploratory behavior after KET injection. In the PPI, the CBD at a dose of 30 mg/kg prevented the deficit caused by KET administration, showing effectiveness for the treatment of cognitive impairments that accompany psychosis; and enhances startle reflex when associated to KET. Therefore, with these results, it was demonstrated that CBD may be really effective for the treatment of certain symptoms of psychotic disorders, in accordance to some already developed studies.


Tullio, Hamilton Edemundo 06 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2017-11-20T16:15:42Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Hamilton Edemundo Tullio.pdf: 1895693 bytes, checksum: 920f37d0cb15b99d397a4e3b5c49b55d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-20T16:15:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Hamilton Edemundo Tullio.pdf: 1895693 bytes, checksum: 920f37d0cb15b99d397a4e3b5c49b55d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A preocupação da sociedade com o excessivo uso de agrotóxicos utilizados na agricultura, para o controle de doenças, gera uma grande demanda de pesquisas com métodos de controle ambientalmente menos agressivos. Dentre eles, destaca-se o controle biológico. O uso de relações antagônicas, exercidas por microrganismos, tais como: antibiose, competição, parasitismo, predação e a indução de resistência em plantas, oferece uma vasta gama de oportunidades para a utilização de microrganismos que, ainda, são pouco conhecidos como os microrganismos endofíticos. O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar um levantamento do potencial de controle biológico de bactérias endofitícas isoladas do cacau, para os patógenos de solo Fusarium solani, Rhizoctonia solani e Sclerotinia sclerotiorum e sua ação na promoção do crescimento radicular de plantas de soja. Foram avaliadas 22 bactérias endofíticas em relação a seu potencial antagônico in vitro, pelo método de cultivo pareado com os fitopatógenos, utilizando como parâmetros: a formação de halo de inibição exercido pelas bactérias, o tamanho da colônia do patógeno e a porcentagem de inibição do crescimento micelial do patógeno. Os parâmetros utilizados para avaliar o potencial de controle das bactérias endofíticas sobre fungos de solo e a promoção do crescimento radicular in vivo foram: a porcentagem de emêrgencia de plantas, a altura de plantas, a porcentagem de plantas anormais, a severidade de doença, o volume de raízes, as massas fresca e seca de raízes e das partes áerea e total das plantas. Foram encontrados 9 isolados (TCB 02, TCB 7, TCB 08, TCB 10, TCB 11, TCB 17, TCB 18, TCB 19 e TBC 20), que apresentaram mais de 75% de inibição para pelo menos um dos patógenos testados nos experimentos in vitro, demonstrando alto potencial antagônico. O isolado bacteriano TCB 10, identificado como Paenibacillus e o isolado bacteriano TCB 08, identificado como Staphylococcus apresentaram potencial antagônico para os três fitopatógenos. Os isolados TCB 17, TCB 18 e TCB 19 apresentaram potencial antagônico para S. sclerotiorum. Para os testes com o tratamento de sementes o isolado bacteriano TCB 10 apresentou redução da severidade de R. solani. Não se pôde concluir que as bactérias endofíticas realmente exerceram promoção do crescimento radicular nas plantas. / The society concern with the excessive use of agrochemicals in agriculture to control diseases generates great demand for research with environmentally less aggressive control methods, among them biological control. Utilizing antagonistic relations exerted by microorganisms such as antibiosis, competition, parasitism, predation and resistance induction in plants, offering a wide range of opportunities for the use of microorganisms that are still little known as endophytic microorganisms. The objective of this work was to investigate the biological control potential of endophytic bacteria isolated from cocoa against soil pathogens Fusarium solani, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and their action in promoting the root growth of soybean plants. Twenty-two endophytic bacteria were evaluated in vitro for their antagonistic potential by the culture method paired against phytopathogens, using as parameters: the formation of inhibition halo exerted by bacteria, the size of the pathogen colony and the percentage of inhibition of mycelial growth of the pathogen. The parameters used to evaluate the the control potential of endophytic bactéria on soil fungi and the promotion of root growth in vivo were: the percentage of plant emergence, plant height, percentage of abnormal plants, disease severity, root volume, the fresh mass and dry mass of roots, and the aerial and total part of the plants. There were 9 isolates (TCB 02, TCB 7, TCB 08, TCB 10, TCB 11, TCB 11, TCB 17, TCB 18, TCB 19 and TBC 20) that showed more than 75% inhibition for at least one of the pathogens tested in the experiments in vitro, demonstrating high antagonistic potential. The bacterial isolate TCB 10, identified as Paenibacillus and the bacterial isolate TCB 08, identified as Staphylococcus presented an antagonistic potential for the three phytopathogens. The isolates TCB 17, TCB 18 and TCB 19 presented antagonistic potential for S. sclerotiorum. For the tests with the seed treatment the bacterial isolate TCB 10 presented reduction of the severity of R. solani. It was not possible to conclude that the endophytic bacteria promoted the growth of roots in plants.

