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Inte millennial, men... : En kvalitativ studie om svensk press porträttering av millenniegenerationenKaspersen, Valerie, Gustavsson, Björn January 2017 (has links)
Millennials are often portrayed negatively. To better understand the role news media in perpetuating stereotypes about the generation, we surveyed articles from Sweden’s two major newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. Nineteen articles, published between January 2016 to April of 2017, were included in the sample. All were analysed using critical discourse analysis with Norman Fairclough’s three dimensional model. The analysis revealed several tendencies for negative depictions. For example, millennial attitudes towards work were often described as lazy and entitled. In comparisons with previous generations, reports claimed millennials were disproportionately impacted by the harmful effects of technological advancement. Importantly, when these articles contained interviews with millennials or if the writers themselves were millennials, they represented themselves and their generation’s values with the same negative, stereotypical categorisations. Although these themes were more frequent than others, other forms of interpretations of millennials are possible.
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Framing vaccine : - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om vaccinationsfrågans gestaltningsramar i Dagens Nyheter / Framing vaccine : - A qualitative content analysis of news frames regarding vaccin in Dagens NyheterHöök, Alicia January 2020 (has links)
This study examines how vaccines are presented in the daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN). The purpose of the study is to contribute new research on how news frames appear in daily newspapers, especially in the field of journalism. The purpose of the study is also to expand research on how vaccines are presented in newspapers, more specifically to expand research on generic design framework. The study will carry out the investigation through Entman's definition of framing and thereby operationalise through a deductive approach. The results of the study show that vaccines are designed in an objective way. When it comes to news frameworks, responsible frameworks are most prevalent in articles about vaccination in DN. This is probably due to the fact that the majority of vaccine articles attribute both responsibility and solutions related to vaccines.
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"14.53 Sverige under attack" : En studie om morgon- och kvällspressens förstasidesbilder vid terrorattentatet i Stockholm 2017. / "14.53 Sweden under attack" : a study about the morning newspapers and tabloids front pages images after the terror attack in Stockholm 2017.Bäck, Fanny, Andersson, Ida January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to analyse and examine which images the morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter and the tabloid paper Aftonbladet choosed to use on their front pages when reporting about the terrorist attack in Stockholm 2017. We also wanted to examine if there were any differences or similarities between morning newspapers and tabloids images on their front pages. Before our study we did a mapping where we examined how many images, between April 8 and April 30, the two newspapers used when portraying the incident on their front page. The mapping helped structuring our process by creating categories before deciding which images we wanted to examine more closely. We conducted a qualitative study and used semiotic image analysis, visual rhetoric analysis, metonymy, metaphor and index. We analysed twelve pictures; seven from Aftonbladet and five from Dagens Nyheter. By examining this we established that there were both differences and similarities between the newspapers. The biggest difference was that Aftonbladet used more dynamic images while Dagens Nyheter used more approximations. Aftonbladet´s images portrayed the attack with dramatic, close-ups images where the images felt more realistic and Dagens Nyheter portrayed the attack with more objective images. A similarity that we found was that both newspapers used images of authoritarian people and implied that the society stands united against the terror. We also found that the suspected terrorist, Rakhmat Akilov, was presented as a threat from the outside that destroyed “our” western world.
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Minns du Herr Kantarell? : En innehållsanalys av historiekulturen kring Elias Magnus Fries i svenska tidningsartiklar mellan 1970–2019 / Do you remember Mr. Chanterelle? : A content analysis of the cultural memory of Elias Magnus Fries in Swedish newspapers between 1970–2019Knutsson, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze the botanist Elias Magnus Fries legacy between 1970 until today. The focus is on the Swedish medias interest in Fries, as well as how he and his name has been utilized during this period. Departing from theories on history culture and uses of history, the Swedish national newspapers Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet are analyzed. The study shows when and how the memory of Elias Magnus Fries has been activated and portrayed in Swedish media, as well as if they used Fries as a kind of national symbol. During the 1970’s the interest was at its peak but dwindled after the 90’s probable due to the lack of jubilee celebration. Indeed, the interest of Fries peaked during the 70’s and 90’s because of celebrating the 100-year celebration of his death in 1878 and the 200 anniversary of his birth in 1794. Although, the general view of Fries persona always has been positive, rather scant attention har been devoted to Fries during the entire period and he was often only mentioned briefly. The interest was in general primarily on mushrooms rather than Fries, and it was always the mushrooms that spurred an interest in Fries rather than the other way around. This might indicate a rather weak position in the history of science within Swedish media. Nevertheless, the newspapers also depicted Fries as a kind of national educator, scientist and a person with a great an evolutionistic mind for his great interest in mushrooms and its introduction in the Swedish cuisine.
