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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geschäftsimmanente Abstandnahme : das "ius poenitendi" des Europäischen Fernabsatzrechts in Gegenüberstellung zu artverwandten Instituten des allgemeinen Privatrechts /

Schurr, Francesco A. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Habil.-Schr.--Innsbruck, 2004. / Literaturverz. S. [261] - 275.

Interesse positivo e Interesse negativo: a reparação de danos no direito privado brasileiro / Expectation interest and reliance interest: damages compensation in the Brazilian Private Law

Renata Carlos Steiner 11 April 2016 (has links)
Ainda que inexistente um mandamento legal expresso no Direito brasileiro, é intuitivo pensar a responsabilidade civil a partir da recondução da parte levada a um estado hipotético na qual estaria não fosse o evento que obriga à reparação. Esse pensamento, reiterado na afirmação de que a indenização deve reconstituir (mesmo que de maneira aproximativa) o status quo ante, corresponde à função compensatória da responsabilidade civil. Ocorre, porém, que no que toca ao dano patrimonial ocorrido no iter negocial (ou seja, na responsabilidade pré-negocial ou na negocial) haveria de se anotar que a situação hipotética sem o dano nem sempre é anterior ao evento lesivo, podendo ser posterior a ele. É o que se passa, com evidência, na indenização pelo equivalente ao descumprimento contratual, em que se confere ao credor lesado algo que ele não possuía antes, em lugar do cumprimento da obrigação. É essa dualidade de direcionamentos, vinculada a uma fórmula comparativa de obtenção do dano indenizável, que compõe o significado das expressões interesse (contratual) positivo e interesse (contratual) negativo. No primeiro caso, reconduz-se o lesado a uma situação positiva em relação ao contrato, que se poderia chamar de ad quem. Ela corresponde à situação em que o lesado estaria se o contrato houvesse sido adequadamente cumprido. No segundo caso, reconduz-se a parte a uma situação negativa em relação ao contrato, que se poderia chamar de a quo. Corresponde, por sua vez, à situação em que estaria não houvesse iniciado as negociações voltadas ao contrato. A dualidade representada por esse par de conceitos, proposto originalmente por Rudolf von Jhering em meados do século XIX, é ainda pouco explorada no Direito brasileiro, embora não se possa qualificá-la como desconhecida. Os conceitos mostram-se não apenas plenamente compatíveis com a regras de responsabilidade civil nacionais, como extremamente úteis à solução de problemas centrais localizados no diálogo entre esse ramo do Direito Civil e o Direito dos Contratos. É nesse locus que a tese se desenvolve, para sustentar a aplicabilidade dessa distinção ao Direito Privado brasileiro como, essencialmente, uma nova forma de pensar o dano in contrahendo e o dano contratual. A lógica da aplicação dos conceitos permite revisitar a forma pela qual usualmente se enxerga a relação jurídica de reparação e, não apenas, também reaviva a compreensão de aspectos essenciais da transformação do Direito das Obrigações, os quais compõem, em grande medida, o substrato da aplicação da distinção. Para tanto, buscou-se inicialmente fomentar a apresentação teórica do interesse positivo e do interesse negativo estudando seu significado, seus desenvolvimentos teóricos e sua adequação ao Direito brasileiro ao que se segue a proposição de sua aplicação. Dada as limitações do texto, essa depuração é realizada estritamente no âmbito da responsabilidade pela não formação do contrato (responsabilidade pré-negocial) e da responsabilidade negocial propriamente dita, compondo a segunda parte do trabalho. / Despite the absence of any express rule to this effect in Brazilian Law, it is nevertheless intuitive to think of civil liability as a commandment to restore the parties to the position each would have enjoyed if the event giving rise to liability had never occurred. This understanding of civil liability is frequently expressed as the idea that damages should bring the aggrieved party to the status quo ante, by way of compensating him for the damages suffered. In regards to material damages suffered during the contractual iter (i.e. in precontractual liability or in liability for breach of contract), one should notice that the hypothetical situation on which the party would be without the occurrence of damages is not always a situation that existed previous to its occurrence. That is exactly what occurs in damages in lieu of performance, by which the aggrieved party receives compensation for something he in fact never had before. This duality of directions can be understood by the expressions expectation interest and reliance interest. According to the former, the plaintiff must be placed in a positive situation vis-à-vis the contract, a status that can be called ad quem. In other words, the plaintiff will get his benefit of the bargain, and will obtain what he would have received if the contract had been correctly performed. According to the latter, the aggrieved party must be placed in a negative situation vis-à-vis the contract, which can be called an status a quo. This seeks to recreate the situation in which the plaintiff would have been if the contract had never even been formed or its negotiations had never been initiated. This way of thinking about damages or this pair of concepts was originally proposed by Rudolf von Jhering in the mid-nineteenth century. While its application is still little explored in Brazilian Law, it is not completely unknown to the Brazilian jurisprudence. Both of these theories as to the proper function of civil liability are compatible with Brazilian liability rules, and may indeed represent extremely useful solutions to some fundamental problems in modern discourse on civil liability rules and the law of contracts. It is precisely at here that this thesis is developed, advocating for the full applicability of the foregoing concepts in the Brazilian Private Law, thereby leading to a new way of thinking about damages, both in contrahendo and in contractu. The inherent logic of both concepts allows not only to revisit the usual framework by which the law of damages is considered and applied, but also underlines some major transformations in the Law of Obligations. In order to prove its suitability, this thesis initially presents the theoretical foundations of expectation interest and reliance interest, and reviews the meaning and development of these concepts in the context of examining their compatibility with Brazilian law. This is followed by an argument proposing the application of these theories in situations involving both precontractual liability and breach of contract.

