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Välgörenhet, Svett och Tårar : En kvalitativ fallstudie om motivation i ideella välgörenhetsprojekt / Charity, Sweat and Tears : A qualitative case study about motivation in non-profit charity projectHäggstad, Robin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet för studien var att skapa förståelse kring ideellt engagemang i välgörenhetsprojekt och viktiga aspekter som motiverar dessa personer. Resultatet kan användas av organisationer, föreningar och personer med ledande funktioner för att motivera och leda ideella deltagare. För att besvara syftet formulerades forskningsfrågan: Vad motiverar deltagare till att gå med i och fullfölja ideella välgörenhetsprojekt? Tillvägagångssättet som användes var en kvalitativ fallstudie där intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod, materialet bearbetades sedan genom en tematisk analys. Studien visade att inre motivation i form av en utmaning och en vilja att göra gott var det som fick deltagarna att gå med, under projektet blev det mer komplext och motivationen kunde förändras under tid. De viktigaste motiven till att fullfölja var gemenskapen i laget, att kunna utmana sig själv, regelbundna framsteg och att det välgörande syftet var något starkt att kämpa för
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Trajectoires des acteurs et des structures dans l'organisation d'un système de santé en Dordogne de 1803 à 1939 / Pathways of actors and structures in the organisation of a health system in the Dordogne from 1803 to 1939Cazauran, Jean Marie 28 May 2018 (has links)
Constatant la place importante de la santé dans la société contemporaine, l’étude du passage d’un système de santé d’Ancien Régime au système actuel à l’échelle d’un département rural comme la Dordogne représente l’objet de ce travail. En 1803, sont affirmés par la loi, les monopoles, médical et pharmaceutique, et en 1939, les éléments principaux du système actuel sont en place. L’évolution du système nous semble la conséquence de la rencontre de demandes de santé et de bien-être de populations de plus en plus larges et d’offres de santé de la part d’individus qui se professionnalisent. Au XIXe siècle, (Première Partie) les docteurs en médecine éliminent la concurrence (officiers de santé, charlatans, autres offreurs de santé) et trouvent leur place dans la société (épidémies, hygiène, vie sociale) ; les pharmaciens passent de la fabrication/vente de produits simples à la vente de médicaments de plus en plus issus de l’industrie et autres produits de parapharmacie ; les sages-femmes et les sœurs congréganistes sont des auxiliaires ou des concurrentes. Les demandeurs de soins appartiennent à des groupes sociaux de plus en plus nombreux et font appel au système pour des pathologies de plus en plus variées. Les indigents sont pris en charge par les bureaux de bienfaisance, le dépôt de mendicité et les hôpitaux-hospices, en expansion numérique et élargissant leur clientèle hors de l’indigence. Au XXe siècle, (Deuxième Partie) le système oscille entre libéralisme défendu par les acteurs de santé (syndicalisme) et étatisme pour améliorer la santé de populations de plus en plus larges. La spécialisation médicale apparait et les pharmaciens, assurés du monopole par les spécialités, sont dans un système capitaliste. La mission sociale de l’Etat se réalise par l’organisation départementale de l’hygiène publique, par l’ouverture de dispensaires et le vote de lois (Aide Médicale Gratuite, Assistance aux vieillards, infirmes et invalides, Accidents du travail, Retraites Ouvrières et Paysannes, etc.). Les bureaux de bienfaisance semblent inadaptés. La spécialisation des structures hospitalières se réalise, les hôpitaux reçoivent les malades et la lutte contre les fléaux sociaux (tuberculose, syphilis,) mobilise les autorités et les soignants. Les progrès de la chirurgie permettent l’ouverture de cliniques chirurgicales privées dans les villes. Le financement du système (Troisième Partie) fait appel à trois modes : la charité privée organisée avec son corrolaire, l’assistance publique, la prévoyance avec les Sociétés de Secours Mutuels et enfin la solidarité sous la forme des Assurances Sociales. Aucun système n’a supplanté les autres et la coexistence des trois est une des caractéristiques du système de santé français, encore actuellement. / Considering the important place of health in our contemporary society, this work will focus on the study of the transition from an « Ancien Régime » health system to the current system, in a rural department such as the Dordogne. In 1803, the first laws were created to establish medical and pharmaceutical monopolies to lead, in 1939, to the main elements of our current system. The evolution of the system is a consequence of the meeting of the demands for health and well-being of ever-widening populations and the provision of health care by individuals becoming more professional. In the 19th century (Part I), medical doctors eliminated competition (health officers, quacks and other health care