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Flujos de oxígeno y nutrientes entre sedimento y columna de agua: caso de las arenas finas infralitoralesSospedra Ciscar, Javier 30 March 2015 (has links)
En el metabolismo bentónico de las zonas costeras y someras interactúan de forma compleja
un gran número de procesos y factores tanto físicos como químicos y biológicos. La
respiración bentónica y la regeneración de nutrientes en los fondos de arenas permeables del
infralitoral han sido, tradicionalmente, poco estudiadas, sin embargo, éstas pueden tener una
repercusión directa y transcendental en los ecosistemas costeros. Esta tesis tiene como
propósito general la determinación de los flujos de oxígeno disuelto y nutrientes en la interfase
sedimento-agua. Además, se plantea estudiar las posibles interacciones entre distintas variables
ambientales e identificar aquellas más influyentes en el metabolismo bentónico sobre fondos
de arenas finas y homogéneas.
En este estudio se llevaron a cabo un total de ocho campañas de trabajo in situ en una
estación de muestreo situada sobre fondos en los que se asienta la biocenosis de arenas finas
bien calibradas y en cuya superficie se desarrollan tapices de microfitobentos. En estas
campañas se tomaron muestras de la columna de agua, del sedimento y se instalaron trampas
de sedimentación y cámaras de incubación bentónicas, tanto opacas como transparentes, sobre
el sedimento a lo largo del ciclo anual. Además, se realizaron dos experimentos, bajo
condiciones controladas en laboratorio, en los que se incubó la misma matriz granulométrica
presente en la estación de muestreo y a la que se añadieron distintos niveles de materia orgánica
y del bivalvo Spisula subtruncata respectivamente.
La respiración bentónica de estas arenas finas infralitorales estuvo regulada por una
pequeña fracción de materia orgánica presente en el sedimento, compuesta por carbono
biopolimérico y pigmentos cloroplásticos, en condiciones de oscuridad. Ello supuso un
consumo de oxígeno por parte del sedimento y una liberación de nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto
y ácido ortosilícico hacia la columna de agua. En condiciones de luz, la correlación detectada
entre la producción primaria neta y la irradiancia media incidente sobre la superficie del
sedimento indicó que el microfitobentos tuvo un papel destacado en la producción de oxígeno
y en el metabolismo de estos fondos. Las arenas finas bien calibradas, emplazadas en un
ambiente meramente oligotrófico, se mostraron heterotróficas a lo largo del año, consumiendo
oxígeno y liberando nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto y ácido ortosilícico a la columna de agua
según los flujos diarios estimados, en los que se asumió que el intercambio ocurrido durante
la fase diurna se corresponde con los flujos de las cámaras trasparentes y los de la fase nocturna
a los flujos en oscuridad. Únicamente durante la primavera, estos fondos fueron autotróficos
debido a la mayor irradiancia incidente en esta estación que estimuló la producción primaria
realizada por el microfitobentos. Esta producción primaria bentónica fue superior a la
producción planctónica en todas las campañas, realizadas todas ellas en circunstancias de
estabilidad hidrodinámica sobre estos fondos someros.
Los experimentos ex situ mostraron que la respiración bentónica respondió de forma más
acusada en condiciones oligotróficas, lo que también conllevó un mayor incremento en la
liberación de nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto, que en situaciones eutróficas o hipereutróficas. La
presencia de S. subtruncata, una de las especies más abundantes en la estación de muestreo,
también implicó incrementos del 60-75 % en el consumo de oxígeno y del 65-100 % en la
liberación de nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto a densidades comprendidas entre los 400 y 850 ind
m-2, debido a su metabolismo y actividad. / Sospedra Ciscar, J. (2014). Flujos de oxígeno y nutrientes entre sedimento y columna de agua: caso de las arenas finas infralitorales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48466
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E-deltagandets potential : En explorativ studie av hur offentliga myndigheter möter sociala medier / The potential of e-participation : An exploratory study of how social media affect government agenciesFabel, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Internet är idag en ny arena där alla delar med sig av information till alla. Det nya Internet, Webb 2.0, handlar om interaktivitet, kommunikation och dialog. Medborgare och intressenter vill ha större insikt och bättre möjligheter att påverka. De som bidrar med kunskap och synpunkter vill veta hur bidragen påverkar verksamheten, annars slutar de föra dialog. Regering och riksdag vill även att effektiviteten och tillgängligheten till myndigheternas tjänster ska öka. