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”Man vill ju klara sig själv” : Studievardagen för studenter med Asperger syndrom i högre utbildningSimmeborn Fleischer, Ann January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Sedan början av 2000-talet har det skett en markant ökning av studier gällande barn och ungdomar och Autism. Dock är det så att den mesta forskningen fortfarande är inom det medicinska området. Endast ett fåtal av studierna rör vuxna med Asperger syndrom (AS) som studerar på högskola/universitet. Samtidigt sker en ökning av personer med AS som söker högre utbildning såsom högskola/universitet, vilket gör forskning gällande personer med diagnosen AS högaktuell. Antalet studenter med kognitiva funktionshinder, dit AS räknas, som sökt pedagogiskt stöd på högskola/universitet i Sverige, har ökat från 1 427 studenter 2010 till 1 943 studenter 2012. När man studerar på högskola/universitet så finns det pedagogiska stöd att tillgå, och till vardagen finns Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) och Socialtjänstlagen (SoL) som personer med AS har möjligheter att söka stöd genom. Personer med AS kan ibland ha svårt att utnyttja stödsystem som kräver att man själv identifierar och uttalar sina behov av stöd. Denna avhandling fokuserar på personer med AS i högre utbildning och stöd. I doktorsavhandlingen ingår två studier: Studie I som är en fallstudie och Studie II, som är en enkätstudie. Bindningspunkten för studierna är studenter med AS som fått pedagogiskt stöd i sin utbildning vid högskola/universitet. Studie I Studie I består av en fallstudie (Merriam, 1994, 2009; Patton, 2002) som innefattade tre fall. Studien redovisas i artikel I och II, där artikel I bygger på studenternas berättelser och artikel II på anhörigas och samordnares berättelser. Insamlandet av data har byggt på berättelser genom samtal (Doecke, Brown, & Loughran, 2000; Hydén & Brockmeier, 2008; Johansson, 2005; Skott, 2004). Valet av berättelser som metod, innebär att man som forskare fokuserar på att få möjligheter att lära känna en annan person, få kunskap om denna persons erfarenheter, känslor och förväntningar. För att säkerhetsställa undersökningens validitet, användes triangulering mellan tre olika källor: intervjuer med studenter, anhöriga och samordnare. Urvalet av högskola/universitet gjordes med avsikten att inkludera högskolor/universitet från olika delar av Sverige, olika stora högskolor/universitet med olika studieinriktningar. Syfte med Studie I är att undersöka hur studenter med AS i högre utbildning beskriver och förstår sin livshistoria och sin studievardag, vilket redovisas i artikel I och i kappans resultat. Anhöriga är en central resurs för personer med AS. Därför undersöks i den andra artikeln hur anhöriga uppfattar sina barns eller syskons studier och det stöd de tidigare fått i skolan och på högskola/universitet. I artikeln redovisas även hur man upplever det pedagogiska stöd som högskola/universitet erbjuder. Samordnare för studenter med funktionshinder har en central roll i vilka pedagogiska stöd som beslutas att students ska få, därför är det också av vikt att undersöka hur samordnare beskriver den stödverksamhet som finns på högskola/universitet. Även detta redovisas i andra artikeln samt i kappans resultat. Vid insamling av data var fokus på studenternas berättelser om sin studievardag och hur de beskrev sina skolerfarenheter, från förskola fram till högskola/universitet samt hur de såg på sin framtid (Hydén & Brockmeier, 2008). Vid samtalen med anhöriga och samordnare använde forskaren sina yrkeserfarenheter som berör AS, diagnossättande, mediciner, lagar och forskning samt personliga erfarenheter. De anhöriga som intervjuades bestämdes av studenterna och bestod av en mamma, en pappa och en syster. Samordnarna bestod av de som arbetade på den högskola/universitet som studenten studerade på. Samtalsmanual har använts som stöd vid varje samtal. Totalt har tolv samtalsmanualer använts. Samtalens längd för studenterna varierade mellan 1 timma och 4 minuter till 4 timmar och 50 minuter. Samtalens längd varierade mellan 1 timma och 10 minuter till 3 timmar och 23 minuter för de anhöriga. Samtalens längd varierade mellan 1 timma och 13 minuter till 3 timmar och 40 minuter för samordnare. Varje samtal anpassades helt efter varje anhörigs och samordnares intresse av att vilja samtala. De tre fallbeskrivningarna omfattade femton transkriberade samtal: tre vardera för varje student, en för vardera anhörig och en för vardera samordnare. Första steget i analysen var att forskaren läste igenom det transkriberade materialet kring varje student upprepade gånger så att en känsla för helheten uppstod. Vid tredje genomläsningen gjordes noteringar i form av nyckelord som beskrev innehållet. Därefter plockades de meningar ut som innehöll information som byggde på nyckelorden och var relevanta för frågeställningarna. Den omgivande texten togs med så att sammanhanget kvarstod, det bildade meningsbärande enheter. De meningsbärande enheterna i samtalstexterna kondenserades i syfte att korta ner texten men ändå behålla innehållet. De kodades därefter och grupperades i kategorier som återspeglade det centrala budskapet i samtalen i relation till studenterna. Samma process gjordes med de anhörigas och samordnarnas transkriberade material. I Studie I framkom det att studenter med AS ofta behöver stöd i sin studievardag, det vill säga både i studierna och i vardagslivet, för att klara sina studier. Personer med AS har en kognitiv funktionsnedsättning som kan ge svårigheter i deras studievardag, och de har ofta en nedsatt förmåga att beskriva sina svårigheter och kan därför inte alltid redogöra för vilka behov de har. När man söker stöd bygger ansökan på att man själv kan beskriva sina behov av stöd och framför allt välja bland de stöd som finns utifrån det behov och de svårigheter man har, det vill säga man ges en stor valfrihet. För studenter med AS kan detta bli till en stor svårighet då de ofta inte själva vet vilka stöd de har behov av och vad de olika stöden skulle innebära för de studiesvårigheter de har. Studenterna i studierna angav att när de fick stöd hade de svårt att förstå hur stödet skulle fungera och hur det skulle kunna förbättra deras studier, och att det pedagogiska stödet i stället blev till ytterligare ett hinder, som tog tid och fokus från studierna. Stödinsatsen med vidhängande valfrihet kan ses som ett uttryck för en ekvifinalitet: stödsystemet har designats för att ge olika funktionshindrade samma möjlighet, och utgångspunkten är att valfrihet är bra för alla. Många av studenterna har beskrivit att de känner sig socialt begränsade och har kommunikationssvårigheter och de upplever att de är stigmatiserade och känner sig alienerade. I analysen av studenternas beskrivning av sin livshistoria och studievardag framstod två teman, Kamp och Utanförskap. Anhöriga beskrev att kraven på fokusering, både på vardags- och studentaktiviteter, blev övermäktiga för deras barn eller syskon. De kunde se att deras barn eller syskon hade svårigheter med att planera inköp av exempelvis mat, att laga mat, att tvätta och sköta andra vardagsrutiner i hemmet. Samordnare för studenter med funktionshinder utryckte att även om de kunde se att studenter hade problem med vardagsrutiner i hemmet, kunde de inte ge något stöd för detta. De hade också svårt att erbjuda stöd i vissa studietekniska frågor. Samordnarna beskrev att det är svårt att ställa frågor om en students funktionshinder, diagnos och livssituation och att det är svårt att få grepp om vilket stöd som skulle kunna bli bra för varje enskild student. Sammantaget så har det framkommit att studenter med AS har behov av både pedagogiskt stöd och stöd i vardagsrutiner och det framkom också i studierna att de olika stöden behöver samordnas så att studenter med AS erhåller stöd i hela studievardagen. Det framkom också att det finns behov av ett kunskaps- och kommunikationsverktyg för framför allt samordnare och studenter. Detta verktyg skulle kunna användas av samordnare och student så att en tydlig agenda upprättas och följs vid samtalen och beslut om vad eller vilka pedagogiska stöd som studenten skulle kunna få som stöd i studierna. Studie II Studie II består av en enkätstudie, bestående av 55 frågor med både öppna och slutna svarsalternativ, riktat till studenter med AS, studenter med rörelsehinder (RH) och studenter med hörselnedsättning (HN). Även i denna studie står studenter med AS i fokus, men med mer generell frågeställningar: Hur beskriver studenter med AS, RH och HN upplevda problem, erhållet stöd och upplevt stöd? Finns det skillnader och likheter mellan dessa tre grupper av studenter? Resultatet redovisas i artikel III samt kappans resultat. Syftet med studie II är också att undersöka vilka karaktäristika för studenter med AS som kan identifieras och bedömas som så viktiga att de med stöd av Internationella klassifikation för funktionstillstånd, funktionshinder och hälsa kan behöva ingå i ett code set. Resultatet redovisas i artikel IV samt i kappans resultat. Under arbetet med Studie I uppkom funderingar på om det fanns studentgrupper med andra funktionshinder som har samma erfarenheter som studenter med AS. Därför utökades urvalet till studenter RH och HN. Studie II var beskrivande med en mixed methods design. Den första delen hade en huvudsakligen kvantitativ ansats med data insamlade via en enkät. Till enkätstudien tillfrågades alla högskolor/universitet om de var intresserade att delta i undersökningen. Det var 14 samordnare på 12 högskolor/universitet som tackade ja till att medverka och de tillfrågade