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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nätmobbning : om pressens bild av nätmobbning i relation till högstadie- och gymnasieungdomars erfarenheter / Cyber bullying : about the papers image of cyber bullying in relation to the junior high school- and the high school students experience

Ingesson, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
This paper is about cyber-bullying, the youth’s experience and how the papers image of cyber- bullying looks. The relevance of this essay be to be found in the aim of the research of the cyber bullying today. By examining how the youth’s usage and experience’s - and the papers image of cyber-bullying in the social media, it will be possible to create an understanding for how the social media is represented today. And in the next stage having the ability to work against the cyber bullying. Two methods is used in the studie, a text analysis and a survey. The text analysis is based on a total of 257 articles from two of the biggest tabloids in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Expressen, and the biggest daily news papers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. All the articles has been publicized between 2010-01-01 to 2013-12-31. The aim of the text analysis was to collect the papers picture of cyber bullying. A survey was created to corral information about the youth’s experience. The survey was sent to two schools in Stockholm, the junior high school Rålambshovsskolan and the high school Thorildsplans gymnasium. The survey resulted in 68 answers where the experience of the youth summarized. The result of the text analysis showed that cyber bullying in the news papers makes up a picture of that the woman is the victim of the bullying, Facebook and Instagram is the most popular social medias, and that Facebook is the most common to be bullied on. But it also showed that the writer of the articles is using metaphors to tone up an feeling. The writer can decide what credibility different statements will have depending on with which words the writer describe the statements. The result of the survey showed that Kik, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat was the most used social media. And that a majority of 54 of 68, had read something mean about someone they know on social media. 42 persons had not been exposed to cyber bullying, but 13 said that they had been, and the same number said that they didn’t know if they hade been cyber bullied. Facebook was mentioned as the most common social media to be exposed to cyber bullying on. 
 The author of the articles has the power to influence the persons that have pronounced in the articles credibility. This factors will in the end influence on the public, which will create their opinions based on what they read. This showed that the concept cyber bullying is obscure, the youth has to know if they are cyber bullied or not, and they have to know if they are cyber bullying someone or not.

Den fiktiva läsaren i dagstidningar : En undersökning om skapandet av fiktiva läsare i tre tidningar 1890

Carleson, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
This essay researches how newspapers created fictional reader identities through their content. Three newspapers have been studied from the week first to eight of February 1890, Nya Dagligt Allehanda, Dagens Nyheter and Stockholms Nyheter. The question that the essay is attempting to answer is which fictional readers were created. This is done through both a content analysis and a deeper language analysis of the newspapers. The text is seen as an active agent, creating the identity of the reader that they imagine when they write, an ideal reader. The content analysis compares the three newspapers with each other and studies the type of news that were reported. The differences between which occurrences and what kind of news are being reported shows the differences between the fictional readers that were created. The deep analysis studies one article from each newspaper more closely to see which words were used and how the newspapers used language to create a fictional reader. Criticism were often used to shows which group and opinions the fictional reader were identified with and which were the opponents. The fictional readers were quite political since a lot of the content was about politics or held political views. The newspapers transferred their political views to the fictional reader through the content. NDAs fictional reader was politically right-wing, interested in the other European countries and against socialism. DNs fictional reader was liberal and interested in political debates, the tariff issue and the rights for freedom of speech. Their opponent was the conservative and protectionist. SNs fictional reader had political opinions, but little interest in how the government worked and more in the doings of ordinary people. The fictional reader often criticized the authority and voiced it's opinion strongly.

Bortglömda nyheter : En pilotstudie om hågkomsten av nyheterna i Dagens eko kvart i fem

Eriksson, Elin, Kihlberg, Nicklas January 2013 (has links)
In this essay a pilot study on the memory of Swedish Public Service radio news is presented. 30 subjects participated in the study, which was performed during three days, 18 to 20 of November 2013. The material which formed the basis for the study consisted three newscasts of Sweden's most popular radio newscast ”Dagens eko”, which is broadcasted live at 16.45 every day in the Public Service channels SR P1 and SR P4. The subjects listened to the broadcasts each day, and their memory of them was tested the day after each broadcast. The aim of the thesis is to find out which properties of the audience that affect how much – and what parts – of a newscast that the audience remember. The properties the study has examined are gender, age, domicile and which other news media the study participants used during each day of the study. The aim of this paper is also to show which properties of the newscasts, and the news stories which they contain, that affect how much and what parts of the newscast the audience remember. No general conclusions can be drawn from the results presented in this paper as it is a pilot study with a limited material. The results presented apply only to the selected subjects in the selected three days. In this pilot study women remembered more news stories from the newscasts than men, listeners older than 50 years remembered more news stories from the newscasts than listeners younger than 50 years and listeners who consumed many other traditional news media during the pilot study remembered more from the newscasts than listeners who did not. Domicile does, according to the results of this pilot studie, not affect the remembrance of a newscast. It was also found that there were large differences regarding how well the different news stories were remembered. Some of the news stories were remembered by almost all subjects, while others were forgotten by the same number. The pilot study suggests that characteristics that increase the remembrance of a novelty are that the news story is a national news story, that it is mentioned in the introductory presentation of the broadcast, that it is presented as one of the three or four first news or at the very end of the broadcast, that it contain at least one interview or a speaker and that it is considered to be sensational. The pilot study also suggests that information about the actors and locations in a news story gets better remembered than information about what the news event actually was, why the news event occurred or what affect it will get.

