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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad är vardagsteknik? : Niondeklassares syn på ämnet teknik och teknikundervisningen. / What's every-day technology? : Grade 9 pupils view on the technology subject and teaching of technology.

Elfgren, Carl January 2015 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för det här examensarbetet är några av de synpunkter som Skolinspektionens har i sin kvalitetsgranskning av teknikämnet 2014. Undersökningen ställer frågorna; vad tycker eleverna om teknikundervisningen, hur ser eleverna på teknikämnets utformning? I examensarbetet har en enkätstudie genomförts i en förortsskola i Stockholm. Enkäten har gått ut till 125 elever i årskurs 9.  Examensarbetet fokuserar på arbetsområdena som eleverna anser att de kan använda i sin vardag. Enkäten omfattar även bakgrundsfrågor med elevernas värderingar av den aktuella skolan, undervisningen i stort och teknikundervisningen.  Resultaten visar att eleverna uppfattar teknikundervisningen som varken intressant eller ointressant. Undervisningen är heller inte användbar i vardagen. Engagerade elever är också de elever som värdesätter teknikundervisningen mest. Dessa elever ser också mest nytta av undervisningen. Nyttan de ser är av relativt komplex teknisk natur. Det är också komplexa tekniska områden de skulle vilja arbeta med i undervisningen. / Based on some of the objections of the Swedish Schools Inspectorate quality audit of the subject technology in 2014 this research puts some questions; What do the students think about the technology subject, what do the students think the subject should teach?   The research was conducted as a survey in a suburban school in Stockholm, presented to 125 students in grade 9.  The research is focused on objects that the students they have worked with and the objects they want to work with, and where the objects can be used in the students' everyday lives. The questionnaire also includes background questions with the students' assessments of the current school teaching in general and the teaching in technology.  The results show that students perceive a technology education that is neither interesting nor uninteresting. The technology teaching is not useful in their everyday life. Students who value technology education the most also see the most benefits from the subjet. The benefits they see are of relatively complex technical nature. It is also complex technological objects or areas they would like to work with.

Läraryrket - Ett yrke On Demand : En kvantitativ studie om högstadielärares kontakter med vårdnadshavare

Åkerström, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Ett gott samarbete mellan lärare och vårdnadshavare är en av de viktigaste förutsättningarna för att uppfattas som en bra lärare. Detta kan bidra till en ökad administrativ belastning, vilket kan bidra till ökad stress och minskad tid för att förbereda undervisning. Hur mycket tid, vilka frågor som hanteras och vilka kontaktmedier som används för kontakter med vårdnadshavare är huvudsakligen okänd. I denna studie har mängden och tiden av kontakt med vårdnadshavare kvantifierades och de frågor som hanteras och vilka kontaktmedier som används analyseras. Både antalet kontakter och hur mycket tid kontakterna tog varierade kraftigt mellan individer, men kvinnliga lärare, som grupp, hade fler kontakter och använde mer av sin tid för kontakt med vårdnadshavare än sina manliga kollegor. Från de insamlade uppgifterna var det också uppenbart, i enlighet med den granskade litteraturen, att kommunikation om administration och information prioriterats framför pedagogiska frågor. Dessutom, arbetsuppgifter som det som inte är lagstadgade utförs, hade i högre grad, utanför arbetstid. Det insamlade materialet ger en god överblick över hur kontakt med vårdnadshavare kan se ut, och kan ge en grund för diskussioner om lärarnas arbetsmiljö och kan hjälpa unga lärare förbereda sig. / A good cooperation between teachers and guardians is one of the most important requirements for being perceived as a good teacher. This may contribute to an increasing administrative load and contributing to increased stress and reduced time to prepare for teaching. How much time is spent, what issues are handled and what contact media is used for teacher-guardian contacts is mainly unknown. Therefore, in this study, the amount of, and time spent on contact with guardians was quantified and the issues handled and contact media used analyzed. Both the number of contacts and how much time was allocated to contact guardians varied widely between individuals, although it was clear that female teachers, as a group, had more contacts and spent more of their time on contact with guardians than their male colleagues. From the collected data it was also evident that communication regarding administration and information was prioritized over communication regarding educational activities. In addition, duties that where not legislative had to be carried out outside working hours. The material collected provide a good overview of how contact with guardians may look, may provide a basis for discussion of teachers' work environment and may help young teachers prepare.