sedan de studenter som kunde vara aktuella att medverka i undersökningen. Respondenter blev 34 studenter som studerade vid 12 svenska högskolor/universitet, 16 studenter med AS, 11 med RH och 7 med HN. Eftersom endast 34 studenter kunde rekryteras betraktas detta som en pilotstudie. Den kan ge en första antydan om hur studievardagen upplevs av studenter med funktionshinder och om det finns någon skillnad mellan de tre undersökta grupperna av studenter när det gäller svårigheter och behov av stöd. I den andra delen av studie II togs ett första steg till ett code set, en början till ett kommunikationsverktyg, det vill säga en samtalsmanual mellan samordnare och studenter, samt som information till anhöriga. Analysen hade en deduktiv, kvalitativ ansats. Data från flera olika källor, bland annat enkäterna, analyserades och jämfördes genom att innehållet länkades till ICF-koder. Avsikten var att identifiera preliminärt innehåll i ett code set. Analysen av enkäterna var kvantitativ så långt materialet medgav det, och grupperna jämfördes genom så kallad korstabulering. Nästa steg i analysen (Code set förberedelsen) fokuserade endast på studenter med AS. Information i enkäten länkades kvalitativt deduktivt till ICF tillsammans med information från fem olika källor som representerar olika perspektiv: 1) Studenters egna beskrivningar, 2) Internationella diagnosklassifikationer, 3) Nationella policy-dokument för högre utbildning, 4) Hälso- och sjukvården, 5) Brukarorganisationen Autism och Aspergerförbundet. De fem olika källorna innefattade tio dokument som valts utifrån inklusionskriterierna målgruppen AS, åldersgruppen unga vuxna, undervisning/utbildnings-krav för högre utbildning, insatser/behov av stöd samt nationella/internationella källor med anknytning till målgruppen. Syftet var att integrera flera olika perspektiv på behov av stöd i studievardagen för studenter med AS. Därmed kunde en första lista med ICF-koder identifieras som underlag till ett code set för studenter med AS på högskola/universitet. I Studie II framkom det att även om studenter med AS verkade rapportera samma svårigheter, varierade förklaringarna som gavs till problemen mellan grupperna. När det gällde förklaringar verkade det för studenter med AS vara kopplat till kognitiva svårigheter medan det för studenter med rörelsehinder (RH) och hörselnedsättning (HN) var kopplat till fysiska svårigheter. På ytan kan de olika gruppernas svårigheter alltså se lika ut och de kommer då att erbjudas samma pedagogiska stöd från sin högskola/universitet. I enkätsvaren framhölls att det var väldigt viktigt för studenterna att kunna få ett arbete efter avslutade studier för att därmed få möjligheter att kunna försörja sig och leva ett vanligt liv som alla andra. Innan dess måste dock studierna genomföras och i den studievardag som beskrevs, talades det om kamp och utanförskap. Några av de erfarenheter som lyftes fram av alla grupperna studenter var, stress och koncentrationssvårigheter, trötthet, och social begränsning . I Studie II framkom alltså samma problem som i Studie I med att tydligt uttrycka svårigheter och behov. Det indikerar att det finns behov av ett kunskaps- och kommunikationsverktyg för samtal mellan samordnare och studenter. Ett ICF baserat code set för högre utbildning för studenter med AS skulle kunna vara ett sådant verktyg. Ett code set består av ett antal kategorier från ICF och beskriver de svårigheter som studenter med AS kan ha och som kan bilda en checklista att arbeta utifrån vid samtal, planering av stöd och information till annan personal. Det ska vara så tydligt att det kan ges till studenten i förväg så att studenten får möjligheter att förbereda sig på vad samtalet och mötet innebär. Avslutningsvis har det framkommit att om studenter med AS ska bli inkluderade i högre utbildning och om uteslutningsmekanismer såsom stigmatisering och alienation ska motverkas, krävs det troligen tydligt strukturerade individuella lösningar: Stödet ska ge en öppning mot en multifinalitet istället för den ekvifinalitet som idag råder vid erbjudande av stöd. Lösningar och stöd ska inte bara vara baserade på en diagnos, utan på en analys av varje students upplevda svårigheter sett ur perspektivet hela studievardagen. Först då kan stöden bli till de verkligt frigörande möjligheter som är avsikten. / Summary Since the beginning of the 21st century there has been a significantly increased number of studies on children and young adults with Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD). Most of this research falls within the domain of Medicine and only limited number of studies focusses on adults with Asperger Syndrome (AS) as students at university. Considering that there is an increase in numbers of individuals diagnosed with AS attending tertiary education researching this group of individuals is both timely and opportune. The number of students with cognitive disabilities, such as AS, seeking assistance to help their study efforts along at universities has increased in Sweden from 1427 students in 2010 to 1943 students in 2012. It should be noted that support in everyday student-life is guaranteed by legislation (that is, by Social Service Act (SoL) and Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS)) and that this same guarantee is valid also of studying at university. However, individuals with AS may at times have difficulty using available support, since they must identify their own needs and also communicate the nature of their need. This doctoral thesis is focusing on individuals with AS in need of such support in tertiary education. The thesis is comprised by two main studies: Study I, which is a case study, and Study II, which is a survey. Their common denominator is students with AS who have received legally guaranteed support as university students. study I The first study is a case study of three cases. This research is reported in the two first articles of the four articles comprising the entire thesis. The first article focusses on student narratives, whereas article two rather focusses on the accounts of next of kin as well as those of university coordinators I charge of assisting students in need. Data were collected through conversations. The particular choice of method allows for the researcher to acquire more intimate knowledge of the participants learning of their experiences, feelings and expectations. To secure validity the data from students, next of kin and university coordinators was triangulated. Number and type of universities included in the study were sampled on the principle that there should be included universities from different parts of Sweden, of different sizes and with different academic profiles. The aim of Study I was to investigate how students with AS, as students in tertiary education, describe their life history and their everyday student-life. This particular focus is reported in the first article. Next of kin are central to individuals with AS. In the second article therefore, the perceptions of next of kind and how these understand their children’s or sibling’s university studies as well as the available support for them are accounted for. Also university coordinators in charge of study assistance at universities are of considerable importance. They decide the manner of support provided. It is therefore important to also describe how these outline and assess the existing support. This too is the focus of the second article. During data collection the focus was on students’ narratives of their everyday student-life at university as well as how they experienced their entire education experience from pre-school and to tertiary education. The views of their own future was also an issue that was addressed. The conversations with participants were facilitated by the researcher in terms of conveying previous research results on the nature of AS individuals’ experience of university education; of the researcher’s professional experiences of the situation and also of herself being next of kin to an individual with an AS diagnosis. As a means of helping conversations with next of kin and coordinators along the researcher used her own professional experience in relation to AS individuals, diagnosing, medication, legal framework, previous research and personal experience. Which next of kin to be interviewed - a mother, father and a sibling - was decided by the participating students themselves. For each university there is generally only one coordinator. These participated in the study. A conversation manual has been used as support for each data collecting conversation. In all, twelve such manuals have been used. The length of the conversations with participating students varied between 1 hour and 4 minutes to 4 hours and 50 minutes. Conversations with next of kind varied between 1 hour and 10 minutes to 3 hours and 23 minutes and for coordinators the duration varied between 1 hour and 10 minutes to 3 hours and 40 minutes. Every conversation was entirely adapted to each participating individual and their willingness to converse about the subject matter. The three cases were comprised of 15 transcribed conversations: three for each student, one for each next of kin, and also one for each university coordinator. As a first step in analysing the data the researcher read transcriptions multiple times to lay foundations for an understanding of entirety. During the third read notes were taken in the form of key words significant to content. Extraction of sentences containing these keywords followed. Key words were always significant in relation to the research questions. The surrounding