providers) and found their real place in society (epidemics, hygiene, social life). Pharmacists moved from manufacturing and selling simple products to the selling of increasingly industrial medecine and other parapharmacy products. Midwives and congregational sisters were either assistants or rivals. The demand for healthcare came from more and more different social groups and for more and more varied illnesses. The needy were taken care of by charitable offices, beggars’homes and hospital-hospices which were in growing numbers, expanding their clientele outside of indigence. In the 20th centuty (Part II) the system oscillated between liberalism defended by health providers (trade unionism) and statism to improve the health of increasingly large populations. The medical specialization appeared and the pharmacists, comforted by their monopole, became a part of a capitalist system. The State’s social mission was carried out through the organization of public health by geographical departement, through the opening of dispensaries and through the passing of laws (free medical aid, assistance to the elderly, infirm and disabled, industrial accidents, workers’ and peasant farmers’ pensions, etc.). Charitable offices seemed inadequate. The specialization of hospital structures took place, hospitals received patients and the fight against scourges (tuberculosis, syphilis) mobilised the authorities and carers. Advances in surgery made it possible to open private surgical clincs in the cities. The financing of the system (Part III) involved three modes : private charity and its corollary public assistance, foresight with the Mutual Aid Societies and solidarity in the form of Social Insurance. Until now, no system has supplanted the others and the coexistence of the three is one of the characteristics of the French Health System.
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Histoire des oeuvres sociales de l'Eglise Vaudoise / History of the social works of the Waldensian Church / Storia delle opere sociali della Chiesa ValdeseBaral, Simone 20 November 2017 (has links)
Même si composée par un nombre réduit de membres, à peu près 20.000 personnes, pendent le XIXe siècle l’Eglise vaudoise italienne a réussi à se doter d’une grande quantité d’œuvres sociales, grâce à un réseau de relations dense et vaste avec l’Internationale protestante, en Europe et dans l’Amérique du Nord. Hôpitaux, maisons de retraites, orphelinats, écoles professionnelles, colonies de vacances et diaconats ont été les principales réalisations de cet effort social. Suivant trois axes de recherche (les liens entre église et œuvres, les rapports entre l’action sociale ecclésiastique et celui de l’Etat, le problème du financement), le travail traverse environ un siècle d’histoire religieuse et de la sécurité sociale en Italie - entre la Restauration et la législation de Crispi -, en essayant d’expliquer les étapes qui ont permis à cette petite église réformé de se transformer, d’objet de l’assistance étrangère, à un des principaux sujets italiens de services sociaux. / Despite being composed of a limited number of members (about 20000), during the XIXth century the Italian Waldensian Church succeeded in developing a great amount of social works, thanks to a network of relations with the “Protestant International” in Europe and Northern America. This social effort resulted in the development of hospitals, retirement houses, orphanages, professional schools, summer schools and monetary assistance to the poor. This thesis explores a century of Italian social and religious history – from the Restauration to the birth of national legislation on welfare in the Crispinian period – a long three axes of research (the link between church and social works, the relationship between the ecclesiastic and national social intervention, the issue of funding). Its main aim is to identify the steps that allowed this little reformed church to undergo such a significant transformation: from being the recipient of foreign assistance to being one of the key agents in Italian social assistance. / Anche se composta da un numero esiguo di membri, circa 20.000 persone, durante l’Ottocento la Chiesa valdese italiana è riuscita a dotarsi di una grande quantità di opere sociali, grazie a una fitta e ampia rete di relazioni con l’Internazionale protestante, in Europa e Nord America. Ospedali, ospizi, orfanotrofi, scuole professionali, colonie estive e borse dei poveri furono i principali risultati di questo sforzo sociale. Attraverso tre assi di ricerca (il legame tra chiesa e opere, i rapporti tra l’azione sociale ecclesiastica e quella statale, il problema del suo finanziamento), il lavoro percorre circa un secolo di storia religiosa e assistenziale in Italia - dalla Restaurazione alla nascita di una legislazione statale in materia assistenziale in epoca crispina –, cercando di mostrare le tappe che hanno permesso a questa piccola chiesa riformata di trasformarsi, da oggetto dell’assistenza straniera, a una delle principali soggetti italiani di servizi sociali.