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns en trend mot ämnesarenor och att det kan föreligga ett paradigmskifte från fokus på tjänsteleverans till nätverkade myndigheter som involverar medborgare och intressenter i sin verksamhet. Detta ställer nya krav på riktlinjer och strategier. För att explorativt undersöka dessa trender och fenomen har representanter för tre svenska myndigheter intervjuats. De empiriska resultaten har sedan belysts med nyinstitutionell teori och analyserats med hjälp av lednings- och kommunikationsstrategiska teorier och koncept. Studien konstaterar att de tre undersökta myndigheterna har tagit små steg för att närma sig de virtuella ämnesarenorna. Vissa medarbetare deltar i sociala medier, men deltagandet är inte formaliserat och insikter och lärdomar aggregeras inte inom organisationerna. Samtidigt som kunskapen om sociala medier är relativt låg verkar det finnas institutionaliserade myter som påverkar beslutssituationen. Myndigheternas ledningsgrupper är åldersmässigt relativt homogena. De träffar varandra inom sektorn regelbundet och avvaktar och följer de andra myndigheternas exempel. Den nya e-logiken utmanar de befintliga maktstrukturerna och myten om expertis genom att externa aktörer får mer makt över verksamhetsutvecklingen än tidigare. För att börja delta fullt ut i dialogen på de virtuella ämnesarenorna krävs sannolikt en förändring i verksamhetskulturen och eventuellt behövs ett generationsskifte. Genom deltagande i några väl utvalda e-projekt kommer lärdomar och insikter som kan ge beslutsunderlag för att gå vidare. Erfarenheterna kan leda till att de institutionaliserade myterna kommer att börja förändras så att det förutspådda paradigmskiftet tar plats. / Internet has been transformed. The new Internet, Web 2.0, is all about interactivity, communication and conversations. Citizens and stakeholders demand transparency and influence. The individuals that contribute their knowledge and views demand insight into how their contribution is used to develop the organization, or they leave the conversation. At the same time the Swedish parliament requires improved efficiency, availability and access to government services. Previous research shows there is a trend towards issue arenas where issues and topics, not organizations, are at the center of communication. The emergence of e-government represents a paradigm shift, from emphasizing standardization and cost-efficiency, to an emphasis on coordinated network building, external collaboration, and customer services. This transformation from bureaucracy to networked governance requires new strategies. To explore these trends and phenomena research interviews have been conducted with representatives for three Swedish government agencies. The empirical findings have then been illuminated with neo-institutional theory and analyzed with governance and communication strategy concepts and theories. The findings show that the three agencies have taken some small steps toward the virtual issue arenas. Some employees participate in social media, but the participation isn’t formalized and knowledge isn’t aggregated within the organizations. The general knowledge of social media is low and there seems to be institutionalized myths affecting the decision environment. Management consists of members of similar age. Top management from different agencies in the sector frequently meets, and the agencies await and follow the other agencies examples. The new e-logic challenges existing power structures, as well as the myth of authority, since external actors gain power over business development. In order to fully participate in the conversation in virtual issue arenas, a change in organizational culture is likely needed, and potentially generational change might be necessary to facilitate the change in culture. Engaging in a few, carefully selected e-projects will enable the agencies to learn and expand the engagement gradually. The accumulated experience may lead to a change in the institutionalized myths, thus enabling the predicted paradigm shift.
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50 years of Democracy in Botswana : The study of the democratic consolidation from 1965-2015 / 50 år av Demokrati i Botswana : En studie av den demokratiska konsolideringen från 1965-2015Sayed Abdu, Nemma January 2015 (has links)
Botswana's democracy has been labeled as ‘the African Miracle’ by the international community. However, in its 50 years of independence, there has been no change in government from the ruling party and the opposition is institutionally weak. The purpose for this study is to analyze the extent of democratic consolidation in Botswana and to try to analyze the challenges in the processes of democratic consolidation. In order to answer the research questions that are put forth in this study, Linz and Stepan’s theoretical framework were used against empirical evidence about Botswana from its independence in 1965 to 2015. The results show that in Botswana the democracy is not consolidated and point toward a more stable democracy than a deeply consolidated democracy. Stable democracy is centered upon the actual functions rather the depth of democracy. The main challenges for further democratic consolidation is the constitutional framework that lack accountability for the executive, the longevity of a dominant party system, the uneven ‘playing field’, the weak opposition, the restrictions and limitation upon the independent media and the civil society. Botswana’s exceptional reputation is exaggerated, while the country have had uninterrupted elections, the depth and quality of the democracy is shallow.
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L'écriture comme intensité : la vision métaphorique à travers l'oeuvre de Reinaldo ArenasLabarias, Eva 04 1900 (has links)
En observant le foisonnement de métaphores de la lumière et de la vision dans l’œuvre de Reinaldo Arenas – l’accentuation de la couleur, l’éblouissement, la brûlure et le dédoublement – cette thèse s’interroge sur la vision de l’écriture formulée dans et à partir de ces images, et sur les implications de cette vision.
Constatant à travers cette réflexion l’inscription à même le langage des images de la lumière et de la vision – de la réflexion à la clarté, en passant par l’image et la lucidité – cette thèse délibère, à travers l’œuvre de Reinaldo Arenas et celle de Jorge Luis Borges, sur une définition de l’écriture comme intensité, notion et image empruntées au registre du sensible par le détour de la physique.