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European Union's path towards a sustainable future : The Swedish media’s portrayal of the plastic banNilsson Åkö, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
This study examines the media coverage on the European Union (EU) plastic ban directive in Sweden and investigates the role of the Swedish media in the EU decision-making process. As society and social movements are the driving force for pushing policies forward and affecting policy change, it is important to understand the media’s role in the development. Since media is one core driving force of opinion-building in this decision-making process, this thesis, analyses the media coverage on the topic of plastic to understand the media output that is directed towards the Swedish people. Therefore, the main focus has been to gather and analyze the news coverage on the topic of plastic in two of Sweden’s largest daily newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet during the adoption of European Union’s Directive 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. By analyzing the media coverage and the international regulations that have been formed by the United Nations and European Union through discourse analysis with the application of the concepts Framing and Europeanization, differences between the media and actors of decision-making have been discovered.
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Vem får mest utrymme? : En kvantitativ studie om män och kvinnor i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters coronarapporteringSelin, Julia, Josefine, Lundgren January 2020 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Under år 2020 har det rapporterats frekvent om pandemin till följd av viruset covid-19. Under årets gång har flera medier rapporterat om människor och företag som drabbats i sviterna av pandemin. Tidigare forskning visar att kvinnor länge har varit underrepresenterade i svenska nyhetsmedier, men stämmer det även under en pandemi? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka i vilken omfattning män kontra kvinnor representerats som huvudaktör i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters coronarapportering, samt hur könsrepresentationen ser ut när det kommer till de rollerna dessa huvudaktörer har haft. Metod och material: Studiens syfte har uppnåtts genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av tryckta artiklar från Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter under pandemins första våg (25 mars 2020 - 31maj 2020) och andra våg (1 september 2020 - 7 november 2020). Detta gör vi utifrån ett genusperspektiv som tar avstamp i könsmärkning och genussystemet. För att analysera materialet har ett kodschema skapats med variabler kopplade till syftet och frågeställningarna. Kodningen har sedan sammanställts och presenterats i form av diagram.Huvudresultat: Resultatet visar att kvinnor varit underrepresenterade i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters coronarapportering. Det förekom dessutom en tydlig könsmärkning och en ojämn könsfördelning inom flera områden i dessa tidningar under pandemin. Då antalet manliga huvudaktörer var som lägst, var antalet ändå högre än när antalet kvinnliga huvudaktörer varsom högst. Inom flera av huvudaktörernas roller och artiklarnas huvudområden rådde en markant könsmärkning i båda tidningarna.Resultatet indikerar även att män och kvinnor i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter citerats i liknande utsträckning när det kommer till omfånget av citeringarna, men att män citerats oftare eftersom de förekommit mer frekvent.
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Social journalistik : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om nyhetsredaktioners användande av sociala medierOlsson, Julia, Sköld, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen består av en kvantitativ studie med sociala medier i fokus. Studien handlar om hur redaktionerna; Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter samt SVT nyheter, använder sig av sociala medier som en redaktion. Genom att studera sättet redaktionerna publicerar sitt innehåll och hur det uppmanar till interaktion och reaktioner på sina sociala medier. Samt även om innehållet i inläggen är “marknadsföring” kontra “eget innehåll”. För att kunna utföra studiens används en kvantitativ innehållsanalys för att kunna se hur samtliga redaktioner använder sig av sociala medier när det kommer till publicering av deras artiklar och material. Efter datainsamlingen, sammanställde vi studiens resultat i form av statistik och diagram som sammanfattar datainsamlingens resultat. Resultatet visar att samtliga redaktioner använder sig av de social medierna men i olika utsträckningar. Något resultatet tydligt visade var hur redaktionerna uppmanade till interaktion på samtliga av deras sociala medier i väldigt låg utsträckning, det gällde alla redaktioner, inklusive då SVT Nyheter vilket förvånade oss mest. Datainsamlingen visade även följarna och läsarnas påverkan när det kommer till sociala medier och vad som får flest reaktioner och interaktioner, utan redaktionernas uppmaning eller agenda.
