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Att stå utanför en konflikt på arbetsplatsen : hur påverkas en utanförstående av konflikter mellan arbetskamrater? / Standing outside a workplace conflict : how do conflicts between colleagues affect an outsider?Holmström, Ida, Jonestrand, Katharina January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på hur en utanförstående upplever, påverkas av, och hanterar en konflikt mellan arbetskamrater på arbetsplatsen. En kvalitativ studie med öppna intervjuer genomfördes med åtta deltagare. Data analyserades med induktiv tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att konflikter på arbetsplatsen påverkar såväl individen, arbetsgruppen som hela arbetsplatsen negativt. Den utanförstående upplever konflikter på arbetsplatsen som påfrestande och att de på flera olika sätt påverkas negativt av dem. Hur utanförstående upplever, påverkas av och hanterar konflikter mellan arbetskamrater är framför allt beroende av konfliktens innehåll och allvar. De negativa känslorna visar sig vara starkare vid konflikter där någon upplevs bli utsatt eller illa behandlad och då ökar även viljan att ingripa i konflikten. Vid konflikter som mestadels rör arbetsfrågor uppkommer istället känslor av passivitet, många vill ta avstånd och anser att konflikten är löjlig och onödig. / The purpose of this study was to find out how an bystander feels, gets influenced by, and handles a conflict among colleagues at work. A qualitative study with eight participants, using open interviews was conducted. Data were analyzed by inductive thematic analysis. The results showed that workplace conflicts affect the individual, the work group and the entire workplace negatively. Bystanders experience workplace conflicts as stressful and that they are negatively affected by them in several ways. How outsiders perceive, are affected by and deal with conflicts between colleagues depend on the content and severity of the conflict. The negative emotions appears to be stronger in conflicts where someone is considered to be victimized or treated badly and the willingness to intervene in such conflict increases. Conflicts mostly related to work issues mainly arise feelings of passivity. People often want to dissociate themselves because they consider the conflict to be ridiculous and unnecessary.
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Hot och våld i kriminalvården – kollegors betydelse för hanteringen av känslor : En intervjustudie med kriminalvårdare från häktesverksamhetenLinnarsson, Liisa, Wilander, Cecilia January 2015 (has links)
I denna studie uppmärksammas hotfulla och våldsamma situationer i kriminalvården. Syftet har varit att undersöka vilka känslor som uppstår hos kriminalvårdare i dessa situationer. I samband med detta har studien syftat till att få en djupare förståelse för vilken betydelse kollegor har för de känslor som uppstår och för hur känslorna hanteras. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer av halvstrukturerad karaktär. Totalt genomfördes tio intervjuer med yrkesverksamma kriminalvårdare från häktesverksamheten i Stockholm och Uppsala. Gemensamt för kriminalvårdarna var att de upplevt hot och våld i arbetet. För att få en djupare förståelse för kriminalvårdarnas beskrivningar har dessa analyserats utifrån Arlie Russell Hochschilds teori om emotioner samt Randall Collins teori om interaktionsritualer. Gemensamt för dessa teorier är att de belyser aspekter av hantering av känslor, både på individ- och gruppnivå. Studiens resultat visar att olika känslor uppstår hos kriminalvårdarna vid hotfulla och våldsamma situationer samt att kollegors närvaro har betydelse hur dessa känslor hanteras. Förväntningar från kollegor påverkar kriminalvårdarna att trycka undan känslor som oro, stress och rädsla. Istället uppvisar kriminalvårdarna lugn och kontroll för att agera i linje med gruppens förväntningar. Resultatet visar även att god sammanhållning inom arbetsgruppen leder till känslor av trygghet och lugn hos kriminalvårdarna i hotfulla och våldsamma situationer. I dessa situationer är gruppens sammansättning även av betydelse. Vilka samt hur många kollegor som närvarar påverkar kriminalvårdarnas hantering av känslor. Resultatet visar att kollegor även har betydelse för hur kriminalvårdarna hanterar sina känslor efter att de utsatts för hot och våld. Här beskrevs debriefing som ett effektivt verktyg för att ventilera känslor med kollegor. Hur debriefing används i praktiken skiljde sig åt i kriminalvårdarnas beskrivningar. / This study highlights threats and violence within correctional facilities, where the focus is directed towards the correctional officers' feelings that arise in these situations. The aim of this study has been to examine if colleagues' presence has an impact on the emotions that the correctional officers experience and on how these emotions are handled. The study is based on qualitative interviews of semi-structured character. A total of ten interviews were conducted with correctional officers from correctional facilities in Stockholm and Uppsala. What the correctional officer's has in common is that they all have experienced threats and violence at their workplace. The correctional officers' descriptions have been analyzed on the basis of Arlie Russel Hochschild's theory of emotions and Randall Collins's theory of interaction rituals. Both theories highlight aspects of the management of emotions, on an individual as well as on a group level. The result of the study indicates that the correctional officers experience different feelings in threatening and violent situations. In these situations the presence of colleagues is significant when it comes to how correctional officers are handling their emotions. Expectations from colleagues seem to affect the correctional officers to hide feelings such as anxiety, stress and fear. Instead the correctional officers show feelings of calm and control which, according to them, complies with the colleagues' expectations. The result also shows that good cohesiveness within the working group affects the correctional officers to feel calm in threatening and violent situations. Other factors that seem to affect the emotions that correctional officers experience and how the emotions are handled are which colleagues the correctional officers are working with and how many colleagues that attends in the situation. Furthermore the result indicates that colleagues have a significant importance when it comes to handling emotions after threatening and violent situations. Debriefing was described as important, by the correctional officers, to vent their emotions after a critical situation. How the debriefing was applied in practice differed among the correctional officers.
