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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The moment you accept I(n)trapreneurship, you grow! : En kvalitativ studie om hur IT-branschen synliggör intraprenörskap

Sörlin, Oscar, Hederos, Viktor, Hällefors, Erik January 2018 (has links)
Frågeställning och syfte Syftet med studien är att synliggöra hur företag arbetar för att främja intraprenörskapet hos sina medarbetare, med två tillhörande problemformuleringar. Vilka faktorer är avgörande för att främja intraprenörskapet inom IT-branschen? Hur påverkar idégenerering, ledarskap och kultur intraprenörskap?   Teori Det teoretiska kapitlet är uppbyggt efter intraprenörskap, idégenerering, ledarskap och kultur vilket utgör grunden för studien.   Metod Denna studie har inriktat sig mot en kvalitativ metod med ett deduktivt synsätt, som inneburit semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fem ledande befattningshavare inom IT-branschen.   Resultat Det som framkommit av studien är att vissa aspekter har en avgörande roll för intraprenörskapet. Medarbetarna måste först och främst vara förändringsbenägna, dessutom ska det finnas möjlighet för medarbetarna att framföra kreativa idéer som hanteras internt på företaget. Detta ska med fördel genomföras med ett delegerande ledarskap. Slutligen ska företagskulturen vara öppen och det ska föras en kontinuerlig diskussion kring förändringar och möjligheter mellan medarbetare och ledare. / Purpose and problem formulations The purpose of this study has been to demonstrate the way in which companies work to promote intrapreneurship amongst their employees. We focused on two related problem formulations to conduct this study. The first being factors that are crucial for promoting intrapreneurship in the IT-Industry, and the second being how idea generation, leadership, and culture affect intrapreneurship.   Theory The purpose, and basis, for this study is idea generation, leadership, and culture, which formed the theoretical chapter.   Method This study focused on qualitative research with a deductive approach. Included in the study are five semi-structured interviews with various senior executives in the IT-industry.   Result The result of the study found that certain aspects play a crucial role for the intrapreneur. Employees must first and foremost be change-oriented. In addition there should be opportunities for employees to come up with creative ideas that are managed internally at the company. This should be done with delegated leadership. Finally, the corporate culture must be open, as this will harbor an environment for discussion in both change and opportunity between employees and their leaders.

Utvärdera cheferna! : Om utvärderingar av chefskap i en västsvensk kommun / Evaluation of managers! : A study of evaluation of managers in the public sector

Ebbesson, Olof, Marcus, Holmgren January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the Swedish public sector, exemplified by a Swedish municipality, evaluates its managers. With the support of scientific research it proposes possible solutions to improve the evaluation of managers across the public sector. The municipality is located in western Sweden. Senior management has contributed to this thesis by providing access to senior managers across different divisions within the municipality. The study has been performed by conducting personal interviews with eight senior managers. The interviews were structured and all of the managers were asked a series of nine standardised questions. Using their initial responses they were then asked a series of individual questions based upon their answers to the nine standardised questions. The results of the study shows that whilst the municipality has created routines for the evaluation of its managers it does not always evaluate the formal part of management. Almost all of the interviewed managers have experienced flaws with the current methodology. They made several suggestions to improve the process. Using existing research, the study was also able to highlight potential flaws with the evaluation process and suggested several ways to improve upon current practices.

The relationship between burnout and job satisfaction amongst fire fighters in a local authority

Bennett, Justine Anne 06 1900 (has links)
Fire fighters are involved in critical decision making situations, and under-performance and lack of job satisfaction due to burnout could adversely affect the welfare of the people that are being provided with the service. This study thus investigated the relationship between burnout and job satisfaction amongst operational fire fighters. Two measuring instruments were used: the Pines, Aronson & Kafry (1981) Burnout Index, and the Smith, Hulin and Kendall (1969) Job Descriptive Index. This study was conducted amongst 102 fire fighters working for a local authority. Through a literature review, burnout and job satisfaction were defined, and a link between the two constructs outlined. Through an empirical study, the relationship between burnout and job satisfaction was determined. Supporting evidence indicates a negative correlation between burnout and job satisfaction, as well as revealing social support amongst co-workers as being an important buffer against the effects of burnout. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

