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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Historical Values to Enhance Public Places : A case study of Artilleristallet in Gothenburg / Användning av adaptive reuse på kulturhistoriska värden för att främja allmänna platser : En fallstudie av Artilleristallet i Göteborg

Häger, Maria, Pehrson, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
The construction business has a negative impact on the environment, where the biggest impact comes from construction of buildings, material production and transportation. It is inevitable for a city not to construct new buildings as it expands and develops new needs. However, it is not always necessary to demolish buildings with an outdated function, to build new ones. To maintain the identity of a city, it is important to preserve its historical character. This can be done by revitalising cultural historical valuable buildings and environments through adaptive reuse. The concept of adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing a building for a new purpose rather than demolishing it. It gives new life to old buildings, offers them a chance to survive by changing their function and gives a greater understanding for future generations to relate with their history. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate how adaptive reuse of cultural historical values in the built environment can contribute to revitalisation of underutilised areas and create social and thriving places. To gain background knowledge to the subject, a literature review and document analysis was made. To investigate what factors contributes to success of a cultural historical project, a case study was done of the quarter of Artilleristallet in Gothenburg. Further, it is difficult to measure success through people’s perceptions and experiences of a place. Therefore, to help analyse and understand the case, a theoretical framework based on place theory was established. The framework was complemented by interviews and observations which helped lead to the results of the study. Two of the qualities that were found to contribute to the successfulness of Artilleristallet were preservation of its historical traits of character and its sense of place. Additionally, the businesses in the quarter complement and reinforce each other making it attractive and inviting for a wide range of people. Further, the preconditions found to be of importance for the successfulness of Artilleristallet were its cultural value and location. It was shown that having an extensive detailed development plan and good communication with and from the municipality was significant. Also, the close collaboration and communication between all actors involved in the project was shown to be important for the success. The qualities and preconditions found are all valuable but need the reinforcement of each other to create a social and thriving place. / Byggbranschen har en negativ påverkan på miljön, där den största påverkan kommer från uppförandet av byggnader, materialproduktionen och transporten. Det är oundvikligt för en stad att inte bygga nytt när den expanderar och utvecklar nya behov. Dock är det inte nödvändigt att riva byggnader med en utdaterad funktion för att bygga nya. För att bibehålla stadens identitet är det viktigt att bevara dess historiska karaktär. Detta kan göras genom vitalisering av kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader och miljöer med hjälp av adaptive reuse. Begreppet adaptive reuse syftar till processen att återanvända en byggnad för en ny funktion istället för att riva den. Det ger nytt liv till gamla byggnader, erbjuder dem en chans att överleva genom att ändra deras funktion och ger en större förståelse för framtida generationer att relatera till deras historia. Därför är syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur adaptive reuse av kulturhistoriska värden i den byggda miljön kan bidra till vitalisering av outnyttjade områden och skapa sociala och blomstrande platser. För att erhålla bakgrundsinformation om ämnet, utförs en litteraturstudie och en dokumentanalys. För att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till framgång i ett kulturhistoriskt projekt, utfördes en fallstudie i kvarteret Artilleristallet i Göteborg. Då det är svårt att mäta framgång genom människors upplevelser och erfarenheter, har ett ramverk tagits fram baserat på platsteori för att analysera och förstå fallet. Ramverket kompletterades med intervjuer och observationer vilket bidrog till studiens resultat. Två av kvaliteterna som bidrog till framgången av Artilleristallet var bevarandet av dess historiska karaktärsdrag och bevarandet av platskänslan. Dessutom kompletterar och förstärker kvarterets verksamheter varandra, vilket bidrar till att skapa en attraktiv och inbjudande miljö för olika typer av människor. Utöver dessa, identifierades även viktiga förutsättningar som bidrog till Artilleristallets framgång. Dessa var bland annat dess kulturella värde och placering. Att ha en utförlig detaljplan och god kommunikation med kommunen visade sig vara viktigt, samt ett nära samarbete mellan alla involverade aktörer i projektet. De identifierade kvaliteterna och förutsättningarna är alla viktiga men behöver samverka för att skapa en social och blomstrande plats.

Welcome home, please leave soon : Exploring temporary housing in the city of Stockholm.

