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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I sökandet efter objektivitetsidealet : En studie om rapporteringen kring FRA-lagen i Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet ur ett objektivitetsperspektiv / In search of the objectivity ideal : A thesis of the report about the FRA-law in Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dabladet from a objectivity perspective

Sepúlveda Nuñez, Stéphanie, Söderlund, Erica January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis was to examine what expressions for objectivity there were to identify/find in newspaper journalism’s report about the FRA-law during the period 2008-06- 13 to 2009-10-14.</p><p>We choose to analyze ten articles from the morning paper Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, five from each one. The method we used was a qualitative text analysis. We then designed an own model for the objectivity ideal from without the old theories that were available and also came with own ideas. Then we used that model as starting-point and designed key points to identify objectivity in the articles.</p><p>Our thesis showed that the articles often fail when it comes to two key points. Due to the usage of charged words and the journalist’s own opinions in a way that distracts the reader from the articles main information the neutral presentation fails. When it comes to the balance in the articles the reappearing problem is that some people don’t get the chance to reply due to that their standpoint is a part of the article but not them. Due to this the articles sources get to reply to the standpoint without the people behind it getting to defend themselves.</p><p>To sum up our thesis showed that the analyzed articles from Dagens Nyheter were more objective than the ones from Svenska Dagbladet.</p>

Har du läst om… : Vad visste svenska befolkningen om Kristallnatten, krigsutbrottet och Hitlers självmord baserat på information som skrevs i de två tidningarna SvenskaDagbladet och Dagens Nyheter? / Have you read about… : What did the Swedish population know about 'Crystal night', the outbreak of the war and Hitler's suicide based on information published by the two newspapers Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter?

Holmström, Isabell January 2018 (has links)
The essay is about what information that reached the Swedish people through Swedish newspapers linked to three specific events during Second World War. The newspapers that is being reviewed are Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The essay focuses on a broad historically background of antisemitism to get a better understanding. The essay also describes the chosen specific events in detail so the reader knows what the events is about. The events follows a chronological order, which starts with the night of broken glass. The other two events the essay focuses on are war outbreaks and Hitler’s suicide. The main reason with the essay was to review the information that was published in the newspapers the days before and after the events. The essay also focuses on a comparison between the two newspapers and the conclusion is that both newspapers reported similar information and that there were no political difference between what information they published.

Att träna stavning på gruppnivå : En interventionsstudie med "Dagens ord-metoden" / To train spelling at group level : An intervention study with "The word of the day-method"

Hall, Yvonne, Svensson, Inger January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur stavning påverkas av en intervention med stavningsträning på gruppnivå i jämförelse med stavningsträning i ordinarie undervisning. Samtliga elever i årskurs 2 och 3 på två skolor i södra Sverige, sammanlagt 154 elever, deltog i studien. Av dessa deltog 71 elever i interventionen, resterande 83 elever fungerade som jämförelsegrupp. Eleverna i interventionsgruppen fick vid tre tillfällen i veckan under fem veckor träna stavning enligt Dagens ord-metoden. Studiens syfte var även att undersöka om eventuella resultat av interventionen kvarstod efter tre månader utan stavningsträning samt om vissa elever gynnades mer än andra av interventionen. Studien genomfördes med pre- och posttest samt ytterligare ett posttest tre månader efter interventionens slut för att mäta kvarstående resultat. Som mätinstrument användes LäSt-stavningstest på pre- och posttesten. Resultatet av studien visar att interventionsgruppen på samtliga posttest förbättrat sin stavning i förhållande till jämförelsegruppen. Resultatet av studien visar att stavningsträning på gruppnivå med Dagens ord-metoden haft positiv påverkan på interventionsgruppens stavningsutveckling och att resultaten av interventionen kvarstår efter tre månader. Studien kan ses som ett framgångsrikt samarbete mellan lärare och speciallärare där elever i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv inkluderas och ges möjligheter att utveckla sin metakognitiva förmåga.

Är sportjournalistiken offside? : En studie om framställningen av manliga och kvinnliga fotbollsspelare inom den svenska sportjournalistiken