Le premier chapitre s’intéresse à la couleur comme phénomène de la vision, du sensible, de l’affect et de la nuance, ainsi qu’à la métaphore de la cécité abordée par Borges et par Paul de Man comme phénomène de la lecture, points d’entrée à une réflexion sur l’écriture.
Le second chapitre aborde la notion d’éblouissement en tant qu’intensité de la lumière et temporalité de la prise de conscience lucide, définissant ainsi une vision du temps et les affinités entre la temporalité de l’écriture et celle de l’image poétique.
Le troisième chapitre, réitérant la question de la relation au temps – historique et narratif –, réaffirme les inflexions du langage en fonction de la lumière, c’est-à-dire la relation entre l’aspect « lumineux » du langage, l’intensité de la lumière et l’intensité de l’écriture (entendue comme écriture littéraire), en explorant le seuil (la destruction par le feu) mis en lumière par l’image du phénix, figure mythique et littéraire de la transformation des images, selon la définition de l’imagination proposée par Gaston Bachelard.
Enfin, la double conclusion (une conclusion en deux parties, ou deux conclusions réfléchies l’une dans l’autre), relie les images poétiques de la lumière évoquées et leurs implications en examinant la portée d’une vision de l’écriture comme intensité. Cette idée est élaborée à travers l’image finale du double, figure littéraire constitutive et omniprésente à la fois chez Arenas et chez Borges, image non seulement de la relation entre le personnage et son double (qui relève de l’hallucination ou de l’imagination, images, encore une fois, de la vision), mais aussi de la relation entre l’auteur et le texte, le lecteur et le texte, l’écriture et le temps. La double conclusion vise le dédoublement et redoublement comme figures de l’intensité dans l’écriture.
Le lien entre la vision métaphorique et l’écriture comme intensité est donc articulé par la métaphore, telle qu’entendue par Borges, élargie à l’image poétique dans la perspective de Gaston Bachelard ; elle s’appuie sur la vision de la littérature pensée et écrite par Arenas. La réflexion est double : dans le texte et sur le texte, au plan poétique et au plan d’une réflexion sur l’écriture d’Arenas ; sur l’écriture et, implicitement, sur la littérature. / Plunging into the work of Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas, this thesis examines the connection between Arenas’ exuberant choice of metaphors related to light and vision – such as color, dazzle, fire, the double – and the potential meanings and implications of a narrative strategy based on such images.
By underlining the persistence, within language itself, of images related to light and vision – such as reflection, clarity, lucidity and illumination –, as well as by examining the work of Reinaldo Arenas as well as of Jorge Luis Borges, this thesis offers a definition of writing as an experience characterized by intensity.
The first chapter analyzes how color as a visual phenomenon relates to the emotional realm and to the senses, as well as to their nuances ; following which, it exposes the metaphor of blindness within the experience of reading, as evoked by Borges and Paul de Man, leading to a reflection on writing.
The second chapter deals with the notion of dazzle as being, at once, a visual experience, and the very moment of awareness, thus reflecting on the concept of time, and on the understanding of writing, although perceived as linear, as grounded in a temporality similar to that of the poetic image.
The third chapter expands on the notion of a relationship between historical time, fictional time, narration, and light, emphasis being placed on the parallel between light intensity and narrative intensity, based on the “igniting” origins of language. Drawing on Gaston Bachelard’s definition of imagination, it discusses the notion of threshold (where ignition leads to destruction) symbolized by the Phoenix, a mythical and literary figure of the transformation of images.
Finally, the two-fold conclusion (a double conclusion or two reflecting conclusions) brings together the metaphors related to light that have been discussed in the previous chapters within the perspective of writing as an experience characterized by intensity. Through the metaphor of the double that pervades and informs Arenas’ as well as Borges’ works, the relational and double nature of narration comes to life at the intersection between the character and his doubles (also an effect of vision as a creation of imagination or hallucination), between the author’s expression and the reader’s interpretation, between literature and time. The metaphors related to doubling recurring in Arenas’ work offer a sense of intensification which summons up a vision of writing characterized by intensity.
Thus, the connection between poetic thinking and narration is established through a metaphor, as defined by Borges and expanded through Gaston Bachelard’s notion of poetic imagery, and it is grounded in Reinaldo Arenas’ constant play between formal expression and narrative content. Implicit is a double reflection, on literature and time.