Hybridledarskapets bidrag till medarbetarnas engagemang / Hybrid leadership's contribution to employee engagement

Jönsson, Carina, Hakopian, Katrin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem Den pågående globaliseringen och digitaliseringen bidrar till en förändrad kontext för många organisationer och dess arbetsformer. Utvecklingen sker snabbt och utmaningen är för många organisationer de mjuka värdena såsom ledarskap, relationer, kommunikation, kultur och engagemang. Nya tekniska lösningar möjliggör för ständig nåbarhet, vilket öppnar upp för att arbeta var som helst och när som helst. Steget från en traditionell- till en hybrid arbetsplats inbegriper såväl ledarskap som medarbetarskap där organisationens arbetssätt, roller och kommunikationsvägar kan komma att utvecklas beroende på vilken organisationskultur som råder. Hybridarbetsplas och hybridledarskap medför olika utmaningar för medarbetarna, vilka de behöver kunna hantera självständigt utan ledarens ständiga närvaro och vägledning. Utmaningarna består bland annat i att medarbetarna behöver få de kompetenser, ansvar och befogenheter så att de skall kunna utvecklas till självgående och initiativtagande individer. Ett väl utvecklat medarbetarskap innebär att medarbetarna anser att arbetsuppgifterna är meningsfulla, vilket kan leda till medarbetarnas engagemang.   Syfte och metod Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera hur hybridledarskap kan bidra till medarbetarnas engagemang, detta för att erhålla fördjupad kunskap. Baserat på studiens syfte används en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Studien är genomförd på en organisation som arbetar med folkbildning inom den ideella sektorn i Sverige. Slutsats Studien visar på att det finns tydliga indikationer på att hybridledarskap kan bidra till medarbetarnas engagemang genom att skapa förutsättningar för ett fungerande medarbetarskap. Föreliggande studie visade på fyra teman med tillhörande faktorer som bidrar till medarbetarnas engagemang; kommunikation och tillgänglighet (digitala verktyg, lyhördhet och närvarande, flexibilitet och transparens), förväntningar på prestation (trygghet i arbetsroller, tydliga förväntningar, kontinuerlig uppföljning), självständighet (tydliga roller och ansvar, kunskap och kompetens, samverkan) och meningsfulla arbetsuppgifter (värderingar, delaktighet och göra skillnad). / Background and problem The ongoing globalization and digitalization contribute to a changed context for many organizations and their working methods. This development changes rapidly and the challenge for many organizations is often the soft values such as leadership, relationships, communication, culture, and commitment. New technical solutions enable constant accessibility, which opens up for working anywhere and anytime. Mowing from a traditional workplace to a hybrid workplace includes both leadership and employees, where the organization's working methods, roles, and communication paths may be developed depending on the organizational culture. Hybrid workplaces and hybrid leadership pose various challenges for employees, which they need to be able to handle independently without the leader's constant presence and guidance. These challenges include the fact that employees need to give the skills, responsibilities, and powers so that they can develop into independent and initiative-taking individuals. A well-developed co-operation means that the employees consider the tasks to be meaningful, which can lead to employee engagement. Purpose and method The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze how hybrid leadership can contribute to 2employee engagement, in order to obtain in-depth knowledge. Based on the purpose of the study, a qualitative method is used with semi-structured interviews as a data collection method. The study was conducted at an organization that works with public education in the non-profit sector in Sweden. Conclusion The study shows that there are clear indications that hybrid leadership can contribute to employee engagement by creating the conditions for a functioning employeeship. The present study identified four themes and associated factors that contribute to employee engagement; communication and accessibility (digital tools, responsiveness and presence, flexibility and transparency), expectations for performance (confident in job, clear expectations, continuous follow-up), independence (clear roles and responsibilities, knowledge and skills, collaboration) and meaningful tasks (values, participation and make a difference).

