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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uttryckligen autentiskt 2.0 : Besökares uppfattning och museers redovisining av museiföremåls vårdåtgärder och materiella autenticitet

Watson Svensson, Yvonne January 2018 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats utreder om eller till vilken grad museibesökare kan avgöra om eller när utställningsföremål utsatts för ingrepp eller vårdåtgärder. Sådana åtgärder kan vara stora, så som renovering eller försiktiga, t. ex. konservering. Valet av undersökningsområde kommer sig av egna undringar kring sådana frågor om vårdåtgärder av föremål i utställningar, och en saknad av upplysningar i samband med utställningar som kan svara på sådana frågor. Uppsatsen grundar sig i frågorna kan, eller hur väl, museibesökare avgöra eller utröna vårdåtgärder och materiell autenticitet av museiföremål? och finns intresse hos museibesökare för redovisning av vårdåtgärder och materiell autenticitet, i utställningar eller annorstädes? Frågorna undersöks med en enkätundersökning bestående av en skriftlig enkät med tillhörande bilder på museiföremål. Enkäten rör museibesökares uppfattning av museiföremålens skick och orsaker till dessa, skickens autenticitet, vikten av att påtala när ändringar till skick gjorts samt besökares intresse av att lära sig om ovanstående företeelser. Analys av enkätsvaren visade att hälften av informanterna hade ensidig föreställning av föremålsvård som bestående antingen bara av aktiva vårdåtgärder så som ingrepp av olika slag eller bara av passiva vårdåtgärder så som begränsad användning och god förvaring. Dessa föreställningar skulle kunna balanseras och nyanseras genom redovisning av museiföremåls vårdåtgärder och utlärning av föremålsvård, något som en majoritet av informanterna också uttryckte intresse för. En drivande faktor i denna kandidatuppsats har varit förhoppningen att en diskussion kring redovisning av vårdåtgärder ska främja en diskussion kring museers uppfattade position som absolut kunskapsauktoritet, historiens många tolkningsmöjligheter till trots. / This thesis investigates if or to which degree museum visitors can determine if or when exhibition objects have been subjected to intervention or maintenance measures. Such measures could be vaste, for example a renovation, or careful, such as preventive conservation. The choice for area of investigation is a result of my own musings to such questions about maintenance measures of objects in exhibitions, and a percieved lack of information in conjunction with exhibits which can answer such questions. The thesis is based in the questions can, or how well can, museum visitors determine or deduce maintenance measures and material authenticity of museum objects? and do museum visitors have any interest in presentation of maintenance measures and material authenticity, in exhibits or elsewhere? The questions are investigated by way of survey, comprised of a written questionnaire with accompanying pictures of museums objects. The questionnaire regards museum visitors estimation of the conditions of the museums objects and the causes for these, the authenticity of the objects conditions, the importance of calling attention to deliberate changes to said conditions as well as the visitors interest in learning about all aforementioned occurences. Analysis of the questionnaire showed that half of the informants had a biased, unbalanced conception of object care comprised of either only active maintenance measures such as different kinds of intervention, or of only passive maintenance measures such as limited use or preventive storage. These conceptions could be balanced out and nuanced by presentation of maintenance measures of museum objects and by education in object care, something a majority of the informants also expressed an interest in. A driving force within this thesis has been the hope that a discussion about presentation of maintenance measures will further a discussion about the percieved absolute authority of knowledge of museums, despite history’s vaste possibilities of interpretation.