"Klicka där!" : En studie om bildundervisning med datorer / “Click there!” : A study about art education with computers

Björck, Catrine January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the teacher’s role when pupils are using computers to create their art work. Working with computers raises new questions for teachers and pupils. Working with digital technology requires teachers to develop new pedagogical, educational and classroom-oriented strategies. The aim of the study is therefore to investigate these strategies and what kinds of challenges and questions arise from them. I investigate how teachers at the senior level of compulsory school conduct education and learning in teaching situations when digital visual work is in focus.  The theory I use is Discourse Psychology combined with Bakhtin’s theory of dialogue and learning.  The Discourse Psychology approach stresses context and the idea that people construct knowledge of the world in dialogue with others. The concept of interaction is used in the study and includes how teacher and pupil interact with the use of verbal language and gestures, where the computer also can be an actor. The method consists of interviews and observation, documentation using a small video camera attached to the teacher as well as by taking notes in the classroom. When digital technology is a part of education, teachers need to have good understanding not only of handling the technology but also deciding in what way they would like to use and work with computers in education. The research contributes to an understanding of art education with computers and the conditions in school when working with digital technology.

Lärares arbetssätt i träning av elevers matematiska resonemang / Teacher's working methods when they are training students in mathematical reasoning

Linsten, Linda January 2014 (has links)
The ability to apply and follow mathematical reasoning is an ability students should develop according to Curriculum for the compulsory school, preeschool class and the leisure- time centre 2011. The purpose of this survey was to find out how teachers in compulsory school and preeschool class work with the ability to apply and follow mathematical reasoning. I was also interested in investigating if participation in continuing professional development in mathematics influence the teachers way of working with the students. The survey consisted of six qualitative interviewees in which three of the interviewees were part of continuing professional development in didactics for teachers educating mathematics. The result showed that all interviewees consider that it is importent to communicate mathematics, both between students as well as between teachers and students. The teachers included in continuing professinonal development showed a clear consciousness in their work to reason and follow mathematical reasoning. However, among some interviewees the consiousness appeared to come from their experience and which reflects their way of working. The student's age and how far they have developed their language also appeared to be significance to how capable they are of reasoning. The teachers analyze the ability to apply and follow mathematical reasoning, it's meaning and usage, differently.

Specialpedagogiskt stöd till grundskollärare med integrerade grundsärskoleelever : Att skapa förutsättningar för elevers lärande / Special educational support to primary teachers with students with intellectual disability integrated in their class; : Creating conditions for students learning

Olsson, Ann-Sofie January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to show how some of primary teachers and support teachers in middle and lower secondary school, with help from special education advice and support, create conditions for learning for integrated students with intellectual disability. The research questions in the study are, how can special advice be arranged in the form of a network? What questions may be in focus for teachers and support teachers who teach student with intellectual disability? How does the teachers and support teacher reasons at the implementation of special advice. An research overview of the field within the field of inclusion of students with intellectual disability was done.  The theoretical approach is based on Dillons seven elements of curriculum, which form an educational context. The seven categories are: teacher, student, subject, environment, activity and result. The study has a qualitative approach. The method which has been used in the study is qualitative interviews. The study includes interviews with a principal, a special education teacher, primary teachers and support teachers. The principal and the special teacher were interviewed with the purpose to find out the thoughts behind the recently started network in the township, for regular schools who educate students with intellectual disabilities who are integrated. The analysis of the data conducted by separating the answers in different categories. These categories were created from Dillons seven elements of curriculum, which were clustered into three themes.   The result indicates that the teachers and support teachers have a positive attitude towards teaching students with intellectual disability in primary school. It is also indicates that the primary teachers and support teachers have a large need for support in the form of special education advice. Support needed in various ways, but particularly when it comes to discussing thoughts and ideas, adjusting material and finding an appropriate level of teaching.