text was taken too in order to preserve context. Together the keywords, the sentences and the surrounding contexts constituted meaningful units of text. These units, in every transcribed conversation, were condensed in order to shorten texts but still maintain the essence of its meaningful content. The condensed text units were coded and grouped in categories that reflected the essential and meaningful content of the conversations. Data culled from the next of kin and the coordinators were submitted to the same process of data analysis. Results showed that students with AS often do need assistance at university both in terms of studying as well as in their daily life off campus in order to manage an existence as students. Individuals with AS however have a cognitive disability that may challenge their efforts as students. In addition, they have difficulties describing their problems and often find it hard to define which needs for assistance they do have. When applying for assistance students are required to specify their special needs of support, and more importantly, also choose what kind of assistance they require. In other words, they are given a considerable freedom of choice. To students with AS this presents an obstacle. They often do not know what kind of assistance they require and what a certain kind of support would entail. Participating students reported that it was difficult for them to grasp how the support would actually function and how it would improve their studying. Instead, the possibility of acquiring support became yet another problem which made studying even more difficult for them. The availability of support with the accompanying freedom of choice as to the manner and content of the support may be seen as an expression of equifinality. That is, the support system has been designed to provide each disabled individual with equal opportunity of attaining support. The basic value underpinning the support system is that freedom of choice is valuable to each and every one. However, many students with AS have reported that they feel socially limited, alienated even stigmatised and that they communicate poorly. In analysing the narratives of students’ life histories as well as their everyday student-life as students two themes emerged: Struggle and Alienation. The next of kin described the demands of focus, both on and off campus, to be overwhelming for their children or siblings. They observed difficulties with planning ahead to shop for groceries, to do laundry, to cook or to do sundry domestic chores at home. University coordinators understood that students had such problems off campus but could not offer assistance relating to off-campus difficulties. However, they also found it difficult to offer these students assistance pertaining to certain aspects of student life. They found it tricky to pose questions regarding students’ disability, diagnosis and general life situation. It was thus a problem for them to acquire an understanding of what kind of assistance that would be suitable for each individual student. In all, the research clearly showed that students with AS are in need of both educational support and everyday student-life support and that these two aspects of assistance need to be coordinated. Results also suggested the need of a tool for knowledge and communication, especially for students and university coordinators. Such a tool would facilitate the communication and would serve as a basis in deciding what kind of remedial action that needs to be taken for the benefit of students with AS. Study II The second study was operationalized as a survey study employing a questionnaire consisting of 55 questions of which some were open-ended. This instrument was administered to students with Asperger Syndrome (AS), to students with mobility impairment (MD) and to students with impaired hearing (HD). Note that abbreviations relate to the Swedish nomenclature for these disabilities. This study also focussed on students with AS but addressed more general questions: How do students with AS, MD and HD describe problems, provided support and the experience of being given support? Are there similarities or differences between these three groups of students? This research is presented in the third article of the doctoral thesis. The aim of the second study was also to explore what characteristics of students with AS could be identified as particularly important in an effort to classify them as a code set with the framework of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). A code set consists of a number of categories derived from the ICF classification system. It describes the type and nature of difficulties that for example students with AS may experience, thus constituting a checklist from which to work when university coordinators and students discuss the nature and manner of support needed and then succinctly be able to convey such information to other relevant staff. Such a tool will need to be straight-forward and given to students prior to meeting the coordinators in order to help students prepare for the meeting being fully informed of its content and purpose. The result of this exploratory second study is presented in the fourth article. As the study of AS student cases progressed there arose questions regarding other students with different kinds of disability also. Do they have the same or similar problems? For this reason a second study was launched and mobility impaired students (MD) and hearing impaired students (HD) were included also. This study was descriptive but operationalized as a mixed methods design. The first part of it consisted of a quantitatively based questionnaire. All Swedish universities and higher education institutions were invited to take part. Fourteen coordinators from 12 universities accepted. They in turn asked students to take part. In all, 34 students decided to participate. These were divided into the following categories: 16 (AS), 11 (MD) and 7 (HD). Due to the relatively low number of participants the study is best considered to be a pilot study. It could be suggestive in reference to how everyday student-life on campus might be experienced by students with different disabilities and whether there are differences between the three studied groups in need of support. In the second part of the second study a first step was taken towards creating a code set; the beginning of a communication tool serving as a conversation manual between coordinator and students. The analysis of the data was qualitative but deductive. Data from several sources, including the questionnaire, were analysed, compared and linked to ICF-codes in order to identify a tentative content of a potential code set. The data culled by the questionnaires was first cross-tabulated. The next phase of the analysis was the code set preparation, focussing only on students with AS. Analysed data were linked qualitatively and deductively to ICF together with information from five different sources: 1) Student narratives, 2) International diagnosis classifications, 3) National policy-documents of higher education, 4) National healthcare and 5) The Swedish Autism and Asperger Syndrome Association. In all, 10 documents were included on the basis of the AS target group, age group young adults, education and education guidelines for higher education, remedial work, need of support as well as national and international sources relating to the target group. The aim was to integrate several perspectives of needs of support in reference to AS students and their everyday student-life on a university campus. Results of the second study showed that even though other groups also reported problems similar to those of the AS students their explanations varied. While the problems of AS students appeared linked to cognitive difficulties, the problems of mobility impaired students (MD) and hearing impaired students (HD) were linked to physical difficulties. The difficulties and each group would appear similar at first sight which in practical terms means that they also would be offered the same kind of support as students at university The analysis of the questionnaire suggested the importance of students acquiring a job after graduation, to be able to earn a living and lead a normal everyday student-life like most others. However, prior to such a possible future studies must be completed and participants’ experiences of being university students appeared not the best. They spoke of struggle and alienation. Some of the experiences common to all three groups were stress and concentration difficulties, fatigue and social limitations. Hence, the second study, just like the first study, clearly showed both problems and needs, which suggested the necessity of a knowledge and communication tool for coordinators and students. An ICF-based code set for students with AS in higher education could serve as such a tool. In conclusion, results also suggested that if students with AS are to be included in higher education, and exclusion mechanisms such as stigmatisation and alienation be overcome, then clearly structured solutions - individual to each student - are also needed. Offered support must conform to multifinality rather than to equifinality as is currently the case in Sweden. Individual support cannot be based entirely on a diagnosis but also on an analysis of each student’s experienced difficulties in their immediate university environment of studying. Then, possibly, the available and legally guaranteed support would become as empowering as it was intended to actually be.
