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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nyanländas etablering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden : En kvalitativ studie utifrån ett handläggarperspektiv / Establishment on the Swedish labor market among newly arrived : a qualitystudy from an administrator perspectiv

Aljicevic, Haris, Borgstedt, Linda January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate from an administrator perspective how authorities integrate newly arrived to the Swedish labor market. The results are analyzed and understood by two theories, theory about Intersectionality and Goodman theory. The empirical material is based on seven interviews with people who are employed in the public sector and who are working with establishment on the labor market among newly arrived individuals. The previous research is based on conditions and obstacles that helps newly arrived people on their way to establishment on the Swedish labor market. A main result in the study is that the respondents are experiencing that the group newly arrived have a hard time to integrate at the Swedish labor market. They lift women, mainly women born outside of Europe as a group that has a harder time to integrate on the labor market than other newly arrived and that they need particularly targeted efforts. This is explained by high demands on the Swedish language, competence and education which this group is not able to make. The result also shows that a big part of the newly arrived individuals are dependent off support from the authorities while they at the same time are being referred to steer their own establishment process towards self-sufficiency. The role of the individuals working at the authorities is not considered to be intended to offer individual support for newly arrived people. This is judged to have a negative impact on weak groups and they tend to end up in long term unemployment without customized efforts. The study finally shows that the respondents have a low trust for the short-term investments that are being made to ensure that the investments create a permanent solution for newly arrived at the labor market. This is confirmed by that there is a chain of support that is prepositioned related to the labor market for individuals that extend over a long period of time, where the ambition seems to be primarily to employ a big group of individuals rather than consider each individual. / Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett handläggarperspektiv undersöka hur myndigheter arbetar med att integrera nyanlända individer på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Resultatet i studien analyseras och förstås med stöd av två teorier, teorin om Intersektionalitet samt Goodmans teori. Det empiriska materialet bygger på sju intervjuer med personer anställda i offentlig sektor som arbetar med integration av nyanlända kopplat till etablering på arbetsmarknaden. Den tidigare forskningen grundar sig i förutsättningar och hinder som hjälper nyanlända vid etablering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Ett huvudresultat i studien är att respondenterna upplever att gruppen nyanlända individer har svårt att etablera sig på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Respondenterna lyfter att kvinnor, främst de som är födda utanför Europa har det svårare att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden än andra nyanlända och behöver särskilt riktade insatser. Detta förklaras med att det ställs höga krav på språknivå i svenska, kompetens och utbildning som denna grupp inte bedöms kunna tillgodogöra sig. Resultatet visar också att en stor andel nyanlända är beroende av omfattande stöd från myndigheter, samtidigt som de av samma insatser hänvisas till att på ett självgående sätt driva sin etableringsprocess mot självförsörjning. Handläggare arbetsmarknaden anses inte vara ämnade till att erbjuda individuellt anpassat stöd för nyanlända individer. Detta bedöms påverka svaga grupper negativt då dessa grupper riskerar att hamna i långtidsarbetslöshet utan anpassade stödinsatser. Slutligen visar studiens resultat att respondenterna har låg tilltro till att de kortsiktiga satsningarna som görs skapar en permanent lösning för nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden. Detta bekräftas genom att de nyanlända individerna erbjuds generaliserande insatser som sträcker sig under en lång period, där ambitionen primärt blivit att sysselsätta ett stort flöde av individer.

Kvinnors upplevelser i mansdominerade yrken: Utmaningar, anpassningar och vägen mot inkludering

Bergman, Nathalie, Leal, Madeleine January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Integration på arbetsmarknaden : En kvalitativ studie om hur personer med utländsk bakgrund från Mellanöstern upplever arbetsmarknadsintegrationen i Halmstad.

