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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miljöskadestånd inom avtalsförhållanden : Avtalets utestängande verkan av tillämpningen av 32 kap. miljöbalken / Environmental liability within contractual relations : The exclusionary effect of contract on the applicability of environmental law

Berisha, Natyra January 2020 (has links)
Miljön har under senaste åren alltmer blivit föremål för en samhällsdebatt. Sverige har idag en samordnad och enhetlig miljölagstiftning samlad i miljöbalken. Den utgör en av de mest utförliga lagarna i rättsordningen, som ska säkerställa ett skydd för miljön såväl som för människors liv och på så sätt främja en hållbar utveckling. En sådan lagstiftning kan förefalla naturlig att uppfatta som tvingande. Det är däremot inte en självklarhet och det anges inte uttryckligen huruvida reglerna i miljöbalken är tvingande eller dispositiva. Miljöbalken reglerar många olika områden och innehåller bland annat ett eget straffrättsligt område som reglerar sanktioner och skadestånd. Balken innehåller dessutom egna skadeståndsbestämmelser i 32 kap., vilka på senare tid har ställts på sin spets. I november 2019 avgjorde HD det uppmärksammade fallet mellan Swedavia airports AB och Svedala Kommun. Tvisten avsåg ett skadeståndsanspråk enligt 32 kap. miljöbalken, på grund av en miljöskada. Kommunen åberopade tillämpning av reglerna i 32 kap. trots att det förelåg ett avtal mellan parterna. Frågan ställdes huruvida avtalets existens innebar att det inte var möjligt att tillämpa reglerna i 32 kap. HD hade därmed först att utreda huruvida reglerna är dispositiva och kan avtalas bort, för att sedan bedöma huruvida parternas avtal utesluter tillämpningen av reglerna.

Untersuchungen zum Ausmaß und zur langfristigen Entwicklung von Holzernteschäden in den Terra Firme Wäldern Amazoniens

Stübner, Simone 03 August 2005 (has links)
The tongtime deveolpment of 5 different forest stands with different harvest intensities had been monitored over 30 years. The appearance of secondary damages had been noticed. The results of monitoring had been used for a simulation of the future development. / Holzernteschäden unterschiedlicher Holzernteintenistäten wurden untersucht und in einem Zeitraum von bis zu 30 Jahren beobachtet. Dabei wurde besonders dem Auftreten von Sekundärschäden wie Sonnenbrand und Wasserreiser Beachtung geschenkt. Die gewonnenen Informationen wurden genutzt, um die zukünftige Bestandesentwicklung zu simulieren.

Poškozený v trestním řízení a jeho ochrana / Injured party in criminal proceedings

Uriková, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
An injured party in criminal proceedings and his/her protection Abstract This Master's thesis is devoted to the analysis of the procedural rights and protection afforded to the injured party in criminal proceedings. This Master's thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter focuses on the analysis of the historical developments of the status of the injured party in criminal proceedings in the Czech law. The analysis commences with the Austro-Hungarian criminal procedural code no. 119/1873 Coll., the Czech Criminal code of 1950, its subsequent novelization in 1956 and the current Czech criminal code no. 141/1961 Coll., all the cited laws had a significant impact on the status of the injured party in criminal proceedings. The second chapter is dedicated to defining the term injured party, both via a negative and positive definition. Furthermore emphasis is placed on the distinction between the definition of the injured party from the perspective of Article 43 of the criminal procedural code, as such an injured party has the right to claim damages against the accused defendant and thus such an injured party might concurrently have the status of a subject in adhesion proceedings, and the injured party which does not have a right to claim damages. The third chapter is focused on defining the term...

Improved road design for future maintenance : analysis of road barrier repair costs

