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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

AI, din vän eller fiende? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av inramningen av artificiell intelligens i Dagens Nyheter

Billberg, Paulina, Sörlin, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
The artificial intelligence (AI) technology has developed unexpectedly fast for the last five years. There is an ongoing discussion about whether the technology should be seen as a contributing tool that could make life easier for people or if it is a risky innovation threatening human systems, particularly among journalists. The different opinions of AI within the journalism profession contributes to the interest in studying how artificial intelligence is written about in newspapers. Despite this, there is a lack of studies that investigate the portrayal of artificial intelligence in Swedish news. This paper examines the depiction of artificial intelligence in the most read daily newspaper in Sweden to contribute to this research gap. It also offers a comparison of the portrayal for the year 2018 and 2022. The study is based on Entman´s framing theory and explores the framing of AI within different subjects, perspectives of time and the representation of AI as an aid or a risk. The study also applies theorized concepts of media panic and technological optimism to enable a deeper analysis and discussion of the results. The analysis was conducted through qualitative content analysis of twentyone news articles from Dagens Nyheter. By analyzing significant words and sentences the results of this study shows that AI is mostly framed along the following subject categories: ethics and culture. Further on the results show a predominantly framing of AI as a contributing aid and a discussion from a present or future perspective of time. The comparison between the portrayal of AI during 2018 and 2022 presented a rather similar result. The most noticeable differences are that more subjects, such as economics, politics, education and climate, were identified in articles from 2018 and that articles from 2022 tend to discuss risks of AI to a slightly higher extent. Due to the predominant framing of AI as an aid, there could be traces of technical optimism in the empirical data but there is nothing in the material to clearly indicate this.

Ungdomskulturens snusrusch : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur fyra svenska nyhetsmedier rapporterar om det vita snuset

Härviden, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
Den här studien ämnar att undersöka hur fyra nyhetsmedier: Aftonbladet, Expressen, Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter, framställer det vita snuset och kopplar resultaten med hur det kan påverka trender bland ungdomar. När det vita snuset lanserades 2016 ingick inte det i lagen om tobaksprodukter vilket innebar att snuset kunde marknadsföras och säljas till personer under 18 år väldigt enkelt. Resultatet blev en explosionsökning av snusande ungdomar. I augusti 2022 kom ”lagen om tobaksfria nikotinprodukter” till vilket innebar en förändring i samhället i form av marknadsföring och försäljning. Hur skriver nyhetsmedier om det vita snuset idag? Sammanfattningsvis belyser studien efter en kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys att nyhetsartiklar idag framställer och gestaltar nikotinsnuset som mestadels hälsofarligt och är ett pågående problem för dagens ungdomar.

Det solstrålande och livsbejakande Jugoslavien : En analys av svenska reseberättelser och tidningsartiklar om Jugoslavien1950–1970

Gribajcevic, Ida January 2024 (has links)
The focus of this research paper is to analyze three Swedish travelogues and news paper reportage of Yugoslavia between the years 1950 and 1970. This is achieved through applying three theoretical concepts on the source material: Yugoslavism, Tourist gaze and Gender. The theoretical structure has aimed to understand how the sources define and write about Yugoslavia and how it relates to the concepts. With two research questions that focus on how Swedish writers saw Yugoslavia, the paper aims to build an understanding of what Yugoslavia as a tourist destination was like according to the source materials. This is achieved and the results of the paper are discussed. They include how the writers construct their own image of Yugoslavia according to the concept yugoslavism, how they don’t see the reality (tourist gaze) and how much they describe women and their role in the society (gender). These results are not accompanied with a negative undertone, which nuances the material as the writers simply were fascinated by the region. The results are analyzed and set in context with previous research and their relevance for research are discussed.

En samvetslös diktator eller ett hjälplöst offer? : En kvalitativ studie av nyhetsrapporteringen kring Benny Fredriksson under metoo-rörelsen / An unscrupulous dictator or a helpless victim? : A qualitative study of the news coverage surrounding Benny Fredriksson during the metoo-movement

Sanderberg, Emma, Alm, Jennifer January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine the news coverage surrounding Stockholm City Theatre’s former CEO Benny Fredriksson during the metoo-movement, from the time of the accusations against him until a time after his death. The questions examined were: How is Benny Fredriksson represented at the time of the publishing of the accusations and at the time of his death? How are the anonymous witnesses and the journalism represented? How does the representation of victims and perpetrators change after the death of Benny Fredriksson? What are the differences and similarities in the reporting of Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter? To analyze this, we made a discourse analysis of 12 articles from Aftonbladet and 13 articles from Dagens Nyheter. The results showed that the roles of all the characters change during the coverage. At the time of the publishing of the accusations, Benny Fredriksson is represented as an evil dictator that harasses his employees at Stockholm City Theatre. After his death, Benny Fredriksson is represented as a victim of circumstances, helpless and full of anxiety. At first, the witnesses are represented as scared, helpless victims. At the end of the coverage the representation has changed, and the victims are instead represented as perpetrators that are accused of lying. The journalism goes from being represented as investigative journalism to being represented as a media hunt that killed Benny Fredriksson. Overall, Aftonbladet is more defending of the witnesses and the journalism while Dagens Nyheter is more defending of Benny Fredriksson. The study shows that a death can affect the news coverage and consequently how the characters are represented.

