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Skada vid överprövning : Skaderekvisitet i mål om överprövning av offentliga upphandlingar / Harm in Review ProceduresArksand, Eugenia January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines the requirement that a supplier must have been harmed or risked being harmed in the review procedures of public procurements. The requirement for harm is analysed using the Swedish legal dogmatic method in connection with EU law. The requirement for harm is part of the implementation of the Remedies Directive, which balances the interest of protecting suppliers from unlawful decisions against the interest of effective and rapid procurement and review procedures. A review is a non-financial remedy in which the purpose is to act against unlawful decisions, preferably at a stage when no actual harm has occurred. In the case of a review, harm means that the supplier's ability of being awarded the contract is impaired. The concept of harm is thus more abstract than the required harm within tort law to receive damages (skadestånd). There are two kinds of requirements for harm in the Swedish Public Procurement Act for the review procedure. The first is that a supplier according to Chapter 20. Section 4 must consider itself to have been harmed or risked being harmed to apply for a review. Thus, it is the supplier's own perception of harm that is relevant, and the requirement is of a subjective nature. However, according to a precedent from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court in conformity with the Remedies Directive, the supplier is also required to have an interest in obtaining the particular contract that is up for review. The second requirement is in the court's review according to Chapter 20. Sections 6 or 13-13(b), depending on the type of case. It means that a supplier must show that it has been harmed or risked being harmed due to an infringement of the Swedish Public Procurement Act. The harm must have a causal link with the alleged infringement and the particular contract up for review. Thus, the supplier needs to describe in a clear and explicit manner how the infringement has resulted in harm or risk of harm and the requirement is of a more objective nature. According to another precedent from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court, the second requirement is not fulfilled unless the supplier has done enough to limit the harm which it is subject to. For example, by asking questions regarding an infringement in the contract documents before submitting a tender. The European Court of Justice has ruled that the objectives of the Remedies Directive are not fully implemented if a supplier is allowed to apply for a review at any stage, as has long been the case in Swedish law. However, there is no limitation period or general obligation for suppliers to limit harm in the event of a review according to EU law or previous Swedish law. Thus, there is an uncertainty regarding the exact scope of the second requirement of harm. / https://urt.cc/reportage/skada-vid-overprovning/
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[pt] O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar a dupla função do parágrafo único do
artigo 473 do Código Civil: (i) garantir que a denúncia seja feita após o
cumprimento de um período mínimo do contrato, apto a permitir o seu
adimplemento satisfativo e a amortização dos investimentos realizados pelo
denunciatário e (ii) garantir que o denunciatário seja notificado com antecedência
necessária para tomar providências a fim de se preparar para o término do contrato.
Tendo em vista os interesses que o parágrafo único do artigo 473 do Código Civil
visa tutelar, pretende-se verificar se o referido dispositivo legal deve acarretar a
manutenção compulsória do contrato ou o pagamento de indenização por danos
materiais e quais danos devem ser indenizados. Para isso, parte-se da análise da
resilição unilateral, prevista no caput do artigo 473 do Código Civil, como direito
potestativo, distinguindo-a do distrato, da resolução do contrato e da denúncia.
Também serão examinadas as hipóteses em que a lei admite a resilição unilateral e
a possibilidade de as partes estabelecerem contratualmente a denúncia unilateral do
contrato mediante aviso prévio ou pagamento de multa. Em seguida, se examinará
a boa-fé objetiva como critério de aferição da abusividade da denúncia; a função do
dever de aviso prévio; a função do prazo estabilizador; e os critérios para fixação
de prazo razoável. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo irá tratar das formas de reparação do
dano decorrente da resilição unilateral do contrato - quais sejam, a execução
específica da obrigação e o pagamento de indenização por danos materiais - e dos
danos a serem indenizados. / [en] This dissertation aims to analyze the double function of the sole paragraph of
article 473 of the Civil Code: (i) ensure the termination by notice is made after the
fulfillment of a minimum period of the contract, allowing its satisfactory
performance and the amortization of the investments made by the reported party,
and (ii) ensure the reported party is notified early enough to take action in order to
prepare for the termination of the contract. In view of the interests that the sole
paragraph of article 473 of the Civil Code aims to protect we intend to verify
whether the aforementioned legal provision should result in the compulsory
maintenance of the contract or the payment of compensation for material damages,
and which damages should be compensated. To that end, we initially analyze the
unilateral termination, foreseen in the caption of article 473 of the Civil Code, as a
potestative right, distinguishing it from dissolution, contract cancellation and
termination by notice. Also examined are the hypotheses in which the law allows
unilateral termination and the possibility of the parties contractually establishing
the termination by claim of the contract upon prior notice or payment of a fine.