Piloting a scale of social integration in South African organisations

Young, Margaret 28 April 2020 (has links)
“Social integration” is a construct referred to in workgroup and organisational research, in particular in research focused on understanding workplace diversity. The present research examined how the social integration construct could be more clearly conceptualised and measured in the South African context. Guided by Hinkin’s (1998) scale development framework, the research seeks to contribute to the early stages of the development of a scale of social integration, suited for use in South African workplaces. Items were generated theoretically, leading to a final pool of 72 items. 620 usable responses were received from individuals employed in organisations in South Africa and this sample was randomly split into two samples of 310 participants each: a “calibration” and “validation” sample. On the calibration sample, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted in order to examine emerging first- and higher-order latent variable structures. EFA led to the development of a first-order, seven-factor model. Exploratory extension analysis generated three possible higher-order latent variable structures. Using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), both the first- and higher-order models were fitted to the “validation” sample to test if the models generalised to a second sample drawn from the same population. Results indicated that the first-order model demonstrated an adequate fit, as well as two of the three higher-order models. The fit of these two higher-order models did not differ significantly. Post-hoc analyses determined that, while social integration can be considered a meaningful higherorder construct, the construct has theoretical rather than practical relevance for researchers. Responses to the proposed scale of social integration should be interpreted at the level of the identified first-order constructs rather than as a single scale representing the higher order, abstract social integration construct. The generalisability and contextual nature of the research findings, suggestions for future research, and the theoretical and practical limitations of the present research are discussed.

Vad får medarbetaren att stanna? : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetarens upplevelse av medarbetarskap i sin butik / What makes a co-worker stay? : A qualitative study about co-worker experience of co-workership

Liedberg, Ida, Berndtsson, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Medarbetarskap är ett alltmer uppmärksammat begrepp som förekommer rikligt idet svenska arbetslivet. Medarbetarskap finns på alla arbetsplatser och det som skiljer åt är hur utvecklat det är. Den svenska handeln är näringslivets största arbetsgivare där detaljhandeln ingår. Den svenska detaljhandeln har en hög personalomsättning som tidigare studier indikerar som ett problem. Medarbetaren är en av organisationens mest värdefulla tillgångar. Tidigare studier indikerar på att utveckling av medarbetarskap ger positiva resultat på organisationer. Medarbetarskap är fördelat i fyra begreppspar som är förutsättningar till ett utvecklat medarbetarskap. Mot denna bakgrund avser studien dessa problemformuleringar: PF1: Hur upplever medarbetaren medarbetarskapet i sin butik? PF2: Hur kan medarbetarskap bidra till kunskap om personalomsättning inom den svenska detaljhandeln? Syfte: Den föreliggande studiens syfte avser att bidra med kunskap om den svenska detaljhandelns personalomsättning genom att undersöka medbetarens upplevelse av medarbetarskap i sin butik. Teori: Medarbetarskap och personalomsättning är studiens två teorier. Metod: Denna studie har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Det har genomförts semistrukturerade intervjuer med tolv medarbetare som alla arbetar i den svenska detaljhandeln. Medarbetarna arbetar alla inom samma hemelektronikföretag men i olika butiker. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar att gemenskap och meningsfullhet är viktiga begrepp för medarbetarna i deras upplevelse av medarbetarskap. Medarbetarna ser alla att medarbetarskap kan påverka den svenska detaljhandelns personalomsättning. Slutsats: Medarbetarna upplever medarbetarskapet olika och växelverkan mellan begreppsparen stämmer överens mot tidigare studier. Det kan finnas ett samband mellan medarbetarskap och personalomsättning. Arbetar organisationer med att utveckla deras medarbetarskap kan det motverka personalomsättning. / Background: Co-workership is an increasingly noticed concept that occurs abundantly in Swedish work culture. Co-workership exists in all workplaces, but the level of developed Coworkership is what sets it apart. Swedish trade is the largest employer by business, which includes retail trade. Swedish retail has high staff turnover, which previous studies indicate as a problem. The co-worker is one of the organization's most valuable assets. Previous studies indicate that Co-workership development gives positive results in organizations. Coworkership is divided into four pairs of concepts that are prerequisites for a developed Coworkership. Against this background, the study refers to these problem formulations: PF1: How does the employee experience the Co-workership in their store? PF2: How can Co-workership contribute to knowledge of staff turnover in the Swedish retail? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge of Swedish retail staffturnover by examining the co-worker's experience of Co-workership in their store. Theory: Co-workership and staff turnover are the study's two theories. Method: This study has a qualitative research approach. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with twelve employees who all work in Swedish retail. The employees all work within the same home electronics company but in different stores. Results: The results of the study show that community and meaningfulness are important concepts for the employees in their experience of Co-workership. The employees all see that Co-workership can affect Swedish retail staff turnover. Conclusion: The employees experience the Co-workership differently and the interaction between the pairs of concepts is consistent with previous studies. There may be a connection between Co-workership and staff turnover. If organizations actively work on their Coworkership development, then it can discourage high staff turnover.