Aldenhed, Linnea, Nester, Li January 2017 (has links)
Den här kandidatuppsatsen granskar fördelningen av utrymmet på sportsidorna utifrån könstillhörighet. Vi undersöker hur mycket utrymme som tilldelas herrarnas respektive damernas slutspelsperioder under Europamästerskapen i fotboll år 2012, 2013, 2016 samt 2017 i Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet och Expressen. Vidare undersöker vi om det förekommer skillnader i rapporteringen om manliga respektive kvinnliga fotbollsspelare i Dagens Nyheter och Expressen år 2016 och 2017. Slutligen diskuterar vi frågan gällande på vilket sätt Dagens Nyheters och Expressens rapportering under slutspelen i fotbolls-EM år 2016 och 2017 bidrar till att upprätthålla de etablerade könsrollsuppfattningarna. Uppsatsen utgår från ett genusperspektiv och redogör för en del av den tidigare forskning som finns inom området genus. För att besvara frågeställningarna används kvantitativ innehållsanalys samt kvalitativ diskursanalys. Resultatet av vår kvantitativa analys är att herrarnas mästerskap värderades högre ur ett nyhetsvärderingsperspektiv och tilldelades mer utrymme än damernas mästerskap. Den kvalitativa diskursanalysen visar att det under herrarnas mästerskapsår rapporteras om enbart män, medan det under damernas år rapporteras om båda könen. Den kvalitativa analysen visar därmed att männen tilldelas mer plats i medierna än kvinnorna. Detta överensstämmer med resultatet av vår kvantitativa analys, samt den tidigare forskning som lyfts fram i vår studie. Slutsatsen är att herrarna är överrepresenterade på sportsidorna samt att medierna upprätthåller de etablerade könsrollsuppfattningarna.

Nyhetsvärdering inom sportjournalistik : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Dagens Nyheters och Aftonbladets sportsidor / News values in sports journalism

Borg, Adam, Wickström, Carl January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine similarities and differences between how two Swedish newspapers value its content and what kind of news is published on the sport pages. Our method in this study was a quantitative content analysis where we analyzed 560 articles from the newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. The most important results we got from our study was that most of the articles was about football and ice hockey. Especially articles about football dominated in both newspapers. Another result we found was that there was a big difference when it came to articles about men and women. In the newspaper Aftonbladet almost 85 percent of the articles were about men and in Dagens Nyheter the number were around 66 percent.

Hotfulla män och psykiskt sjuka kvinnor i brottsjournalistiken : En kvalitativ studie om Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters framställning av män respektive kvinnor som begår dödligt våld mot barn / Threatful men and mentally unstable women in the investigative journalism : A qualitative study about Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter’s construction of men and women who commit murder against their children

Dahlgren, Lisa, Seiver, Elin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how news reporting about crime is affected by gender discourses. We also examined differences and similarities between the tabloids and the morning newspapers. We did this by observing how the perpetrator's gender affects how both Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter constructs participants in crimes where parents commit murder against their children. In regards to participants, we mean the perpetrator, the victim and the relationship between the parents and the children.   The study answered the following questions: How do gender discourses affect news reporting about violent crimes? How are participants portrayed in crimes where parents commit murder against children in Swedish investigative journalism? How is the relationship between the children and the parents portrayed? What are the differences and similarities between the news reporting in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter?   For this study, we used a critical discourse analysis as a method of examination and nine articles from Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter were examined. The result shows that male perpetrators were portrayed as aggressive and threatful, especially in Aftonbladet. Female perpetrators were blamed more often for the crime when they broke the norms of what is generally considered as typical female roles and qualities before they commited the crime. The relationship between the victim and the perpetrator was discussed more in the articles in regards to the female compared to the male. However, the qualities of the victims were more described in the articles about the male perpetrators. That can be explained by the crimes which were commited by a female who broke the norms. Therefore, there was a need to explain her actions.

Sol, sand, surf och sex : En kvalitativ postkolonial diskursanalys om den mediala turismrapporteringen från Haiti och Dominikanska Republiken

Olofsson, Jimmy January 2018 (has links)
The essay is about how Swedish media have chosen to report on tourism from Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 1993-2018. There may be many different aspects to look into within this but the aspects that have been studied are the degree to which nature and culture are seen in this reporting. The analysis of the articles of the newspaper Dagens Nyheter has been made based on a postcolonial discourse analysis where certain postcolonial concepts have been applied to the selected articles. It is in what ways the different writers have chosen to describe the nature and culture of the two countries that have been analyzed and an analysis will be made of whether reporting differs between the countries. The result shows that the writers are clearly governed by a Eurocentric world order where We, Europe, have a clear overarching relationship in relation to Them, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, who have a clear subordination. This clear boundary is clearly visible in the words chosen by the writers by normalizing concepts that are under the category We and nonnormalizing concepts that belong to Them. The conclusion is that Haiti is described in a lesser way than the Dominican Republic, which may be because Haitians are more strange to us than Dominicans depending on the countries different histories where the Haitians are seen as a Creole language speaking African society and the Dominicans are seen as a Spanish speaking European society. / Uppsatsen handlar om på vilket sätt som svenska medier har valt att rapportera om turism utifrån länderna Haiti och Dominikanska Republiken under åren 1993-2017. Det kan finnas många olika aspekter att kolla på inom detta men de aspekter som det har studerats om är i vilken grad som natur och kultur syns i denna rapportering. Analyseringen av Dagens Nyheters tidningsartiklar har gjorts utifrån en postkolonial diskursanalys där vissa postkoloniala begrepp har applicerats på de valda artiklarna. Det är på vilka sätt som de olika skribenterna har valt att beskriva naturen och kulturen i de båda länderna som har analyserats och det kommer att göras en analys på om rapporteringen skiljer mellan länderna. Resultatet visar att skribenterna är tydligt styrda i en eurocentrisk världsordning där Vi, Europa, har en tydlig överordning jämfört med De, Haiti och Dominikanska Republiken, har en tydlig underordning. Denna tydliga gränsdragning syns tydligt i de ordval som skribenterna gör genom att normalisera begrepp som är under kategorin Vi och icke-normalisera begrepp som tillhör De. Slutsatsen är att Haiti beskrivs på ett undermåligare sätt än Dominikanska Republiken som kan bero på att haitier är mer främmande för oss än vad dominikaner är beroende på att de sistnämnda passar in mer under kategorin Vi.