La bière et la terre : l'attachement au lieu à travers les microbrasseries québécoises

Majeau, Antoine 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Maybe Influencers Are Not Worth The Hype : An explanatory study on influencers’ characteristics with perceived quality and brand loyalty

Gunnarsson, Lovisa, Folkestad, Anna, Postnikova, Alena January 2018 (has links)
Background: The goal for brand building is to build for the long-term profitability and strengthening of brand equity. A way to build brand equity is to implement social media marketing, where so-called influencer marketing can be used. Influencer marketing is adopted as consumers have found ways to avoid advertisements and choose who they would like to follow on social media. For this study, perceived quality and brand loyalty were found to be relevant brand equity dimensions, when studying influencers’ characteristic. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explain the relationship of influencers’ characteristics with perceived quality and brand loyalty. Methodology: This study applied an explanatory purpose with a deductive, quantitative research approach, and cross-sectional research design to test a developed conceptual model based on six hypotheses. The data collection was done through a self-administered questionnaire distributed online, which received 175 valid responses. Findings: The suggested model was found significant, where influencer’s Authenticity explained 16.5% of Perceived Quality and Trustworthiness 13% of Brand Loyalty. However, Trustworthiness and Relatability relationship with Perceived Quality, and Relatability and Authenticity relationship with Brand Loyalty were rejected. Conclusion: The thesis provides a model with the accepted hypotheses and an insight on influencers’ characteristics’ relationship with perceived quality and brand loyalty. Finally, there are implications for the research community and managers about how to utilize the findings and the contribution of these.

O papel da literatura na promoção e efetivação dos direitos humanos / The role of literature in promoting and effecting human rights

Laura Degaspare Monte Mascaro 13 May 2011 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Pretendeu-se, primeiramente, realizar uma proposta de ressignificação dos direitos humanos, interpretando a liberdade e a igualdade a partir da filosofia da existência, de uma forma sensível à essência existencial do homem; traduzindo, assim, a liberdade e a igualdade em autenticidade, cuidado e preocupação com o outro. Em um segundo momento, pretendeu-se analisar o papel da literatura enquanto forma de promoção dos direitos humanos, por sua capacidade formadora e de efetivação dos direitos humanos, permitindo a experiência da liberdade, da autenticidade e do reconhecimento na vida de cada um. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Trata-se de trabalho teórico em sentido estrito. O material corresponde a toda a bibliografia que foi percorrida utilizando-se primordialmente o método hermenêutico. Não se pretendeu exaurir o exame da bibliografia de algum autor específico, mas sim se buscou realizar uma abordagem seletiva dos autores e obras, na medida de sua contribuição para o tema e visão propostos. O tema proposto suscita uma abordagem interdisciplinar que muitas vezes encontra-se no limite entre os direitos humanos, a filosofia e a literatura. Por esse motivo, foi necessário percorrer a bibliografia de forma a propiciar uma conexão harmoniosa das idéias trazidas pelos textos, conexão esta que só é possível a partir de uma abordagem dialógica e criativa. Por conta disso, textos teóricos e literários puderam dialogar e se validarem mutuamente. CONCLUSÕES: Conclui-se que a literatura atua por meio de seu modo de ser como um acontecimento e uma experiência que se incorpora na existência dos escritores e leitores como forma: (i) de entendimento do mundo e formação da personalidade autêntica, bem como da ética humana; (ii) de discurso e de diálogo com o outro e com a tradição, através da fusão de horizontes e do compartilhamento de visões de mundo. Deste modo, a literatura possui um papel formador da personalidade, da ética e do modo de ser dos indivíduos muito importantes para que estes sejam capazes de estar no mundo e compartilhá-lo de um modo autêntico, a partir de uma compreensão e apreensão dos direitos humanos que faça sentido em sua existência / GOAL: Firstly, this work intended to re-signify human rights, by interpreting freedom and equality from existentialism philosophy grounds, in a way that is sensitive to the existential essence of man; meaning that freedom and equality could be translated in authenticity and concern for others. Secondly, the present work intended to analyze the role of literature in promoting human rights, by its educational capacity, and of effecting these rights, by allowing the experience of freedom, authenticity and recognition into the life of those who come into contact with it. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The present work is strictly theoretical research. The material corresponds to the bibliography read principally under the hermeneutical method. We had no intention of going through the entire work of any specific author, but to accomplish a selective approach of the authors and their work, in terms of their contribution to the theme and perspective here adopted. The proposed theme raises an interdisciplinary approach which many times can find itself at the frontier between human rights, philosophy and literature. For this reason it has been necessary to examine the bibliography in a manner that allows a harmonious connection between the ideas brought by the texts, only possible by means of a creative and dialogical approach. Thus, theoretical and literary texts could dialogue and validate themselves mutually. CONCLUSIONS: We could conclude that literature acts by its way of being as an event and experience that is incorporated in the existence of writers and readers, as a way: (i) of understanding the world and building authentic personality and human ethics; (ii) of discourse and dialogue with another and with tradition, by the fusion of horizons and sharing of world views. Therefore, literature plays an important role in forming personality, ethics and the way of being of individuals, so that people are able to be-in- the-world and share it in an authentic manner, by allowing the comprehension and understanding of human rights in a familiar way, which makes sense in their existence.