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Efeito da adição de fibras no comportamento de uma areia sob carregamentos cíclicos / Effect of fiber addition on the behavior of sands under cyclic loadings / Efecto de la adición de fibras en el comportamiento de una arena bajo cargas cíclicasFlórez Gálvez, Jorge Hernán January 2018 (has links)
O avanço das técnicas de melhoramento de solos vem permitindo o aproveitamento de locais nos quais, até pouco tempo atrás, era considerada a construção de muitas estruturas como inviáveis, seja técnica, financeira ou ambientalmente. Uma das técnicas que tem conseguido demostrar bons resultados é o reforço com fibras de diferentes origens, com ou sem presença de algum agente cimentante. A maioria dos estudos conduzidos sobre este tipo de materiais se têm centrado na caracterização dos materiais sob cargas estáticas, e outros estudos se limitam a avaliar o comportamento sob cargas cíclicas destes materiais para densidades relativas baixas, nas quais o fenômeno de liquefação governa o mecanismo de ruptura. O presente estudo tenta aprofundar no conhecimento sobre materiais compactos quando submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos, de maneira a fornecer insumos para o estudo deste campo. O estudo, de caráter experimental, foi feito através da caracterização de corpos de prova de areia e areia com 0,5% de fibras, além da consideração de dois índices de vazios: o primeiro de 0,63 (correspondente a uma densidade relativa de 90%), e o segundo com um índice de vazios igual a 0,75 (correspondente a uma densidade relativa de 50%) Foram executados 29 ensaios triaxiais, além da adoção dos valores de outros 15 feitos por outro autor, totalizando 44 ensaios. A totalidade dos ensaios divide-se assim: 12 ensaios monotônicos CID, 12 ensaios monotônicos CIU, e 20 ensaios cíclicos CIU sob tensão controlada. Nos ensaios monotônicos obtiveram-se incrementos no ângulo de atrito do material composto, sendo mais evidente para as amostras compactas. Em relação aos ensaios cíclicos, obteve-se incrementos nas resistência do material até atingir sua condição de ruptura, seja por liquefação em amostras pouco compactas (Dr= 50%), ou por mobilidade cíclica no caso de amostras compactas (Dr= 90%). A normalização dos resultados permitiu observar que, embora as fibras melhorem o desempenho das misturas quando submetidas a carregamentos cíclicos, não alteraram a estrutura do material em sua resposta em termos de módulo de elasticidade, pelo menos no que respeita a níveis de deformações medianos a grandes. Para pequenas deformações, evidenciou-se uma diminuição na rigidez das amostras, ocasionando assim maiores acréscimos de poropressão nos estágios iniciais dos ensaios, mais nas em areias com fibras do que sem elas. / The development of ground improvement techniques has allowed the use of certain places, which was in the past considered as non-viable for the construction of many types of structures. Fiber reinforced soils have shown good results, with or without presence of any cementitious agent. The focus of most studies performed on this type of materials, is the characterization under static loading, and other studies are limited to evaluating its behavior on cyclic loading at low level of relative density, in which cases the liquefaction phenomenon governs the mechanism of rupture. This study aims to improve the knowledge of cyclic loading effects in dense materials. Was carried out an experimental program by characterizing specimens of sand with 0% and 0.5% of randomly distributed fiber, considering two void ratios: 0.63 (dense sand, Dr = 90%) and 0.75 (moderately loose sand, Dr = 50%). In total, were performed 29 triaxial tests, in addition of another 15 executed by another author, totaling 44 The test were divided as follows: 12 monotonic CIU test, 12 monotonic CID test, and 20 CIU loading controlled cyclic test. In monotonic conditions, fibers addition increases the friction angle, mostly on dense samples (Dr = 90%) than on loose specimens (Dr = 50%). For cyclic tests, in both materials, fiber additions causes improvement on cyclic behavior, but with different failure mechanism, liquefaction for loose, and cyclic mobility for dense sands, regardless of the presence of fibers. The transformation of the number of cycles axis, or normalization of another cyclic results allowed observing that, despite the fiber addition can cause improvement of materials subjected to cyclic loading, the structure of the material did not change in elasticity modulus response, at least for medium to large strains levels. For small strains, occur a decrease in the stiffness of samples, causing greater increases of pore pressure in the initial stages of tests, more in reinforced sand than for none reinforced condition. / El avance de las técnicas para mejoramiento de suelos ha permitido el aprovechamiento de sitios en los cuales, hasta hace poco tiempo, se consideraba como no viable la construcción de muchas estructuras, sea por cuestiones técnicas, financieras o ambientales. Una técnica que ha demostrado buenos resultados es la incorporación de refuerzos con fibras de diferente origen, considerando o no la presencia de algún agente cementante. La mayoría de los estudios realizados a este tipo de materiales se han centrado en la caracterización bajo la acción de cargas estáticas, e otros se han limitado a evaluar el comportamiento bajo la acción de cargas cíclicas considerando únicamente densidades relativas bajas, para las cuales la ruptura está controlada por el fenómeno de licuación. El presente estudio busca ahondar en el conocimiento sobre el comportamiento bajo acción de cargas cíclicas de materiales compactos, buscando con ello ampliar la base experimental sobre este campo. El estudio, de carácter experimental, fue realizado a partir de la caracterización de especímenes de arena sin fibras y con 0,5% de fibras, además de la consideración de dos relaciones de vacíos: 0.63 (correspondiente a una densidad relativa de 90%), y 0,75 (correspondiente a una densidad relativa de 50%) Fueron realizados 29 ensayos triaxiales, además de haber adoptado los resultados de otros 15 realizados por otro autor, totalizando 44 ensayos. Los ensayos fueron divididos así: 12 ensayos monotónicos CID, 12 ensayos monotónicos CIU, y 20 ensayos triaxiales cíclicos CID con control de esfuerzos. En los ensayos monotónicos fueron obtenidos incrementos en el ángulo de fricción del material compuesto, siendo esta situación más evidente en muestras compactas. Con relación a los ensayos cíclicos, se obtuvo incremento en la resistencia de las muestras hasta alcanzar su condición de ruptura, bien sea por licuación (materiales relativamente sueltos, Dr = 50%), o por movilidad cíclica (materiales compactos, Dr = 90%). La normalización de los resultados permitió observar que, aunque las fibras mejoran el desempeño bajo cargas cíclicas de los materiales, no alteraron la estructura del material en términos de módulo de elasticidad, por lo menos para niveles medios y altos de deformación. Para pequeñas deformaciones, se evidenció una disminución en la rigidez de las muestras, lo que produjo mayores incrementos en las presiones de poros durante las fases iniciales de los ensayos, con mayor visibilidad en las arenas con fibras que cuando no hubo adición.