Langefors, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Temporary building permits for housing purposes has recently received attention thanks to an addition to the Planning and Building Act (9 chap. 33a§). This addition should make it easier to receive temporary building permits for housing, even if the need is not deemed to be temporary. This is done with the hope that temporary housing can help reducing the housing shortage in Sweden. However, there are a number of challenges to be aware of when developing temporary housing, as housing should be adequate, affordable, and socially sustainable.  This study explores the usage of temporary building permits for housing in Stockholm. The situation was explored through archive search that resulted in descriptive statistics, and an exploration of five cases. These cases were evaluated based on social sustainability factors that could be related to the built environment and the development process. The time frames of the cases were put in relation to how the notion of temporary is used within the post-disaster context and in temporary urbanism. That resulted in a framework for categorizing interventions in the built environment based on their time frames, which can be useful for exploring the temporal aspects of the built environment and how the notion of temporary can be understood.  This study shows that temporary housing in Stockholm is mostly targeted at specific groups in society, and that it is developed with an adequate standard, but the possible effect that the temporary aspect could have on the residents is not problematized and the small number of projects means that it will not contribute to reducing the housing shortage in Stockholm. The conclusion of this study is that temporary housing can be socially sustainable (when only considering physical factors), but it does not contribute to an increase in social sustainability on a larger societal scale. / Tidsbegränsade bygglov för bostäder har fått uppmärksamhet de senaste åren på grund av ett tillägg till Plan- och bygglagen (9 kap. 33a§). Målet med detta tillägg är att det ska bli enklare att få tidsbegränsat bygglov för bostäder, även om behovet av bostäderna bedöms vara längre än tiden för bygglovet. Förhoppningen är att dessa temporära bostäder ska bidra till att minska bostadsbristen i Sverige. Det är dock viktigt att vara uppmärksam på att det finns utmaningar som behöver beaktas i projekt för temporära bostäder, då de bör vara lämpliga bostäder, tillgängliga till ett överkomligt pris, och socialt hållbara. I denna studie utforskas användningen av tidsbegränsade bygglov för bostäder i Stockholm. Situationen undersöktes med hjälp av arkivsökningar som resulterade i beskrivande statistik, samt en studie av fem fall där tidsbegränsade bygglov använts för bostäder. Dessa utvärderades utifrån ett antal faktorer för social hållbarhet som kan relateras till den byggda miljön och processer som rör denna. Tidsramarna för fallen sattes i relation till hur begreppet temporärt används inom postdisaster forskning och temporär urbanism för att undersöka temporala aspekter av den byggda miljön, samt hur begreppet temporär kan förstås och definieras. Detta resulterade i ett ramverk för att kategorisera händelser i den byggda miljön baserat på dess tidsramar.  Resultatet av studien visar att temporära bostäder i Stockholm utvecklas med en adekvat standard, men de effekter som den temporära aspekten skulle kunna ha på de boende problematiseras inte i debatten.  Temporära bostäder riktas oftast till specifika grupper i samhället och det utvecklas såpass få temporära bostäder att de inte kan sägas bidra till att minska bostadsbristen i Stockholm. Sammanfattningsvis så kan temporära bostäder vara socialt hållbara (om hänsyn bara tas till fysiska faktorer), men det bidrar inte till en socialt hållbar utveckling.

Community Participation And Travel Choice: An Analysis Of Central Florida New Urban And Conventional Suburban Residents