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Assessing the impact of new Individual Vessel Quota legislation on the sustainability of the Peruvian anchoveta fishery / Evaluación del impacto de una nueva legislación basada en Límites Máximos de Captura por Embarcación sobre la sostenibilidad de la pesquería peruana de anchovetaMueller-Fischler, Falco January 2013 (has links)
The Peruvian anchoveta fishery was for nearly 60 years characterized by the unsustainable dynamics of open access resource pools. This thesis investigates whether the 2009 Peruvian Legislative Decree 1084 on Individual Vessel Quotas (IVQ's) is an effective response to the industrial overcapacity and race-to-fish problems that threatened the environment before its implementation. It employs Common-Pool Resource theory to assess the impact of the new IVQ scheme on collective dynamics, and Ribot and Peluso's access theory (2009) to elucidate evolving power relations in the fishery. In this framework, DL1084 is evaluated as a regulatory instrument, as a lens on fisheries governance in Peru, and as a source of insight into how environmental impact serves in developing regulations of natural resource exploitation. A triangulated mixed-method design is employed: (1) a two-stream literature review of fisheries management and of the fishery's political ecology; (2) a quantitative analysis of daily state-published landings reports; and (3) seven in-depth intensive interviews with key actors in the fishery, conducted in Peru over two field-trips of approximately 2 months in total. Results indicate that although IVQ's supported existing trends towards large-scale economic efficiency and altered extreme competitive strategies previously associated with open access, fishing companies have built larger ships, favour bigger catches and still concentrate fishing effort around a given annual peak. Meanwhile, capacity has again increased in the unregulated artisanal fishery sector. DL1084 appears to reflect a broader process of growing private sector involvement in managing the fishery, made official by its institutionalization of market self-regulation. Ultimately, it evidences deep structure and capacity limitations in the state's ability to govern marine resources. The law was nevertheless seen as a landmark for the environmental legal process in Peru and an opportunity for reform. This thesis suggests that studying such legislations can provide insight into state identity and the evolving relationship between a nation and its geography. / Durante casi 60 años, la pesquería peruana de anchoveta estaba caracterizada por las dinámicas insostenibles de la explotación de recursos de propiedad común en situación de acceso abierto. Esta tesis investiga si el Decreto Legislativo Peruano 1084 (DL1084) sobre Límites Máximos de Captura por Embarcación (LMCE) es una respuesta efectiva a los problemas de sobrecapacidad industrial y de carrera por el recurso que amenazaban el ambiente antes de su aplicación en 2009. Se basa en la teoría de los Recursos de Propiedad Común (Common-Pool Resource theory) para evaluar el impacto del nuevo modelo de gestión por LMCE sobre las dinámicas colectivas, y en la teoría del Acceso de Ribot y Peluso (2009) para trazar la evolución de las relaciones de poder en la pesquería. En este marco, el DL1084 es evaluado como herramienta regulatoria, como lente sobre la gobernanza pesquera en el Perú y como reflejo del proceso por el cual el impacto ambiental sirve como base para el desarrollo de regulaciones sobre el acceso a recursos naturales. Sigue un diseño triangulado de métodos combinados: (1) una revisión de literatura en dos ramas de la gestión de pesquería como campo general y de la ecología política de la pesquería de anchoveta; (2) un análisis cuantitativo de los informes diarios de desembarques publicados por el estado (IMARPE); y (3) siete entrevistas intensivas de fondo con actores claves en la pesquería, realizadas en Perú durante dos visitas de aproximadamente dos meses en total. Los resultados indican que a pesar de que los LMCE soportaron una tendencia existente hacia una eficiencia económica de mayor escala y alteraron las estrategias competitivas extremas asociadas con el acceso abierto, las empresas pesqueras han construido embarcaciones más grandes, favorecen capturas de mayor tamaño y todavía concentran su esfuerzo pesquero alrededor de un pico anual de abundancia. En paralelo, ha aumentado la capacidad de captura en el sector artesanal, el cual no cuenta con límites de captura. El DL1084 aparece como parte de un proceso más general de creciente involucramiento del sector privado en el manejo de la pesquería, haciéndolo oficial por su misma institucionalización de la autorregulación del mercado. Por último, pone en evidencia profundas limitaciones de estructura y de capacidad en el estado en cuanto a cómo gobierna los recursos marinos. La ley ha sin embargo sido vista como un precedente importante para el proceso legislativo ambiental en el Perú así como una oportunidad para impulsar otras reformas. Esta tesis sugiere que el estudio de tales legislaciones puede ofrecer una mirada sobre los procesos de formación de la identidad de un estado y sobre la evolución de la relación entre una nación y su geografía.
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La rentabilité de la fidélisation du consommateur : 3 essais complémentaires. / Profitability and Sensitivity of Consumer Loyalty : 3 Complementary Essays.Vallaud, Thierry 19 June 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse sur travaux, l’auteur part de deux travaux précédents sur la rentabilité de la fidélisation et la détermination du potentiel client pour faire un constat : une partie de la rentabilité de la fidélisation et du potentiel pour une marque est basée sur la part captable du chiffre d’affaire fait à la concurrence ; le taux de captation.Dans ce nouveau travail il s’agit de montrer que le taux de captation est basé sur l’élasticité du taux de nourriture. A partir d’une analyse de la littérature et de plusieurs modélisations sur des données de panel scannérisées, l’auteur démontre, sur plusieurs marchés, que l’élasticité du taux de nourriture est contrainte et prévisible.C’est donc en tenant compte de cet écart limité qu’une marque peut estimer le taux de captation et donc la rentabilité de la fidélisation ainsi que le potentiel client. / In this thesis based on works the author goes from two previous studies on the profitability of loyalty and customer potential determination to make a statement : part of the profitability of loyalty and of the potential for a brand is based on the reachable share of turnover done by the competition ; the catch rate.In this new work it is shown that the catch rate is based on the elasticity of the share of category requirement. From a review of the literature and several modeling on scanning panel data the author demonstrates on several markets that elasticity of the share of category requirement is limited and predictable.Then it’s in taking into account this small difference that a brand can estimate the “catchable” rate and therefore the profitability of loyalty and potential of a customer.
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Arcabouço de software para a aquisição de dados de saúde através de jogos eletrônicos. / A software framework for the acquisition of health data through electronic games.SANTOS JÚNIOR, Antônio Dias dos. 28 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-28T13:43:00Z
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ANTÔNIO DIAS DOS SANTOS JÚNIOR - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2013..pdf: 8158081 bytes, checksum: 790c106478af0576230e745f36a8b2d2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-28T13:43:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ANTÔNIO DIAS DOS SANTOS JÚNIOR - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2013..pdf: 8158081 bytes, checksum: 790c106478af0576230e745f36a8b2d2 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-03-15 / Capes / Os avanços alcançados na área de tecnologia da informação e comunicação trouxeram a
possibilidade de realizar em casa o monitoramento da saúde, o que antes só podia ser feito em locais especializados, como clínicas e hospitais. O monitoramento realizado no conforto da casa dos indivíduos permite prover serviços para um maior número de pessoas, otimizando o uso de recursos humanos e financeiros. Porém, este sistema de monitoramento enfrenta problemas, sendo o principal deles a dificuldade de uso e a falta de motivação dos usuários. Embora já exista a possibilidade e viabilidade em usar sensores para monitoramento, essa é uma atividade que ainda não está integrada ao cotidiano das pessoas. Para resolver o problema de falta de motivação nos usuários, jogos eletrônicos vêm sendo fortemente utilizados como ferramenta motivadora. Entretanto, os jogos que tentam motivar o jogador a exercitar-se ou a ser monitorado geralmente requerem que o jogador habitue-se com um estilo de jogo que não é parte de seu cotidiano. As ações realizadas dentro do jogo não são parte de seus jogos preferidos. Neste trabalho apresenta-se um arcabouço de software para monitorar dados de saúde
através de jogos eletrônicos. Sua forma de captura de dados permite criar jogos para monitoramento
ainda mantendo a jogabilidade. A validação do arcabouço se deu com o desenvolvimento
de dois jogos, os quais foram testados com 18 pessoas na faixa de idade de 19
a 27 anos do Laboratório Embedded, da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, e do
Instituto Federal de Alagoas. Os resultados indicaram que os jogos foram considerados divertidos pela maioria das pessoas, que também declararam que os incluiriam em sua rotina diária. Além disso, foi possível coletar os dados de saúde de maneira a utilizá-los para a detecção de doenças motoras. / Health monitoring, which could only be done in specialized places, such as clinics and
hospitais, can now be performed at home thanks to the advances in Information and Communication Technologies. Monitoring health data in the comfort of one's homes allows
the provision of services to a greater number of people, optimizing human and financial resources. However, this system faces problems such as difficulty of use and lack of motivation in users. Although it is feasible to use sensors to monitor people, this is still something not easy to integrate to their daily lives. To tackle the lack of motivation among people who need to be monitored, electronic games have been extensively used as a motivational tool. However, games that intend to motivate the player to exercise or to be monitored usually have a different gameplay than what the player would enjoy. This work presents a software framework to monitor health data through electronic games, allowing it to be acquired while keeping the playability. The framework was used for the development of two games, tested by 18 people with ages ranging from 19 to 27, from the Embedded Laboratory at the Federal University of Campina Grande, and Federal Institute of Alagoas. Results showed that most people found the games to be funny, and also stated that they would include the games in their daily routine. Also, it was possible to collect health
data to be used in the detection of motor diseases.