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Stoppa matcherna! : En jämförande undersökning av två tidningars gestaltningar av händelserna i samband med Davis Cupmatcherna i Båstad 1968 och 1975Lind, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
This essay sheds light on the protest events in connection with the Davis-Cup matches in Båstad in 1968 and 1975. They are relatively close in time, touch on the same sports competition, similar issues, engage largely the same group of protesters and were the subject of enormous media interest. When looking at the events in Båstad in a retrospective light, the event in 1968 is reflected much more strongly than the event in 1975, in this essay this imbalance will be examined in more detail. The main purpose of the essay is to, based on articles in Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter, comparatively investigate how these newspapers may have shaped the historical image of the events in connection with the Davis Cup matches in Båstad in 1968 and 1975. The theoretical framework is based on framing theory, which shows how media's representations of reality affect people's perceptions, how media, in some ways but not others, reproduces and disseminates different power centers’. The choice of the theoretical framework rests on the thesis that the newspapers' depiction of the events created a historical picture of them. The newspapers visualize the reality according to preferences that they find to be rewarding now. The essay's methodological starting point is both quantitative and qualitative as it consists of a conventional content analysis on the one hand and is inspired by a quantitative four-step model that is connected to the framing theory on the other. The results show that the framings of the newspapers can be linked to the different course of events of the protests, as well as the modernization of social institutions, in particular sports. In 1968, the white sport was still white, but the events in Båstad nullified the possibility of seriously claiming that sports and politics did not influence each other. The similar framings of the newspapers in 1975 also show how far the abolition of authority had come. Sport was opened to the world and to politics, modernized and democratized and is today more democratically governed than before.
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"En svensk Franciskus och en svensk Rasputin" : En analys av representation och gestaltning av religion i Dagens Nyheter 1914-1942Särén, Christoffer January 2022 (has links)
This essay reviews the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter portrayal of the two Swedish preachers David Petander and Erik Andersson who preached during the early 20th century in Sweden. To contextualize, the preachers’ influences, Tolstoy and liberal theology, were described and compared with contemporary belief systems, mainly the Swedish church. Content analasys is used to clarify how the newspaper represent and frame the preachers. The descriptions have been divided into five categories; appearance, personality, life style, belief and names used to describe them. The results show that Dagens Nyheter used specific words and narrative to frame Petander as a good-hearted, saintlike figure, a modern day Fransiscus and Andersson as a manipulative, cruel, religious madman with a power over women compared to that of Rasputin. These narratives were used even though Petander and Andersson were alike in a lot of aspects, and that Andersson were a follower of Petander’s.
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"Upp till allvarlig kamp mot kaffemissbruket!" : Kaffemissbruksfrågan i svensk dagspress 1910-1940 / "Up to serious struggle against the coffee abuse!" : The coffee abuse issue in the swedish daily press 1910-1940Eklund, Magne January 2022 (has links)
1911 the Swedish MP Carl Lindhagen, introduced a bill to the second chamber in which he demanded an investigation into the question about the Swedish coffee abuse (kaffemissbruk). The issue was up for debate on several occasions and in 1929 the parliament demanded, for the second time, an investigation into feasible measures against the misuse of coffee. This essay investigates the coffee abuse debate in the Swedish daily press between 1910 and 1940 with the purpose to, through the coffee abuse issue, highlight the times values about health- and societal issues. The theoretical starting point of the essay is the discourse theory as it is described in Ernesto Laclaus och Chantal Mouffes book Hegemony and Socialist Strategy. The main result of the investigation is that few voices questioned the existence of the Swedish coffee abuse, although the suggested solutions varied between the different positions. The debate was not absent in the sobriety movement and both proponents and sceptics concerning the involvement in the coffee abuse issue was represented. The sobriety movement also felt the need to defend itself from the accusation that it was them, that had spread the coffee abuse through their campaigns against the use of alcohol. Instead, they argued that it was the use of alcohol that also gave birth to an excessive coffee consumption. The injuries that the coffee abuse was described as causing were firstly stomach ailments and nerve damages. Secondly, coffee abuse was invoked as a fiscal problem where the import of coffee beans was viewed as damaging to the national economy, which I see as a mercantilistic viewpoint. Both the physical and fiscal worries were used in the advertisement for domestic produced coffee substitutes, especially in the defence issue 1914. I argue that the worries about coffee abuse can not only be seen as a critique of the evolving modern industrial society and the longing back to a premodern Gemeinschaft. The opposite standpoint was also present in the debate, that the resolution to the problem was to be find through the modern food industry and natural sciences. To conclude. The debate about the coffee abuse shows, in my opinion, how the health issue became all compassing where every passion that was deemed as unhealthy also was viewed as sinful. The Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek has pointed out how this issue is prevalent in today’s western society where, for example, cigarette smokers are viewed with disdain.
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