Then, objective good faith is examined as a criterion for assessing the abusiveness
of the termination by notice; the duty of prior notice; the function of the stabilizing
period; and the criteria for setting a reasonable period. Finally, the third chapter
deals with the remedies for unilateral termination of the contract - namely, the
specific performance of the obligation and the payment of compensation for
material damages - and the damages to be compensated.
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Investigation of sources of wheel-rail impact force deviation through dynamic simulations / Undersökning av källorna till avvikelse från hjulspårets kraft genom dynamiska flerkroppssimuleringarAravindababu, Sumanth Ram January 2021 (has links)
Due to the increase in demand on freight transportation it becomes necessary to avoid delays to ensure that the goods reach its destination on time. The main factors causing disturbances in the traffic on the mainline is the breakdown of vehicles mainly due to damaged wheels. The damaged wheels are identified through the wheel-rail impact force measurements provided by the wheel impact load detectors (WILD). This calls for the optimal schedule of maintenance of wheelsets and wagons in general. During the maintenance, the officials manually check for defective wheels and the exchange of wheelsets is performed based on the type of damage. The classification of wheel damages plays a vital role in providing ease of damage identification and insights to deduce a strategy for wheelset exchange. In this study, an attempt to classify the damaged wheelsets is done by analysing the wheel-rail impact force data from the wayside detectors. The data from the detectors are acquired from PredgeAB, a Luleå based startup pioneering in providing decision support on optimal maintenance schedules and predictive maintenance of rail wheels. Through their detection and prediction solutions it was observed that of all the wheels marked as damaged by the detectors 10% were undamaged. The source of the deviation in the impact force readings could help Predge make better estimations in damage detection and prediction. In this study, the sources contributing to the deviation is studied using multi-body simulations in GENSYS. A new method for modelling wheel damage is developed to overcome the shortcomings of the software. The findings of this study can then be used appropriately to make classifications of wheel damages. / På grund av den ökade efterfrågan på godstransporter är det nödvändigt attundvika förseningar för att säkerställa att varorna når sin destination i tid. Deviktigaste faktorerna som orsakar störningar i trafiken på huvudlinjen är stopp ispår av fordon, främst på grund av skadade hjul. De skadade hjulen identifierasmed hjälp av mätningar av slagkraft mellan hjul och spår som tillhandahållsav hjulbelastningsdetektorer (WILD). Detta kräver ett optimerat schema förunderhåll av hjulsatser och vagnar i allmänhet. Under underhållet kontrollerartjänstemännen manuellt för defekta hjul och utbytet av hjulsatser utförs baserat på typen av skada. Klassificeringen av hjulskador spelar en viktig roll närdet gäller att underlätta identifiering av skador och ge insikt för att bedöma enstrategi för hjulbyte. I den här studien görs ett försök att klassificera de skadade hjulsatserna genom att analysera data från slagkraften mellan spår ochhjul från detektorer. Uppgifterna från detektorerna hämtas från PredgeAB, enLuleå-baserad uppstartsbolag som är pionjärer för att ge beslutsstöd om optimala underhållsscheman och prediktivt underhåll av järnvägshjul. Genom sinadetekterings- och prediktiva lösningar observerades att 10% av alla hjul märktasom skadade av detektorerna var oskadade. Källan till avvikelsen i slagkraftavläsningarna kan hjälpa Predge att göra bättre uppskattningar när det gällerupptäckning och förutsägelse av skador. I den här studien studeras de källorsom bidrar till avvikelsen med simuleringar av flera kroppar i GENSYS. En nymetod för modellering av hjulskador har utvecklats för att övervinna programvarans brister. Resultaten av denna studie skulle kunna användas på lämpligtsätt för att göra klassificeringar av hjulskador.
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Aspekte van berekeningsmetodes by die bepaling van verlies aan onderhoud van afhanklike kindersGrosskopf, Johann Wilhelm 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Different methods of calculation of the loss of support of minor children, are
investigated. According to one method (A), one first has to establish that the
deceased's income was not all absorbed for his/her own maintenance. Only if there
is surplus income available, it can be inferred that the deceased contributed towards
the maintenance of the minor children and that the children have suffered a loss.
According to another method (B) both parents' income are added and then divided
between the family members. The minor child's loss of support is an amount which
represent his/her share in the deceased's own income - a child automatically suffers
a loss according to this method, in the event of death of a parent.