Paulus in gemeinschaft seiner Mitarbeiter: eine Untersuchung der Kollegialmission im Corpus Paulinum und in der Apostelgeschichte (Paul in the fellowship of his co-workers: a survey of Paul among his co-workers in the Corpus Paulinum and in Acts)

Drews, Alexander 30 April 2006 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to illuminate the significance of what has been called the "coworkers" for Paul's mission. At the same time it revises the traditional portrait of Paul as a "lone ranger", not properly understood and appreciated by others. Thus the focus is on the way in which Paul together with his co-workers as his missionary partners achieved the various tasks of early Chrisian mission, namely the proclamation of the gospel and the consolidation of churches. This phenomenon is best described with the German term Kollegialmission, i.e. a mission carried by a team of colleagues. A survey of research is followed by a detailed analysis of this phenomenon in the letters commonly recognised as written by Paul himself. In additon to explicit statements on the co-workers, attention is also given to implicit references, e.g. verb forms in the first person plural which appear in some letters and contribute to understanding this Kollegialmission. Then the same methodological procedure is applied to the disputed letters of Paul. A final chapter examines the portrait of Paul and his co-workers in the Book of Acts. This dissertation demonstrates that this understanding and practice of Kollegialmission was a central point in Paul's mission and self-understanding. His co-workers receive their commission and authority from God, to whom they are responsible. The gospel constitutes the foundation for this cooperation between Paul and his co-workers. Thus the co-workers perform the same duties as Paul himself, though his special apostolate remains in place. The picture of the Kollegialmission in the Deuteropauline letters differs only slightly from that of the letters generally recognised as Paul's own. As the author of Acts is mainly interested in the person of Paul, his co-workers appear increasingly on the backstage as the story unfolds. This examination closes with an application of some principles of Paul's Kollegialmission to present day congregational ministry and mission work. / Theology / M.Th.

Paulus in gemeinschaft seiner Mitarbeiter: eine Untersuchung der Kollegialmission im Corpus Paulinum und in der Apostelgeschichte (Paul in the fellowship of his co-workers: a survey of Paul among his co-workers in the Corpus Paulinum and in Acts)

Drews, Alexander 30 April 2006 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to illuminate the significance of what has been called the "coworkers" for Paul's mission. At the same time it revises the traditional portrait of Paul as a "lone ranger", not properly understood and appreciated by others. Thus the focus is on the way in which Paul together with his co-workers as his missionary partners achieved the various tasks of early Chrisian mission, namely the proclamation of the gospel and the consolidation of churches. This phenomenon is best described with the German term Kollegialmission, i.e. a mission carried by a team of colleagues. A survey of research is followed by a detailed analysis of this phenomenon in the letters commonly recognised as written by Paul himself. In additon to explicit statements on the co-workers, attention is also given to implicit references, e.g. verb forms in the first person plural which appear in some letters and contribute to understanding this Kollegialmission. Then the same methodological procedure is applied to the disputed letters of Paul. A final chapter examines the portrait of Paul and his co-workers in the Book of Acts. This dissertation demonstrates that this understanding and practice of Kollegialmission was a central point in Paul's mission and self-understanding. His co-workers receive their commission and authority from God, to whom they are responsible. The gospel constitutes the foundation for this cooperation between Paul and his co-workers. Thus the co-workers perform the same duties as Paul himself, though his special apostolate remains in place. The picture of the Kollegialmission in the Deuteropauline letters differs only slightly from that of the letters generally recognised as Paul's own. As the author of Acts is mainly interested in the person of Paul, his co-workers appear increasingly on the backstage as the story unfolds. This examination closes with an application of some principles of Paul's Kollegialmission to present day congregational ministry and mission work. / Theology / M.Th.