O \"dever de mitigar danos\" na responsabilidade contratual: a perspectiva do direito brasileiro / The duty to mitigate the loss in contract damages: the perspective of the Brazilian law

Beatriz Veiga Carvalho 09 April 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estudo da teoria da avoidability ou duty to mitigate the loss à luz do Direito Brasileiro. Sua escolha decorreu do fato de o ordenamento pátrio, diferente de outros tantos, não prever a existência expressa de um dever ou mais propriamente de um ônus de o contratante inadimplido adotar as medidas razoáveis ao seu alcance para reduzir as perdas e danos causados pelo inadimplemento do outro contratante. Do estudo do direito estrangeiro, procurou-se compreender as principais características do instituto, bem como as críticas feitas a ele, para que sua estrutura e suas possíveis objeções pudessem também ser examinadas sob a perspectiva do direito nacional. Demonstrado que o problema da redução dos prejuízos pelo próprio credor da indenização não poderia ser satisfatoriamente resolvido ao menos não integralmente sob a perspectiva da causalidade concorrente, e que não haveria nenhum óbice intransponível à adoção da regra, passou-se a avaliar se ela já seria uma leitura possível do princípio da boa-fé objetiva. A conclusão alcançada com base na doutrina, e posteriormente confirmada com o posicionamento jurisprudencial, mostrou-se positiva. Demonstrou-se, portanto, que a mitigação de danos pelo credor é um ônus decorrente da cláusula geral que impõe aos contratantes o dever de agir com probidade e boa-fé, dever esse que não é afetado sequer pelo inadimplemento da prestação principal pela contraparte, sob pena de o exercício do direito de indenização tornar-se abusivo. A ausência de uma regra expressa que imponha ao contratante inadimplido o ônus de mitigar seu próprio prejuízo não impede, pois, o reconhecimento da regra no Direito Brasileiro, de modo que sua positivação expressa, embora disponível, traria como única vantagem a maior clareza sobre as regras de responsabilidade contratual, com a facilitação apenas relativa do processo decisório nesses casos. / The purpose of this work was to study the theory of avoidability or the duty to mitigate the loss in light of the Brazilian law. Its choice arose from the fact that the domestic legal system, different from many others, does not set forth the express existence of a duty or more properly of a burden of the breached against party to adopt the reasonable measures available to him/her in order to reduce the losses and damages caused by the breach by the other contracting party. The study of the foreign law was sought to allow the understanding of the main characteristics of the rule, as well as the criticisms raised against it, so that its structure and its main objections could similarly be assessed under the perspective of the national law. Once demonstrated that the problem of the reduction of losses by the creditor himself/herself could not be satisfactorily resolved at least not totally based on the joint causation and that there was no unbridgeable obstacle to the adoption of the rule, it was then evaluated whether it was already a possible construction of the principle of good faith. The conclusion reached based on the literature and afterwards confirmed by the case law was positive. It was evidenced, therefore, that the mitigation of damages by the creditor is a burden arising from the general clause that poses on the contracting parties the duty to act with correctness and good faith, duty which not affected even by the breach of the main obligation by the counterpart, under the consequence of the right to damages being exercised abusively. The lack of a express rule that poses a burden on the breached against party to mitigate his/her own losses does not prevent, thus, the recognition of such a rule in the Brazilian legal system, meaning that its formal adoption, although unessential, would only bring the advantage of more clarity on the rules of damages arising from the breach of contract, with a mere relative facilitation of the decision process on these cases.