Liberdade, autenticidade e engajamento: pressupostos de ontologia moral em Sartre / Freedom authenticity, engagement: presuppositions of moral ontology in Sartre

Hilgert, Luiza Helena 04 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:26:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiza Helena Hilgert.pdf: 1771003 bytes, checksum: d233af4b5522e8037e9714337eecb337 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-04 / Think ethics is not the same as conjecture rules, regulations, prescribed values, established standards and stereotyped behaviors. At least it's not that the description of the human condition conceived by the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, through his phenomenological ontology allows support. The ontological ethics is not limited to dogmatic and regulatory fields, Sartre operates a deconstruction of the metaphysical foundations: remove models, fixed behaviors, prototypes, archetypes, gods, concomitantly, transcends all attempts to assert the good and evil with based on an substrate absolute extreme, like the nature or essence. The moral ontology we describe here, using mainly the works of Sartre's period - so called metaphysical, has the freedom as its foundation and its greatest value, is therefore a theory of ambiguity, like the human condition. It must be understood freedom in this sense, not as a mere human attribute, but on the ontological way, as a fundamental structure of man. To found the values, actions and choices consistently with the human condition, the traditional moral laws based on rational or universal rules should be suspected. The ontological ethics that we want to bring up is like a large building whose foundation is the notion of freedom and built on it are the conceptions of man and world. The main work in which such building may be appreciated, and justify under which our research was published in 1943, entitled Being and Nothingness, it found a detailed and thorough analysis of the human condition, allowing a find out a kind of ethics consistent with the human reality in the situation. The notion of freedom in Sartre's phenomenological analysis, it is not, however, the only aspect of ethics, it comes with responsibility, authenticity, engagement and relationship with others. / Pensar a ética não é o mesmo que conjeturar normas, regras, valores prescritos, padrões estabelecidos e comportamentos estereotipados. Pelo menos não é assim que a descrição da condição humana elaborada pelo filósofo francês Jean-Paul Sartre, por meio da sua ontologia fenomenológica, permite sustentar. A ética de cunho existencialista não se limita aos âmbitos dogmático e regulador, ao contrário, Sartre opera uma desconstrução dos fundamentos metafísicos: remove modelos, comportamentos fixos, protótipos, arquétipos, deuses; concomitantemente, transcende todas as tentativas de asseverar o bem e o mal com base em um substrato absoluto, extremo, como a natureza ou a essência. A ontologia moral que descrevemos aqui, utilizando-nos principalmente das obras sartrianas do período assim chamado metafísico, tem a liberdade como seu fundamento e seu maior valor; é, pois, uma teoria da ambiguidade, tal qual a condição humana. Há que se entender a liberdade, nesse sentido, não como mero atributo humano, mas no âmbito ontológico, como estrutura fundamental do homem. Para fundamentar os valores, as ações e as escolhas de modo coerente com a condição humana, a moral tradicional baseada em leis racionais ou regras universais deve ser posta em xeque. A ética ontológica que pretendemos trazer à tona é como um grande edifício cujo alicerce é a noção de liberdade e sobre ela são construídas as concepções de homem e de mundo. A principal obra em que tal edificação pode ser apreciada e, sob a qual concentramos nossa pesquisa, foi publicada em 1943, intitula-se O ser e o nada, nela encontramos uma pormenorizada e aprofundada análise da condição humana, permitindo vislumbrar um tipo de ética condizente à realidade humana em situação. A noção de liberdade, na análise fenomenológica de Sartre, não é, contudo, o único aspecto da eticidade, acompanha-a a responsabilidade, a autenticidade, o engajamento e a relação com os outros.

