Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arrive""
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“And so each and every teacher has to handle it to the best of their abilities”Musa, Ibrahim, Nordström, Charles January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the methods and strategies teachers in Malmö and Lund, Sweden, use to overcome issues faced when working with newly arrived students in teaching English. There was a need to explore this further since there is a lack of previous research in the area, as well as a lack of education on how to teach these students. Our two research questions investigate what specific difficulties teachers report facing when working with newly arrived students in English, and what teaching strategies/methods these teachers utilize to overcome these difficulties. To answer this, we conducted five semi-structured interviews with teachers who have experience in teaching English to newly arrived students. Our results show teachers feel a general feeling of unpreparedness through the lack of official support and measures in coping with these challenges. Moreover, the teachers employ several different types of coping strategies to help the newly arrived students, and they also report on the issues which can arise due to cultural contrasts. The implications of our findings is that there is a lack of a centralized, coherent approach among teachers on how to work with this population, as well as a lack of education in how to do so. Teachers require more training and more resources to better meet the needs of these students.
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Nyanlända elever och idrottsundervisningNilsson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Refugees have been migrating to Sweden over the past decade. Integrating newly arrived students is therefore a highly relevant topic for the Swedish schools. This research overview presents different sources concerning teaching physical education to newly arrived students. The purpose with the research overview is to investigate how newly arrived students perceive the teaching in physical education, how the teaching can be shaped to ensure integration and what factors are important to create an including teaching experience for newly arrived students in the subject physical education. Using a number of identified key words, searches on databases have been conducted to find sources. The selection has been based on relevance regarding suitable content based on the research questions. The result shows that language difficulties are a fact, and that many students find physical education entertaining but some activities challenging due to lack of previous education in their country of origin. Furthermore, it shows that there is a need for further research and that teachers can facilitate the newly arrivals’ learning experiences by ensuring that the students get to know each other properly. Suggested further research is for example a field study combining lesson observations with qualitative interviews with the newly arrived students and their teachers.
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Riktlinjer på riktigt? Direktintegration i teori och praktikAlphonce, Amy, Johansson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
This case study aims to explore how the stated guidelines, regarding direct immersed newly arrived students and their subsequent education, are complied with in practice in a school in Sweden. To examine this relation between theory and practice, we have chosen a qualitative approach which consists of semi-structured interviews and participatory observations. The interviews with the school’s headmaster and SSL-teacher (Swedish as Second Language) intend to inform the analysis from an organizational perspective, while the interviews with two teachers as well as the observations of one newly arrived student intend to provide the empirical basis of the classroom perspective. Our results have been analyzed within the frames of Thomas and Collier’s (1997) Prism model which is grounded in their theories concerning language minority students’ education. The conclusion drawn based on this case study is that there is a discrepancy between the formulated guidelines and the studied educational practice. The headmaster and the SSL-teacher convey clear intentions regarding how the education for the newly arrived students should be organized. However, the teachers’ statements and our observations indicate that these guidelines are not complied with to the extent that is being sought. In order to optimize the education for newly arrived students, it is insufficient to merely create theoretical guidelines without ensuring that they are fully implemented in practice.
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Teachers’ Perspectives on Recently Arrived Pupils and English TeachingBustos Ramirez, Jacqueline Alejandra January 2018 (has links)
Nowadays, many schools around the world are a mixture of children who come from different places and for different reasons. The Swedish school has not been an exception of these mixtures of children who have different identities, cultures, and languages. In 2015, Sweden experienced a high immigration peak compare to the previous years and for this reason, the Swedish school system needed to adapt to the newly arrived children that came into the classroom. The purpose of this research project is to investigate teachers’ experiences and perceptions of meeting the varying needs of recently arrived learners in English teaching in years 4-6. The aim of the thesis is to explore what are the main challenges in teaching English and how the teachers adapt their English lessons and develop methods and strategies for teaching recently arrived pupils.This study was conducted with semi-structured interviews as a qualitative method, with five English teachers who have a complete degree in teaching education, and all of whom have newly arrived children in their classes. Based on analysis of the data, three main conclusions have been drawn in this study. Firstly, all the teachers participating did not know the difference between concepts such as immigrants and newcomers; secondly the teachers do not use a special method or strategies when they teach newly arrived children, and finally, this study shows that the teachers do not know how to face the newly arrived children’s needs, and they do not feel that they have the competence that they need in this field.