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The moderating effect of social support on the relation between role overload, job satisfaction and turnover intention / Charl Francois SieberhagenSieberhagen, Charl Francois January 2006 (has links)
Gold mining in South Africa has played a significant role in the economic
development of the country over the past 120 years. The continued focus on
productivity, recruitment and consolidation in the South African gold mining industry
will result in a decline in production. Much of the decline can be attributed to natural
attrition as the industry has moved from a mass employer of limited, contract,
unskilled labour, to an employer of more permanent, mostly semi-skilled or skilled
labour. The objective of this research was to investigate the reliability of measuring
instruments of social support, role overload (qualitative and quantitative), job
satisfaction and turnover intention for employees in the mining industry. Further
objectives included empirically determining whether social support has a moderating
effect on the relation between role overload and job satisfaction and turnover
A cross-sectional survey design was used. A random sample was taken from a South
African mining company (N=250). Gender and age were included as control
variables. Individuals on Paterson grading E band to C Upper (managers) were part of
the sample. Five measuring instruments were administrated. Descriptive statistics and
inferential statistics were used to analyse the data.
The results obtained for the five scales proved the measuring instruments to be
reliable. The results show that when an employee feels that his/her work is more than
he/she can accomplish in the time available (quantitative role overload), the employee
will most probably also feel that his/her work requires skills, abilities and knowledge
beyond that of their own (qualitative role overload). It is also indicated that social
support from the supervisor increases the employee's positive attitude or pleasurable
emotional state towards his/her job or job experience (job satisfaction), as well as
heightens the probability of social support from colleagues. Furthermore, the more
positive the employee's attitude towards the job, the less the intention to stop working
will be (turnover intention). This intention to stop working will also be less when
social support from the supervisor is more and/or when the employee experiences less
feelings that his/her work is more than he/she can accomplish in the time available.
Turnover intention was predicted by social support from supervisor.
Job satisfaction was predicted by role overload (quantitative) and social support from
By way of conclusion, recommendations for future research are made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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Motiverande faktorer i det dagliga arbetet hos undersköterskorCherish, Reed, Arzana, Pozhegu January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the present study was to investigate what kind of factors contributed to motivate a group of nurses at a nursing home in western Sweden to to perform their work. Furthermore, the authors wanted to investigate whether the staff nurses felt that the leader helped to increase or reduce the perceived motivation to perform such work, and the way in which staff nurses perceived their relationship to the leader. The study is based on Herzberg's (1959) two-factor theory, Hackman and Oldham's (1980) work designs theory and Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, and those theories are the basis of the study's structure. The study was of a qualitative property, interviews were conducted with seven nurses and was structured, the questions concerned their subjective experience of motivating factors in their everyday work. The results of this study demonstrated that respondents experienced confirmation, the meaningfulness of the work, work colleagues, beneficiaries of care and residents' families as contributing factors to motivate them in their daily work. It was also found in the results of the study that respondents considered the leader as a factor reducing the motivation to carry out their daily work, as the respondents also felt the relationship with the leader to be very limited. The analysis also identified a new category that the authors have chosen to call "resistance".