A cidade de Goiás como patrimônio cultural mundial: descompassos entre teorias, discursos e práticas de preservação / The city of Goiás as a world cultural heritage: mismatches between theories, discourses and preservation practices

Carolina Fidalgo de Oliveira 19 May 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho procura olhar para algumas práticas de preservação na cidade de Goiás (GO), incluindo seu reconhecimento como patrimônio histórico e artístico nacional, pelo IPHAN, e como patrimônio mundial, pela UNESCO. Debate, principalmente, a autenticidade, por ser um valor e critério fundamental, adotado pela UNESCO, para que um bem possa ser declarado patrimônio cultural mundial. No decorrer do percurso investigativo, vai se evidenciando que a narrativa adotada para justificar o título de Patrimônio Cultural Mundial de Goiás, responde também ao processo de valorização dessa cidade como patrimônio nacional e vem sendo reiterada em ações recentes de preservação na cidade, enrijecendo a forma de intervir nos monumentos históricos. Partindo da hipótese de que as intervenções recentes nos bens patrimoniais no centro histórico de Goiás precisam responder a uma noção de autenticidade que foi cuidadosamente construída no Dossiê de Proposição desta cidade ao título de Patrimônio Mundial, sendo também fruto das narrativas e das práticas perpetradas pelo IPHAN ao longo de algumas décadas, a presente pesquisa procura analisar três importantes momentos da construção dessa cidade como patrimônio cultural. Primeiro, avalia os tombamentos iniciais na cidade e os valores que estavam sendo atribuídos a ela, depois trata da ampliação do tombamento, quando há o reconhecimento da centro histórico como patrimônio cultural e o terceiro momento é a investigação da construção da cidade como patrimônio mundial, afirmando as narrativas construídas a partir de uma memória colonial para a cidade. Por fim, esta pesquisa volta-­-se às propostas de intervenção na cidade, a fim de compreender como alguns valores são considerados nessas ações, principalmente após o reconhecimento da UNESCO, que se efetiva em 2001. Para as referidas análises, perscrutou-­-se pesquisas bibliográfica e documental e diversos registros e análises in loco foram organizados. Ao avaliarmos esse longo percurso, buscamos refletir como os valores, atribuídos ou reconhecidos nos bens culturais, principalmente a autenticidade, perpassam a construção dos discursos e como esses mesmos valores são enfrentados nas práticas de preservação. / This one job demand look for some Practices Of preservation at City Of Goiás (GO), including your recognition as patrimony historic And artistic national, fur IPHAN, And as patrimony World, By UNESCO. Debate, mainly, To authenticity, per to be A value And criterion Fundamental, adopted By UNESCO, for What A good be likely to to be declared patrimony cultural World. At the To run Hilarious route investigative, Go If Evidencing What To narrative Adopted for justify O title Of Patrimony Cultural World Of Goiás, responds also to process Of Appreciation of that City as patrimony national And comes Being Reiterated in Actions Recent Of preservation at City, Stiffening To form Of to intervene we Monuments Historic buildings. Leaving gives hypothesis Of What at Interventions Recent we assets Patrimonial at the center historic Of Goiás Need answer To One notion Of authenticity What was carefully Built at the Dossier Of Proposition Of this City to title Of Patrimony World, Being also fruit Of Narratives And Of Practices Perpetrated fur IPHAN to long Of some Decades, To gift search demand analyze three Important Moments gives construction of that City as patrimony cultural. First, Evaluate the Tipping Initials at City And the Values What They were Being Assigned To she, then Treats gives enlargement Hilarious Tipping, When There are O recognition gives center historic as patrimony cultural And O third time It is To investigation gives construction gives City as patrimony World, Affirming at Narratives Built To leave Of One memory colonial for To City. Per end, this search Come back at Proposals Of intervention at City, To end Of understand as some Values are Considered These Actions, mainly after O recognition gives UNESCO, What If Effective in 2001. For at Referred to Analysis, Peered researches Bibliographic And documentary And Various Records And Reviews In Crazy were Organized. To To evaluate that long route, We look for reflect as the Values, Assigned Or Recognized we assets Cultural, mainly To authenticity, Pass through To construction Two Speeches And as Those Same Values are Faced In the Practices Of preservation.