Bekteshi, Kastriot, Aziz, Aram January 2022 (has links)
Integrationen på arbetsmarknaden visar sig vara en utmaning på grund av den höga arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda i Sverige. Vi har valt att utföra en studie med syftet att se hur arbetssökande personer med utländsk bakgrund från Mellanöstern upplever arbetsmarknadensintegrationen i Halmstad. Vi har analyserat hur denna målgrupp har för upplevelser och erfarenheter inom de satsningar och arbete som de deltar vid och personliga metoder och tillvägagångssätt när de ansöker om ett arbete. Under studien belyser vi hur det kan uppstå sociala klyftor i samhället utifrån integrationsmarknaden i Halmstad. Vi har utgått från en kvalitativ forskningsintervju som består av åtta stycken arbetssökande män mellan 30–45 år, med utländsk bakgrund från Mellanöstern, som är bosatta i Halmstad. Vi har använt oss av relevanta teorier från Pierre Bourdieu och Erving Goffman för att analysera resultatet i studien. Resultatet visar att intervjupersonerna har olika upplevelser när det gäller integrationen på arbetsmarknaden i Halmstad. Mer än hälften av intervjupersonerna upplever att integrationsarbetet är bristande. De övriga intervjupersonerna upplever integrationsarbetet som duglig, men menar att det finns utvecklingspotential. / Integration in the labor market proves to be a challenge due to the high unemployment among foreign-born in Sweden. We have chosen to carry out a study with the aim of seeing how jobseekers with a foreign background from the Middle East experience labor market integration in Halmstad. We have analyzed how this target group experiences the initiatives and work in which they participate and personal methods and approaches they use when applying for a job. During the study, we shed light on how social gaps can arise in society based on the integration market in Halmstad. We have started from a qualitative research interview consisting of eight job-seeking men between the ages of 30 and 45, with a foreign background from the Middle East, who live in Halmstad. We have used relevant theories from Pierre Bourdieu and Erving Goffman to analyze the results of the study. The results show that interviewees have different experiences when it comes to integration in the labor market in Halmstad. More than half of the interviewees feel that the integration work is lacking. The other interviewees perceive the integration work as capable but believe that there is development potential.

En förbisedd synlig hand? : Medlingsinstitutets roll på den svenska arbetsmarknaden / An Overlooked Visible Hand? : The Swedish National Mediation Office’s Role in the Swedish Labor Market

Åkerberg, Arvid January 2023 (has links)
Since roughly the 1990s, Sweden's labor market has consisted of comparatively few labor conflicts and a good real wage trend. Mediation has been highlighted as an important conflict resolution mechanism, and in relation to other Nordic countries' mediation authorities, Sweden's has historically been the weakest with the least power. In 2000, however, Sweden got a new mediation authority – The Swedish National Mediation Office (Medlingsinstitutet) – with a broader mandate than its predecessor. Today, Medlingsinstitutet must not only mediate in labor disputes, but also to promote an efficient wage formation process and be responsible for wage statistics. The purpose of this essay has been to study, through a text analysis and from an organizational perspective, how Medlingsinstitutet organizes the Swedish labor market. It has been carried out based on the premise that previous research, but without mentioning Medlingsinstitutet, believes that the Swedish state, through market-active authorities, has a central function to play in the organization of the markets today. The results show that Medlingsinstitutet appears to influence and organize the Swedish labor market, more or less and with varying severity, based on all of the methods considered in this study: information, different forms of analysis, rules, membership, hierarchy, monitoring and sanctions. The methods seem to be primarily directed at certain specific market elements: buyers and sellers, the exchange, and the price. The survey shows a pattern that Medlingsinstitutet is involved in organizing how the labor market can, should and will function. Thus, I argue that the Swedish state is not only an important market organizer in a free market society, but also in the labor market where the principle of freedom from state intervention has been pervasive. However, there is nothing that gives the impression that the labor market is now only controlled by organization, or only by the market itself, but rather with the help of both systems – the invisible and the visible hand.

Har alla samma möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden? : En kvalitativ studie om utrikesföddas syn på sin anställningsbarhet / Does everyone has the same opportunity in the labour market : a qualitative study about foreign born persons view of their employability

Kantur, Fatima, Troije, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
According to various sources, it is more difficult for foreign people to get a job in Sweden than for people who are native born. Statistics show that the unemployment number is higher for foreigners than Swedish born people. It has also been shown that this group of people who are born i another country are exposed to discrimination during the recruitment process. They also have it harder to get a job within their field of education. In this study we have investigated how foreign people find their employability at the Swedish labour market and if the perception differs between men and women. To answer these questions we have interviewed six people who were born in another country and have arrived in Sweden in the last four years, three men and three women. All of the respondents have an academic education from their birth country. The interviews were semi-structured to make the process a bit more flexible. The result of this study shows that the foreign born people experience that it is harder for them to find a job, than people born in Sweden. They think the fact that they do not know the language perfectly is the biggest reason the employer would rather hire a native born person instead of them. They also feel like their education from their country of birth is not valid here, and that they need a Swedish education. The last thing they feel is a disadvantage for them in the labour market is their lack of personal contacts who can help them get a job.