Interações entre os herbicidas 2,4-D e glifosato: aspectos químicos, bioquímicos e fisiológicos / 2,4-D and glyphosate interactions: chemical, physiological and biochemical aspects

Figueiredo, Marcelo Rodrigues Alves de 13 April 2015 (has links)
Na literatura existe um consenso que os herbicidas glifosato (Gli) e 2,4-D interagem antagonicamente quando aplicados em combinação. No entanto, as bases bioquímicas e fisiológicas destes antagonismos são desconhecidas. Utilizou-se espectrometria de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) para a caracterização de moléculas de Gli e 2,4-D em várias formulações analíticas, preparadas de maneira que os herbicidas fossem obtidos sem os ingredientes inertes das formulações comerciais. Não foram encontradas alterações significativas na conformação atômica do herbicida nos espectros de RMN entre as formulações analíticas de Gli isopropilamina, dimetilamina, potássio ou amônio; 2,4-D Dimetilamina ou colina, quando analisadas separadamente ou em mistura. Avaliando também formulações comerciais dos herbicidas, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os espectros de RMN para a mistura entre Gli e 2,4-D. A formulação comercial de Gli amoníaco apresentou alterações na conformação molecular do Gli, principalmente na região P da molécula que mostrou maior deslocamento químico, mas isso foi atribuído aos maiores teores de Na encontrados nessa formulação. Aplicando-se as diferentes formulações comerciais na espécie modelo de tomate Micro-Tom (MT), foram estudados os padrões de absorção dos herbicidas. A absorção de Gli radiomarcado pelas plantas de MT foi reduzida somente para a formulação Gli sal de amônio, independentemente da presença de 2,4-D. Neste trabalho, não se observou efeito antagônico na absorção entre Gli e 2,4-D. Por meio de um ensaio fatorial para determinar o efeito antagônico dos herbicidas em plantas de MT, observou-se que a dose de maior antagonismo para 2,4-D foi: 35 g i.a. ha-1 - 0,65 mM e para Gli, 70 g g i.a. ha-1 - 1,7 mM. A translocação do Gli radiomarcado foi significativamente reduzida em MT, quando aplicado com 2,4-D. Experimentos utilizando o marcador molecular GUS no gene DR5 do MT, mostraram que o Gli reduz a resposta de expressão gênica pelas vias de sinalização do 2,4-D. Os ensaios de quantificação de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) induzidas pela atuação do 2,4-D, apresentaram menor produção na presença do Gli. O acúmulo de ácido chiquímico causado pelo Gli no MT foi maior quando aplicado sem mistura com 2,4-D. A interferência do 2,4-D na atuação do Gli foi confirmada nos mutantes insensíveis à auxina diageotropica (dgt) e Never ripe (Nr), em que a produção de EROs foi menor e a translocação do Gli foi mantida independente da aplicação com o 2,4-D. O acúmulo de ácido chiquímico na aplicação de Gli e a mistura dos herbicidas, foram semelhantes. O mutante yellow-green2 (yg2), menos sensível ao Gli, apresentou menor translocação do herbicida. O acúmulo de ácido chiquímico para este mutante foi menor quando aplicado com Gli, mas na mistura de Gli + 2,4-D, a quantidade do ácido aumentou. A insensibilidade ao Gli proporcionou o reestabelecimento da produção de EROs pelo 2,4-D na aplicação da mistura dos herbicidas. Neste trabalho, em contraposição ao conhecimento atual, não se observou qualquer efeito antagônico entre Gli e 2,4-D a nível químico, mas o antagonismo ocorreu por fatores da inter-relação dos mecanismos que cada herbicida induz nos níveis fisiológicos, bioquímicos e genéticos na biologia do organismo vegetal. / A consensus exists in literature that the herbicides glyphosate and 2,4-D interact antagonistically when applied in combination. However, the biochemical and physiological basis of this antagonism are unknown. It was used Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometry to characterize the molecules of glyphosate and 2,4-D prepared with high purity analytical compounds without the commercial formulations inert ingredients. No changes in atomic herbicide conformation ware found in NMR spectra of glyphosate formulations isopropylamine, dimethylamine, potassium or ammonium and 2,4-D dimethylamine or choline, when evaluated separately or in mixture. Analysing also the commercial herbicides formulations, no differences in NMR spectra for the mixture between glyphosate and 2,4-D ware found in chemical shift. The ammonium salt glyphosate formulations, presented changes in molecular conformation in P region of glyphosate showing higher chemical shift, which was attributed to higher levels of Na found in its composition. It was applied different commercial formulations in tomato cultivar Micro-Tom (MT) to study the pattern of herbicide absorption. The absorption of radiolabeled glyphosate by MT was reduced in the ammonium salt formulation, regardless of the 2,4-D\'s presence. In this work, no antagonistic effect in plant absorption was observed between glyphosate and 2,4-D. Factor assay was conducted using different concentrations of 2,4-D and glyphosate to determine the antagonistic effect on tomato plants. It was observed that the dose of greater antagonism to 2,4-D form 35 g a.i. ha-1 - 0.65 mM and for glyphosate, 70 g a.i. ha-1 - 1.7 mM. Assays using molecular reporter GUS in MT`s DR5 gene, showed that the glyphosate reduces gene expression responses through signalling pathways of the 2,4-D. The absorption of radiolabeled glyphosate was significantly reduced in MT, when it was applied with 2,4-D. In trials that it was quantified production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on MT induced by 2,4-D performance, lower production were found when 2,4-D ware applied with glyphosate. The shikimic acid accumulation affected by glyphosate action in MT was higher when applied without 2,4-D mixture. The interference of 2,4-D in glyphosate`s actions was confirmed in auxin insensitive mutants diageotropica (dgt) and Never ripe (Nr), which ROS production was lower. In those mutants, glyphosate translocation was maintained regardless 2,4-D application and shikimic acid accumulation between glyphosate treatment and herbicide mixture were similar. The yellow-green2 (yg2) mutant was less sensitive to glyphosate, presenting low translocation to the herbicide. The shikimic acid accumulation for yg2 mutant was lower when applied with glyphosate, but when it was treated with glyphosate + 2,4-D, the amount of acid was increased. The insensitivity of glyphosate provided reestablishment of ROS production by 2,4-D, when the mixture of herbicides were applied. In this paper it was show that, in contrast to current knowledge, there was no antagonistic effect between glyphosate and 2,4-D in chemical level, but the antagonism occurred by factors of the interrelationship of the mechanisms that each herbicide induces in the physiological, biochemical and genetic levels in the biology of the plant organism.

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