Method B ought to be applied, because it is consistent with the reciprocal duty of support between spouses and the duty of spouses to maintain children. / Verskillende metodes om die verlies aan onderhoud van afhanklike kinders te bereken
word ondersoek. Volgens een benadering (A) moet eers vasgestel word of die
oorledene se inkomste nie alles geabsorbeer is vir sy /haar eie onderhoud nie. Slegs
indien daar surplusinkomste was, kan aanvaar word dat die oorledene bygedra het tot
die onderhoud van die minderjarige kinders en dat die kinders 'n verlies ly.
Volgens die ander benadering (B) word beide ouers se inkomste bymekaar getel en
dan tussen die gesinslede verdeel. Elke minderjarige kind se verlies aan onderhoud
is 'n bedrag wat sy/haar aandeel in die oorlede ouer se afsonderlike inkomste
verteenwoordig - 'n kind ly outomaties volgens hierdie metode 'n verlies.
Metode B behoort meestal aanwending te vind, aangesien dit in ooreenstemming is met die wederkerige onderhoudsplig tussen gades en die plig van ouers om hul kinders te onderhou. / Private Law / LL. M. (Law)
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La réouverture du procès pénal : contribution à l’étude de l’efficacité des procédures actuelles de révision et de réexamen en droit pénal français / The reopening of a criminal trialSchmandt, Claire-Annie 21 December 2012 (has links)
Une condamnation pénale définitive ne peut en principe plus être remise en cause. La chose jugée doit en effet être tenue pour vraie. L’adage non bis in idem et les principes de l’autorité et de la force de la chose jugée semblent dès lors interdire de rouvrir le procès pénal. Toutefois, le législateur français prévoit deux procédures distinctes permettant de remettre encause la condamnation prononcée : la révision et le réexamen. Les conditions de mise en oeuvre de ces procédures et leurs spécificités en font des procédures très exceptionnelles. Par la présentation d’éléments nouveaux de fait pour la révision, et de droit pour le réexamen, le requérant peut dans certains cas prétendre à nouvelle étude de son affaire. Cependant cette réouverture ne pourra être décidée que par une juridiction ad hoc et sera de type différent selon le nouveau procès envisagé. De plus, l’issue de ce nouveau procès pourra permettre de maintenir la condamnation en dépit des nouveaux faits présentés ou reconnaître l’innocence du condamné. / Final sentencing in a criminal trial cannot in principle be questioned any more. Indeed the adjudged case has to be considered as definitely settled. The non bis in idem Latin saw and the res judicata tenet thus seem to preclude the re-opening of a criminal trial. And yet, lawgivers put in place two distinct legal processes that enable French citizens to challenge their sentencing: reviewing and re-hearing. The conditions for carrying out these processes and their own specifities make these proceedings quite exceptional. Through the presentation of new evidence for reviewing, and because re-hearing can be considered as of right, convicted people may in some cases get a new trial. Nevertheless only an ad hoc jurisdiction can decide upon a new hearing and the latter will be of a different kind depending on the new trial at hand. Moreover, the upshot of this new trial will make it possible either to maintain the sentencing notwithstanding new evidence being presented to a new court or to declare the defendant not guilty.
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專利侵權懲罰性賠償金立法政策之分析—以臺灣法與美國法為中心 / the analysis on legislative policy of punitive damages in patent infringement: focusing on the Taiwanese and American patent laws譚百年, Tang, Pei Nien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先介紹美國法發展趨勢、實務重要案例與晚近之專利改革法案,歸納其趨勢為「嚴格限制故意侵權之構成、提高專利權人舉證責任、限縮懲罰性賠償金之適用範圍」;其次,以實證方式分析台灣智慧財產法院歷年相關之判決結果,認為實務運作有「大多數請求懲罰性賠償金之案例,連侵權責任都尚未構成,有請求浮濫、逼迫被告和解之嫌」、「法院認定侵權人故意,實質上往往僅論及侵權人『知悉系爭專利存在』即可,相較於現行法標準實過於寬鬆」;最後,綜合美國法發展趨勢、我國實務情形、懲罰性賠償金功能論與法律經濟分析觀點,認為我國尚不宜廢除專利侵權懲罰性賠償金制度,惟應將其限縮適用於「搭便車」與「專利有效性毋需再確認」之故意侵權情形,以降低社會研發成本、賦與從事研發者挑戰垃圾專利之機會,方切合專利法促進研發之本旨。 / Punitive damages, a traditional system under the common law, aims to sanction those infringers having substantially subjective malice by awarding enhanced damages beyond the actual damages. It is naturally different from compensatory damages. Punitive damages were originally used to dealing with serious violations of the victims’ dignity of the cases. With the development of economic society, this system was gradually used to punishing corporations and sanctioning economic crimes.
