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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Ofta blir Barnahus ett mellanstopp på väg till polisen" : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av stödet från Barnahus / "Barnahus often becomes a pit stop on the way to the police" – A qualitative study on social workers’ experiences of the support given by Barnahus

Perers, Linda, Sputnes Mossberg, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare, som arbetar med barn- och ungdomsärenden, upplevde stödet från Barnahus. Socialsekreterare verkar enligt forskning under pressade arbetsförhållanden, vilket kan bidra till sjukskrivningar samt svårigheter att rekrytera och bibehålla personal. Som stöd i den rättsliga hanteringen av arbetet finns bland annat Barnahus; en verksamhet där ett flertal myndigheter samverkar. Målet är att erbjuda ett bemötande anpassat efter behov till de barn som misstänks ha varit utsatta för våldsbrott eller sexuella övergrepp. Mot denna bakgrund, och med KASAM som den teoretiska utgångspunkten, genomfördes sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare från ett urval kommuner i Mellansverige. Resultatet påvisade att flertalet deltagare upplevde stödet från Barnahus som välfungerande. Dock framkom missnöje riktat mot andra samverkanspartners inom Barnahus, vilket enligt deltagarna behöver åtgärdas för att på ett adekvat sätt kunna möta behoven hos de barn som aktualiseras inom socialtjänsten. / The purpose of this study was to examine social worker’s experience of the staff support received from Barnahus. Recent research stated that social workers are suffering due to pressurised working environments, which can lead to difficulties with sick leave and a high staff turnover. Barnahus can be summarized as a place where concerned authorities are interoperating for the benefit of children who have been subject to violence or sexual abuse. They also offer support for social workers concerning the legal handling of said children. The study consists of semi-structured interviews with six social workers from different councils in mid Sweden. KASAM was used as the theoretical frame. Results showed that a majority of the participants were satisfied with the support. However, concerns about other authorities within Barnahus were raised. According to the participants these concerns need to be addressed in order to meet the needs of the children more effectively.

Företeelsen Barnahus : En intervjustudie om ett svenskt exempel på en organisation för barnets bästa

Jakobsson, Ida, Kortenius, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Studien syftar till att studera samverkan på Barnahus och om det någon gång kan krocka mellan de olika professionerna. Om så är fallet, vill vi författare se ifall det kan uppstå några konsekvenser för barnet. Empirin har samlats in genom fem kvalitativa intervjuer med professionella på det utvalda Barnahuset. Av informanterna var tre socialsekreterare, en polis och en åklagare. Materialet har transkriberats för att sedan analyseras utifrån en tematisk analys. Detta resulterade i fyra teman: Barnets bästa i fokus, Samverkan på Barnahus, Svårigheter på Barnahus och Påfrestningar för barnet. Resultatet har sedan tolkats, analyserats och diskuterats utifrån den valda teoretiska utgångspunkten nyinstitutionell teori. Studien visar att de professionella upplever samverkan som väl fungerande men att de ibland kan krocka i arbetet då de har olika arbetsuppgifter. Vissa av dessa krockar kan leda till påfrestningar för barnet, en av dessa påfrestningar är att barnet skuldbeläggs. / This bachelor thesis in social work aims to study the interaction between the different professionals and organisations in the swedish version of Childrens Advocacy Centers, Barnahus, and if it ever can clash between the different professions. If so, we authors would like to see if there could be any consequenses for the child. The empirical data were collected through five qualitative interviews with different professionals at the chosen Children Advocacy Center. Three of our informants were social workers, one worked as a police officer and the fifth informant worked as a prosecutor. We transcribed the material we recieved to analyze it based on a thematic analysis. We created four different themes based on the result we got: Focus on the childs best, interaction on Childrens Advocacy Center, Difficulties on Childrens Advocacy Center and Strain of the child. The result was later on interpreted and analyzed and discussed from a chosen theoretical point of view; institutional theory. This study shows that the professionals experience interaction as well functioning, but sometimes they collide at work when they have different tasks. Some of these crashes can cause problems for the child, one of these strains is that the child is blamed.