Contrato de aliança: inadimplemento / Project alliancing: breach of contract

Ana Paula Savoia Bergamasco Diniz 18 May 2015 (has links)
A terminologia contrato aliança encerra os contratos que, por meio de um detalhado esquema de alianças estratégicas, realizam um complexo de atividades econômicas, com regramentos próprios de gestão e divisão de lucros. Por sua singularidade, especialidade ou mesmo complexidade, não é regulado completamente pelas normas vigentes. As atividades empresariais de grande porte, numa sociedade plúrima como o século XXI, tendem a se regular cada vez mais por esta forma contratual, formando alianças estratégicas para desenvolver suas atividades em que os parâmetros pré-definidos pelo legislador não são suficientes para abarcar toda a evolução negocial e a estrutura jurídica é informada pelas demais áreas do conhecimento, como engenharia, economia e administração. Por estes motivos, o inadimplemento do contrato de aliança deve ser analisado com cuidado, uma vez que o resultado final de sua base negocial não pode ser entendido como a unidade de cumprimento de apenas algumas das obrigações envolvidas, mas como um todo sistematizado. / The terminology Project Alliancing comprehends the agreements that, through a detailed scheme of strategic alliances, carry out several economic activities, with regulations of management and profit sharing. Due to its uniqueness, expertise or even complexity, it is not entirely regulated by the current regulations. The major business activities, in a versatile society as the XXI century, tend to be increasingly regulated by this contractual form, creating strategical alliances to develop its activities in which the parameters previously defined by the legislator are not sufficient to cover the whole negotiation progress, and the legal structure is informed by the other knowledge areas, such as engineering, economics and administration. On these grounds, the default of the alliance contract must be carefully analyzed, since the final result of its negotiating basis cannot be understood as the compliance unit for just a few obligations, but as a systematized whole.


ESTELA BIAS MONTEIRO LEAO DE AQUINO 28 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar os critérios e parâmetros utilizados para a aferição do adimplemento substancial no caso concreto e as dificuldades daí decorrentes, evidenciadas pela aplicação assistemática do instituto pelos tribunais brasileiros. Além disso, também se propõe a analisar as repercussões na esfera do credor na hipótese de configuração do adimplemento substancial. / [en] The main propose of this work is to analyze the criteria and parameters used to fulfill and verify the so-called substantial performance institute as evidenced by the unsystematic application of the legal practice by Brazilian courts. In addition, it also assesses the repercussions on the creditor s rights in the event of configuration of substantial performance.

Enkele aspekte van die reg aangaande stakings in Suid-Afrika

Odendaal, De Villiers 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is gepoog om die sogenaamde "reg om te staak" aan die hand van nasionale en internasionale invloede te ontleed. Dit is veral die International labour Organisation se voorstelle wat 'n invloed gehad het om die Suid-Afrikaanse reg in lyn met die internasionale posisie te bring. Daar word egter gewys op die beperkinge van die reg om te staak, byvoorbeeld in die geval van noodsaaklike dienste en staatsdiensamptenare. Vervolgens is die Suid-Afrikaanse stakingsreg onder die loep geneem en is daar gekyk na die gemene reg, statutere reg en die gevolge van 'n staking. Die Suid-Afrikaanse reg is toe vergelyk met 'n aantal ILO-beginsels. Die moontlike invloed van die Grondwet, 200 van 1993 op die arbeidsreg is bespreek. Die ·studie konkludeer dat, alhoewel daar nie 'n absolute reg om te staak is nie, sodanige reg onder sekere omstandighede erken moet word. / The aim of the study was to analyse the so-called "right to strike" by looking at national as well as international influences on the subject. The suggestions by the International labour Organisation in particular had an influence on changing the South African position. The limitations on the right to strike were also scrutinized. The South African strike law was discussed. The common law position, statutory law as well as the consequences of a strike were analysed. The South African position was also compared with a few llO principles. The possible influence of the Constitution, Act 200 of 1993 on labour law was discussed. The study concluded that, althot:.Jgh there is not an absolute right to strike, such a right must be recognized in certain circumstances. / Mercentile Law / LL. M.