Since Taiwanese tort laws are mainly inherited from German laws, which only permit plaintiffs claiming for compensatory damages. Punitive damages were only adopted in several specific kinds of tort laws, as in the patent law. However, the provision of punitive damages was revoked in the current patent reform act drafted by Ministry of Economic Affairs.
This study starts out by introducing the trend of American law, the essential practical cases, and the recent patent reform acts. It concludes the trend to have the following three characteristics:
1. Strictly limit the constitution of willful infringement;
2. Increase patentee’s burden of proof; and
3. Restrict the scope of awarding punitive damages.
The study then empirically analyzes the related judgments of Taiwan Intellectual Property Count over the years. It finds that in majority of the cases claiming punitive damages, most plaintiffs can even not to prove that defendants have infringed their patents, yet force defendants to settle. Also, the court in Taiwan usually award patentees punitive damages loosely only if they can prove that infringers had known the existence of the patent . This phenomenon makes the standard in practice not strict as the standard in law.
Lastly, this study sums up the aspects from the development trend of American patent law, current practice in Taiwan, the theory of punitive damages function, and economic analysis of law, and finds that it would be inappropriate to revoke the provision of punitive damages in patent infringement cases. This study suggests that punitive damages should be awarded only in two types of willful infringement: 1. when the defendant is a “free rider, or 2. when the validity of the patent need not be challenged anymore. This way, it may lower the cost of research and development, give developers more chance to challenge junk patents, and finally reach the purpose of patent law – encourage innovation.
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L'action privée en droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles : pour un recours effectif des entreprises et des consommateurs en droits français et canadien / The private enforcement in competition law : for an effective remedy for company and consumers in French and Canadian lawsLehaire, Benjamin 11 October 2014 (has links)
La régulation de la concurrence est dualiste en France et au Canada. D’un côté, des autorités publiques de régulation encadrent le marché et sanctionnent le cas échéant les pratiques contraires aux dispositions législatives en vigueur, et, d’un autre côté, les victimes de pratiques anticoncurrentielles, c'est-à-dire les consommateurs et les entreprises, peuvent intenter des poursuites privées sur le fondement d’une action en responsabilité civile afin d’obtenir la réparation du préjudice concurrentiel subi. Il s’agit respectivement de l’action publique et de l’action privée en matière de concurrence, qualifiées aussi de public enforcement et de private enforcement du droit de la concurrence. Cependant, dans l’Union européenne, et en France particulièrement, le préjudice concurrentiel reste sans réparation effective. En effet, en France, les consommateurs n’avaient pas, jusqu’à l’adoption de l’action de groupe, de moyen procédural d’accéder au juge de la réparation. De plus, le droit civil français se montre trop rigide pour permettre l’indemnisation d’un préjudice économique aussi complexe que le préjudice concurrentiel. Pour alimenter sa réflexion à ce sujet, le législateur français s’est souvent tourné vers les modèles canadien et québécois pour réformer son droit civil bicentenaire. En effet, le droit civil québécois se montre particulièrement souple dans les litiges liés au droit de la concurrence. De plus, la Loi sur la concurrence canadienne offre un droit à réparation adapté aux contraintes des victimes de pratiques anticoncurrentielles. L’auteur a ainsi cherché à comprendre comment fonctionne le mécanisme canadien de private enforcement pour évaluer si ce modèle, par le truchement du droit civil québécois, pourrait inspirer une réforme du modèle civiliste français adopté par le législateur notamment lors de l’introduction de l’action de groupe. L’analyse se situe principalement en droit civil pour permettre une lecture de l’action privée qui s’éloigne des stéréotypes classiques tirés de l’expérience américaine dans ce domaine. L’objectif ultime de cette comparaison est de rendre effectif le recours privé des entreprises et des consommateurs en droits français et canadien à la suite d’un préjudice découlant d’une violation du droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles. / Regulation of competition is dualistic in France and Canada. On one side, public authority frame the market and impose sanction, if appropriate, to the practices contrary to existing legislation, and, on other side, the victims injured by antitrust practices, that is consumers and company, may bring a private procecussion based on the liability to obtain a compensation for the antitrust injury. They are respectively of public action and private action, also referred to as public enforcement and private enforcement of competition law. However, in the European Union, and particularly in France, the antitrust harm has no effective remedy. Indeed, in France, consumers had not, until the adoption of the collective redress, procedural means to access the judge of compensation. In addition, the French civil law proves too rigid to allow compensation for something as complex as the competitive harm. For its thinking about it, the French legislator has often turned to the Canadian and Quebec models to reform its bicentenary civil law. Indeed, the Quebec civil law is particularly flexible in disputes related to competition law. In addition, the Canadian Competition Act provides a right to compensation adapted to the constraints of the victims of anticompetitive practices. The author has sought to understand how the Canadian private enforcement mechanism works to assess whether this model, through the Quebec civil law, could inspire a reform of French civil law model adopted by the legislature in particular during the introduction of collective redress. The analysis is primarily civil law to allow a reading of private action that departs from conventional stereotypes of the American experience in this field. The ultimate goal of this comparison is to make effective use of the private businesses and consumers in French and Canadian rights following an injury resulting from a violation of anti-competitive practices.