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A disputa do dom - diálogos entre as ciências sociais e a teologia católica acerca da doutrina social da igreja católicaBárbara Júnior, Camilo Antônio Santa 27 March 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The discussion limits in the application of the paradigm of the talent to the religious ambit, pointing out like him is understood in the context of the Catholic Christianity and also which the implications of the practical and theoretical point of view of the talent and of the religious person in the social phenomenon, above all, applied the social doctrine of the Church, present in "Deus caritas est". This work attempts to expose the likeness among the foundation of the Catholic social doctrine, present in "Deus caritas est" and the logic of the talent. He made it considering the Christianity as an economy of the grace and considering this an universality, a
radicalism and an assimilation of the logic of the talent. In this sense, it was ended that, in "Deus caritas est", the foundation of the social doctrine of the Church tends to coincide with the logic of the talent and to reinforce it starting from the theological category of the charity. / A discussão se circunscreve à aplicação do paradigma do dom ao âmbito religioso, salientando como ele é entendido no contexto do cristianismo católico e também quais as
implicações do ponto de vista prático e teórico do dom e do religioso no fenômeno social, sobretudo aplicado à doutrina social da Igreja, presente em Deus caritas est . Este trabalho
intenta explicitar as afinidades entre o fundamento da doutrina social católica, nessa encíclica e a lógica do dom. Fê-lo considerando o cristianismo como uma economia da graça e esta como uma universalização, uma radicalização e uma interiorização da lógica do dom. Neste sentido, concluiu-se que, em Deus caritas est , o fundamento da doutrina social da Igreja tende a coincidir com a lógica do dom e a reforçá-la a partir da categoria teológica da caridade.
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Pobreza e alianças: análise das relações entre uma comunidade de vida e aliança no Espírito Santo e a cidade de São Paulo / Poverty and alliances: an analysis of the relations between a life and alliance within the Holy Ghost community and the city of São PauloPierina Angélica Soratto Jacinto 21 February 2011 (has links)
A presente reflexão tem como objetivo analisar a mútua construção entre religião e cidade. Mais especificamente, procura-se investigar como atividades, casas e crenças católicas concebem e se relacionam com espaços e atores urbanos, articulando circuitos, manchas e pedaços na cidade de São Paulo. Por outro lado, esta abordagem também visa analisar como a cidade, enquanto realidade social e historicamente construída, formatou a criação, bem como reflete-se nas atividades, casas e crenças católicas pesquisadas. O objeto empírico desta pesquisa consiste em uma organização religiosa geralmente classificada como comunidade de vida e aliança no Espírito Santo, cujo nome é Aliança de Misericórdia, analisada antropologicamente por meio do recurso teórico-metodológico etnográfico. A Aliança de Misericórdia constitui-se como ator religioso, constrói suas casas e atividades e, desse modo, se relaciona com a cidade, por meio de uma noção alargada de pobreza. Tal concepção cristã da pobreza é responsável pela formação de várias alianças, pelas quais a comunidade observada legitima e sustenta a sua atuação em diferentes domínios urbanos. Por fim, a noção de pobreza desenvolvida pela Aliança de Misericórdia implica na demonização de certos espaços e atores urbanos definidos como pobres em um sentido material, o que articula uma definição da cidade como um verdadeiro inferno, o qual procura-se evangelizar por diversos e novos métodos. / This dissertation examines the mutual construction of religion and the city. More specifically, the analysis is focused in how catholic activities, houses and beliefs conceive and are related to urban spaces and actors, articulating circuits, patches and turfs in São Paulo. On the other hand, this approach also analyses how the city, as a social reality historically constructed, framed formatted the establishment, as well as how it reflects on the catholic activities, houses and beliefs observed. The empirical object of this research consists of a religious organization usually classified as a life and alliance within the Holy Ghost community, called Mercy alliance, anthropologically analyzed by means of the ethnographic theoretical and methodological resource (method). The Mercy Alliance is constituted as a religious actor, which establishes its houses and activities, therefore relating itself to the city, by means of a broad notion of poverty. This Christian notion of poverty is responsible for the making of several alliances, on which the observed community legitimates and supports its actions in different urban domains. Finally, the notion of poverty developed by the Mercy Alliance engenders the demonization of certain urban spaces and actors, classified as poor in a material sense, thus articulating a definition of the city as hell that shall be evangelized by new and different methods.