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Modélisation de mécanismes institutionnels et impacts bio-économiques de systèmes de gestion de quotas : application à la pêcherie de sole du golfe de Gascogne / Modelling institutional arrangements and bio-economic impacts of catch share management systems : application to the Bay of Biscay sole fisheryBellanger, Manuel 18 May 2017 (has links)
En France, où les droits de pêches ne sont pas transférables, la gestion des quotas de pêche est essentiellement déléguée aux organisations de producteurs (OP), lesquelles se voient attribuer des allocations collectives et sont responsables de la gestion des possibilités de pêche de leurs adhérents. On peut ainsi s’interroger sur la manière dont la présence des OP au sein des institutions peut permettre d’améliorer les performances écologiques,économiques et sociales de la gestion des pêches en comparaison avec d’autres formes institutionnelles telles que les systèmes de quotas individuels transférables (QIT). Les recherches de thèse, comprenant une partie théorique et s’appuyant sur le cas de la pêcherie de sole du golfe de Gascogne pour les applications empiriques,sont organisées autour des questions suivantes : (1) Par quels mécanismes les OP peuvent-elles permettre d’améliorer le respect des réglementations et influencer l’émergence de normes sociales ? (2) Quels sont les effets redistributifs de la gestion des quotas par les OP ? (3) Comment les mécanismes de gestion des quotas par les OP peuvent-ils être intégrés dans la modélisation bio-économique pour l’évaluation d’impact de scénarios de gestion ? Les analyses développées établissent l’intérêt de prendre en compte des contraintes induites par différents arrangements institutionnels et les résultats sont notamment examinés au regard des trois dimensions (écologique, économique et sociale) nécessaires à la gestion durable des pêches. Les compromis entre ces différentes dimensions sont mis en évidence dans le cadre de scénarios prospectifs visant une meilleure compréhension des enjeux liés à la gestion des pêches. / In France, where fishing rights are non-transferable, the management of fishing quotas is essentially delegated to producer organizations (POs). POs are granted collective allocations based on the aggregate fishing rights of their members and are then responsible for managing their fishing opportunities. The goal of this research, which contains theoretical developments as well as empirical analyses applied to the Bay of Biscay sole fishery, is to determine how outcomes of fisheries management are altered by the presence of POs within institutions as compared to alternative governance systems such as individual transferable quotas (ITQs). This dissertation notably brings together bio-economic approaches and institutional analyses to better anticipate the ecological, economic and social impacts of potential governance options. The research questions are the following: (1) What mechanisms could ensure a high level of compliance and what are the potential gains of placing the POs between the regulator and the fishermen? (2) What are the distributional effects of catch share management by POs? (3) What is the added value of integrating institutional arrangements involving POs into bio-economic modelling for the impact assessment of catch share management options? The analyses that were developed establish the ability of institutional design to influence outcomes in catch share systems in terms of compliance, distribution, and ecological-socioeconomic trade-offs achieved by alternative management options.
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An assessment of inland fisheries in South Africa using fisheries-dependent and fisheries-independent data sourcesMcCafferty, James Ross January 2012 (has links)
The role of inland fisheries as contributors to local and national economies in developing African countries is well documented. In South Africa, there is increasing interest in inland fisheries as vehicles for achieving national policy objectives including food security, livelihoods provision, poverty alleviation and economic development but there is surprisingly little literature on the history, current status, and potential of inland fishery resources. This lack of knowledge constrains the development of management strategies for ensuring the biological sustainability of these resources and the economic and social sustainability of the people that are dependent on them. In order to contribute to the knowledge base of inland fisheries in South Africa this thesis: (1) presents an exhaustive review of the available literature on inland fisheries in South Africa; (2) describes the organisation of recreational anglers (the primary users of the resource); (3) compiles recreational angling catch records and scientific gill net survey data, and assesses the applicability of these data for providing estimates of fish abundance (catch-per-unit effort [CPUE]); and finally, (4) determines the potential for models of fish abundance using morphometric, edaphic, and climatic factors. The literature review highlighted the data-poor nature of South African inland fisheries. In particular information on harvest rates was lacking. A lack of knowledge regarding different inland fishery sectors, governance systems, and potential user conflicts was also found. Recreational anglers were identified as the dominant user group and catch data from this sector were identified as potential sources of fish abundance and harvest information. Formal freshwater recreational angling in South Africa is a highly organised, multi-faceted activity which is based primarily on angling for non-native species, particularly common carp Cyprinus carpio and largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. Bank anglers constituted the largest number of formal participants (5 309 anglers affiliated to formal angling organisations) followed by bass anglers (1 184 anglers affiliated to formal angling organisations). The highly structured nature of organised recreational angling and dominant utilisation of inland fisheries resources by this sector illustrated not only the vested interest of anglers in the management and development of inland fisheries but also the role that anglers may play in future decision-making and monitoring through the dissemination of catch data from organised angling events. Generalised linear models (GLMs) and generalised additive models (GAMs) were used to standardise CPUE estimates from bass- and bank angling catch records, which provided the most suitable data, and to determine environmental variables which most influenced capture probabilities and CPUE. Capture probabilities and CPUE for bass were influenced primarily by altitude and conductivity and multiple regression analysis revealed that predictive models incorporating altitude, conductivity, surface area and capacity explained significant (p<0.05) amounts of variability in CPUE (53%), probability of capture (49%) and probability of limit bag (74%). Bank angling CPUE was influenced by conductivity, surface area and rainfall although an insignificant (p>0.05) amount of variability (63%) was explained by a predictive model incorporating these variables as investigations were constrained by small sample sizes and aggregated catch information. Scientific survey data provided multi-species information and highlighted the high proportion of non-native fish species in Eastern Cape impoundments. Gillnet catches were influenced primarily by species composition and were less subject to fluctuations induced by environmental factors. Overall standardised gillnet CPUE was influenced by surface area, conductivity and age of impoundment. Although the model fit was not significant at the p<0.05 level, 23% of the variability in the data was explained by a predictive model incorporating these variables. The presence of species which could be effectively targeted by gillnets was hypothesised to represent the most important factor influencing catch rates. Investigation of factors influencing CPUE in impoundments dominated by Clarias gariepinus and native cyprinids indicated that warmer, younger impoundments and smaller, colder impoundments produced higher catches of C. gariepinus and native cyprinids respectively. A predictive model for C. gariepinus abundance explained a significant amount of variability (77%) in CPUE although the small sample size of impoundments suggests that predictions from this model may not be robust. CPUE of native cyprinids was influenced primarily by the presence of Labeo umbratus and constrained by small sample size of impoundments and the model did not adequately explain the variability in the data (r² = 0.31, p>0.05). These results indicate that angling catch- and scientific survey data can be useful in providing predictions of fish abundance that are biologically realistic. However, more data over a greater spatial scale would allow for more robust predictions of catch rates. This could be achieved through increased monitoring of existing resource users, the creation of a centralised database for catch records from angling competitions, and increased scientific surveys of South African impoundments conducted by a dedicated governmental function.