Det finaste som finns är att laga mat med hjärtat : En kvalitativ undersökning av matjournalistikens förändring i två svenska tidningar

Ahlberg, Ida, Thomasson, Cornelia January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur mediers gestaltning av mat och matlagning reproducerar livsstilar och identiteter. De senaste åren har mat börjat förekomma alltmer frekvent i olika medier. Varje dag släpps en ny bok om matlagning i Sverige, när vi bläddrar bland kanalerna på tv:n visas nästan alltid någon form av matlagningsprogram och i affären syns rader av matmagasin i tidningsställen. I genomförandet av vår undersökning har vi valt att använda oss av identifikationsteorin och teorin om användarperspektivet. För att göra detta har vi gjort en kvalitativ textanalys av artiklar ur två svenska tidningar, Dagens Nyheter och Allt om mat. Med hjälp av ett kodschema har varje artikel analyserats på både makro- och mikronivå. För att få en historisk översikt och landa så nära nutid som möjligt har vi gjort nedslag i 1973, 1993 och 2013. Resultatet av vår studie visar att det har skett en förändring i matjournalistiken. De tidigare nedslagen var det maten som stod i fokus. Men mellan 1993 och 2013 har det skett en förskjutning i fokus. Det är människorna bakom maten som får störst utrymme i artiklarna. Möjligheterna till identifikation är mycket större 2013 än var de var 1973 och 1993.

Imperialister, angripare eller beskyddare? : En omvärldsanalys av tre tidningars rapportering om Vietnamkriget 1964-1975 och Afghanistankriget 1979-1989.

Bengtsson, Emelie, Svensson, Johannes January 2014 (has links)
From the end of the Second World War until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 the world was divided. An iron curtain separated the world into two parts, east and west. These were dominated by the two great powers, the Soviet Union and the USA. The contradictions between the great powers should characterize the whole period that was named the Cold War. USA and the Soviet Union never met in open confrontation during this time, but it happened indirectly in the many conflicts that occurred during the Cold War. The Vietnam War (1964-1975) and the Afghanistan War (1979-1989) were two conflicts in which the great powers brought war against smaller states and the non-fighting part supported the resistance against the great power.   The purpose of this study is to examine the three Swedish newspapers, Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens nyheter och Norrskensflamman, and thereby discover how they reported during the Vietnam War and the Afghanistan War.  We seek the answer on following questions: What did the reporting looked like during the Vietnam War and the Afghanistan War and how did it change over time? How does the newspapers political point of view appear on the editorial pages? Which international outlook can be seen in the news report and which are the similarities and differences?   In order to do this we’ve used a qualitative method. The result shows that three different international outlooks are described in the newspapers. We can also confirm that the political point of view for each newspaper is confirmed by the standard reporting and primarily by the content of the editorial pages.

”Dag Hammarskjöld var mannen med en mission” : En innehållsanalys av nyhetsrapporteringen kring Dag Hammarskjöld som människa och symbol vid dennes död i september 1961

Nordlöf, Malte January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to show how the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet andDagens Nyheter reported on and described Dag Hammarskjöld as a man and a symbolat the time of his death in 1961. The method for the research has been a qualitativethematic analysis of the content in the articles published from the date ofHammarskjöld´s death to the day after the funeral. The study has been based on theoriesabout newspapers roles in the construction of imagined communities, the use of mythsand the objectifying of abstract ideas in news texts.I have found that the investigated newspapers described Dag Hammarskjöld assynonymous with the United Nations, the world peace and a hope for the future. He wasalso described as a link between the present and the past in the Swedish history at thesame time as he was described as a man of the people. He was representing“Swedishness” in an international context and the cosmopolitan. The Swedish peoplewere described as a silent anonymous group mourning a great man and a fellowcountryman.The study shows that Dag Hammarskjöld became a complex figure thatrepresented not only him self but also Swedish qualities and norms.