Entre o mim, o outro e o nós: a percepção da autenticidade nas marcas. Identificação,  compartilhamento e avaliação / Between me, the other and us: the perception of authenticity through brands, Identification, Sharing and Evaluation.

Marcia Maria Garçon 24 November 2015 (has links)
O panorama internacional das pesquisas em marketing e comunicação estratégica apresenta a autenticidade das organizações como um tema recente de estudo, com artigos publicados a partir dos anos 2000. A principal justificativa destes estudiosos para se voltarem a este tema é o comportamento cético que os consumidores e outros públicos apresentam frente às promessas e declarações organizacionais. Para eles, há saturação nas mensagens organizacionais, pois todas utilizam o mesmo conteúdo de narrativas, o qual produziu uma audiência descrente. Neste cenário de desconfiança e de vultosos esforços para a consolidação de relacionamentos duradouros, a autenticidade organizacional e a sua percepção apresentam-se como vantagem competitiva para as firmas. Com o objetivo de criar um instrumento de mensuração e avaliação da percepção da autenticidade, esta tese desenvolveu uma ampla revisão bibliográfica, que identificou a falta de um conceito que pudesse amparar os estudos da autenticidade organizacional. Assim, a partir da Filosofia, das Ciências Sociais e das Teorias da Comunicação, propôs-se um conceito de Autenticidade Organizacional solidamente definido e teoricamente construído, constituído de três dimensões: Propósito, Coerência e Tradição. De acordo com esta concepção, itens da escala foram criados e testados por meio da validação de conteúdo com especialistas (DeVELLIS, 2003) e utilização da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais com o uso do software SmartPLS (CHIN, 1998). O instrumento proposto foi medido junto a consumidores e validado com alto grau de confiabilidade. As contribuições deste trabalho para os estudos de Comunicação Organizacional apontam a sua relevância: este é o primeiro trabalho, nos cenários nacional e internacional, que, além de definir um conceito de autenticidade confiável e altamente gerenciável, constata a relação positiva entre a autenticidade, a atitude e a lealdade dos consumidores, indicando aos profissionais de comunicação organizacional, que a autenticidade se constitui um ativo importante e estratégico para a área. / The international research on marketing and strategic communication introduces the authenticity of organizations as a recent theme of study with scientific research papers published as of 2000. The main reason why these scholars draw their attention to such a theme is the skeptical behavior consumers and others stakeholders have towards organizational promises and statements. For them, there is a surfeit in organizational messages, all of them delivering the same narrative content, which has led to an incredulous audience. In this scenario of suspicion and of huge efforts to establish, long lasting relationships, organizational authenticity and its perception turn out as a competitive advantage for companies. Aiming at the creation of an instrument for measuring and assessing the perception of authenticity, the present thesis has developed a deep literature review that has identified the lack of a clear concept to support studies on authenticity in organizational contexts. Thus, from Philosophy, Social Sciences, and Communications Theory, a consistently defined and theoretically built concept of Authenticity set forth on three dimensions: Purpose, Coherence and Tradition is proposed. Accordingly, items of the scale have been created and assessed through validation of contents by specialists (DEVELLIS, 2003), as well as by the usage of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPIs software (CHIN, 1998). The proposed instrument was tested on consumers and validated with high level of reliability. Besides designing a reliable and highly managed concept of Authenticity, the contribution this work has brought to Organizational Communication studies field points out an outstanding finding: the present thesis is the first international and nationwide work that brings up the very positive bond between authenticity, attitude and loyalty of consumers, indicating to Organizational Communication professionals that such Authenticity has become an important and strategic asset for the area.