The influence of job satisfaction on burnout amongst sales representatives

Hlungwani, Nyiko Tommy 31 May 2006 (has links)
Sales representatives play a critical role in the development and sustainability of their business through the selling of products and services. Burnout inclined stress caused by low job satisfaction could adversely affect business development and survival. This study thus investigated the influence of job satisfaction on burnout amongst medical sales representatives. Two measuring instruments were used namely the Smith, Hulin and Kendall (1969) Job descriptive index (JDI) and the Pines, Aronson and Kafry (1981) Burnout index (BI). This study was conducted amongst 139 sales representatives working for a generic pharmaceutical organisation. Through a literature study, job satisfaction and burnout were defined, and a link determined between the two constructs. An empirical study revealed the relationship between job satisfaction and burnout. The results indicated a negative correlation between job satisfaction and burnout. Conclusions and recommendations were made regarding the enhancement of job satisfaction and the management of burnout among sales representatives. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

Ledarens påverkan på medarbetarens hälsa

Kristof, Max Csaba January 2010 (has links)
Kostnaderna för den arbetsrelaterade ohälsan i form av sjukskrivningar och produktionsbortfall är stora. De arbetsorganisatoriska faktorer som har störst betydelse för ohälsan är arbetsmiljön och ledarskapet. Ledningen är den faktor som i sin tur har möjlighet till påverkan på arbetsmiljöns utformning. Detta betyder att ledaren är den faktor som har störst möjlighet att påverka medarbetarens hälsa. Enligt vissa teorier kan ledarskapsbeteendet direkt kopplas till medarbetarnas hälsa. Andra studier kopplar ledarskapsbeteendet till medarbetarnas arbetstillfredsställelse. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka olika ledarbeteendens påverkan på medarbetarnas arbetstillfredsställelse och hälsa. Syftet har även varit att utreda om det finns något koppling mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och hälsa, det vill säga en mekanism mellan ledarskapsbeteende och medarbetarnas hälsa. För att undersöka detta har uppsatsen analyserat kvantitativa data från undersökningen ”Arbetsmiljömärkta arbetsplatser” eller  ”Attraktiva arbetsplatser i Jämtlands län”. Det teoretiska resonemang som låg till grund för framställningen omfattade olika ledarbeteenden, medarbetarens behov, hälsa och välbefinnande, arbetstillfredsställelse samt ledarens och medarbetarens interaktion via krav, kontroll och stöd. Resultatet i min studie visade att en ledare genom sitt beteende påverkar sina medarbetares hälsa direkt och/eller indirekt genom mekanismen arbetstillfredsställelse. / The costs of work-related illness, such as sick-leaves and drops in production, are considerable. The work organizational factors with the greatest influence over illness are workplace environment and leadership. Management, in turn, is the factor with the possibility of influencing the design of the workplace environment. This means that the leader is the one with the greatest opportunity to influence the health of co-workers. According to some theories, leader behavior may directly be connected to the health of co-workers. Other studies discern a link between leadership behavior and work satisfaction of co-workers. The purpose of this paper has been to investigate the influence of different types of leadership on the work satisfaction and health of co-workers. The essay also aimed at examining whether or not a link exists between work satisfaction and health, i.e. a mechanism between leadership behavior and health of co-workers. In order to carry out this study, quantitative data has been analyzed from the reports “Arbetsmiljömärkta arbetsplatser” or “Attraktiva arbetsplatser i Jämtlands län”. The theoretical reasoning that came to constitute a basis for the essay comprised different types of leadership, co-workers needs, health and well-being, work satisfaction and finally leader and co-worker interaction through demands, control and support. The results of my study indicated that leader behavior directly influenced the health of co-workers and/or indirectly through the mechanism work satisfaction.

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