Högutbildade invandrares upplevelser av sin situation på den svenska arbetsmarknaden : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som står för högutbildade invandrares integration på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Alessa, Nouha January 2023 (has links)
According to several studies, it is difficult for highly educated immigrants to find a job that match their education. A large number of them are forced to work in low-skilled jobs to cope with their daily lives. In this study, I will examine highly educated immigrants experience of their situation in the Swedish labor market. The study aims to examine the obstacles and opportunities that highly educated immigrants face in the labor market. The study is based on internal opinions where personal experiences and reflections of different participants were analyzed. The focus of the study is how six educated immigrants describe their situation in the Swedish labor market. This paperaims to increase knowledge about highly educated immigrants' conditions, expectations, obstacles and opportunities in the Swedish labor market. The results of the interviews with the participants were analyzed using key concepts from the two sociologists Erving Goffman and Pierre Bourdieu. The results show that the lack of a valuable social network, loss of symbolic and cultural capital that the participants had in their home country, plus the various demands from the employer, which is a major focus on the Swedish language, makes it difficult for academic immigrants to find a qualified job. respond to their education. / Enligt flera studier är det svårt för högutbildade invandrare att hitta ett jobb som möter deras utbildning. Ett stort antal högutbildade invandrare tvingas arbeta i lågkvalificerade jobb för att klara av sitt dagliga liv. I den här studie kommer jag att undersöka högutbildade invandrares upplevelser av sin situation på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Studien syftar till att undersöka de hinder och möjligheter som högutbildade invandrare står inför på arbetsmarknaden. Studien bygger på interna åsikter där personliga erfarenheter och reflektioner av olika deltagare analyseras. Studiens fokus ligger på hur sex högutbildade invandrare beskriver sin situation på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Syftet är att fördjupa förståelsen kring faktorer som påverkar högutbildade invandrares inträde och integration på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Resultaten av intervjuerna med deltagarna analyserades med hjälp av centrala begrepp från de två sociologerna Erving Goffman och Pierre Bourdieu. Mitt resultat visar att bristen på ett värdefullt socialt nätverk, förlust av symboliskt och kulturellt kapital som deltagarna hade i hemlandet, plus de olika kraven från arbetsgivaren som ligger stor fokus på det svenska språket gör det svårt för högutbildade invandrare att hitta ett kvalificerat jobb som bemöter deras utbildning.

De anser inte att det är en riktig skola, men jag tror de är skeptiska för de vet inte hur det funkar här. : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärares val att arbeta på friskola i en mindre stad i Småland / "They don't think it's a real school, but I think they're skeptical because they don't know how it works here" : A qualitative interview study on teachers' choice to work at an independent school in a small town in Småland

Al-Zargani, Ali January 2023 (has links)
The teaching profession is today a multidimensional craft. Today, a teacher can possess several different qualities and experiences which, in addition to creating competition on the job market, also increases the teacher's mobility within it.  This increased movement within the labor market combined with the various opportunities that may exist for their teaching work can be interesting in the pursuit of knowing how the teachers themselves justify their choice of workplaces, but also which factors contribute to teachers choosing certain workplaces over others. In the past, information has been presented that teachers tend to move towards workplaces that show good grade point averages, and while this may possibly be the case in Sweden's larger cities, such as Stockholm, we tend to know little about how teachers move in Sweden's smaller towns, and thus also about what drives teachers to certain workplaces than others in these smaller towns. In order to understand the reasons behind these teacher’s’ mobility and what lies behind their choice of workplace, it is suitable to study this phenomenon with the eyes of a theory that centers human action, since this is precisely what these teachers must do when choosing their next workplace; they act. Therefore, Peter Hedström’s DBO-theory is being used to understand how teachers’ Desires, beliefs and opportunities play in when they choose to relocate to a different workplace. Additionally, it is interesting to understand how a teacher’s career may evolve regarding their carried experiences, and if the consequences of their choices are anticipated by themselves. To understand this, Robert Mertons work “The unanticipated consequences of purposive social action” is used. In smaller cities, there is often a smaller selection of schools, and with it also a smaller selection of independent schools. Seen from this perspective, it is particularly interesting to understand why some teachers tend to move towards this relatively small percentage of schools that are not run by a municipal principal. This thesis suggests that there is a strong connection between an independent school's pedagogical approach and teachers' personal values which, according to the teachers themselves, does not necessarily occur in a municipal school. Thus, the decision to relocate to an independent school was often grounded in this.  This thesis also suggests that the choice to move to a more independent school could carry on a certain stigma that is not initially anticipated by the teachers. The stigma revolves around the ongoing societal discussions regarding the free school market in Sweden, where independent schools are occasionally seen as negative.