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Le rôle du cœur dans l'édification de la subjectivité et de l'intersubjectivité augustiniennes / The role of the heart in the edification of Augustinian subjectivity and intersubjectivityHuian, Georgiana 17 September 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en lumière la centralité du coeur dans la dynamique de la subjectivité et del’intersubjectivité augustiniennes. Elle se propose de regagner, à partir des oeuvres d’Augustin, le sens profonddu coeur comme source et centre ordonnateur de toutes les fonctions et potentialités du sujet : intellectuelles,volitives, affectives et perceptives. Le coeur est encore étudié comme noyau d’articulation d’une anthropologieapophatique, espace qui cache une profondeur incompréhensible, fondée dans la constitution iconique de l’êtrehumain. Ainsi, l’impénétrable mystère du soi se montre toujours situé dans un rapport primordial avec le mystèrede son Archétype, ce qui ouvre vers l’expérience de l’intersubjectivité. La deuxième partie de cette recherches’emploie à considérer comment, chez Augustin, le cor devient l’espace de résonance des rencontresintersubjectives avec les autres et avec Dieu. Pris entre le mystère du coeur de l’autre et la soif de la présence del’autre, le coeur abrite une tension essentielle qui projette le soi vers l’autre, vers le semblable. Or, l’élucidationdu sens de cette tension réclame un nouveau regard sur la thématique de l’amitié et de la charité. Le momentfinal de notre étude est consacré aux cheminements du coeur vers l’accomplissement du soi dans l’hospitalitéréciproque entre le créé et l’Incréé. Ce pèlerinage spirituel nous introduit dans un culte intérieur accompli dans lecoeur. Ainsi le soi, totalement consommé dans l’offrande de son coeur, est rétabli dans son être liturgique. / The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the centrality of the heart in the dynamic of Augustinian subjectivityand intersubjectivity. It aims to regain, following the works of Augustine, the profound sense of the heart assource and center governing all functions and potentialities of the subject: intellectual, willing, emotional andperceptive. The heart is also investigated as an articulating core of an apophatic anthropology, as a space whichhides an incomprehensible deepness in the iconic constitution of the human being. Thus, the impenetrablemystery of the self is always situated in a primordial relationship with the mystery of its Archetype, and thisopens to the experience of the intersubjectivity. The second part of this research is dedicated to considering how,in Augustine’s conception, the cor becomes a space of resonance of intersubjective encounters with the othersand with God. Caught between the mystery of the other’s heart and the thirst of the other’s presence, the hearthosts an essential tension which projects the self towards the other resembling itself. However clarifying thesignification of this tension requires a new glimpse at the themes of friendship and charity. The last part of mystudy is devoted to the routes of the heart towards the accomplishment of the self in reciprocal hospitalitybetween the created and the Uncreated. This spiritual pilgrimage introduces us in the interior cult assumed withinthe heart. In this way the self, while totally consumed in the sacrifice of its heart, is reestablished in its liturgicalbeing.
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Välgörenhetsorganisationers användning av sociala medier för ökat givande via mobiltelefonerEriksson, Richard January 2012 (has links)
Allt fler människor använder sig av sociala medier via sina mobiltelefoner. Mobiltelefonernas egenskaper tillåter användarna att kommunicera på ett snabbt och platsoberoende sätt. Flera stora välgörenhetsorganisationer i Sverige har börjat mobilanpassa sina hemsidor. Däremot används inte sociala mediers mobilanpassade funktioner för att tillåta social interaktion. Denna uppsats undersöker hur välgörenhetsorganisationer kan tillåta användare av mobila sociala medier att dela med sig av sitt engagemang till sitt sociala nätverk, för att öka givandet via mobiltelefoner. En målgruppsundersökning bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer och en enkätundersökning över Facebook utfördes i samarbete med Svenska Röda Korset. Målet var att få en större inblick i hur människor i Sverige med intresse för en typisk välgörenhetsorganisation använder sina mobiltelefoner och sociala medier i vardagen och för välgörenhet. Resultaten visade att människor använder sociala medier till att främst dela bilder och saker som hänt dem just för stunden. Det fanns ett delat intresse att vilja sprida vidare information om sin gåva till andra användare av sociala medier. De som tyckte det fyllde en bra funktion kunde framför allt tänka sig att dela bilder, händelser och hur man valt att stödja välgörenhetsorganisationen. Målgruppsundersökningen låg sedan till grund för framtagandet av en kravspecifikation som användes vid utvecklingen av en prototyp. Den utvecklade prototypen visar hur en mobilanpassad gåvotjänst kan använda social interaktion över mobila sociala medier i syfte att öka givandet. / More and more people use social media through their mobile phones. Mobile phones features allow users to communicate in a fast and location-independent manner. Several major charity organizations in Sweden have begun to adapt their websites for the mobile web. However, mobile-adapted social media features aren’t being used to allow social interaction. This paper examines how charities can allow users of mobile social media to share their commitment to their social network to increase the giving via mobile phones. An audience research consisting of semi-structured interviews and a survey conducted over Facebook was carried out with help from Swedish Red Cross. The goal was to gain a greater insight into how people in Sweden with an interest in a typical charity using their mobile phones and social media in everyday life and for charity. The results showed that people use social media to primarily share pictures and things that happened to them at the moment. There was a shared interest in wanting to share their support to others. Those who thought it filled a great feature were particularly willing to share pictures, events and their support. The audience research then formed the basis for the development of a specification that was used during the development of a prototype. The developed prototype shows how a mobile adapted gift service can make use of social interaction over mobile social media to enhance the giving.
