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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ochrana vlastnického práva v rozhodovací praxi soudů v České republice / Protection of property rights in the decision-making practise of courts in the Czech Republic

Pažitný, Michael January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation titled "Protection of property rights in the decision-making practice of courts in the Czech Republic" gives a holistic view of the decisions of courts of general judicial system and the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic in matters relating to the conditions, manner, and limits of the property rights protection. The topic is understood as an interpretation of various institutes in which the courts' decisions claims the most, and as a summary of judgments reflecting every single institute. The dissertation captures the judicial decision-making practice, taking into account the state of the legislation in force until 31 December 2013. The empirical part of the dissertation which corresponds to the selected assignment is preceded by a necessary interpretation of theoretical, doctrinal and historical bases of the topic. The dissertation also reminds the in time-varying insight into the nature, meaning and object of property rights and on the level and ways of protection in the Roman law jurisprudence and civil codes that directly affected the courts application practice in the territory of the present-day Czech Republic. An interpretation of privatization and restitution process that took place in our society after 1989 is an important link between the theoretical and the...

Le précédent dans les décisions des cours constitutionnelles : Étude comparée des expériences française, espagnole et italienne de justice constitutionnelle / Precedent in the decisions of constitutional courts : Comparative study of french, italian and spanish experiences of constitutional

Lebedel, Sophie 13 December 2012 (has links)
La règle du précédent, clé de voûte de la Common law, impose au juge de respecter les décisions analogues précédentes, en l’absence de justification pour se départir de celles-ci. Cette règle est donc logiquement absente de la théorie du droit romano-germanique, selon laquelle, schématiquement, le juge n’est soumis qu’à la loi. Pourtant, l’étude des décisions des juridictions de tradition romaniste et, plus précisément, des cours constitutionnelles montrent que ces dernières n’hésitent pas à appliquer la règle du précédent. Il ne s’agit pas d’une volonté de se soumettre à un précédent contraignant et obligatoire, mais de juger en conformité et dans la logique des solutions antérieurement adoptées. L’autorité du précédent constitutionnel est donc, le plus souvent, psychologique et le juge constitutionnel peut renoncer à l’appliquer lorsqu’il l’estime nécessaire. Le précédent devient ainsi un instrument judiciaire universel, permettant d’assurer, indifféremment du système juridique, l’uniformité et la cohérence de la jurisprudence. / Precedent, the key-stone of Common law, obliges the Court to comply with analogous preceding decisions, in the absence of justification for abandoning them. This rule is therefore logically absent from the theory of Civil law, according to which, schematically, the Court is only bound by written law. Nevertheless, the study of court decisions in Civil law systems and, more exactly, those of constitutional courts show that they do not hesitate to apply the rules of precedent. It is not a question of a will to be held by a binding and obligatory precedent, but to judge in conformity and within the logic of previously adopted solutions. The authority of constitutional precedent is therefore, more often than not, psychological and the constitutional court can desist from applying it when it deems necessary. Precedent thus becomes a universal judicial instrument, enabling to ensure, regardless of the legal system, the uniformity and the coherence of case-law.

O princípio da congruência no processo individual do trabalho / The principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process