Att återkoppla till elever : Matematiklärares uppfattningar om hur de arbetar med feedback i sin undervisning / To give feedback : Mathematics teachers’ perceptions of how they work with feedback in their teaching

Olsén, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate how math teachers in the last three years in compulsory school and in the upper secondary school perceive how they work with feedback. Another aspect of the study was to describe the context of the feedback given by the teachers and what the teachers focus on in their feedback. In this text, feedback is defined as different ways of giving the student a way to take the learning process to the next level. The theoretical framework has been Hatties and Timperleys (2007) "model of feedback". Qualitative interview was the method chosen for this study. The interviews were semi-structured which is a method that's right in between a questionnaire and an open interview. In total, eight interviews with math teachers were conducted. The result of the study showed that the teachers like to work with feedback, but that the time they are given isn't enough to formulate it in a, for them, satisfactory way. The teachers generally gave feedback directly to the student during the lessons which was centered around the task at hand or directed towards the student. Many of the teachers would like to see a more individualized feedback. They would also like to work more with teaching the students different strategies for feedback, in order to increase their learning. / Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur lärare som undervisar i årskurs 7–9 och gymnasiet i ämnet matematik, uppfattar att de arbetar med feedback. Syftet har även varit att beskriva vilken nivå lärarna uppfattar att de ger feedback på, samt vad lärarna fokuserar på i sin feedback. Feedback definieras i arbetet som olika sätt att ge eleven återkoppling som för lärandet framåt. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten har varit Hattie och Timperleys (2007) ”model of feedback”. Metoden som har använts i denna studie är kvalitativ intervju. Intervjuerna utgick från en halvstrukturerad intervjuform, som ligger mellan den öppna intervjun och ett strikt frågeformulär. Totalt genomfördes åtta enskilda intervjuer med lärare som undervisar i matematik.  Resultatet från studien visade att lärarna gärna arbetar med feedback, men att de upplever att de skulle behöva mer tid för att kunna utforma den på det sätt de skulle vilja. Lärarna gav i huvudsak feedback i stunden som var centrerad till uppgiften som eleverna arbetade med eller till eleven som person. Många av lärarna skulle gärna se en mer individualiserad feedback. De skulle även vilja arbeta mer med att lära eleverna olika strategier för feedback, för att på så vis öka deras inlärning.

En polisanmälan i grundskolan - för barnets bästa? : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers perspektiv och erfarenheter