Mikovsky, Laura P 01 January 2012 (has links)
Previous research has demonstrated a relationship between the built environment and social and transportation outcomes when comparing traditional and conventional suburban neighborhoods, but much remains to be learned about whether New Urbanism can produce similar results. Among studies where new urban neighborhoods have been assessed, most have centered on regions with highly-utilized public transit systems and with climates that are amenable to utilitarian physical activity. This research sought to build on the existing research base through direct comparison of new urban and conventional suburban neighborhoods in central Florida, a region with an under-developed transit system and a climate that renders utilitarian physical activity impractical. Further, this research sought to lend greater insights into neighborhood selection factors across neighborhood types. A mixed-methods, single-case design was utilized to evaluate one new urban and one conventional suburban neighborhood in the central Florida region. Regional new urban neighborhoods were subjectively rated for adherence to tenets of the Charter of the New Urbanism, with the neighborhood (Celebration, in Osceola County, FL) found to most closely adhere to these tenets selected as the experimental group for the study. A socio-demographically comparable conventional suburban neighborhood (Sweetwater, in Seminole County, FL) was selected as the control group. Quantitative methods consisted of a household survey issued to 250 randomly- and convenience-sampled addresses in each neighborhood, followed by regression analysis to evaluate study hypotheses. Qualitative methods employed analysis of open-ended survey responses, detailed case studies of selected neighborhoods, and resident interviews. The household survey yielded net response rates of 15.79 percent and 25.50 percent iv for experimental and control neighborhoods, respectively, and a mean cross-neighborhood response rate of 20.64 percent. Twenty resident interviews (10 per neighborhood) were conducted. Quantitative and qualitative findings were compared to collectively address research questions. Regression results indicated no statistically significant difference between neighborhoods in attitudinal and behavioral components of community participation, in vehicle miles driven per week, or utilitarian physical activity frequency. However, results indicated that new urban residents had more positive attitudes toward utilitarian physical activity than conventional suburban residents and that attitudes toward community participation and utilitarian physical activity were positively correlated with associated behaviors. Qualitative findings provided substantial individual- and environmental-level insights to factors impacting evaluated attitudes and behaviors, and supported some quantitative findings while not aligning with others. Neighborhood selection factors were found to be quite different across neighborhoods: Celebration residents identified neighborhood social atmosphere and connection to the Walt Disney Company brand as top contributors to their selection decision, while Sweetwater residents expressed that access to quality schools was the most important factor in their selection decision. Qualitative findings indicated that car culture and climate within the central Florida region diminished both attitudinal and behavioral components of utilitarian physical activity across neighborhood types. This research expanded the understanding of the social and transportation outcomes of New Urbanism, particularly with respect to the central Florida region. While case and quantitative limitations may have impeded the ability of this study to draw decisive conclusions v about research questions, distinctive themes regarding social and transportation outcomes were identified. Findings of this research supported those of some prior studies while contradicting others, indicating that further exploration is needed to establish a firm understanding of the capabilities of new urban development to achieve desired outcomes, and of regional characteristics that may influence these outcomes.