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Hur utvecklar enmansföretagare sin kompetens utifrån den uppfattade lärmiljön?Sorselius, Christine, Westfeldt, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of how self employed entrepreneurs (hereafter referred to as “entrepreneurs”) develop their competence based on their perceived learning space. The main question is: How do these entrepreneurs develop their competence based on their perceived learning space? Other questions relevant for the study are: How important is the social environment for these entrepreneurs and how do they interact with their social environment in order to develop their competence. The study has a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews with six entrepreneurs were conducted, during March and April 2008. The main finding of this study is the process by which the entrepreneurs develop their competence based on their perceived learning space. This is done through interaction with the entrepreneurs’ social environment. With a specific work task in mind, the entrepreneur evaluates his/her own competence in order to solve the task at hand, and in parallell search for the needed competence in his/her social environment. The social environment is therefore found to be very important to the entrepreneurs in the study. The active and conscious interactions lead to learning and in turn to development of the individual competence. This approach is essential for the entrepreneur to keep up-to-date and to stay attractive on the work market. Another finding in the study is how the entrepreneurs are forced to be more selective in the development of their competence, compared to a traditional employee, i.e. the entrepreneur needs to be more aware of whether he or she will gain anything from engaging in the specific activity. The responsibility for development of the individual competence lies solely on the entrepreneur. The development of the competence is however not separated from the overall responsibility of the business, but can be seen as part of the daily work.</p>
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Hur utvecklar enmansföretagare sin kompetens utifrån den uppfattade lärmiljön?Sorselius, Christine, Westfeldt, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of how self employed entrepreneurs (hereafter referred to as “entrepreneurs”) develop their competence based on their perceived learning space. The main question is: How do these entrepreneurs develop their competence based on their perceived learning space? Other questions relevant for the study are: How important is the social environment for these entrepreneurs and how do they interact with their social environment in order to develop their competence. The study has a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews with six entrepreneurs were conducted, during March and April 2008. The main finding of this study is the process by which the entrepreneurs develop their competence based on their perceived learning space. This is done through interaction with the entrepreneurs’ social environment. With a specific work task in mind, the entrepreneur evaluates his/her own competence in order to solve the task at hand, and in parallell search for the needed competence in his/her social environment. The social environment is therefore found to be very important to the entrepreneurs in the study. The active and conscious interactions lead to learning and in turn to development of the individual competence. This approach is essential for the entrepreneur to keep up-to-date and to stay attractive on the work market. Another finding in the study is how the entrepreneurs are forced to be more selective in the development of their competence, compared to a traditional employee, i.e. the entrepreneur needs to be more aware of whether he or she will gain anything from engaging in the specific activity. The responsibility for development of the individual competence lies solely on the entrepreneur. The development of the competence is however not separated from the overall responsibility of the business, but can be seen as part of the daily work.
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L'écriture comme intensité : la vision métaphorique à travers l'oeuvre de Reinaldo ArenasLabarias, Eva 04 1900 (has links)
En observant le foisonnement de métaphores de la lumière et de la vision dans l’œuvre de Reinaldo Arenas – l’accentuation de la couleur, l’éblouissement, la brûlure et le dédoublement – cette thèse s’interroge sur la vision de l’écriture formulée dans et à partir de ces images, et sur les implications de cette vision.
Constatant à travers cette réflexion l’inscription à même le langage des images de la lumière et de la vision – de la réflexion à la clarté, en passant par l’image et la lucidité – cette thèse délibère, à travers l’œuvre de Reinaldo Arenas et celle de Jorge Luis Borges, sur une définition de l’écriture comme intensité, notion et image empruntées au registre du sensible par le détour de la physique.