Prinsessan och halva kungariket : Kronprinsessan Victorias och Daniel Westlings förlovning i fyra svenska dagstidningar

Andersson, Julia, Berglund, Sanna January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Prinsessan och halva kungariket : Kronprinsessan Victorias och Daniel Westlings förlovning i fyra svenska dagstidningar

Andersson, Julia, Berglund, Sanna January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Vägen till nyhetsvärdig : En kvalitativ textanalys för att utmana medielogiken genom att testa tre nyhetsvärderingsteorier / The road to being newsworthy : A qualitative text analysis to challenge the media logic by testing three news value theories

Ahlberg, Christofer, Trygged, Mattias, Wahlström, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
I augusti 2010 inträffade en olycka i San José-gruvan i Chile. Olyckan resulterade i att 33 gruvarbe-tare blev fast i ett skyddsrum i över två månader innan de kunde räddas. Händelsen fick ett stort utrymme i media världen över. I vår studie har vi utmanat medielogiken genom att testa tre ny-hetsvärderingsteorier utifrån aftonbladet.ses och dn.ses nyhetsrapportering kring gruvolyckan. Tidningarna valdes därför att de är Sveriges största kvälls- respektive morgontidning. Vi undersök-te vilken av teorierna som bäst kunde appliceras på rapporteringen och även på skillnader mellan tidningarnas rapportering sett utifrån teorierna. De nyhetsvärderingsteorier vi testat kommer från Håkan Hvitfelt, Tony Harcup & Deirdre O’Neill samt Pamela J. Shoemaker, Tsan-Kuo Chang & Nancy Brendlinger.Vid analysen utförde vi en kvalitativ textanalys och analyserade artiklarna hermeneutiskt genom åtta dimensioner i ett analysschema. Under studien kom vi fram till att det endast finns små skill-nader mellan tidningarna i deras rapportering. De skiljer sig bara åt i två av de åtta dimensioner vi analyserade. Ingen av teorierna stämde helt överens med rapporteringen, men Hvitfelt är den teo-retiker vars teorier stämmer bäst överens med hur tidningarna skrev. Tätt därefter följer Harcup & O’Neill och därefter Shoemaker et al. Det bör dock understrykas att teoriernas kriterier i många fall var vaga och svårtolkade, vilket ledde till att vi själva fick tolka vad teoretikerna menade. Fast-än teoretikernas idéer skiljer sig åt finns det alltså ingen som lyckats skapa en teori som är fullstän-dig. Det är först när teorierna konvergerar som de visar en godtagbar väg till hur en artikel blir nyhetsvärdig i dagens medielandskap. / In August 2010 an accident occurred in the San José mine in Chile. 33 miners were trapped in a shelter at a depth of 700 meters for over two months before they were rescued. The accident got a lot of media cover-age worldwide. In our study we have challenged the media logic by testing three news value theories from the content of aftonbladet.se:s and dn.se:s news articles regarding the mining accident. The newspapers were selected because they are the largest evening and morning newspaper in Sweden. We looked at which of the theories that best could be applied to the newspapers articles and also the differences between the newspa-pers' reporting from the perspective of the theories. The news value theories that we tested are from the theorists Håkan Hvitfelt, Tony Harcup & Deirdre O'Neill and Pamela J. Shoemaker, Tsan-Kuo Chang & Nancy Brendlinger. In the analysis we made a qualitative text analysis and analyzed the articles hermeneutically through eight dimensions in an analytical framework. During the study we concluded that there are only small differences between the newspapers in their reporting. We only found differences in two of the eight dimensions we analyzed. None of the theories fully consists with the newspapers reporting, but Hvitfelt is the theorist whose theory is most consistent with how the newspapers were written. He is followed closely by Harcup & O'Neill, then Shoemaker et al. It should be emphasized that the factors in the theories in many cases are vague and difficult to interpret, which led us to make our own interpretations in those cases. Although the theorists’ ideas differ, none of them has succeeded in creating a theory that is complete. It is only when the theories converge that they demonstrate an acceptable way of how an occurrence becomes news worthy in today's media landscape.