Att vara lugnet i stormen : Krisstödjares upplevelser av möten med barn efter barnförhör

Berg, Mia, Frånlund, Christin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet var att utforska vad som är viktigt i ett krisstöd till barn efter ett barnförhör. Metodensom användes var semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra krisstödjare ur kristeamet i en svenskkommun. Resultatet analyserades utifrån systemteori och salutogenes. Resultatet visade attden juridiska processen, som ska tillvarata barnens rättigheter, även bidrar till krisen, samt attdet är föräldrarna som behöver byggas upp för att kunna stötta sitt barn. Ett tredje resultat varatt krisstödjarna upplever att de gör stor nytta i den akuta krisen, men att den dörr som dåöppnas in till familjen ofta hinner stängas innan det sätts in fortsatta resurser som kan leda tillverklig förändring. Utifrån grundantagandet att barnen ska hamna i en bättre situation efteråtän de gjorde innan, diskuterades sedan om krisstödjarna kunde fullgöra denna uppgift medmetoden de använder. / The aim of this study was to explore what is considered important in a crisis supportintervention after child interrogation at a child advocacy center. The method used was semistructuredinterviews with four social workers in the crisis support team. The analysis wasbased on systems theory and salutogenesis. The result showed that the legal process,constructed to protect children’s rights, also contributes to the crisis. It showed that the parentsneed to be strengthened in order to support the child. The social workers feel that they help thefamilies in the first crisis, but a lack of resources prevent them from continuing the support,missing the chance to real change. We discusses how well the social workers could helpputting children in a better position than before, with the crisis support method.

Myndighetssamverkan i Barnahus : Blir det bättre för barnen?

Larsson, Lotta January 2008 (has links)
<p>Many children are being abused by daily basis. Mostely they are abused by a parent or another person that is close to the child. Mostely the child abuse never is reported to the social services or to the police, and even if the perpertrator is known, only a few cases are brought to prosecution. If a case allthough is drawn before the court of law, there are still too many of the perpetrators that are being acquitted. In other words, the legal security for the abused children is way too low.</p><p>When suspiscions arise that a child is exposed to child abuse there are several inquiries that starts at the same time. A social inquiry to see if the child needs protection, a legal inquiry to investigate if a crime is committed, a medical inquiry if the child is sexual or physical abused and a psychiatric inquiry if the child is traumatized. As we can see the child is exposed to many authorities and many different commissioners. To prevent this from happen and to make the already difficult situation for the child better, so called Childrens Advocacy Centers (CAC) have been raised all around Sweden. Between the years of 2006 and 2007 there has also been a national project commissioned by the swedish Government with CAC´s in six cities of Sweden.</p><p>With this paper I´ve been investigating if abused childrens rights are better taken care of in CAC´s. My conclusion is that the objective of the CAC´s probably will be reached in the future. Today CAC´s are mostely a guarantee for the child not to be forced to meet the different authoroties at different places, even though the best interest of the child and the legal security of the child come to be more focused on in CAC´s. I´m also discussing the possibility that maybe there is a need for a particular legislation for the children, a Barnbalk.</p>

Myndighetssamverkan i Barnahus : Blir det bättre för barnen?

Larsson, Lotta January 2008 (has links)
Many children are being abused by daily basis. Mostely they are abused by a parent or another person that is close to the child. Mostely the child abuse never is reported to the social services or to the police, and even if the perpertrator is known, only a few cases are brought to prosecution. If a case allthough is drawn before the court of law, there are still too many of the perpetrators that are being acquitted. In other words, the legal security for the abused children is way too low. When suspiscions arise that a child is exposed to child abuse there are several inquiries that starts at the same time. A social inquiry to see if the child needs protection, a legal inquiry to investigate if a crime is committed, a medical inquiry if the child is sexual or physical abused and a psychiatric inquiry if the child is traumatized. As we can see the child is exposed to many authorities and many different commissioners. To prevent this from happen and to make the already difficult situation for the child better, so called Childrens Advocacy Centers (CAC) have been raised all around Sweden. Between the years of 2006 and 2007 there has also been a national project commissioned by the swedish Government with CAC´s in six cities of Sweden. With this paper I´ve been investigating if abused childrens rights are better taken care of in CAC´s. My conclusion is that the objective of the CAC´s probably will be reached in the future. Today CAC´s are mostely a guarantee for the child not to be forced to meet the different authoroties at different places, even though the best interest of the child and the legal security of the child come to be more focused on in CAC´s. I´m also discussing the possibility that maybe there is a need for a particular legislation for the children, a Barnbalk.