Karim, Hawzheen January 2008 (has links)
The cost of a road construction over its service life is a function of the design, quality of construction, maintenance strategies and maintenance operations. Unfortunately, designers often neglect a very important aspect which is the possibility to perform future maintenance activities. The focus is mainly on other aspects such as investment costs, traffic safety, aesthetic appearance, regional development and environmental effects. This licentiate thesis is a part of a Ph.D. project entitled “Road Design for lower maintenance costs” that aims to examine how the life-cycle costs can be optimized by selection of appropriate geometrical designs for the roads and their components. The result is expected to give a basis for a new method used in the road planning and design process using life-cycle cost analysis with particular emphasis on road maintenance. The project started with a review of literature with the intention to study conditions causing increased needs for road maintenance, the efforts made by the road authorities to satisfy those needs and the improvement potential by consideration of maintenance aspects during planning and design. An investigation was carried out to identify the problems which obstruct due consideration of maintenance aspects during the road planning and design process. This investigation focused mainly on the road planning and design process at the Swedish Road Administration. However, the road planning and design process in Denmark, Finland and Norway were also roughly evaluated to gain a broader knowledge about the research subject. The investigation was carried out in two phases: data collection and data analysis. Data was collected by semi-structured interviews with expert actors involved in planning, design and maintenance and by a review of design-related documents. Data analyses were carried out using a method called “Change Analysis”. This investigation revealed a complex combination of problems which result in inadequate consideration of maintenance aspects. Several urgent needs for changes to eliminate these problems were identified. Another study was carried out to develop a model for calculation of the repair costs for damages of different road barrier types and to analyse how factors such as road type, speed limits, barrier types, barrier placement, type of road section, alignment and seasonal effects affect the barrier damages and the associated repair costs. This study was carried out using a method called the “Case Study Research Method”. Data was collected from 1087 barrier repairs in two regional offices of the Swedish Road Administration, the Central Region and the Western Region. A table was established for both regions containing the repair cost per vehicle kilometre for different combinations of barrier types, road types and speed limits. This table can be used by the designers in the calculation of the life-cycle costs for different road barrier types. / QC 20101112

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: N° 10962-2011-0-1801-JR-CI-12 / N° 01130-2012-0-1308-JR-CI-01

Cueva Palomino, Valeria 25 February 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional tiene como objetivo desarrollar el íter procesal del expediente judicial de Derecho Civil N° 10962-2011-0-1801-JR-CI-12 sobre obligación de dar suma de dinero por indemnización de daños y perjuicios, seguido por el Sr. César Augusto Solórzano Rojas contra AFP Integra S.A. La demanda tiene como pretensión que se ordene el pago de S/. 409,087.00 (Cuatrocientos Nueve Mil Ochenta y Siete y 00/100 Soles) por los conceptos indemnizatorios de lucro cesante, daño emergente, daño moral, y daño a la persona. Asimismo, se presentan los principales fundamentos en las sentencias expedidas por el Décimo Segundo Juzgado Civil y la Tercera Sala Civil de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima, así como el análisis que estos órganos jurisdiccionales realizan respecto a los elementos de la responsabilidad civil: antijuricidad, daño causado, relación de causalidad y factor de atribución. Finalmente, se expone una opinión analítica en base a los fundamentos fácticos y jurídicos del caso en concreto, sustentada en jurisprudencia y doctrina nacional relevante. / The objective of this report is to develop the procedural matter of the legal file No. 10962-2011-0-1801-JR-CI-12 on the obligation to give a sum of money for compensation for damages (Civil Law), followed by Mr. César Augusto Solórzano Rojas against AFP Integra SA. The claim seeks to order the payment of S /. 409,087.00 (Four Hundred Nine Thousand Eighty Seven and 00/100 Soles) for the compensation concepts of lost profit, consequential damage, moral damage, and damage to the person. Likewise, the main grounds in the sentences issued by the Twelfth Civil Court and the Third Civil Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima are presented, as well as the analysis that these jurisdictional organs carry out regarding the elements of civil liability: unlawfulness, damage caused, causal relationship and attribution factor. Finally, an analytical opinion is presented based on the factual and legal foundations of the specific case, supported by relevant national jurisprudence and doctrine. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Vad anses som en kritisk punkt där skadeståndsskyldighet enligt principen culpa in contrahendo aktualiseras? / What is Considered a Critical Point Where Liability for Damages According to the Principle Culpa in Contrahendo is Triggered?