Pizza - en muntlig historia. Berättelser och erfarenheter från den svenska pizzabranschen

Eriksson, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
"Pizza - en muntlig historia. Berättelser och erfarenheter från den svenska pizzabranschen." I denna uppsats tittar jag närmare på den svenska pizzabranschen och försöker hitta rötterna till några av de egenheter som man kan stöta på när man besöker pizzerior i Sverige. Hur kommer det sig egentligen att man i princip var man än befinner sig i landet kan besöka en pizzeria med italienskt tema, som drivs av en invandrare från Mellanöstern, där du kan beställa en pizza med kebabkött och bearnaisesås, där väggarna pryds av bilder på Marlon Brando och byggarbetare i New York? Syftet med denna uppsats är att placera in detta fenomen i en större svensk social och kulturell historisk kontext. Genom intervjuer med tre olika invandrade entreprenörer i pizzabranschen, så får jag ta del av deras berättelser och erfarenheter kring hur de först trädde in i branschen samt deras bild av pizzabranschen inifrån. De beskriver en bransch som emellanåt kan vara riktigt tuff med hög stressnivå och knappa ekonomiska marginaler. Trots att såväl deras respektive inträden i branschen som deras erfarenheter av densamma skilt sig från varandra så kan vi se ett mönster där alternativa karriärvägar varit få vilket har varit en bidragande faktor till att de slutligen hamnat i pizzabranschen. Andras erfarenheter som liknar deras kan också hittas i tidigare forskning, som tillsammans med intervjuerna i denna uppsats ger en bättre förståelse för varför den svenska pizzabranschen har några av sina utmärkande drag. Uppsatsens resultat pekar i kombination med tidigare forskning mot en tvådelad förklaring. För det första så finns det specifika historiska omständigheter såsom den italienska arbetskraftsinvandringen till Sverige på 40- och 50-talet i en period av låg arbetslöshet, som inledningsvis öppnade upp möjligheter för branschen att växa samt bidrog till att forma själva branschstrukturen. Den förändrade situationen på arbetsmarknaden under 90-talet med högre arbetslöshet försvårade dock, inte minst för invandrare, att hitta andra typer av jobb. Som ett resultat av detta så kom nya grupper av invandrare, ofta från Mellanöstern, att arbeta i branschen i betydligt högre utsträckning. Detta har sedan bidragit till att forma branschen till det vi ser idag. / "Pizza - an oral history. Tales and experiences from the Swedish pizza business." In this essay, I take a closer look at the Swedish pizza business and try to figure out the roots of some the peculiarities you can encounter at a pizzeria in Sweden. How can it be that almost everywhere you go, you’re able to find an Italian themed pizzeria, run by an immigrant from the middle east, where you can buy a pizza with kebab meat and Béarnaise sauce surrounded by pictures of Marlon Brando and workers in New York? The purpose of the essay is to put this phenomenon within a larger Swedish social and cultural historical context. Through interviews with three different immigrant entrepreneurs in the pizza business in Sweden, I get to share their stories and experiences of how they first got into the business as well as how the see the business from within. They all have in common that their different social networks have played a big role regarding their entry in the business. They also describe a business that sometimes can be really tough with lots of stress and tight financial margins. Even though their respective entrances into the business as well as their experiences from the business differ from each other we can see a pattern where alternative career opportunities have been scarce which was a contributing factor to them ending up in the pizza business. Other experiences similar to theirs can also be found when looking at the earlier research, which in combination with the interviews in this essay, gives a better understanding of why so many immigrants work in the pizza business. Regarding the question why the Swedish pizza business has some of its distinguished features. The results combined with prior research hint at an explanation in two parts. First there are specific historical circumstances such as Italian labor immigration to Sweden in the 40s and 50s as well as low unemployment, initially opening up opportunities for the business to grow and shaping its organizational structure. However, the changing situation in the labor market during the 90s with higher unemployment made it harder, especially for immigrants, to find other kinds of work. As a result, new groups of immigrants, most notably from the middle east, ended up in the business, shaping it into what it is today.