Food and Sustainable Tourism : A study of authenticity and organic food in a customer supply perspective

Fälton, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
The tourism industry has a large impact on the environment’s health and tourists’ behaviours as well as consumption attitudes have an important role. Tourists’ food decisions and engagements in sustainable food could encourage the tourism operators to improve their environmental burdens. This essay investigates the experience of organic food as a part of the sustainable development within the tourism industry. A dualistic authenticity framework has been applied and a method to measure and analyse perceived authenticity has been drawn from the literature. Questionnaires were handed out to the guests and the staff at two Swedish hotels. The results revealed that there are several dimensions in the meeting between the customers and the operators that arrange food experiences in touristic contexts. There is an interest for the question of organic food as a part of the environmental sustainable development, both relative to the contemporary tourism industry and for the future convention to a more sustainable development in the tourism industry. The results presented that organic food is experienced as a central concept that could be a part of and have an important role for the future sustainable development within the tourism industry. An important part of this is the importance to be aware of the meeting between the customers and the operators. Sweden has a potential to accomplish a more sustainable tourism industry in the future, but more research and educations with focus on the subject needs to be made.

Det sekulära folkhemmets liturgier? : Ritualer hos Förbundet för religionsfrihet år 1952–1972. / Liturgies of the SecularPeople's Home? : Rituals within The Associationfor Religious Freedom 1952-1972.

Dahlkvist, Rebecka January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

L’authenticité du mobilier français de l’époque classique : interpréter, évaluer et préserver / The Authenticity of French Furniture of the Classic Period : interpretation, Evaluation, Preservation

Auffret, Stéphanie 16 January 2010 (has links)
La présente thèse s’intéresse à l’authenticité du mobilier français de l’époque classique selon trois axes de réflexion : interprétation, évaluation et préservation. Dans un premier temps, le sens du mot « authenticité » est exploré ainsi que sa portée dans le domaine de la conservation du patrimoine culturel, et ce corrélativement à l’évolution de la pratique de la restauration. À partir des réflexions engagées lors de la Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, tenue au Japon en 1994 dans le cadre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial, des critères d’évaluation de l’authenticité spécifiques au mobilier sont proposés. Ensuite, les caractéristiques esthétiques du mobilier français de l’époque classique et les techniques qui lui sont associées sont traitées. Une « procédure d’authentification » est proposée pour évaluer et préserver son authenticité. Enfin, quatre études de cas illustrent les idées développées ; l’authenticité de chacun de ces meubles est appréciée à l’aide des « critères d’évaluation » établis. / This dissertation focuses on the authenticity of French furniture of the Classic period in regard to its interpretation, evaluation and preservation. The first part, theoretical, addresses the meaning of the word “authenticity” as well as its interpretation in the context of cultural heritage and looks into the history of conservation. Based on the exchanges carried out during the Nara Conference on Authenticity, held in Japan in 1994 in relation to the World Heritage Convention, specific evaluation criteria for furniture are suggested. The second part, technical, will review aesthetic features of French furniture of the Classic period as well as its associated techniques. An “authentication procedure” is proposed to evaluate and preserve authenticity. Four case studies allow, in the third part, to illustrate the ideas previously discussed; the authenticity of each of them is assessed from the “evaluation criteria” established.

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