Forsberg, Bella, Larsson, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Mycket kan gå fel när en part, i ett sent skede, väljer att hoppa av avtalsförhandlingarna i samband med ett bostadsköp eller en bostadsförsäljning. I svensk rätt är fastighetsköpet ett formalavtal vilket innebär att inget är bindande förrän formkraven är uppfyllda. Detta möjliggör att en part illojalt kan föra avtalsförhandlingar utan avsikt att ingå avtal, medan motparten ådrar sig kostnader som senare visar sig utan mening.  I denna uppsats undersöks rättsfiguren culpa in contrahendo som innebär att en part som av oaktsamhet orsakat en skada för motparten i anknytning till avtalsförhandlingarna, kan komma att bli ersättningsskyldig för den inträffade skadan. Inte nog med att det krävs ett oaktsamt agerande för att ett prekontraktuellt ansvar skall aktualiseras ställs det även krav, utifrån rättspraxis och doktrin, på att avtalsförhandlingarna uppnått en kritisk punkt där lojalitetsplikten träder in. Syftet med denna uppsats är att försöka bringa klarhet i vad som kan betraktas som en kritisk punkt där ett skadeståndsansvar enligt principen om culpa in contrahendo blir gällande. Studien är främst baserad på en rättsvetenskaplig metod, som komplement har också en kvantitativ metod applicerats i form av en enkätundersökning. Utifrån rättspraxis har det kunnat fastställas att en kritisk punkt går att jämföra med de situationer där parterna undertecknat ett föravtal. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen visar att den kritiska punkten möjligen har sitt inträdande i samband med att en av parterna undertecknar köpekontraktet. Viktigt att understryka är att respondenternas svar inte kan betraktas som gällande rätt. / A lot of things can go wrong when a part, at a late stage, exits during contract negotiations in connection with property conveyances. In Swedish law, the property purchase is a formal agreement, which means that nothing becomes binding until the formal requirements are met. This allows a part to disloyally negotiate agreements without intending to enter a contract, while the other part incurs costs that later prove meaningless.  This essay investigates the legal figure culpa in contrahendo, which means that a part whose negligence causes an injury to the counterpart in connection with the contract negotiations may be liable for the damage. Not only is negligent behaviour required for a pre-contractual liability to be triggered, but there is also requirement, based on case law and jurisprudence, that the contract negotiations have reached a critical point where the duty of loyalty enters.  The purpose of this essay is to try to clarify what can be considered a critical point where liability for damages according to the principle of culpa in contrahendo becomes valid. The study is mainly based on a legal method. As a complement, a quantitative method in the form of a study has been applied. Based on case law, it has been possible to establish that a critical point can be compared with the situations where the parties have signed a preliminary agreement. The results from the survey show that the critical point may have arisen when one of the parties signed the contract. It is important to emphasize that the respondent’s answers cannot be regarded as applicable law.

Artificiell intelligens och ansvarsfrågan; en utredning av ansvarsplaceringen, regleringen och förutsebarheten avseende skador orsakade av artificiell intelligens / Artificial Intelligence and the Question of Liability; an Investigation of the Allocation of Liability, Regulation and Predictability Regarding Injuries Caused by Artificial Intelligence

Kylesten, Celia January 2022 (has links)
Svensk lagstiftning är inte teknikneutral och har inte framtagits för att omfatta komplexa lösningar som exempelvis AI-system. Det innebär bland annat att det inte är specifikt reglerat hur ansvarsfördelningen ska ske vid skador som uppkommit i utomobligatoriska situationer i vilka skada orsakats av AI. För utomobligatoriska skador av detta slag tillämpas i dagsläget huvudsakligen skadeståndslagen (1972:207) och produktansvarslagen (1992:18). Komplexiteten som ett AI-system innefattar gör det svårt att tillämpa reglerna i dessa lagar fullt ut eftersom det kan vara utmanande att urskilja vilken del av AI-systemet som orsakat den faktiska skadan.    Det föreligger i skrivande stund ett förslag om införande av en AI-förordning, EU-kommissionens förslag till förordning om harmoniserade regler för AI (2021/0106(COD)), vilket är ämnat att förtydliga ansvaret vid framtagande av framförallt högrisk AI. AI-förordningen har delvis sin grund i Europaparlamentets resolution om en skadeståndsordning för artificiell intelligens (2020/2014(INL)). Resolutionen är ämnad att uppmuntra till införande av gemensamma regler för skadestånd och är inriktad på skador orsakade av högrisksystem.   Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda huruvida ytterligare reglering, likt den som föreslagits i AI-förordningen och resolutionen, krävs för att rättsläget avseende utomobligatoriska situationer där AI orsakat sakskada ska bedömas vara klart, tydligt och förutsebart. Utöver detta är syftet även att utreda vad dessa föreslagna regleringar innebär för företag som arbetar med AI och huruvida det framgår hur företagen kan gå tillväga för att efterleva regleringarna.   För att uppfylla syftet med uppsatsen behandlas såväl AI-förordningen som resolutionen ingående i aktuella delar och såväl remissvar avseende AI-förordningen som kommentarer av dagens rättsläge analyseras. För att ge en inblick i avsaknaden och inverkan av teknikneutral lagstiftning presenteras, trots att den avser inomobligatoriska förhållanden, även i skadeståndsrelevanta delar Regeringens proposition 2021/22:85 - En ny konsumentköplag i vilken digitala produkter inarbetats.    Avslutningsvis dras slutsatser avseende uppsatsens huvudsakliga frågeställning huruvida EU-kommissionens förslag till förordning om harmoniserade regler för AI och Europaparlamentets resolution om en skadeståndsordning för artificiell intelligens är tillfredställande för att uppnå ett klart, tydligt och förutsebart rättsläge avseende ansvarsfördelningen i utomobligatoriska förhållanden vid sakskada orsakad av AI. Den slutliga bedömningen är att förslagen inte enskilt eller i samspel uppfyller önskemålet om ett klart, tydligt och förutsebart rättsläge. Inte heller anses dagens rättsläge uppfylla detta, vilket lämnar utrymme för ytterligare granskning av ansvarsfördelningen. Således upplevs inte regleringarna erbjuda ett erforderligt underlag vid sakskador orsakade av AI i utomobligatoriska förhållanden.