Lourenção, Manuela da Palma Coelho Germano 18 April 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da aplicação do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho. Tal princípio caracteriza-se pelo caráter restritivo da atuação judicial, vinculando a prolação de sentença aos limites da lide. A problemática centra-se no entendimento do conceito de lide, ora entendido simplesmente como pedido, ora como a matéria fática e jurídica levada aos autos, permitindo-se ao magistrado conhecer de pedidos não formulados expressamente, desde que os fatos a eles pertinentes tenham sido discutidos nos autos. A partir da Teoria Instrumentalista do Processo, que admite este modo de resolução de conflitos como um meio para a efetividade do Direito Material, buscou-se identificar a possibilidade de flexibilização do princípio da congruência no Processo Individual do Trabalho, tendo em vista que o estudo deste princípio revelou que a doutrina e a jurisprudência civil e trabalhista já permitem sua relativização ou mitigação em determinados casos, em especial quando se trata da aplicação de norma de ordem pública, uma das características do Direito Material do Trabalho. Ademais, considerando as questões linguísticas implicadas na formulação da pretensão da parte e da sentença, foi feita pesquisa jurisprudencial no sítio eletrônico do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, de modo a identificar as relações hermenêuticas estabelecidas entre o pedido e a decisão final neste tribunal. Para tanto, foram selecionadas 149 decisões em que se discute a existência ou não de julgamento além dos limites da lide, destacando-se os casos em que o tribunal considerou desnecessária a formulação de pedido expresso para a concessão de direito trabalhista / The purpose of this dissertation is to study the use of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process. This principle is defined by the restrictive aspect of the acts of the judge, binding the sentence to the matters under dispute. The core discussion lies on the identification of such matters, which can be seen as simply the pleadings expressed by the parties or as all the matters in connection with the facts merely mentioned by them. The latter position would allow the judicial authority to pronounce a sentence addressing additional matters that were not expressly pleaded by the parties. Based on the idea that the due process of law is an instrument to achieve effectiveness of legal commands, on the already accepted exception of this principle when it comes to public order rules, and also on the assumption that labor law is of public order, this dissertation analyzed the possibility of disregarding the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita in individual labor process in order to enhance the legal award. In addition to the theoretical analysis, a wide research on the website of the superior labor court (Tribunal Superior do Trabalho) was carried out in order to verify the hermeneutical relations between the pleadings and the dispositions of the judicial decision. Bearing such an objective in mind, 149 decisions on the alleged violation of the Principle of Ne Ultra et Extra Petita were selected and analyzed, focusing on those awards in which the court considered irrelevant the existence of an express pleading in order to grant or deny a specific labor right.

Recht als Übersetzung

Schneider, Tillmann 30 August 2016 (has links)
Die Erkenntnis, dass der Staat nicht die einzige Quelle von Recht ist, verbreitet sich zusehends auch in der Rechtswissenschaft. Die Vielfalt normativer Ordnungen wird gewöhnlich mit dem Begriff "Rechtspluralismus" beschrieben. In der Rechtspluralismusforschung besteht weitgehend Einigkeit darüber, dass normative Ordnungen nicht parallel nebeneinander und unabhängig voneinander koexistieren, sondern dass diese sich wechselseitig beeinflussen. Dieses Miteinander kann konfliktreich wie auch kooperativ sein, es kann zum Transfer von Normen und Vorstellungen, aber auch zu Widerstand und Abgrenzung kommen. Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur interdisziplinären Rechtsforschung, indem sie Austauschprozesse zwischen verschiedenen normativen Ordnungen analysiert. Hierbei wird "Übersetzen" als maßgebliche Praxis des Rechtspluralismus verstanden und ein methodischer Zugang angeboten, um Austauschprozesse machtsensibel zu analysieren. Am Beispiel Ghanas wird untersucht, wie die Anerkennung von Recht nicht-staatlichen Ursprungs in der Rechtsprechung staatlicher Gerichte praktiziert wird. Ghana ist nicht nur durch eine Vielzahl verschiedener Gesellschaften, sondern auch durch die Koexistenz unterschiedlicher normativer Ordnungen geprägt. Neben dem zur Zeit des britischen Kolonialismus eingeführten Common Law werden zahlreiche lokale Gewohnheitsrechte vom Staat als Rechtsquelle anerkannt. Über den ghanaischen Kontext hinaus ergeben sich auch allgemeine Fragen zum Umgang mit gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt und den damit einhergehenden Konflikten. / Jurisprudence acknowledges more and more that the state is not the only source for legal norms. The diversity of normative orders is usually described with the term "legal pluralism". Scholarship on legal pluralism emphasizes that normative orders do not exist parallel and independently from each other, but that they influence each other mutually. The relationship can be conflictual but also cooperative, there can be transfers of norms and ideas, but also resistance and dissociation. This study contributes to inter-disciplinary jurisprudence by analysing transfer processes between normative orders. It understands "translation" as essential practice of legal pluralism and offers a methodological approach to analyse transfer processes sensitively to power. Using the example of Ghana the study explores how state courts practice the recognition of non-state law. Ghana is characterised not only by the coexistence not only of different cultures, but of different normative orders as well. Next to the common law which had been introduced by British colonialism there is a plurality of local customary laws that are officially recognised as law by the state. This situation raises questions beyond the Ghanaian context on how to deal with social diversity and the conflicts the come along with it.