Blomqvist, Maja, Sundin, Tove January 2018 (has links)
Det pågår idag inom skolans vardagspraktik en tillämpning av polisanmälningar av barn under 15 år. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skolkuratorers perspektiv på polisanmälningar i grundskolan, för att kunna beskriva och förstå vilken roll de har vid bedömningen. Syftet var också att undersöka om skolkuratorerna anser att en polisanmälan är förenlig med principen om barnets bästa och om de tror att en polisanmälan påverkar barnet. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ studie i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta skolkuratorer inom såväl kommunala- som friskolor i Stockholms län. Materialet från intervjuerna har analyserats med hjälp av professionsteori, stämplingsteori och vald litteratur. Resultatet visar att skolkuratorerna ser polisanmälningar av barn som ett komplext fenomen och de har en ambivalent hållning till tillämpningen. Skolkuratorernas erfarenhet är att polisanmälningar kan påverka barnet både positivt och negativt. Positiva erfarenheter lyfts i form av att ett barns oönskade beteende kan upphöra. Negativa erfarenheter beskrivs vara att det polisanmälda barnet kan få en stämpel som avvikare, vilket i förlängningen kan leda till negativa konsekvenser för barnet. Vidare visar resultatet att principen om barnets bästa, enligt skolkuratorerna, är att barn ska nå kunskapsmålen i skolan. Skolkuratorerna tycks inte ha reflekterat över huruvida skolrelaterade polisanmälningar är förenliga med principen om barnets bästa. Majoriteten har dock en negativ inställning till polisanmälningar av barn i grundskolan och menar att det finns andra, bättre, sätt att arbeta med barns oönskade handlingar. Trots att skolkuratorerna ger uttryck för att polisanmälningar kan påverka barnet negativt, visar studien att de sällan är delaktiga när det fattas ett beslut om att polisanmäla ett barn.Socionomer har genom sin profession ett uppdrag att företräda barn i utsatta situationer och bör därmed vara bärare av barnet bästa. Att skolkuratorer inte deltar i bedömningen och således inte företräder barnet anses problematiskt. Det framkommer att skolkuratorerna ser till sin funktion och är lojal skolorganisationen snarare än att se till sitt uppdrag som socionom. Avslutningsvis visar resultatet på att det behövs mer kunskap om såväl skolkuratorns roll, som fenomenet polisanmälningar i grundskolan och vilka konsekvenser dessa får för barn. / Today it is common for Swedish compulsory schools to write police reports about incidents caused by pupils below the age of criminal responsibility.  The purpose of this study was to examine school counselors perspective on police reports in compulsory schools, in order to describe and understand the role they play in assessing. Another purpose was to examine whether the school counselors believe that a police report is consistent with the principle of the best interests of the child and if they believe that a police report affects the child. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with eight school counselors in both municipal and independent schools in Stockholm county. The material from the interviews has been analyzed using professional theory, labeling theory and selected literature. The result shows that school counselors see police reports of children as a complex phenomenon and that they have an ambivalent attitude towards the application. The school counselors’ experience is that police reports can affect the child both positively and negatively. Positive experiences are described as a child's unwanted behavior can come to an end. Negative experiences are described as the fact that the police-reported child can get a label as an outlier, which in the long run can lead to negative consequences for the child. Furthermore, the result shows that the principle of the best interests of the child, according to the school counselors, is that children reach the knowledge goals in school. School counselors does not seem to have reflected on whether school-related police notifications are consistent with the principle of the best interests of the child. The majority, however, have a negative attitude towards police reports towards children in compulsory schools and mean that there are other, better ways to work with children's unwanted actions. Despite the fact that the school counselors express that police reports may adversely affect the child, the study shows that they are rarely involved when a decision is made to report a child to the police.  Through his profession, social workers have an assignment to represent children in vulnerable situations and should therefore carrier for the best interests of the child. The fact that school counselors do not participate in the assessment and thus do not represent the child is considered problematic. It appears that the school counselors look at their function and are loyal to the school organization rather than to attend to their assignment as social workers. Finally, the result shows that more knowledge is needed about the role of the school counselor, as well as the phenomenon of police reports toward children in compulsory schools and what their consequences are for the children.

Obrigatoriedade da educação infantil a partir de quatro anos de idade: percepções de educadores e familiares