Faute lucrative et droit de la concurrence / Lucrative infringement and Competition law

Moncuit, Godefroy de 18 October 2018 (has links)
Notre étude cherche à démontrer pourquoi les agents économiques sont incités à enfreindre le droit de la concurrence. Le choix de l’infraction dépend de l’avantage retiré du manquement comparé au coût subi. La notion de « faute lucrative » illustre parfaitement l’espoir d’un lucre tiré du manquement à la loi. L’économie comportementale nous enseigne cependant que les déterminants de la conformité au droit sont autres que la recherche du profit. Selon cette discipline, l’incitation – c’est-à-dire la motivation principale de l’agent qui fait le choix d’enfreindre la loi – est détachée d’un calcul coût-avantage. L’agent économique est sujet à des « biais cognitifs » : le défaut d’information disponible ne lui permet pas de faire toujours le choix susceptible de maximiser son intérêt. Appliquée au droit de la concurrence, la théorie de l’agent rationnel, fût-elle critiquable, reste néanmoins la plus pertinente pour examiner la dissuasion car elle permet de comparer la règle de droit à un « prix » qui pèse sur le choix d’enfreindre la loi. L’influence des règles juridiques comme un ensemble de normes incitatives ou dissuasives qui influencent le comportement des agents sur le marché est moins pris en compte par l’économie comportementale qui se concentre davantage sur les biais cognitifs des agents.L'agent économique rationnel qui entend retirer un profit de son manquement peut spéculer sur les multiples failles propres au droit de la concurrence, lesquelles affaiblissent le risque juridique de l’infraction. Deux limites fondamentales affectent la dissuasion : d’une part, celles relatives à l’effectivité des règles de concurrence. La probabilité, pour le fautif, d’échapper à l’application du droit génère des infractions « rentables ». D’autre part, celles relatives à l’efficacité des règles de concurrence favorisent aussi la conservation des gains illicites retirés du manquement, car la sanction imposée par le déclenchement de l’action publique et/ou privée n’est pas adaptée à la dissuasion du comportement déviant.Ces limites concernent aussi bien l’application de l’action publique que l’application de l’action privée en réparation. La fonction dissuasive du « private enforcement » est limitée en l’absence de dommages-intérêts confiscatoires. De même, les vices congénitaux à la loi Hamon paralysent la portée dissuasive de l’action de groupe. S’agissant de l’action publique, le développement des ententes algorithmiques et la spécificité des marchés numériques compliquent le travail de détection des autorités de concurrence. Même en cas de détection, la sanction appliquée à l’agent économique semble sous-dissuasive car, comme le démontre notre étude empirique, l’amende et/ou les dommages-intérêts imposés sont souvent inférieurs aux gains retirés des infractions de concurrence.Par ailleurs, le faible risque pénal pesant sur les dirigeants responsables de pratiques illicites affaiblit la dissuasion, car ceux-ci forment aussi des calculs sur l’avantage qu’ils ont personnellement à tirer du manquement à la loi. Il ressort de nos travaux que la création d’un test de légitimité de l’emprisonnement permet de répondre à la question de savoir, pour chaque type d’infraction de concurrence, si la prison est ou non une peine légitime.En somme, l’étude propose la construction d’un régime dissuasif par étapes, visant à renforcer à la fois l’effectivité et l’efficacité des règles de concurrence. Considérant que l’agent économique opère des prédictions sur le droit applicable, il faut non seulement faire en sorte que le droit de la concurrence s’applique effectivement, c’est-à-dire que le contrevenant soit confronté aux coûts de sa violation, mais efficacement, ce qui signifie que le coût du manquement doit être supérieur à son éventuel bénéfice. / This study explores the reasons why economic agents are likely to break the rules of competition law. This paper demonstrates that main reasons are related to a cost-benefit calculation, also known as the concept of “lucrative infringement”. Our results are conflicting with the findings of behavioural economics, which reject the theory of cost-benefit calculations incentives and argues that economic agents are subject to “cognitive biases”. However, the theory of the rational agent, despite its limitations, remains the most relevant for assessing the competition law ability to deter anticompetitive practices because it compares the rule of law to a "price" that weighs on the choice to break the law. The influence of legal rules as a set of incentive or deterrent norms that influences agents' behaviour on the market is less considered by behavioural economics that focuses more on agents' cognitive biases.Economic agents are rational and look for a “lucrative infringement”. They speculate on the multiple loopholes of competition law, which weakens the legal risk of the infringement. In this regard, two fundamental limits affect deterrence: on the one hand, the low probability of getting caught which generates “lucrative faults,” and on the other hand, the retention of all unlawful gains derived from the infringement.These limits concern both the application of public and private enforcement. First, the dissuasive function of "private enforcement" is limited by the absence of confiscatory damages. Similarly, the restrictive standard of proof to admit a collective class action hinders its dissuasive nature. When it comes to enforcement, the development of algorithmic cartels and the specificity of digital markets reduce competition authorities’ ability to detect illegal practices. Even when they manage to detect such practices, the sanction applied to the economic agent seems under-dissuasive. As our empirical study shows, fines and/or compensatory damages imposed are often lower than the benefit derived from the infringement.In addition, deterrence is weakened by the absence of criminal punishments for business leaders who have coordinated anticompetitive practices. This study demonstrates that they also make calculations about the benefit they may derive from violating the law. Our study develops a “legitimacy test of imprisonment” to provide an answer to the question of when imprisonment is a legitimate penalty.This study builds a step-by-step deterrent legal regime to daunt anticompetitive practices. Deterrence requires a twofold analysis on the application of competition law and the adequacy of sanctions to deter anticompetitive conducts. It is necessary not only to make competition law effective, i.e. that no infringer can escape with the costs of its violation, but also – to achieve an adequate level of deterrence – that fines and/or compensatory damages exceed any potential gains that may be expected from the infringement.