Le premier chapitre s’intéresse à la couleur comme phénomène de la vision, du sensible, de l’affect et de la nuance, ainsi qu’à la métaphore de la cécité abordée par Borges et par Paul de Man comme phénomène de la lecture, points d’entrée à une réflexion sur l’écriture.
Le second chapitre aborde la notion d’éblouissement en tant qu’intensité de la lumière et temporalité de la prise de conscience lucide, définissant ainsi une vision du temps et les affinités entre la temporalité de l’écriture et celle de l’image poétique.
Le troisième chapitre, réitérant la question de la relation au temps – historique et narratif –, réaffirme les inflexions du langage en fonction de la lumière, c’est-à-dire la relation entre l’aspect « lumineux » du langage, l’intensité de la lumière et l’intensité de l’écriture (entendue comme écriture littéraire), en explorant le seuil (la destruction par le feu) mis en lumière par l’image du phénix, figure mythique et littéraire de la transformation des images, selon la définition de l’imagination proposée par Gaston Bachelard.
Enfin, la double conclusion (une conclusion en deux parties, ou deux conclusions réfléchies l’une dans l’autre), relie les images poétiques de la lumière évoquées et leurs implications en examinant la portée d’une vision de l’écriture comme intensité. Cette idée est élaborée à travers l’image finale du double, figure littéraire constitutive et omniprésente à la fois chez Arenas et chez Borges, image non seulement de la relation entre le personnage et son double (qui relève de l’hallucination ou de l’imagination, images, encore une fois, de la vision), mais aussi de la relation entre l’auteur et le texte, le lecteur et le texte, l’écriture et le temps. La double conclusion vise le dédoublement et redoublement comme figures de l’intensité dans l’écriture.
Le lien entre la vision métaphorique et l’écriture comme intensité est donc articulé par la métaphore, telle qu’entendue par Borges, élargie à l’image poétique dans la perspective de Gaston Bachelard ; elle s’appuie sur la vision de la littérature pensée et écrite par Arenas. La réflexion est double : dans le texte et sur le texte, au plan poétique et au plan d’une réflexion sur l’écriture d’Arenas ; sur l’écriture et, implicitement, sur la littérature. / Plunging into the work of Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas, this thesis examines the connection between Arenas’ exuberant choice of metaphors related to light and vision – such as color, dazzle, fire, the double – and the potential meanings and implications of a narrative strategy based on such images.
By underlining the persistence, within language itself, of images related to light and vision – such as reflection, clarity, lucidity and illumination –, as well as by examining the work of Reinaldo Arenas as well as of Jorge Luis Borges, this thesis offers a definition of writing as an experience characterized by intensity.
The first chapter analyzes how color as a visual phenomenon relates to the emotional realm and to the senses, as well as to their nuances ; following which, it exposes the metaphor of blindness within the experience of reading, as evoked by Borges and Paul de Man, leading to a reflection on writing.
The second chapter deals with the notion of dazzle as being, at once, a visual experience, and the very moment of awareness, thus reflecting on the concept of time, and on the understanding of writing, although perceived as linear, as grounded in a temporality similar to that of the poetic image.
The third chapter expands on the notion of a relationship between historical time, fictional time, narration, and light, emphasis being placed on the parallel between light intensity and narrative intensity, based on the “igniting” origins of language. Drawing on Gaston Bachelard’s definition of imagination, it discusses the notion of threshold (where ignition leads to destruction) symbolized by the Phoenix, a mythical and literary figure of the transformation of images.
Finally, the two-fold conclusion (a double conclusion or two reflecting conclusions) brings together the metaphors related to light that have been discussed in the previous chapters within the perspective of writing as an experience characterized by intensity. Through the metaphor of the double that pervades and informs Arenas’ as well as Borges’ works, the relational and double nature of narration comes to life at the intersection between the character and his doubles (also an effect of vision as a creation of imagination or hallucination), between the author’s expression and the reader’s interpretation, between literature and time. The metaphors related to doubling recurring in Arenas’ work offer a sense of intensification which summons up a vision of writing characterized by intensity.
Thus, the connection between poetic thinking and narration is established through a metaphor, as defined by Borges and expanded through Gaston Bachelard’s notion of poetic imagery, and it is grounded in Reinaldo Arenas’ constant play between formal expression and narrative content. Implicit is a double reflection, on literature and time.