Activité physique et exposition à l’environnement bâti : analyses d’équité par accélérométrie et GPS

Paquette, Simon 08 1900 (has links)
Objectifs. Pour augmenter l’activité physique populationnelle et réduire les inégalités relatives à l’environnement bâti, on doit identifier le rôle des profils sociodémographiques individuels dans les niveaux d’activité physique et d’exposition aux environnements bâtis favorables au mode de vie actif. Méthodes. Cette étude combine des données d’accélérométrie et de GPS collectées auprès de 820 participants durant 10 à 30 jours entre 2018 et 2020 dans les études INTErventions urbaines, Recherche-Action, Communautés et sanTé (INTERACT) et Réseau Express Métropolitain (REM). Différents modèles de régressions multiniveaux ‒journées nichées dans des individus‒ testent les associations et les interactions entre les profils sociodémographiques, les niveaux d’exposition à des facteurs environnementaux susceptibles de favoriser le mode de vie actif (infrastructures de transports, commerces, densité bâtie et espaces verts) et la proportion journalière de minutes actives. Les résultats sur l’échantillon de l’application EthicaData sont comparés à ceux sur l’appareil SenseDoc. Résultats. Les participants plus âgés, universitaires ou sans emploi ainsi que les femmes sont moins actifs. Les participants plus âgés, non-universitaires, sans emploi ou à haut revenu ainsi que les hommes sont moins exposés à l’environnement bâti favorable à l’activité physique. Discussion. Les niveaux d’activité physique et d’exposition à l’environnement bâti ainsi que les effets de l’exposition environnementale ne varient pas systématiquement en défaveur des groupes désavantagés systémiquement. Des associations sont inattendues entre l’exposition à l’environnement bâti et le mode de vie actif. Les résultats basés sur le GPS sont concordants entre EthicaData et SenseDoc, mais discordants pour ceux basés sur l’accélérométrie. / Aim. To increase population levels of physical activity and reduce inequalities related to built environment, we must identify the role of individual-level sociodemographic profiles in physical activity levels, and in levels of exposure to built environment that may contribute to active living. Method. This study combines accelerometry and GPS data collected among 820 participants during 10 to 30 days between 2018 and 2020 within the INTErventions, Research, and Action in Cities Team (INTERACT) and Reseau Express Metropolitain (REM) studies. Multiple multilevel models ‒days nested within individuals‒ test associations and interactions between socio demographic profiles, levels of exposure to environmental factors susceptible to promote active living (transport infrastructures, shops, built density and green spaces) and the daily proportion of active minutes. Results on the EthicaData application subset are compared to those on the SenseDoc device subset. Results. Participants who are older, have a university profile or are unemployed, along with women, are less active. Participants who are older, don’t have a university profile, are unemployed or have a higher income, along with men, are less exposed to built environment that may contribute to physical activity. Discussion. The levels of physical activity and exposure to built environment, and the effects of environmental exposure on physical activity, do not vary systematically in disfavor of systemically disadvantaged groups. Some associations between exposed built environment and active living are unexpected. Results based on the GPS are consistent between EthicaData and SenseDoc, but inconsistent for those based on accelerometry.