Marchetti, Rafaela 23 January 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:39:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6580.pdf: 799427 bytes, checksum: 2c4c8d916807e26509e84b0292017747 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-23 / This writing addresses three important perspectives: the cycle of Public Policy in Early Childhood Education, in order to understand how it was constituted in Brazil; the reflection on some of the conceptions about Children and Child, intending to understand how the contemporary society conceptualizes them; and investigate how was the process of discussion, drafting and enactment of the Law 12,796 / 13, which obligates children of four years old to be in a school, highlighting issues on the right and the obligation concerning Education. Such perspectives served to trace the research objective, which was to identify the vision of these professionals (managers, teachers, staff) and some families who has children in public schools, and their theoretical conceptions and practices about the implementation of the Law 12,796 / 13. The research has an empirical part performed through semi-structured interviews in three municipal schools of the State of São Paulo. For the analysis, we chose two categories: the professionals and family´s view of education, after the Law 12,796 / 13. In this case, the theoretical concepts were divided into two subcategories: "conceptions of childhood and child"; and "public policies for early childhood education: law and obligation . In a second instance, it refers to a professional view of education and family, in relation to the existence of possible changes in Early Childhood Education, after the Law 12,796 / 13. This was also divided into two subcategories: "Pedagogical Work: teaching and learning" and "Relations between school and family." The participants were not so surprised by the Law 12,796 / 13, and with the issue of right and obligation at the same time, they were not informed about everything that involved a mixture of agreement with the changes in society and the lack of further discussion. Presented on the social function, the concepts were analyzed, such as the child's socialization and the possibility of their autonomy, with a view of the socially accepted behavior, or limits. For the interviewed ones, the child's social life only begins at the moment that enters the school environment, and as soon as that happens, it will have less difficulty in teaching and learning process and in their schooling. For teachers, the improvement of the education quality was centered on family activities with their young children. In this way, the solution to their improvement was intrinsically related to the family.The school being exempted from this commitment. However the family puts their hopes in school education as something that changes the future of their children, which can improve their economic conditions such as work or employment, without questioning their educational and pedagogical actions, as something normal or "natural" . Calls out our attention to the omission of the participants regarding children 0-3 years of age, that is, the babies were not remembered, and not even mentioned, as if the Early Childhood Education started only 4 years old (due to mandatory) and the concernn was restricted mainly to those who were completing 6 years of age due to proximity to the elementary school of the initial series. / Esta dissertação aborda três perspectivas importantes: o ciclo das Políticas Públicas na Educação Infantil (EI), com a finalidade de compreender como esta foi se constituindo no Brasil; reflexão sobre algumas concepções a respeito da Infância e Criança, com a intenção de entendermos como a sociedade contemporânea as conceitua; e averiguação como se deu o processo de discussão, elaboração e promulgação da Lei 12.796/13 que tratada da obrigatoriedade de crianças a partir dos quatro anos de idade estar na escola, evidenciando questões sobre o direito e a obrigatoriedade. Tais perspectivas serviram para traçarmos o objetivo desta pesquisa, que foi identificar na visão destes profissionais (gestores, professoras, funcionárias) e familiares de escolas municipais no interior do estado de São Paulo, as concepções teóricas e práticas no contexto da implementação da lei 12.796/13 que trata sobre a obrigatoriedade escolar. A pesquisa contou com uma parte empírica realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas em três escolas municipais. Para a análise, elegemos duas categorias: visão de profissionais da educação e familiares com relação a mudanças na EI, ou não, depois da Lei 12.796/13: conceitos teóricos, que foi dividida em duas subcategorias: concepções de infância e criança ; e políticas públicas para Educação Infantil: direito e obrigatoriedade . E, a segunda, refere-se a visão de profissionais da educação e familiares com relação a mudanças na EI, ou não, depois da Lei 12.796/13: aspectos práticos, também divida em duas subcategorias: Trabalho Pedagógico: ensino e aprendizagem ; e Relações entre escola e família . Os participantes não estavam tão surpresos com a Lei 12.796/13, nem com a questão do direito e da obrigatoriedade, ao mesmo tempo não estavam informados com relação a tudo que a envolvia, uma mistura de concordância com as mudanças ocorridas na sociedade, com falta de reflexões mais aprofundadas. Foram analisadas concepções apresentadas sobre a função social da EI, como: a socialização da criança e a possibilidade de sua autonomia, com vistas a comportamentos socialmente aceitos (limites). Para os entrevistados a vida social da criança só começa no momento em que esta adentra o âmbito escolar, e o quanto antes isso acontecer, menos dificuldade terá no processo de ensino e aprendizagem e em sua escolarização. Para os professores a melhoria da qualidade da educação estava centrada na atuação da família com seus filhos pequenos, desta forma, a solução para sua melhoria estava intrinsecamente relacionada à família, sendo a escola isenta deste compromisso. Em contrapartida a família deposita na escola suas esperanças na educação como algo que muda o futuro de seus filhos, que pode melhorar suas condições econômicas como o trabalho ou emprego, sem questionar suas ações educativas e pedagógicas, como se fosse algo normal, natural . Chama-nos a atenção a omissão dos participantes em relação as crianças de 0 a 3 anos de idade, isto é, os bebês não foram lembrados, e nem se quer citados, como se a EI começasse apenas aos 4 anos de idade (devido a obrigatoriedade) e a preocupação estivesse reservada, principalmente, para as que estivessem completando 6 anos de idade, devido a aproximação com o Ensino Fundamental das séries iniciais.