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Conflitos socioambientais em áreas protegidas : interesses e estratégias nas disputas pela legitimidade na redefinição do Parque Estadual Delta do Jacuí-RSCardoso, Patrícia Moreira January 2006 (has links)
O crescimento vertiginoso das áreas metropolitanas tem ocasionado o surgimento de assentamentos humanos periféricos em zonas ribeirinhas, de encostas ou de relevância ambiental. Paralelamente, os órgãos ambientais geridos pelo Estado têm empregado políticas homogêneas de gestão das Unidades de Conservação, resultando em conflitos. Este trabalho pretende analisar as relações de interesse, poder e disputa na construção da legitimidade entre os mediadores de órgãos estatais e representantes da sociedade civil no processo de implantação do Parque Estadual Delta do Jacuí, Porto Alegre/RS. Nesse contexto, onde os conflitos socioambientais emergem cada vez mais como problemas sociais, identificam-se as seguintes relações e disputas: a) agentes do campo técnico-científico x agentes do campo político; b) ações de preservação x ações de conservação ambiental; e c) alianças estratégicas e tácitas que distribuíram-se diferenciadamente no decorrer do processo, conforme a representação dos agentes envolvidos perante as propostas apresentadas para a implantação dessa Unidade de Conservação. Isso ocorreu, principalmente, entre ONGs ambientalistas, instituições religiosas, representantes de órgãos estatais e representantes das comunidades envolvidas. Utilizando como ferramenta a abordagem construcionista (HANNIGAN, 1996), identifica-se que o processo de implantação do Parque, ao longo de quase 30 anos, institucionalizou uma arena de polarização interna entre agentes com capitais desiguais que utilizam, de forma estratégica, recursos argumentativos e simbólicos para se legitimarem perante o processo decisório de implantação dessa Unidade de Conservação. Portanto, o que faz com que esses agentes conflitem entre si, são os seus diversos interesses (econômico, político, social, científico) que estão por trás das distintas propostas de zoneamento do Parque Estadual do Delta do Jacuí-RS. / The vertiginous growth of metropolitan areas has caused peripheral human settlements within river basin, slopes or any zone with an environmental relevance. At the same time, the environmental organizations, which have been administrated by the State, have employed homogeneous policies for managing the Conservations Units, having as results several conflicts. This work attempts to analyze the relationships in terms of interests, power and dispute in the construction of legitimacy among mediators from state organisms and representatives from civil society during the implantation process of the “Parque Estadual Delta do Jacuí” [Jacui Delta State Park], Porto Alegre/RS. Within this context, in which social-environmental conflicts come up even more as social problems, it has been identified the following disputes: a) agents who act on a technical and scientific field x agents who act on a politic field, b) actions for preserving x actions for conserving environment; and c) strategic and tacit alliances that have been distributed differentially throughout the process, according to the representation of the involved agents, in presence of proposes which have been presented for the implantation of this Conservation Unit. This occurred, mainly, among environmentalist NGOs, religious institutions, representatives of state agencies and involved communities. Using the constructionist approach (HANNIGAN, 1996) as an analyzing instrument, it has been identified that the implantation process of the “Parque”, for almost 30 years, has institutionalized an arena for internal polarization among agents with unequal capitals, who use, in an strategic way, argumentative and symbolic resources for legitimate themselves, in presence of the deciding process for implanting this Conservation Unit. Therefore, what cause agents to confront themselves are their different interests (economic, politic, social, technical and scientific) that are behind of the different proposes for rezoning the “Parque Estadual Delta do Jacuí-RS”
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Efeito da adição de fibras no comportamento de uma areia sob carregamentos cíclicos / Effect of fiber addition on the behavior of sands under cyclic loadings / Efecto de la adición de fibras en el comportamiento de una arena bajo cargas cíclicasFlórez Gálvez, Jorge Hernán January 2018 (has links)
O avanço das técnicas de melhoramento de solos vem permitindo o aproveitamento de locais nos quais, até pouco tempo atrás, era considerada a construção de muitas estruturas como inviáveis, seja técnica, financeira ou ambientalmente. Uma das técnicas que tem conseguido demostrar bons resultados é o reforço com fibras de diferentes origens, com ou sem presença de algum agente cimentante. A maioria dos estudos conduzidos sobre este tipo de materiais se têm centrado na caracterização dos materiais sob cargas estáticas, e outros estudos se limitam a avaliar o comportamento sob cargas cíclicas destes materiais para densidades relativas baixas, nas quais o fenômeno de liquefação governa o mecanismo de ruptura. O presente estudo tenta aprofundar no conhecimento sobre materiais compactos quando submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos, de maneira a fornecer insumos para o estudo deste campo. O estudo, de caráter experimental, foi feito através da caracterização de corpos de prova de areia e areia com 0,5% de fibras, além da consideração de dois índices de vazios: o primeiro de 0,63 (correspondente a uma densidade relativa de 90%), e o segundo com um índice de vazios igual a 0,75 (correspondente a uma densidade relativa de 50%) Foram