Le design tenant compte des traumatismes : adapter le domicile privé des survivantes de violence conjugale

Moreau, Sabrina 01 1900 (has links)
Enjeu de santé publique, la violence conjugale occasionne diverses conséquences chez les nombreuses femmes qui la subissent. En quittant leur partenaire violent, la majorité des survivantes se retrouvent sans logement et se heurtent à des risques liés à leur habitation (p. ex. itinérance, précarité financière, retraumatisation, insécurité, instabilité, discrimination, etc.). Laissées à elles-mêmes, peu de femmes obtiennent du soutien professionnel et une place en maison d’hébergement. L’environnement bâti où elles habitent peut autant favoriser leur guérison que menacer d’y nuire. Ainsi, un aménagement adapté peut impacter positivement leur expérience post-traumatique. Récemment, les spécialistes du design souhaitent ajuster leur pratique aux besoins spatiaux résultant de la violence conjugale par une approche centrée sur les traumatismes. Cependant, il manque de connaissances sur le contexte du domicile privé, puisque les études se concentrent davantage sur l’hébergement collectif d’urgence. Cette recherche questionne comment le design tenant compte des traumatismes (TID) peut intervenir dans le domicile privé des survivantes afin de faciliter leur processus de guérison. Ce mémoire vise à vérifier s’il est nécessaire de développer une offre en TID et à évaluer les besoins des femmes dans leur chez-soi. Par la théorisation enracinée, la méthodologie mixte se déroule en trois phases pour pallier le vide théorique. Tout d’abord, un cadre conceptuel sur le TID détermine les thèmes à aborder avec les informatrices. Ensuite, une enquête par questionnaire en ligne explore la perception des prestataires de services québécois. Enfin, une étude de cas comparative se concentre sur deux femmes par des entrevues semi-dirigées, une documentation photographique et une analyse des conditions environnementales. Les résultats révèlent que le domicile privé doit s’adapter au parcours de vie de chaque survivante et au contexte de sa séparation pour tendre vers la stabilité résidentielle et la projection vers un avenir émancipant. Il importe de comprendre les besoins et défis spécifiques à l’environnement bâti pour supporter une guérison holistique par le chez-soi. De la sorte, cet espace doit valoriser une perception positive et sécuritaire, une personnalisation des lieux, une utilisation libre de l’intimité et un rapport sain avec l’extérieur. À ce jour, le continuum de services existants offre un début d’assistance en habitation et gagnerait à se compléter par une spécialisation en TID. En conclusion, des réflexions émergent sur la reconnaissance légale de l’adaptation du domicile des survivantes ainsi que sur la conscientisation aux multiples visages et expériences de vie intersectionnelles. En alliant l’aménagement à l’intervention sociale, la participation active des femmes au processus de conception encourage leur autodétermination. Il est aussi question de suggérer des pistes de services qui peuvent s’offrir aux femmes survivantes et aux professionnel.les travaillant auprès d’elles. Néanmoins, cette exploration théorique ne propose pas de stratégies applicables directement par une pratique en design d’intérieur. Il reste nécessaire de poursuivre ce premier effort pour traduire les résultats de recherche en des moyens concrets de les opérationnaliser dans une démarche de conception. / A public health issue, domestic violence has various consequences for the many women who experience it. By leaving their violent partner, the majority of survivors find themselves without a home and face risks related to their housing (eg homelessness, financial precariousness, re-traumatization, insecurity, instability, discrimination, etc.). Left to themselves, few women obtain professional support and a place in a shelter. The built environment where they live can promote their healing as well as threaten to hinder it. Thus, a custom-designed layout can positively impact their post-traumatic experience. Recently, design specialists wish to adjust their practice to the spatial needs resulting from domestic violence through a trauma-centered approach. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the context of the private home, since studies focused more on collective emergency accommodation. This research questions how trauma-informed design (TID) can intervene in the private home of survivors in order to facilitate their healing process. This master aims to verify whether it is necessary to develop an offer in TID and to assess the needs of women in their homes. Through grounded theory, mixed methodology takes place in three phases to fill the theoretical gap. First, a conceptual framework on TID determines the themes to be discussed with the informants. Next, an online survey explores the perception of Quebec service providers. Finally, a comparative case study focuses on two women through semi-structured interviews, photographic documentation and analysis of environmental conditions. The results reveal that the private home must adapt to the life course of each survivor and to the context of her separation to tend towards residential stability and the projection in an emancipating future. It is important to understand the specific needs and challenges around the built environment to support holistic healing through home. In this way, this space must promote a positive and safe perception, a personalization of the premises, a free use of privacy and a healthy relationship with the outside. To date, the existing continuum of services offers a start in housing assistance and would benefit from being supplemented by a specialization in TID. In conclusion, reflections emerge on the legal recognition of the adaptation of survivors’ home as well as on the awareness of the many faces and intersectional life experiences. By combining design with social intervention, the active participation of women in the design process encourages their empowerment. It is also suggested avenues of services that can be offered to women survivors and professionals working with them. Nevertheless, this theoretical exploration does not offer strategies that can be applied directly to an interior design practice. It is still necessary to continue this initial effort to translate the research results into concrete means of operationalizing them in a design process.