Súmula vinculante

Traldi, Maurício 06 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:27:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mauricio Traldi.pdf: 682206 bytes, checksum: f3c811310ae0854e2504ae49e34c9482 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-06 / This thesis looks into the main aspects of the doctrine of binding precedent (súmula vinculante), a general and abstract precedent with binding effects incorporated into the Brazilian legal system through Constitutional Amendment 45/04, which included article 103-A and was subsequently regulated by Law 11417/06. This subject was chosen particularly because of the intense debate and controversy that has always surrounded the concept of súmula vinculante in the Brazilian legal community; because it has been in force for a short period; and because of the benefits it was always believed it would bring to those seeking the Judiciary in terms of legal security and equality before the law. This work addresses the following aspects: evaluation of whether case law could be considered a true source of law within the Brazilian legal system; identification of the main features of the Portuguese abstract statement system (assentos) and those of the common-law judicial precedent system (to subsequently allow for identification of the similarities and differences between these and the Brazilian doctrine of súmula vinculante); evaluation of the case law control mechanisms available under the Brazilian legal system; description of the procedural aspects of the súmula vinculante; examination of the advantages of incorporating such doctrine into the Brazilian legal framework, particularly with respect to unification of case law stands and reduction in the number of cases handled by the Judiciary; identification and discussion of the major critical comments normally made against such doctrine; comparison of the doctrine of súmula vinculante with that of the judicial precedent that precludes appeals (súmula impeditiva de recursos). Preparation of this thesis involved research of laws, legal writings and case law in various fields of the law (both Brazilian and foreign). Our findings lead us to the following conclusions: today, case law is a true source of law; the súmula vinculante has few similarities with the Portuguese abstract statement system and the common-law judicial precedent system; the súmula vinculante is an important instrument in achieving a uniform case law and unifying the understanding of normative acts dealing with constitutional matters; it may greatly contribute to reduce the number of cases handled by the Judiciary (especially those dealing repeatedly with the same subject); criticism against the súmula vinculante is not backed by strong arguments; the súmula impeditiva de recursos is unconstitutional; and, finally, we believe that the scope of the súmula vinculante should be extended to include the Higher Court of Justice / A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os principais aspectos do instituto da súmula vinculante, incorporado ao ordenamento jurídico pátrio, por meio da Emenda Constitucional nº 45/2004, que incluiu o art. 103-A, e que foi posteriormente regulamentado pela Lei nº 11.417/2006. A escolha do tema foi motivada especialmente pelo amplo debate que o instituto sempre produziu na comunidade jurídica, com opiniões favoráveis e contrárias de juristas renomados; pelo fato de estar em vigor há pouco tempo; pelos benefícios que sempre acreditamos que ele seria capaz de proporcionar aos jurisdicionados em termos de segurança jurídica e isonomia. Esse trabalho teve por escopo as seguintes hipóteses: avaliar se a jurisprudência pode ser considerada verdadeira fonte de direito no nosso sistema jurisdicional; identificar as principais características do instituto dos assentos portugueses e do sistema de precedentes judiciais do common law (para posteriormente viabilizar a identificação das semelhanças e diferenças com o instituto da súmula vinculante brasileira); avaliar quais são os mecanismos de controle da jurisprudência disponibilizados pelo nosso sistema jurídico; detalhar os aspectos procedimentais da súmula vinculante; abordar as vantagens de sua incorporação ao nosso sistema jurídico, especialmente no que tange à padronização do entendimento jurisprudencial e redução do número de processos perante o Poder Judiciário; identificar e enfrentar as principais críticas normalmente apresentadas contra o instituto; confrontá-la com o instituto da súmula impeditiva de recursos. A execução do trabalho envolveu levantamento de legislação, doutrina e jurisprudência, em diversos ramos do direito (tanto nacionais, quanto estrangeiros). Os resultados apurados nos levam à conclusão de que: a jurisprudência atualmente pode ser considerada verdadeira fonte de direito, a súmula vinculante guarda poucas semelhanças com o instituto dos assentos portugueses e com o sistema de precedentes observado nos países do common law; a súmula vinculante é um importante instrumento de padronização da jurisprudência, visando a uniformização do entendimento dos atos normativos em matéria constitucional; poderá contribuir de forma significativa para a redução do número de processos (especialmente os repetitivos); as críticas contra ela formuladas não se sustentam; a súmula impeditiva de recursos é inconstitucional e, por fim, que a súmula vinculante deve ser ampliada aos demais Tribunais Superiores