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Arbetslivet genom en skärm : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om distansarbetets effekterDuong, Kens, Granberg, William January 2022 (has links)
The modern society is characterized by an increased implementation of digitalization. With new technological innovations our social lives are increasingly becoming more digitalized. The past two years the pandemic has set the conditions of human interaction, and therefore the pandemic increased digitalization further. Organizations that had the possibility to reconstruct their work towards more digital approaches did so and therefore the social premises of work changed where individuals are working from home to a greater extent. The aim of this essay is to investigate Swedish women and their perception of telework and the digitalization’s effects on social relations/communication between colleagues, and how the individual experiences telework in regards to the increased pace of life. Finally this essay will explore how individuals deal with work-life balance during telework. Previous research has shown that telework has negative effects on informal communication between colleagues, and that teleworking and its demands on autonomy, flexibility and efficiency leads to increased emotions of stress for the individual. Finally, previous research showed difficulties with the managing of the work-life balance during telework, especially for women. This essay is based on qualitative interviews with six women and has shown that teleworking enables them to become more flexible and effective in their life, which has made it easier for them to manage the work-life balance than before. Another result of the essay is that telework has had a negative effect on informal communication between colleagues. / Det moderna samhället karaktäriseras av ökad implementering av digitalisering. Med nya tekniska innovationer blir våra sociala liv alltmer digitaliserade. De senaste två åren har pandemin satt nya förutsättningar för interaktionen mellan människor, och därmed ökat implementeringen av digitalisering ytterligare. Organisationer som haft möjligheten att omstrukturera sitt arbete mot mer digitala lösningar har gjort det och därmed förändrat de sociala aspekterna av arbete - där individer arbetar alltmer hemifrån. Syftet med studien är att undersöka svenska kvinnor och deras upplevelser av distansarbete och digitaliseringens effekter på sociala relationer/kommunikation mellan kollegor, och om distansarbete och digitaliseringen har lett till ett ökande livstempo. Slutligen intresserar sig denna uppsats för kvinnors gränsdragning mellan arbets- och privatliv under distansarbete. Tidigare forskning visar att distansarbete har negativa effekter på informell kommunikation mellan kollegor, att distansarbetets krav på autonomi, flexibilitet och effektivitet lett till ökad upplevelse av stress. Slutligen visar tidigare forskning problematik med work-life balansen under distansarbete, speciellt för kvinnor. Denna studie, som är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med sex kvinnor, har resulterat i att distansarbete tillåter dem att vara mer flexibla och effektiva i sitt arbete, vilket underlättat balansen mellan arbets- och privatlivet och lett till att kvinnorna känner sig mindre stressade än vid arbete på plats. Ett ytterligare resultat av uppsatsen är distansarbetets negativa påverkan på informell kommunikation mellan kollegor.
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"Ibland är ensam stark, men där tror jag inte man var så kaxig" : En kvalitativ studie om det sociala stödets betydelse vid återkomsten till arbetslivet efter en långtidssjukskrivningWallnedal, Hanna, Vindevall, Louise January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur det sociala stödet från chef och kollegor tar sig uttryck, samt dess betydelse för medarbetare vid återgången till arbetet efter en långtidssjukskrivning på grund av arbetsrelaterad stress. Fokus ligger på medarbetarnas upplevelser av det sociala stödet vid återgången, och därför läggs inget vidare fokus på själva sjukskrivningen. Studien har en kvalitativ metodansats där resultatet grundar sig på sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vidare har ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt i kombination med en abduktiv förståelseansats tillämpats. För att analysera resultaten har teorier och tidigare forskning om socialt stöd, stress och utmattning, kollegialt stöd samt arbetsgivarens stöd använts, där House kategorisering av socialt stöd utgör en central del. Även Habermas teori om system och livsvärld inkluderades för att ge ett ytterligare perspektiv. Resultaten betonar vikten av alla typer av stöd, men där emotionellt och instrumentellt stöd framstår som särskilt viktiga. Vidare varierade både utformningen och källan till stödet, där avsaknaden av socialt stöd var en viktig erfarenhet kopplat till både hur det tog sig uttryck och betydelsen av det. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the significance of social support from managers and colleagues for individuals returning to the workplace after a period of sick leave due to work-related stress. The emphasis is on employees’ experiences of social support as they return and therefore no additional focus is directed toward the sick leave itself. This study is based upon a qualitative research approach with seven semi-structured interviews. A hermeneutic approach combined with an abductive understanding approach has been applied. To analyze the results, theories and previous research on social support, stress and burnout, collegial support, and manager support were studied, with House's categorization of social support being central. Also included is Habermas theory about systems and lifeworld for additional perspective. The results highlight the weight of various types of support, with emotional and instrumental support being of greater importance. Both the design and the source of support varied, and absence of support was an important experience tied to its manifestation and signification.