Driver Demographics, Built Environment, and Car Crashes:Implications for Urban Planning

Lee, Dongkwan 18 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Structural Analysis on Activity-travel Patterns, Travel Demand, Socio-demographics, and Urban Form: Evidence from Cleveland Metropolitan Area

Chen, Yu-Jen 24 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Klimatneutrala byggnader : En utredning av begreppet och jämförelse mellan olika definitioner / Climate-Neutral Buildings : An investigation of the definition and comparison between different interpretations

Hedberg, Agnes Holm January 2021 (has links)
Klimatförändringarna är idag ett av mänsklighetens största hot och om inte världens växthusgasutsläpp minskar drastiskt under de kommande åren kan detta medföra svåra konsekvenser både lokalt och globalt. I linje med detta har globala och nationella mål satts för att främja klimatneutrala samhällen och branscher. Byggsektorn står för en stor del av klimatpåverkan, varför det är viktigt att se över utsläpp från denna sektor. Under de senaste åren har flertalet definitioner för klimatneutralitet i byggsektorn presenterats där samtliga är överens om att detta är en viktig strategi för att minska påverkan från vår byggda miljö. Dock tycks en stor osäkerhet råda kring vad som ska inkluderas i en sådan definition. Detta projekt ämnade därför till att undersöka olika definitioner av klimatneutralitet inom byggsektorn med fokus på ‘klimatneutrala byggnader’. Sju olika verktyg inkluderas i denna analys, vilka utgör en blandning av regionala, nationella och internationella initiativ men med den gemensamma nämnaren att alla utvecklat en egen definition av en ‘klimatneutral byggnad’. En litteraturgenomgång ämnade att sätta projektet i en tydlig kontext vilket sedan följdes av en dokumentanalys av verktygen och en intervjustudie med verktygsutvecklare vilka har insyn i de olika definitionernas utformning.  Resultatet visade att det råder delade meningar gällande val av systemgränser och tillvägagångssätt för att uppnå klimatneutralitet. Samtliga var överens om att förnyelsebar energiproduktion och elektrifiering kommer vara avgörande för att uppnå detta men däremot uppmärksammades olika klimatåtgärder för att balansera klimatpåverkan. Dessa inkluderade framförallt följande: produktion (och export) av förnyelsebar energi, köpt klimatkompensation och lagringsvärde av biogent kol i trämaterial. Dessutom presenterades energieffektivisering i befintligt bestånd, tekniska lösningar för att långsiktigt lagra koldioxid såsom bio-CCS, karbonatisering av betong, tillgodoräkning av en återvinningsdeklaration, återvunnet material och energi samt effektreduktion inom befintlig byggnad. Även systemgränserna skiljde sig åt där detta varierade från att framförallt inkludera det viktigaste och mest tillförlitliga till att inkludera samtliga steg inom byggnadens livscykel. Vidare visade studien på utmaningar kopplat till detta område som framförallt inkluderar brist på data, både vad gäller kvantitet och kvalitet, behovet att inludera antaganden och fiktiva beräkningar och osäkerhet kring framtiden så som elnätets mix och hantering av elektrifiering i byggsektorn. Detta indikerade att det i nuläget saknas konsensus kring vad en ‘klimatneutral byggnad’ är och att det finns utmaningar kopplat till en sådan definition, vilket tyder på att begreppet skulle behöva utvärderas ytterligare. Av den anledningen kan det vara rimligt att fundera på om klimatneutrala byggnader är ett begrepp som i nuläget är redo att användas, eller om det ska undvikas för att förhindra missförstånd. / Climate change is one of today’s biggest threats for humanity and if the global greenhouse gas emissions do not drastically decrease during the near future, this could have severe consequences for the world. In line with these challenges, global and national goals have been developed which aim to foster climate-neutral societies and industries. Since the climate effect from the building industry has shown to be major, it is important to consider emissions from this sector. During the recent years, several definitions of climate-neutrality in the built environment have been presented, which is a strategy considered to be important in order to reduce the climate impact from this field. Therefore, this project aimed to investigate different definitions of climate-neutrality in the building industry with the focus ‘climate-neutral buildings’. Seven tools were included, with a mix of regional, national and international focus, which all have presented a unique definition of a climate-neutral building. To settle the project in a clear context, a literature review became the first step. Thereafter, a document analysis was conducted as well as an interview study with tool developers with good insight into the framing of the different tools that were investigated.  The result showed that the definitions differ in terms of defined system boundaries and actions chosen to achieve climate-neutrality. All of the investigated tools promoted that renewable energy and electrification lay the foundation for the climate-neutral building definition. However, the climate actions presented for compensating and balancing the emissions differed. The presented actions included, above all: production (and export) of renewable energy, carbon offsets, and storage capacity of biocarbon in wood material. Additionally, the tools presented other actions which included energy-efficiency in existing buildings, technical solutions for long-term storage of carbon, carbonization of concrete, value connected to reuse of material and energy, as well as reduced energy-peak demand. The system boundaries differed in terms of inclusion of life cycle modules, from focusing on the most important and accurate stages, to include the full lifecycle of a building. Furthermore, the study identified challenges connected to the definition of climate-neutral buildings. These included, above all, lack of (high-quality) data, the need to use fictitious numbers and assumptions, as well as insecurities connected to the future, including the composition of the electricity mix and how the electricity grid will handle the electrification of the built environment. All these aspects indicate that the term climate-neutral building as for now lacks consensus and that there are challenges connected to this field. Therefore, 2 more evaluation seems to be needed and it might be reasonable to consider if climate neutral buildings as a concept is mature enough to be used, or if this should be avoided to prevent confusion and misunderstandings.

BID-modellen och brottsförebyggande åtgärder i den offentliga miljön. / The BID Model and Crime Prevention Measures in Public Spaces.