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This is not a porcelain swan : A graphic campaign concept for second hand stores with charity purpose / Det här är inte en porslinssvan : Ett grafiskt kampanjkoncept för second hand-butiker med välgörenhetssyfteEksmo, Veronica S, Götestrand, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Konsumtionen i världen ökar och ett sätt att motverka den miljöpåverkan det medför är återanvändning genom second hand. Många second hand-verksamheter har välgörenhetssyfte och för att uppmuntra till köp krävs god marknadsföring samt ett starkt varumärke och där spelar butiken en central roll. Föreliggande studie har därför undersökt hur ett grafiskt kampanjmaterial för användning i en second hand-butik med välgörenhetssyfte kan vara utformat för att öka betalningsviljan. För att besvara forskningsfrågan har forskning genom design använts. Tidigare forskning och en förstudie har legat till grund för designarbetet genom vilket två koncept kallade Oväntad kombo och På köpet har tagit fram. Båda koncepten förmedlar vad pengarna vid köp går till, men har olika angreppssätt. Koncepten värderades genom kvalitativa intervjuer, vilka visade att det fanns stora risker att konceptet På köpet missuppfattades, medan Oväntad kombo upplevdes som tydligt och väckte positiva känslor. Värderingen resulterade i att konceptet Oväntad kombo rekommenderas för användning i butik. En kvantitativ jämförelse visade dessutom att konceptet leder till mätbar ökad betalningsvilja.
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Islám v českém prostoru / Islam in Czech CultureBellu, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the presence of Muslims and Islam in the Czech area. Its ambition is to describe the current state, orientation, integration and current public perceptions of Muslim communities in the Czech Republic. For a more comprehensive mapping of the Muslim aspect in the Czech area, the work could not avoid, albeit in a nutshell, certain socio-historical events that could affect actual perceptions of Muslims and Islam by Czech citizens. It describes not only Islamic themes in the literary production in Bohemia and Moravia but also the influence of Islamic science in the Middle Ages and its reflection on the works of Czech scholars. Another part of the text deals with Islam in the Czech Republic in terms of its inclusion in the legislation. Subsequent chapters follow the Muslim community in the Czech Republic, their charity work and degree of integration. The main method of the work is the selection and analysis of selected relevant literary, journal and scientific texts, i.e. texts mentioning Islam on Czech territory from the Middle Ages to the present.
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Princip vstřícnosti a antropologické bádání / Principle of Charity in Anthropology ResearchDrcmánková, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
This paper aims implementation of selected knowledge, e.g. the principle of charity, which were developed in the framework of analytical philosophy of language (Davidson, Quine) making methodology cultural anthropology, based on interpretative approaches examining social actors / players examination. The first part will be devoted to explanation of thought experiments, e.g. Radical translation, radical interpretation) within the discussion of analytic philosophy of language (Quine, Davidson). The second part will focus on the transfer of this knowledge to make the methodology of cultural anthropology. In the next section we will highlight a breach of the principle of charity. We will focus on critical reflection theories that have been developed in the field of linguistic anthropology, specifically linguistic relativism (Sapir, Whorf). The last part is devoted to the problem rationality which is discussed in the context of Evans Pritchard research of African Azande. These examples point out the methodological errors with anthropologists field research committed to the negative consequences to which it wrong methodological approach led. Keywords: principle of charity, ethnographic research, radical interpretation, translation, Understanding, relativism, rationality
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