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En kvalitativ studie om nyanlända barns språkutveckling, samspel och kommunikationSafdari, Toloue, Tewolde, Selam January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur förskollärarna arbetar med nyanlända barns språkutveckling i förskolan. För att ta reda på förskollärarnas arbetssätt gällande nyanlända barns språkutveckling har sex förskollärare från fem olika förskolor och två olika kommuner intervjuats. Utöver detta har även nyanlända barns samspel med andra barn som har svenska som modersmål och svårigheter som uppstår i kommunikation mellan nyanlända barn och vårdnadshavare undersökts. Det framkom i resultatet att förskollärarna försöker på det bästa sättet att främja nyanlända barns språkutveckling genom att använda sig av olika material såsom sagopåsar, språkpåsar, bokläsning, bilder, TAKK-tecken och AKK kartor. Gällande kommunikationen med nyanlända vårdnadshavare är det av stor vikt att båda förstår varandra så att det inte blir missförstånd använder förskollärarna bilder, Google translate, vikarier som kan vårdnadshavarnas språk samt bokar tolk vid behov. Resultatet har även visat att förskollärarna ser ingen skillnad mellan nyanlända barn och barn med svenskt modersmål. Det som är viktigt enligt förskollärarna är att vara närvarande och utgå från varje enskilt barns behov.
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Det finns en plats för alla : En kvalitativ studie om vägledningsarbetet med nyanlända på språkintroduktion / There is a place for everyone : A qualitative study focusing on guidance work in language introduction with newly arrivedTano, Karim, Tekin, Juliana January 2023 (has links)
Skolorna i Sverige har tagit emot många nyanlända elever och trots erfarenheten identifieras detfortfarande utvecklingsområden, framför allt inom studie- och yrkesvägledning. Vi har valt attundersöka studie- och yrkesvägledares perspektiv på vägledningsarbetet med nyanlända elever påspråkintroduktion. Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida och i sådana fall på vilket sätt deupplever att vägledningen främjar eleverna för att kunna göra väl underbyggda studie- och yrkesval.Datainsamlingsmetoden har skett genom kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta utbildade studie- ochyrkesvägledare som är verksamma vid språkintroduktion. Resultatet visar på att studie- ochyrkesvägledarna upplever att eleverna har möjlighet att fortsätta sin utbildning på gymnasienivå, mende står inför många utmaningar. Det framkommer att eleverna har ett större behov av vägledning dåfaktorer som språkbarriärer, bristande utbildningsbakgrund och kunskap kring det svenskautbildningssystem saknas. Respondenterna menar att dessa faktorer kan begränsa elevernasmöjligheter till vidare studier och att etablera sig på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Studiens slutsats äratt vägledare är en viktig faktor för att eleverna ska kunna navigera i det svenska utbildningssystemetoch fatta välgrundade studie- och yrkesval. / The schools in Sweden have received many newly arrived students and despite the schools’experiences, there are still areas of development, especially within the field of study and careerguidance. Therefore, this study focuses on study and career counsellors’ guidance work with newlyarrived students in language introduction programs. The aim of the study is to examine the perceptionof whether, or in what ways, study and career counseling promotes students' ability to make wellinformed study and career choices. The data has been collected through qualitative interviews witheight trained study and career counsellors who work in language introduction programs. The resultsshow that study and career counsellors perceive that students can continue their education at thesecondary level, but they face many challenges. The study also reveals that students have a greaterneed for guidance when factors such as language barriers, lack of educational background, andknowledge about the Swedish education system are missing. Moreover, the respondents argue thatthese factors can limit students' opportunities for further studies and establishing themselves in theSwedish labor market. The study's conclusion is that counsellors are an important factor for students tonavigate through the Swedish education system and make well-founded study and career choices.
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Public library staff’s work with newly arrived during the COVID-19 pandemicBorn, Ylva January 2022 (has links)
This master’s thesis aims to contribute to and extend the knowledge regarding the public library staff’s work with newly arrived during the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Västerås, Sweden. This thesis is motivated by the increase of individuals who migrate to the city of Västerås and the high number of COVID cases that the city had in early 2022. Seven public library staff members from the city of Västerås were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The empirical data was analyzed with the help of a theoretical framework based on a conceptualization of integration combined with a model that serves to make visible the different functions of a public library. The study shows that the library staff experienced various challenges and found creative solutions while working with the newly arrived during the pandemic while still adhering to the restrictions. The most critical challenges experienced were the decreased communication between the library staff and the newly arrived visitors and the digital participation of the visitors. Solutions regarding the challenges were created to suit the visitors’ needs, such as new services, digital forums, and the possibility of booking a librarian for IT tasks. In conclusion, all study participants agreed that the pandemic had made their work with the newly arrived visitors more challenging. Still, they all expressed their work with the visitors as inspiring, even amid a pandemic.