Hrovat, Filip, Polteg, Filiph January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker brottsförebyggande åtgärder i den byggda miljön med fokus på samverkansmodellen BID (business improvement district) och dess inverkan på förebyggande av brott i offentliga utrymmen. Genom en kombination av kvalitativa metoder, inklusive intervjuer, platsbesök och dokumentstudier, undersöker studien vilken roll samverkan mellan samhällsaktörer spelar för att skapa omhändertagande och trygga stadsmiljöer. Studien analyserar även hur brottsförebyggande åtgärder, såsom insatser och strategier som syftar till att främja tryggheten och säkerheten i samhället. Dessa åtgärder innefattar teorier och metoder som förbättrar den fysiska och sociala miljön i samhället. Studien undersöker även brottsförebyggande åtgärder såsom kameraövervakning och säkerhetszoner, samt hur dessa påverkar platser och deras invånare. Uppsatsen undersöker effektiviteten av dessa åtgärder för att bekämpa brottslighet men också deras sociala effekter. Vi vill med denna uppsats bidra till förståelsen av säkerhetszoner ur ett stadsplaneringsperspektiv och ge insikter om deras potentiella kortsiktiga samt långsiktiga lösningar för brottsförebyggande. / This thesis examines crime prevention measures in the built environment, focusing on the collaborative model BID (business improvement district) model and its impact on crime prevention in public spaces. Through a combination of qualitative methods, including interviews, site visits and document studies, the study investigates the role of cooperation between societal actors in creating caring and safe urban environments. The study also analyzes how crime prevention measures, such as interventions and strategies, aim to promote safety and security in the society. These measures include theories and methods that improve the physical and social environment of society. The study also examines crime prevention measures such as camera surveillance and “safety zones”, and how these affect places and their residents. The paper examines the effectiveness of these measures in fighting crime but also their social consequences. With this essay, we want to contribute to the understanding of safety zones from an urban planning perspective and provide insights into their potential short-term and long-term solutions for crime prevention.


[pt] A participação das pessoas com deficiência visual no mercado de trabalho ainda é limitada ao número de exigência legal de funcionários, onde muitos são destinados a funções com pouca valorização. Essa situação se agravou no momento de isolamento social, causado pela pandemia do Coronavírus (Covid-19), onde o desemprego se intensificou. A partir do entendimento desse cenário, esta pesquisa buscou compreender a interação do trabalhador com o ambiente físico no momento de isolamento social, através do levantamento bibliográfico, entrevista exploratória, análise da entrevista exploratória, história de vida, análise da entrevista da história de vida, elaboração e execução da dinâmica tátil e a análise dos resultados. A técnica de entrevista foi escolhida com o objetivo de compreender o impacto do home office no isolamento social e para a sua realização tivemos como recorte os trabalhadores que não exerciam essa modalidade de trabalho em casa e se viram na necessidade de modificar o seu espaço. A análise dos resultados foi realizada com a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo, proposta por Laurence Bardin, e após esse momento buscamos entender através das peças impressas os ambientes dos entrevistados. Como resultado essa dissertação destaca que a maioria dos entrevistados realizaram modificações no espaço devido ao ambiente não estar preparado para receber as atividades de trabalho ou porque precisou dividir esse local com um familiar. A técnica inovadora da dinâmica tátil favoreceu a comunicação dos entrevistados sobre os seus ambientes de trabalho, pois detalhes do local só foram mencionados com a dinâmica tátil. Esse grupo de pessoas também mostrou interesse em ter um ambiente equipado para o seu dia a dia, tendo o arquiteto/designer de interiores um papel fundamental nesse processo se souber realizar projetos que explorem outros sentidos que não a visão. A dinâmica tátil ―Meu Ambiente‖ pode ser um facilitador desse desenvolvimento, principalmente no estudo preliminar. / [en] The participation of visually impaired people in the labor market is still limited to the number of legal requirements for employees, where many are assigned to functions with little appreciation. This situation worsened at the time of social isolation, caused by the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, where unemployment intensified. From the understanding of this scenario, this research sought to understand the interaction of the worker with the physical environment at the time of social isolation, through the bibliographical survey, exploratory interview, analysis of the exploratory interview, life history, analysis of the life history interview, elaboration and execution of the tactile dynamics and the analysis of the results. The interview technique was chosen with the objective of understanding the impact of the home office on social isolation and for its realization we registered the worker who did not exercise this modality of work at home and found himself in the need to modify his space. The analysis of the results was carried out using the Content Analysis technique, proposed by Laurence Bardin, and after that moment we tried to understand the visitors of the visitors through the printed pieces. As a result of this dissertation, he highlights that most of the requests were modified in space due to the environment not being prepared to receive work activities or because he had to share this place with a family member. The innovative technique of tactile dynamics favored the communication of care about their work environments, as details of the place were only mentioned with the dynamics of the blocks. This group of people also showed interest in having an environment equipped for their daily lives, with the architect/interior designer having a key role in this process if they know how to carry out projects that explore senses other than sight. The tactile dynamic My Environment” can facilitate this development, especially in the preliminary study.

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