A alteração das circunstâncias fáticas nos contratos interempresariais / Change of circumstances in entrepreneurial contracts

Yamashita, Hugo Tubone 02 March 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação volta-se à análise da alteração superveniente das circunstâncias fáticas, especificamente, em contratos interempresariais. Tais contratos, compreendidos como aqueles em que, ao menos, uma das partes é ente empresarial e ambos os contratantes visam auferir lucro, têm características distintas de outros contratos de natureza civil (contratos existenciais), mormente no que se refere à assunção de riscos pelas partes envolvidas. Dado o caráter arriscado da atividade empresarial, a intervenção exógena nos contratos interempresariais visando à tutela dos contratantes deve ser reduzida, de forma a se privilegiar tanto quanto possível a força obrigatória dos contratos (pacta sunt servanda). Nessa medida, as nuances dos contratos interempresariais, em conjunto com a imprescindível atividade estatal de regulação do mercado (fenômeno poliédrico), demandam uma aplicação diferenciada do modelo da onerosidade excessiva previsto nos artigos 478 a 480 do Código Civil, sob pena de desvirtuamento da lógica empresarial e desestímulo ao tráfico mercantil. O primeiro capítulo deste trabalho é destinado à individualização dos principais vetores da atividade empresarial e os respectivos reflexos daqueles na formação dos contratos empresariais. Em seguida, no segundo capítulo da empreitada, são analisadas as teorias revisionistas de maior influência na construção do modelo de onerosidade excessiva brasileiro, bem como as especificidades do próprio modelo em si. Por fim, o terceiro e conclusivo capítulo visa à identificação do suporte fático da onerosidade excessiva em contratos empresariais, bem como à análise dos efeitos decorrentes da aplicação do modelo a referidas formas de contratação. / This dissertation is focused on the analysis of the change of circumstances, regarding specifically entrepreneurial contracts. These contracts, understood as those in which at least one of the parties involved is an entrepreneurial entity and both of the parties seek to obtain profits with the deal, can be defined by distinguished characteristics when compared to civil contracts in general (contratos existenciais), mainly when it comes to the risk assumption by the parties in the contract. Given the risk inherent to business activities, the exogenous intervention in entrepreneurial contracts aiming the protection of one of the parties should be reduced as much as possible, in such a way to respect the binding force of the contracts (pacta sunt servanda). Accordingly, the specificities of the entrepreneurial contracts, together with the indispensable public regulation of the market (polyhedral phenomenon), require a distinguished applicability of the rules provided by the Brazilian Civil Code under the articles 478 to 480, otherwise entrepreneurial rationality of commercial contracts may be ruined and, as a result, the commercial traffic discouraged. The first chapter of this study is dedicated to finding the main features of the business activity and their implications to the formation of entrepreneurial contracts. Subsequently, in the second chapter of the essay, the theories related to change of circumstances that most influenced the construction of a Brazilian theory are analyzed, as well as the peculiarities of the Brazilian theory itself. Finally, the third and concluding chapter seeks to identify the hypothesis provided by articles 478 to 480 for entrepreneurial contracts, as well to analyze the effects arising from the application of this set of rules to referred contracts.