Samverkan i skarpt läge : En studie om samverkan i ett Barnahus samrådsgrupp, där skyldigheter möter möjligheter / Collaboration in real life situations : A study of collaboration in a Barnahus, where obligations meet opportunities

Sjöberg Rosén, Madeleine January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Barnahus är en verksamhet där myndigheter samverkar runt barn/unga och familj, då barn har farit eller riskerar att fara illa. Medverkande myndigheter är i detta fall socialtjänst, polis, åklagare samt barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin. Denna studie undersöker hur samverkan mellan dessa myndigheter ser ut i de samrådsmöten de har varje vecka, där de lyfter svåra fall av barnmisshandel, övergrepp eller misstanke om detta, samt underlättar för barnet genom rättsprocessen och säkerställer barnperspektivet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en samrådsgrupp bestående av polis, åklagare, barn- och ungdomspsykiatri samt socialtjänst i ett Barnahus, ser på samverkan i samråd. Metod: Studiens empiri baseras på fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer samt två deltagande observationer. Den första av intervjuerna hölls som en pilotundersökning av vilka områden som skulle utforskas mer detaljerat, i de resterande intervjuerna. Informanterna har valts utifrån sin professionstillhörighet och deltagande i ett Barnahus samråd och analysen av intervjuerna har kodats och tematiserats utifrån vad informanterna framhöll som viktigt i samverkan. Resultat: Resultatet visar på faktorer i samverkan som förutom sina egenskaper som hindrande eller gynnande även visar på skapandet av handlingsutrymme och gemensam jurisdiktion. Även en skyddande funktion för socialsekreterare kunde identifieras och diskuteras i slutdiskussionen. Vidare forskning föreslås gällande socialsekreterares upplevelse av användning av Barnahus som skyddande och rådgivande funktion avseende trygghet och coping genom delat ansvar.

När barn berättar om våld i familjen : en kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens stöd till barn efter polisförhör

Isestad, Helene, Vestman, Monika January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studien har varit att undersöka hur socialtjänstens stöd till barn efter polisförhör ser ut när föräldrar misstänks för att ha utsatt barnen för våld. Vi har undersökt socialkontor i Norrbottens län som inte är anslutna till ett Barnahus eller erbjuder strukturerat stöd till målgruppen. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har vi genomfört en enkätstudie riktad till chefer inom samtliga socialtjänster inom Norrbottens län och hållit kvalitativa intervjuer med sju socialsekreterare som i sitt arbete kommer i kontakt med barn som kan bli föremål för polisförhör. Studien visade att avsaknad av en strukturerad metod ger socialsekreterarna handlingsutrymme att bevilja stöd och gör detta utifrån individuella bedömningar av barnets behov. Stödet till barn i Norrbottens län ser därför olika ut beroende på vilken socialsekreterare barnet möter. Det framkommer att organisationerna har brustit i att ta fram rutiner som är ändamålsenliga för klientgruppen då flera informanter beskriver att de saknar rutiner att luta sig mot när det kommer till vissa aspekter av arbetet med barn i samband med polisförhör. Detta blir särskilt viktigt för de med liten eller ingen praktisk erfarenhet men även för de med mer erfarenhet för att minska risken för godtyckliga bedömningar. Samverkan mellan socialtjänst och polis beskrivs fungera bra i vissa kommuner men inte alls i andra. Tidigare forskning visar att en faktor som spelar in för bra samverkan är samlokalisering vilket flera av kommunerna saknar då polis inte finns belägen i den egna kommunen. Norrbottens län är ett av få län i Sverige som saknar Barnahus och det finns ingen motsvarande funktion som på ett strukturellt plan arbetar mot att barn i Norrbottens län får en barnanpassad process och adekvat krisstöd efter att ha tagits till polisförhör. / The aim for this study was to explore the support offered by the social services to children after a police interview in cases where a parent is suspected of violence against the child. We have examined social services in the county of Norrbotten that don't cooperate with a Child Advocacy Centre (Barnahus) or use structured methods. To fulfil the aim, we sent out a questionnaire to social services managers in all local authorities, and carried out qualitative interviews with seven case workers within child welfare services. The study shows that in absence of a structured method leaves room for the case workers to grant support based on individual assessments of children's needs done in each individual case. Due to this the support to children in the county of  Norrbotten tends to differ depending on which case worker the child meets. The study shows that authorities have not implemented routines that address the specific nature of working with these clients as case workers describe a lack of routines to lean on when it comes to certain issues while working with children after a police interview. It becomes more important to those with little or no experience from these kinds of cases but routines would also contribute to lower the risk of arbitrary assessment amongst those with more experience. Cooperation between social service and police cooperates well in some municipalities while some does not. Science shows that one factor that has an impact on cooperation is co-location which is lacking in several municipalities since there is no police located in the area. The County of Norrbotten is one of few Swedish counties that lacks a Child Advocacy Centre and there is no similar function that on a structured level contributes to a child friendly interrogation process and adekvat support after experiencing a police interview in the County of Norrbotten.