Vägen in - En kvalitativ studie av åtta anställda i organisationen Krami i deras syn på sitt arbete med att vägleda före detta kriminella i deras väg in på arbetsmarknaden

Albertson, Emelie, Holmgren, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Av de före detta kriminella som avtjänat sitt straff återfaller hela 40 % i brottslighet inom tre år. Organisationen Krami arbetar för att minska antalet återfall genom att hjälpa målgruppen till sysselsättning. Med avstamp i detta är syftet med vår studie att undersöka hur anställda i Krami ser på sina arbeten med att värna om före detta kriminellas respekt och integritet i individernas process in på arbetsmarknaden och i att undvika återfall. Detta gör vi genom att undersöka hur åtta intervjupersoner A) ser på de före detta kriminellas möjligheter kontra begränsningar på arbetsmarknaden och B) hur dessa intervjupersoner ser på sina möjligheter att arbeta med de tidigare kriminellas värderingar för att motverka återfall i brott. De teorier som används i vår studie är: Värderingsbaserad teori med begreppet värderingar; Social cognitive career theory (SCCT) med begreppen självuppfattning, förväntade resultat och personliga mål; Känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) med begreppen begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Utöver ovanstående teorier har begreppen cooling down och pushing up använts. Studiens resultat visar att intervjupersonerna använder sig av cooling down och pushing up med avsikten att öka målgruppens möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden. Intervjupersonerna upplever att de behöver stötta målgruppen i att öka sin känsla av hanterbarhet för att kunna förändra vissa värderingar, vilka intervjupersonerna anser nödvändiga för att öka sina möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden och för att motverka återfall. Samtliga intervjupersoner upplever att det är viktigt att tro på varje enskild individ, och att alla förtjänar en andra chans. / 40 % of convicted criminals relapse to criminal behavior within three years. Krami is an organization working towards dwindling/reducing recoil numbers by providing alternative occupation. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Krami employees perceive their task in shielding ex-convicts’ respect and well being through their journey towards employment as well as dodging any form of criminal relapse. This will be examined by analyzing how eight interviewees A) experience ex-convicts’ opportunities counter the limitation through the labor market, and B) how they evaluate the prospect to work with ex-convict valuation to diminish criminal relapse. The theories used in this study is: Value based theory based on the concept of valuation; Social cognitive career theory (SCCT) with the conceptions of self-efficacy, outcome expectations and personal goals; Sense of coherence (SOC) in the concept of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. In addition to aforementioned concepts, we have cooling down and pushing up. The results show that the interviewees make use of cooling down and pushing up with the intention to amplify the target audiences prospective as employees. The interviewees experience support requirements from the target audience to gain coping to handle and change certain values i.e. what the interviewees consider to be necessary to enhance employment opportunities and reduce criminal recoil. All interviewees feel that it is important to believe in every solitary individual and that everyone deserves a second chance.

Integrering av migrantkvinnor på arbetsmarknaden : En studie om samverkan och integrationsarbete mellan olika aktörer / Integration of migrant women in the labor market : A study on collaboration and integration work between different agencies

Ljungberg, Sofia Emilia Mailen January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka hur olika yrkesgrupper inom socialt arbete jobbade kring migrantkvinnors integration på arbetsmarknaden. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex kvinnor som kommer i kontakt med migrantkvinnor och jobbar med integration. Inför denna studie användes genusteorin med ett intersektionellt perspektiv. Studiens resultat visade att enligt intervjupersonerna var bland annat tillgänglighet, kommunikation och förståelse för varandras roller några faktorer för att samverkan med andra aktörer skulle kunna fungera. Resultatet visade även att arbetet kring migrantkvinnornas integration på arbetsmarknaden inte enbart omfattade insatser inom utbildning och arbetsträning, utan även insatser inom exempelvis vård, barnomsorg och försörjningsstöd. Vidare visade resultatet att arbetet med att integrera migrantkvinnorna på arbetsmarknaden kunde påverkas av olika faktorer, exempelvis hur samverkan såg ut med andra aktörer, vilka resurser verksamheterna hade tillgång till, samt den aktuella svenska migrationspolitiken och lagstiftning. Utifrån detta kunde slutsatsen dras att arbetet med att integrera migrantkvinnor på arbetsmarknaden var mycket komplext, och att samverkan med andra aktörer spelade en viktig roll i arbetet. / The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how different social work professions worked with different agencies to integrate migrant women into the labor market. The study was conducted using a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews with six women who work with integration and come in contact with migrant women. Gender theory with an intersectional perspective was implemented in this study. The results of this study showed that, according to the interviewees, factors such as accessibility, communication, and an understanding of each other’s professional roles were some important factors for collaboration with other agencies to work. The results also showed that integration of migrant women into the labor market not only involved interventions in education and vocational training, but also interventions in areas such as health care, childcare and welfare. Furthermore, the results showed that work to integrate migrant women into the labor market could be influenced by various factors, such as how a collaboration with other agencies was organized, what resources the organizations had access to, as well as the current Swedish migration policy and legislation. Based on this, the conclusion was drawn that integrating migrant women into the labor market was very complex, and that collaboration with other agencies played an important role in this work.

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