A jurisprudência eleitoral e seus reflexos no Estado democrático de direito / The electoral case law and its consequences to the democratic state

Lamanauskas, Milton Fernando 10 May 2010 (has links)
A sociedade brasileira aguarda pacientemente e há anos uma real reforma que introduza a ética e a moral no meio político e faça valer a soberania de seu povo. De um lado, observa-se um Poder Legislativo com sérias dificuldades de quebrar sua inércia e cumprir o seu papel de concretizar a lei como expressão da vontade geral. De outro, um Poder Judiciário que busca suprir os anseios sociais dando efetividade aos direitos fundamentais colocados na Constituição Federal da República Brasileira de 1988. O presente estudo almeja analisar como o Estado brasileiro tem convivido com um intenso ativismo judicial ou judicialização da política e suas consequências para a democracia pátria. Para a eficácia de suas conclusões, limitou-se o campo de estudo à matéria eleitoral, dada sua cristalina correlação com o Estado Democrático de Direito. Foram selecionadas, deste modo, as recentes decisões dos Tribunais nacionais em temas eleitorais para averiguar os reflexos desta jurisprudência sobre as bases democráticas de nosso país. E, em assim procedendo, foram trazidos elementos para uma crítica fundamentada à tentativa do Poder Judiciário de moralizar as instituições políticas, buscando fornecer as bases para concluir se esse altivo movimento dos Tribunais logrou, de fato, o aprimoramento do regime democrático vigente, preservando a harmonia entre os Poderes, a unidade do ordenamento jurídico e a legitimidade das instituições da nação ou se, ao contrário, apenas soluções pontuais foram conquistadas, combatendo-se uma doença grave com remédios paliativos ao invés de atacar a real causa das mazelas que assolam o Estado Democrático de Direito brasileiro. / The Brazilian society waits patiently and for many years for a deep change that introduces ethics and moral to politics to renew the sovereignty of its people. On one hand, the Parliament presents serious difficulties in moving forward to fulfill its role of materializing the law as an expression of the general will. On the other hand, the judiciary tries to meet social expectations, providing effectiveness to basic rights constitutionally established. This study aims to analyze how the Brazilian State has been living with an intense judicial activism and a judicialization of its politics and its consequences to democracy. For the effectiveness of its conclusions, the object of the analysis was limited to electoral issue, due to its crystal clear relation with the Rule of Law. In this manner, some recent judicial decisions of the national Courts as regards electoral subjects were chosen to verify the consequences of this jurisprudence on the democratic foundations of our country. And, in so proceeding, many aspects were brought to enable a justified criticism to the judiciary attempt to moralize political institutions, trying to provide the basis for the following questions: have, in fact, this noble movement of the Courts succeeded in improving the current democratic Brazilian system, preserving the harmony between the Powers, the unity of the legal system and the legitimacy of the nation institutions?; or, on the opposite, only few hoc solutions have been conquered, fighting with a serious illness by ministering palliative drugs, instead of solving the real cause of the illness that plagues the State?

Entre théorie et pratique : les recueils de jurisprudence, miroirs de la pensée juridique française (1789 - 1914) / Between theory and practice : casebooks, mirrors of French legal thought (1789-1914)