Barnahus : Samverkansparternas upplevelse av samverkan

Törne, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med Barnahus är att barn som misstänkts blivit utsatt för våld eller övergrepp ska i en trygg och barnvänlig miljö förmedla sin upplevelse, samt hjälpa barnet genom stöd och insatser att bemästra utsattheten. Studien grundas på kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Respondenterna som ingår i studien representerar Socialtjänsten, Polismyndigheten, Åklagarmyndigheten, Barnkliniken och Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin. Resultatet presenterar samverkansparternas upplevelse av samverkans funktion, fördelar och brister, samt hur barnets rättigheter tillämpas i utredningsprocessen. Resultatet påvisar att respondenterna upplever samverkan i Barnahus som en möjlighet till personlig och yrkesmässig utveckling, och att samverkan över yrkesrollerna är en förutsättning för att tillgodose barnets behov av skydd och trygghet. Dock framkommer det av resultatet att parterna upplever brister i samverkan. / The purpose of Children´s Advocacy Center (Barnahus) is that the children who is suspected victim of violence or abuse, in a safe and child-friendly environment convey their experience, and help the child through support and effort to overcome the vulnerability. The study is based on qualitative interviews as a method. Respondents included in this study represent the Social Services, Police Authority, Prosecution Authority, Department of Pediatrics and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The result presents the collaboration partners experience of collaborative functionality, advantages and deficiency, and how the child´s rights are applied in the investigation process. The results establish that the respondents experience collaboration in Children´s Advocacy Center as an opportunity for personal and professional development and collaboration across professional roles are essential to meet the child´s need for protection and security. However, it comes clear to the outcome that the parties experience deficiencies in cooperation.

Ovärderligt men samtidigt svårt och komplext : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av samverkan med Barnahus i ärenden där det finns misstanke om sexuella övergrepp / Invaluable but at the same time difficult and complext : A qualitative study of social workers' experiences of collaboration with Barnahus in cases where there is suspicion of sexual abuse

Torbjörnsson, Maria, Smajlovic, Nermina January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to deepen the knowledge of investigative work with children exposed to sexual abuse through an examination of social workers experiences of interorganizational cooperation within Swedish Barnahus. The data in this study was obtained from seven interviews with people who works within Barnahus with cases where children has been exposed to sexual abuse. The findings of this study shows that professionals experiences of cooperating within Barnahus is positive and looked upon as helpful, but also that it needs improvements in various areas. Access to competent staff is invaluable, but the cooperating actors in Barnahus need to learn more about each other’s professions.

Från noll till att öppna Pandoras ask

Martinsen, Jessica, Vitestam, Hedda January 2019 (has links)
Barnahus (Children’s Advocacy Center) is a collaboration between authorities, created to increase the quality of crime investigations while promoting the child’s best interest and health. Due to the complexity of detecting domestic violence, it is difficult to investigate and conduct interrogations of children in a legally secure manner whilst avoiding secondary traumatization. This study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of this process by examining how social workers’ experience cases where there is suspicion of domestic violence at Barnahus in Skåne, Sweden.By utilizing a qualitative interview method, we interviewed seven social workers in Skåne about their experiences within Barnahus. The conducted interviews focused on four areas: (1) the social worker's experience of collaboration with the other authorities within Barnahus (2) the cooperation and building of an alliance with the family after a child’s hearing, (3) the child as a victim of crime from a legal point of view (4) the social workers’ liberty in taking actions in terms of interventions. The material gathered from the interviews was later sorted using an empirically-controlled qualitative thematic method and analyzed using theories of power, ethics and sociology of law.The study concludes that needs and available resources steers Barnahus operation despite national guidelines. Thus, there is a need to assess and create a flexibility regarding whether or not one should take in a child for interrogation. Further on, all social workers were unanimous in the experience that it is more difficult to approach the family, to provide interventions, when the case begins at Barnahus. The informants also confirmed the perception of the legal perspective as primary. Lastly, we found that there is a big gap between compulsive interventions and interventions with consent. We discovered that there is an ongoing discussion based on the social secretaries' desire for opportunities of middle-care and a resistance from those who believe that social services should be built on consent.

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