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Aspekte van berekeningsmetodes by die bepaling van verlies aan onderhoud van afhanklike kindersGrosskopf, Johann Wilhelm 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Different methods of calculation of the loss of support of minor children, are
investigated. According to one method (A), one first has to establish that the
deceased's income was not all absorbed for his/her own maintenance. Only if there
is surplus income available, it can be inferred that the deceased contributed towards
the maintenance of the minor children and that the children have suffered a loss.
According to another method (B) both parents' income are added and then divided
between the family members. The minor child's loss of support is an amount which
represent his/her share in the deceased's own income - a child automatically suffers
a loss according to this method, in the event of death of a parent.
Method B ought to be applied, because it is consistent with the reciprocal duty of support between spouses and the duty of spouses to maintain children. / Verskillende metodes om die verlies aan onderhoud van afhanklike kinders te bereken
word ondersoek. Volgens een benadering (A) moet eers vasgestel word of die
oorledene se inkomste nie alles geabsorbeer is vir sy /haar eie onderhoud nie. Slegs
indien daar surplusinkomste was, kan aanvaar word dat die oorledene bygedra het tot
die onderhoud van die minderjarige kinders en dat die kinders 'n verlies ly.
Volgens die ander benadering (B) word beide ouers se inkomste bymekaar getel en
dan tussen die gesinslede verdeel. Elke minderjarige kind se verlies aan onderhoud
is 'n bedrag wat sy/haar aandeel in die oorlede ouer se afsonderlike inkomste
verteenwoordig - 'n kind ly outomaties volgens hierdie metode 'n verlies.
Metode B behoort meestal aanwending te vind, aangesien dit in ooreenstemming is met die wederkerige onderhoudsplig tussen gades en die plig van ouers om hul kinders te onderhou. / Private Law / LL. M. (Law)
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Deliktuele skadevergoeding vir die verlies van die moontlikheid om 'n stoflike saak te gebruikSmit, Cornelia 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summary in English / Until recently damages were only awarded in South African law for the loss of an object which was utilised for the generation of income. In Kellerman v South African Transport Services' damages were awarded for the first time for the loss of use of an object, which was used for non-business purposes.
In this dissertation the writer aims to indicate that the personal loss that a plaintiff suffers by the loss of the object is so closely related to the physical possession through which it is served, that the Jaw should protect such personal interest. In such circumstances damages should be awarded in principle, irrespective of whether the plaintiff used the object for business purposes or whether he indeed hired a substitute or not. There is room
in the South African law for development in the area of delictual damages for the Joss of the possibility to use a material object. / Private Law / LL.M.
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The economics of trade secrets : evidence from the Economic Espionage ActSearle, Nicola C. January 2010 (has links)
This thesis reports on the economic analysis of trade secrets via data collected from prosecutions under the U.S. Economic Espionage Act (EEA.) Ratified in 1996, the EEA increases protection for trade secrets by criminalizing the theft of trade secrets. The empirical basis of the thesis is a unique database constructed using EEA prosecutions from 1996 to 2008. A critical and empirical analysis of these cases provides insight into the use of trade secrets. The increase in the criminal culpability of trade secret theft has important impacts on the use of trade secrets and the incentives for would-be thieves. A statistical analysis of the EEA data suggest that trade secrets are used primarily in manufacturing and construction. A cluster analysis suggests three broad categories of EEA cases based on the type of trade secret and the sector of the owner. A series of illustrative case studies demonstrates these clusters. A critical analysis of the damages valuations methods in trade secrets cases demonstrates the highly variable estimates of trade secrets. Given the criminal context of EEA cases, these valuation methods play an important role in sentencing and affect the incentives of the owners of trade secrets. The analysis of the lognormal distribution of the observed values is furthered by a statistical analysis of the EEA valuations, which suggests that the methods can result in very different estimates for the same trade secret. A regression analysis examines the determinants of trade secret intensity at the firm level. This econometric analysis suggests that trade secret intensity is negatively related to firm size. Collectively, this thesis presents an empirical analysis of trade secrets.
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