Indoor air quality, thermal comfort and damages assessment of four buildings in Athens

Stouras, Orfeas January 2020 (has links)
Nowadays individuals spend more than 85% of their total time in indoor environments, mainly at home and work. Thereby, the quality of the indoor environment plays a substantial role in human health and wellness. The four basic factors that define the perception of the indoor environment, through the senses, are the thermal comfort, the indoor air quality, the acoustical quality and the visual or lighting quality. A standard level of the above factors is ensured by the building envelope and the services systems. At the same time, the bearing structure provides the necessary resistance and durability to the construction in order to sustain the various loads without breaking down. Inevitably, over the years, all structures’ robustness declines and their functionality state degrades. For that reason, intensive provision should be given to assure the users’ safety and well-being. The objective of this study is to assess the current indoor air quality, the thermal comfort and the damages at four publicly owned buildings located in Athens, Greece. The evaluation was done through the facilities management contribution, a questionnaire survey and a technical visit – inspection where measurements were taken. Special focus was also put on the Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and its effects. The results indicated that at 3 out of 4 buildings mainly suffer from unpleasant odors and lack of fresh air intake. Therefore, the installation of mechanical ventilation systems (air handling units, outdoor air processing units) combined with an effective air distribution system (confluent jet ventilation system) is suggested. Substantial building damages were detected at the cultural center (floorings, door/window openings, fungi) and specific proposals for restoration are made. Despite the existence of indicators of an unhealthy indoor environment, a direct correlation between the exposure to various pollutants and the SBS symptoms, cannot be established. The optimization of the research methodologies and the institution of new building design protocols is essential in order to overcome the SBS effects. On the whole, the questionnaire achieved to fulfil the objectives of the survey. It was comprehensible by the respondents while the outcome of the questionnaire and the inspection were consistent to each other. The questionnaire and the checklists are practical tools that could be used as a guide for future investigation in similar fields. Except for technical surveys and questionnaires, many suggestions for future maintenance of the buildings are provided aiming to retain their functionality. These proposals concern the services systems, the building envelope as well as the bearing structure of the buildings.

Measuring Health Policy Effects During Implementation

Muhlestein, David Boone 28 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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