"Min kompis Sebastian, som du också känner..." : När den informella podcasten anammas av tidningshusen

Rahsepar, Nasim, Larsson, Martina January 2015 (has links)
2012 was the year when the podcast had a breakthrough in Sweden. As media corporatehouses developed, they adopted new forms to mediate journalistic material, whereas the podcasts was one of them. The podcast has had a rather informal reputation in Sweden in contrary to The United States and Great Britain, where it holds a higher sense of prestige and professionalism. It is therefore relevant to investigate what happens when media corporatehouses i Sweden embraces the podcast through themes such as tabloidization, commercialism, convergence and divergence. We chose to investigate the content of the podcast in the tabloid press Aftonbladet, and in the serious press, Dagens Nyheter. We also compared the two to see if there is a difference in content when it comes to journalistic principles. Through a qualitative method we analyzed the podcasts with a framework consisting of different themes. By using a directed content analysis, we assumed from certain theories whilst staying open minded against unexpected themes. We discovered that while the podcast could be a form of journalism, it is a new way of mediating it. Podcasts from both newspapers were mainly commercialized and consisting of  “soft news” as the journalists assumed a personal role. The form itself allows the content to be subjective and informal, whilst providing a forum for public debate, to inform and investigate. Although, most podcasts did not provide that. We believe that the podcast possibly will develop into a more professional product in Sweden, just as the blog in recent years, when adopted by media corporations.

Hafva vi i Norrland ett Wästindien? : En kvantitativ, beskrivande studie om användningen av begreppet Norrland i rikstidningarna

Andersson, Mats, Hagstedt, Hampus January 2015 (has links)
Titel: Hafva vi i Norrland ett Wästindien? – En kvantitativ, beskrivande studie om användningen av begreppet Norrland i riksmedierna   Författare: Mats Andersson, Hampus Hagstedt   Kurs, termin och år: Journalistik GR (c) C-uppsats HT 2014   Antal ord i uppsatsen: 10 831   Problemformulering och syfte: En förenklad bild av Norrland i mediers rapportering leder till att människor får stereotypa uppfattningar om Norrland och den negativa bilden blir grund för den framtida journalistiken. Ett användande av Norrland som etikett för hela norra halvan av Sverige leder till att hela regionen blir samma sak i läsarnas ögon, trots att det finns stora kulturella, samhälleliga och geografiska skillnader mellan de olika platserna i Norrland. Syftet med denna studie har varit att granska hur rikstidningarnas bild av begreppet Norrland ser ut i egenproducerade nyhetsartiklar. Vi klarlägger i vilka typer av nyheter begreppet Norrland förekommer och i vilken utsträckning Norrland framställs som ett problemområde i artiklar där begreppet Norrland används. Vi får svar på vilken geografisk nivå nyhetsartiklar som innehåller ordet Norrland preciseras till, hur ofta ett storstadsperspektiv används som måttstock i artiklar där Norrland används som geografisk referens och i vilken utsträckning artikelförfattare använder postkoloniala gestaltningar från orientalismen i texter där ordet Norrland ingår.   Metod och material: Med kvantitativ innehållsanalys med gestaltningsteorin och frågeställningar inspirerade av orientalismen har vi undersökt nyhetsrapporteringen från och om Norrland i Sveriges fyra största dagstidningar Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen och Aftonbladet under åren 2005, 2009 och 2013.   Huvudresultat: I Stockholmsbaserade rikstidningarnas nyhetsrapportering är stereotypisering av landsdelen Norrland mycket svår att finna.   Nyckelord: Gestaltning, Norrland, Norrlänning, Orientalism, Stereotyp, Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen, Kvantitativ innehållsanalys, Rikstidningar.

En lärarkår i förändring? : En studie om bildskapandet av läraren i sin yrkesroll i media under åren 1979, 1989 och 2006. / A teaching staff in motion? : A study about the image-making of the Swedish teachingstaff in media during 1979, 1989 and 2006.

Håkansson, Joel, Andersson, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
In this pilot study, we have investigated what the two biggest newspapers Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, and the two largest union affiliated journals Lärartidningen/Lärarnastidning and Skolvärlden has written about teachers in their professional roles, and investigated if and whether their reporting has changed over time. In the study, we have also examined what the newspapers and the union affiliated journals emphasize as status enhancing and status lowering factors for the Swedish teaching staff. We have furthermore analyzed our material through Leif Mathiassons theoretical framework in the anthology Uppdrag Lärare –En antologi om status, yrkesskicklighet och framtidsdrömmar, in which he describes the creation of the image of the school as a medial and political construction. To reinforce Mathiassons theoretical framework we have also presented and used the agenda theory, the gestalt theory and the priming theory in our concluding discussion. In our results, we can see that the work environment is the largest and most frequently reported theme in both the newspapers and in the union affiliated journals, in which the work environment acts as a hub where the other themes are interconnected. In conclusion we can see that some patterns have not changed significantly in the debate regarding the school and the teacher in their professional role between 1979 and the first years of the 21th century. Medias focus on subject knowledge, financial resources, increased wages, discipline and enhanced status of the teaching profession remains and are described in similar terms throughout the whole of our studied period, and thus is not a new problem or new feature in the media debate about the Swedish school system.

Främmande sidor : främlingskap och nationell gemenskap i fyra svenska dagstidningar efter 1945 /

Hultén, Gunilla, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2006.

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