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La violence entre collègues au bloc opératoire : une revue intégrative des écritsHamdi, Imen 11 1900 (has links)
La violence horizontale (VH) touche plusieurs infirmières soignantes. Au Québec, de nombreuses infirmières rapportent des incidents de violence soit d’ordre physique, psychologique ou sexuel perpétrés par différents membres de l’équipe de soins. Plusieurs conséquences graves de la violence horizontale ont été répertoriées, face aux patients, aux victimes et à la profession infirmière. En effet, les infirmières du bloc opératoire sont les plus souvent affectées par la VH. Ce phénomène semble encore méconnu par les infirmières, ainsi elles ont normalisé et toléré la VH en la considérant comme étant une composante du bloc opératoire. Malgré les efforts visant à combattre ce phénomène, la VH est un problème croissant et persistant dans le milieu de travail infirmier.
Cette revue intégrative des écrits vise à d’établir l’état des connaissances se rapportant au phénomène de la violence entre collègues au bloc opératoire afin de mieux comprendre ce problème et de proposer des pistes de solutions visant à le résoudre.
Les résultats des articles recensés ont été analysés et catégorisés selon des thèmes cohérents au modèle conceptuel de Almost (2006). Ces thèmes sont : le concept de la violence entre collègues qui est divisé en trois sous thèmes (la prévalence de cette problématique, les sources de la violence entre collègues et ses manifestations), les caractéristiques du bloc opératoire, les conséquences de la violence entre collègues qui sont aussi divisées en trois sous thèmes (les conséquences sur la qualité et la sécurité des soins, les conséquences sur les victimes et les conséquences sur l’établissement de santé) et, finalement, les solutions qui ont été proposées pour lutter contre la violence entre collègues dans le milieu de travail.
Cette revue a permis d’émettre plusieurs recommandations afin de contrer la violence entre collègues. / Horizontal violence (HV) affects many nurses around the world. In Quebec, many nurses report incidents of physical, psychological or sexual violence perpetrated by other members of their health care teams. The consequences of horizontal violence affect patients, victims, and the nursing profession as a whole. Operating room (OR) nurses are the most often affected by HV. Nurses often don’t seem to recognize the problem as a problem; they seem to normalize and tolerate HV by considering it a part of the operating room culture. Despite efforts to combat this phenomenon, VH is a persistent and growing problem in the nursing workplace.
This integrative review of the literature aims to establish the state of knowledge related to this problem and to propose solutions to address it.
The results of the articles reviewed were analyzed and categorized according to themes consistent with Almost's (2006) conceptual model. These themes are: the concept of violence between colleagues, which is divided into three sub-themes (the prevalence of this problem, the sources of violence between colleagues, and its manifestations), the characteristics of the operating room, the consequences of violence between colleagues, which are also divided into three sub-themes (the consequences on the quality and safety of care, the consequences for the victims, and the consequences for the health care institution), and, finally, the solutions that have been proposed to combat violence between colleagues in the work environment.
This review provided several recommendations to address violence between colleagues.
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Task conflict handling styles between colleagues with bad personal relationship : The effect of relationship conflict on task conflictWang, Huang, Nasr, Youwakim January 2011 (has links)
Interpersonal conflict is a research topic increasingly gaining importance in project management. The purpose of this exploratory study was to find out how relationship conflict affects task conflict in projects. The research investigated the styles individuals prefer to handle task conflict with colleagues in bad personal relationship. The influence of four personal characteristic variables (Gender, Age, Work experience and Culture background) on the choice of conflict handling styles were examined at the same time. ROCI-II was used as the data collection instrument. Questionnaires were published through web-based online survey system. 182 valid responses were collected in two weeks. Data was analyzed with statistic software SPSS. The results revealed that integrating, compromising, avoiding, dominating and obliging are the five styles ranked from highest to lowest preferred by individuals to handle task conflicts with colleagues in bad personal relationships. High value of assertiveness and negative value of cooperativeness indicated that in a situation of relationship conflict, individuals are more assertive and less cooperative to deal with task conflicts with colleagues. Results of the study didn't show significant difference among personal characteristic groups. High correlations among conflict handling styles were discovered from this study. Implications of the research findings for theoretical and practical organizations or individuals are provided. Areas and recommendations for future research are suggested.