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Integrering av nyanlända elever : Hur och på vilket sätt kan man hjälpa de nyanländaeleverna att integreras i skolan, speciellt i ämnetmatematik? / Integration of newly arrived students : How and in whatway can you help the newly arrived students to integrate into school, especially in the subject of mathematics?Semarp, Dawan January 2018 (has links)
Antalet nyanlända elever ökar i den svenska skolan för varje år och det gör att skolan blir en mötesplats för alla kulturer, nationer, religioner, livsstilar, språk och olika kunskaper särskilt sedan 1 juli 2013 när det bestämdes att även de nyanlända barn utan uppehållstillstånd fick laglig rätt att gå i skolan. Denna rapport syftar till att bidra med kunskap kring lärares syn på integrering av de nyanlända eleverna i den svenska skolan och särskilt i ämnet matematik, de nyanlända elevernas upplevelser av matematikundervisningen och svårigheter som lärarna upplever vid matematikundervisning för nyanlända. Resultatet visar att det krävs mycket samarbete kring nyanländas kunskapsutveckling och integrering. Lärarna påstår att integrering inte sker bara genom att eleverna finns med i klassrummet utan de måste ha samma möjligheter och förutsättningar som de andra för att integrering ska vara möjlig. Enligt lärarna måste eleverna kartläggas innan de börjar skolan för att upptäcka på vilken nivå de ligger för att få rätt hjälp. Resultatet av studien visar vidare att de nyanlända eleverna som placerades i en förberedelseklass är mer nöjda med sina studier än de som placerades i en ordinarie klass. Resultatet visar också att brister i svenska och elevernas studiebakgrund utgör det största problemet för lärarnas jobb med de nyanlända. Därför är det viktigt att eleverna börjar i en örberedelseklass för att få en mjuk start och för att få kännedom om en del matematiska termer innan de börjar i en ordinarie klass. Denna studie är en kvalitativ studie som utgår från intervjuer med ett fåtal lärare och elever, två lärare och åtta elever och därför kan man inte dra några generella slutsatser av studien. För att kunna dra några entydiga eller generella slutsatser krävs det mer omfattande forskning inom området och som engagerar ett större antal lärare, elever och andra personal inom flera skolor i olika kommuner. / The number of newly arrived pupils increases in the Swedish school every year, which makes the school a meeting place for all cultures, nations, religions, lifestyles, languages and different knowledge especially since July 1, 2013 when it was decided that even new arrivals without a residence permit were given legal right to go to school. This report aims at contributing knowledge about teachers views on the integration of newly arrived students in Swedish schools, and especially in the subject of mathematics, the newly arrived students' experiences of mathematics teaching and difficulties experienced by teachers in mathematics education for newcomers. The result shows that a lot of cooperation is needed about the development and integration of newly arrived students. Teachers argue that integration does not only happen when the students are in the classroom, but they must have the same opportunities and possibilities as the others for integration to be possible. According to the teachers, the students must be mapped before they start school to find out what level they are in order to get the right help. The result of the study further shows that the newly arrived students placed in a preparatory class are more satisfied with their studies than those who were placed in an ordinary class. The result also shows that shortcomings in Swedish and student backgrounds constitute the biggest problem for teachers' jobs with new arrivals. Therefore, it is important that the students begin in a class of preparation to get a smooth start and to get acquainted with some mathematical terms before starting in a regular class. This study is a qualitative study based on interviews with a few teachers and students, two teachers and eight students and therefore you cannot draw any general conclusions from the study. In order to draw some unambiguous or general conclusions, more extensive research is required in the field, involving more teachers, students and other staff in several schools in different municipalities.
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Nyanlända elever i det matematiska klassrummetBisanovic, Elvir, Persson, Filip January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Psykologisk diagnosticering av tvåspråkiga barn Hur tar skolan emot elever med inlärningssvårigheter i förberedelseklass?Pavlovic, Rodzer January 2012 (has links)
Abstract AbstractThe aim of this essay was to investigate the level of the organizational state of readiness for receiving students with learning disabilities in classes specialized in working with students recently arrived in Sweden, called förberedelseklasser, which could be translated as preparational classes. I tried to do so by answering two questions:*What routines do principals believe that the particular School has for dealing with cases in which a student in a preparational class is suspected to have some form of learning disability?*What perception do teachers have in regards to whether or not the system at their School is well prepared for discovering and aiding students in preparational classes suspected to have learning disabilities?The first question was directed to principals currently working in schools where a large part of the students are bilingual, and many of those recently arrived in Sweden. The second question was aimed at teachers that work in preparational classes.By interviewing two principals and three teachers I came to the conclusion that the teachers believe that their students are often misplaced in preparational classes when in deed they should be placed in a special educations group. My essay also shows that both principals and teachers are dissatisfied with the amount of time the process of discovering, investigating and diagnosing a student with learning disabilities takes. They also seem to believe that it’s largely due to cultural differences resulting in the parents’ unwillingness to participate in interacting with psychologists.Key words,
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