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Structure et connectivité de la mégafaune marine à l'échelle d’une région océanique : enjeux pour la gestion durable des tortues vertes dans l'océan Indien occidental / Population structure and connectivity of megafauna at the oceanic region scale : keys issues for sustainable management of marine turtles in the Indian OceanBourjea, Jérôme 02 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'insère dans une démarche globale d'acquisition des connaissances sur la tortue verte (Chelonia mydas) dans l'océan Indien occidental et ce afin de disposer d'éléments scientifiques essentiels à la mise en place d'une gestion cohérente et efficace de cette espèce menacée. Dans un premier temps, appliquant différentes modèles statistiques, ce travail a visé à établir des données de référence sur l'abondance des tortues vertes femelles en reproduction et les tendances sur le long terme des principales populations. Dans un second temps, il a consisté à déterminer la structure génétique et les relations qui existent entre les différentes populations de cette espèce. Enfin, la conservation des tortues marines étant étroitement liée aux pressions extérieures, ce travail a tenté dans un troisième temps de caractériser les pressions anthropiques qu'elles subissent, et notamment celles liées à la pêche. L'ensemble de ces résultats a permis de réaliser des avancées majeures dans la connaissance de la biologie et de l'écologie de la tortue verte et de disposer d'une vision régionale fiable de l'état de conservation de cette espèce dans l'océan Indien occidental. Leur compilation a ainsi permis d'identifier des zones régionales prioritaires de protection mais aussi des sites de vigilance plus spécifiques comme celui d'Europa. Enfin cette synthèse met en lumière les priorités de recherche et les approches scientifiques à favoriser à l'avenir pour améliorer les connaissances et affiner les priorités de conservation non seulement des tortues marines, mais aussi de la mégafaune marine en général. / This thesis is a comprehensive work aiming to improve scientific knowledge on the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in order to provide key scientific evidences needed for the implementation of coherent and effective management measures to protect at the Western Indian Ocean scale this threatened species. In a first step, this work aimed to established baseline data on the abundance of green turtles nesting females and long term trends of some key nesting populations of the region by applying different modelling methods. In a second step, this work determined the regional genetic structure of this species and the relationships that exists between the different populations. Finally, the conservation of marine turtles being closely dependant to external pressures, this work tried to characterize theanthropogenic pressures they face, more specifically those related to fishing activities. All these results allowed unraveling some key gaps on the biology and ecology of the green turtle in the region and led to a global vision of the conservation status of this species in the Western Indian Ocean. The compilation of the results enabled the identification of regional priority areas for protection, but also some more specific threatened sites such as Europa. Finally, this synthesis shedslight on research priorities and scientific approaches to be promote in the future to unlock other keyscientific issues and refine conservation priorities, not only of marine turtles, but also of marine megafauna as a whole.
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The use of cover crops to increase yield and reduce pest pressure in a commercial avocado orchard at Levubu, Limpopo ProvinceNengovhela, Ndoweni Mary 13 August 2020 (has links)
MENVSC / Department of Ecology and Resource Management / The study investigated the impact of cover crops (Medicago sativa, Lotus corniculatus, Trifolium pratense, Melilotus alba and Phacelia tanacetifolia), bare soil and natural ground cover on pest and beneficial arthropods, soil health, crop yield, pest damage and weed suppression in avocado orchards. The trial plots were sited within established commercial avocado orchards with trees of similar cultivar (‘Hass’), soil-type and age, located in Levubu, Limpopo, South Africa. Mixtures of cover crops were planted in the alleys of avocado orchards and the effects were compared to that of a control (other half of the orchard). Mechanical clearing of vegetation in half of the alleys of different avocado orchards were compared to the other half that was left undisturbed. Data were collected during the flowering and fruit set stages of the avocado trees in the months of September - November 2019. Results revealed that there was higher abundance and diversity of flowering plants in the orchard alleys of the cover crop treatment compared to the control comprising of natural vegetation. Cover crops had a significantly positive effect on the soil health of the orchard but little or no effect on beneficial arthropods within the orchard nor any positive effect on the pests of avocados. However, the number of thrips scouted on the fruit were significantly less where cover crops were established. Avocado scale infection rates were also significantly lower where cover crops were established. There were significantly less arthropods, and specifically pests, pollinators and herbivores where the topsoil was removed mechanically. The yield resulting from the orchard half where cover crops were established were significantly higher. More research still needs to be done about the use, management and impact of cover cropping on not only commercial avocado orchards but on other fruit crops. This study shows good evidence for the benefits for using cover crops and the negative effects in having no vegetation cover in the orchards. / NRF
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Structural and Functional Characterization of O-Antigen Translocation and Polymerization in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1Islam, Salim Timo 07 June 2013 (has links)
Heteropolymeric O antigen (O-Ag)-capped lipopolysaccharide is the principal constituent of the Gram-negative bacterial cell surface. It is assembled via the integral inner membrane (IM) Wzx/Wzy-dependent pathway. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Wzx translocates lipid-linked anionic O-Ag subunits from the cytoplasmic to the periplasmic leaflets of the IM, where Wzy polymerizes the subunits to lengths regulated by Wzz1/2. The Wzx and Wzy IM topologies were mapped using random C-terminal-truncation fusions to PhoALacZα, which displays PhoA/LacZ activity dependent upon its subcellular localization. Twelve transmembrane segments (TMS) containing charged residues were identified for Wzx. Fourteen TMS, two sizeable cytoplasmic loops (CL), and two large periplasmic loops (PL3 and PL5 of comparable size) were characterized for Wzy.
Despite Wzy PL3–PL5 sequence homology, these loops were distinguished by respective cationic and anionic charge properties. Site-directed mutagenesis identified functionally-essential Arg residues in both loops. These results led to the proposition of a “catch-and-release” mechanism for Wzy function. The abovementioned Arg residues and intra-Wzy PL3–PL5 sequence homology were conserved among phylogenetically diverse Wzy homologues, indicating widespread potential for the proposed mechanism. Unexpectedly, Wzy CL6 mutations disrupted Wzz1-mediated regulation of shorter O-Ag chains, providing the first evidence for direct Wzy–Wzz interaction.