Barenot, Pierre-Nicolas 07 November 2014 (has links)
Pionniers des études jurisprudentielles contemporaines, fondateurs des plus célèbres maisons d'éditionjuridique française, inventeurs de nouveaux genres littéraires et doctrinaux, les arrêtistes du XIXe siècledemeurent néanmoins encore largement méconnus. Au sein de leurs recueils de jurisprudence, Jean-BaptisteSirey, Désiré Dalloz et leurs nombreux collaborateurs, concurrents et successeurs, ont pourtant été des acteursà part entière d'une pensée juridique française trop souvent réduite aux seuls auteurs de la doctrine. Entrethéorie et pratique, l' « arrêtisme » contemporain a ainsi formé, de la Révolution jusqu'aux années 1870, unmouvement majeur de la littérature et de la pensée juridiques. Sur cette période, arrêtistes et commentateursde la doctrine se sont en effet âprement affrontés sur le terrain épistémique et éditorial, opposant travaux etdiscours sur la jurisprudence, et luttant pour le monopole des études jurisprudentielles. A partir des années 1880toutefois, l'arrivée massive des universitaires au sein des recueils de jurisprudence va marquer la fin del'arrêtisme des praticiens. A la Belle Epoque, les auteurs de l' « Ecole scientifique » qui entendent renouvelerl'étude et la science du droit s'emparent à leur tour activement de la jurisprudence ; présenté comme unrapprochement salvateur entre l'Ecole et le Palais, le « projet jurisprudentiel » des professeurs va toutefoiscontribuer à détacher les recueils d'arrêts de la culture praticienne dont ils étaient originellement issus. Il ressortde cette étude une relecture de l’histoire intellectuelle des recueils d’arrêts et des arrêtistes, dontl’historiographie classique en a dressé un portrait partiel, sinon partial. / Pioneers of contemporary case law studies, founders of the most famous French legal publishing companies,inventors of new literary and doctrinal genres, the arrêtistes of the nineteenth century still remain largelyunknown. In their casebooks, Jean-Baptiste Sirey, Désiré Dalloz and their many collaborators, competitors andsuccessors, were actors in their own right on the stage of French legal thinking, a stage too often reduced to theonly authors of the doctrine. Between theory and practice, the contemporary "arrêtisme" formed, from theRevolution to the 1870s, a major movement of literature and legal thought. Over this period, the arrêtistes andthe authors of legal doctrine clashed on epistemic and editorial grounds, opposing work and discourses on caselaw, and fighting for the monopoly of judicial analyses. However, from the 1880s onwards, the influx of universityprofessors in casebooks marked the end of the practitioners’ arrêtisme. During the Belle Epoque, the authors ofthe "Ecole scientifique", who intended to renew the study and science of law, took possession of case law;presented as a salutory reconciliation between the School and the Court, the professors’ "jurisprudential project"nevertheless contributed to separate case law reports from the culture of practitioners they were originallyderived from. What emerges from this study is a re-reading of the intellectual history of casebooks and arrêtistes,of which classical historiography gave a partial –if not biased -picture.

一九八九年至一九九九年國際法院成案之研究 : 實體法與程序法層面之分析

黃志揚 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

The legality of music sampling in Sweden : Complicated issues demand complicated measures

Wiséen, Martin, Herbertsson, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
The legality of music sampling is in Sweden unknown. The reason for this is mainly the lack of relevant case law and that the legislation and legislative history has not reach clarity within this subject. There are generally two different routes and perspectives on sample issues. The first main route is that samples should be judged according to the “common” copyright rules where originality, similarity and other factors need to be investigated. The second route is that sampling issues should be judged upon the neighbouring rights, and within these rules no other tests needs to be included. It is simply an infringement if it is proven that someone has in fact sampled a recording. American case law has inherent both views and most often are pending between these views. German case law however made it clear in the Kraftwerk case that the neighbouring rights are used within German law. Through this inconsistency the authors have not found any clear indications which rules a Swedish court would apply. Due to the relationship between Sweden and Germany, and that they are both members of the European Union the authors believe that Sweden will judge accordingly to the neighbouring rights. However, the authors believe that the neighbouring rights were created for the purpose to contradict piracy and not sampling disputes. Furthermore, neither the legislative history nor judicial literature gives any indications that the neighbouring rights should be used when a part of a work has been altered and used in a new work. The author’s personal beliefs are therefore that the neighbouring rights should not be applied on sampling cases. The “common” copyright rules should instead be applied which includes originality and similarity tests.

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