Medium för makteliten : Hur yrkesrollerna och könsfördelningen förändrats på DN Debatt sedan 1985

Söderholm, Erik, Eliasson, Emilia January 2011 (has links)
Debattsidan i Dagens Nyheter har sedan 1980-talet varit en av Sveriges viktigaste opinionsbildare, och den fyller en värdefull funktion för fri åsiktsbildning i en väl fungerande demokrati. Denna studie fokuserar på hur debattsidan förändrats under de senaste 25 åren med utgångspunkt i kön (vem får oftast komma till tals på debattsidan, kvinnor eller män? – och hur har könsfördelningen utvecklats sedan 1980- talet?) och roll (exempelvis politiker, chefer och forskare). Vi har gjort en kvantitativ undersökning med början första helåret som DN Debatt hade en egen sida i tidningen, 1985, fram till 2010. Med hjälp av konstruerade veckor har sju dagar per år slumpmässigt valts ut. Resultaten visar att av våra författare (n = 498) är 75,3 procent av de undersökta författarna män, och 24,7 procent är kvinnor. Skillnaden mellan kvinnor och män minskar. Politiker är den största yrkesgruppen, och andelen politiker ökar ytterligare. Forskarna har legat på en relativt jämn nivå medan företagen publiceras på DN Debatt i allt högre grad. / The daily discussion feature ”DN Debatt” within the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter has been one of the country’s most influencial opinion formers since the 1980’s. With the starting point in theories within media and communication, we hade studied this important institution with focus on how the gender distribution and the authors’ professional roles – for example politicians, researchers and journalists – have changed over the last 25 years. The results show that of our total population of authors (n = 498), 75,3 percent are men and 24,7 percent are women. The difference between men and women is decreasing. The professional roles that dominate our study are politicians, followed by researchers, journalists, CEOs and other representatives from companies, authorities and organizations. The ”common man” without some kind of established professional role is not published on DN Debatt.

Livets lotteri- eller bara ett outnyttjat val? : En kvalitativ studie om skillnaderna i svenska dagstidningars gestalningar av skolsegregation i Sverige / Life's lottery, or a free choice? : A qualitative study of Swedish newspapers opinions' about school segregation in Sweden.

Kihlbom, Erik January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in how Swedish newspaper have written about school segregation in Sweden.  The newspapers that have been studied in the study are Aftonbladet (social democratic), Dagens Nyheter (liberal) and Svenska Dagbladet (conservative). The differences between the newspapers were examined based in the framing theory and  dimension individualism and collectivism.   The result showed that Aftonbladet framed school segregation as a social problem when it was thought to be caused by the private schools, the free school choice and Fredrik Reinfeldts government (2006-2014). Dagens Nyheter framed school segregation mostly as a social problem but initially defended the free school choice becuase they considered housing segregation as the main cause of the problem. Svenska Dagbladet framed school segregation as both a social problem and an individual problem. They highlighted that society must support the resource-poor pupils who do not use the free school choice. But they also wrote that school segregation was an excessive problem.

En hårfin skillnad mellan urval och censur : En analys av censurdebatten 2012 angående Tintin i Kongo / A fine line between selection and censorship : An analysis of the censorship debate 2012 regarding Tintin in the Congos

Lundberg, Gabriella, Norin, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
Vårt syfte med undersökningen har varit att analysera censurdebatten kring Tintin i Kongo från 2012. Med utgångspunkt från argumentet att barn måste skyddas från kontroversiell litteratur har vi framför allt varit intresserade av att förstå hur nyanser av debatten skapats genom den argumentation och det språkbruk som debattörerna har använt sig av.   Teoretiska utgångspunkter: Dagordningsteori. Gestaltningsteori. Frågeställningar: På vilka sätt är debatten kring Tintin, censur och barns förmåga att hantera kontroversiell litteratur intressant för vår förståelse av hur vi använder språk för att kommunicera? Vilka uttalar sig i debatten kring censuren av Tintin? Vilka argument används? Vilka är några vanligt förekommande teman i böcker för barn mellan 6-9 år 2017?   Metod: Vårt tillvägagångssätt för att kunna besvara frågorna har varit att använda oss av textanalys. Material: Vi har till vår undersökning valt att analysera artiklar. Urvalet har skett från de två dagstidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet och kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen. Resultat: Det gör skillnad vilka ord vi använder och hur. Ord är makt och avslöjar normer i samhället. / Purpose: Our purpose with this study has been to analyze the debate regarding the attempt to ban Tintin in the Congos in 2012. With the starting-point being the argument made that children have to be protected from literature that is considered to be controversial, we’ve been interested in seeing how the nuances of the debate have been shaped by the use of arguments and language by those participating in the debate. Theoretical points of departure: Agenda setting theory, Framing theory Objectives and focus: The study has the following questions In what way is the debate surrounding Tintin in the Congos, censorship and children’s ability to handle literature considered controversial of interest in understanding how we use language to communicate? Who are the ones taking part in the debate regarding the ban of Tintin in the Congos? What are their arguments? What are some common themes presented in books aimed towards children between the ages of 6-9 2017?   Method: To answer our questions, we have analyzed our material through text analysis. Material: We have for our questions analyzed articles. They have been selected both from the newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet as well as from the evening newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. Result: Your words matter. It matters how and when we use them. Words are an expression of power and reveals the norms of society.

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