Mutagenesis studies identified functionally-important charged and aromatic TMS residues localized to either the interior vestibule or TMS bundles in a 3D homology model constructed for Wzx. Substrate-binding or energy-coupling roles were proposed for these residues, respectively. The Wzx interior was found to be cationic, consistent with translocation of anionic O-Ag subunits. To test these hypotheses, Wzx was overexpressed, purified, and reconstituted in proteoliposomes loaded with I−. Common transport coupling ions were introduced to “open” the protein and allow detection of I− flux via reconstituted Wzx. Extraliposomal changes in H+ induced I− flux, while Na+ addition had no effect, suggesting H+-dependent Wzx gating. Putative energy-coupling residue mutants demonstrated defective H+-dependent halide flux. Wzx also mediated H+ uptake as detected through fluorescence shifts from proteoliposomes loaded with pH-sensitive dye. Consequently, Wzx was proposed to function via H+-coupled antiport. In summary, this research has contributed structural and functional knowledge leading to novel mechanistic understandings for O-Ag biosynthesis in bacteria. / Bookmarks within the document have been provided for ease of access to a particular section in the body of the thesis. Each entry in the Table of Contents, List of Tables, and List of Figures has been "linked" to its respective position and as such can be clicked for direct access to the entry. Similarly, each in-text Figure or Table reference has been "linked" to its respective figure/table for direct access to the entry. / 1.) Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship doctoral award, 2.) CIHR Michael Smith Foreign Study Award, 3.) Cystic Fibrosis Canada (CFC) doctoral studentship, 4.) University of Guelph Dean's Tri-Council Scholarship, 5.) Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology, 6.) Operating grants to Dr. Joseph S. Lam from CIHR (MOP-14687) and CFC
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EmbarcaÃÃes a vela do litoral do Estado do Cearà construÃÃo, construtores, navegaÃÃo e aspectos pesqueiros / Vessels sailing the coast of Cearà State building, builders, navigation and fisheries issuesMiguel Savio de Carvalho Braga 27 February 2013 (has links)
CAPITULO 1 â Perfil dos carpinteiros artesanais de embarcaÃÃes a vela do litoral do estado do CearÃ
No contexto mundial, durante o sÃculo XV, a construÃÃo naval das embarcaÃÃes veleiras passaram por evoluÃÃes que propiciaram o empreendimento de grandes viagens. Chegando ao Brasil iniciou-se um longo processo de interaÃÃo construtiva das embarcaÃÃes locais com o conhecimento europeu. As jangadas inicialmente construÃdas sem velas evoluÃram e se propagaram por todo o nordeste e, principalmente no Cearà como embarcaÃÃo de pesca artesanal, evoluindo das jangadas de troncos Ãs atuais de tÃbuas, assim como ocorreu evoluÃÃo construtiva artesanal das canoas e botes. O litoral cearense foi percorrido no perÃodo de setembro de 2010 a maio de 2012, identificando-se in loco os tipos de embarcaÃÃes construÃdas, e localizando e entrevistando construtores artesanais de embarcaÃÃes a vela, foco principal deste trabalho. Foram entrevistados 36 carpinteiros de comprovado reconhecimento local, que responderam questionÃrio estruturado com perguntas direcionadas diretamente à identificaÃÃo do construtor artesanal, seu perfil profissional e da sua arte construtiva, permitindo registros fotogrÃficos, filmagens e gravaÃÃes. Os dados de cada questionÃrio foram transcritos para planilhas eletrÃnicas e analisadas, combinando com as gravaÃÃes de entrevistas transcritas e das filmagens. A pesquisa constatou a baixa escolaridade dos carpinteiros artesanais entrevistados, com 44% de alfabetizados e 42% de analfabetos; a inexistÃncia de qualquer registro construtivo empregado; mÃdia de idade; media de tempo de trabalho e frequÃncia da distribuiÃÃo do tempo de trabalho entre os carpinteiros entrevistados; influÃncia e origem do aprendizado e ausÃncia de enquadramento funcional destes jà que nÃo se aposentam como construtores artesanais. Resultados importantes foram obtidos sobre o perfil do carpinteiro artesanal cearense, considerados importantes para a manutenÃÃo da tradiÃÃo cultural de suas tÃcnicas aplicadas à construÃÃo de embarcaÃÃes a vela, e que compÃem o patrimÃnio histÃrico e socioeconÃmico do estado.
CAPITULO 2 â A construÃÃo dos diferentes tipos de embarcaÃÃes a vela do litoral do estado do CearÃ
As embarcaÃÃes a vela sÃo usadas na pesca desde a Idade MÃdia e foram introduzidas no Brasil no inÃcio do descobrimento. No CearÃ, a frota veleira à constituÃda por jangadas, paquetes, canoas e botes, e este estudo objetivou descrever os aspectos e processo construtivos destas embarcaÃÃes, e verificar a existÃncia de diferenciaÃÃo entre localidades quanto aos custos, tempo de construÃÃo, materiais, ferramentas manuais, posicionamento dos mastros com os tipos e tamanhos de vela e elaboraÃÃo de planos de linhas. A metodologia constou de levantamentos de dados in loco, no perÃodo de maio 2010 a dezembro de 2012, com entrevistas com 36 carpinteiros artesanais em 25 localidades de praia de dezoito municÃpios, e aplicaÃÃo de questionÃrios e registros por gravaÃÃo, fotografia e filmagem. O mÃtodo construtivo adotado pelos construtores à o do âesqueleto primeiroâ, ao qual os diversos componentes sÃo acrescentados. O principio para a construÃÃo dos botes triÃngulo e bastardo à o mesmo adotado por toda a forÃa de trabalho, que sÃo idÃnticos no aspecto construtivo e de estrutura de casco, diferem no tipo de mastro e vela, tendo o bastardo um mastro fixo com vela latina bastarda e o bote triÃngulo vela latina triangular. Os custos de construÃÃo variam em ordem decrescente para botes, jangadas, canoas e paquetes, determinados pelo comprimento da embarcaÃÃo e tipo de madeira. Pontualmente, registrou-se em Bitupità a existÃncia da vela quadrangular latina, denominada de âvela quatro punhosâ, envergada em mastro bastardo nas canoas de curral.
CAPITULO 3 â A navegaÃÃo praticada por mestres marcadores nas embarcaÃÃes a vela no estado do CearÃ
A orientaÃÃo praticada a bordo de embarcaÃÃes veleiras para navegaÃÃo e pesca utiliza referÃncias de terra para compor as linhas de posiÃÃo denominadas caminho e assento que, ao se cruzarem, determinam o local desejado. Esta atividade vem acontecendo desde a existÃncia da jangada de piÃba e se perpetua por transmissÃo entre geraÃÃes. O estudo foi desenvolvido com mestres marcadores de trÃs localidades, Baleia, Fortaleza e Redonda, onde predominam canoas, jangadas e botes, respectivamente. A prÃtica desta modalidade de navegaÃÃo à idÃntica para os diferentes tipos de embarcaÃÃo e diferem pouco entre as localidades estudadas. O exercÃcio da orientaÃÃo exige que o mestre marcador tenha boa visÃo e memÃria para encontrar caminho e assento, alÃm de sofrer restriÃÃes na ausÃncia da luz solar. Essa atividade à iniciada pelos marcadores ainda na juventude, e esses conhecimentos sÃo adquiridos independentes do grau de instruÃÃo e se consolidam tanto pelo exercÃcio da pesca quando pela experiÃncia adquirida. A observaÃÃo de estrelas e planetas revela a direÃÃo do caminho de volta ao porto de origem tendo a estrela do porto vÃrias denominaÃÃes no litoral cearense. A falta de visibilidade do litoral, ocasionada por chuva, cerraÃÃo ou outros fatores, interfere negativamente na identificaÃÃo de pontos de referÃncia existentes no litoral. A marcaÃÃo terrestre vem sendo gradativamente substituÃda pelo uso do GPS na localizaÃÃo dos pesqueiros mais produtivos, com grande aceitaÃÃo pelos mais jovens. O baixo preÃo e eficiÃncia comprovada desse equipamento tÃm justificado sua difusÃo ao longo de todo o litoral do CearÃ.