Podpora čtenářské pregramotnosti v přípravných třídách / Support for reading pre-literacy in preparatory classes

Kolibíková, Eva January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the support of reading preliteracy in preparatory classes. The theoretical part discusses literacy in general, reading literacy as its key domain and literacy as preparation for acquiring knowledge. The support role of family and preschool is defined. Further this thesis discusses preparatory classes, school maturity of pre-school children and postponement of compulsory school attendance as an indicator for admission to preparatory classes. The aim of this research was to find out how teachers support reading literacy in preparatory classes. Data was obtained through semi-structured interviews with teachers of preparatory classes for the school year 2017/2018. The research questions focused on the population of preparatory classes, methods and practices of teachers to support reading literacy, collaboration with other professionals and organizations supporting reading literacy and the tools used in teaching. The experiences of teachers of preparatory classes show that the respondents are interested in reading literacy and are knowledgeable in this issue. The educators are initiative during the classes and reading literacy is highly valued. It is considered to be of great importance mainly for the successful continuation of the pupils in education and school...

Är NO ute? : En undersökning bland elever i grundskolans år sju om Utomhuspedagogik kan vara en bro mellan NO ämnet och elevens NO-intresse?

Dahlén, David January 2007 (has links)
Vilken roll har utomhuspedagogik i grundskolan, närmare bestämt i år sju? Kan utomhuspedagogik som metod, eller process/arbetssätt, vara ett sätt att få eleverna mer intresserade av NO i skolan, ett intresse som dalar ju högre upp i år en i grundskolan eleverna kommer, vilket även gäller för kunskaperna enligt nationella och internationella undersökningar. Jag undersöker särskilt vilken roll problemlösande aktiviteter, valmöjligheter hos eleverna och miljöns utformning har för elevernas intresse av NO. Undersökningen bygger på litteratur, observationer och intervjuer, där hermeneutik - tolkning - fenomenografi - jämförelse av olika perspektiv och uppfattningar hos de personer som ingår i undersökningen - och empiri - erfarenheter ute på fältet vid observationerna och intervjuerna - är viktiga delar i undersökningen. Undersökningen visar att eleverna tycks ha ett behov av uteundervisning eftersom de ser fördelar med det, till exempel att de får frisk luft, får röra sig mer än i klassrummet men framför allt att det innebär en vardagsanknytning, en konkretisering av lärostoffet. När eleverna har uteundervisning vill eleverna ha uppgifter, de vill undersöka och upptäcka, inte främst att läraren står och pratar. Undersökningen visar också att eleverna vill vara delaktiga i undervisningen och i de beslut som gäller dem. Det är tre frågor som får eleverna intresserade: när eleverna får uppleva något nytt och lite oväntat, när frågor väcks som de vill ha svar på och när de sätts i rörelse med praktiskt arbete. Ett stort hinder för uteundervisning tycker eleverna är dåligt väder. Undersökningen visar också att eleverna har ett socialt behov. Den kritik som finns mot uteundervisning kommer främst från aktiva pedagoger, och jag gör ett försök att bemöta kritiken. / What part does outdoor education play in the compulsory school in Sweden, more specifically in school year 7? Can outdoor education be a tool/a process to get the pupils more interested in the natural sciences the way it is taught in school, as national and international studies show that this interest decrease with increasing grade in school, and this also applies to the knowledge. I investigate in more detail what part activities of problem solving, the availability of free choice for the pupils and the kind of the environment plays in determining the pupils- interest in the natural sciences. The study is based on literature study, observations and interviews, where hermeneutics - interpretation - fenomenografics - comparison of the different perspectives and views of the persons in the study - and empirical techniques - experiences made in the observations and during the interviews - are important parts in the study. The study shows that the pupils seems to have a craving for outdoor education while they see advantages with it, for example the possibility to get fresh air, the ability to move around more than the space in the classroom allow but utmost that it means a way to concretise, to tie school stuff to a reality that the pupils know about outside school. During outdoor education the pupils want tasks to do, assignments, which give them a chance to investigate, explore and to discover, not foremost that the teacher lectures. The study also shows that the pupils prefer to take an active part during the lesson, at least during part of it, and in decisions that applies to them. Three issues make the pupils interested: when they get to experience something new and a bit unexpected, when questions pop up in their head they want answers to and when they are put into action with some practical work. A great, massive obstacle to outdoor education, the pupils say is bad weather. The study also shows that there is a need among the pupils for socializing. The critiques that exist against outdoor education, primarily comes from active educationalists, and I try to meet this critique in a constructive way.

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