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Perceptions of trust : From an international school context in West AfricaCarayol, Denrol January 2020 (has links)
Trust amongst key stakeholders in schools is a vital aspect for a healthy school culture and climate. This study aims to investigate faculty trust perceptions within an international school context in West Africa. Grounded within a theoretical framework of “Schools as Open-Social Systems”, faculty trust perceptions in colleagues, principals and parents & children were investigated via a quantitative analysis process. Whilst overall results reflect positive faculty trust perceptions in colleagues, principals and clients (parents and children) at the various schools in question, there exists a significant difference for faculty trust in clients and faculty trust in principals across secondary and elementary schools. Results therefore point to a difference in culture and climate that exists across secondary and elementary sections of these schools. An implication of this study would be for school leaders to make tangible efforts towards harmonising the overall culture and climate of these various school sections in order to work towards a common mission and vision. / Tillit bland olika aktörer i skolan är viktig för ett positiv skolkultur och klimat. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka lärarnas tillitsuppfattning i ett internationellt sammanhang i Väst Afrika. Teoretiska utgångspunkter för studien utgår från skolorna som öppna sociala system och kvantitativ analys används för att undersöka lärarnas tillitsuppfattning hos rektorer, kollegor samt föräldrar och barn. Trots att resultaten visar ett positiv tillitsuppfattning hos kollegor, finns det skillnader i lärarnas förtroende i rektorer samt lärarnas förtroende i föräldrar och barn i olika skolnivåer det vill säga mellan grundskolorna och gymnasieskolor. Det påpekar dels skillnader i skolkultur och klimat som existerar mellan grundskolorna och gymnasieskolorna i denna studie. Studien påvisar att skolledare borde agera för att bibehålla ett gemensamt skolklimat och kultur inom alla avdelningar. På så sätt stärks skolans vision och uppdrag.
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ARBETSMILJÖN BAKOM LÅSTA DÖRRAR : En kvalitativ intervjudtudie om trakasserier mellan kriminalvårdare / THE WORK ENVIRONMENT BEHIND LOCKED DOORS : A qualitative interview study about harassment between correctional officersLundin, Lina, Olofsson, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Ett flertal fall av trakasserier mellan kollegor inom kriminalvården har under åren rapporterats utan någon grundligare undersökning gällande ämnet. Även om det framkommer forskning vilket undersöker denna problematik inom ett antal olika miljöer och yrken, saknas det information specifikt för kriminalvården i Sverige. Med en betydande påverkan på de utsatta individerna, bör däremot det förebyggande arbetet mot trakasserier på arbetsplatsen anses vara av stor vikt. Inte enbart på grund av de anställdas välbefinnande utan även beträffande de negativa påföljder handlingarna kan skapa för verksamhetens säkerhet. För att vidare undersöka förekomsten så väl som hanteringen och förebyggandet av trakasserier mellan kollegor inom kriminalvården, har gällande studie genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra kriminalvårdare. Samtliga respondenter befinner sig på en högre ansvarsposition inom verksamheten och belyser endast förekomsten utefter deras personliga uppfattningar. Resultaten enligt respondenterna tyder på en allmänt positiv arbetsmiljö med en övergripande låg befintlighet av trakasserier. Det framkommer däremot att de trakasserier vilka anmäls huvudsakligen sker i form av sexuella trakasserier mellan nyanställda, utfrysning mot nya vikarier eller att kvinnor blir bortvalda från vissa arbetsuppgifter. Samtliga medverkande bekräftar dessutom att mörkertalet troligtvis är stort och att en stor del av problematiken inte uppenbaras för de ansvariga. Då studiens urval varit begränsat, kan vidare undersökningar inom forskningsområdet anses väsentligt för ett tillförlitligt och förebyggande resultat. / Several cases of harassment between colleagues within the correctional service have been reported over the years, without any more thorough investigation into the incidents. Although there is research that examines this problem within several different environments and professions, there is a lack of information specifically for the correctional service in Sweden. With a significant impact on the vulnerable individuals the preventive work against harassment in the workplace should be considered of great importance. Not only because of the well-being of the employees, but also regarding the negative consequences these actions can have for the actual work safety. To further investigate the occurrence, the administration, and the prevention of harassment between colleagues within the correctional service, the current study has conducted semi-structured interviews with four correctional officers. All respondents hold a position of increased responsibility within the institution and solely describe the occurrences according to their perceptions. According to the respondents, the results indicate a generally positive work environment with an overall low presence of harassment. It appears that the actual reported cases of harassment mainly take the form of sexual harassment between new employees, ostracism towards temporary employees and women being excluded for certain tasks. All participants confirm that there is potentially an extensive amount of unreported case that are not revealed to the responsible authority. Because of the studies limited sample, further research within the topic is needed to obtain higher reliability of the results, hopefully to then prevent future cases of harassment.
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