Enkele aspekte van die reg aangaande stakings in Suid-Afrika

Odendaal, De Villiers 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is gepoog om die sogenaamde "reg om te staak" aan die hand van nasionale en internasionale invloede te ontleed. Dit is veral die International labour Organisation se voorstelle wat 'n invloed gehad het om die Suid-Afrikaanse reg in lyn met die internasionale posisie te bring. Daar word egter gewys op die beperkinge van die reg om te staak, byvoorbeeld in die geval van noodsaaklike dienste en staatsdiensamptenare. Vervolgens is die Suid-Afrikaanse stakingsreg onder die loep geneem en is daar gekyk na die gemene reg, statutere reg en die gevolge van 'n staking. Die Suid-Afrikaanse reg is toe vergelyk met 'n aantal ILO-beginsels. Die moontlike invloed van die Grondwet, 200 van 1993 op die arbeidsreg is bespreek. Die ·studie konkludeer dat, alhoewel daar nie 'n absolute reg om te staak is nie, sodanige reg onder sekere omstandighede erken moet word. / The aim of the study was to analyse the so-called "right to strike" by looking at national as well as international influences on the subject. The suggestions by the International labour Organisation in particular had an influence on changing the South African position. The limitations on the right to strike were also scrutinized. The South African strike law was discussed. The common law position, statutory law as well as the consequences of a strike were analysed. The South African position was also compared with a few llO principles. The possible influence of the Constitution, Act 200 of 1993 on labour law was discussed. The study concluded that, althot:.Jgh there is not an absolute right to strike, such a right must be recognized in certain circumstances. / Mercentile Law / LL. M.

A critical appraisal of the decision in Sonap v Pappadogianis 1992 (3) SA 234 (A), with reference to the basis of contractual liability in South African law and various other legal systems

Steyn, Lienne 11 1900 (has links)
In Sonap Petroleum (formerly known as Sonarep) (SA) (Pty) Ltd v Pappadog1an1s 1992 (3) SA 234 (A) the Appellate Division apparently approved the direct application of the reliance theory, without reference to prejudice or fault, to determine contractual liability in the absence of consensus. The various approaches to contractual liability in South African law are examined, and a comparative study of English law and the law of the Netherlands is conducted. It is submitted that the element of fault is not crucial to the enquiry, but rather, the elements of conduct , inducement and a reasonable reliance upon consensus. It is concluded that the test for contractual liability in the absence of actual consensus, as formula ted by the court in Sonap's case, without reference to prejudice or fault, has established sound precedent in South African law. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL.M.

A exceção do contrato não cumprido fundada na violação de dever lateral

Pereira, Paulo Sérgio Velten 06 November 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:28:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paulo Sergio Velten Pereira.pdf: 1462939 bytes, checksum: 530435c0be253f37979a287c199079b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-11-06 / This research aims the investigation of the possibility of arguing the exception of the breach of contract (exceptio non adimpleti contractus) due to the violation of the lateral duty of conduct. The choice for preparing this study has been motivated by the verification that the open system of the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002 has given the interpreter the possibility of filling the legislation s general clauses with the fundamental values of the Constitution and the civil Law, in a way that those values become applied in interprivate relations. Among the general clauses, one of great importance is the objective good-faith clause, which constitutes a mandatory clause for the contracting parties. By researching the national and foreign literature concerning the changes in the field of the Law of Obligations, it has been concluded that from the general clause of objective good-faith derives the lateral duties, which grants complexity to the obligational relations, widens the base of default and generates effects that move beyond the mere duty to compensate damages and the possibility of termination of contract. The study s main hypothesis is that the reactive function the general clause of objective good-faith constitutes enough grounds to restrict the subjective right and control the abuse of a contract party who demands the other party s fulfilment of the contract without even respecting the lateral duties in the first place. This hypothesis gives a new approach to the exceptio non adimpleti contractus, highlighting the institute as an instrument for preserving the contractual balance and justice / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar a possibilidade de argüição da exceção do contrato não cumprido diante da violação de dever lateral de conduta. A escolha do problema se deu a partir da constatação de que o sistema aberto do Código Civil brasileiro de 2002 conferiu ao intérprete a possibilidade de colmatar cláusulas gerais do ordenamento com valores fundamentais da Constituição e da própria Lei civil, concretizando-os nas relações interprivadas. Entre essas cláusulas gerais desponta a da boa-fé objetiva, de observação obrigatória pelos contratantes. Através da pesquisa da doutrina nacional e estrangeira sobre as transformações operadas no direito das obrigações, chegou-se à conclusão que da cláusula geral da boa-fé objetiva decorrem deveres laterais que conferem complexidade à relação obrigacional, alargando a base do inadimplemento e gerando efeitos que vão além do simples dever de indenizar e da possibilidade de resolução do contrato. A principal hipótese de trabalho é que a função reativa da cláusula geral da boa-fé objetiva constitui fundamento para restringir direito subjetivo e controlar o abuso do contratante que, na relação bilateral, exige dever de prestação sem antes cumprir dever lateral, com o que se dá nova abordagem ao instituto da exceptio non adimpleti contractus, inclusive, como instrumento de preservação do equilíbrio e da justiça contratuais