executados 29 ensaios triaxiais, além da adoção dos valores de outros 15 feitos por outro autor, totalizando 44 ensaios. A totalidade dos ensaios divide-se assim: 12 ensaios monotônicos CID, 12 ensaios monotônicos CIU, e 20 ensaios cíclicos CIU sob tensão controlada. Nos ensaios monotônicos obtiveram-se incrementos no ângulo de atrito do material composto, sendo mais evidente para as amostras compactas. Em relação aos ensaios cíclicos, obteve-se incrementos nas resistência do material até atingir sua condição de ruptura, seja por liquefação em amostras pouco compactas (Dr= 50%), ou por mobilidade cíclica no caso de amostras compactas (Dr= 90%). A normalização dos resultados permitiu observar que, embora as fibras melhorem o desempenho das misturas quando submetidas a carregamentos cíclicos, não alteraram a estrutura do material em sua resposta em termos de módulo de elasticidade, pelo menos no que respeita a níveis de deformações medianos a grandes. Para pequenas deformações, evidenciou-se uma diminuição na rigidez das amostras, ocasionando assim maiores acréscimos de poropressão nos estágios iniciais dos ensaios, mais nas em areias com fibras do que sem elas. / The development of ground improvement techniques has allowed the use of certain places, which was in the past considered as non-viable for the construction of many types of structures. Fiber reinforced soils have shown good results, with or without presence of any cementitious agent. The focus of most studies performed on this type of materials, is the characterization under static loading, and other studies are limited to evaluating its behavior on cyclic loading at low level of relative density, in which cases the liquefaction phenomenon governs the mechanism of rupture. This study aims to improve the knowledge of cyclic loading effects in dense materials. Was carried out an experimental program by characterizing specimens of sand with 0% and 0.5% of randomly distributed fiber, considering two void ratios: 0.63 (dense sand, Dr = 90%) and 0.75 (moderately loose sand, Dr = 50%). In total, were performed 29 triaxial tests, in addition of another 15 executed by another author, totaling 44 The test were divided as follows: 12 monotonic CIU test, 12 monotonic CID test, and 20 CIU loading controlled cyclic test. In monotonic conditions, fibers addition increases the friction angle, mostly on dense samples (Dr = 90%) than on loose specimens (Dr = 50%). For cyclic tests, in both materials, fiber additions causes improvement on cyclic behavior, but with different failure mechanism, liquefaction for loose, and cyclic mobility for dense sands, regardless of the presence of fibers. The transformation of the number of cycles axis, or normalization of another cyclic results allowed observing that, despite the fiber addition can cause improvement of materials subjected to cyclic loading, the structure of the material did not change in elasticity modulus response, at least for medium to large strains levels. For small strains, occur a decrease in the stiffness of samples, causing greater increases of pore pressure in the initial stages of tests, more in reinforced sand than for none reinforced condition. / El avance de las técnicas para mejoramiento de suelos ha permitido el aprovechamiento de sitios en los cuales, hasta hace poco tiempo, se consideraba como no viable la construcción de muchas estructuras, sea por cuestiones técnicas, financieras o ambientales. Una técnica que ha demostrado buenos resultados es la incorporación de refuerzos con fibras de diferente origen, considerando o no la presencia de algún agente cementante. La mayoría de los estudios realizados a este tipo de materiales se han centrado en la caracterización bajo la acción de cargas estáticas, e otros se han limitado a evaluar el comportamiento bajo la acción de cargas cíclicas considerando únicamente densidades relativas bajas, para las cuales la ruptura está controlada por el fenómeno de licuación. El presente estudio busca ahondar en el conocimiento sobre el comportamiento bajo acción de cargas cíclicas de materiales compactos, buscando con ello ampliar la base experimental sobre este campo. El estudio, de carácter experimental, fue realizado a partir de la caracterización de especímenes de arena sin fibras y con 0,5% de fibras, además de la consideración de dos relaciones de vacíos: 0.63 (correspondiente a una densidad relativa de 90%), y 0,75 (correspondiente a una densidad relativa de 50%) Fueron realizados 29 ensayos triaxiales, además de haber adoptado los resultados de otros 15 realizados por otro autor, totalizando 44 ensayos. Los ensayos fueron divididos así: 12 ensayos monotónicos CID, 12 ensayos monotónicos CIU, y 20 ensayos triaxiales cíclicos CID con control de esfuerzos. En los ensayos monotónicos fueron obtenidos incrementos en el ángulo de fricción del material compuesto, siendo esta situación más evidente en muestras compactas. Con relación a los ensayos cíclicos, se obtuvo incremento en la resistencia de las muestras hasta alcanzar su condición de ruptura, bien sea por licuación (materiales relativamente sueltos, Dr = 50%), o por movilidad cíclica (materiales compactos, Dr = 90%). La normalización de los resultados permitió observar que, aunque las fibras mejoran el desempeño bajo cargas cíclicas de los materiales, no alteraron la estructura del material en términos de módulo de elasticidad, por lo menos para niveles medios y altos de deformación. Para pequeñas deformaciones, se evidenció una disminución en la rigidez de las muestras, lo que produjo mayores incrementos en las presiones de poros durante las fases iniciales de los ensayos, con mayor visibilidad en las arenas con fibras que cuando no hubo adición.
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