"Tattare" eller Jönköpingsbo : En kvalitativ textanalys av tre tidningar under Jönköpingskravallerna 1948 / Gypsy or an inhibitor of Jönköping? : A qualitative text analysis of three newspapers during the riots of Jönköping 1948

Gustavsson, Cornelia January 2018 (has links)
This assignment is a study of three Swedish newspapers and how they reflected on the gypsy riots that took place during twenty-third of June to the second of July 1948. The chosen newspapers are Dagens Nyheter, Jönköpings-posten and Smålands Folkblad. Dagens Nyheter is a regional newspaper and the other two is local newspapers. In this qualitative study that focus on the anthropology and postcolonial theories to find out if the newspapers at the time had a neutral attitude towards the event. And also, how they portrayed the event. The study covers the entire year (1948) of the publication of the newspapers to get a more accurate view of the matter. The result coming to that two of the newspapers had an impartial attitude towards the riots however the last newspaper (Smålands Folkblad) took a turn against the gypsies in the city. Showing a negative approach to the matter involving the gypsies even though they were victims of the riots and innocent people. Also shown is that all of the newspapers saw the gypsies as not a part of the Swedish population. In some matters the newspapers even mention that it’s the gypsies against the inhibitors of Jönköping, they are somehow not the same thing. The incident was a personal argument that got out of hand and turned out to witch-hunt to catch the so-called gypsies, but none of the newspapers find it that way. They explain it like a commotion with all people involved.

Det ogranskade alkoholmonopolet : En kvantitativ studie i hur medierna rapporterar kring Systembolaget / The Unexamined Alcohol Monoply : A quantitative studie about media’s reporting of Systembolaget

Lindahl, David, Nilsson, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Media and journalists influence the Swedish democracy and form opinions among the public. With this is mind, media has a responsibility to be a critical institution and to strive for impartial reporting. However, it can be argued that party political opinions are embedded within media organisations hence, preventing neutral reports. With this in mind, Systembolaget, the Swedish alcohol monopoly, becomes especially interesting. Partly, because CEO, Magdalena Gerger, recently wrote a debate article protesting a motion allowing direct sales from small business alcohol producers. Additionally, Systembolaget has a unique position of power in the Swedish society.  The purpose of this thesis is to explain which generalised image of Systembolaget that is portrayed based on articles from the four largest Swedish newspapers: Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, over the course of one year. In order to meet the purpose, a quantitative content analysis was conducted, where 412 articles from the selected newspapers were analysed. A qualitative method was then used to analyse expressed opinions towards Systembolaget.  The findings indicate that a majority of the articles about Systembolaget tended to be “neutral” (e.g. beverage tips). Furthermore, none of the analysed articles were written with an auditing perspective on Systembolaget. Finally, the thesis concluded that there is a difference between the selected newspapers reporting on Systembolaget. Future research should strive to further look into the reporting of Systembolaget through time.

Kunskapens fanbärare : den goda läraren som diskursiv konstruktion på en mediearena

Wiklund, Matilda January 2006 (has links)
The specific aim of this dissertation is to formulate and examine the discursive constructions of “the good teacher” in a specific discursive practice in the media arena. The broader aim is to participate in a discussion about the relationship between the media and education, including education policy. The discursive practice that is studied is the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter. The material underlying the study consists of articles published on the editorial and comment pages of the paper during the 1990s, a decade when the Swedish education system underwent some major changes. In the first part of the empirical study, the articles included are categorised, first according to the debates constituted and then according to five themes related to the position of the teacher. The second part of the empirical study focuses on education as it is constructed in the discursive practice examined, progressing step by step towards achieving the specific aim of the study. The findings here include the following: a situation for education is established which involves a clear distinction between two different ways of perceiving education; a space of possibility for schooling is opened which excludes certain issues; a preferred school is formed in which priority is given to subject knowledge and order; distinct subject positions are offered to different figures in education, including teachers who are given an authoritative voice and educational researchers who are not; and finally the “good teacher” constructed is an expert who bears and transmits subject knowledge and a proponent of traditional values who manages to individualise teaching. It is also found in the study that a conservative discourse serves to provide an illness for a remedy that is put forward by a neo-liberal discourse, and that media logic is at work in the framing of educational issues in the practice studied.

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