Avbrott i elöverföringen : en analys av rättsförhållandet mellan elhandelsbolaget och konsumenten mot bakgrund av bestämmelserna avseende konsumentens avtalsbrott

Blomqvist Zampi, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning Elförsörjning är en av samhällets mest vitala funktioner och el förbrukas daligen av konsumenter. För att konsumentens ska kunna elförsörjas krävs det bland annat att denne ingår avtal om köp av el med elhandelsbolaget. Avtalet ålägger konsumenten en betalningsskyldighet för den förbrukade elen. Försummar konsumenten sin betalningsskyldighet kan elhandelsbolaget, i enlighet med 11 kapitlet ellagen och avtalet, vara berättigat att vidta avbrott i elöverföringen. För att rätten till avbrott i elöverföringen ska få vidtas krävs att vissa förutsättningar är uppfyllda. Dessa förutsättningar utgör en del av konsumentskyddet på elmarkanaden och elhandelsbolaget hindras därmed från att hur som helst vidta avbrott i elöverföringen. Detta konsumentskydd består av ett antal förutsättningar och är alla förutsättningar inte uppfyllda får avbrott i elöverföringen inte vidtas. Exempel på när avbrott i elöveföringen inte får vidtas är när socialnämnden åtar sig betalningsansvaret för elskulden. I realiten torde enbart vissa ekonomiskt utsatta konsumenter beröras av bestämmelserna om avbrott i elöverföringen. Därmed torde socialnämndens betalningsåtagande vara avgörande för dennes fortsatta rätt till el. Socialnämnden beviljar enbart ekonomiskt bistånd som sista möjliga utväg. Därmed kommer enbart vissa av de ekonomiskt utsatta konsumenterna att behålla rätten till el medan övriga berövas denna rätt. Elhandelsbolagets rätt till avbrott i elöverföringen tillförsäkras redan genom lag vilket innebär att standardavtalet är överflödigt. Avtalets grundläggande funktion är att kunna garantera att konsumenten betalar. Därmed bör konsumentens betalningsskyldighet lagstadgas. / Abstract Electricity supply is one of society's most vital functions and electricity is daily consumed by consumers. To be supplied with electricity the consumer must enter into a contract agreement with the electricity trading company. The contract imposes the consumer to pay for the consumed electricity. If the consumer neglects to pay the electricity trading compa-ny may be, in accordance with chapter 11 The Electricy Act and the contract, entitled to discontinue the electricity transmission. Before the company terminates the electricity transmission certain conditions must be met. These conditions are part of the consumer protection on the electricity market and consequently the electricity trading company is hindered from taking unfound disconnection. This protection consists of a set of condi-tions and for the disconnection to be justified all of those conditions must be met. An ex-ample of a condition that hinders the electricity company from pursuing disconnection is if the Social Welfare Board agrees to take on the liability for the electricity debt. In reality on-ly some economically vulnerable consumers are going to be affected by the provisions re-garding disconnection of transmission of electricity. In such cases the Social Welfare Boards’ commitment to pay is crucial for the consumers’ right to continuing consuming electricity. The Social Welfare Board grants the financial assistance as a last possible resort. Therefore only some of the most financially vulnerable consumers will be able to retain electricity, while others are deprived of this right. The Electricity Trading Company’s right to disconnect the transmission of electricity is en-sured already by law which means that the contract is superfluous. The Contracts’ basic function is to ensure that the consumer pays. Therefore the consumers’ obligation to pay should in an explicit manner be legislated.

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