CAPITULO 4 â EmbarcaÃÃes a vela do litoral do estado do CearÃ, distribuiÃÃo espacial da frota e da produÃÃo pesqueira
O Cearà possui 573 km de litoral, distribuÃdo por 20 municÃpios costeiros e conta com 113 localidades de pesca estuarina e marinha. Este estudo se baseia nos seguintes dados estatÃsticos do Programa ESTATPESCA a- composiÃÃo da frota por tipo de barco e municÃpio; b- produÃÃo de pescado por tipo de barco e municÃpio; c- produÃÃo das principais espÃcies de peixe por tipo de embarcaÃÃo. Foi feita a descriÃÃo das caracterÃsticas das embarcaÃÃes a vela do Cearà de uma forma mais detalhada que as dividiu em jangadas ocada e de isopor; paquetes ocado e de isopor; canoa de Paracuru; canoa de Moitas-Baleia; canoa de Camocim (bianas); Canoa de Acarau-PreÃ-BitupitÃ; canoas de currais de BitupitÃ; canoa-paquete de Fleixeiras-Guagiru e botes triangulo e bastardo. Os resultados mostram que os paquetes sÃo maioria numÃrica e com maior distribuiÃÃo geogrÃfica, destacam-se pela versatilidade, por serem leves para encalhe e movimentaÃÃo na faixa de praia, pela necessidade de pequena tripulaÃÃo e baixo custo de construÃÃo e manutenÃÃo. Os botes tÃm a menor abrangÃncia territorial, com o bastardo bem concentrados em Camocim e o triÃngulo com maior concentraÃÃo em IcapuÃ. A canoa tem predominÃncia exclusiva no litoral oeste e a jangada, no litoral leste. Em termos relativos, as embarcaÃÃes participaram da captura nas seguintes proporÃÃes: canoas = 45,3 %; paquete = 22,3 %; botes = 22,4%, destacando-se os municÃpios de Camocim, Itarema, Icapuà e AcaraÃ. Estes tÃm produÃÃo mais seleta, capturando espÃcies de maior valor comercial, a saber guaiÃba, cavala, pargo, sirigado, carapitanga e dourado. As jangadas vÃm perdendo importÃncia relativa na captura do pescado, mas ainda com destaque para os municÃpios de Fortaleza, Aquiraz, Beberibe Cascavel e Aracati. / CHAPTER 1 â Profile of the artisanal carpenters of sail crafts in Cearà State
In a worldwide scenario, during the XV Century, the naval building of sail craft underwent an evolutionary development that enabled the undertaking of long-length voyages across the oceans. By arriving at Brazil, an intensive interaction process between local sail boat construction and that of European-derived knowledge. The sail rafts, at first built without sail, were deployed over the whole Brazilian northeast, mainly in Cearà State, as artisanal crafts, evolving from simple dugouts to the actual wooden ones as well as canoes and rowboats. For this research work, the Cearà Stateâs coast was surveyed from September, 2010 to May, 2012, taking in situ stock of all types of constructed crafts, and pinpointing and interviewing artisanal builders of sailboats, who are than main target population of this survey. To this aim, 36 accomplished carpenters, locally recognized as such, were required to answer a number of questionnaires directed toward a full appraisal of the artisanal naval builders, its professional profile and handicraft, for which photographic records, pictures and sound recordings were obtained. The derived data were transferred to electronic spreadsheets and then analyzed by crosschecking the recorded interviews and the movie pictures. This survey led to the following results: occurrence of low reading ability by the artisanal carpenters so that 44 per cent were found to be illiterate; non-existence of any kind of professional registration by the competent public offices; mean age of 22.1 years; high mean working time and frequency of distribution among the sampled population; factors of influence and origin of learning techniques and absence of functional framing, since they to do not retire as naval builders. Significant results were got as to the artisanal carpentersâs profile in Cearà State, which were deemed quite relevant for the maintenance of the folklore of their techniques applied to the construction of sail crafts, and round up the historic and socioeconomic heritage of the Cearà Stateâs coastline .
CHAPTER 2 â Construction of different types of sail craft along Cearà Stateâs coastline
The sailboats are used in fisheries since the middle ages and were introduced in Brazil at the beginning of its discovery. The Cearà Stateâs fleet is made up of rafts, canoes and boats whose study was meant for describing aspects of the building process and for ascertaining the existence of differentiation among fishing communities as to costs, construction time, basic materials, hand tools and positioning of masts according to boat size, sail types and setting of lining patterns. The methodology consisted of data surveys carried out locally, in the period from May, 2010 through December, 2012, by means of interviews with 36 artisanal carpenters in 25 fishing sites of 18 costal counties, by applying questionnaires and data gathering by recording, photography and movie pictures. The constructive technique consists of mounting a âprimary skeletonâ to which all other component parts are attached. The building principle of the triangle and bastard boats is the same as adopted by the whole of the labor force, which are identical as to their constructive pattern and hull framework, but differ as to the types of masts ands sails, namely the bastard one having a fixed mast and a storm jib, and the triangle one having a triangular storm jib. The construction costs vary in a decreasing order for boats, rafts and canoes, as determined by the craft length and kind of timber. Somewhat exceptionally there was identified in BitupitÃ, Barroquinha county, the existence of a square storm jib named âfour-fist sailâ, bent up as a bastard mast in the fish-weir canoes.
CHAPTER 3 â The navigation practiced by master position markers on board sail boats in Cearà State
The orientation carried out on board sailboats for navigation and fishing makes use of landmarks in order to compose the position lines named pathway and outpost that, while intercrossing, determine the sought after site. This activity has been taking place since the very early existence of the sail raft and it endures itself from generation to generation. This study was undertaken by master markers in some fishing localities, namely Baleia, Fortaleza and Redonda where canoes, sail rafts and boats are respectively predominant. The practice of this kind of navigation is similar for the various types of boats and diverges from one another very little among the studied landing points. The exercise of orientation requires that the master marker has got good eyesight and memory in order to find out the pathway and the outpost, besides undergoing setbacks from the absence of sunlight. That activity is started when the fisherman is still young, and his long-lived expertise is acquired independently of the educational degree as it is derived from both the fishing chores and the accumulated experience. The observation of stars and planets reveals the way back to the home port whose identifying star receives many nominations along Cearà Stateâs coastline. The lack of visibility brought about by rain, clouding, and other factors meddle with the identification of conspicuous landmarks. This age- old technique has been gradually replaced by the use of GPS devices for pinpointing the most productive fishing grounds, with a high degree of acceptance by the young generation. The low purchase price and the proved efficiency of that equipment has accounted for the diffusion of their advantages among the fishing communities of Cearà State.
CHAPTER 4 â Sail crafts in Cearà Stateâs coastline: fleet and fishing production spatial distribution
The Cearà Stateâs coastline spreads over 573 km distributed by 20 coastal counties, and 113 estuarine and marine fishing communities. This study is based on the following statistical data gathered through the ESTATPESCA Program: fleet composition by types of boat and county; fish production by type of boat and county; catch composition of the main fish species by type of boat. A detailed description of the sailboats in Cearà was presented in order to provide information on a number of variants of their main types, namely hollow raft, styrofoam-fulled rafts, canoe from Paracuru, canoe from Moitas-Baleia; canoe from Camocim; canoe from AcaraÃ-PreÃ-BitupitÃ; canoe from Bitupità fish-weirs, canoe-raft from Fleixeiras-Guagiru, triangle boat and bastard boat. The results show the small raft holds a numeric majority and a wider geographic distribution, standing out by being lighter to anchor on the beach sand, requiring fewer crew, and entailing lower construction and maintenance costs. The boats show a narrower territorial range, with the bastard ones being concentrated in Camocim county and the triangle ones more frequent in Icapuà county. The canoe and the large-sized raft hold an outstanding predominance on the western and the eastern sides of Cearà Stateâs coastline, respectively. In relative terms, the main types of fishing craft took part in the caches according to the following proportions: canoes = 45.3 per cent; small raft = 22.3 per cent; boats = 22.4 per cent. Among their home counties stand out Camocim, Itarema, Icapuà and AcaraÃ, the ones that boast a more exclusive fish production made out of such species as yellowtail snapper, king mackerel, Caribbean red snapper, black grouper, dog snapper and dolphin. The large-sized rafts have shown of late a tendency for playing a lesser part in fish catching, but they are still relevant in such Cearà Stateâs counties as Fortaleza, Aquiraz, Beberibe Cascavel and Aracati.
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